--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/lcdui_akn/lcdui/src/CMIDKeyDecoder.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: ?Description
+// CEikonEnv API used for retrieving resource (resId) in GetKeyName function
+#include <eikenv.h>
+// macros for resources
+#include <lcdui.rsg>
+// FeatureManager
+#include <featmgr.h>
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+#include <j2me/jdebug.h>
+@page Key Mapping.
+// used for retrieving CR repository codes
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+// S60 LCDUI Plugin internal keys
+#include "S60LCDUIInternalCRKeys.h"
+#include "CMIDKeyDecoder.h"
+// used for getting instance of ourselves from TlsStruct
+#include "CMIDMenuHandler.h"
+// using API for iRemConObserver initialization
+#include "CMIDRemConObserver.h"
+// using constants from enumeration TMediaKey (in InitSpecialKeysL)
+#include "MMIDMediaKeysListener.h"
+#include "CMIDDisplayable.h"
+#include "CMIDUIManager.h"
+ * MIDP key codes for keys that have no corresponding
+ * Unicode character, as from MIDP specs negative values
+ * must be used.
+ *
+ * ALL characters with code >= ENonCharacterKeyBase
+ * should be mapped to -ve numbers (see e32keys.h)
+ */
+const TInt KMIDKeyUpArrow = -1;
+const TInt KMIDKeyDownArrow = -2;
+const TInt KMIDKeyLeftArrow = -3;
+const TInt KMIDKeyRightArrow = -4;
+const TInt KMIDKeyClear = -8; // Clear key
+const TInt KMIDKeySelect = -5; // Selection key
+const TInt KMIDKeyEdit = -50; // Edit Key
+const TInt KMIDKeySend = -10; // Send Key
+const TInt KMIDKeyCBA1 = -6; // Left CBA
+const TInt KMIDKeyCBA2 = -7; // Right CBA
+const TInt KMIDKeyEnd = -11; // End key
+const TInt KMIDKeyApplications = -12; // Applications key
+const TInt KMIDKeyVoiceKey = -13; // Voice key
+//const TInt KMIDKeyClockWiseRotate = -16; // not used at the moment
+//const TInt KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseRotate = -17; // not used at the moment
+//const TInt KMIDKeyClockWiseFastRotate = -18; // not used at the moment
+//const TInt KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseFastRotate = -19; // not used at the moment
+const TInt KMIDKeyZoomIn = -EKeyZoomIn; // Negative value (-63582)
+const TInt KMIDKeyZoomOut = -EKeyZoomOut; // Negative value (-63583)
+/** The number of game actions */
+const TInt KNumGameActions = 9;
+/** The max number of scan codes per game action */
+const TInt KMaxScanCodesPerAction = 16;
+/** The MIDP game action codes, this array must have the same index as
+ KDefaultActionScanCodes and KActionKeys.*/
+const TInt KActionCodes[KNumGameActions] =
+ MMIDUtils::EActionUp,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionDown,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionLeft,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionRight,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionFire,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionGameA,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionGameB,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionGameC,
+ MMIDUtils::EActionGameD
+/** The MIDP game action keys in the central repository.
+These are used to override the default scan codes.
+This array must have the same index as KActionCodes.
+const TUint32 KActionKeys[KNumGameActions] =
+ KScanCodeUp,
+ KScanCodeDown,
+ KScanCodeLeft,
+ KScanCodeRight,
+ KScanCodeFire,
+ KScanCodeGameA,
+ KScanCodeGameB,
+ KScanCodeGameC,
+ KScanCodeGameD
+/** Default scan codes for game actions. These are only used when
+ the scan codes in the central repository have not been set.
+ Because for each action there can be one or more code, use a zero
+ to indicate that there are no more codes.
+ This array must have the same index as KActionCodes.
+ @see CR keys, ConstructL()
+ */
+// ITU-T keypad with standard grid layout.
