changeset 0 8e480a14352b
child 21 e5b3a2155e1a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgsrvnstore/server/inc/MSVAPI.H	Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ * @file 
+ * @publishedAll
+ * @released
+ */
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#ifndef __MSVAPI_H__
+#define __MSVAPI_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+	#endif
+	#include <flogger.h>
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <msvstore.h>
+#include <msvipc.h>
+#include <msvarray.h>
+#include <mclient.h>
+#include <tmsvsystemprogress.h>
+// Forward declarations
+class CMsvSession;
+class CMsvEntry;
+class CBaseMtm;
+class CMsvClientEntry;
+class CMsvEntryArray;
+class CMsvServer;
+class CMsvServerEntry;
+class CMsvSearchSortOperation;
+// Remove these to remove client logging
+// Single export used to start the message server
+IMPORT_C TInt StartMessageServer(TAny*);
+// Create Message Server and return a server entry owned by caller
+// This is all that is required to test server Mtm's
+IMPORT_C CServer2* CreateMessageServerL(CMsvServerEntry*& aServerEntry);
+// CMsvOperation
+// Abstract base class for operations controlling asynchronous functions
+class CMsvOperation : public CActive
+/** Defines an interface for use by objects which control asynchronous commands 
+in the messaging system. 
+Such objects are returned by CMsvEntry and User Interface MTM functions that 
+complete asynchronously. The interface allows clients to:
+1. get progress information about the operation
+2. cancel the operation
+3. be signalled asynchronously when the operation completes; a client passes 
+in a TRequestStatus of a suitable active object for this purpose
+The client only needs to understand the CMsvOperation interface, not the concrete 
+implementation used. 
+Writing derived classes:
+As the base class interface for User Interface MTMs, CBaseUiMtm, defines functions 
+that return CMsvOperation objects for control of asynchronous operations, 
+implementers of these MTM components are required to provide suitable derived 
+classes. For example, if CBaseUiMtm::EditL() is implemented to provide message 
+editing, a CMsvOperation -derived class would be provided that completes when 
+the editing operation is complete.
+Concrete derived classes must provide implementations of the pure virtual 
+DoCancel() and RunL() functions defined by CActive. DoCancel() should be provided 
+in the normal way to cancel the operation. RunL() should, in addition to any 
+other required functionality, always end by signalling the client that the 
+operation is complete with a suitable completion code. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TInt aPriority, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
+	IMPORT_C ~CMsvOperation();
+	/** Gets information on the progress of the operation. 
+	All operations on local entries share the same progress information format, 
+	which defined by TMsvLocalOperationProgress. 
+	For MTM-specific operations, progress information can be extracted by calling 
+	CBaseUiMtm::GetProgress() or displayed by CBaseUiMtm::DisplayProgressSummary() 
+	on the appropriate User Interface MTM.
+	Requirements:
+	Derived classes should implement this function so that the client can check 
+	on the progress of the operation. The function should share an understanding 
+	of the format of the buffer with the implementations of CBaseUiMtm::GetProgress() 
+	and CBaseUiMtm::DisplayProgressSummary() in the User Interface MTM. The arguments 
+	of CBaseUiMtm::GetProgress() show some information that should be included 
+	where appropriate.
+	@leave KErrNotReady The operation has not yet been started: it has been queued 
+	for execution in the Message Server 
+	@return Descriptor holding progress information. The maximum buffer size should 
+	be KMsvProgressBufferLength (defined in msvipc.h). */
+	virtual const TDesC8& ProgressL()=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
+	IMPORT_C TInt SystemProgress(TMsvSystemProgress& aOutSysProg);
+	IMPORT_C virtual TUid Mtm() const;
+	//
+	inline TMsvOp Id() const;
+	inline TMsvId Service() const;
+	//
+	IMPORT_C TInt Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny *&a0, TAny *a1);
+	/** The ID of the service that is associated with this operation. 
+	Usually, the derived class constructor will contain a suitable argument to 
+	allow the caller to set this.
+	@see Service() */
+	TMsvId iService;
+	/** The UID of the MTM associated with the operation. 
+	The appropriate value should be set by the derived class constructor.
+	@see Mtm() */
+	TUid iMtm;
+	/** Request status of the operation observer. 
