changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the examples of the Qt Toolkit.
     8 **
    10 ** No Commercial Usage
    11 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    12 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    13 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    14 ** this package.
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    16 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    17 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    18 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    19 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    20 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    21 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    22 ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
    23 **
    24 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    25 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    26 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
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    28 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    29 ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
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    38 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    39 **
    40 ****************************************************************************/
    42 #include <QGLWidget>
    43 #include <QMatrix4x4>
    44 #include <QVector3D>
    46 #include <qmath.h>
    48 #include "qtlogo.h"
    50 static const qreal tee_height = 0.311126;
    51 static const qreal cross_width = 0.25;
    52 static const qreal bar_thickness = 0.113137;
    53 static const qreal inside_diam = 0.20;
    54 static const qreal outside_diam = 0.30;
    55 static const qreal logo_depth = 0.10;
    56 static const int num_divisions = 32;
    58 //! [0]
    59 struct Geometry
    60 {
    61     QVector<GLushort> faces;
    62     QVector<QVector3D> vertices;
    63     QVector<QVector3D> normals;
    64     void appendSmooth(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &n, int from);
    65     void appendFaceted(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &n);
    66     void finalize();
    67     void loadArrays() const;
    68 };
    69 //! [0]
    71 //! [1]
    72 class Patch
    73 {
    74 public:
    75     enum Smoothing { Faceted, Smooth };
    76     Patch(Geometry *);
    77     void setSmoothing(Smoothing s) { sm = s; }
    78     void translate(const QVector3D &t);
    79     void rotate(qreal deg, QVector3D axis);
    80     void draw() const;
    81     void addTri(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &b, const QVector3D &c, const QVector3D &n);
    82     void addQuad(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &b,  const QVector3D &c, const QVector3D &d);
    84     GLushort start;
    85     GLushort count;
    86     GLushort initv;
    88     GLfloat faceColor[4];
    89     QMatrix4x4 mat;
    90     Smoothing sm;
    91     Geometry *geom;
    92 };
    93 //! [1]
    95 static inline void qSetColor(float colorVec[], QColor c)
    96 {
    97     colorVec[0] = c.redF();
    98     colorVec[1] = c.greenF();
    99     colorVec[2] = c.blueF();
   100     colorVec[3] = c.alphaF();
   101 }
   103 void Geometry::loadArrays() const
   104 {
   105     glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices.constData());
   106     glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, normals.constData());
   107 }
   109 void Geometry::finalize()
   110 {
   111     // TODO: add vertex buffer uploading here
   113     // Finish smoothing normals by ensuring accumulated normals are returned
   114     // to length 1.0.
   115     for (int i = 0; i < normals.count(); ++i)
   116         normals[i].normalize();
   117 }
   119 void Geometry::appendSmooth(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &n, int from)
   120 {
   121     // Smooth normals are acheived by averaging the normals for faces meeting
   122     // at a point.  First find the point in geometry already generated
   123     // (working backwards, since most often the points shared are between faces
   124     // recently added).
   125     int v = vertices.count() - 1;
   126     for ( ; v >= from; --v)
   127         if (qFuzzyCompare(vertices[v], a))
   128             break;
   129     if (v < from)
   130     {
   131         // The vert was not found so add it as a new one, and initialize
   132         // its corresponding normal
   133         v = vertices.count();
   134         vertices.append(a);
   135         normals.append(n);
   136     }
   137     else
   138     {
   139         // Vert found, accumulate normals into corresponding normal slot.
   140         // Must call finalize once finished accumulating normals
   141         normals[v] += n;
   142     }
   143     // In both cases (found or not) reference the vert via its index
   144     faces.append(v);
   145 }
   147 void Geometry::appendFaceted(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &n)
   148 {
   149     // Faceted normals are achieved by duplicating the vert for every
   150     // normal, so that faces meeting at a vert get a sharp edge.
