--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/common/blogger.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "blogger.h"
+#ifndef BLOGGING__
+EXPORT_C TAny* CBlogger::GetFloggerInfo()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef BLOGGING__
+#include "rfcommmuxer.h"
+#include "rfcommframe.h"
+ {
+ delete ifilename;
+ ifile.Close ();
+ ifileserv.Close ();
+ }
+CBlogger::CBlogger() :
+ iOutputWindowSize(KBlogOutputWindowDefault),
+ iVerbosityLevel(KBlogVerbosityAllLevels),
+ iLayersToLogMask(KBlogAllLayers),
+ iLoggingMask(KBlogTypeLogAllMask)
+ {
+ }
+CBlogger* CBlogger::NewL()
+ {
+ CBlogger* self = new (ELeave)CBlogger();
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CBlogger::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(ifileserv.Connect());
+ MakefilenameL(_L("Blog.txt"));
+ iFileExists = EFalse;
+ }
+TInt CBlogger::LoggingMask(TInt aLayer, TInt aVerbosity) const
+ {
+ if(aLayer&iLayersToLogMask)
+ {
+ if(aVerbosity<=iVerbosityLevel)
+ {
+ return iLoggingMask;
+ }
+ }
+ //else
+ return 0;
+ }
+CBloggette* CBlogger::GetLayerBloggette(TInt aLayer)
+ {
+ switch(aLayer)
+ {
+ case KBlogLayerLinkLayer :
+ {
+ return iLLBloggette;
+ }
+ case KBlogLayerL2CAP :
+ {
+ return iL2Bloggette;
+ }
+ case KBlogLayerRFComm :
+ {
+ return iRFBloggette;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ Panic(EBloggerLayerRequestedOutOfRange);
+ return NULL; //for compiler to shut up
+ }
+ };
+ }
+void CBlogger::Register(CBloggette* aLayerBloggette)
+ only one per layer please
+ {
+ TUint layer = aLayerBloggette->Layer();
+ switch(layer)
+ {
+ case KBlogLayerLinkLayer:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iLLBloggette==NULL,Panic(EBloggerLayerBloggetteAlreadyRegistered));
+ iLLBloggette=aLayerBloggette;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBlogLayerL2CAP :
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iL2Bloggette==NULL,Panic(EBloggerLayerBloggetteAlreadyRegistered));
+ iL2Bloggette=aLayerBloggette;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBlogLayerRFComm :
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRFBloggette==NULL,Panic(EBloggerLayerBloggetteAlreadyRegistered));
+ iRFBloggette=aLayerBloggette;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ Panic(EBloggerLayerRegistrationOutOfRange);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+TInt CBlogger::UpdateLoggingSettings(TUint aOptionType,const TDesC8& aOption)
+ {
+#define CHECK_OPT_IS_(type) {if (aOption.Size() != sizeof(type)) \
+ return KErrArgument;}
+ switch(aOptionType)
+ {
+ case KBloggerSetLayers:
+ {
+ iLayersToLogMask= *(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetVerbosity:
+ {
+ TInt verbosity=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
+ if((verbosity<KBlogVerbosityOff)||(verbosity>KBlogVerbosityAllLevels))
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ iVerbosityLevel= verbosity;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetLoggingMask:
+ {
+ iLoggingMask= *(TInt*)aOption.Ptr();
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetMedium:
+ {
+ TInt mediumType=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
+ if((mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsFlogger)||(mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsRDebug))
+ {//otherwise we will panic when we try to output
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ iMediumType= mediumType;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetTestCaseName:
+ {
+ TInt length=Min(KRDBMaxLit,aOption.Length());
+ iTestCaseLit.Copy(((TDesC16*)aOption.Ptr())->Left(length));
+ BlogTestCase(iTestCaseLit);
