author Mikael Laine <>
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 14:08:33 +0200
changeset 0 951a5db380a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Committing the Video Editor package under the Eclipse Public License

* Copyright (c) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - Initial contribution
* Contributors:
* Ixonos Plc
* Description:  
* This is a localisation file for Simple Video Editor.
#include <avkon.loc>


// d: Error note when inserting audio failed
// d: audio format is not supported
// l: popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_audio_format "Audio format not supported. Unable to insert."

// d: Error note when there are problems with the video conversion
// l: popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_unable_convert "Unable to convert the file. The file insertion canceled."

// d: Error note when inserting video failed
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_unable_to_insert_video							"Unable to insert video."

// d: Error note when editing video is not possible
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_edit						"Unable to edit. Video clip corrupted or format not supported."
// d:Error note when inserting image failed.
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_unable_to_insert_image						"Unable to insert image."

// d:Error note shown when merging two videos fails 
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_unable_to_merge_video_video 						"Unable to merge two video clips together."

// d:Error note shown when merging video and image fails
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_unable_to_merge_video_image 					"Unable to merge video clip and image."

// d:Error note shown Merge if the user selects an image
// d:image that is in unsupported format
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_image_format_not_supported 					"Image format not supported. Unable to insert."

// d:Error note shown when processing video and text together fails
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_unable_to_add_text 						"Unable to add text." 

// d:Error note shown in Change sound
// d:when processing video and audio together fails
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_err_unable_to_change_sound 					"Unable to change sound."

// d:Error note shown if mmc is not accessible and
// d:the phone contains a mass storage
// d:Drive letter will be displayed in %U
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_mmc_not_accessible_mass_storage						"Memory card not accessible. %U Mass storage will be used instead."

// d:Error note shown if mmc is not accessible and
// d:the phone doesn't contain a mass storage
// d:Drive letter will be displayed in %U
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_mmc_not_accessible_device								"Memory card not accessible. %U Device memory will be used instead."

// d:Error note shown if processing video or audio fails
// d: because of low RAM
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_sie_error_not_enough_memory		qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem


// d:Text in progress note 
// d:Shown when user has selected "Changing video sound", 
// d:"Adding text to video" or "Merge with video or image"
// l:popup_note_wait_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_processing "Processing video"

// d:Text in progress note 
// d:Shown when user has selected cutting function
// l:popup_note_wait_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_note_cutting "Saving video clip"

// d:Text in progress note 
// d:Shown when user has selected Snapshot function
// l:popup_note_wait_window
// r:5.0
#define	qtn_vie_note_saving_snapshot	"Saving snapshot to Gallery."


// d:Command in options menu
// d:Saves the edited image
// d:Re-used ImageEditor string.
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_save "Save"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Takes a picture from the video clip (current frame) 
// d:and saves it in to the memory
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_snapshot "Take snapshot"

// d:Command in the Cut Video view options menu
// d:Opens the Remove submenu.
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2/opt3
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_remove_mark "Reset mark"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Removes both start and end marks from cutting timeline, view
// d:returns to initial state. Only available, if both marks have been set.
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_remove_mark_both "Both marks"

// d:Command in the Remove submenu
// d:Removes the Out mark
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_remove_mark_end "End mark"

// d:Command in the Remove submenu
// d:Removes the In mark 
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_remove_mark_start "Start mark"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Inserts end mark into the current position.
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_end_mark "Set end mark"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Inserts start mark into the current position.
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_start_mark "Set start mark"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Stops the playback and moves playhead position to the beginning.
// d:Re-used Media Player string
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_stop "Stop"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Plays the marked section (between start and end marks).
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_play_marked "Play marked"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Resumes playback.
// d:Re-used Media Player string
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_resume "Resume"

// d:Command in options menu
// d:Starts playback.
// d:Re-used Media Player string
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_play "Play"


// d:Command in the AIW provider's menu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Video sound change" functionality
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_change_sound "Change sound"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's menu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Add text" functionality
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_add_text "Add text"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's menu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Merge" functionality
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_merge "Merge"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's menu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Cut" functionality
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_cut "Cut"