   151     int v = vertices.count();
   152     vertices.append(a);
   153     normals.append(n);
   154     faces.append(v);
   155 }
   157 Patch::Patch(Geometry *g)
   158    : start(g->faces.count())
   159    , count(0)
   160    , initv(g->vertices.count())
   161    , sm(Patch::Smooth)
   162    , geom(g)
   163 {
   164     qSetColor(faceColor, QColor(Qt::darkGray));
   165 }
   167 void Patch::rotate(qreal deg, QVector3D axis)
   168 {
   169     mat.rotate(deg, axis);
   170 }
   172 void Patch::translate(const QVector3D &t)
   173 {
   174     mat.translate(t);
   175 }
   177 static inline void qMultMatrix(const QMatrix4x4 &mat)
   178 {
   179     if (sizeof(qreal) == sizeof(GLfloat))
   180         glMultMatrixf((GLfloat*)mat.constData());
   181 #ifndef QT_OPENGL_ES
   182     else if (sizeof(qreal) == sizeof(GLdouble))
   183         glMultMatrixd((GLdouble*)mat.constData());
   184 #endif
   185     else
   186     {
   187         GLfloat fmat[16];
   188         qreal const *r = mat.constData();
   189         for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
   190             fmat[i] = r[i];
   191         glMultMatrixf(fmat);
   192     }
   193 }
   195 //! [2]
   196 void Patch::draw() const
   197 {
   198     glPushMatrix();
   199     qMultMatrix(mat);
   200     glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, faceColor);
   202     const GLushort *indices = geom->faces.constData();
   203     glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices + start);
   204     glPopMatrix();
   205 }
   206 //! [2]
   208 void Patch::addTri(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &b, const QVector3D &c, const QVector3D &n)
   209 {
   210     QVector3D norm = n.isNull() ? QVector3D::normal(a, b, c) : n;
   211     if (sm == Smooth)
   212     {
   213         geom->appendSmooth(a, norm, initv);
   214         geom->appendSmooth(b, norm, initv);
   215         geom->appendSmooth(c, norm, initv);
   216     }
   217     else
   218     {
   219         geom->appendFaceted(a, norm);
   220         geom->appendFaceted(b, norm);
   221         geom->appendFaceted(c, norm);
   222     }
   223     count += 3;
   224 }
   226 void Patch::addQuad(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &b,  const QVector3D &c, const QVector3D &d)
   227 {
   228     QVector3D norm = QVector3D::normal(a, b, c);
   229     if (sm == Smooth)
   230     {
   231         addTri(a, b, c, norm);
   232         addTri(a, c, d, norm);
   233     }
   234     else
   235     {
   236         // If faceted share the two common verts
   237         addTri(a, b, c, norm);
   238         int k = geom->vertices.count();
   239         geom->appendSmooth(a, norm, k);
   240         geom->appendSmooth(c, norm, k);
   241         geom->appendFaceted(d, norm);
   242         count += 3;
   243     }
   244 }
   246 static inline QVector<QVector3D> extrude(const QVector<QVector3D> &verts, qreal depth)
   247 {
   248     QVector<QVector3D> extr = verts;
   249     for (int v = 0; v < extr.count(); ++v)
   250         extr[v].setZ(extr[v].z() - depth);
   251     return extr;
   252 }
   254 class Rectoid
   255 {
   256 public:
   257     void translate(const QVector3D &t)
   258     {
   259         for (int i = 0; i < parts.count(); ++i)
   260             parts[i]->translate(t);
   261     }
   262     void rotate(qreal deg, QVector3D axis)
   263     {
   264         for (int i = 0; i < parts.count(); ++i)
   265             parts[i]->rotate(deg, axis);
   266     }
   268     // No special Rectoid destructor - the parts are fetched out of this member
   269     // variable, and destroyed by the new owner
   270     QList<Patch*> parts;
   271 };
   273 class RectPrism : public Rectoid
   274 {
   275 public:
   276     RectPrism(Geometry *g, qreal width, qreal height, qreal depth);
   277 };
   279 RectPrism::RectPrism(Geometry *g, qreal width, qreal height, qreal depth)
   280 {
   281     enum { bl, br, tr, tl };
   282     Patch *fb = new Patch(g);
   283     fb->setSmoothing(Patch::Faceted);
   285     // front face
   286     QVector<QVector3D> r(4);
   287     r[br].setX(width);
   288     r[tr].setX(width);
   289     r[tr].setY(height);
   290     r[tl].setY(height);
   291     QVector3D adjToCenter(-width / 2.0, -height / 2.0, depth / 2.0);