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetOutputWindow:
+ {
+ TInt windowSize=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
+ if((windowSize<1)||(windowSize>KRDBMaxLit))
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ iOutputWindowSize=windowSize;
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetTestCaseResult:
+ {
+ TInt tcResult=*(TUint*)aOption.Ptr();
+ if(tcResult>KBlogTestCaseResultUpperNo)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ BlogTestCaseResult(tcResult);
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetTesterMessage:
+ {
+ BlogTesterMessage(*(TDesC16*)aOption.Ptr());
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBloggerSetAllOptions:
+ {
+ CHECK_OPT_IS_(TBlogSettings); // we care about the data pckgd not he pckg itself
+ TBlogSettingsPckg theSettings;
+ theSettings.Copy(aOption);
+ TInt verbosity=(theSettings()).iVerbosity;
+ if((verbosity<KBlogVerbosityOff)||(verbosity>KBlogVerbosityAllLevels))
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ TInt mediumType=(theSettings()).iMediumToLog;
+ if((mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsFlogger)&&(mediumType!=KBlogOutputTypeIsRDebug))
+ {//otherwise we will panic when we try to output
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ TInt windowSize=(theSettings()).iOutputWindowSize;
+ if((windowSize<1)||(windowSize>KRDBMaxLit))
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ iLayersToLogMask =(theSettings()).iLayersToLog;
+ iVerbosityLevel =verbosity;
+ iLoggingMask =(theSettings()).iLoggingMask;
+ iMediumType =mediumType;
+ iOutputWindowSize =windowSize;
+ iTestCaseLit =(theSettings()).iTestCaseLit;
+ if (iTestCaseLit!=KNullDesC)
+ BlogTestCase(iTestCaseLit);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ };
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CBlogger::Panic(TBloggerPanic aPanic)
+ {
+ User::Panic(_L("BLogger Panic"),aPanic);
+ }
+void CBlogger::Blog(const TDesC& aMessage,TInt aFrameWindow)
+ Formats the message with a date and time preamble and blogs it.
+ But a limitation is that although it breaks the message in parts of
+ aFrameWindow size characters, it cannot accept amessage which is longer
+ than KBlogMessageMaxLitLength
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG((KBlogMessageMaxLitLength-KBlogDateTimeLitLength)>=aMessage.Length(),Panic(EBloggerMessageLengthTooLong));
+ TBuf<KBlogMessageMaxLitLength> logMessage;
+ DoDateTimeFormat(logMessage);
+ logMessage.Append(aMessage);
+ DoBlog(logMessage,aFrameWindow);
+ }
+void CBlogger::Blog(const TDesC& aMessage)
+ Formats the message with a date and time preamble and blogs it.
+ But a limitation is that it cannot accept a message which is longer
+ than KBlogMessageMaxLitLength.
+ {
+ Blog(aMessage,iOutputWindowSize);
+ }
+void CBlogger::BlogTestCase(TDesC& aTestCaseName)
+ {
+ // output a preamble indicating new test case (or a repeat of the previous one:-)
+ // include time date and a Lit for the preamble
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(KBlogTestCaseMaxLitLength>=KBlogDateTimeLitLength,Panic(EBloggerDescriptorLengthWasShorter));
+ TBuf<KBlogTestCaseMaxLitLength> testCaseString;
+ DoDateTimeFormat(testCaseString); // no need for ret val check here
+ testCaseString.Append(KBlogTestCaseLit);
+ testCaseString.Append(aTestCaseName);
+ DoBlog(testCaseString,iOutputWindowSize);
+ }
+void CBlogger::BlogTesterMessage(TDesC& aTesterMessage)
+ A Test App can output a string in the Blogger logs through this method.
+ To do this the test app should issue a SetOpt of type KBloggerSetTesterMessage
+ and pass a packaged TDesC16.
