changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 27 d5e927d5853b
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  ?Description
    15 *
    16 */
    18 // CEikonEnv API used for retrieving resource (resId) in GetKeyName function
    19 #include <eikenv.h>
    20 // macros for resources
    21 #include <lcdui.rsg>
    22 // FeatureManager
    23 #include <featmgr.h>
    24 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    26 #include <j2me/jdebug.h>
    27 /**
    28 @page Key Mapping.
    29 */
    31 // used for retrieving CR repository codes
    32 #include <centralrepository.h>
    33 // S60 LCDUI Plugin internal keys
    34 #include "S60LCDUIInternalCRKeys.h"
    36 #include "CMIDKeyDecoder.h"
    37 // used for getting instance of ourselves from TlsStruct
    38 #include "CMIDMenuHandler.h"
    39 // using API for iRemConObserver initialization
    40 #include "CMIDRemConObserver.h"
    41 // using constants from enumeration TMediaKey (in InitSpecialKeysL)
    42 #include "MMIDMediaKeysListener.h"
    43 #include "CMIDDisplayable.h"
    44 #include "CMIDUIManager.h"
    46 /**
    47  * MIDP key codes for keys that have no corresponding
    48  * Unicode character, as from MIDP specs negative values
    49  * must be used.
    50  *
    51  * ALL characters with code >= ENonCharacterKeyBase
    52  * should be mapped to -ve numbers (see e32keys.h)
    53  */
    54 const TInt KMIDKeyUpArrow                       = -1;
    55 const TInt KMIDKeyDownArrow                     = -2;
    56 const TInt KMIDKeyLeftArrow                     = -3;
    57 const TInt KMIDKeyRightArrow                    = -4;
    58 const TInt KMIDKeyClear                         = -8;  // Clear key
    59 const TInt KMIDKeySelect                        = -5;  // Selection key
    60 const TInt KMIDKeyEdit                          = -50; // Edit Key
    61 const TInt KMIDKeySend                          = -10; // Send Key
    62 const TInt KMIDKeyCBA1                          = -6;  // Left CBA
    63 const TInt KMIDKeyCBA2                          = -7;  // Right CBA
    64 const TInt KMIDKeyEnd                           = -11; // End key
    65 const TInt KMIDKeyApplications                  = -12; // Applications key
    66 const TInt KMIDKeyVoiceKey                      = -13; // Voice key
    67 //const TInt KMIDKeyClockWiseRotate               = -16; // not used at the moment
    68 //const TInt KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseRotate        = -17; // not used at the moment
    69 //const TInt KMIDKeyClockWiseFastRotate           = -18; // not used at the moment
    70 //const TInt KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseFastRotate    = -19; // not used at the moment
    71 const TInt KMIDKeyZoomIn                        = -EKeyZoomIn;  // Negative value (-63582)
    72 const TInt KMIDKeyZoomOut                       = -EKeyZoomOut; // Negative value (-63583)
    74 /** The number of game actions */
    75 const TInt KNumGameActions = 9;
    77 /** The max number of scan codes per game action */
    78 const TInt KMaxScanCodesPerAction = 16;
    80 /** The MIDP game action codes, this array must have the same index as
    81     KDefaultActionScanCodes and KActionKeys.*/
    82 const TInt KActionCodes[KNumGameActions] =
    83 {
    84     MMIDUtils::EActionUp,
    85     MMIDUtils::EActionDown,
    86     MMIDUtils::EActionLeft,
    87     MMIDUtils::EActionRight,
    88     MMIDUtils::EActionFire,
    90     MMIDUtils::EActionGameA,
    91     MMIDUtils::EActionGameB,
    92     MMIDUtils::EActionGameC,
    93     MMIDUtils::EActionGameD
    94 };
    97 /** The MIDP game action keys in the central repository.
