Revision: 201021 RCL_3 PDK_3.0.0
authorDremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 25 May 2010 14:00:39 +0300
changeset 18 9644881fedd0
parent 17 9ddb1d67ebaf
child 19 35c06c1d4fa6
Revision: 201021 Kit: 2010121
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/commsfw/inc/cftransport.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/commsfw/inc/cftransport.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -262,9 +262,6 @@
 	IMPORT_C void RegisterAddress(Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aCookie);
 	IMPORT_C void DeregisterAddress(Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aCookie);
-	// From MTransportSender
-	IMPORT_C void PostMessage(const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aPostFrom, const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aPostTo, const Meta::SMetaData& aMessage);
 	// TCFMessage + legacy
 	IMPORT_C void RegisterLegacyInterface(MLegacyMessageReceiver* aLegacyInterface);
 	IMPORT_C void PostMessage(const TCFMessage& aMessage);
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/bwins/meshmachineu.def	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/bwins/meshmachineu.def	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	?FindOriginator@CNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@QBEHABVTRuntimeCtxId@Messages@@@Z @ 44 NONAME ; int MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase::FindOriginator(class Messages::TRuntimeCtxId const &) const
 	?FindOriginator@CNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@QBEHABVTNodePeerId@Messages@@@Z @ 45 NONAME ; int MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase::FindOriginator(class Messages::TNodePeerId const &) const
 	?FindOriginator@CNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@QBEHABVRNodeInterface@Messages@@@Z @ 46 NONAME ; int MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase::FindOriginator(class Messages::RNodeInterface const &) const
-	?GetNextActivityCountL@CNodeParallelActivityBase@MeshMachine@@KAIABUTNodeActivity@2@ABVAMMNodeBase@2@@Z @ 47 NONAME ; unsigned int MeshMachine::CNodeParallelActivityBase::GetNextActivityCountL(struct MeshMachine::TNodeActivity const &, class MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase const &)
+	?GetNextActivityCount@CNodeParallelActivityBase@MeshMachine@@KAIABUTNodeActivity@2@ABVAMMNodeBase@2@@Z @ 47 NONAME ; unsigned int MeshMachine::CNodeParallelActivityBase::GetNextActivityCount(struct MeshMachine::TNodeActivity const &, class MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase const &)
 	?GetVTablePtr@TAwaitingAny@MeshMachine@@SAPAVMState@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 48 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MState * MeshMachine::TAwaitingAny::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
 	?GetVTablePtr@TAwaitingCancel@MeshMachine@@SAPAVMState@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 49 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MState * MeshMachine::TAwaitingCancel::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
 	?GetVTablePtr@TAwaitingClientLeavingRequest@MeshMachine@@SAPAVMState@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 50 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MState * MeshMachine::TAwaitingClientLeavingRequest::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
@@ -135,5 +135,7 @@
 	??1CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase@MeshMachine@@UAE@XZ @ 134 NONAME ; MeshMachine::CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase::~CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase(void)
 	??0CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase@MeshMachine@@IAE@ABUTNodeActivity@1@AAVAMMNodeBase@1@I@Z @ 135 NONAME ; MeshMachine::CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase::CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase(struct MeshMachine::TNodeActivity const &, class MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase &, unsigned int)
 	?StartL@CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase@MeshMachine@@MAEXAAVTNodeContextBase@2@ABVXNodePeerId@Messages@@ABUTStateTriple@NetStateMachine@@@Z @ 136 NONAME ; void MeshMachine::CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase::StartL(class MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase &, class Messages::XNodePeerId const &, struct NetStateMachine::TStateTriple const &)
+	?SetPostedTo@CNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@QAEXABVRNodeInterface@Messages@@@Z @ 137 NONAME ; void MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase::SetPostedTo(class Messages::RNodeInterface const &)
+	?PostedToNodeId@CNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@QBEABVTNodeId@Messages@@XZ @ 138 NONAME ; class Messages::TNodeId const & MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase::PostedToNodeId(void) const
+	?PostedToPeer@CNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@QBEPBVRNodeInterface@Messages@@XZ @ 139 NONAME ; class Messages::RNodeInterface const * MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase::PostedToPeer(void) const
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/eabi/meshmachineu.def	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/eabi/meshmachineu.def	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 	_ZN11MeshMachine19TRaiseActivityError3DoLEv @ 80 NONAME
 	_ZN11MeshMachine22TAwaitingLeaveComplete12GetVTablePtrER6TDesC8Pv @ 81 NONAME
 	_ZN11MeshMachine22TAwaitingLeaveComplete6AcceptEv @ 82 NONAME
-	_ZN11MeshMachine25CNodeParallelActivityBase21GetNextActivityCountLERKNS_13TNodeActivityERKNS_11AMMNodeBaseE @ 83 NONAME
+	_ZN11MeshMachine25CNodeParallelActivityBase20GetNextActivityCountERKNS_13TNodeActivityERKNS_11AMMNodeBaseE @ 83 NONAME
 	_ZN11MeshMachine25CNodeParallelActivityBase4NewLERKNS_13TNodeActivityERNS_11AMMNodeBaseE @ 84 NONAME
 	_ZN11MeshMachine25CNodeParallelActivityBaseC1ERKNS_13TNodeActivityERNS_11AMMNodeBaseEj @ 85 NONAME
 	_ZN11MeshMachine25CNodeParallelActivityBaseC2ERKNS_13TNodeActivityERNS_11AMMNodeBaseEj @ 86 NONAME
@@ -203,5 +203,7 @@
 	_ZTIN11MeshMachine37CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBaseE @ 202 NONAME
 	_ZTVN11MeshMachine37CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBaseE @ 203 NONAME
 	_ZN11MeshMachine37CNodeParallelMessageStoreActivityBase6StartLERNS_16TNodeContextBaseERKN8Messages11XNodePeerIdERKN15NetStateMachine12TStateTripleE @ 204 NONAME
+	_ZN11MeshMachine17CNodeActivityBase11SetPostedToERKN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceE @ 205 NONAME
+	_ZNK11MeshMachine17CNodeActivityBase12PostedToPeerEv @ 206 NONAME
+	_ZNK11MeshMachine17CNodeActivityBase14PostedToNodeIdEv @ 207 NONAME
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/inc/mm_activities.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/inc/mm_activities.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 	#define DEFINE_EXPORT_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
 		EXPORT_C const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& name :: Self() {return iSelf;} \
 		EXPORT_C const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& name :: FirstTriple() {return iData[1];} \
-		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], &ctor, _S8(#name)}; \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 0, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, _S8(#name)}; \
 		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 @see CNodeActivityBase
 	#define DEFINE_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
-		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], &ctor, _S8(#name)}; \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 0, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, _S8(#name)}; \
 		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 	#define DEFINE_EXPORT_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
 		EXPORT_C const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& name :: Self() {return iSelf;} \
 		EXPORT_C const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& name :: FirstTriple() {return iData[1];} \
-		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], &ctor, NULL}; \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 0, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, NULL}; \
 		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 @see CNodeActivityBase
 	#define DEFINE_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
-		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], &ctor, NULL}; \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 0, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, NULL}; \
 		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
@@ -417,6 +417,126 @@
+The following are new macro definitions allowing the context to be passed as a parameter rather than the node.
+In time the ability to pass context rather than node will be placed in the original macros. For the meantime,
+only critical commsFw activities which must have the context passed instead of the node should use these macros.
+All other activities should continue to use original macros declared above.
+Declare and export a node activity.
+@param name  The name of the activity, which will be used to put it into the node's activity map
+	struct name \
+		{ \
+		IMPORT_C static const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& Self(); \
+		IMPORT_C static const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& FirstTriple(); \
+		static const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity iSelf; \
+		static const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple iData[]; \
+		};
+Declares a node activity. A node activity is a state machine. It contains multiple nodeactivity
+entries, which respresent the states, transitions and forks of the state machine.
+@param name  The name of the activity, which will be used to put it into the node's activity map
+	struct name \
+		{ \
+		inline static const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& Self() {return iSelf;} \
+		inline static const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& FirstTriple() {return iData[1];} \
+		static const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity iSelf; \
+		static const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple iData[]; \
+		};
+Define a custom node activity. A custom node activity is a node activity which defines its own
+node activity class. This is used, for example, if the activity wishes to share some custom context
+information between the states and transition in the activity.
+Node activity class must derive from CNodeActivityBase.
+@param id        Identifier for the activity
+@param name      The name of the activity
+@param msgtype   Message which will kickoff this activity
+@param ctor      Constructor for the custom activity class
+@see CNodeActivityBase
+	#define DEFINE_RESERVED_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 1, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, _S8(#name)}; \
+		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
+Define and export a custom node activity.
+@param id        Identifier for the activity
+@param name      The name of the activity
+@param msgtype   Message which will kickoff this activity
+@param ctor      Constructor for the custom activity class
+	#define DEFINE_RESERVED_EXPORT_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
+		EXPORT_C const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& name :: Self() {return iSelf;} \
+		EXPORT_C const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& name :: FirstTriple() {return iData[1];} \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 1, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, NULL}; \
+		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
+Define a custom node activity. A custom node activity is a node activity which defines its own
+node activity class. This is used, for example, if the activity wishes to share some custom context
+information between the states and transition in the activity.
+Node activity class must derive from CNodeActivityBase.
+@param id        Identifier for the activity
+@param name      The name of the activity
+@param msgtype   Message which will kickoff this activity
+@param ctor      Constructor for the custom activity class
+@see CNodeActivityBase
+	#define DEFINE_RESERVED_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
+		const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity name :: iSelf = {id, 1, msgtype::EId, msgtype::ERealm, name :: iData[1], (TAny*)&ctor, NULL}; \
+		DEFINE_TRIPLES_TABLE( name :: iData )
+Define and declare a custom node activity
+@param id        Identifier for the activity
+@param name      The name of the activity
+@param msgtype   Message which will kickoff this activity
+@param ctor      Constructor for the custom activity class
+#define DECLARE_DEFINE_RESERVED_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor ) \
+	DEFINE_RESERVED_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY( id, name, msgtype, ctor )
 Mark the end of an activity map. This macro should be used for an activity map based
 on other activity maps.
@@ -432,6 +552,7 @@
 namespace MeshMachine
 Base class for all node activity objects. Non custom node activities will use this by default.
@@ -516,10 +637,13 @@
 	Get the id of the node that the last request from this activity was sent to.
 	   @return Node id of the last node the activity has posted a request to
-	const Messages::TNodeId PostedToId() const
-		{
-		return iPostedToId;
-		}
+	IMPORT_C const Messages::TNodeId& PostedToNodeId() const;
+    /**
+    Get the id of the node that the last request from this activity was sent to.
+       @return Node id of the last node the activity has posted a request to
+    */
+	IMPORT_C const Messages::RNodeInterface* PostedToPeer() const;
 	Get the id of the message that started this activity.
@@ -576,6 +700,13 @@
 	   @param aNodeId Node id to set the postedTo id to
 	IMPORT_C void SetPostedTo(const Messages::TNodeId& aNodeId);
+    /**
+       Manually set the postedTo id
+       @param aNodeId Node id to set the postedTo id to
+    */
+	IMPORT_C void SetPostedTo(const Messages::RNodeInterface& aRecipient);
 	   Clear the postedTo id
@@ -809,8 +940,60 @@
 	const TNodeActivity& iActivitySig;
-	// Last node a message was sent to
-	Messages::TNodeId iPostedToId;
+	class RPostedToNodeOrPeer
+	/*
+	 * Class is used to store the recipient of the last request sent from the 'this' 
+	 * (the activity). This recipient can be represented either by its TNodeId address 
+	 * or, if it's a peer of the local node, by RNodeInterface. 
