changeset 0 8e480a14352b
child 21 e5b3a2155e1a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:8e480a14352b
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // MSVAPI.H
    15 //
    16 /**
    17  * @file 
    18  * @publishedAll
    19  * @released
    20  */
    22 #ifdef _DEBUG
    23 #undef _NO_SESSION_LOGGING_
    24 #endif
    26 #ifndef __MSVAPI_H__
    27 #define __MSVAPI_H__
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <s32file.h>
    33 	#ifndef _NO_SESSION_LOGGING_
    34 		#define _NO_SESSION_LOGGING_
    35 	#endif
    36 #else
    37 	#include <flogger.h>
    38 #endif
    40 #include <msvstd.h>
    41 #include <msvstore.h>
    42 #include <msvipc.h>
    43 #include <msvarray.h>
    44 #include <mclient.h>
    45 #include <tmsvsystemprogress.h>
    47 // Forward declarations
    48 class CMsvSession;
    49 class CMsvEntry;
    50 class CBaseMtm;
    51 class CMsvClientEntry;
    52 class CMsvEntryArray;
    53 class CMsvServer;
    54 class CMsvServerEntry;
    55 class CMsvSearchSortOperation;
    59 // Remove these to remove client logging
    60 //#define _NO_SESSION_LOGGING_
    63 // Single export used to start the message server
    64 IMPORT_C TInt StartMessageServer(TAny*);
    66 // Create Message Server and return a server entry owned by caller
    67 // This is all that is required to test server Mtm's
    68 IMPORT_C CServer2* CreateMessageServerL(CMsvServerEntry*& aServerEntry);
    70 //**********************************
    71 // CMsvOperation
    72 //**********************************
    73 //
    74 // Abstract base class for operations controlling asynchronous functions
    75 //
    77 class CMsvOperation : public CActive
    78 /** Defines an interface for use by objects which control asynchronous commands 
    79 in the messaging system. 
    81 Such objects are returned by CMsvEntry and User Interface MTM functions that 
    82 complete asynchronously. The interface allows clients to:
    84 1. get progress information about the operation
    86 2. cancel the operation
    88 3. be signalled asynchronously when the operation completes; a client passes 
    89 in a TRequestStatus of a suitable active object for this purpose
    91 The client only needs to understand the CMsvOperation interface, not the concrete 
    92 implementation used. 
    94 Writing derived classes:
    96 As the base class interface for User Interface MTMs, CBaseUiMtm, defines functions 
    97 that return CMsvOperation objects for control of asynchronous operations, 
    98 implementers of these MTM components are required to provide suitable derived 
    99 classes. For example, if CBaseUiMtm::EditL() is implemented to provide message 
   100 editing, a CMsvOperation -derived class would be provided that completes when 
   101 the editing operation is complete.
   103 Concrete derived classes must provide implementations of the pure virtual 
   104 DoCancel() and RunL() functions defined by CActive. DoCancel() should be provided 
   105 in the normal way to cancel the operation. RunL() should, in addition to any 
   106 other required functionality, always end by signalling the client that the 
   107 operation is complete with a suitable completion code. 
   109 @publishedAll
   110 @released
   111 */
   112 	{
   113 public:
   114 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TInt aPriority, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
   115 	IMPORT_C ~CMsvOperation();
   116 	/** Gets information on the progress of the operation. 
   118 	All operations on local entries share the same progress information format, 
   119 	which defined by TMsvLocalOperationProgress. 
   121 	For MTM-specific operations, progress information can be extracted by calling 
   122 	CBaseUiMtm::GetProgress() or displayed by CBaseUiMtm::DisplayProgressSummary() 
   123 	on the appropriate User Interface MTM.
   125 	Requirements:
   127 	Derived classes should implement this function so that the client can check 
   128 	on the progress of the operation. The function should share an understanding 
   129 	of the format of the buffer with the implementations of CBaseUiMtm::GetProgress() 
   130 	and CBaseUiMtm::DisplayProgressSummary() in the User Interface MTM. The arguments 
   131 	of CBaseUiMtm::GetProgress() show some information that should be included 
   132 	where appropriate.
   134 	@leave KErrNotReady The operation has not yet been started: it has been queued 
   135 	for execution in the Message Server 
   136 	@return Descriptor holding progress information. The maximum buffer size should 
   137 	be KMsvProgressBufferLength (defined in msvipc.h). */
   138 	virtual const TDesC8& ProgressL()=0;
   139 	IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
   140 	IMPORT_C TInt SystemProgress(TMsvSystemProgress& aOutSysProg);
   141 	IMPORT_C virtual TUid Mtm() const;
   142 	//
   143 	inline TMsvOp Id() const;
   144 	inline TMsvId Service() const;
   145 	//
   146 protected:
   147 	IMPORT_C TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny *&a0, TAny *a1);
   149 protected:
   150 	/** The ID of the service that is associated with this operation. 
   152 	Usually, the derived class constructor will contain a suitable argument to 
   153 	allow the caller to set this.
   155 	@see Service() */
   156 	TMsvId iService;
   157 	/** The UID of the MTM associated with the operation. 
   159 	The appropriate value should be set by the derived class constructor.
   161 	@see Mtm() */
   162 	TUid iMtm;
   163 	/** Request status of the operation observer. 