+const TInt KDefaultActionScanCodes[] =
+ EStdKeyUpArrow, '2', 0, // EActionUp
+ EStdKeyDownArrow, '8', 0, // EActionDown
+ EStdKeyLeftArrow, '4', 0, // EActionLeft
+ EStdKeyRightArrow, '6', 0, // EActionRight
+ EStdKeyDevice3, EStdKeyYes, '5', 0, // EActionFire
+ '7', 0, // EActionGameA
+ '9', 0, // EActionGameB
+ EStdKeyNkpAsterisk, '*', 0, // EActionGameC
+ EStdKeyHash, 0 // EActionGameD
+// Full QWERTY keyboard with screen in the middle (Table 14 in internal specs)
+const TInt KDefaultQwertyActionScanCodes[] =
+ EStdKeyUpArrow, 'R', 'P', 0, // EActionUp
+ EStdKeyDownArrow, 'V', EStdKeyForwardSlash, 0, // EActionDown
+ EStdKeyLeftArrow, 'D', 'L', 0, // EActionLeft
+ EStdKeyRightArrow, 'G', EStdKeySingleQuote, 0, // EActionRight
+ 'A', 'J', EStdKeyDevice3, 0, // EActionFire
+ EStdKeyHash, 'H', 0, // EActionGameA
+ 'S', 'K', 0, // EActionGameB
+ 'Q', 'U', 0, // EActionGameC
+ 'Z', 'M', 0 // EActionGameD
+/** Usual symbian two phase construction. @see ConstructL() */
+CMIDKeyDecoder* CMIDKeyDecoder::NewL(MMIDEnv& aEnv)
+ CMIDKeyDecoder* self = new(ELeave) CMIDKeyDecoder(aEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+/** */
+ DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::~CMIDKeyDecoder");
+ iSpecialKeys.Close();
+ iGameActions.ResetAndDestroy();
+ delete iCaptureKeys;
+ delete iKeyTranslator;
+ delete iQwertyWatch;
+ if (iUseCRScanCodes)
+ {
+ delete iActionScanCodes;
+ }
+ FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
+ delete iRemConObserver;
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::~CMIDKeyDecoder");
+/** */
+CMIDKeyDecoder::CMIDKeyDecoder(MMIDEnv& aEnv)
+ : iEnv(aEnv)
+ ,iMediaKeysEnabled(EFalse)
+ DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::CMIDKeyDecoder");
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::CMIDKeyDecoder");
+Creates the key translator and another accessory, the capture keys
+(needed by the key translator). The key translator can convert scan codes
+into key codes. Calls CreateGameActionsL(), which will fill iGameActions:
+for each action a set of key codes will be stored. These are MIDP key codes.
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::ConstructL()
+ DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::ConstructL");
+ iCaptureKeys = new(ELeave) CCaptureKeys;
+ iCaptureKeys->Construct();
+ iKeyTranslator = CKeyTranslator::New();
+ // If Select key mapping is defined in central repository an extra MIDP
+ // keycode will be used for Select key.
+ // Not all the devices have rocker in their keyboard,
+ // so other key can be defined instead.
+ CRepository* repository = NULL;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TRAP(err, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMidpLcdui));
+ // 2 bytes in scan code
+ TBuf8<2> scanCodeBuffer;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(repository);
+ err = repository->Get(KAdditionalSelectKeyMapping,scanCodeBuffer);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TUint8 scanCodeLeft = scanCodeBuffer[0];
+ TUint8 scanCodeRight = scanCodeBuffer[1];
+ TUint scanCode = (scanCodeLeft << 8) + scanCodeRight;
+ if (scanCode != 0)
+ {
+ iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping = scanCode;
+ }
+ }
+ CreateQwertyWatchL();
+ CreateGameActionsL();
+ FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
+ if (iEnv.MidletAttributeContainsVal(
+ LcduiMidletAttributes::KAttribUIEnhancement,
+ LcduiMidletAttributeValues::KUIEnhMediaKeys))
+ {
+ InitRemConObserverL();
+ iMediaKeysEnabled = ETrue;
+ }
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::ConstructL");
+Special keys that require separate handling: these are
+either non unicode keys or non standard unicode keys.