+	This is the aObserverRequestStatus passed in the constructor. */
+	TRequestStatus& iObserverRequestStatus;
+	/** Message Server session used by object. This is set by the constructor. */
+	CMsvSession& iMsvSession;
+	TMsvOp iId;
+	};
+// CMsvOperationWait
+// Allows a synchronous wait on a operation
+class CMsvOperationWait: public CActive
+/** Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation
+has completed. 
+Note that CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait is simpler to use, and should be used in 
+preference to this class.
+To use the class:
+1. Create a new CMsvOperationWait object
+2. Call the messaging function that returns the asynchronous operation. 
+The operation observer parameter should be the iStatus word of the CMsvOperationWait 
+object. This means that the CMsvOperationWait object will be signalled when
+the operation completes.
+3. Call the CMsvOperationWait object's Start() function. This sets the object
+to be active.
+4. Call CActiveScheduler::Start(). This starts a nested active scheduler. The 
+program will then wait until this active scheduler is stopped. The CMsvOperationWait 
+object stops the scheduler when the operation completes, allowing the program to 
+These steps cause the program to wait until the operation completes.
+     CMsvOperationWait* waiter=CMsvOperationWait::NewLC();
+     CMsvOperation* op = function_returning_opLC(waiter->iStatus);
+     waiter->Start();
+     CActiveScheduler::Start();
+     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // op, waiter
+@see CActiveScheduler
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvOperationWait* NewLC(TInt aPriority=EPriorityStandard);
+	IMPORT_C ~CMsvOperationWait();
+	IMPORT_C void Start();
+	CMsvOperationWait(TInt aPriority);
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	};
+// CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait
+// Allows a synchronous wait on a operation using CActiveSchedulerWait class
+// This class should be used in preference to CMsvOperationWait
+// DOES NOT require an explicit call to CActiveScheduler::Start()--CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::Start()
+// effectively encapsulates this functionality
+class CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait: public CActive
+/** Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation
+has completed. 
+To use the class:
+1. Create a new CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object
+2. Call the messaging function that returns the asynchronous operation. 
+The operation observer parameter should be the iStatus word of the CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait 
+object. This means that the CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object will be signalled when
+the operation completes.
+3. Call the CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait object's Start() function. This sets the object
+to be active.
+These steps cause the program to wait until the operation completes.
+     CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* waiter=CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::NewLC();
+     CMsvOperation* op = function_returning_opLC(waiter->iStatus);
+     waiter->Start();
+     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // op, waiter
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* NewLC(TInt aPriority=EPriorityStandard);
+	IMPORT_C ~CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait();
+	IMPORT_C void Start();
+	CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait(TInt aPriority);
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	CActiveSchedulerWait iActiveSchedulerWait;
+	};
+// CMsvCompletedOperation
+// An operation which is already completed on construction
+class CMsvCompletedOperation : public CMsvOperation
+/** Utility to create a messaging operation object for an operation that has already 
+This utility is useful, for example, for writers of MTMs, where the API requires that an 
+asynchronous operation is returned, but where in reality, the operation has performed
+synchronously. It allows the program to construct an operation object for which 
+the operation is already completed, with the progress information and error code set.   
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvCompletedOperation* NewL(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TUid aMtm, const TDesC8& aProgress, TMsvId aService, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, TInt aErr=KErrNone);
+	IMPORT_C ~CMsvCompletedOperation();
+	//
+	const TDesC8& ProgressL();
+	const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
+	CMsvCompletedOperation(CMsvSession& aSession, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
+	void ConstructL(TUid aMtm, TInt aError, const TDesC8& aProgress, TMsvId aService);
+	// from CActive
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	//
+	HBufC8* iProgress;
+	};
+// CMsvSendOperation
+// A send operation which returns a standard progress (used by SendAs2)
+/** Utility to create an operation containing a sending operation which may be used
+to retrieve a standard progress structure.
+This class is intended to be derived from. The derived class must define the TranslateProgress()
+member function. This function is responsible for translating the native progress of the given
+mtm into the standard progress structure, CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationProgress.
+class CMsvSendOperation : public CMsvOperation
+	{
+	/** Send progress state.
+	@see TSendOperationProgress
+	*/
+	enum TSendOperationState
+		{
+		ESendStateInPreparation,
+		ESendStateWaitingToSend,
+		ESendStateConnecting,
+		ESendStateSending,
+		ESendStateDone,
+		ESendStateFailed
+		};
+	/** Send progress.