   165 	This is the aObserverRequestStatus passed in the constructor. */
   166 	TRequestStatus& iObserverRequestStatus;
   167 	/** Message Server session used by object. This is set by the constructor. */
   168 	CMsvSession& iMsvSession;
   170 private:
   171 	TMsvOp iId;
   172 	};
   175 //**********************************
   176 // CMsvOperationWait
   177 //**********************************
   178 //
   179 // Allows a synchronous wait on a operation
   180 //
   182 class CMsvOperationWait: public CActive
   183 /** Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation
   184 has completed. 
   186 Note that CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait is simpler to use, and should be used in 
   187 preference to this class.
   189 To use the class:
   191 1. Create a new CMsvOperationWait object
   193 2. Call the messaging function that returns the asynchronous operation. 
   194 The operation observer parameter should be the iStatus word of the CMsvOperationWait 
   195 object. This means that the CMsvOperationWait object will be signalled when
   196 the operation completes.
   198 3. Call the CMsvOperationWait object's Start() function. This sets the object
   199 to be active.
   201 4. Call CActiveScheduler::Start(). This starts a nested active scheduler. The 
   202 program will then wait until this active scheduler is stopped. The CMsvOperationWait 
   203 object stops the scheduler when the operation completes, allowing the program to 
   204 continue. 
   206 These steps cause the program to wait until the operation completes.
   208 @code
   209      CMsvOperationWait* waiter=CMsvOperationWait::NewLC();
   210      CMsvOperation* op = function_returning_opLC(waiter->iStatus);
   211      waiter->Start();
   212      CActiveScheduler::Start();
   213      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // op, waiter
   214 @endcode
   216 @see CActiveScheduler
   217 @publishedAll
   218 @released
   219 */
   220 	{
   221 public:
   222 	IMPORT_C static CMsvOperationWait* NewLC(TInt aPriority=EPriorityStandard);
   223 	IMPORT_C ~CMsvOperationWait();
   224 	IMPORT_C void Start();
   225 protected:
   226 	CMsvOperationWait(TInt aPriority);
   227 	void RunL();
   228 	void DoCancel();
   229 	};
   232 //**********************************
   233 // CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait
   234 //**********************************
   235 //
   236 // Allows a synchronous wait on a operation using CActiveSchedulerWait class
   237 // This class should be used in preference to CMsvOperationWait
   238 // DOES NOT require an explicit call to CActiveScheduler::Start()--CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::Start()
   239 // effectively encapsulates this functionality
   240 //
   242 class CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait: public CActive
   243 /** Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation
   244 has completed. 
   246 To use the class:
   248 1. Create a new CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object
   250 2. Call the messaging function that returns the asynchronous operation. 
   251 The operation observer parameter should be the iStatus word of the CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait 
   252 object. This means that the CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object will be signalled when
   253 the operation completes.
   255 3. Call the CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object's Start() function. This sets the object
   256 to be active.
   258 These steps cause the program to wait until the operation completes.
   260 @code
   261      CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* waiter=CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::NewLC();
   262      CMsvOperation* op = function_returning_opLC(waiter->iStatus);
   263      waiter->Start();
   265      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // op, waiter
   266 @endcode
   268 @publishedAll
   269 @released
   270 */
   271 	{
   272 public:
   273 	IMPORT_C static CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* NewLC(TInt aPriority=EPriorityStandard);
   274 	IMPORT_C ~CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait();
   275 	IMPORT_C void Start();
   276 private:
   277 	CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait(TInt aPriority);
   278 	void RunL();
   279 	void DoCancel();
   280 private:
   281 	CActiveSchedulerWait iActiveSchedulerWait;
   282 	};
   284 //**********************************
   285 // CMsvCompletedOperation
   286 //**********************************
   287 //
   288 // An operation which is already completed on construction
   289 //
   291 class CMsvCompletedOperation : public CMsvOperation
   292 /** Utility to create a messaging operation object for an operation that has already 
   293 completed. 
   295 This utility is useful, for example, for writers of MTMs, where the API requires that an 
   296 asynchronous operation is returned, but where in reality, the operation has performed
   297 synchronously. It allows the program to construct an operation object for which 
   298 the operation is already completed, with the progress information and error code set.   
   300 @publishedAll
   301 @released
   302 */
   303 	{
   304 public:
   305 	IMPORT_C static CMsvCompletedOperation* NewL(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TUid aMtm, const TDesC8& aProgress, TMsvId aService, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, TInt aErr=KErrNone);
   306 	IMPORT_C ~CMsvCompletedOperation();
   307 	//
   308 	const TDesC8& ProgressL();
   309 	const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
   310 private:
   311 	CMsvCompletedOperation(CMsvSession& aSession, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
   312 	void ConstructL(TUid aMtm, TInt aError, const TDesC8& aProgress, TMsvId aService);
   313 	// from CActive
   314 	void DoCancel();
   315 	void RunL();
   316 	//
   317 private:
   318 	HBufC8* iProgress;
   319 	};
   321 //**********************************
   322 // CMsvSendOperation
   323 //**********************************
   324 //
   325 // A send operation which returns a standard progress (used by SendAs2)
   326 //
   328 /** Utility to create an operation containing a sending operation which may be used
   329 to retrieve a standard progress structure.
   331 This class is intended to be derived from. The derived class must define the TranslateProgress()
   332 member function. This function is responsible for translating the native progress of the given
   333 mtm into the standard progress structure, CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationProgress.