    98 These are used to override the default scan codes.
    99 This array must have the same index as KActionCodes.
   100 */
   101 const TUint32 KActionKeys[KNumGameActions] =
   102 {
   103     KScanCodeUp,
   104     KScanCodeDown,
   105     KScanCodeLeft,
   106     KScanCodeRight,
   107     KScanCodeFire,
   108     KScanCodeGameA,
   109     KScanCodeGameB,
   110     KScanCodeGameC,
   111     KScanCodeGameD
   112 };
   115 /** Default scan codes for game actions. These are only used when
   116     the scan codes in the central repository have not been set.
   118     Because for each action there can be one or more code, use a zero
   119     to indicate that there are no more codes.
   121     This array must have the same index as KActionCodes.
   123     @see CR keys, ConstructL()
   124  */
   126 // ITU-T keypad with standard grid layout.
   127 const TInt KDefaultActionScanCodes[] =
   128 {
   129     EStdKeyUpArrow, '2', 0,              // EActionUp
   130     EStdKeyDownArrow, '8', 0,            // EActionDown
   131     EStdKeyLeftArrow, '4', 0,            // EActionLeft
   132     EStdKeyRightArrow, '6', 0,           // EActionRight
   133     EStdKeyDevice3, EStdKeyYes, '5', 0,  // EActionFire
   135     '7', 0,                             // EActionGameA
   136     '9', 0,                             // EActionGameB
   137     EStdKeyNkpAsterisk, '*', 0,         // EActionGameC
   138     EStdKeyHash, 0                      // EActionGameD
   139 };
   141 // Full QWERTY keyboard with screen in the middle (Table 14 in internal specs)
   142 const TInt KDefaultQwertyActionScanCodes[] =
   143 {
   144     EStdKeyUpArrow, 'R', 'P', 0,                   // EActionUp
   145     EStdKeyDownArrow, 'V', EStdKeyForwardSlash, 0, // EActionDown
   146     EStdKeyLeftArrow, 'D', 'L', 0,                 // EActionLeft
   147     EStdKeyRightArrow, 'G', EStdKeySingleQuote, 0, // EActionRight
   148     'A', 'J', EStdKeyDevice3, 0,                   // EActionFire
   150     EStdKeyHash, 'H', 0,                     // EActionGameA
   151     'S', 'K', 0,                             // EActionGameB
   152     'Q', 'U', 0,                             // EActionGameC
   153     'Z', 'M', 0                              // EActionGameD
   154 };
   158 /** Usual symbian two phase construction. @see ConstructL() */
   159 CMIDKeyDecoder* CMIDKeyDecoder::NewL(MMIDEnv& aEnv)
   160 {
   161     CMIDKeyDecoder* self = new(ELeave) CMIDKeyDecoder(aEnv);
   162     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   163     self->ConstructL();
   164     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   165     return self;
   166 }
   168 /** */
   169 CMIDKeyDecoder::~CMIDKeyDecoder()
   170 {
   171     DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::~CMIDKeyDecoder");
   172     iSpecialKeys.Close();
   173     iGameActions.ResetAndDestroy();
   175     delete iCaptureKeys;
   176     delete iKeyTranslator;
   178     delete iQwertyWatch;
   180     if (iUseCRScanCodes)
   181     {
   182         delete iActionScanCodes;
   183     }
   185     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
   187     delete iRemConObserver;
   189     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::~CMIDKeyDecoder");
   190 }
   192 /** */
   193 CMIDKeyDecoder::CMIDKeyDecoder(MMIDEnv& aEnv)
   194         : iEnv(aEnv)
   195         ,iMediaKeysEnabled(EFalse)
   196 {
   197     DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::CMIDKeyDecoder");
   198     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::CMIDKeyDecoder");
   199 }
   201 /**
   202 Creates the key translator and another accessory, the capture keys
   203 (needed by the key translator). The key translator can convert scan codes
   204 into key codes. Calls CreateGameActionsL(), which will fill iGameActions:
   205 for each action a set of key codes will be stored. These are MIDP key codes.