+	Structure holding send progress. For mtms unable to provide detailed progress 
+	information, iProgressMax and iProgress must be zeroed. This will then allow
+	the client to check for this case and display a busy status dialog as opposed to
+	a progress dialog. If the mtm is capable of detailed progress, iProgressMax 
+	should be set to the total number of units to be sent and iProgress the number
+	of units sent.
+	@see TSendOperationState
+	*/
+	class TSendOperationProgress
+		{
+	public:
+		TSendOperationState iState;
+		TInt 				iError;
+		TInt 				iProgressMax;
+		TInt 				iProgress;	
+		};
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CMsvSendOperation();
+	// methods from CMsvOperation
+	IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& ProgressL();
+	IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
+	IMPORT_C void Start(CMsvOperation* aOperation);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvSendOperation(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
+private:	// methods from CActive
+	IMPORT_C virtual void DoCancel();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void RunL();
+	/** Translates the progress from sending operation's progress into TSendOperationProgress. 
+	This member function must be defined by derived classes. Must not leave.
+	@see TSendOperationProgress 
+	@return Descriptor holding progress information.
+	*/
+	virtual const TDesC8& TranslateProgress(const TDesC8& aProgress)=0;
+	void Complete(TInt anError);
+	/** The progress that is associated with this operation. 
+	The TranslateProgress defined by derived classes must populate and return
+	this progress structure.
+	@see TranslateProgress() 
+	@see TSendOperationProgress */
+	TPckgBuf<TSendOperationProgress> iProgress;
+	/** The sending operation. 
+	Assigned when ConstructL is called
+	*/
+	CMsvOperation* iOperation;
+	};
+/** Package buffer for a TSendOperationProgress
+typedef TPckgBuf<CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationProgress> TMsvSendOperationProgress;
+// MMsvSessionObserver
+class MMsvSessionObserver
+/** Provides the interface for notification of events from a Message Server session. 
+The types of event are given in the enumeration TMsvSessionEvent. Clients 
+must provide an object that implements the interface, and set it to be notified 
+through CMsvSession::OpenSyncL() or CMsvSession::OpenASyncL(). Additional 
+observers can also be added and removed through CMsvSession.
+@see CMsvSession::AddObserverL()
+@see CMsvSession::RemoveObserver() 
+	{
+	/** Session event type.
+	@see EMsvMediaUnavailable
+	@see TDriveNumber 
+	*/
+	enum TMsvSessionEvent 
+							{ 
+	/** One or more entries have been created.
+	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection of the new entries. aArg2 is the TMsvId of the 
+	parent entry. */
+							EMsvEntriesCreated,
+	/** One or more index entries have been changed. 
+	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection of the index entries. aArg2 is the TMsvId of 
+	the parent entry. */
+							EMsvEntriesChanged,
+	/** One or more entries have been deleted.
+	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection containing the IDs of the deleted entries. aArg2 
+	is the TMsvId of the parent entry. */
+							EMsvEntriesDeleted,
+	/** One or more entries have been moved.
+	aArg1 is a CMsvEntrySelection containing the IDs of the moved entries. aArg2 
+	is the TMsvId of the new parent. aArg3 is the TMsvId of the old parent entry. */
+							EMsvEntriesMoved,
+	/** A new MTM has been installed. 
+	aArg2 points to a TUid for the new MTM. */
+							EMsvMtmGroupInstalled,
+	/** A MTM has been uninstalled. 
+	aArg2 points to a TUid of the removed MTM. */
+							EMsvMtmGroupDeInstalled,
+	/** Something has happening in the server, but this client was unable to retrieve 
+	the information.
+	aArg1 points to the error code. */
+							EMsvGeneralError,
+	/** The client should immediately close the session with the Message Server. */
+							EMsvCloseSession,
+	/** Received after a client has used CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL() to create a session. 
+	The session can now be used. */
+							EMsvServerReady,
+	/** Received after a client has used CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL() to create a session. 
+	The server could not be started, and aArg1 points to the error code. */
+							EMsvServerFailedToStart,
+	/** The Message Server index had been corrupted and had to be rebuilt. 
+	All local entries are recovered, but all remote entries have been lost. */
+							EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilt,
+	/** The Message Server has been terminated. 
+	All clients must close their sessions immediately. */
+							EMsvServerTerminated,
+	/** This notification is sent whenever Message Server current drive is changed.
+	Upon receiving this event, the client should delete the current context of operations 
+	and refresh its view of messaging.