+     * The implementation may seem awkward or overengineered. This is to protect binary
+     * compatibility (it used to be TNodeId here and sizeof TNodeId was all there was at hand).
+     * 
+     * Rules of the game are that RPostedToNodeOrPeer:iBuf is a shared dwelling for either:
+     * - address of an RNodeInterface (in case posted to is a peer)
+     * - TNodeId (in case posted to is not a peer)
+     * Inspecting the content of iBuf and the assumptions around it are a little fragile 
+     * (based on TNodeId class layout a bit), so the code must be viligent. 
+     * _Node and _Peer perform arbitral happy conversion, so there can be 3 reasons why _Node()->Ptr() is NULL:
+     * (1) iBuf stores a 4 byte ptr to RNodeInterface and what Ptr normally returns is beyond these 4 bytes in a land hopefully zeroed by ::Close
+     * (2) iBuf stores nothing. 
+     * (3) iBuf stores a TNodeId pointing a NULL node (effectivelly TNodeId::NullId()). (3) is only theoretical as Open(TNodeId) prevens Ptr be NULL
+     * Therefore it is safe to assume that if Ptr() is NULL, it is either a valid pointer to a peer or NULL.
+     * Happily _Peer() will return that pointer or NULL respectivelly.* 
+	 */
+	    {
+	private:
+	    typedef Messages::RNodeInterface* TPeerType;
+    public:
+	    RPostedToNodeOrPeer();
+	    void Open(const Messages::RNodeInterface& aPeer);
+	    void Open(const Messages::TNodeId& aNode);
+	    void Close();
+	    const Messages::RNodeInterface* Peer() const;
+	    const Messages::TNodeId& NodeId() const;
+	private:
+	    TPeerType* _Peer() 
+	        {
+            return reinterpret_cast<TPeerType*>(&iBuf[0]);
+	        }
+	    const TPeerType* _Peer() const 
+            {
+            return reinterpret_cast<const TPeerType*>(&iBuf[0]);
+            }	    
+	    Messages::TNodeId* _Node()
+	        {
+	        return reinterpret_cast<Messages::TNodeId*>(&iBuf[0]);
+	        }
+        const Messages::TNodeId* _Node() const
+            {
+            return reinterpret_cast<const Messages::TNodeId*>(&iBuf[0]);
+            }
+        TUint8 iBuf[__Align8(sizeof(Messages::TNodeId))];	    
+	    } iPostedToId;
@@ -846,7 +1029,14 @@
 	@param aNode        The node to which this activity will belong.
 	@return Generated unique component of activity id
-	IMPORT_C static TUint GetNextActivityCountL( const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const AMMNodeBase& aNode );
+	static TUint GetNextActivityCountL( const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const AMMNodeBase& aNode );
+	/**
+	For use by custom activity News to generate the unique part of the activity id.
+	@param aActivitySig Context information about how the activity is to be started
+	@param aNode        The node to which this activity will belong.
+	@return Generated unique component of activity id
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static TUint GetNextActivityCount( const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const AMMNodeBase& aNode );
 	Constructor for CNodeParallelActivityBase
@@ -1387,6 +1577,13 @@
     static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* NewL(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode);
+inline TUint CNodeParallelActivityBase::GetNextActivityCountL( const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const AMMNodeBase& aNode )
+    {
+    //Historical. Method ceased to leave, but must keep the old, L-ending overload.
+    return GetNextActivityCount(aActivitySig, aNode);
+    }
 } //namespace MeshMachine
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/inc/mm_activities_internal.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/inc/mm_activities_internal.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -46,15 +46,29 @@
+	enum TNodeActivityFlags
+	{
+	EContextCtor = 1
+	};
+	/*There are now two types of activity c'tors (hence TAny iCtor supported:
+	(1) The legacy ctor based on AMMNodeBase that must be supported for source backwards compatibility
+	(2) The new ctor based on TNodeContextBase that is desired because TNodeContextBase gives access to AMMNodeBase as well as the message 
+	    and peer and it is therefore more powerful. This new ctor has been introduced to aid leave activities to be infallible
+		by allowing access to the peer, which stores the space preallocated for the activity
+	Ideally this once fixed to only leave (2) especially since differentiating (1) from (2) is rather obscure. iCtor is a pointer
+	to a pointer to a ctor function and the distinction is based on where iCtor points (see AMMNodeBase::StartActivityL) */
 	typedef CNodeActivityBase* (*TStaticActivityCtor)(const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, AMMNodeBase& aNode);
+	typedef CNodeActivityBase* (*TStaticActivityContextCtor)(const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, TNodeContextBase& aCtx);
 	const TUint8 iId;
+	const TUint8 iFlags;
 	//Message starting the activity (state in iFirstTriple is waiting for),
 	//used by error handling, could be NULL for "single triple" activities because
 	//than the current message associated with context is used.
     const TUint16 iKickOffMessageId;
     const TUint32 iKickOffMessageRealm;
 	const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& iFirstTriple;
-	const TStaticActivityCtor iCtor;
+	const TAny* iCtor;
 	const TText8* iName;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/src/mm_activities.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/src/mm_activities.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@
 	EPanicCorruptedContext = 1,
-	EPanicNoPreallocatedSpace = 2
+	EPanicNoPreallocatedSpace = 2,
+	EPanicOutOfActivities = 3,
+	EPanicOutOfBounds
@@ -167,8 +169,8 @@
     //what's set as iPostedToId or from one of the orginators. 
     //if the message's recipient specifies the activity id, then that
     //activity must much that of 'this'.
-    TBool sender = iPostedToId.IsNull() || 
-    			   aContext.iSender == iPostedToId || 
+    TBool sender = PostedToNodeId().IsNull() || 
+    			   aContext.iSender == PostedToNodeId() || 
     			   FindOriginator(aContext.iSender) != KErrNotFound;
     const TNodeCtxId* recipient = address_cast<const TNodeCtxId>(&aContext.iRecipient);
     TBool activity = (recipient == NULL || ActivityId() == recipient->NodeCtx());
@@ -181,7 +183,7 @@
 			MESH_LOG((KMeshMachineSubTag(), _L8("CNodeActivityBase %08x:\tiPostedToId mismatch:"), this));
-			NM_LOG_ADDRESS(KMeshMachineSubTag(), iPostedToId);
+			NM_LOG_ADDRESS(KMeshMachineSubTag(), PostedToNodeId());
 			NM_LOG_ADDRESS(KMeshMachineSubTag(), aContext.iSender);
 			MESH_LOG((KMeshMachineSubTag(), _L8("CNodeActivityBase %08x:\toriginators' mismatch:"), this));
 			for (TInt i = iOriginators.Count() - 1; i>=0; i--)
@@ -317,11 +319,12 @@
 EXPORT_C void CNodeActivityBase::Cancel(TNodeContextBase& aContext)
 	{//we expect KErrCancel be set as a result of the state cancelation
-    MESH_LOG((KMeshMachineSubTag, _L8("CNodeActivityBase %08x:\tCancel(), iPostedToId %08x"), this, iPostedToId.Ptr() ? &iPostedToId.Node() : NULL));
+    MESH_LOG((KMeshMachineSubTag, _L8("CNodeActivityBase %08x:\tCancel(), PostedToNodeId %08x"), this, PostedToNodeId().Ptr()));
-	if (!iPostedToId.IsNull())
-		{
-		RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(TNodeCtxId(ActivityId(), iNode.Id()), iPostedToId, TEBase::TCancel().CRef());
+	if ((PostedToPeer() && !(PostedToPeer()->Flags() & TClientType::ELeaving)) ||
+	     PostedToNodeId() == aContext.Node().Id())
+		{//only safe to forward TCancels to non-leavers or self. There is an underlying assumption that a node won't dissapear in presence of activities (see AMMNodeBase::~AMMNodeBase)
+		RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(TNodeCtxId(ActivityId(), iNode.Id()), PostedToNodeId(), TEBase::TCancel().CRef());
@@ -352,8 +355,8 @@
 		if (PostToOriginator(iOriginators[n], aMessage))
-	    	iOriginators[n].Peer().SetFlags(aFlagsToSet);
-	    	iOriginators[n].Peer().ClearFlags(aFlagsToClear);
+	    	iOriginators[n].SetFlags(aFlagsToSet);
+	    	iOriginators[n].ClearFlags(aFlagsToClear);
 	return msgSendCount;
@@ -361,12 +364,44 @@
 EXPORT_C void CNodeActivityBase::SetPostedTo(const TNodeId& aNodeId)
-    iPostedToId = aNodeId;
+    //You are being punished for storing a postedto TNodeId that you also know as your peer.
+    //the Messages::RNodeInterface& overload of CNodeActivityBase::SetPostedTo
+    //It is dangerous to use this overload for peers when the relation with these peers
+    //is being terminated. the PostedTo facility is also used to forward TCancel in
+    //the automatic calencallation handling. No message can be posted to a leaving peer
+    //but only peers (Messages::RNodeInterfaces) can be recognised as leaving. 
+    //
+    //ASSERT temporarily commened out as it is a behavioural break. A Polonium BR
+    //has been drafted and will be raised when the RNodeInterface overloads end up in the
+    //codeline.
+    //__ASSERT_DEBUG(iNode.FindClient(aNodeId) == NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemMeshMachActC, 14));     
+    if (aNodeId == Messages::TNodeId::NullId())
+        {
+        ClearPostedTo();
+        return;
+        }
+    iPostedToId.Open(aNodeId);
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CNodeActivityBase::SetPostedTo(const Messages::RNodeInterface& aRecepient)
+    {
+    iPostedToId.Open(aRecepient);
 EXPORT_C void CNodeActivityBase::ClearPostedTo()
-    iPostedToId.SetNull();
+    iPostedToId.Close();
+    }
+EXPORT_C const Messages::TNodeId& CNodeActivityBase::PostedToNodeId() const
+    {
+    return iPostedToId.NodeId();
+    }
+EXPORT_C const Messages::RNodeInterface* CNodeActivityBase::PostedToPeer() const
+    {
+    return iPostedToId.Peer();
 EXPORT_C void CNodeActivityBase::PostRequestTo(const RNodeInterface& aRecipient, const TSignalBase& aMessage, const TBool aRecipientIdCritical)
@@ -374,7 +409,11 @@
 	aRecipient.PostMessage(TNodeCtxId(ActivityId(), iNode.Id()), aMessage);
 	// Provide the option for the identity of the receipient to be unimportant when the response arrives
-	iPostedToId = aRecipientIdCritical ? aRecipient.RecipientId() : TNodeId::NullId();
+	ClearPostedTo();
+    if (aRecipientIdCritical)
+        {
+        SetPostedTo(aRecipient);
+        }
 //Avoid using this function, always prefer PostRequestTo(const RNodeInterface& aRecipient, const TNodeSignal& aMessage)
@@ -383,7 +422,11 @@
 	RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(TNodeCtxId(ActivityId(), iNode.Id()), aRecipient, aMessage);
 	// Provide the option for the identity of the receipient to be unimportant when the response arrives
-	iPostedToId = aRecipientIdCritical ? aRecipient : TNodeId::NullId();
+	ClearPostedTo();
+	if (aRecipientIdCritical)
+	    {
+        SetPostedTo(aRecipient);
+	    }
 EXPORT_C TBool CNodeActivityBase::IsIdle() const
@@ -417,6 +460,49 @@
+    {
+    Close();
+    }
+void CNodeActivityBase::RPostedToNodeOrPeer::Open(const Messages::RNodeInterface& aPeer)
+    {
+    Close();
+    *_Peer() = const_cast<Messages::RNodeInterface*>(&aPeer);
+    }
+void CNodeActivityBase::RPostedToNodeOrPeer::Open(const Messages::TNodeId& aNode)
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aNode.Ptr(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemMeshMachActC, 15));    
+    //see Messages::TNodeId::operator= (snapping size is essential in case aNode is more than just plain TNodeId).
