--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaextensions/satsa/apdu/src.s60/cstsconnection.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+ *
+#include "cstsconnection.h"
+#include "s60commonutils.h"
+#include "cstsconnection.h"
+#include "cstschannelmanager.h"
+#include "cstsslotmanager.h"
+#include "cstspinmanager.h"
+#include "cstsapduexchanger.h"
+#include "cstsaccesscontrol.h"
+#include "cstscardoperationsfacade.h"
+#include "cstscardappmanager.h"
+#include "cstsenvelope.h"
+#include "cstsresphandler.h"
+#include "cstsselectfile.h"
+#include "cstsrespapdu.h"
+#include "cstsmidletinfo.h"
+#include "cstsuri.h"
+#include "cstsbtsaplistener.h"
+#include "cstscardstatelistener.h"
+#include "fs_methodcall.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
+namespace java
+namespace satsa
+const TInt KSTSBasicChannel = 0;
+const TInt KATRMaxLength = 0xFF;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection(MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler,
+ CSTSMidletInfo* aMidletInfo) :
+ java::util::FunctionServer("MyAPDUServer"), iChannel(0)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection");
+ createServerToNewThread();
+ iState = EClosed;
+ iRespHandler = aRespHandler;
+ iMidletInfo = aMidletInfo;
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- Returning from CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection ");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::ConstructL()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::ConstructL ");
+ iCOFacade = CSTSCardOperationsFacade::NewL();
+ iApduExchanger = CSTSApduExchanger::NewL(mJniEnv, mJavaPeerObject,
+ iCOFacade);
+ iAccessControl = CSTSAccessControl::NewL(iMidletInfo);
+ iPinManager = CSTSPinManager::NewL(mJniEnv, mJavaPeerObject,
+ iApduExchanger, iAccessControl, iRespHandler);
+ iSlotManager = CSTSSlotManager::NewL(iCOFacade);
+ iChannelManager = CSTSChannelManager::NewL(iApduExchanger);
+ iATR = HBufC8::NewL(KATRMaxLength);
+ iBTSapListener = CSTSBTSapListener::NewL(this);
+ iCardStateListener = CSTSCardStateListener::NewL(this);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::ConstructL ");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSTSConnection* CSTSConnection::NewL(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer,
+ MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler, CSTSMidletInfo* aMidletInfo)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::NewL ");
+ CSTSConnection* self =
+ new(ELeave) CSTSConnection(aRespHandler, aMidletInfo);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->attachToVm(aJni, aPeer);
+ CallMethodL(self, &CSTSConnection::ConstructL, self);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::NewL ");
+ return self;
+void CSTSConnection::vmAttached()
+// Destructor
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::~CSTSConnection ");
+ // for safety, close is called here
+ Close();
+ delete iCardStateListener;
+ delete iBTSapListener;
+ delete iATR;
+ delete iChannelManager;
+ delete iSlotManager;
+ delete iPinManager;
+ delete iAccessControl;
+ delete iApduExchanger;
+ delete iCOFacade;
+ delete iCardAppManager;
+ delete iRespHandler;
+ delete iMidletInfo;
+ delete iCmdApdu;
+ delete iURI;
+void CSTSConnection::WrapOpenL(CSTSConnection* connection)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::OpenL, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::OpenL
+// Checks does URI exist, checks is it AID or SAT connection, in AID
+// case checks Access Control related issues, opens connection to gived card
+// application or opens SAT connection
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::OpenL()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::OpenL");
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Checking if BT SAP is ON");
+ //if BT Sap is in use, connection cannot be established
+ if (iBTSapListener->IsInUse())
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL:BT SAP is ON");
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTBtSapInUse);
+ }
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Checking if Card is available");
+ //if card is not available, connection cannot be established
+ if (!iCardStateListener->CardIsAvailable())
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Card is NOT available");
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTNoCard);
+ }
+ //start listening BTSap events
+ if (!iBTSapListener->IsActive())
+ {
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: start bt sap listener");
+ iBTSapListener->Start();
+ }
+ //is slot one of existing slots
+ if (!iSlotManager->DoesExistL(iURI->Slot()))
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Slot does not exist!! ");
+ //ConnectionNotFoundException
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTNoSlot);
+ }
+ iApduExchanger->SetReader(iURI->Slot());
+ iURITarget = iURI->Type();
+ iApduExchanger->SetConnectionType(iURITarget == CSTSURI::ESAT);
+ // if SAT we try to check if card GSM or UICC card
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::ESAT)
+ {
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: connection type is SAT");
+ // check is phone running in GSM mode
+ if (iCOFacade->IsGSMNetwork())
+ {
+ iNetwork = ESTSTypeGSM;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iNetwork = ESTSTypeUMTS;
+ }
+ }
+ // if AID then parse ACF and check domain.