+ {
+ TBuf<KBlogTesterMessageInfoMaxLitLength> tstInfoString;
+ DoDateTimeFormat(tstInfoString);
+ tstInfoString.Append(KBlogTesterMessageInfoLit);
+ tstInfoString.Append(aTesterMessage);
+ DoBlog(tstInfoString,iOutputWindowSize);
+// DoBlog(aTesterMessage,iOutputWindowSize);
+ }
+void CBlogger::BlogTestCaseResult(TInt aTestCaseResult)
+ {
+ if(!(iTestCaseLit.Length())) //in the case the TC Lit was not setup
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TBuf<KBlogTestCaseResultMaxLitLength> tcMessage;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(KBlogTestCaseResultMaxLitLength>KBlogDateTimeLitLength,Panic(EBloggerDescriptorLengthWasShorter));
+ DoDateTimeFormat(tcMessage);
+ switch(aTestCaseResult)
+ {
+ case KBlogTestCaseResultPassed:
+ {
+ tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitPass);
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBlogTestCaseResultFailed:
+ {
+ tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitFailed);
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBlogTestCaseResultInconclusive:
+ {
+ tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitInconclusive);
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBlogTestCaseResultSkipped:
+ {
+ tcMessage.Append(KBlogTestCaseResultLitSkipped);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // check your bounds checking in the handler
+ Panic(EBloggerTestCaseResultIsBogus);
+ }
+ };
+ tcMessage.Append(iTestCaseLit);
+ DoBlog(tcMessage,iOutputWindowSize);
+ }
+void CBlogger::DoBlog(const TDesC& aMessage,TInt aFrameWindow)
+ {
+ TInt msgLength=aMessage.Length();
+ if(!msgLength)
+ {return;}
+ TInt min=Min(KRDBMaxLit,aMessage.Length());
+ TInt len=Min(min,aFrameWindow);
+ TInt frames=msgLength/len;
+ TInt lastFrameSize=msgLength%len;// i.e the remainder
+ TInt position=0;
+ for(TInt f=0;f<frames;f++,position=f*len)
+ {
+ DoOutputToResourceL(aMessage.Mid(position,len)); //Qualified
+ }
+ // log last frame
+ if(lastFrameSize)
+ {
+ DoOutputToResourceL(aMessage.Mid(position)); //Qualified
+ }
+ }
+TInt CBlogger::DoDateTimeFormat(TDes& aDesToPrepend)
+ {
+ //FIXME:if the options are for time critical logging then spare the date and time
+ if(aDesToPrepend.MaxLength()<KBlogDateTimeLitLength)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ TBuf<KBlogDateTimeLitLength> timeLit; // abit more bytes than needed
+ TTime time;
+ time.HomeTime();
+ TRAPD(errD,time.FormatL(aDesToPrepend,KBlogDateFormat));
+ if(errD)
+ {
+ //since we OOMed
+ aDesToPrepend.Append(KBlogBlankDate);
+ }
+ TRAPD(errT,time.FormatL(timeLit,KBlogTimeFormat));
+ if (errT)
+ {
+ timeLit.Copy(KBlogBlankTime);
+ }
+ aDesToPrepend.Append(timeLit);
+ // although OOM may have happened, but the point is to get the log out quickly
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CBlogger::HexDump(const TDesC& aDescription,const TDesC8& aHexFrame, TInt aFrameWindow)
+ It will trim the sDescription to fit in the aFrameWindow size.
+ It also log the HexFrame in chunks of size=aFrameWindow.
+ {
+ //255 is the max RDebug::Print size
+ DoBlog(aDescription,aFrameWindow);
+ TInt bufferSize=aHexFrame.Length();
+ if(!bufferSize)
+ {return;}
+ TInt frames=bufferSize/(aFrameWindow/5); // 5 is the size of the formating lit
+ TInt lastFrameSize=(bufferSize*5)%aFrameWindow;// i.e the remainder
+ TInt i=0;
+ TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> outBuf;
+ for ( TInt f=0;f<frames;f++)
+ {
+ outBuf.Zero();
+ for ( i = 0; i < aFrameWindow/5; ++i)
+ {// 5 is the size of the formating lit :-)
+ outBuf.AppendFormat(_L("0x%02x "),aHexFrame[(f*aFrameWindow/5)+i]);
+ }
+ DoOutputToResourceL(outBuf); //Qualified
+ }
+ // log last frame
+ if(lastFrameSize)
+ {
+ outBuf.Zero();
+ for(i=(frames*aFrameWindow/5);i<bufferSize;i++)
+ {
+ outBuf.AppendFormat(_L("0x%02x "),aHexFrame[i]);
+ }
+ DoOutputToResourceL(outBuf); //Qualified
+ }
+ }
+void CBlogger::CreateBlogFileL()
+ {
+ //User::LeaveIfError(ifileserv.Connect());
+ User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Replace(ifileserv, *ifilename, EFileStream|EFileWrite));
+ }
+void CBlogger::DoFileL()
+ {
+ /*
+ if the file exists and is open then write to it
+ otherwise create and open it
+ */
+ TInt ret;
+ ret=ifile.Open(ifileserv,*ifilename,EFileStream|EFileWrite);
+ if (ret==KErrNotFound) // file does not exist - create it
+ {
+ CreateBlogFileL();
+ }
+ iFileExists = ETrue;
+ }
+void CBlogger::MakefilenameL(const TDesC &aFileName)
+ {
+ //Connect to Fileserver
+ User::LeaveIfNull(ifilename=aFileName.AllocL());
+ TInt err = ifileserv.MkDirAll(*ifilename);
+ if ( (err != KErrAlreadyExists) && (err != KErrNone))
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+void CBlogger::DoOutputToResourceL(const TDesC& aMessage)
+ {
+ // It is reasonable to assume we only gonna have 2 types of output resource
+ // either COM:0 or File Flogging thus do the sipmlest thing here
+ //iMediumType=1; //need this to be 1 for output to a file.