   206 */
   207 void CMIDKeyDecoder::ConstructL()
   208 {
   209     DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::ConstructL");
   211     iCaptureKeys = new(ELeave) CCaptureKeys;
   212     iCaptureKeys->Construct();
   214     iKeyTranslator = CKeyTranslator::New();
   216     // If Select key mapping is defined in central repository an extra MIDP
   217     // keycode will be used for Select key.
   218     // Not all the devices have rocker in their keyboard,
   219     // so other key can be defined instead.
   220     CRepository* repository = NULL;
   221     TInt err = KErrNone;
   222     TRAP(err, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMidpLcdui));
   223     // 2 bytes in scan code
   224     TBuf8<2> scanCodeBuffer;
   225     CleanupStack::PushL(repository);
   226     err = repository->Get(KAdditionalSelectKeyMapping,scanCodeBuffer);
   227     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
   228     if (err == KErrNone)
   229     {
   230         TUint8 scanCodeLeft = scanCodeBuffer[0];
   231         TUint8 scanCodeRight = scanCodeBuffer[1];
   232         TUint scanCode = (scanCodeLeft << 8) + scanCodeRight;
   233         if (scanCode != 0)
   234         {
   235             iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping = scanCode;
   236         }
   237     }
   239     CreateQwertyWatchL();
   240     CreateGameActionsL();
   242     FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
   244     if (iEnv.MidletAttributeContainsVal(
   245                 LcduiMidletAttributes::KAttribUIEnhancement,
   246                 LcduiMidletAttributeValues::KUIEnhMediaKeys))
   247     {
   248         InitRemConObserverL();
   249         iMediaKeysEnabled = ETrue;
   250     }
   252     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::ConstructL");
   253 }
   255 /**
   256 Special keys that require separate handling: these are
   257 either non unicode keys or non standard unicode keys.
   258 For standard unicode keys, the MIDP key code is the
   259 unicode charactler. */
   261 void CMIDKeyDecoder::InitSpecialKeysL()
   262 {
   263     iSpecialKeys.Reset();
   265     // Keys shared by ITU-T and QWERTY modes
   266     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyLeftArrow,   KMIDKeyLeftArrow,  R_MIDP_KEY_LEFT)));
   267     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyRightArrow,  KMIDKeyRightArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_RIGHT)));
   268     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyUpArrow,     KMIDKeyUpArrow,    R_MIDP_KEY_UP)));
   269     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDownArrow,   KMIDKeyDownArrow,  R_MIDP_KEY_DOWN)));
   270     // If Select key mapping is defined in central repository an extra MIDP keycode will be used for Select key.
   271     if (iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping != 0)
   272     {
   273         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping, KMIDKeySelect, R_MIDP_KEY_SELECT)));
   274     }
   275     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice3,     KMIDKeySelect,       R_MIDP_KEY_SELECT)));
   276     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyRightShift,  KMIDKeyEdit,         R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
   277     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyLeftShift,   KMIDKeyEdit,         R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
   278     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyF21,         KMIDKeyEdit,         R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
   279     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyLeftFunc,    KMIDKeyEdit,         R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
   280     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyRightFunc,   KMIDKeyEdit,         R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
   282     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyYes,         KMIDKeySend,         R_MIDP_KEY_SEND)));
   283     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice0,     KMIDKeyCBA1,         R_MIDP_KEY_LSK)));
   284     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice1,     KMIDKeyCBA2,         R_MIDP_KEY_RSK)));
   285     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNo,          KMIDKeyEnd,          R_MIDP_KEY_END)));
   286     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyApplication0,KMIDKeyApplications, R_MIDP_KEY_APPS)));
   287     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice6,     KMIDKeyVoiceKey,     R_MIDP_KEY_VOICE)));
   288     // QWERTY keys for qwerty  and ITU-T mode with qwerty wireless keyboard.