+For standard unicode keys, the MIDP key code is the
+unicode charactler. */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::InitSpecialKeysL()
+ iSpecialKeys.Reset();
+ // Keys shared by ITU-T and QWERTY modes
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyLeftArrow, KMIDKeyLeftArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_LEFT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyRightArrow, KMIDKeyRightArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_RIGHT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyUpArrow, KMIDKeyUpArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_UP)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDownArrow, KMIDKeyDownArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_DOWN)));
+ // If Select key mapping is defined in central repository an extra MIDP keycode will be used for Select key.
+ if (iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping != 0)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping, KMIDKeySelect, R_MIDP_KEY_SELECT)));
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice3, KMIDKeySelect, R_MIDP_KEY_SELECT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyRightShift, KMIDKeyEdit, R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyLeftShift, KMIDKeyEdit, R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyF21, KMIDKeyEdit, R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyLeftFunc, KMIDKeyEdit, R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyRightFunc, KMIDKeyEdit, R_MIDP_KEY_EDIT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyYes, KMIDKeySend, R_MIDP_KEY_SEND)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice0, KMIDKeyCBA1, R_MIDP_KEY_LSK)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice1, KMIDKeyCBA2, R_MIDP_KEY_RSK)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNo, KMIDKeyEnd, R_MIDP_KEY_END)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyApplication0,KMIDKeyApplications, R_MIDP_KEY_APPS)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice6, KMIDKeyVoiceKey, R_MIDP_KEY_VOICE)));
+ // QWERTY keys for qwerty and ITU-T mode with qwerty wireless keyboard.
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeySpace,EKeySpace, R_MIDP_KEY_SPACE)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyEscape,EKeyEscape, R_MIDP_KEY_ESC)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyTab,EKeyTab, R_MIDP_KEY_TAB)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyEnter, EKeyLineFeed, R_MIDP_KEY_ENTER)));
+ // Diagonal keys for 9-way Navigation Support
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice10, EKeyLeftUpArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_LEFT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice11,EKeyRightUpArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_RIGHT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice12,EKeyRightDownArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_RIGHT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDevice13,EKeyLeftDownArrow, R_MIDP_KEY_LEFT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyDelete,EKeyDelete, R_MIDP_KEY_DELETE)));
+ if (!iQwertyModeActive)
+ { // ITU-T keys with different behaviour
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyBackspace, KMIDKeyClear, R_MIDP_KEY_CLEAR)));
+ }
+ else
+ { // QWERTY keys with different behaviour
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyBackspace, EKeyBackspace, R_MIDP_KEY_BACKSPACE)));
+ }
+ /*
+ // Keys defined in specs but not yet present in Series 60
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyFormFeed, R_MIDP_KEY_FORM_FEED)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyLineFeed, R_MIDP_KEY_LINE_FEED)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyBell, R_MIDP_KEY_BELL)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,EKeyVerticalTab, R_MIDP_KEY_VERTICAL_TAB)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyClockWiseRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_CLOCKWISE_ROTATE)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_ROTATE)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyClockWiseFastRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_CLOCKWISE_FAST_ROTATE)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull,KMIDKeyCounterClockWiseFastRotate, R_MIDP_KEY_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE_FAST_ROTATE)));
+ */
+ // Add media keys. These are used only in GetKeyName method.
+ // EStdKeyNull used as a scancode as media keys don't have a real scancode.