+ switch(iMediumType) //yes I like dynamic binding myself but we only gonna have 2 isn't it ?
+ {
+ case KBlogOutputTypeIsRDebug:
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%S"),&aMessage);
+ break;
+ }
+ case KBlogOutputTypeIsFlogger:
+ {
+ //User::LeaveIfError(ifileserv.Connect());
+ //Makefilename(_L("Blog.txt"));
+ if(!iFileExists)
+ {
+ DoFileL();
+ }
+ TBuf8<256> buf8;
+ buf8.Copy(aMessage);
+ User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Write(buf8));
+ User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Write(_L8("\r\n")));
+ User::LeaveIfError(ifile.Flush());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ Panic(EBloggerResourceTypeIsBogus);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+void CBlogger::StoreFloggerInfo(TAny* aLogInfo)
+ Store the pointer from the HCI's TLS that indicates to which file the floffer should log.
+ This is necessary in order to be able (at will) to accomodate both Flogger
+ and Blogger functionality in the stack.
+ This method will only be used from the LinkMgr when Flogging is enabled.
+ {
+ iFloggerInfo=aLogInfo;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TAny* CBlogger::GetFloggerInfo()
+ {
+ return iFloggerInfo;
+ }
+void CBlogger::DoBloggerTests()
+ {
+ LLQBLOG(1,Log(_L(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is %d <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"),1));
+ LLQBLOG(1,Log(_L("123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i")));
+ LLQBLOG(1,Log(_L(" a string %S and a number %d"),&_L("Andy"), 1));
+ LLQBLOG(1,HexDump(_L("A hex dump"),_L8(" read hex mate?"),10));
+ LLQBLOG(1,HexDump(_L("A long hex dump"),_L8("123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g"),80));
+ // Testing test case Lit setup
+ TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> tcName(_L("My First Test Case ,NO1"));
+ TPckgBuf<TBlogTestCaseLit> tcNamePckg(tcName);
+ UpdateLoggingSettings(KBloggerSetTestCaseName,tcNamePckg);
+ // Testing Test Case Results
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> tcResult(KBlogTestCaseResultPassed);
+ UpdateLoggingSettings(KBloggerSetTestCaseResult,tcResult);
+ //Testing Test app messages
+ TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> tstMsg(_L("This is message from the tester saying it is doing a test"));
+ TPckgBuf<TBlogTestCaseLit> tstMsgPckg(tstMsg);
+ UpdateLoggingSettings(KBloggerSetTesterMessage,tstMsgPckg);
+ }
+// Blogettes
+ {
+ }
+CBloggette::CBloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer) :
+ iLayer(aLayer),
+ iBlogger(aProvider)
+ {
+ }
+void CBloggette::Log(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFormatingLit, ...)
+ The maximum length of the allowed string is 255.
+ {
+ VA_LIST tmpArgList;
+ VA_START(tmpArgList,aFormatingLit);
+ TBuf<KRDBMaxLit> blogBuf;
+ blogBuf.Zero();
+ blogBuf.AppendFormatList(aFormatingLit, tmpArgList); //FIXME overflow handler possibly ?