   289     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeySpace,EKeySpace, R_MIDP_KEY_SPACE)));
   290     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyEscape,EKeyEscape, R_MIDP_KEY_ESC)));
   291     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyTab,EKeyTab, R_MIDP_KEY_TAB)));
   292     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyEnter, EKeyLineFeed, R_MIDP_KEY_ENTER)));
   293     // Diagonal keys for 9-way Navigation Support
   294     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice10, EKeyLeftUpArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_LEFT)));
   295     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice11,EKeyRightUpArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_RIGHT)));
   296     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice12,EKeyRightDownArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_RIGHT)));
   297     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice13,EKeyLeftDownArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_LEFT)));
   298     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDelete,EKeyDelete, R_MIDP_KEY_DELETE)));
   299     if (!iQwertyModeActive)
   300     { // ITU-T keys with different behaviour
   301         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyBackspace, KMIDKeyClear, R_MIDP_KEY_CLEAR)));
   302     }
   303     else
   304     { // QWERTY  keys with different behaviour
   305         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyBackspace, EKeyBackspace, R_MIDP_KEY_BACKSPACE)));
   306     }
   308     /*
   309         // Keys defined in specs but not yet present in Series 60
   310         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyFormFeed, R_MIDP_KEY_FORM_FEED)));
   311         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyLineFeed, R_MIDP_KEY_LINE_FEED)));
   312         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyBell, R_MIDP_KEY_BELL)));
   313         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyVerticalTab, R_MIDP_KEY_VERTICAL_TAB)));
   315         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyClockWiseRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_CLOCKWISE_ROTATE)));
   316         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_ROTATE)));
   317         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyClockWiseFastRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_CLOCKWISE_FAST_ROTATE)));
   318         User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseFastRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_FAST_ROTATE)));
   319     */
   321     // Add media keys. These are used only in GetKeyName method.
   322     // EStdKeyNull used as a scancode as media keys don't have a real scancode.
   323     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
   324                            TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyPlay,     R_MIDP_KEY_PLAY)));
   325     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
   326                            TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyPrevious, R_MIDP_KEY_PREVIOUS)));
   327     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
   328                            TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyNext,     R_MIDP_KEY_NEXT)));
   329     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
   330                            TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyStop,     R_MIDP_KEY_STOP)));
   332     // Zoom in and zoom out keys events support
   333     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
   334                            TMIDKey(EStdKeyApplicationC, KMIDKeyZoomIn, R_MIDP_KEY_ZOOM_IN)));
   335     User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
   336                            TMIDKey(EStdKeyApplicationD, KMIDKeyZoomOut, R_MIDP_KEY_ZOOM_OUT)));
   337 };
   341 /**  */
   342 void CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateQwertyWatchL()
   343 {
   344     iQwertyWatch = CMIDQwertyWatch::NewL(this);
   345 }
   348 void CMIDKeyDecoder::InitRemConObserverL()
   349 {
   350     if (!iRemConObserver)
   351     {
   352         iRemConObserver = CMIDRemConObserver::NewL();
   353     }
   354 }
   356 /** */
   357 void CMIDKeyDecoder::NewQwertyValueL(TInt aNewValue)
   358 {
   359     TBool oldQwertyMode = iQwertyModeActive;
   361     if (aNewValue == 1)
   362     {
   363         iQwertyModeActive = ETrue;
   364     }
   365     else
   366     {
   367         iQwertyModeActive = EFalse;
   368     }
   370     if (iQwertyModeActive != oldQwertyMode)
   371     {
   372         CreateGameActionsL();
   373     }
   374 }
   376 /**
   377  * Gets a key code that corresponds to the specified game action on the device.
   378  * The implementation is required to provide a mapping for every game action,
   379  * so this method will always return a valid key code for every game action.
   380  *
   381  * Note that a key code is associated with at most one game action, whereas a
   382  * game action may be associated with several key codes.