+    *_Node() = Messages::TNodeId(); 
+    //normal assigment
+    *_Node() = aNode;
+    }
+void CNodeActivityBase::RPostedToNodeOrPeer::Close()
+    {
+    Mem::FillZ(iBuf, sizeof(iBuf));
+    }
+const Messages::RNodeInterface* CNodeActivityBase::RPostedToNodeOrPeer::Peer() const
+    {
+    return _Node()->Ptr() ? NULL : *_Peer();
+    }
+const Messages::TNodeId& CNodeActivityBase::RPostedToNodeOrPeer::NodeId() const
+    {
+    return (_Node()->Ptr() ? *_Node() : (*_Peer() ? (*_Peer())->RecipientId() : Messages::TNodeId::NullId()));
+    }
@@ -461,20 +547,80 @@
     aInterface = this;
+// BitMap utility used only by CNodeParallelActivityBase::GetNextActivityCount
+template<TInt SIZE>
+class TBitmap {
+    static const TInt iSize = sizeof(TUint32) * 8;
+    static const TUint32 iSizeMask = iSize - 1;
+    static const TUint32 iFull = ~0;
+    static const TInt iCount = (SIZE + iSizeMask) / iSize;
+    TBitmap();
+    void SetBit(TUint aBitNum);
+    TInt GetFreeBit() const;
+    TUint32 iBits[iCount];
+template<TInt SIZE>
+    for (TInt i = 0 ; i < iCount ; ++i)
+        {
+        iBits[i] = 0;
+        }
+template<TInt SIZE>
+void TBitmap<SIZE>::SetBit(TUint aBitNum)
+    {
+    const TInt index = aBitNum / iSize;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(index < iCount,User::Panic(KMMActivityPanic,EPanicOutOfBounds));
+    iBits[index] |= 1 << (aBitNum & iSizeMask);
+    }
+template<TInt SIZE>
+TInt TBitmap<SIZE>::GetFreeBit() const
+    {
+    for (TInt i = 0 ; i < iCount ; ++i)
+        {
+        const TUint32 bits = iBits[i];
+        if (bits != iFull)
+            {
+			// Bitmap represents list of activity IDs. Activity ID 1 is a reserved value.
+			// In order to mirror this fact the first bit of the bitmap is also always reserved
+            TUint32 mask = 2;
+            for (TInt bitIndex = 1 ; bitIndex < iSize ; ++bitIndex)
+                {
+                if ((bits & mask) == 0)
+                    {
+                    return (i * iSize) + bitIndex;
+                    }
+                mask <<= 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
-// For custom activities to implement NewL
-EXPORT_C TUint CNodeParallelActivityBase::GetNextActivityCountL( const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const AMMNodeBase& aNode )
+// For custom activities to implement New
+EXPORT_C TUint CNodeParallelActivityBase::GetNextActivityCount( const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const AMMNodeBase& aNode )
-	TInt c = 1, i = 0;
+	TInt c = 1;
 	const RPointerArray<CNodeActivityBase>& activities = aNode.Activities();
-	RArray<TInt> activityids;
-	CleanupClosePushL(activityids);
+	TBitmap<256> activityids;
 	// collect the currently used ids
 	for (TInt i = 0; i < activities.Count(); i++)
@@ -482,23 +628,12 @@
 		if ((id&0xff) == aActivitySig.iId)
 			TInt8 uniqueid = id >> 8;
-			activityids.InsertInOrderL(uniqueid);
+			activityids.SetBit(uniqueid);
-	// find first available.
-	while (i < activityids.Count()
-          && activityids[i] == c)
-		{
-		++i;
-		++c;
-		}
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&activityids);
-	if(c > KActivityParallelRangeMax>>8)
-		{
-		User::Leave(KErrInUse);
-		}
+	c = activityids.GetFreeBit();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(c>=0,User::Panic(KMMActivityPanic,EPanicOutOfActivities));
     return c;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/src/mm_node.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/src/mm_node.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <elements/nm_messages_base.h>
 #include <elements/nm_messages_child.h>
 #ifdef _DEBUG
 // Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
 // (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@
 	for (TInt i = iActivities.Count() - 1; i>=0 && a==NULL; i--)
 		CNodeActivityBase* act = iActivities[i];
-		const TNodeId& postedTo = act->iPostedToId;
+		const TNodeId& postedTo = act->PostedToNodeId();
 		if (!act->IsIdle()
 			&& (postedTo.IsNull() || aContext.iSender == postedTo)
 				&& (recipient->NodeCtx() == act->ActivityId()))
@@ -430,6 +429,7 @@
 EXPORT_C void AMMNodeBase::AbortActivitiesOriginatedBy(TNodeContextBase& aContext, const TNodeId& aCommsId, TBool aIsNodeBeingDestroyed)
     CNodeActivityBase* caller = aContext.iNodeActivity;
@@ -438,6 +438,20 @@
     for (TInt i = iActivities.Count() - 1; i>=0; i--)
         aContext.iNodeActivity = iActivities[i];
+        if (!abortAll && aContext.iNodeActivity->PostedToNodeId() == aCommsId)
+            {//clear postedto if a leaver has been set as a postedto at any of the running activities.
+             //No other messages will ever come from the leaver and it is not gonna be safe to forward TCancels
+             //to the leaver, so at least postedto must be cleared to avoid the crash. It could be speculated that
+             //if the postedto is still set, then either the postedto node failed to respond or the local activity failed to
+             //clear postedto when it had responded. Worth putting a speculative ASSERT here to catch misdeeds. 
+             //clearing postedto shouldn't be done in here (AbortActivitiesOriginatedBy), but I (RZ) have expressed my disrespect to the
+             //this method before and the suggestion that it should go (replaced by a CancelActivitiesOriginatedBy).
+             //So instead of introducing another method that  loops through activities i decided to piggyback the function in an 
+             //existing method. Note that the final logic should be based on RNodeInterfaces and not TNodeIds.
+            aContext.iNodeActivity->ClearPostedTo();
+            }
 		// We dont want to abort already idle activities or they may error.		
@@ -622,21 +636,36 @@
 void AMMNodeBase::StartActivityL(TNodeContextBase& aContext, const TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, const NetStateMachine::TStateTriple& aFirst)
-    CNodeActivityBase* a = aActivitySig.iCtor(aActivitySig,*this);
-    if (iActivities.Find(a)==KErrNotFound)
+	CNodeActivityBase* nodeActivity;
+	// Activity is based on one of 2 declarations. One of which has an extra member. In the case of the instance
+	// with a second member the activities Ctor will point to this second member. Since the first member is a TNodeActivity
+	// We can compare the activities Ctor pointer to the address of the second member to assess which type of declarations
+	// this is.
+	if (aActivitySig.iFlags & TNodeActivity::EContextCtor)
+		{ // TNodeActivity's iCtor is a pointer to Activity Ctor
+		nodeActivity = ((TNodeActivity::TStaticActivityContextCtor)aActivitySig.iCtor)(aActivitySig,aContext);
+		}
+	else
+		{ // TNodeActivity's iCtor is a pointer to activity constructor
+		nodeActivity = ((TNodeActivity::TStaticActivityCtor)aActivitySig.iCtor)(aActivitySig,*this);
+		}
+    if (iActivities.Find(nodeActivity)==KErrNotFound)
     	//The activity did not add itself to the list in any special way, append it here
-	    CleanupStack::PushL(a);
-   		a->AppendActivityL();
-	    CleanupStack::Pop(a);
+	    CleanupStack::PushL(nodeActivity);
+   		nodeActivity->AppendActivityL();
+	    CleanupStack::Pop(nodeActivity);
 	//assign only after the activity is successfully appended
-	aContext.iNodeActivity = a;
+	aContext.iNodeActivity = nodeActivity;
     //if StartL leaves the "a" will be removed from the array and deleted in ::PostReceived
     //since it will be idle
     XNodePeerId originator(aContext.iSender, aContext.iPeer);
-    a->StartL(aContext, originator, aFirst);
+    nodeActivity->StartL(aContext, originator, aFirst);
 void AMMNodeBase::PreallocateSpaceL(TUint aSize)
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/bwins/nodemessagesu.def	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/bwins/nodemessagesu.def	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	??8TNodeIdRemainder@Messages@@QBEHABVTRuntimeCtxId@1@@Z @ 36 NONAME ; int Messages::TNodeIdRemainder::operator==(class Messages::TRuntimeCtxId const &) const
 	??8TRuntimeCtxId@Messages@@QBEHABV01@@Z @ 37 NONAME ; int Messages::TRuntimeCtxId::operator==(class Messages::TRuntimeCtxId const &) const
 	??ATClientIterBase@Messages@@QAEPAVRNodeInterface@1@H@Z @ 38 NONAME ; class Messages::RNodeInterface * Messages::TClientIterBase::operator[](int)
-	?AddClientL@ANodeBase@Messages@@QAEPAVRNodeInterface@2@ABVTNodeId@2@ABVTClientType@2@PAX@Z @ 39 NONAME ; class Messages::RNodeInterface * Messages::ANodeBase::AddClientL(class Messages::TNodeId const &, class Messages::TClientType const &, void *)
+	?AddClientL@ANodeBase@Messages@@UAEPAVRNodeInterface@2@ABVTNodeId@2@ABVTClientType@2@PAX@Z @ 39 NONAME ; class Messages::RNodeInterface * Messages::ANodeBase::AddClientL(class Messages::TNodeId const &, class Messages::TClientType const &, void *)
 	?AddPersistentItf@CGlobals@Messages@@QAEXABVTNodeId@2@@Z @ 40 NONAME ABSENT ; void Messages::CGlobals::AddPersistentItf(class Messages::TNodeId const &)
 	?Close@RClientInterface@Messages@@QAEXXZ @ 41 NONAME ; void Messages::RClientInterface::Close(void)
 	?Close@RNodeInterface@Messages@@QAEXXZ @ 42 NONAME ; void Messages::RNodeInterface::Close(void)
@@ -201,5 +201,8 @@
 	?GetVDataTableStatic@TSigNodeIdNumberNumberNumber@Messages@@SAPBUSVDataTableEntry@Meta@@XZ @ 200 NONAME ; struct Meta::SVDataTableEntry const * Messages::TSigNodeIdNumberNumberNumber::GetVDataTableStatic(void)
 	?GetVDataTableStatic@TSigTypeId@Messages@@SAPBUSVDataTableEntry@Meta@@XZ @ 201 NONAME ; struct Meta::SVDataTableEntry const * Messages::TSigTypeId::GetVDataTableStatic(void)
 	?GetVDataTableStatic@TSigTypeIdAnyNumber@Messages@@SAPBUSVDataTableEntry@Meta@@XZ @ 202 NONAME ; struct Meta::SVDataTableEntry const * Messages::TSigTypeIdAnyNumber::GetVDataTableStatic(void)
+	??1RNodeInterface@Messages@@UAE@XZ @ 203 NONAME ; Messages::RNodeInterface::~RNodeInterface(void)
+	?PreAllocL@RNodeInterface@Messages@@AAEXI@Z @ 204 NONAME ; void Messages::RNodeInterface::PreAllocL(unsigned int)
+	??0RNodeInterface@Messages@@QAE@XZ @ 205 NONAME ; Messages::RNodeInterface::RNodeInterface(void)
+	?ClaimPreallocatedSpace@RNodeInterface@Messages@@AAEPAXI@Z @ 206 NONAME ; void * Messages::RNodeInterface::ClaimPreallocatedSpace(unsigned int)
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/eabi/nodemessagesu.def	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/eabi/nodemessagesu.def	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -331,5 +331,13 @@
 	_ZTVN8Messages13TSigMessageIdE @ 330 NONAME
 	_ZTVN8Messages19TSigTypeIdAnyNumberE @ 331 NONAME
 	_ZTVN8Messages28TSigNodeIdNumberNumberNumberE @ 332 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterface22ClaimPreallocatedSpaceEj @ 333 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterface9PreAllocLEj @ 334 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceC1Ev @ 335 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceC2Ev @ 336 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceD0Ev @ 337 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceD1Ev @ 338 NONAME
+	_ZN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceD2Ev @ 339 NONAME
+	_ZTIN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceE @ 340 NONAME
+	_ZTVN8Messages14RNodeInterfaceE @ 341 NONAME
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_interfaces.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_interfaces.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -33,6 +33,17 @@
 _LIT(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntH, "ElemNodeMessIntH");
+// Forward declarations to be used with RNodeInterface to allow for friend assignment
+namespace ESock
+	{
+	class CMMCommsProviderBase;
+	}
+namespace CprClientLeaveActivity
+	{
+	class CClientLeaveActivity;
+	}
 namespace Messages
@@ -288,7 +299,16 @@
 	friend class TClientIterBase;
+	// Friend classes needed to allow access to memory preallocation functionality
+	// This friend funtionality is to be removed when the preallocation functionality is revisited
+	// These friends are not to be used for any further functionality
+	friend class ESock::CMMCommsProviderBase;
+	friend class CprClientLeaveActivity::CClientLeaveActivity;
+	IMPORT_C RNodeInterface();
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~RNodeInterface();
 	IMPORT_C void Open(TNodeId aPostTo, const TClientType& aClientType = TClientType::NullType(), MTransportSender* aSender = NULL);
 	IMPORT_C void Close();
 	IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const RNodeInterface& aRHS) const;
@@ -367,8 +387,40 @@
+// Handling of preallocating memory to be used by the Leave activity
+	IMPORT_C void PreAllocL(TUint aAllocSize);
+	/**
+	Claim some preallocated memory from the RNodeInterface. This preallocated memory is used for activities that
+	absolutely cannot fail in any scenario, such as for Leaving the node. For this reason, when the
+	RNodeInterface is created, some memory is allocated so that a leaving activity can't even fail in an out
+	of memory situation.