+ iBlogger->Blog(blogBuf);
+ VA_END(tmpArgList);
+ }
+void CBloggette::HexDump(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aDescription,const TDesC8& aHexFrame, TInt aFrameWindow)
+ {
+ iBlogger->HexDump(aDescription,aHexFrame,aFrameWindow);
+ }
+TInt CBloggette::Layer() const
+ {
+ return iLayer;
+ }
+// Link Layer Bloggette
+CLLBloggette* CLLBloggette::NewL(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
+ {
+ CLLBloggette* self = new (ELeave)CLLBloggette(aProvider,aLayer);
+ self->iBlogger->Register(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CLLBloggette::CLLBloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
+ : CBloggette(aProvider,aLayer)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+TDesC CLLBloggette::NameDes()
+ {
+ return _L("LL Dummy Bloggette");
+ }
+// L2CAP Bloggette
+CL2Bloggette* CL2Bloggette::NewL(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
+ {
+ CL2Bloggette* self = new (ELeave)CL2Bloggette(aProvider,aLayer);
+ self->iBlogger->Register(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CL2Bloggette::CL2Bloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
+ : CBloggette(aProvider,aLayer)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+TDesC CL2Bloggette::NameDes()
+ {
+ return _L("L2CAP Dummy Bloggette");
+ }
+// RFCOMM Bloggette
+CRFBloggette* CRFBloggette::NewL(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
+ {
+ CRFBloggette* self = new (ELeave)CRFBloggette(aProvider,aLayer);
+ self->iBlogger->Register(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CRFBloggette::CRFBloggette(CBlogger* aProvider, TInt aLayer)
+ : CBloggette(aProvider,aLayer)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+TDesC CRFBloggette::NameDes()
+ {
+ return _L("RFComm Dummy Bloggette");
+ }
+void CRFBloggette::Timeout(/*CRfcommSAP* aSAP, CRfcommMuxer* aMux,*/ CRfcommFrame* aFrm )
+ {
+ TUint8 ctrlfield = aFrm->Ctrl();
+ switch((ctrlfield&~KPollFinalBitmask))
+ {
+ case KSABMCtrlField:
+ Log(KBlogTimeout);
+ Log(KBlogSABM);
+ break;
+ case KDISCCtrlField:
+ Log(KBlogTimeout);
+ Log(KBlogDISC);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+void CRFBloggette::LogMuxCommand(CRfcommSAP* aSAP, CRfcommMuxer* aMux, TUint8 aCommand)
+ {
+ TUint8 signals;
+ switch(aCommand)
+ {
+ case KTestType:
+ Log(KBlogTestCommand);
+ break;
+ case KPNType:
+ Log(KBlogPN);//
+ break;
+ case KRPNType:
+ Log(KBlogRPN);//
+ break;
+ case KFConType:
+ //may need length byte value
+ Log(KBlogFcOn);//
+ break;
+ case KFCoffType:
+ Log(KBlogFcOff);//
+ break;
+ case KMSCType:
+ signals = aSAP->Signals();//V.24 signals in MSC
+ Log(KBlogMSC);//
+ break;
+ case KNSCType:
+ Log(KBlogNSC);//
+ break;
+ case KRLSType:
+ Log(KBlogRLS);//
+ };
+ }
+void CRFBloggette::ExplainOutgoingFrame(CRfcommFrame* aFrm, CRfcommMuxer* aMux )
+ {
+#ifndef TCI
+ //Show what type of frame we have sent and the various parts of the frame which are important.
+ TInt frametype = aFrm->Type(); //Is it a Ctrl Frame, Data Frame, CreditDataFrame or Mux Ctrl Frame ?
+ TUint8 ctrlfield = aFrm->Ctrl();
+ TUint8 ctrl = ctrlfield&~KPollFinalBitmask; //tells whether SABM, DISC, UA, DM
+ TUint8 addressfield = aFrm->Address(); //Contains EA, CR, DLCI
+// TUint8 dlci = aMux->DecodeDLCI(addressfield); //extracts dlci
+ TBool EA = addressfield & KEABitmask; //Is the EA bit set?
+ TBool CR = addressfield & KCRBitmask; //Is the CR bit set?
+ TBool poll = ctrlfield & KPollFinalBitmask; //Is the p/f bit set?