   383  *
   384  * Returns zero if aGameAction is not a valid game action
   385  */
   386 TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode(TInt aGameAction)
   387 {
   388     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode - game action is %D", aGameAction);
   389     for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
   390     {
   391         if (iGameActions[i]->iActionCode == aGameAction)
   392         {
   393             DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode - return code %D", iGameActions[i]->iCodes[0]);
   394             return iGameActions[i]->iCodes[0]; //just return the first code
   395         }
   396     }
   398     DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode - return code %D", 0);
   399     return 0;
   400 }
   402 /**
   403  * Maps EPOC scan code to negative key code required by MIDP spec.
   404  * For keys that have no corresponding Unicode character,
   405  * the implementation must use negative values.
   406  */
   407 TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey(TUint aScanCode)
   408 {
   409     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey - scan code is %D", aScanCode);
   410     TInt numSpecialKeys = iSpecialKeys.Count();
   411     for (TInt i = 0; i < numSpecialKeys; i++)
   412     {
   413         if (iSpecialKeys[i].iScanCode == aScanCode)
   414         {
   415             DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey - return code is %D", iSpecialKeys[i].iMIDPCode);
   416             return iSpecialKeys[i].iMIDPCode;
   417         }
   418     }
   420     DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey - return code is %D", 0);
   421     return 0;
   422 }
   424 /**
   425  * Gets an informative key string for a key. The string returned will resemble the text
   426  * physically printed on the key. This string is suitable for displaying to the user.
   427  * For example, on a device with function keys F1 through F4, calling this method on
   428  * the keyCode for the F1 key will return the string "F1". A typical use for this string
   429  * will be to compose help text such as "Press F1 to proceed."
   430  *
   431  * This method will return a non-empty string for every valid key code.
   432  *
   433  */
   434 void CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyName(TDes& aText,TInt aKeyCode)
   435 {
   436     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyName - key code is %D", aKeyCode);
   437     aText.Zero();
   439     TInt resId = R_MIDP_KEY_NON_CHARACTER;
   440     TInt numSpecialKeys = iSpecialKeys.Count();
   441     for (TInt i = 0; i < numSpecialKeys; i++)
   442     {
   443         if (iSpecialKeys[i].iMIDPCode == aKeyCode)
   444         {
   445             resId = iSpecialKeys[i].iNameResId;
   446             break;
   447         }
   448     }
   450     if ((resId == R_MIDP_KEY_NON_CHARACTER) && (IsUnicode(aKeyCode)))
   451     {
   452         aText.Append(TChar(aKeyCode));
   453     }
   454     else
   455     {
   456         CEikonEnv::Static()->ReadResource(aText,resId);
   457     }
   459     DEBUG_STR("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyName - key name is %S", aText);
   460 }
   463 TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction(TInt aKeyCode)
   464 {
   465     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction - key code is %D", aKeyCode);
   467     for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
   468     {
   469         TInt numCodes = iGameActions[i]->iCodes.Count();
   470         for (TInt j = 0; j < numCodes; ++j)
   471         {
   472             if (iGameActions[i]->iCodes[j] == aKeyCode)
   473             {
   474                 DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction -game action is %D", iGameActions[i]->iActionCode);
   475                 return iGameActions[i]->iActionCode;
   476             }
   477         }
   478     }
   480     DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction -game action is %D", 0);
   481     return 0; //invalid action
   482 }
   484 /**
   485  * Determines if a key code should be sent to MIDP applications.