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
+ {
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: connection type is AID");
+ CSTSCardAppManager* tmpAppManager = CSTSCardAppManager::NewL(
+ iApduExchanger, iURI->AID());
+ delete iCardAppManager;
+ iCardAppManager = tmpAppManager;
+ // try to select card application to determine does it exist or not
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: going to select card application");
+ DoSelectApplicationL();
+ // close channel(closes also application) so that access control can
+ // use it for reading access control files from card
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: closing channel");
+ iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: setting basic channel");
+ iApduExchanger->SetChannel(0); //basic channel
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: going to set AID");
+ iAccessControl->SetAIDL(iURI->AID());
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: going to read files");
+ iAccessControl->ReadFilesL();
+ if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedDomain())
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Domain is not allowed");
+ // SecurityException
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECAccessNotAllowed);
+ }
+ // if access control rights were ok we can select card application again
+ // and leave it open
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Select App if access is allowed");
+ DoSelectApplicationL();
+ }
+ // if all was ok
+ iState = EOpened;
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::OpenL");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapCloseL(CSTSConnection* connection)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::CloseL, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::CloseL
+// Cancels any pending operation, deselects card application if needed and
+// closes opened channel if needed.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::CloseL()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::CloseL");
+ iPinManager->CancelOperation();
+ iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
+ {
+ if (iState == EOpened)
+ {
+ TInt appErr = iCardAppManager->DeselectApplication();
+ TInt channelErr = iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
+ if (channelErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iState = EClosed;
+ }
+ // if application deselection or channel closing fails
+ // we can throw IOException in java side
+ if (appErr != KErrNone || channelErr != KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIOErrorIO);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // for safety, close access control also
+ iAccessControl->Close();
+ iApduExchanger->SetChannel(KSTSBasicChannel);
+ }
+ }
+ iState = EClosed;
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::CloseL");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::Close
+// WILL NOT LEAVE. For destructor use. Cancels any pending operation, deselects
+// card application if needed and closes opened channel if needed.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+inline void CSTSConnection::Close()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::Close");
+ // Close is called in desctructor, so have to check in case
+ // that contructor has leaved
+ if (iPinManager)
+ {
+ iPinManager->CancelOperation();
+ }
+ if (iApduExchanger)
+ {
+ iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
+ }
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID && iState == EOpened)
+ {
+ if (iCardAppManager)
+ {
+ iCardAppManager->DeselectApplication();
+ }
+ if (iChannelManager)
+ {
+ iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
+ }
+ }
+ iState = EClosed;
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::Close");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapChangePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::ChangePinL, aPinID, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::ChangePinL
+// Delivers change pin call to pinmanager
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::ChangePinL(TInt aPinID)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::ChangePinL");
+ CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
+ iPinManager->ChangePinL(aPinID);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::ChangePinL");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapDisablePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::DisablePinL, aPinID, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::DisablePinL
+// Delivers DisablePin call to pinmanager
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::DisablePinL(TInt aPinID)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::DisablePinL");
+ CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
+ iPinManager->DisablePinL(aPinID);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::DisablePinL");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapEnablePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::EnablePinL, aPinID, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::EnablePinL
+// Delivers EnablePin call to pinmanager
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::EnablePinL(TInt aPinID)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::EnablePinL");
+ CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
+ iPinManager->EnablePinL(aPinID);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::EnablePinL");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapEnterPinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::EnterPinL, aPinID, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::EnterPinL
+// Delivers EnterPin call to pinmanager
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::EnterPinL(TInt aPinID)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::EnterPinL");
+ CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
+ iPinManager->EnterPinL(aPinID);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::EnterPinL");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapUnblockPinL(CSTSConnection* connection,
+ TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockingPinID)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL, aBlockedPinID,
+ aUnblockingPinID, connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL
+// Delivers UnblockPin call to pinmanager
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL(TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockingPinID)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL");
+ CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
+ iPinManager->UnblockPinL(aBlockedPinID, aUnblockingPinID);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL");
+void CSTSConnection::WrapExchangeAPDUL(CSTSConnection* connection,
+ TPtrC8 aCommandDes)
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL, aCommandDes,
+ connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL
+// Checks is apdu allowed and sends it to smart card.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL(TPtrC8 aCommandAPDU)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL");
+ CheckStateL();
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL:After the conversion");
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
+ {
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: Type is AID");
+ CSTSCmdApdu* cmdApdu = NULL;