+ switch(frametype)
+ {
+ case KCtrlFrameType:
+ {
+ //CRfcommCtrlFrame* ctrlfrm=static_cast<CRfcommCtrlFrame*>(aFrm);
+ //TUint16 ctrlframelength = ctrlfrm->DataLength();
+ Log(_L("Tx:"));
+ if(ctrl==KSABMCtrlField)
+ {
+ Log(_L("Tx: SABM"));
+ }
+ if(ctrl==KUACtrlField)
+ {
+ Log(_L("Tx: UA"));
+ }
+ if(ctrl==KDMCtrlField)
+ {
+ Log(_L("Tx: DM"));
+ }
+ if(ctrl==KDISCCtrlField)
+ {
+ Log(_L("Tx: DISC"));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KDataFrameType: //CRfCommUIHFrame
+ {
+ CRfcommUIHFrame* uihfrm=static_cast<CRfcommUIHFrame*>(aFrm);
+ TUint16 uihframelength = uihfrm->DataLength();
+ if(poll)
+ Log(_L("Tx: UIH credit data frame"));
+ if (uihframelength<=127)
+ {
+ Log(_L("Tx: UIH simple data frame"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log(_L("Tx: UIH simple data frame"));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KCreditDataFrameType: //CRfcommCreditDataFrame
+ {
+ CRfcommCreditDataFrame* creditfrm=static_cast<CRfcommCreditDataFrame*>(aFrm);
+ TUint8 credits = creditfrm->Credit();
+ //BLOG Credits
+ TUint16 length = creditfrm->DataLength();
+ if (length<=127)
+ {
+ Log(KBlogShortCreditUIH, credits);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log(KBlogLongCreditUIH, credits);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KMuxCtrlFrameType: //CRfcommMuxCtrlFrame containing muxer messages/commands
+ {
+ //#ifndef TCI
+ CRfcommMuxCtrlFrame* muxfrm=static_cast<CRfcommMuxCtrlFrame*>(aFrm);
+ TUint8 muxdlci = muxfrm->iDLCI;
+ CRfcommSAP* sap = aMux->FindSAP(muxdlci); //Find the SAP that is on this dlci for aMux
+ TUint8 command = muxfrm->CommandType();
+ LogMuxCommand(sap, aMux, command);
+ //#endif
+ }
+ break;
+ default: //CRfcommDataFrame
+ break;
+ };
+ Log(KBlogPFSet, poll);
+ Log(KBlogEASet, EA);
+ Log(KBlogCRSet, CR);
+ Log(KBlogFrameType, frametype);
+ }
+void CRFBloggette::ExplainIncomingFrame(TUint8 aDlci, TUint8 aCtrl, TBool aPoll)
+ {
+ Log(_L("Rx: "));
+ switch (aCtrl)
+ {
+ case KSABMCtrlField:
+ Log(_L("Rx: SABM"));
+ break;
+ case KUACtrlField:
+ Log(_L("Rx: UA"));
+ break;
+ case KDMCtrlField:
+ Log(KBlogDM);
+ break;
+ case KDISCCtrlField:
+ Log(KBlogDISC);
+ break;
+ case KUIHCtrlField:
+ {
+ if(aDlci== KMuxDLCI)
+ {
+ Log(KBlogUIHCtrlFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Log(KBlogSimpleUIH);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //FLOG(_L("Error: RFCOMM: Unexpected frame ctrl field"));
+ break;
+ };
+ Log(KBlogDLCI, aDlci);
+ Log(KBlogPFSet, aPoll);
+ }
+void CRFBloggette::IncomingCtrlMessage(TUint8 aCommand, TInt aLength)
+ {
+ switch(aCommand)
+ {
+ case KTestType:
+ Log(KBlogTestCommand);
+ break;
+ case KPNType:
+ Log(KBlogPN);
+ break;
+ case KRPNType:
+ Log(KBlogRPN);
+ break;
+ case KFConType:
+ {
+ Log(KBlogFcOn);
+ if(aLength!=0)
+ {
+ Log(KBlogNonZeroLength);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KFCoffType:
+ {
+ Log(KBlogFcOff);
+ if(aLength!=0)
+ {
+ Log(KBlogNonZeroLength);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KMSCType:
+ Log(KBlogMSC);
+ break;
+ case KNSCType:
+ Log(KBlogNSC);
+ break;
+ case KRLSType:
+ Log(KBlogRLS);
+ };
+ }