   486  */
   487 TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::IsJavaKey(TInt aScanCode)
   488 {
   489     TBool ret = (ScanToMidpCode(aScanCode) != 0);
   491     DEBUG_INT2("<> CMIDKeyDecoder::IsJavaKey - return %D for scan code %D", ret, aScanCode);
   492     return ret;
   493 }
   495 TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::MediaKeysEnabled() const
   496 {
   497     return iMediaKeysEnabled;
   498 }
   500 CMIDRemConObserver* CMIDKeyDecoder::GetRemConObserver()
   501 {
   502     return iRemConObserver;
   503 }
   505 /** Create the game actions. This method is called at startup and
   506 each time the qwerty availability changes. Because special keys
   507 also depend on qwerty availability, call InitSpecialKeysL() -
   508 which will reset special keys. The reset the actions and call
   509 LoadGameActionCodesL() - which loads the correct codes. Then
   510 for each action appens the codes stored in iActionScanCodes.
   511 Action codes in this array are separated by a null byte. */
   512 void CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateGameActionsL()
   513 {
   514     DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateGameActionsL");
   516     InitSpecialKeysL();
   517     iGameActions.ResetAndDestroy();
   519     LoadGameActionCodesL();
   520     ASSERT(iActionScanCodes != NULL);
   522     TInt index = 0;
   523     for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
   524     {
   525         TMIDGameAction* action = new(ELeave) TMIDGameAction(KActionCodes[i]);
   526         CleanupStack::PushL(action);
   528         while (iActionScanCodes[index] != 0)
   529         {
   530             AddCodeToActionL(action, iActionScanCodes[index]);
   531             index++;
   532         }
   533         index++;    // skip null byte separating actions
   535         User::LeaveIfError(iGameActions.Append(action));
   536         CleanupStack::Pop(action);
   537     }
   539     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateGameActionsL");
   540 }
   542 /** Load the game action codes: either the default ITU-T codes
   543     if no qwerty input is available or load the codes
   544     from Central Repository (if available and if
   545     flag in CR indicates to do so) or load some default QWERTY codes.
   546 */
   547 void CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL()
   548 {
   549     DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL");
   551     if (iUseCRScanCodes)
   552     {
   553         delete iActionScanCodes;
   554         iUseCRScanCodes = EFalse;
   555     }
   557     iActionScanCodes = NULL;
   559     if (!QwertyInputAvailable())
   560     { // if no qwerty always use default ITU-T codes
   561         DEBUG("  CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL - use default ITU-T scan codes");
   562         iActionScanCodes = (TInt*)&KDefaultActionScanCodes[0];
   563     }
   564     else
   565     { // if there is qwerty either use CR repository codes or default qwerty codes
   566         CRepository* repository = NULL;
   567         TRAPD(crExists, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMidpLcdui));
   569         if (crExists == KErrNone)
   570         {
   571             CleanupStack::PushL(repository);
   572             repository->Get(KUseCustomGameActionScanCodes, iUseCRScanCodes);
   573         }
   575         if (iUseCRScanCodes)
   576         { // use CR QWERTY codes
   577             DEBUG("  CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL - use central repository scan codes");
   578             LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL(repository);
   579         }
   580         else
   581         { //  use default QWERTY codes
   582             DEBUG("  CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL - add default qwerty scan codes");
   583             iActionScanCodes = (TInt*)&KDefaultQwertyActionScanCodes[0];
   584         }
   586         if (crExists == KErrNone)
   587         {
   588             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
   589         }
   590     }
   592     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL");
   593 }
   595 /** Load the game action scan codes stored in the central repository
   596     database. Two bytes are available per scan code, LSB is left. Max
   597     number of codes per action is KMaxScanCodesPerAction. Allocate
   598     some memory for iActionScanCodes.