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
+ TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyPlay, R_MIDP_KEY_PLAY)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
+ TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyPrevious, R_MIDP_KEY_PREVIOUS)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
+ TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyNext, R_MIDP_KEY_NEXT)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
+ TMIDKey(EStdKeyNull, MMIDMediaKeysListener::EMIDMediaKeyStop, R_MIDP_KEY_STOP)));
+ // Zoom in and zoom out keys events support
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
+ TMIDKey(EStdKeyApplicationC, KMIDKeyZoomIn, R_MIDP_KEY_ZOOM_IN)));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSpecialKeys.Append(
+ TMIDKey(EStdKeyApplicationD, KMIDKeyZoomOut, R_MIDP_KEY_ZOOM_OUT)));
+/** */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateQwertyWatchL()
+ iQwertyWatch = CMIDQwertyWatch::NewL(this);
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::InitRemConObserverL()
+ if (!iRemConObserver)
+ {
+ iRemConObserver = CMIDRemConObserver::NewL();
+ }
+/** */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::NewQwertyValueL(TInt aNewValue)
+ TBool oldQwertyMode = iQwertyModeActive;
+ if (aNewValue == 1)
+ {
+ iQwertyModeActive = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iQwertyModeActive = EFalse;
+ }
+ if (iQwertyModeActive != oldQwertyMode)
+ {
+ CreateGameActionsL();
+ }
+ * Gets a key code that corresponds to the specified game action on the device.
+ * The implementation is required to provide a mapping for every game action,
+ * so this method will always return a valid key code for every game action.
+ *
+ * Note that a key code is associated with at most one game action, whereas a
+ * game action may be associated with several key codes.
+ *
+ * Returns zero if aGameAction is not a valid game action
+ */
+TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode(TInt aGameAction)
+ DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode - game action is %D", aGameAction);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
+ {
+ if (iGameActions[i]->iActionCode == aGameAction)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode - return code %D", iGameActions[i]->iCodes[0]);
+ return iGameActions[i]->iCodes[0]; //just return the first code
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyCode - return code %D", 0);
+ return 0;
+ * Maps EPOC scan code to negative key code required by MIDP spec.
+ * For keys that have no corresponding Unicode character,
+ * the implementation must use negative values.
+ */
+TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey(TUint aScanCode)
+ DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey - scan code is %D", aScanCode);
+ TInt numSpecialKeys = iSpecialKeys.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < numSpecialKeys; i++)
+ {
+ if (iSpecialKeys[i].iScanCode == aScanCode)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey - return code is %D", iSpecialKeys[i].iMIDPCode);
+ return iSpecialKeys[i].iMIDPCode;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::MapNonUnicodeKey - return code is %D", 0);
+ return 0;
+ * Gets an informative key string for a key. The string returned will resemble the text
+ * physically printed on the key. This string is suitable for displaying to the user.
+ * For example, on a device with function keys F1 through F4, calling this method on
+ * the keyCode for the F1 key will return the string "F1". A typical use for this string
+ * will be to compose help text such as "Press F1 to proceed."
+ *
+ * This method will return a non-empty string for every valid key code.
+ *
+ */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyName(TDes& aText,TInt aKeyCode)
+ DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyName - key code is %D", aKeyCode);
+ aText.Zero();
+ TInt numSpecialKeys = iSpecialKeys.Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < numSpecialKeys; i++)
+ {
+ if (iSpecialKeys[i].iMIDPCode == aKeyCode)
+ {
+ resId = iSpecialKeys[i].iNameResId;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((resId == R_MIDP_KEY_NON_CHARACTER) && (IsUnicode(aKeyCode)))
+ {
+ aText.Append(TChar(aKeyCode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CEikonEnv::Static()->ReadResource(aText,resId);
+ }
+ DEBUG_STR("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GetKeyName - key name is %S", aText);
+TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction(TInt aKeyCode)
+ DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction - key code is %D", aKeyCode);
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
+ {
+ TInt numCodes = iGameActions[i]->iCodes.Count();
+ for (TInt j = 0; j < numCodes; ++j)
+ {
+ if (iGameActions[i]->iCodes[j] == aKeyCode)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction -game action is %D", iGameActions[i]->iActionCode);
+ return iGameActions[i]->iActionCode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::GameAction -game action is %D", 0);
+ return 0; //invalid action
+ * Determines if a key code should be sent to MIDP applications.