   335 @publishedAll
   336 @released
   337 */
   338 class CMsvSendOperation : public CMsvOperation
   339 	{
   340 public:
   341 	/** Send progress state.
   343 	@see TSendOperationProgress
   344 	*/
   345 	enum TSendOperationState
   346 		{
   347 		ESendStateInPreparation,
   348 		ESendStateWaitingToSend,
   349 		ESendStateConnecting,
   350 		ESendStateSending,
   351 		ESendStateDone,
   352 		ESendStateFailed
   353 		};
   354 	/** Send progress.
   356 	Structure holding send progress. For mtms unable to provide detailed progress 
   357 	information, iProgressMax and iProgress must be zeroed. This will then allow
   358 	the client to check for this case and display a busy status dialog as opposed to
   359 	a progress dialog. If the mtm is capable of detailed progress, iProgressMax 
   360 	should be set to the total number of units to be sent and iProgress the number
   361 	of units sent.
   363 	@see TSendOperationState
   364 	*/
   365 	class TSendOperationProgress
   366 		{
   367 	public:
   368 		TSendOperationState iState;
   369 		TInt 				iError;
   370 		TInt 				iProgressMax;
   371 		TInt 				iProgress;	
   372 		};
   374 public:
   375 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CMsvSendOperation();
   376 	// methods from CMsvOperation
   377 	IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& ProgressL();
   378 	IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
   379 	IMPORT_C void Start(CMsvOperation* aOperation);
   380 protected:
   381 	IMPORT_C CMsvSendOperation(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
   382 private:	// methods from CActive
   383 	IMPORT_C virtual void DoCancel();
   384 	IMPORT_C virtual void RunL();
   385 private:
   386 	/** Translates the progress from sending operation's progress into TSendOperationProgress. 
   388 	This member function must be defined by derived classes. Must not leave.
   389 	@see TSendOperationProgress 
   390 	@return Descriptor holding progress information.
   391 	*/
   392 	virtual const TDesC8& TranslateProgress(const TDesC8& aProgress)=0;
   393 	void Complete(TInt anError);
   394 protected:
   395 	/** The progress that is associated with this operation. 
   397 	The TranslateProgress defined by derived classes must populate and return
   398 	this progress structure.
   399 	@see TranslateProgress() 
   400 	@see TSendOperationProgress */
   401 	TPckgBuf<TSendOperationProgress> iProgress;
   402 	/** The sending operation. 
   404 	Assigned when ConstructL is called
   405 	*/
   406 	CMsvOperation* iOperation;
   407 	};
   409 /** Package buffer for a TSendOperationProgress
   410 */
   411 typedef TPckgBuf<CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationProgress> TMsvSendOperationProgress;
   414 //**********************************
   415 // MMsvSessionObserver
   416 //**********************************
   417 //
   418 // 
   419 //
   421 class MMsvSessionObserver
   422 /** Provides the interface for notification of events from a Message Server session. 
   425 The types of event are given in the enumeration TMsvSessionEvent. Clients 
   426 must provide an object that implements the interface, and set it to be notified 
   427 through CMsvSession::OpenSyncL() or CMsvSession::OpenASyncL(). Additional 
   428 observers can also be added and removed through CMsvSession.
   430 @see CMsvSession::AddObserverL()
   431 @see CMsvSession::RemoveObserver() 
   432 @publishedAll
   433 @released
   434 */
   435 	{
   436 public:
   437 	/** Session event type.
   439 	@see EMsvMediaUnavailable
   440 	@see TDriveNumber 
   441 	*/
   442 	enum TMsvSessionEvent 
   443 							{ 
   444 	/** One or more entries have been created.
   446 	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection of the new entries. aArg2 is the TMsvId of the 
   447 	parent entry. */
   448 							EMsvEntriesCreated,
   449 	/** One or more index entries have been changed. 
   451 	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection of the index entries. aArg2 is the TMsvId of 
   452 	the parent entry. */
   453 							EMsvEntriesChanged,
   454 	/** One or more entries have been deleted.
   456 	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection containing the IDs of the deleted entries. aArg2 
   457 	is the TMsvId of the parent entry. */
   458 							EMsvEntriesDeleted,
   459 	/** One or more entries have been moved.
   461 	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection containing the IDs of the moved entries. aArg2 
   462 	is the TMsvId of the new parent. aArg3 is the TMsvId of the old parent entry. */
   463 							EMsvEntriesMoved,
   464 	/** A new MTM has been installed. 
   466 	aArg2 points to a TUid for the new MTM. */
   467 							EMsvMtmGroupInstalled,
   468 	/** A MTM has been uninstalled. 
   470 	aArg2 points to a TUid of the removed MTM. */
   471 							EMsvMtmGroupDeInstalled,
   472 	/** Something has happening in the server, but this client was unable to retrieve 
   473 	the information.
   475 	aArg1 points to the error code. */
   476 							EMsvGeneralError,
   477 	/** The client should immediately close the session with the Message Server. */
   478 							EMsvCloseSession,
   479 	/** Received after a client has used CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL() to create a session. 
   482 	The session can now be used. */
   483 							EMsvServerReady,
   484 	/** Received after a client has used CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL() to create a session. 