+	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive used by the Message 
+	Server to hold the index prior to the change. 
+	aArg2 is also a TDriveNumber value; it identifies the new drive that the Message 
+	Server is using.
+	CMsvEntry contexts either refresh themselves or mark themselves invalid.
+	@see EMsvMediaUnavailable
+	@see TDriveNumber */
+							EMsvMediaChanged, // I assume the following four are in sequential order
+	/** The media (disk) containing the Message Server index has been removed. 
+	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive that is no longer 
+	available.
+	Future requests may fail with KMsvMediaUnavailable. A EMsvMediaChanged event 
+	may be received in the future, as the Message Server switches back to the 
+	internal drive. */
+							EMsvMediaUnavailable,
+	/** The disk containing the Message Store is available again.
+	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive that is being used.
+	The Message Server can now operate as normal. No client action is necessary. */
+							EMsvMediaAvailable,
+	/** An incorrect disk is inserted. 
+	aArg1 is a TDriveNumber value that identifies the drive in which the incorrect 
+	disk has been inserted.
+	Some requests may fail with KMsvMediaIncorrect. Clients may get an EMsvMediaChanged 
+	event in the future telling them that the Message Server has switched back 
+	to the internal drive. */
+							EMsvMediaIncorrect,
+	/** The Message Server has started to rebuild its index after it has been corrupted.
+	@see EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilt */
+							EMsvCorruptedIndexRebuilding
+	/** A media with pre-SQLite message store index has been inserted into a drive in the
+	priority drive list. */
+							,EMsvMessageStoreNotSupported,
+	/** A media with corrupt message store has been inserted into a drive in the priority
+	drive list and will be deleted. */
+							EMsvMessageStoreCorrupt,
+	/** The client needs to refresh its view of messaging either due to a drive with a 
+	valid message store being added or removed from the priority drive list, or a disk with
+	a valid message store being inserted or removed from a drive with priority less than
+	the current drive. */
+							EMsvRefreshMessageView,
+	/** Media is not available in the drive that has been added to the priority drive list. */
+							EMsvDiskNotAvailable,
+	/** A media insertion/removal event is received by server which it is unable to handle. */
+							EMsvUnableToProcessDiskNotification
+							};
+	/** Indicates an event has occurred. 
+	The type of event is indicated by the value of aEvent. The interpretation 
+	of the TAny arguments depends on this type. 
+	For most event types, the action that is taken, for example, updating the 
+	display, is client-specific. All clients though should respond to EMsvCloseSession 
+	and EMsvServerTerminated events. 
+	@param aEvent Indicates the event type. 
+	@param aArg1 Event type-specific argument value 
+	@param aArg2 Event type-specific argument value 
+	@param aArg3 Event type-specific argument value */
+	virtual void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3)=0;
+	};
+// CMsvSession
+class TCapabilitySet;
+const TInt KMsvSessionObserverGranularity=4;  //???
+class CMsvSession: public CActive
+/** Represents a channel of communication between a client thread (Client-side 
+MTM, User Interface MTM, or message client application) and the Message Server 
+The class provides the means by which clients are notified when important 
+Message Server events occur.
+Note the following significant groups of functions:
+Creation functions: a message client application must use OpenSyncL() or OpenASyncL() 
+to create a session object, before it can instantiate any MTM or CMsvEntry 
+object. Only a single session should be created within a thread. As Client-side 
+MTM, User Interface MTM, and CMsvEntry objects are created in the client thread, 
+these use the client session, and do not create their own. Note that to close 
+a session, delete all objects relying on that session, and then the session 
+object itself.