+ */
+TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::IsJavaKey(TInt aScanCode)
+ TBool ret = (ScanToMidpCode(aScanCode) != 0);
+ DEBUG_INT2("<> CMIDKeyDecoder::IsJavaKey - return %D for scan code %D", ret, aScanCode);
+ return ret;
+TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::MediaKeysEnabled() const
+ return iMediaKeysEnabled;
+CMIDRemConObserver* CMIDKeyDecoder::GetRemConObserver()
+ return iRemConObserver;
+/** Create the game actions. This method is called at startup and
+each time the qwerty availability changes. Because special keys
+also depend on qwerty availability, call InitSpecialKeysL() -
+which will reset special keys. The reset the actions and call
+LoadGameActionCodesL() - which loads the correct codes. Then
+for each action appens the codes stored in iActionScanCodes.
+Action codes in this array are separated by a null byte. */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateGameActionsL()
+ DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateGameActionsL");
+ InitSpecialKeysL();
+ iGameActions.ResetAndDestroy();
+ LoadGameActionCodesL();
+ ASSERT(iActionScanCodes != NULL);
+ TInt index = 0;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
+ {
+ TMIDGameAction* action = new(ELeave) TMIDGameAction(KActionCodes[i]);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(action);
+ while (iActionScanCodes[index] != 0)
+ {
+ AddCodeToActionL(action, iActionScanCodes[index]);
+ index++;
+ }
+ index++; // skip null byte separating actions
+ User::LeaveIfError(iGameActions.Append(action));
+ CleanupStack::Pop(action);
+ }
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::CreateGameActionsL");
+/** Load the game action codes: either the default ITU-T codes
+ if no qwerty input is available or load the codes
+ from Central Repository (if available and if
+ flag in CR indicates to do so) or load some default QWERTY codes.
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL()
+ DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL");
+ if (iUseCRScanCodes)
+ {
+ delete iActionScanCodes;
+ iUseCRScanCodes = EFalse;
+ }
+ iActionScanCodes = NULL;
+ if (!QwertyInputAvailable())
+ { // if no qwerty always use default ITU-T codes
+ DEBUG(" CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL - use default ITU-T scan codes");
+ iActionScanCodes = (TInt*)&KDefaultActionScanCodes[0];
+ }
+ else
+ { // if there is qwerty either use CR repository codes or default qwerty codes
+ CRepository* repository = NULL;
+ TRAPD(crExists, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMidpLcdui));
+ if (crExists == KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(repository);
+ repository->Get(KUseCustomGameActionScanCodes, iUseCRScanCodes);
+ }
+ if (iUseCRScanCodes)
+ { // use CR QWERTY codes
+ DEBUG(" CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL - use central repository scan codes");
+ LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL(repository);
+ }
+ else
+ { // use default QWERTY codes
+ DEBUG(" CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL - add default qwerty scan codes");
+ iActionScanCodes = (TInt*)&KDefaultQwertyActionScanCodes[0];
+ }
+ if (crExists == KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(repository);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadGameActionCodesL");
+/** Load the game action scan codes stored in the central repository
+ database. Two bytes are available per scan code, LSB is left. Max
+ number of codes per action is KMaxScanCodesPerAction. Allocate
+ some memory for iActionScanCodes.