   487 	The server could not be started, and aArg1 points to the error code. */
   488 							EMsvServerFailedToStart,
   489 	/** The Message Server index had been corrupted and had to be rebuilt. 
   491 	All local entries are recovered, but all remote entries have been lost. */
   492 							EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilt,
   493 	/** The Message Server has been terminated. 
   495 	All clients must close their sessions immediately. */
   496 							EMsvServerTerminated,
   497 	/** This notification is sent whenever Message Server current drive is changed.
   498 	Upon receiving this event, the client should delete the current context of operations 
   499 	and refresh its view of messaging.
   501 	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive used by the Message 
   502 	Server to hold the index prior to the change. 
   504 	aArg2 is also a TDriveNumber value; it identifies the new drive that the Message 
   505 	Server is using.
   507 	CMsvEntry contexts either refresh themselves or mark themselves invalid.
   509 	@see EMsvMediaUnavailable
   510 	@see TDriveNumber */
   511 							EMsvMediaChanged, // I assume the following four are in sequential order
   512 	/** The media (disk) containing the Message Server index has been removed. 
   514 	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive that is no longer 
   515 	available.
   517 	Future requests may fail with KMsvMediaUnavailable. A EMsvMediaChanged event 
   518 	may be received in the future, as the Message Server switches back to the 
   519 	internal drive. */
   520 							EMsvMediaUnavailable,
   521 	/** The disk containing the Message Store is available again.
   523 	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive that is being used.
   525 	The Message Server can now operate as normal. No client action is necessary. */
   526 							EMsvMediaAvailable,
   527 	/** An incorrect disk is inserted. 
   529 	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive in which the incorrect 
   530 	disk has been inserted.
   532 	Some requests may fail with KMsvMediaIncorrect. Clients may get an EMsvMediaChanged 
   533 	event in the future telling them that the Message Server has switched back 
   534 	to the internal drive. */
   535 							EMsvMediaIncorrect,
   536 	/** The Message Server has started to rebuild its index after it has been corrupted.
   538 	@see EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilt */
   539 							EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilding
   541 	/** A media with pre-SQLite message store index has been inserted into a drive in the
   542 	priority drive list. */
   543 							,EMsvMessageStoreNotSupported,
   544 	/** A media with corrupt message store has been inserted into a drive in the priority
   545 	drive list and will be deleted. */
   546 							EMsvMessageStoreCorrupt,
   547 	/** The client needs to refresh its view of messaging either due to a drive with a 
   548 	valid message store being added or removed from the priority drive list, or a disk with
   549 	a valid message store being inserted or removed from a drive with priority less than
   550 	the current drive. */
   551 							EMsvRefreshMessageView,
   552 	/** Media is not available in the drive that has been added to the priority drive list. */
   553 							EMsvDiskNotAvailable,
   554 	/** A media insertion/removal event is received by server which it is unable to handle. */
   555 							EMsvUnableToProcessDiskNotification
   556 #endif
   557 							};
   558 public: 
   559 	/** Indicates an event has occurred. 
   561 	The type of event is indicated by the value of aEvent. The interpretation 
   562 	of the TAny arguments depends on this type. 
   564 	For most event types, the action that is taken, for example, updating the 
   565 	display, is client-specific. All clients though should respond to EMsvCloseSession 
   566 	and EMsvServerTerminated events. 
   568 	@param aEvent Indicates the event type. 
   569 	@param aArg1 Event type-specific argument value 
   570 	@param aArg2 Event type-specific argument value 
   571 	@param aArg3 Event type-specific argument value */
   572 	virtual void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3)=0;
   573 	};
   575 //**********************************
   576 // CMsvSession
   577 //**********************************
   578 //
   579 // 
   580 //
   582 class TCapabilitySet;
   584 const TInt KMsvSessionObserverGranularity=4;  //???
   586 class CMsvSession: public CActive
   587 /** Represents a channel of communication between a client thread (Client-side 
   588 MTM, User Interface MTM, or message client application) and the Message Server 
   589 thread. 
   591 The class provides the means by which clients are notified when important 
   592 Message Server events occur.
   594 Note the following significant groups of functions:
   596 Creation functions: a message client application must use OpenSyncL() or OpenASyncL() 
   597 to create a session object, before it can instantiate any MTM or CMsvEntry 
   598 object. Only a single session should be created within a thread. As Client-side 
   599 MTM, User Interface MTM, and CMsvEntry objects are created in the client thread, 
   600 these use the client session, and do not create their own. Note that to close 
   601 a session, delete all objects relying on that session, and then the session 
   602 object itself.
   604 Cleanup functions: CMsvSession provides the ability to handle the cleanup 
   605 of entries in the event of a leave occurring, in a very similar manner to 
   606 the standard cleanup stack. The difference is that, on a leave, any entries 
   607 that are on the entry cleanup stack are removed from the Message Server. The 
   608 implementation uses the standard cleanup stack, so entry push and pop functions 
   609 should be used in the same order as all other types of push and pop. The functions 
   610 can be used both by MTM implementations and message client applications. 