+	This method is static as the memory must be claimed before the activity object is constructed.
+	@param aNode The node that owns the preallocated space. This must be the node that the activity runs on.
+	@param aSize Size of buffer to allocate.
+	@return A pointer to the allocated block of memory
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C TAny* ClaimPreallocatedSpace(TUint aSize);
 	TClientType iClientType;
+	struct TPreAllocStore
+		{
+		TPreAllocStore()
+			{
+			iPreAllocSize=0;
+			iPreAllocatedActivityChunk=NULL;
+			}
+		TUint iPreAllocSize;
+		TAny* iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
+		};
+	TPreAllocStore* iPreAlloc;
 class RRequestOriginator
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_node.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_node.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     IMPORT_C virtual RNodeInterface* NewClientInterfaceL(const TClientType& aClientType, TAny* aClientInfo = NULL);
-    IMPORT_C RNodeInterface* AddClientL(const TNodeId& aClientId, const TClientType& aClientType, TAny* aClientInfo = NULL);
+    IMPORT_C virtual RNodeInterface* AddClientL(const TNodeId& aClientId, const TClientType& aClientType, TAny* aClientInfo = NULL);
     IMPORT_C void RemoveClient(RNodeInterface& aClient);
     IMPORT_C void RemoveClient(TInt aIndex);
     inline const TNodeId& Id() const
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/src/nm_interfaces.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/src/nm_interfaces.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -115,6 +115,15 @@
+EXPORT_C RNodeInterface::RNodeInterface() : iPreAlloc(NULL)
+	{}
+EXPORT_C RNodeInterface::~RNodeInterface()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPreAlloc == NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 1));
+	}
 EXPORT_C void RNodeInterface::Open(TNodeId aPostTo, const TClientType& aClientType, MTransportSender* aSender)
 Opens 'this'.
@@ -129,9 +138,14 @@
 	iClientType = TClientType::NullType();
+	if(iPreAlloc!=NULL)
+		{
+		delete iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
+		}
+	delete iPreAlloc;
+	iPreAlloc = NULL;
 EXPORT_C void RNodeInterface::PostMessage(const TRuntimeCtxId& aPostFrom, const TNodeId::TRemainder& aPostTo, const TSignalBase& aMessage) const
 	TUint8 postTo[__Align8(TRuntimeCtxId::KMaxInlineAddressSize)];
@@ -149,6 +163,40 @@
 	return RecipientId() == aRHS.RecipientId();
+EXPORT_C void RNodeInterface::PreAllocL(TUint aAllocSize)
+/**	Pre-allocates memory and stores the pointer and its size
+@param size of memory space to prealloc
+	{
+	if(iPreAlloc!=NULL)
+		// Memory already allocated for this client
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk != NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 5));
+		return;
+		}
+	iPreAlloc = new (ELeave) TPreAllocStore();
+	iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk = User::AllocL(aAllocSize);
+	iPreAlloc->iPreAllocSize = aAllocSize;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TAny* RNodeInterface::ClaimPreallocatedSpace(TUint aSize)
+/**	Finds a pointer of the requested size from the preallocation array (see PreallocActivitySpaceL) and returns it
+@param size of memory space requested
+@return pointer to memory allocation or NULL if no preallocation and allocation here fails
+	{
+	if(!(iPreAlloc && aSize <= iPreAlloc->iPreAllocSize))
+		{
+		// By this stage the PreAllocL must have been triggered and memory space must have been allocated.
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 3));
+		delete iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
+		iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk = User::AllocL(aSize);
+		}
+	TAny* preallocatedSpace = (RNodeInterface*)iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
+	iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk=NULL;
+	return preallocatedSpace;
+	}
@@ -204,7 +252,7 @@
 EXPORT_C void RRequestOriginator::Open(RRequestOriginator& aOriginalRequest)
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aOriginalRequest.IsOpen(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 1));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aOriginalRequest.IsOpen(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 4));
 	iNode = aOriginalRequest.iNode;
 	iRemainder = aOriginalRequest.iRemainder;
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/parse.ini	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/parse.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -119,6 +119,11 @@
 TPolicyCheckRequest iParams.iProcessId_Lo iParams.iThreadId_Lo iParams.iPlatSecResult
 ReJoinDataClientRequest iNodeId1.iPtr:node iNodeId2.iPtr:node
 SubSess iValue
+SimpleSelect	iSelectionPrefs.iSelectionParams iSelectionPrefs.iSubSessionUniqueId
+TApiExtMsgDispatcher iResponseMsg.iMessage.iHandle:x iClientId 
+TOpenExtensionInterface	iMessage.iHandle:x iClientId iInterfaceId
+TDataMonitoringNotification iValue1 iValue2
+TConnFlowRequest iSubSessionUniqueId:x iFlowParams.iAddrFamily iFlowParams.iProtocol iFlowParams.iSocketType iFlowParams.iFlowRequestType iSession:x iHandle:x
 # Note: the order that entries appear in this section is important as string substitutions occur in the order specified
 TransportFlowShim	TranFlowShim	2
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@
 # 4	include ESOCK session creation
 # 8 display activity name along with each tuple line (e.g. "(IpCprNoBearer) (CoreNetStates::TSendBindTo, CoreNetStates::TAwaitingBindToComplete)")
 # 16 display AddClient/RemoveClient operations
+# -o <path>			Write HTML and SVG output files into directory <path>
 use strict;
 require '';
-my $version = "2.1 (24/02/09)";
+my $version = "2.2 (16/04/10)";
 # Internal Options
@@ -53,12 +54,13 @@
 my $globalIndex = 1;
 my $lifeStage = 0;	# 0 = not running or shutting down, 1 = during boot, 2 = main phase
+my $outputPath = "";			# path to output directory specified by "-o"
+our($opt_p,$opt_s,$opt_x,$opt_X, $opt_o);
+$outputPath = processPathArgument($opt_o);
 ### to get 1st line of latest log: type log.txt | perl -e "while(<>){if(/^#Logging started/){$a=$.;print $a.' '}};print $a"
@@ -83,7 +85,8 @@
 use constant ArgumentSignedDecimal => 0;
 use constant ArgumentNode => 1;
-my %argumentFormatToConstant = ( "node" => ArgumentNode );	# used to have several other options
+use constant ArgumentHex => 2;
+my %argumentFormatToConstant = ( "node" => ArgumentNode, "x" => ArgumentHex );	# used to have several other options
 my %arguments;
 # Support for AddClient/RemoveClient
@@ -317,13 +320,14 @@
 		elsif (($opt_s & 2) &&
 			(/CWorkerSubSession\(.{8}\):\s*CompleteMessage\((.{8})\) with (.+), session .{8}/ ||
+			 /~CESockClientActivityBase..{8}.\s*RMessage2::Complete \((.{8})\) with ([-\d]+)\./ ||
+			 /RSafeMessage\(.{8}\)::Complete\((.{8})\) with ([-\d]+)/))
+			{
 #			 /ProcessMessageL, session=.{8}, RMessage2::Complete \((.{8})\) with ([-\d]+)\./ ||
-			 /~CESockClientActivityBase..{8}.\s*RMessage2::Complete \((.{8})\) with ([-\d]+)\./ ||
-			 /RSafeMessage\((.{8})\)::Complete\((\d+)\) - session .{8}/))
-			{
 			# W6: CPlayer:	ProcessMessageL, session=0be839a8, RMessage2::Complete (00de5538) with 0.
 			# W0: CWorkerSubSession(0c941bc4):	CompleteMessage(00de1a6c) with -3, session 0be839a8.
 			# W6: ~CESockClientActivityBase=0c941f8c, RMessage2::Complete (00de5538) with 0.
+			# RSafeMessage(00e01590)::Complete(cd21cb80) with -36
 			my $msgAddr = $1;
 			my $ret = $2;
@@ -792,7 +796,11 @@
 			if ($value =~ m/^0x/) {
 				$value = hex($value);
-			$buf .= sprintf "%d", $value;
+			if ($format == ArgumentHex) {
+				$buf .= sprintf "0x%x", $value;
+			} else {
+				$buf .= sprintf "%d", $value;
+			}
 		} else {
 			$buf .= $value;
@@ -934,12 +942,19 @@
 	my ($exeName) = @_;
 	$exeName =~ s/\.exe$//;
 	$exeName =~ s/\.EXE$//;
+	$exeName =~ s/ /_/g;
 	return $exeName;
 sub outputSymbols()
-	open SYM, ">logsym.html" || die "Cannot open logsym.html for writing\n";
+	# Should have already created $outputPath directory, create html/ subdirectory.