+ */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL(CRepository* aRepository)
+ DEBUG("< CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL");
+ ASSERT(aRepository != NULL);
+ ASSERT(iActionScanCodes == NULL);
+ iActionScanCodes = new(ELeave) TInt[KNumGameActions*KMaxScanCodesPerAction];
+ TInt index = 0;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < KNumGameActions; ++i)
+ {
+ //2 bytes per scan code
+ TBuf8<KMaxScanCodesPerAction*2> scanCodeBuffer;
+ aRepository->Get(KActionKeys[i],scanCodeBuffer);
+ for (TInt j = 0; j < (scanCodeBuffer.Length() - 1); j++)
+ {
+ TUint8 scanCodeLeft = scanCodeBuffer[j++];
+ TUint8 scanCodeRight = scanCodeBuffer[j];
+ TUint scanCode = (scanCodeLeft << 8) + scanCodeRight;
+ if (scanCode != 0)
+ {
+ iActionScanCodes[index++] = scanCode;
+ }
+ }
+ iActionScanCodes[index++] = 0; //indicates end of scan codes
+ }
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::LoadCentralRepositoryCodesL");
+/** Return true if this device supports qwerty and the qwerty keyboard
+ is available */
+TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::QwertyInputAvailable() const
+ return iQwertyModeActive;
+ Convert the scan code into a MIDP key code taking into account possible
+ modifiers. Add the resulting MIDP key codes to the action specified as long
+ as they are all different.
+ */
+void CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL(TMIDGameAction* aGameAction, TInt aScanCode)
+ DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL - scan code is %D", aScanCode);
+ TInt midpCode = ScanToMidpCode(aScanCode);
+ if (aGameAction->iCodes.Find(midpCode) == KErrNotFound && midpCode != 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT(" CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL - adding midp code %D", midpCode);
+ User::LeaveIfError(aGameAction->iCodes.Append(midpCode));
+ }
+ if (IsUnicode(midpCode))
+ {
+ midpCode = ScanToMidpCode(aScanCode | EModifierShift);
+ if (aGameAction->iCodes.Find(midpCode) == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT(" CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL - adding midp code %D", midpCode);
+ User::LeaveIfError(aGameAction->iCodes.Append(midpCode));
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG("> CMIDKeyDecoder::AddCodeToActionL");
+/** Take a scan code and convert it into a MIDP code. First see if it
+is one of the special keys, otherwise ask the window server to convert it. */
+TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode(TInt aScanCode)
+ DEBUG_INT("< CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode - scan Code is %D", aScanCode);
+ TInt keyCode = MapNonUnicodeKey(aScanCode);
+ if (keyCode == 0)
+ {
+ // fake a key down to convert scan code into key code
+ // Note: on WINS (and WINSCW) this conversion works only for QWERTY layout
+ // unless you specify the char code in the HI part of the scan code - which
+ // we cannot do - hence on the emulator only QWERTY layout works.
+ TKeyData keyData;
+ TBool translated = iKeyTranslator->TranslateKey(aScanCode,EFalse,*iCaptureKeys,keyData);
+ if (translated)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT(" CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode - ws translated code is %D", keyData.iKeyCode);
+ keyCode = IsUnicode(keyData.iKeyCode) ? keyData.iKeyCode : 0;
+ }
+ // fake a key up to restore modifiers
+ iKeyTranslator->TranslateKey(aScanCode,ETrue,*iCaptureKeys,keyData);
+ }
+ DEBUG_INT("> CMIDKeyDecoder::ScanToMidpCode - return key code %D", keyCode);
+ return keyCode;
+/** Return true if the key code corresponds to a unicode character */
+TBool CMIDKeyDecoder::IsUnicode(TInt aKeyCode) const
+ TBool ret = (aKeyCode > 0) && (aKeyCode < ENonCharacterKeyBase ||
+ aKeyCode >= (ENonCharacterKeyBase + ENonCharacterKeyCount));
+ DEBUG_INT2("<> CMIDKeyDecoder::IsUnicode - return %D for key code %D", ret, aKeyCode);
+ return ret;
+TInt CMIDKeyDecoder::AdditionalSelectionKeyMappingCode()
+ return iAdditionalSelectkeyMapping;