   611 @publishedAll
   612 @released
   613 */
   614 	{
   615 public: 
   616 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
   617 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
   618 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
   620 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
   621 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
   622 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
   624 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
   625 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
   626 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
   628 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
   629 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
   630 	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);	
   632 	~CMsvSession();
   633 	// --- Observer functions ---
   634 	IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
   635 	IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
   636 	IMPORT_C TInt SetReceiveEntryEvents(TBool aReceive);
   637 	// --- Utility functions ---
   639     IMPORT_C CMsvEntry* GetEntryL(TMsvId aEntId, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives);
   640 #endif
   641 	IMPORT_C CMsvEntry* GetEntryL(TMsvId aEntId);
   642 	IMPORT_C TInt GetEntry(TMsvId aId, TMsvId& aService, TMsvEntry& aEntry);
   644 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* TransferCommandL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC8& aParameter, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   645 	IMPORT_C void TransferCommandL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC8& aParameter, TDes8& aProgress);
   646 	IMPORT_C void IncPcSyncCountL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   647 	IMPORT_C void DecPcSyncCountL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   648 	IMPORT_C void GetChildIdsL(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   649 	IMPORT_C void ChangeAttributesL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);
   650 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* ChangeDriveL(TInt aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   651 	IMPORT_C TInt OutstandingOperationsL();
   652 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CopyStoreL(const TDriveUnit& aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   653 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* DeleteStoreL(const TDriveUnit& aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   654 	// --- cleanup functions
   655 	IMPORT_C static void CleanupEntry(TAny* aPtr);
   656 	IMPORT_C void CleanupEntryPushL(TMsvId aId);
   657 	IMPORT_C void CleanupEntryPop(TInt aCount=1);
   659 	IMPORT_C void RemoveEntry(TMsvId aId);
   660 	// MTM functions
   661 	IMPORT_C TInt InstallMtmGroup(const TDesC& aFullName);
   662 	IMPORT_C TInt DeInstallMtmGroup(const TDesC& aFullName); 
   664 	IMPORT_C TInt StopService(TMsvId aServiceId);
   665 	IMPORT_C TBool ServiceActive(TMsvId aServiceId);
   666 	IMPORT_C TInt ServiceProgress(TMsvId aServiceId, TDes8& aProgress);
   668 	IMPORT_C void CloseMessageServer();
   669 	IMPORT_C RFs& FileSession();
   671 	IMPORT_C void GetMtmRequiredCapabilitiesL(TUid aMtmTypeUid, TCapabilitySet& aCapSet) const;
   672 	MMsvStoreManager& StoreManager();
   674 	IMPORT_C TBool GetAndClearIndexCorruptFlagL();
   675 	IMPORT_C TDriveUnit CurrentDriveL();
   676 	IMPORT_C TBool DriveContainsStoreL(TDriveUnit aDrive);
   677 	IMPORT_C TBool MessageStoreDrivePresentL();
   679 	IMPORT_C TInt ServiceAccessPointId(TMsvId aServiceId, TUint32& aAccessPointId);
   681 	// Changed for PREQ 557.
   682 	// ---- Preferred list related APIs.
   684 	IMPORT_C void CurrentDriveInfoL(TDriveNumber& aDriveNumber, TUint& aPriority);
   685 	IMPORT_C void DriveListL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDriveList);
   686 	IMPORT_C void AvailableDriveListL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDriveList);
   687 	IMPORT_C void AddDriveL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint& aPriority);
   688 	IMPORT_C void RemoveDriveL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber);
   689 	IMPORT_C void UpdateDrivePriorityL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint& aPriority);		
   690 	IMPORT_C void GetChildIdsAllL(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   693 	IMPORT_C void ResetRepositoryL();
   694 	IMPORT_C void PrintCache();
   695 #endif
   696 #endif
   698     // change for PREQ 2073 Converter
   700 	IMPORT_C void GetConvertibleDriveListL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDriveList);
   701 	IMPORT_C void ConvertMessageStore(TDriveNumber aDrive,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   702 	IMPORT_C void GetConversionStatusL(TDriveNumber aDrive);
   703 	IMPORT_C TInt CancelConversion(TDriveNumber aDrive);
   705 protected:
   706 	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
   707 	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
   708 	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
   709 	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
   711 	void ConstructL(TBool aSyncOpening);
   712 	void ConstructAsObserverL();
   713 	//
   714 	IMPORT_C TInt OperationId();
   715 	IMPORT_C RMsvServerSession& Session();
   717 	void CheckDrive();
   718 	//
   719 	// from CActive
   720 	void RunL();
   721 	void DoCancel();
   722 	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
   723 	//
   724 private:
   725 	void NotifyAllObserversL(MMsvSessionObserver::TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
   726 	void CleanupEntryDelete();
   727   	void DoRunL(TMsvNotifBuffer& aBuffer);
   728  	void HandleNotifyL();
   729  	void DoHandleNotifyL(TMsvNotifBuffer& aBuffer);
   730 	void GetMessageFolderL();
   732 	//	
   733 private:
   734 	TInt iOperationId;
   735 	RFs	iFs;
   736 	RMsvServerSession* iSession;
   737 	TInt dummy1;
   738 	TInt dummy2;
   739 	TInt dummy3;
   740 	TMsvNotifBuffer iChange;	
   741 	MMsvSessionObserver&	iMainObserver;
   742 	CArrayPtrFlat<MMsvSessionObserver>* iObservers;
   743 	CMsvEntrySelection* iCleanupList;
   744 	TInt iSyncStart;
   745 	HBufC* iMessageFolder;
   746 	TDriveNumber iDrive;
   747 	CMsvEntrySelection* iNotifSelection;
   748 	TPckgBuf<TUint32> iSequenceBuf;
   749 	TUint32 iNotifySequence;
   750 	TBool iReceiveEntryEvents;
   751 	/** Specifies whether to use the shared file server session */	
   752 	TBool iUseSharedFs;
   753 	//
   754 #ifndef _NO_SESSION_LOGGING_
   755 	void CreateSessionLogL();
   756 	void Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
   758 	// must be the last data member in the class to preserve BC.