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html";
+	if (! -d $path) {
+		mkdir $path;
+	}
+	$path .= "/logsym.html";
+	open SYM, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 	print SYM "<html>\n<body><code>\n";
 	my @keys = sort keys %symtab;
 	for my $i (@keys) {
@@ -1145,4 +1160,32 @@
 	if (defined $activityName{$actAddr}) {
 		delete $activityName{$actAddr};
\ No newline at end of file
+sub processPathArgument($)
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	if ($path) {
+		# ensure "/" at the end
+		if ($path !~ /\/$/) {
+			$path .= "/";
+		}
+		mkdirp($path);
+		return $path;
+	} else {
+		return "";
+	}
+sub mkdirp($) 
+    my $dirName = @_[0]; 
+    if ($dirName =~ m/^(.*)\//i) { 
+        if ($1 ne "") { 
+            mkdirp($1); 
+        } 
+    }
+	if (! -d $dirName) {
+		mkdir($dirName); 
+	}
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@
 my $version = "2.2 (27/02/08)";
-our($opt_M, $opt_H, $opt_p, $opt_x, $opt_N, $opt_A, $opt_v, $opt_V, $opt_r, $opt_R, $opt_h, $opt_n, $opt_f);
+our($opt_M, $opt_H, $opt_p, $opt_x, $opt_N, $opt_A, $opt_v, $opt_V, $opt_r, $opt_R, $opt_h, $opt_n, $opt_f, $opt_o);
+my $outputPath = processPathArgument($opt_o);
 if ($opt_h)
@@ -122,8 +124,10 @@
                             [6] AgentSCPr :: AgentSCprStart
                             Select activity to draw:
- -h                         This help message
+-o <path>					Place all output files into <path>/html/ directory (including log.html).
+-h                         This help message
     exit (0);
@@ -307,6 +311,7 @@
 	my $rowsPerView = int(($rowsToDisplay + $viewsToDisplay - 1) / $viewsToDisplay);
 	my $viewNumber = 0;
+	createIpcMap();
 	while ($beginRow < $totalRows) {
 		$endRow = $beginRow + $rowsPerView - 1;
 		if ($endRow >= $totalRows) {
@@ -318,6 +323,7 @@
 		$beginRow = $endRow + 1;
+	closeIpcMap($viewNumber);
 print "\n" if ($opt_V);
@@ -353,19 +359,22 @@
 		$fileName .= $viewNumber;
-	open SVG, ">html/${fileName}.svg" || die "Cannot open html/${fileName}.svg for writing\n";
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html/${fileName}.svg";
+	open SVG, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 	#open RTTTL, ">html/${fileName}.rtttlpre" || die "Cannot open html/${fileName}.rttlpre for writing\n";
 	outputDocHeader($screenWidth, $screenHeight);
-	drawObjectNames(0);
 	drawObjectLifelines($beginRow, $endRow, $screenHeight);
+	drawObjectNames(0);
 	drawActivities($beginRow, $endRow, $screenHeight, $viewNumber);
 	my @labelsOnPage = ();
 	my @objectsDestroyed = ();
 	my @objectsCreated = ();
-	drawSequences($beginRow, $endRow, 1, \@labelsOnPage, \@objectsCreated, \@objectsDestroyed);
+	my @ipc = ();
+	drawSequences($beginRow, $endRow, 1, \@labelsOnPage, \@objectsCreated, \@objectsDestroyed, \@ipc);
 	outputViewMap($viewNumber, $lastViewNumber, \@labelsOnPage, \@objectsCreated, \@objectsDestroyed);
+	outputIpcMap($viewNumber, $lastViewNumber, \@ipc);
 	close SVG;
@@ -379,9 +388,11 @@
-sub createSubDir() {
-	if (! -d html) {
-		mkdir "html" || die "Cannot create 'html' subdirectory\n";
+sub createSubDir()
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html"; 
+	if (! -d $path) {
+		mkdir $path || die "Cannot create $path subdirectory\n";
 sub resetForNextView() {
@@ -946,11 +957,12 @@
 			if ($i->{Order} == 0)
-				$colour = "";
+				$colour = "!";
 				$colour = (($i->{Order} % 2) == 0) ? $objectNameColour1 : $objectNameColour2;
+				$colour = "!" . $colour;
 		my $name = $i->{Name};
@@ -967,10 +979,11 @@
-		    outputText($i->{X}, $name, $currentY, "middle", $colour, qq{id="$name" onclick="debugEvent(evt)"});
+			my $stagger = ($i->{colno} & 1);
+		    outputText($i->{X}, $name, $currentY + ($stagger * $incrementY), "middle", $colour, qq{id="$name" onclick="debugEvent(evt)"});
-	incrementY();
+	incrementY(2);
@@ -1137,7 +1150,7 @@
 sub drawSequences($$$$$$)
-	my ($startRow, $endRow, $drawFlag, $labelsOnPageRef, $objectsCreatedRef, $objectsDestroyedRef) = @_;
+	my ($startRow, $endRow, $drawFlag, $labelsOnPageRef, $objectsCreatedRef, $objectsDestroyedRef, $ipcRef) = @_;
 	my $nextLabel = "";
 	# startRow/endRow = start/end row of displayed area (inclusive)
@@ -1150,7 +1163,6 @@
 	my $drawDone = 0;
 	my $inRange = 0;
 	my $lastPopupText = "";		# text of last "pn" action
 	foreach my $ref (@sequences) {
 		my $action = $ref->{Action};
@@ -1169,7 +1181,8 @@
 						$colour .= "rgb($1)";
 						$text = $2;
-					my $attrs = generatePopupAttrs(\$lastPopupText, qq{id="$ref->{Object}->{Name}"});
+					my $name = $ref->{Object}->{Name};
+					my $attrs = generatePopupAttrs(\$lastPopupText, qq{id="$name"});
 					outputText($objX + $lifelineTextLeftMargin, $text, $currentY, "begin", $colour, $attrs);
 					$drawDone = 1;
 					# support for putting threads into the view map
@@ -1181,6 +1194,9 @@
 							push @{$objectsDestroyedRef}, $1;
+					if ($name =~ s/^!//) {
+						push @{$ipcRef}, $ref;
+					}
 				} else {
 					fakeUpCreationDeletionIfRequired($ref->{Object}, $absoluteRow);
@@ -1384,16 +1400,16 @@
 			$inRange = IsInRangeInclusive($absoluteRow, $startRow, $endRow);
 			if ($inRange)
-				# drawObjectNames() increments Y once, and we increment Y once for
-				# spacing, so we occupy two rows here.
-				$rows += 2;
+				# drawObjectNames() increments Y twice (for stagger), and we increment Y once for
+				# spacing, so we occupy three rows here.
+				$rows += 3;
 				if ($drawFlag == 1)
-			$absoluteRow += 2;
+			$absoluteRow += 3;		# 2 + 1 for stagger
 	return $rows;
@@ -1699,7 +1715,8 @@
 sub createViewMap()
-	open MAP, ">logmap.html" || die "Cannot open logmap.html for writing\n";
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html/logmap.html";
+	open MAP, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 	print MAP "<html>\n<body>\n";
 	# Begin page label/time table
@@ -1830,6 +1847,84 @@
+sub createIpcMap()
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html/ipcmap.html";
+	open IPC, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
+	print IPC "<html><head>\n";
+	print IPC qq{<style type="text/css">};
+	print IPC "td,th { text-align: left; font-family: courier new; white-space: nowrap ; font-size: smaller}\n";
+	print IPC "</style></head><body>\n";
+	# Begin page label/time table
+	print IPC qq { <table border="1" >\n };
+	print IPC qq { <tr><th style="text-align: center">Page</th><th style="text-align: center">EXEs...</th></tr>\n };
+sub closeIpcMap()
+	print IPC "</table></body></html>\n";
+	close IPC;
+my @IpcExeColumns = ();
+sub addToArrayUniquely($$)
+	my ($arrRef, $element) = @_;
+	foreach my $i ( @{$arrRef} ) {
+		if ($i eq $element) {
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	push @{$arrRef}, $element;
+sub outputIpcMap($$$)
+	my ($viewNumber, $lastViewNumber, $ipcRef) = @_;
+	my %ipcExeUsed = ();
+	my $exe;
+	my $ipc;
+	foreach $ipc (@{$ipcRef}) {
+		$exe = $ipc->{Object}->{Name};
+		addToArrayUniquely(\@IpcExeColumns, $exe);
+		$ipcExeUsed{$exe} = 1;
+	}
+	# Page number in first column (two rows)
+	#my $style = qq{style="text-align: left; font-family: courier new; white-space: nowrap ; font-size: smaller"};
+	print IPC qq {<tr><td rowspan="2" style="text-align: center">$viewNumber</td>\n};
+	# Second and subsequent columns showing the exe names
+	foreach $exe ( @IpcExeColumns ) {
+		my $exe2 = $exe;			# why do things go wrong if I operate directly on $exe???
+		$exe2 =~ s/^!//;
+		if (!defined($ipcExeUsed{$exe})) {
+			print IPC qq{<td style="text-align: center ; color: gray">$exe2</td>};
+		} else {
+			print IPC qq{<td style="text-align: center">$exe2</td>};
+		}
+	}
+	# next row
+	print IPC qq{</tr>\n<tr>};
+	# for each exe there is column...
+	my $rr;
+	foreach $rr ( @IpcExeColumns ) {
+		print IPC qq{<td>};
+		# ...showing the IPCs
+		foreach my $ref ( @{$ipcRef} ) {
+			if ($ref->{Object}->{Name} eq $rr) {
+				print IPC qq{$ref->{Text}<br>};
+			} else {
+				print IPC qq{<br>};
+			}
+		}
+		print IPC qq{</td>};
+	}
+	print IPC qq {</tr>\n};
 # Output the "0 1 2 3 4 ..." anchors representing the different views
@@ -1850,6 +1945,34 @@
+sub processPathArgument($)
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	if ($path) {
+		# ensure "/" at the end
+		if ($path !~ /\/$/) {
+			$path .= "/";
+		}
+		mkdirp($path);
+		return $path;
+	} else {
+		return "";
+	}
+sub mkdirp($) 
+    my $dirName = @_[0]; 
+    if ($dirName =~ m/^(.*)\//i) { 
+        if ($1 ne "") { 
+            mkdirp($1); 
+        } 
+    } 
+	if (! -d $dirName) {
+		mkdir($dirName); 
+	}
 sub outputHTMLEmbedder($$$$$)
 	my ($width, $height, $viewNumber, $lastViewNumber, $fileName) = @_;
@@ -1874,7 +1997,8 @@
 		$svgPathInHtmlFile = "html/" . $fileName;
 		$mainPath = "";
-	open HTML, ">${htmlPath}.html" || die "Cannot open ${htmlPath}.html for writing\n";
+	my $path = $outputPath . $htmlPath . ".html";
+	open HTML, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 	if (! $opt_f) {
 		# DOCTYPE needed for "position: fixed" to work in IE 
@@ -1917,6 +2041,7 @@
 	print HTML qq{<input type="button" value="Symbols" onclick="popupSymbols()">\n};
 	print HTML qq{<input type="button" value="Relations" onclick="popupRelations()">\n};
 	print HTML qq{<input type="button" value="Map" onclick="popupMap()">\n};
+	print HTML qq{<input type="button" value="IPC Map" onclick="popupIpcMap()">\n};
 	print HTML qq{&nbsp;Zoom%\n<input type="text" size=3 maxlength=3 onkeypress="zoom(this,event)" />\n};
 	if ($opt_f) {
@@ -2010,16 +2135,20 @@
 function popupSymbols() {
-	symbols = + "logsym.html", "_blank", "width=400,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
+	symbols = + "html/logsym.html", "_blank", "width=400,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
 function popupRelations() {
-	relations = + "relations.html", "_blank", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
+	relations = + "html/relations.html", "_blank", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
 	relationsDefined = 1;
 function popupMap() {
-	relations = + "logmap.html", "_blank", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
+	relations = + "html/logmap.html", "_blank", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
+function popupIpcMap() {
+	relations = + "html/ipcmap.html", "_blank", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -154,9 +154,12 @@
 my $tabToFontAdjustTopY = 2;
 my $tabToFontAdjustBottomY = 1;
 my $tabLineLengthY = 5;
+my $outputPath = "";		# output path as specified by "-o <path>" argument
+our($opt_x,$opt_v,$opt_V, $opt_o);
+$outputPath = processPathArgument($opt_o);
 print "Reading sequences\n" if ($opt_V);
@@ -225,9 +228,15 @@
 outputRelationsHTMLEmbedder($width, $height);
 sub createOutputFile()
-	{
-		open SVG, ">relations.svg" || die "Cannot open relations.svg for writing\n";
+	# Have already created the directory $outputPath, just create the "html" subdirectory
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html";
+	if (! -d $path) {
+		mkdir $path;
+	$path .= "/relations.svg";
+	open SVG, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 sub closeOutputFile()
@@ -835,7 +844,9 @@
 sub outputRelationsHTMLEmbedder($$)
 	my ($width,$height) = @_;
-	open HTML, ">relations.html" || die "Cannot open relations.html for writing\n";
+	# Should have already created $outputPath/html directory.