// d:Submenu title in the AIW provider's menu
// d:Opens a submenu
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2/opt3
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_edit "Edit"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's Edit submenu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Video sound change" functionality
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_sub_change_sound "Change sound"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's Edit submenu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Add text" functionality
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_sub_add_text "Add text"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's Edit submenu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Merge" functionality
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_sub_merge "Merge"

// d:Command in the AIW provider's Edit submenu
// d:Launches Video editor's "Cut" functionality
// l:list_single_popup_submenu_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_options_sub_cut "Cut"


// d:Softkey command
// d:Softkey text if in playing state or if
// d:user has moved the playhead with scroll left/right.
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_softkey_start_mark "Start mark"

// d:Softkey command
// d:Softkey text if in playing state or if
// d:user has moved the playhead with scroll left/right.
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_softkey_end_mark "End mark"

// d:Softkey command
// d:Right softkey text if in cutting view 
// d:Applies video cutting
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_softkey_cut_done "Done"


// d:List query heading text.
// d:This list query is used when option "Save" has been selected.
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_save "Save video:"

// d:List query item in saving query.
// d:Overwrites existing file.
// d:Re-used Image Editor string.
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_save_replace "Replace original"

// d:List query item in saving query.
// d:Creates a new file.
// d:Re-used Image Editor string.
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_save_new "Save with a new name"


// d:List query heading text.
// d:This list query is used when "Cut" has been selected from options menu
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_length "Cutting length:"

// d:List query item in cutting query.
// d:User can define him/herself cutting start and end marks
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_length_manual "User defined"

// d:List query item in cutting query.
// d:MMS properties define cutting length
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_length_mms "Multimedia message"


// d:List query heading text.
// d:This list query is used to select one video/image file
// d:from the list of videos/images. 
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_merge_with "Merge with:"

// d:Select to list the image files from the Media gallery.
// d:(list query item)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_merge_with_image "Image"

// d:Select to list the video files from the Media gallery.
// d:(list query item)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_merge_with_video "Video"

// d:List query heading text.
// d:This list query is used to select where to insert selected image
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_add_image_to "Add image:"

// d:List query heading text.
// d:This list query is used to select where to insert selected video
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_add_video_to "Add video:"

// d:Select if want to insert selected image/video to the beginning.
// d:(list query item)
// d:Used also when adding text to video
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_add_text_to_beginning "To the beginning"

// d:Select if want to insert selected image/video to the end.
// d:(list query item)
// d:Used also when adding text to video
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_add_text_to_end "To the end"


// d:Confirmation query text
// d:Query is shown when user decides to send a video via MMS and the selected 
// d:video exceeds the MMS size limitation
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_cut "Video too large to be sent via MMS. Cut video?" 

// d:Query heading text
// d:For the location to insert text in a video (beginning/end?)
// l:heading_pane_t1
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_add_text_to "Add text:"

// d:Query heading text
// d:Shown in the data query for adding text
// l:popup_query_data_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_heading_enter_text "Enter text:"

// d:Confirmation query text
// d:Shown when user decides to send a video via MMS and the selected video
// d:format is not supported by MMS,
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_convert "Format not supported by MMS. Conversion to supported format may affect video quality. Convert and continue sending?" 

// d:Confirmation query text
// d:Shown when user tries to change video sound and selects a sound file, 
// d:which is shorter than the selected video clip
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_insert_short_audio "Sound clip shorter than the video clip. Remaining part of the video will have the original audio. Change sound anyway?"

// d:Confirmation query text
// d:Shown when user tries to change video sound and selects a sound file, 
// d:which is longer than the selected video clip 
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_insert_long_audio "Sound clip longer than the video clip. Remaining part of the sound will be cut. Change sound anyway?"

// d:Confirmation query
// d:When user selects "Exit", and video is modified 
// d:user is prompted about saving the changes.
// d:Re-used Image Editor string.
// l:popup_note_window
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_query_conf_save_changes "Save changes?"


// d:Default name for the snapshot file
// l:list_double_large_graphic_pane_t1_cp2
// r:5.0
#define qtn_vie_default_name_snapshot "Snapshot"	

// End of file