   759 	mutable RFileLogger iLog;
   760 #endif
   761 	//
   762 friend class CSendAs;
   763 friend class CMsvEntry;
   764 friend class CMsvOperation;
   765 friend class CMsvEntryOperation;
   766 friend class CObserverRegistry;
   767 friend class CMsvSearchSortOperation;
   768 friend class CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody;
   770 friend class CMsvHeaderStore;
   771 #endif
   773 	friend class CTestMsvSession;
   775 	friend class CTestHeaderEntry;
   776 #endif
   777 #endif	
   778 	};
   783 //**********************************
   784 // MMsvEntryObserver
   785 //**********************************
   786 //
   787 // 
   788 //
   790 class MMsvEntryObserver
   791 /** Provides the interface for notification of events associated with an entry. 
   793 The types of event are given in the enumeration TMsvEntryEvent. Clients can 
   794 provide an object that implements the interface, and set it to be notified 
   795 through CMsvEntry::AddObserverL(). 
   796 @publishedAll
   797 @released
   798 */
   799 	{
   800 public:
   801 	/** Defines entry event types. 
   802 @publishedAll
   803 @released
   804 */
   805 	enum TMsvEntryEvent 
   806 							{	
   807 	/** The entry has been changed, either as a result of a CMsvEntry::ChangeL() or 
   808 	by another client. */
   809 							EMsvEntryChanged,
   810 	/** New children have been created. aArg1 points to a CMsvEntrySelection contain 
   811 	the ID of the new children. */
   812 							EMsvNewChildren,
   813 	/** Children have been deleted. aArg1 points to a CMsvEntrySelection contain the 
   814 	ID of the deleted children. */
   815 							EMsvDeletedChildren,
   816 	/** One or more of the children have been changed. aArg1 points to a CMsvEntrySelection 
   817 	containing the IDs of the changed children. */
   818 							EMsvChildrenChanged,
   819 	/** The entry has been deleted by another client. The context is now invalid. */
   820 							EMsvEntryDeleted,
   821 	/** The context has become invalid. The entry has been changed, but the CMsvEntry 
   822 	was unable to update the context. The context will only become valid by a 
   823 	successful CMsvEntry::SetEntryL() call. aArg1 points to a TInt containing 
   824 	the error code for the invalid context. */
   825 							EMsvContextInvalid,
   826 	/** Some new children have been created, but CMsvEntry was unable to retrieve the 
   827 	data from the Message Server. The children will be correct only after a successful 
   828 	call to CMsvEntry::SetEntryL(). */
   829 							EMsvChildrenMissing,
   830 	/** An error has occurred such that the status of the children is unknown and probably 
   831 	invalid. aArg1 points to a TInt containing the error code for the invalid 
   832 	context */
   833 							EMsvChildrenInvalid,
   834 	/** The current entry has been moved by another client. The CMsvEntry has already 
   835 	been updated to reflect the new parent. */
   836 							EMsvEntryMoved};
   837 public: 
   838 	/** Indicates when called by a CMsvEntry object that an event has occurred.
   840 	The type of event is indicated by the value of aEvent. The interpretation of the aArg1-3 values depends on this type. 
   841 	For most event types, the action that is taken, for example, updating the display, is client-specific. Most clients will 
   842 	need to handle events that make the current context invalid: EMsvContextInvalid and EMsvEntryDeleted.
   844 	An implementation can leave if an error occurs. The leave is not trapped by the framework, so 
   845 	the error code may be displayed to the user.
   847 	@param aEvent Indicates the event type.
   848 	@param aArg1 Event-specific argument value
   849 	@param aArg2 Event-specific argument value
   850 	@param aArg3 Event-specific argument value
   851 	*/
   852 	virtual void HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3)=0;
   853 	};
   857 //**********************************
   858 // CMsvEntry
   859 //**********************************
   860 //
   861 // 
   862 //
   864 class CMsvEntry: public CBase, public MMsvSessionObserver, public MMsvStoreObserver
   865 /** Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry. The current entry 
   866 that a CMsvEntry object relates is referred to as its context. 
   868 It may be helpful to consider CMsvEntry functions in two broad groups. The 
   869 first provides means to access the various types of storage associated with 
   870 an entry. The second provides a means to discover and access other entries 
   871 that the entry owns (its children). 
   873 Message client applications, Client-side MTMs, and User Interface MTMs all 
   874 commonly use CMsvEntry objects. CMsvEntry objects though represent a lower 
   875 level of access to an entry than that provided by a Client-side MTM or User 
   876 Interface MTM. In particular, any MTM-specific functionality, such as address 
   877 lists or subject fields, must be accessed by a message client application 
   878 through an MTM inteface.
   880 A CMsvEntry object is relatively expensive in RAM usage, as it caches its 
   881 children, updating them as necessary when notified of changes. They should 
   882 therefore be created sparingly.