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html/relations.html";
+	open HTML, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 	print HTML qq{<html>\n<body onLoad="resize()">\n};
 	print HTML qq{<embed src="relations.svg" width="$width" height="$height" type="image/svg+xml" pluginspage="" name="embedder">\n};
 	print HTML qq{<input type="button" value="Animate..." onclick="popupAnimate()">\n};
@@ -875,7 +886,13 @@
 sub outputAnimateHTML()
-	open HTML, ">animate.html" || die "Cannot open animate.html for writing\n";
+	# Should have already created $outputPath directory, create html/ subdirectory.
+	my $path = $outputPath . "html";
+	if (! -d $path) {
+		mkdir $path;
+	}
+	$path .= "/animate.html";
+	open HTML, ">$path" || die "Cannot open $path for writing\n";
 #  Begin Interpolated Text...   #
@@ -2096,3 +2113,31 @@
 	print SVG ");\n\n";
+sub processPathArgument($)
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	if ($path) {
+		# ensure "/" at the end
+		if ($path !~ /\/$/) {
+			$path .= "/";
+		}
+		mkdirp($path);
+		return $path;
+	} else {
+		return "";
+	}
+sub mkdirp($) 
+    my $dirName = @_[0]; 
+    if ($dirName =~ m/^(.*)\//i) { 
+        if ($1 ne "") { 
+            mkdirp($1); 
+        } 
+    }
+	if (! -d $dirName) {
+		mkdir($dirName); 
+	}
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/utracedecoder/data/esockmessages.definition.txt	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/utracedecoder/data/esockmessages.definition.txt	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
 	ImplicitFlow				= 112
 	ConnectionFlow				= 113
 	SubConnectionFlow			= 114
+	ActivityDestroyOrphans           		= 115
 	GetParamLength				= 116
 	GetParam					= 117
 	ActivitySubConnectionCreate = 118
@@ -405,27 +406,28 @@
 //	EGetOrSetParameters				= 100
 	EMCprGetConnectionSetting       = 101
-	ECprRetrieveProgress			= 102
-	ECprRetrieveLastProgressError	= 103
-//	ECprRequestServiceNotification	= 104
+	ECprRetrieveProgress			= 201
+	ECprRetrieveLastProgressError	= 202
+//	ECprRequestServiceNotification	= 203
-//	ECprSendIoctl					= 105
-//	ECprAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable		= 106
-//	ECprEnumerateConnections		= 107
+//	ECprSendIoctl					= 204
+//	ECprAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable		= 205
+//	ECprEnumerateConnections		= 206
-//	ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest		= 108
-	ELegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest	= 109
+	ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest		= 207
+	ELegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest	= 208
-    ELegacySubConnectionActiveRequest			= 110
+    ELegacySubConnectionActiveRequest			= 209
-	ELegacyEnumerateSubConnections				= 111
+	ELegacyEnumerateSubConnections				= 210
-	ELegacyControlMessage           = 112
-	ELegacyConnEnumMessage          = 113
+	ELegacyControlMessage           = 211
+	ELegacyConnEnumMessage          = 212
-	ESignatureRMessage2Response     = 114
+	ESignatureRMessage2Response     = 213
-	ELegacyGetSubConnectionInfo     = 115
+	ELegacyGetSubConnectionInfo     = 214
 ENUM TDataMonitoringDirection : UINT32
@@ -438,6 +440,16 @@
 	RMessage2 iMessage
+SIGNATURE TLegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest : TCFSigLegacyRMessage2Ext
+    TYPEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
+	UINT32 iClientId
+MESSAGE LegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
+    SIGNATURE = TLegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
+    MESSAGEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
 SIGNATURE TLegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest : TCFSigLegacyRMessage2Ext
 	TYPEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest
 	TDataMonitoringDirection iDirection
@@ -519,6 +531,17 @@
     MESSAGEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:EMCprGetConnectionSetting
+SIGNATURE TLegacyConnectionEnumRequest : TSignalBase
+	TYPEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyConnEnumMessage
+	UINT32 iSCPRCandidates
+	UINT32 iClientType
+MESSAGE LegacyConnectionEnumRequest
+    SIGNATURE = TLegacyConnectionEnumRequest
+    MESSAGEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyConnEnumMessage
 SIGNATURE TLegacyControlMessage : TCFSigLegacyRMessage2Ext
 	TYPEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyControlMessage
@@ -530,6 +553,7 @@
 SIGNATURE TLegacyGetSubConnectionInfo : TCFSigLegacyRMessage2Ext
 	TYPEID = KTCFLegacyMessageRealmId:ELegacyGetSubConnectionInfo
+	UINT32 iClientId					// TSubSessionUniqueId
 	TSubConnectionInfo iSubConnectionInfo
@@ -544,6 +568,7 @@
      	ECFSubConnDataTransferred		= 94
 		EStateChange = 95
 		ECFTransportNotification		= 100
+		ECFDestroyOrphans               = 102
 MESSAGE SubConnDataTransferred 
@@ -561,6 +586,11 @@
 	MESSAGEID = KTCFMessageRealmId:ECFTransportNotification
+MESSAGE DestroyOrphans
+	MESSAGEID = KTCFMessageRealmId:ECFDestroyOrphans
 // ss_nodemessages_availability_control_client.h
 CONST KAvailablityControlClientRealmId = 0x10285F3D
 ENUM AvailCC_MessageId : UINT16
@@ -604,6 +634,7 @@
 CONST KControlClientRealmId = 0x10285F3F
 ENUM ControlClient_MessageID : UINT16
      ECFGoneDown = 1
+     ECFGoneUp = 2
@@ -611,6 +642,11 @@
      MESSAGEID = KControlClientRealmId:ECFGoneDown
+	MESSAGEID = KControlClientRealmId:ECFGoneUp
 // ss_nodemessages_controlprovider.h
 CONST KControlProviderRealmId = 0x10285F40
 ENUM ControlProvider_MessageID : UINT16
@@ -1217,3 +1253,32 @@
 	SIGNATURE = TSigNumberNumber
 	MESSAGEID = TCFDataMonitoringNotificationRealmId:ECFDataMonitoringNotification
+// ss_apiext_messages.h
+CONST KExtItfMsgImplementationUid = 0x102822F7
+ENUM EExtItfMessageId : UINT32
+	EApiExtMsgDispatcher				= 0
+	EOpenExtensionInterface				= 1
+	ECloseExtensionInterface			= 2
+	ECancelAndCloseAllClientExtItf		= 3
+SIGNATURE TApiExtMsgDispatcher : TSignalBase
+	TYPEID = KExtItfMsgImplementationUid:EApiExtMsgDispatcher
+	UINT32 iClientId
+	RResponseMsg iResponseMsg
+SIGNATURE TOpenExtensionInterface : TCFSigRMessage2Ext
+    TYPEID = KExtItfMsgImplementationUid:EOpenExtensionInterface
+	UINT32 iClientId
+    UINT32 iInterfaceId
+SIGNATURE TCancelAndCloseAllClientExtItf : TSignalBase
+	TYPEID = KExtItfMsgImplementationUid:ECancelAndCloseAllClientExtItf
+	UINT32 iClientId
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/utracedecoder/data/ipmessages.definition.txt	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/utracedecoder/data/ipmessages.definition.txt	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
     ECprGetConnectionSetting			= 10
-    ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest	= 11
+//    ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest	= 11
 //  ELegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest	= 12
     ELegacyDataMonitoringNotificationCancel	= 13
@@ -146,16 +146,6 @@
     MESSAGEID = KESockCprLinkExtMessages:ECprEnumerateConnections
-SIGNATURE TLegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest : TCFSigRMessage2Ext
-    TYPEID = KESockCprLinkExtMessages:ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
-	UINT32 iClientId
-MESSAGE LegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
-    SIGNATURE = TLegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
-    MESSAGEID = KESockCprLinkExtMessages:ELegacyDataMonitoringTransferredRequest
 MESSAGE LegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest
     SIGNATURE = TLegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest
     MESSAGEID = KESockCprLinkExtMessages:ELegacyDataMonitoringNotificationRequest
@@ -186,19 +176,6 @@
     MESSAGEID = KESockCprLinkExtMessages:ELegacyCancelSubConnectionActive
-CONST KExtItfMsgImplementationUid = 0x102822F7
-ENUM EExtItfMessageId : UINT32
-	ECancelAndCloseAllClientExtItf = 3
-SIGNATURE TCancelAndCloseAllClientExtItf : TSignalBase
-	TYPEID = KExtItfMsgImplementationUid:ECancelAndCloseAllClientExtItf
-	UINT32 iClientId
 CONST KQoSIpSCprMessagesRealmId = 0x10204307
 ENUM EQoSIpSCprMessagesId : UINT32
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/utracedecoder/data/nodemessages.definition.txt	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/utracedecoder/data/nodemessages.definition.txt	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -452,5 +452,11 @@
 //    MESSAGEID = KPeerRealmId:EJoinRequest
+STRUCT RResponseMsg
+	RMessage2 iMessage
+	PAD 24						// iInterfaceId
+	UINT8 iRequestMsgParam
+	UINT8 iResponseMsgParam
+	PAD 2
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/Test06SplitL.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/Test06SplitL.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
 		return EFail;
+	TBool forceSmallBuf = EFalse;
+    bRet = GetIntFromConfig(_L("MBufMgrTest06"), _L("ForceSmallBuf"), forceSmallBuf);
  	Log(_L("     ------- Chain & Desc LENGTH   = %d --"), aLength);
  	Log(_L("     ------- OFFSET where to Split = %d --"), aOffset);
 	if ( (aLength > 1000)    ||(aLength <0) ||
@@ -79,7 +81,36 @@
 	Log(_L("  01 Creating CMBufManager and installing active scheduler:"));
     CleanupStack::PushL( iActSch = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler );
-	CreateInstanceMBufMgrL(KMBufDefaultHeapSize);
+	enum { KBigBuf = 256, KSmallBuf = 128 };
+	if(forceSmallBuf)
+	    {
+        RArray<TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo> createInfoArray;
+        TCommsBufPoolCreateInfo createInfo;
+        createInfo.iBufSize = KSmallBuf;
+        createInfo.iInitialBufs = 128;
+        createInfo.iGrowByBufs = 64;
+        createInfo.iMinFreeBufs = 40;
+        createInfo.iCeiling = 410; 
+        createInfoArray.AppendL(createInfo);
+        createInfo.iBufSize = KBigBuf;
+        createInfo.iInitialBufs = 3;
+        createInfo.iGrowByBufs = 1;
+        createInfo.iMinFreeBufs = 1;
+        createInfo.iCeiling = 3;
+        createInfoArray.AppendL(createInfo);
+        CreateInstanceMBufMgrL(createInfoArray);
+        createInfoArray.Close();
+	    }	
+	else
+	    {
+        CreateInstanceMBufMgrL(KMBufDefaultHeapSize);
+	    }
 	//-------------- substep 2 --------------------
@@ -111,6 +142,18 @@
+	if(forceSmallBuf)
+	    {
+        for(RMBuf* buf = aChain1.First(); buf; buf = buf->Next())
+            {
+            if(buf->Size() != KBigBuf)
+                {
+                Log(_L("-- initial chain should be composed of %d buf, found %d buf"), KBigBuf, buf->Size());
+                User::Leave(EFail);
+                }
+            }
+	    }
 	//-------------- substep 6 --------------------
 	Log(_L("  06 Copy in Des1 into Chain1:"));
@@ -158,6 +201,16 @@
+    if(forceSmallBuf)
+        {
+        if(!aChain2.First() || aChain2.First()->Size() != KSmallBuf ||
+           !aChain2.First()->Next() || aChain2.First()->Next()->Size() != KSmallBuf)
+            {
+            Log(_L("-- split chain should start with two %d buf"), KSmallBuf);
+            User::Leave(EFail);
+            }
+        }
 	//-------------- substep 9 --------------------
 	Log(_L("  09 Copy out Chain1 into Des2:"));
@@ -184,7 +237,7 @@
 	//-------------- substep 12 --------------------
 	Log(_L("  12 Copy out the whole Chain2 into Des2 at offset = OFFSET"));
 	TPtr8 dest((TUint8*)aDes2->Ptr() + aOffset, aLength-aOffset, aLength - aOffset);
-	aChain1.CopyOut(dest);
+	aChain2.CopyOut(dest);
 	//-------------- substep 13 --------------------
 	Log(_L("  13 Compare the content of Des1 & Des2:"));
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-1st.ini	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-1st.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-2nd.ini	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-2nd.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-3rd.ini	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-3rd.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/mbuftest.script	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/mbuftest.script	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -125,6 +125,17 @@
+//! @SYMTestCaseID		COMINF-MBUFMGR-0603
+PRINT Test 06: Split a chain of big bufs when only small reamaining
+RUN_TEST_STEP 10000, TS_CTMBufMgr, MBufMgrTest06 ,z:\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-4th.ini
+PRINT ------------------------------
 //! @SYMTestCaseID		COMINF-MBUFMGR-0700
 PRINT Test 07: TrimStart the chain on the first and only RMBuf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/mbuftest06-4th.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/bld.inf	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/bld.inf	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -59,44 +59,26 @@
 //MBuf ComponentTest scripts & configs
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/mbuftest.script /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/scripts/mbuftest.script
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/mbuftest.script /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/scripts/mbuftest.script
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest05-copyin.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest05-copyin.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest05-copyout.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest05-copyout.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-1st.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-1st.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-1st.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-1st.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-1st.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-1st.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-1st.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-1st.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-2nd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-2nd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-3rd.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-3rd.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-4th.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-4th.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-4th.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-4th.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-5th.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-5th.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-5th.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-5th.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest10-1st.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest10-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest10-1st.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest10-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest13-1st.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest13-1st.ini