+Cleanup functions: CMsvSession provides the ability to handle the cleanup 
+of entries in the event of a leave occurring, in a very similar manner to 
+the standard cleanup stack. The difference is that, on a leave, any entries 
+that are on the entry cleanup stack are removed from the Message Server. The 
+implementation uses the standard cleanup stack, so entry push and pop functions 
+should be used in the same order as all other types of push and pop. The functions 
+can be used both by MTM implementations and message client applications. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenSyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsyncL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvSession* OpenAsObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);	
+	~CMsvSession();
+	// --- Observer functions ---
+	IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetReceiveEntryEvents(TBool aReceive);
+	// --- Utility functions ---
+    IMPORT_C CMsvEntry* GetEntryL(TMsvId aEntId, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvEntry* GetEntryL(TMsvId aEntId);
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetEntry(TMsvId aId, TMsvId& aService, TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* TransferCommandL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC8& aParameter, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void TransferCommandL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TInt aCommandId, const TDesC8& aParameter, TDes8& aProgress);
+	IMPORT_C void IncPcSyncCountL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	IMPORT_C void DecPcSyncCountL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	IMPORT_C void GetChildIdsL(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	IMPORT_C void ChangeAttributesL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* ChangeDriveL(TInt aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C TInt OutstandingOperationsL();
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CopyStoreL(const TDriveUnit& aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* DeleteStoreL(const TDriveUnit& aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	// --- cleanup functions
+	IMPORT_C static void CleanupEntry(TAny* aPtr);
+	IMPORT_C void CleanupEntryPushL(TMsvId aId);
+	IMPORT_C void CleanupEntryPop(TInt aCount=1);
+	IMPORT_C void RemoveEntry(TMsvId aId);
+	// MTM functions
+	IMPORT_C TInt InstallMtmGroup(const TDesC& aFullName);
+	IMPORT_C TInt DeInstallMtmGroup(const TDesC& aFullName); 
+	IMPORT_C TInt StopService(TMsvId aServiceId);
+	IMPORT_C TBool ServiceActive(TMsvId aServiceId);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ServiceProgress(TMsvId aServiceId, TDes8& aProgress);
+	IMPORT_C void CloseMessageServer();
+	IMPORT_C RFs& FileSession();
+	IMPORT_C void GetMtmRequiredCapabilitiesL(TUid aMtmTypeUid, TCapabilitySet& aCapSet) const;
+	MMsvStoreManager& StoreManager();
+	IMPORT_C TBool GetAndClearIndexCorruptFlagL();
+	IMPORT_C TDriveUnit CurrentDriveL();
+	IMPORT_C TBool DriveContainsStoreL(TDriveUnit aDrive);
+	IMPORT_C TBool MessageStoreDrivePresentL();
+	IMPORT_C TInt ServiceAccessPointId(TMsvId aServiceId, TUint32& aAccessPointId);
+	// Changed for PREQ 557.
+	// ---- Preferred list related APIs.
+	IMPORT_C void CurrentDriveInfoL(TDriveNumber& aDriveNumber, TUint& aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C void DriveListL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDriveList);
+	IMPORT_C void AvailableDriveListL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDriveList);
+	IMPORT_C void AddDriveL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint& aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C void RemoveDriveL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber);
+	IMPORT_C void UpdateDrivePriorityL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint& aPriority);		
+	IMPORT_C void GetChildIdsAllL(TMsvId aId, const CMsvEntryFilter& aFilter, CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	IMPORT_C void ResetRepositoryL();
+	IMPORT_C void PrintCache();
+    // change for PREQ 2073 Converter
+	IMPORT_C void GetConvertibleDriveListL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDriveList);
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertMessageStore(TDriveNumber aDrive,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void GetConversionStatusL(TDriveNumber aDrive);
+	IMPORT_C TInt CancelConversion(TDriveNumber aDrive);
+	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver);
+	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs);
+	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, TInt aPriority);
+	CMsvSession(MMsvSessionObserver& aObserver, RFs& aFs, TInt aPriority);
+	void ConstructL(TBool aSyncOpening);
+	void ConstructAsObserverL();
+	//
+	IMPORT_C TInt OperationId();
+	IMPORT_C RMsvServerSession& Session();
+	void CheckDrive();
+	//
+	// from CActive
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	//
+	void NotifyAllObserversL(MMsvSessionObserver::TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
+	void CleanupEntryDelete();
+  	void DoRunL(TMsvNotifBuffer& aBuffer);
+ 	void HandleNotifyL();
+ 	void DoHandleNotifyL(TMsvNotifBuffer& aBuffer);
+	void GetMessageFolderL();
+	//	
+	TInt iOperationId;
+	RFs	iFs;
+	RMsvServerSession* iSession;
+	TInt dummy1;
+	TInt dummy2;
+	TInt dummy3;
+	TMsvNotifBuffer iChange;	
+	MMsvSessionObserver&	iMainObserver;
+	CArrayPtrFlat<MMsvSessionObserver>* iObservers;
+	CMsvEntrySelection* iCleanupList;
+	TInt iSyncStart;
+	HBufC* iMessageFolder;
+	TDriveNumber iDrive;
+	CMsvEntrySelection* iNotifSelection;
+	TPckgBuf<TUint32> iSequenceBuf;
+	TUint32 iNotifySequence;
+	TBool iReceiveEntryEvents;
+	/** Specifies whether to use the shared file server session */	
+	TBool iUseSharedFs;
+	//
+	void CreateSessionLogL();
+	void Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
+	// must be the last data member in the class to preserve BC.