   599     */
   600 void CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL(CRepository* aRepository)
   601 {
   602     DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL");
   604     ASSERT(aRepository != NULL);
   605     ASSERT(iActionScanCodes == NULL);
   607     iActionScanCodes = new(ELeave) TInt[KNumGameActions*KMaxScanCodesPerAction];
   609     TInt index = 0;
   610     for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
   611     {
   612         //2 bytes per scan code
   613         TBuf8<KMaxScanCodesPerAction*2> scanCodeBuffer;
   614         aRepository->Get(KActionKeys[i],scanCodeBuffer);
   616         for (TInt j = 0; j < (scanCodeBuffer.Length() - 1); j++)
   617         {
   618             TUint8 scanCodeLeft = scanCodeBuffer[j++];
   619             TUint8 scanCodeRight = scanCodeBuffer[j];
   621             TUint scanCode = (scanCodeLeft << 8) + scanCodeRight;
   623             if (scanCode != 0)
   624             {
   625                 iActionScanCodes[index++] = scanCode;
   626             }
   627         }
   629         iActionScanCodes[index++] = 0;   //indicates end of scan codes
   630     }
   632     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL");
   633 }
   635 /** Return true if this device supports qwerty and the qwerty keyboard
   636     is available */
   637 TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::QwertyInputAvailable() const
   638 {
   639     return iQwertyModeActive;
   640 }
   642 /**
   643     Convert the scan code into a MIDP key code taking into account possible
   644     modifiers. Add the resulting MIDP key codes to the action specified as long
   645     as they are all different.
   646   */
   647 void CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL(TMIDGameAction* aGameAction, TInt aScanCode)
   648 {
   649     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL - scan code is %D", aScanCode);
   650     TInt midpCode = ScanToMidpCode(aScanCode);
   652     if (aGameAction->iCodes.Find(midpCode) == KErrNotFound && midpCode != 0)
   653     {
   654         DEBUG_INT("  CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL - adding midp code %D", midpCode);
   655         User::LeaveIfError(aGameAction->iCodes.Append(midpCode));
   656     }
   658     if (IsUnicode(midpCode))
   659     {
   660         midpCode = ScanToMidpCode(aScanCode | EModifierShift);
   662         if (aGameAction->iCodes.Find(midpCode) == KErrNotFound)
   663         {
   664             DEBUG_INT("  CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL - adding midp code %D", midpCode);
   665             User::LeaveIfError(aGameAction->iCodes.Append(midpCode));
   666         }
   667     }
   669     DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL");
   670 }
   672 /** Take a scan code and convert it into a MIDP code. First see if it
   673 is one of the special keys, otherwise ask the window server to convert it. */
   674 TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode(TInt aScanCode)
   675 {
   676     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode - scan Code is %D", aScanCode);
   677     TInt keyCode = MapNonUnicodeKey(aScanCode);
   679     if (keyCode == 0)
   680     {
   681         // fake a key down to convert scan code into key code
   682         // Note: on WINS (and WINSCW) this conversion works only for QWERTY layout
   683         // unless you specify the char code in the HI part of the scan code - which
   684         // we cannot do - hence on the emulator only QWERTY layout works.
   685         TKeyData keyData;
   686         TBool translated = iKeyTranslator->TranslateKey(aScanCode,EFalse,*iCaptureKeys,keyData);
   688         if (translated)
   689         {
   690             DEBUG_INT("  CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode - ws translated code is %D", keyData.iKeyCode);
   691             keyCode = IsUnicode(keyData.iKeyCode) ? keyData.iKeyCode : 0;
   692         }
   694         // fake a key up to restore modifiers
   695         iKeyTranslator->TranslateKey(aScanCode,ETrue,*iCaptureKeys,keyData);
   696     }
   698     DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode - return key code %D", keyCode);
   699     return keyCode;
   700 }
   702 /** Return true if the key code corresponds to a unicode character */
   703 TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::IsUnicode(TInt aKeyCode) const
   704 {
   705     TBool ret = (aKeyCode > 0) && (aKeyCode < ENonCharacterKeyBase ||
   706                                    aKeyCode >= (ENonCharacterKeyBase + ENonCharacterKeyCount));
   708     DEBUG_INT2("<> CMIDKeyDecoder::IsUnicode - return %D for key code %D", ret, aKeyCode);
   709     return ret;
   710 }
   712 TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::AdditionalSelectionKeyMappingCode()
   713 {
   714     return iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping;
   715 }