-../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest13-1st.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/mbuftest13-1st.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/mbuftest.script z:/testdata/scripts/mbuftest.script
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest05-copyin.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest05-copyout.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-1st.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-1st.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-2nd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-2nd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-3rd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-3rd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest06-4th.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest06-4th.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-1st.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-1st.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-2nd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-2nd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest07-3rd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest07-3rd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-1st.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-1st.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-2nd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-2nd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest08-3rd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest08-3rd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-1st.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-1st.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-2nd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-2nd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-3rd.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-3rd.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-4th.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-4th.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest09-5th.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest09-5th.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest10-1st.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest10-1st.ini
+../TS_mbufmgr/scriptfiles/MBufTest13-1st.ini z:/testdata/configs/mbuftest13-1st.ini
 testmbuf.iby /epoc32/rom/include/testmbuf.iby
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/testmbuf.iby	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/testmbuf.iby	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -22,25 +22,26 @@
 #include <commsbufs.iby>
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\scripts\mbuftest.script		\testdata\scripts\mbuftest.script
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\scripts\mbuftest.script		\testdata\scripts\mbuftest_zc.script
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini	\testdata\configs\MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-1st.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-2nd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-3rd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest07-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest07-1st.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest07-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest07-2nd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest07-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest07-3rd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest08-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest08-1st.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest08-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest08-2nd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest08-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest08-3rd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-1st.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-2nd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-3rd.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-4th.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-4th.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-5th.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-5th.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest10-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest10-1st.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##EPOC32\release\wins\udeb\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest13-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest13-1st.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\mbuftest.script		\testdata\scripts\mbuftest.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\mbuftest.script		\testdata\scripts\mbuftest_zc.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest05-CopyIn.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini	\testdata\configs\MBufTest05-CopyOut.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-1st.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-2nd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-3rd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest06-4th.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest06-4th.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest07-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest07-1st.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest07-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest07-2nd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest07-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest07-3rd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest08-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest08-1st.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest08-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest08-2nd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest08-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest08-3rd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-1st.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-2nd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-2nd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-3rd.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-3rd.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-4th.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-4th.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest09-5th.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest09-5th.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest10-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest10-1st.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\MBufTest13-1st.ini		\testdata\configs\MBufTest13-1st.ini
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/inc/MBufPanic.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/inc/MBufPanic.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@
 	EMBuf_IndexOutofRange =43,
 	EMBuf_InvalidLengthOrOffset =44,
 	EMBuf_AsyncAllocInvalidState =45,
-	EMBuf_InsufficientSpaceToStorePond = 45
+	EMBuf_InsufficientSpaceToStorePond = 46,
+	EMBuf_InvalidAsyncReqImpl = 47
 #endif // __MBufPanic_h__
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/inc/nifmbuf.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/inc/nifmbuf.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
-	IMPORT_C RMBufCell(RMBufCell* aPktHdr);
 	IMPORT_C static TAny* operator new(TUint aSize, TLeave aLeave, TUint aExtra);
 	IMPORT_C static TAny* operator new(TUint aSize, TUint aExtra) __NO_THROW;
 	IMPORT_C static void operator delete(TAny*);
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/src/mb_chn.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/src/mb_chn.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -272,7 +272,23 @@
 		len = Min(aLen, len);	
-	TInt err = newChain.Alloc(len + aHdrReserve, *this);
+// Suppress the "follow-the-leader" behaviour of preserving the buffer sizing of the
+// existing chain. The goal of preserving buffer characteristics remains desirable but
+// not at the cost of having TCP use unnecessarily small buffers - this area needs 
+// rework once the Comms stack really adopts buffer pools and zero copy  	
+//	TInt err = newChain.Alloc(len + aHdrReserve, *this);
+	TInt err;
+    if(First())
+        {
+        newChain.iNext = First()->Pool()->Pond().Alloc(len + aHdrReserve, 0, KMaxTInt);
+        err = iNext ? KErrNone : KErrNoMBufs;      
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        RMBufAllocator allocator;
+        err = newChain.Alloc(aLen + aHdrReserve, allocator);  
+        }
 	if(err != KErrNone)
 		return err;
@@ -532,10 +548,10 @@
 @param newChain The result chain
-	User::LeaveIfError(RCommsBufChain::Split(anOffset, newChain));
+	User::LeaveIfError(Split(anOffset, newChain));
-EXPORT_C TInt RMBufChain::Split(TInt anOffset, RMBufChain& newChain)
+EXPORT_C TInt RMBufChain::Split(TInt aOffset, RMBufChain& aNewChain)
 Split a chain into two new chains Original chain gets the 1st half 	  	 
 newChain gets the other half. 	  	 
@@ -544,8 +560,63 @@
 @param newChain The result chain 	  	 
-	return RCommsBufChain::Split(anOffset, newChain);		
-	}
+    // RCommsBuf::Split() will not allocate a smaller buffer size than the current, as part of its approach of (trying to)
+    // support zero-copy transfer by respecting the buffer pool in use. This work is incomplete (needs support throughout
+    // the stack and probably a cleverer idea of what constitutes an acceptable buffer than simply size), so in the meantime
+    // having MBufMgr reflect this behaviour by refusing to Split() a big buf into smaller bufs is unnecessarily purist.
+    // Hence the functionality is implemented directly here
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iNext!=NULL, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_EmptyChain));
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aOffset>=0, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_NegativeOffset));
+    // For testing post-conditions
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    TInt origLen = Length();
+    TInt splitBufOffset;
+    TInt splitBufRemainder;
+    RMBuf* splitBuf;
+    RMBuf* splitBufPrev;
+    if(!Goto(aOffset, splitBuf, splitBufOffset, splitBufRemainder, splitBufPrev))
+        {
+        aNewChain.Init();
+        return KErrNone;
+        }
+    if(splitBufOffset != splitBuf->Offset()) // Not on an mbuf boundary
+        {
+        // Copy tail of splitBuf out to a new chain (hopefully a single buf, but needn't be)
+        TInt splitDataOffset = splitBufOffset - splitBuf->Offset();
+        TInt err = RMBufChain(splitBuf).Copy(aNewChain, splitDataOffset, splitBufRemainder);
+        if(err != KErrNone)
+            {
+            return err;
+            }
+        splitBuf->AdjustDataEnd(-splitBufRemainder);
+        RMBufChain splitTail(splitBuf->Next());
+        aNewChain.Append(splitTail);
+        splitBuf->SetNext(NULL);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Split cleaves chain between bufs
+        aNewChain = splitBuf;
+        if(splitBufPrev)
+            {
+            splitBufPrev->Unlink();
+            }
+        }
+    // Check post-conditions
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    TInt frag1Len = Length(); 
+    TInt frag2Len = aNewChain.Length();
+    ASSERT(origLen == frag1Len + frag2Len);
+    ASSERT(frag1Len == aOffset);
+    return KErrNone;
+	}           
 // overloading for TLS
 EXPORT_C TInt RMBufChain::Split(TInt anOffset, RMBufChain& newChain, RMBufAllocator& /* aRMBufAllocator */)
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/src/commsbufasyncrequest.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/src/commsbufasyncrequest.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
 @param  aAllocator      The handle to the allocator
-    iAsyncReqImpl->Alloc(aChain, aSize, aMinSize, aMaxSize, aStatus);
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iAsyncReqImpl != NULL, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_InvalidAsyncReqImpl));
+	iAsyncReqImpl->Alloc(aChain, aSize, aMinSize, aMaxSize, aStatus);
@@ -85,7 +86,10 @@
 Cancel the asynchronous request
-	iAsyncReqImpl->Cancel();
+	if (iAsyncReqImpl)
+		{
+		iAsyncReqImpl->Cancel();
+		}
 EXPORT_C void RCommsBufAsyncRequest::Complete(TInt aCode)
@@ -95,5 +99,6 @@
 @param	aCode	The request completion code
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iAsyncReqImpl != NULL, CommsBuf::Panic(EMBuf_InvalidAsyncReqImpl));
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/bwins/coreprovidersU.DEF	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/bwins/coreprovidersU.DEF	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 	?TransitionTag@TAddClientOrUpdatePriority@CControlClientJoinActivity@CprControlClientJoinActivity@@UAEHXZ @ 192 NONAME ; int CprControlClientJoinActivity::CControlClientJoinActivity::TAddClientOrUpdatePriority::TransitionTag(void)
 	?DoL@TSendLeaveCompleteIfRequest@CClientLeaveActivity@CprClientLeaveActivity@@UAEXXZ @ 193 NONAME ; void CprClientLeaveActivity::CClientLeaveActivity::TSendLeaveCompleteIfRequest::DoL(void)
 	?DoL@TAddControlClient@CprStates@@UAEXXZ @ 194 NONAME ; void CprStates::TAddControlClient::DoL(void)