+	mutable RFileLogger iLog;
+	//
+friend class CSendAs;
+friend class CMsvEntry;
+friend class CMsvOperation;
+friend class CMsvEntryOperation;
+friend class CObserverRegistry;
+friend class CMsvSearchSortOperation;
+friend class CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody;
+friend class CMsvHeaderStore;
+	friend class CTestMsvSession;
+	friend class CTestHeaderEntry;
+	};
+// MMsvEntryObserver
+class MMsvEntryObserver
+/** Provides the interface for notification of events associated with an entry. 
+The types of event are given in the enumeration TMsvEntryEvent. Clients can 
+provide an object that implements the interface, and set it to be notified 
+through CMsvEntry::AddObserverL(). 
+	{
+	/** Defines entry event types. 
+	enum TMsvEntryEvent 
+							{	
+	/** The entry has been changed, either as a result of a CMsvEntry::ChangeL() or 
+	by another client. */
+							EMsvEntryChanged,
+	/** New children have been created. aArg1 points to a CMsvEntrySelection contain 
+	the ID of the new children. */
+							EMsvNewChildren,
+	/** Children have been deleted. aArg1 points to a CMsvEntrySelection contain the 
+	ID of the deleted children. */
+							EMsvDeletedChildren,
+	/** One or more of the children have been changed. aArg1 points to a CMsvEntrySelection 
+	containing the IDs of the changed children. */
+							EMsvChildrenChanged,
+	/** The entry has been deleted by another client. The context is now invalid. */
+							EMsvEntryDeleted,
+	/** The context has become invalid. The entry has been changed, but the CMsvEntry 
+	was unable to update the context. The context will only become valid by a 
+	successful CMsvEntry::SetEntryL() call. aArg1 points to a TInt containing 
+	the error code for the invalid context. */
+							EMsvContextInvalid,
+	/** Some new children have been created, but CMsvEntry was unable to retrieve the 
+	data from the Message Server. The children will be correct only after a successful 
+	call to CMsvEntry::SetEntryL(). */
+							EMsvChildrenMissing,
+	/** An error has occurred such that the status of the children is unknown and probably 
+	invalid. aArg1 points to a TInt containing the error code for the invalid 
+	context */
+							EMsvChildrenInvalid,
+	/** The current entry has been moved by another client. The CMsvEntry has already 
+	been updated to reflect the new parent. */
+							EMsvEntryMoved};
+	/** Indicates when called by a CMsvEntry object that an event has occurred.
+	The type of event is indicated by the value of aEvent. The interpretation of the aArg1-3 values depends on this type. 
+	For most event types, the action that is taken, for example, updating the display, is client-specific. Most clients will 
+	need to handle events that make the current context invalid: EMsvContextInvalid and EMsvEntryDeleted.
+	An implementation can leave if an error occurs. The leave is not trapped by the framework, so 
+	the error code may be displayed to the user.
+	@param aEvent Indicates the event type.
+	@param aArg1 Event-specific argument value
+	@param aArg2 Event-specific argument value
+	@param aArg3 Event-specific argument value
+	*/
+	virtual void HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3)=0;
+	};
+// CMsvEntry
+class CMsvEntry: public CBase, public MMsvSessionObserver, public MMsvStoreObserver
+/** Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry. The current entry 
+that a CMsvEntry object relates is referred to as its context. 
+It may be helpful to consider CMsvEntry functions in two broad groups. The 
+first provides means to access the various types of storage associated with 
+an entry. The second provides a means to discover and access other entries 
+that the entry owns (its children). 
+Message client applications, Client-side MTMs, and User Interface MTMs all 
+commonly use CMsvEntry objects. CMsvEntry objects though represent a lower 
+level of access to an entry than that provided by a Client-side MTM or User 
+Interface MTM. In particular, any MTM-specific functionality, such as address 
+lists or subject fields, must be accessed by a message client application 
+through an MTM inteface.