   292     for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
   293         r[i] += adjToCenter;
   294     fb->addQuad(r[bl], r[br], r[tr], r[tl]);
   296     // back face
   297     QVector<QVector3D> s = extrude(r, depth);
   298     fb->addQuad(s[tl], s[tr], s[br], s[bl]);
   300     // side faces
   301     Patch *sides = new Patch(g);
   302     sides->setSmoothing(Patch::Faceted);
   303     sides->addQuad(s[bl], s[br], r[br], r[bl]);
   304     sides->addQuad(s[br], s[tr], r[tr], r[br]);
   305     sides->addQuad(s[tr], s[tl], r[tl], r[tr]);
   306     sides->addQuad(s[tl], s[bl], r[bl], r[tl]);
   308     parts << fb << sides;
   309 }
   311 class RectTorus : public Rectoid
   312 {
   313 public:
   314     RectTorus(Geometry *g, qreal iRad, qreal oRad, qreal depth, int numSectors);
   315 };
   317 RectTorus::RectTorus(Geometry *g, qreal iRad, qreal oRad, qreal depth, int k)
   318 {
   319     QVector<QVector3D> inside;
   320     QVector<QVector3D> outside;
   321     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
   322         qreal angle = (i * 2 * M_PI) / k;
   323         inside << QVector3D(iRad * qSin(angle), iRad * qCos(angle), depth / 2.0);
   324         outside << QVector3D(oRad * qSin(angle), oRad * qCos(angle), depth / 2.0);
   325     }
   326     inside << QVector3D(0.0, iRad, 0.0);
   327     outside << QVector3D(0.0, oRad, 0.0);
   328     QVector<QVector3D> in_back = extrude(inside, depth);
   329     QVector<QVector3D> out_back = extrude(outside, depth);
   331     // Create front, back and sides as seperate patches so that smooth normals
   332     // are generated for the curving sides, but a faceted edge is created between
   333     // sides and front/back
   334     Patch *front = new Patch(g);
   335     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
   336         front->addQuad(outside[i], inside[i],
   337                        inside[(i + 1) % k], outside[(i + 1) % k]);
   338     Patch *back = new Patch(g);
   339     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
   340         back->addQuad(in_back[i], out_back[i],
   341                       out_back[(i + 1) % k], in_back[(i + 1) % k]);
   342     Patch *is = new Patch(g);
   343     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
   344         is->addQuad(in_back[i], in_back[(i + 1) % k],
   345                     inside[(i + 1) % k], inside[i]);
   346     Patch *os = new Patch(g);
   347     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
   348         os->addQuad(out_back[(i + 1) % k], out_back[i],
   349                     outside[i], outside[(i + 1) % k]);
   350     parts << front << back << is << os;
   351 }
   353 QtLogo::QtLogo(QObject *parent, int divisions, qreal scale)
   354     : QObject(parent)
   355     , geom(new Geometry())
   356 {
   357     buildGeometry(divisions, scale);
   358 }
   360 QtLogo::~QtLogo()
   361 {
   362     qDeleteAll(parts);
   363     delete geom;
   364 }
   366 void QtLogo::setColor(QColor c)
   367 {
   368     for (int i = 0; i < parts.count(); ++i)
   369         qSetColor(parts[i]->faceColor, c);
   370 }
   372 //! [3]
   373 void QtLogo::buildGeometry(int divisions, qreal scale)
   374 {
   375     qreal cw = cross_width * scale;
   376     qreal bt = bar_thickness * scale;
   377     qreal ld = logo_depth * scale;
   378     qreal th = tee_height *scale;
   380     RectPrism cross(geom, cw, bt, ld);
   381     RectPrism stem(geom, bt, th, ld);
   383     QVector3D z(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
   384     cross.rotate(45.0, z);
   385     stem.rotate(45.0, z);
   387     qreal stem_downshift = (th + bt) / 2.0;
   388     stem.translate(QVector3D(0.0, -stem_downshift, 0.0));
   390     RectTorus body(geom, 0.20, 0.30, 0.1, divisions);
   392     parts << stem.parts << cross.parts << body.parts;
   394     geom->finalize();
   395 }
   396 //! [3]
   398 //! [4]
   399 void QtLogo::draw() const
   400 {
   401     geom->loadArrays();
   403     glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
   404     glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
   406     for (int i = 0; i < parts.count(); ++i)
   407         parts[i]->draw();
   409     glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
   410     glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
   411 }
   412 //! [4]