   884 Note that Server-side MTMs do not use this class, but a similar one, CMsvServerEntry.
   886 @publishedAll
   887 @released
   888 */
   889 	{
   890 public: // Public member functions
   892     IMPORT_C static CMsvEntry* NewL(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMsvId, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives);
   893     IMPORT_C void SetStandardFolderEntryL(TMsvId aId);
   894     IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenOfAvailableDrivesL() const;
   895 #endif
   896 	IMPORT_C static CMsvEntry* NewL(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMsvId, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering);
   898 	IMPORT_C void SetEntryNoCheckL(TMsvId aId, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives=EFalse);
   899 #else
   900 	IMPORT_C void SetEntryNoCheckL(TMsvId aId);
   901 #endif
   902 	IMPORT_C ~CMsvEntry();
   903 	//
   904 	// --- Observer functions ---
   905 	IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MMsvEntryObserver& aObserver);
   906 	IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MMsvEntryObserver& aObserver);
   907 	//
   908 	// --- Accessor for associated session ---
   909 	inline CMsvSession& Session(); 
   910 	//
   911 	// --- Accessors the associated message store ---
   912 	IMPORT_C CMsvStore* ReadStoreL();
   913 	IMPORT_C CMsvStore* EditStoreL();
   914 	//
   915 	// --- Synchronous Current Entry functions ---
   916 	inline TMsvId EntryId() const; 
   917 	inline const TMsvEntry& Entry() const; 
   918 	inline const TMsvSelectionOrdering& SortType() const;
   919 	inline TMsvId OwningService() const;
   920 	IMPORT_C void SetSortTypeL(const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering);
   921 	IMPORT_C void SetMtmListL(const CArrayFix<TUid>& aMtmList);
   922 	IMPORT_C void SetEntryL(TMsvId aId);
   923 	IMPORT_C void ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
   924 	IMPORT_C void ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId);
   927 	//
   928 	// --- Asynchronous Current Entry functions ---
   929 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   930 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   931 	//
   932 	// --- Asynchronous Child Entry functions ---
   933 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CreateL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   934 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CreateL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   935 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* DeleteL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   936 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* DeleteL(TMsvId aMsvId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   937 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CopyL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   938 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CopyL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   939 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* MoveL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   940 	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* MoveL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   941 	//
   942 	// --- Synchronous Child Entry functions ---
   943 	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenL() const;
   944 	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithServiceL(TMsvId aServiceId) const;
   945 	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithMtmL(TUid aMtm) const;
   946 	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithTypeL(TUid aType) const;
   948 	inline TInt Count() const;
   949 	IMPORT_C const TMsvEntry& ChildDataL(TMsvId aId) const;
   950 	IMPORT_C const TMsvEntry& operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
   951 	IMPORT_C CMsvEntry* ChildEntryL(TMsvId aId) const;
   952 	IMPORT_C void MoveL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
   953 	IMPORT_C void MoveL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TMsvLocalOperationProgress& aProgress);
   954 	IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TMsvLocalOperationProgress& aProgress);
   955 	IMPORT_C void CopyL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
   958 	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TMsvEntry& aEntry);
   959 	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId);
   960 	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TMsvId aId);
   961 	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvLocalOperationProgress& aProgress);
   962 	IMPORT_C void ChangeAttributesL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);
   963 	//
   964 	// from MMsvSessionObserver
   965 	void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
   966 	// From MMsvStoreObserver
   967 	void HandleStoreEvent(TMsvStoreEvent aEvent, TMsvId aId);
   970 	IMPORT_C TBool HasStoreL() const;
   972 	//	
   973 private: // Private members
   975     CMsvEntry(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives);
   976 	inline TUint GetDriveId(TMsvId aMaskedId) const;
   977 #endif
   978 	CMsvEntry(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering);
   980 	void ConstructL(TMsvId aMsvId);
   981 	//
   982 	void NotifyAllObserversL(MMsvEntryObserver::TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
   983 	void ContextChangedL(MMsvEntryObserver::TMsvEntryEvent aEvent);
   984 	void NewChildrenL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   985 	CMsvEntrySelection* DoGetNewChildrenL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   986 	void DeletedChildrenL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   987 	void ChildrenChangedL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   988 	void CheckNewGrandchildrenL(TMsvId aId);
   989 	void CheckDeletedGrandchildrenL(TMsvId aId);
   990 	void NotifyChildChangedL(TMsvId aId);
   991 	CMsvEntrySelection* DoMakeSelectionL(TMsvId aId);
   992 	void CheckIfContextMovedL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   993 	//
   994 	TBool IsAChild(TMsvId aId) const;
   995 	TBool AreChildren(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection) const;
   996 	//
   997 	CMsvOperation* DoDeleteL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   998 	CMsvClientEntry* DoGetEntryLC(TMsvId aId, TMsvId& aOwningService);
   999 	void DoGetChildrenL();
  1000 	CMsvEntryArray* GetNewSortedListL(const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, const CArrayFix<TUid>& aMtmList);
  1001 	void DoSortTypeL(CMsvClientEntry* aContext);
  1002 	void ReplaceChildL(TInt pos, const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
  1003 	void DeleteChild(TInt aPosition);
  1004 	void HandleMediaChangeL();
  1006 	TInt MoveOneL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
  1007 	TInt CopyOneL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
  1008 	TInt DeleteOneL(TMsvId aMsvId);
  1010 	//
  1011 private:
  1012 	enum TEntryState {	EValid,
  1013 						EInvalidChangingContext,
  1014 						EInvalidDeletedContext,
  1015 						EInvalidOldContext,
  1016 						EInvalidMissingChildren};
  1017 	//
  1018 #ifndef _NO_SESSION_LOGGING_
  1019 	void Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
  1020 #endif
  1021 	//
  1022 private:
  1023 	TBool iOberserverAdded;
  1024 	TEntryState	iState;
  1025 	CMsvSession& iMsvSession;
  1026 	TMsvSelectionOrdering iOrdering;
  1027 	const TMsvEntry* iEntryPtr;
  1028 	CArrayPtrFlat<MMsvEntryObserver>* iObservers;
  1029 	CArrayPtrFlat<CMsvClientEntry>* iEntries;
  1030 	CMsvEntryArray* iSortedChildren;
  1031 	CMsvStore* iStore;
  1032 	CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* iMtmList;
  1033 	TMsvId iOwningService;
  1034 	TUint32 iNotifySequence;
  1036 	/* If this flag is set, child entries from all available drives
  1037 	   in the preferred drive list will be fetched. */
  1038 	TBool iChildrenOfAvailableDrives;
  1039 #endif
  1040 	};
  1042 //**********************************
  1043 // MessageServer
  1044 //**********************************
  1045 //
  1046 // 
  1047 //
  1049 class MessageServer
  1050 /** Provides various static information functions relating to the Message Server.