+ cmdApdu = CSTSCmdApdu::NewL(aCommandAPDU, CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC);
+ if (!cmdApdu)
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: failed to create CSTSCmdApdu object!!");
+ }
+ delete iCmdApdu;
+ //must be saved to member variable for later use in asynchronous call
+ iCmdApdu = cmdApdu;
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: check the channel");
+ iCmdApdu->CheckL(iChannel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CSTSApdu::TSTSApduStandard standard = CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC;
+ if (iNetwork == ESTSTypeGSM)
+ {
+ standard = CSTSApdu::ESTSGSM;
+ }
+ CSTSEnvelope* envelopeApdu = CSTSEnvelope::NewL(aCommandAPDU, standard);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(envelopeApdu);
+ envelopeApdu->CheckL();
+ envelopeApdu->SetClassByte();
+ delete iCmdApdu;
+ //must be saved to member variable for later use in asynchronous call
+ iCmdApdu = envelopeApdu;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(envelopeApdu);
+ }
+ //only check in AID case
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
+ {
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL:only check in AID case");
+ if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedApduL(iCmdApdu->Header()))
+ {
+ //SecurityException
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECIllegalApdu);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: Going to call ExchangeApduAsync ");
+ iApduExchanger->ExchangeApduAsync(*iCmdApdu, iRespHandler);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL");
+std::wstring CSTSConnection::WrapGetATRL(CSTSConnection* connection)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::WrapGetATRL");
+ std::wstring atrData;
+ CallMethodL(atrData, connection, &CSTSConnection::GetATRL, connection);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::WrapGetATRL");
+ return atrData;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::GetATRL
+// Delivers GetATRL call to card operations facade
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::wstring CSTSConnection::GetATRL()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::GetATRL");
+ CheckStateL();
+ TPtr8 atrData(iATR->Des());
+ //aATR->Set( iATR->Des() );
+ iCOFacade->GetATR(atrData, iURI->Slot());
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::GetATRL: After iCOFacade->GetATR call ");
+ HBufC16* tmp = HBufC16::NewL(KATRMaxLength);
+ TPtr16 aTr(tmp->Des());// = NULL; // = (TPtr16*)(&atrData);//( NULL, 0 );
+ aTr.Copy(atrData);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::GetATRL: convert to wstring");
+ std::wstring atrResp = desToWstring(aTr);
+ delete tmp;
+ return atrResp;
+std::wstring CSTSConnection::WrapGetSlotsL(CSTSConnection* connection)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::WrapGetSlotsL");
+ std::wstring slotStr;
+ CallMethodL(slotStr, connection, &CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL, connection);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- return CSTSConnection::WrapGetSlotsL");
+ return slotStr;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL
+// Delivers GetSlots call to slot manager
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+std::wstring CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL");
+ //TPtr* respAPDU = reinterpret_cast<TPtr*>( aResponseAPDU );
+ std::wstring slotString = iSlotManager->GetSlotsL();
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL");
+ return slotString;
+void CSTSConnection::WrapSetURI(CSTSConnection* connection, CSTSURI* aURI)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::WrapSetURI");
+ TInt connectionHandle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aURI);
+ CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::SetURI, connectionHandle,
+ connection);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::SetURIL
+// Sets URI member variable. Ownership transferred.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::SetURI(TInt /* CSTSURI& */aURI)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::SetURI");
+ CSTSURI* aUri = reinterpret_cast<CSTSURI *>(aURI);
+ delete iURI;
+ iURI = aUri;
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "--CSTSConnection::SetURI");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::CheckStateL
+// Leaves with correct leave code if state is not corret one
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::CheckStateL(TBool aSATNotAllowed)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::CheckStateL");
+ if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::ESAT && aSATNotAllowed)
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "+ CSTSConnection::CheckStateL:SAT not allowed");
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity);
+ }
+ //connection was closed before
+ if (iState == EClosed)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIOConnClosedBefore);
+ }
+ //card was removed
+ else if (iState == ECardRemoved)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrInterruptedIO + KSTSErrIICardRemoved);
+ }
+ //BT SAP was taken in use
+ else if (iState == EBTSapInUse)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrInterruptedIO + KSTSErrIIBTSapInUse);
+ }
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::CheckStateL");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::NotifyClose
+// Resets apdumanager and pinmanager and saves state.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::NotifyClose(TInt aReason)
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::NotifyClose");
+ iPinManager->CancelOperation();
+ iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
+ //card was removed
+ if (aReason == MSTSCloseObserver::ESTSCardNotAvailable)
+ {
+ iState = ECardRemoved;
+ }
+ //BT SAP was taken in use
+ else
+ {
+ iState = EBTSapInUse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL
+// Opens channel and selects card application. If application selection fails
+// closes the channel and leaves with proper error code.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL()
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL");
+ //in AID case we can try to open own channel
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: open own channel");
+ iApduExchanger->SetChannel(0); //basic channel
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: request channel");
+ iChannel = iChannelManager->RequestChannel();
+ // if there is no logical channel available, throw IOException
+ if (iChannel < 0)
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL:no logical channel available, throw IOException ");
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIONoFreeChannels);
+ }
+ iApduExchanger->SetChannel(iChannel);
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: going to select app ");
+ TInt err = iCardAppManager->SelectApplication();
+ // if selection was not ok Close opened channel
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: app selection was not ok Close opened channel");
+ // close channel error code not used because we will leave anyway
+ iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
+ if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTNoApplication);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL");
+void CSTSConnection::doServerSideInit()
+ FunctionServer::doServerSideInit();
+} // namespace satsa
+} // namespace java
+// End of File