+A CMsvEntry object is relatively expensive in RAM usage, as it caches its 
+children, updating them as necessary when notified of changes. They should 
+therefore be created sparingly.
+Note that Server-side MTMs do not use this class, but a similar one, CMsvServerEntry.
+	{
+public: // Public member functions
+    IMPORT_C static CMsvEntry* NewL(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMsvId, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives);
+    IMPORT_C void SetStandardFolderEntryL(TMsvId aId);
+    IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenOfAvailableDrivesL() const;
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvEntry* NewL(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMsvId, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering);
+	IMPORT_C void SetEntryNoCheckL(TMsvId aId, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives=EFalse);
+	IMPORT_C void SetEntryNoCheckL(TMsvId aId);
+	IMPORT_C ~CMsvEntry();
+	//
+	// --- Observer functions ---
+	IMPORT_C void AddObserverL(MMsvEntryObserver& aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C void RemoveObserver(MMsvEntryObserver& aObserver);
+	//
+	// --- Accessor for associated session ---
+	inline CMsvSession& Session(); 
+	//
+	// --- Accessors the associated message store ---
+	IMPORT_C CMsvStore* ReadStoreL();
+	IMPORT_C CMsvStore* EditStoreL();
+	//
+	// --- Synchronous Current Entry functions ---
+	inline TMsvId EntryId() const; 
+	inline const TMsvEntry& Entry() const; 
+	inline const TMsvSelectionOrdering& SortType() const;
+	inline TMsvId OwningService() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetSortTypeL(const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering);
+	IMPORT_C void SetMtmListL(const CArrayFix<TUid>& aMtmList);
+	IMPORT_C void SetEntryL(TMsvId aId);
+	IMPORT_C void ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	IMPORT_C void ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	//
+	// --- Asynchronous Current Entry functions ---
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* ChangeL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	//
+	// --- Asynchronous Child Entry functions ---
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CreateL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CreateL(const TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* DeleteL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* DeleteL(TMsvId aMsvId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CopyL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* CopyL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* MoveL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* MoveL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	//
+	// --- Synchronous Child Entry functions ---
+	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenL() const;
+	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithServiceL(TMsvId aServiceId) const;
+	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithMtmL(TUid aMtm) const;
+	IMPORT_C CMsvEntrySelection* ChildrenWithTypeL(TUid aType) const;
+	inline TInt Count() const;
+	IMPORT_C const TMsvEntry& ChildDataL(TMsvId aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C const TMsvEntry& operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
+	IMPORT_C CMsvEntry* ChildEntryL(TMsvId aId) const;
+	IMPORT_C void MoveL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
+	IMPORT_C void MoveL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TMsvLocalOperationProgress& aProgress);
+	IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvId aTargetId, TMsvLocalOperationProgress& aProgress);
+	IMPORT_C void CopyL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
+	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TMsvEntry& aEntry, TSecureId aOwnerId);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TMsvId aId);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TMsvLocalOperationProgress& aProgress);
+	IMPORT_C void ChangeAttributesL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TUint aSetAttributes, TUint aClearAttributes);
+	//
+	// from MMsvSessionObserver
+	void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
+	// From MMsvStoreObserver
+	void HandleStoreEvent(TMsvStoreEvent aEvent, TMsvId aId);
+	IMPORT_C TBool HasStoreL() const;
+	//	
+private: // Private members
+    CMsvEntry(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, TBool aChildrenOfAvailableDrives);
+	inline TUint GetDriveId(TMsvId aMaskedId) const;
+	CMsvEntry(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering);
+	void ConstructL(TMsvId aMsvId);
+	//
+	void NotifyAllObserversL(MMsvEntryObserver::TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
+	void ContextChangedL(MMsvEntryObserver::TMsvEntryEvent aEvent);