  1052 @see TDriveNumber 
  1053 @publishedAll
  1054 @released
  1055 */
  1056 	{
  1057 public:
  1058 	IMPORT_C static TVersion Version();
  1059 	IMPORT_C static TMsvId NullUidValue();
  1060 	//
  1061 	IMPORT_C static TBool DriveContainsStore(RFs& aFs, TInt aDrive);
  1062 	IMPORT_C static TInt CurrentDriveL(RFs& aFs);
  1063 	IMPORT_C static TBool IsMessageStoreDrivePresentL(RFs& aFs);
  1065 	IMPORT_C static TBool IsMessageStoreSupported(TDriveNumber aDrive);
  1066 #endif
  1067 	};
  1069 //**********************************
  1070 // MtmClientUtils
  1071 //**********************************
  1072 //
  1073 // 
  1074 //
  1076 class McliUtils
  1077 /** Utility class to simplify getting progress information from a messaging operation object.
  1079 The functions get and unpack the progress information buffers from an operation object.
  1081 @publishedAll
  1082 @released
  1083 */
  1084     {
  1085 public:
  1086     IMPORT_C static TMsvLocalOperationProgress GetLocalProgressL(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
  1087     IMPORT_C static TMsvLocalOperationProgress GetFinalLocalProgress(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
  1088     IMPORT_C static TInt GetProgressErrorL(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
  1089     IMPORT_C static TMsvId GetProgressIdL(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
  1090 	};
  1098 /**
  1099  * The class allows  client MTMs  to communicate the  header structure 
  1100  * to the message server. It provides API to add various fields to the
  1101  * header structure. Finally it provides API to create header store in
  1102  * the messaging DB.   The store will always be created in the message
  1103  * server current drive. In order to create store in non-current drive
  1104  * the user should perform ChangeDrive() operation.
  1106  * The header store should be created immediately after creating the
  1107  * mail account. The server will create separate header store for each
  1108  * MTM type. The function does not return an error if the header store
  1109  * being created already exist.
  1111  @publishedAll
  1112  @released
  1113  */
  1114 class CMsvHeaderStore : public CBase
  1115 	{
  1116 public:
  1118 	/**
  1119 	 * Common Header Fields
  1120 	 * @publishedAll
  1121 	 * @released
  1122 	 */
  1123 	enum TCommonHeaderField
  1124 		{		
  1125 		EFrom    = 0x001,
  1126 		ETo      = 0x002,
  1127 		ECC      = 0x004,
  1128 		EBCC     = 0x008,
  1129 		ESubject = 0x010
  1130 		};
  1133 	IMPORT_C static CMsvHeaderStore* NewL(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
  1134 	IMPORT_C static CMsvHeaderStore* NewLC(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
  1135 	~CMsvHeaderStore();
  1137 	IMPORT_C void AddFieldL(HBufC* aFieldName, EFieldType aFieldType);
  1138 	IMPORT_C void AddFieldL(TCommonHeaderField aCommonHeaderFieldName);
  1139 	IMPORT_C void CreateStoreL();
  1140 	IMPORT_C static TBool DoesStoreExistsL(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
  1141 	IMPORT_C TPtrC LastErrorMessageL();
  1143 private:
  1144 	CMsvHeaderStore(TUid aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
  1145 	void ConstructL();
  1147 private:
  1149 	TUid iMtmUid;
  1150 	CMsvSession& iSessionRef;
  1151 	RPointerArray<CFieldPair> iFieldDetails;
  1152 	HBufC* iLastErrorMessage;
  1153 	};
  1156 #endif    	// #if (defined SYMBIAN_MESSAGESTORE_HEADER_BODY_USING_SQLDB)
  1157 #include <msvapi.inl>
  1159 #endif // __MSVAPI_H__