+	void NewChildrenL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	CMsvEntrySelection* DoGetNewChildrenL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	void DeletedChildrenL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	void ChildrenChangedL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	void CheckNewGrandchildrenL(TMsvId aId);
+	void CheckDeletedGrandchildrenL(TMsvId aId);
+	void NotifyChildChangedL(TMsvId aId);
+	CMsvEntrySelection* DoMakeSelectionL(TMsvId aId);
+	void CheckIfContextMovedL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	//
+	TBool IsAChild(TMsvId aId) const;
+	TBool AreChildren(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection) const;
+	//
+	CMsvOperation* DoDeleteL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	CMsvClientEntry* DoGetEntryLC(TMsvId aId, TMsvId& aOwningService);
+	void DoGetChildrenL();
+	CMsvEntryArray* GetNewSortedListL(const TMsvSelectionOrdering& aOrdering, const CArrayFix<TUid>& aMtmList);
+	void DoSortTypeL(CMsvClientEntry* aContext);
+	void ReplaceChildL(TInt pos, const TMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	void DeleteChild(TInt aPosition);
+	void HandleMediaChangeL();
+	TInt MoveOneL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
+	TInt CopyOneL(TMsvId aMsvId, TMsvId aTargetId);
+	TInt DeleteOneL(TMsvId aMsvId);
+	//
+	enum TEntryState {	EValid,
+						EInvalidChangingContext,
+						EInvalidDeletedContext,
+						EInvalidOldContext,
+						EInvalidMissingChildren};
+	//
+	void Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
+	//
+	TBool iOberserverAdded;
+	TEntryState	iState;
+	CMsvSession& iMsvSession;
+	TMsvSelectionOrdering iOrdering;
+	const TMsvEntry* iEntryPtr;
+	CArrayPtrFlat<MMsvEntryObserver>* iObservers;
+	CArrayPtrFlat<CMsvClientEntry>* iEntries;
+	CMsvEntryArray* iSortedChildren;
+	CMsvStore* iStore;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* iMtmList;
+	TMsvId iOwningService;
+	TUint32 iNotifySequence;
+	/* If this flag is set, child entries from all available drives
+	   in the preferred drive list will be fetched. */
+	TBool iChildrenOfAvailableDrives;
+	};
+// MessageServer
+class MessageServer
+/** Provides various static information functions relating to the Message Server.
+@see TDriveNumber 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static TVersion Version();
+	IMPORT_C static TMsvId NullUidValue();
+	//
+	IMPORT_C static TBool DriveContainsStore(RFs& aFs, TInt aDrive);
+	IMPORT_C static TInt CurrentDriveL(RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C static TBool IsMessageStoreDrivePresentL(RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C static TBool IsMessageStoreSupported(TDriveNumber aDrive);
+	};
+// MtmClientUtils
+class McliUtils
+/** Utility class to simplify getting progress information from a messaging operation object.
+The functions get and unpack the progress information buffers from an operation object.
+    {
+    IMPORT_C static TMsvLocalOperationProgress GetLocalProgressL(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
+    IMPORT_C static TMsvLocalOperationProgress GetFinalLocalProgress(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
+    IMPORT_C static TInt GetProgressErrorL(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
+    IMPORT_C static TMsvId GetProgressIdL(CMsvOperation& aOperation);
+	};
+ * The class allows  client MTMs  to communicate the  header structure 
+ * to the message server. It provides API to add various fields to the
+ * header structure. Finally it provides API to create header store in
+ * the messaging DB.   The store will always be created in the message
+ * server current drive. In order to create store in non-current drive
+ * the user should perform ChangeDrive() operation.
+ * The header store should be created immediately after creating the
+ * mail account. The server will create separate header store for each
+ * MTM type. The function does not return an error if the header store
+ * being created already exist.
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+ */
+class CMsvHeaderStore : public CBase
+	{
+	/**
+	 * Common Header Fields
+	 * @publishedAll
+	 * @released
+	 */
+	enum TCommonHeaderField
+		{		
+		EFrom    = 0x001,
+		ETo      = 0x002,
+		ECC      = 0x004,
+		EBCC     = 0x008,
+		ESubject = 0x010
+		};
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvHeaderStore* NewL(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
+	IMPORT_C static CMsvHeaderStore* NewLC(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
+	~CMsvHeaderStore();
+	IMPORT_C void AddFieldL(HBufC* aFieldName, EFieldType aFieldType);
+	IMPORT_C void AddFieldL(TCommonHeaderField aCommonHeaderFieldName);
+	IMPORT_C void CreateStoreL();
+	IMPORT_C static TBool DoesStoreExistsL(const TUid& aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC LastErrorMessageL();
+	CMsvHeaderStore(TUid aMtmId, CMsvSession& aSession);
+	void ConstructL();
+	TUid iMtmUid;
+	CMsvSession& iSessionRef;
+	RPointerArray<CFieldPair> iFieldDetails;
+	HBufC* iLastErrorMessage;
+	};
+#include <msvapi.inl>
+#endif // __MSVAPI_H__