-	?NewL@CClientLeaveActivity@CprClientLeaveActivity@@SAPAVCNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@ABUTNodeActivity@4@AAVAMMNodeBase@4@@Z @ 195 NONAME ; class MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase * CprClientLeaveActivity::CClientLeaveActivity::NewL(struct MeshMachine::TNodeActivity const &, class MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase &)
+	?New@CClientLeaveActivity@CprClientLeaveActivity@@SAPAVCNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@ABUTNodeActivity@4@AAVTNodeContextBase@4@@Z @ 195  NONAME ; class MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase * CprClientLeaveActivity::CClientLeaveActivity::New(struct MeshMachine::TNodeActivity const &, class MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase &)
 	??1CControlClientJoinActivity@CprControlClientJoinActivity@@UAE@XZ @ 196 NONAME ; CprControlClientJoinActivity::CControlClientJoinActivity::~CControlClientJoinActivity(void)
 	?GetVTablePtr@TProcessDataClientRejoin@MCprStates@@SAPAVMStateTransition@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 197 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MStateTransition * MCprStates::TProcessDataClientRejoin::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
 	??0CContentionManager@@QAE@ABVCTierManagerBase@ESock@@@Z @ 198 NONAME ; CContentionManager::CContentionManager(class ESock::CTierManagerBase const &)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/eabi/coreprovidersU.DEF	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/eabi/coreprovidersU.DEF	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
 	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivity21TSaveLeaveMessageData3DoLEv @ 412 NONAME
 	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivity27TSendLeaveCompleteIfRequest12GetVTablePtrER6TDesC8Pv @ 413 NONAME
 	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivity27TSendLeaveCompleteIfRequest3DoLEv @ 414 NONAME
-	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivity4NewLERKN11MeshMachine13TNodeActivityERNS1_11AMMNodeBaseE @ 415 NONAME
+	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivity3NewERKN11MeshMachine13TNodeActivityERNS1_16TNodeContextBaseE @ 415 NONAME
 	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivityD0Ev @ 416 NONAME
 	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivityD1Ev @ 417 NONAME
 	_ZN22CprClientLeaveActivity20CClientLeaveActivityD2Ev @ 418 NONAME
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/inc/corecpractivities.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/inc/corecpractivities.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 class CClientLeaveActivity : public CprPriorityUpdateActivity::CPriorityUpdateActivity
-	IMPORT_C static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* NewL(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode);
+	IMPORT_C static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* New(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase& aContext);
 	IMPORT_C virtual ~CClientLeaveActivity();
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/src/corecpractivities.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/src/corecpractivities.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -43,7 +43,16 @@
 using namespace MeshMachine;
 using namespace Messages;
+_LIT (KCoreCPRActivityPanic,"CoreCPRActivityPanic");
+	{
+	EPanicNoPrealloc = 1
+	};
@@ -202,8 +211,8 @@
 namespace CprClientLeaveActivity
-DECLARE_DEFINE_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityClientLeave, CprClientLeave, TNodeSignal::TNullMessageId, CClientLeaveActivity::NewL)
-	FIRST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(CoreStates::TAwaitingClientLeave, MeshMachine::TNoTag)
+DECLARE_DEFINE_RESERVED_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityClientLeave, CprClientLeave, TCFServiceProvider::TLeaveRequest, CClientLeaveActivity::New)
+	FIRST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(MeshMachine::TAwaitingMessageState<TCFServiceProvider::TLeaveRequest>, MeshMachine::TNoTag)
 	THROUGH_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CClientLeaveActivity::TRemoveClientAndDestroyOrphanedDataClients, CClientLeaveActivity::TNoTagOrSendPriorityToCtrlProvider)
 	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(CprStates::KSendPriorityToCtrlProvider, CClientLeaveActivity::TUpdatePriorityForControlProvider, CoreStates::TAwaitingJoinComplete, CClientLeaveActivity::TNoTagOrSendPriorityToServProvider)
 	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(CprStates::KSendPriorityToServProvider, CClientLeaveActivity::TUpdatePriorityForServiceProviders, CoreStates::TAwaitingJoinComplete, MeshMachine::TNoTag)
@@ -286,10 +295,16 @@
 namespace CprClientLeaveActivity
-EXPORT_C MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CClientLeaveActivity::NewL(  const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode )
+EXPORT_C MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CClientLeaveActivity::New(  const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase& aContext )
-	TUint c = GetNextActivityCountL(aActivitySig,aNode);
-	return new(ELeave)CClientLeaveActivity(aActivitySig, aNode, c);
+	TUint c = GetNextActivityCount(aActivitySig,aContext.Node());
+	// Instantiate using memory preallocated and stored in the RCFNodeInterface
+	TAny* preallocatedSpace = aContext.iPeer->ClaimPreallocatedSpace(sizeof(CClientLeaveActivity));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(preallocatedSpace != NULL,User::Panic(KCoreCPRActivityPanic,EPanicNoPrealloc));
+	CClientLeaveActivity* self = new(preallocatedSpace)CClientLeaveActivity(aActivitySig, aContext.Node(), c);
+	return self;
 CClientLeaveActivity::CClientLeaveActivity(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode, TUint aActivitiesCount)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/src/corescpr.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/src/corescpr.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 // All rights reserved.
 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 //We reserve space for two preallocated activities that may start concurrently on the SCPR
 //node: destroy and data client stop.
-static const TUint KDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount = 2;
+static const TUint KSCPRDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount = 2;
 static const TUint KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize = sizeof(MeshMachine::CNodeRetryParallelActivity) + sizeof(MeshMachine::APreallocatedOriginators<4>);
-static const TUint KSCPRPreallocatedActivityBufferSize = KDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount * KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize;
+static const TUint KSCPRPreallocatedActivityBufferSize = KSCPRDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount * KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize;
 EXPORT_C CCoreSubConnectionProvider::CCoreSubConnectionProvider(CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
                                                                 const MeshMachine::TNodeActivityMap& aActivityMap)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/MobilityCoreProviders/eabi/mobilitycoreprovidersu.def	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/MobilityCoreProviders/eabi/mobilitycoreprovidersu.def	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -52,15 +52,14 @@
 	_ZThn140_N27CMobilityConnectionProviderD0Ev @ 51 NONAME ABSENT
 	_ZThn140_N27CMobilityConnectionProviderD1Ev @ 52 NONAME ABSENT
 	_ZThn20_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider9ReceivedLERKN8Messages13TRuntimeCtxIdERKNS0_7TNodeIdERNS0_14TSignatureBaseE @ 53 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider18CancelSubscriptionEj @ 54 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider18NewCarrierAcceptedEj @ 55 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider18NewCarrierRejectedEj @ 56 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider19SubscribeForMessageEjP21CCommsMobilitySrvResp @ 57 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider22IgnorePreferredCarrierEj @ 58 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider22OpenExtensionInterfaceEjRKN8Messages13TRuntimeCtxIdEPN5ESock21CCommsApiExtResponderE @ 59 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider23CloseExtensionInterfaceEj @ 60 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider25MigrateToPreferredCarrierEj @ 61 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProviderD0Ev @ 62 NONAME
-	_ZThn152_N27CMobilityConnectionProviderD1Ev @ 63 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider18CancelSubscriptionEj @ 54 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider18NewCarrierAcceptedEj @ 55 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider18NewCarrierRejectedEj @ 56 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider19SubscribeForMessageEjP21CCommsMobilitySrvResp @ 57 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider22IgnorePreferredCarrierEj @ 58 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider22OpenExtensionInterfaceEjRKN8Messages13TRuntimeCtxIdEPN5ESock21CCommsApiExtResponderE @ 59 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider23CloseExtensionInterfaceEj @ 60 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProvider25MigrateToPreferredCarrierEj @ 61 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProviderD0Ev @ 62 NONAME
+	_ZThn156_N27CMobilityConnectionProviderD1Ev @ 63 NONAME
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/MobilityCoreProviders/src/mobilitycpr.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/MobilityCoreProviders/src/mobilitycpr.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
 //We reserve space for two preallocated activities that may start concurrently on the CPR
 //node: destroy and data client stop.
-static const TUint KDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount = 2;
+static const TUint KMobilityCPRDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount = 2;
 static const TUint KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize = sizeof(MeshMachine::CNodeRetryParallelActivity) + sizeof(MeshMachine::APreallocatedOriginators<4>);
-static const TUint KMobilityCPRPreallocatedActivityBufferSize = KDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount * KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize;
+static const TUint KMobilityCPRPreallocatedActivityBufferSize = KMobilityCPRDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount * KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize;
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/MobilityCoreProviders/src/mobilitycpractivities.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/MobilityCoreProviders/src/mobilitycpractivities.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(cp, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockMbCrCPRAct, 4)); //We are a Cpr, must exist.
 	//PostedTo() could be our service provider or possibly other peer
-	if (PostedToId() != cp->RecipientId())
+	if (PostedToPeer() != cp)
 		cp->PostMessage(TNodeCtxId(ActivityId(), iNode.Id()),
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/bwins/esocksvrU.DEF	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/bwins/esocksvrU.DEF	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1053,4 +1053,5 @@
 	??0TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery@ESock@@QAE@XZ @ 1052 NONAME ; ESock::TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery::TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery(void)
 	?Match@TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery@ESock@@MAE?AW4TMatchResult@MFactoryQuery@Factories@@AAUTFactoryObjectInfo@5@@Z @ 1053 NONAME ; enum Factories::MFactoryQuery::TMatchResult ESock::TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery::Match(struct Factories::TFactoryObjectInfo &)
 	?GetVDataTableStatic@TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery@ESock@@SAPBUSVDataTableEntry@Meta@@XZ @ 1054 NONAME ; struct Meta::SVDataTableEntry const * ESock::TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery::GetVDataTableStatic(void)
+	?AddClientL@CMMCommsProviderBase@ESock@@UAEPAVRNodeInterface@Messages@@ABVTNodeId@4@ABVTClientType@4@PAX@Z @ 1055 NONAME ; class Messages::RNodeInterface * ESock::CMMCommsProviderBase::AddClientL(class Messages::TNodeId const &, class Messages::TClientType const &, void *)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_corepractivities.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_corepractivities.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1604,12 +1604,20 @@
 // CommsBinderActivity and CCommsBinderCombiningActivity.
+// When I node need to create the data client, this mutex block if the dataclient is leaving.
+// A scenario can arise when a connection is being started, stopped and started again in succession.
+// the stop might interfere with the second start and ccause the second start to fail.
+// this mutex will ensure that the leaving DC is completely destroyed, and then the second start is continued
+// - when any of the data clients is being destroyed 
+// - when a non-leaving data client is present or the activity is already running
 EXPORT_C TBool CCommsBinderActivity::TDataClientMutex::IsBlocked(MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase& aContext)
   	TInt c = aContext.Node().CountActivities(aContext.iNodeActivity->ActivitySigId());
   	__ASSERT_DEBUG(c>0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrStaCPRAC, 17)); //Diagnostic
-  	if (c == 1 || CCommsBinderActivity::IsDataClientPresent(aContext))
+    TInt numOfLeavingDataClients = aContext.Node().CountClients<TDefaultClientMatchPolicy>(
+                                   /*include*/TClientType(TCFClientType::EData, TCFClientType::ELeaving));
+  	if (numOfLeavingDataClients == 0 && (c == 1 || CCommsBinderActivity::IsDataClientPresent(aContext)))
   		return EFalse;
@@ -1620,7 +1628,9 @@
   	TInt c = aContext.Node().CountActivities(aContext.iNodeActivity->ActivitySigId());
   	__ASSERT_DEBUG(c>0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrStaCPRAC, 18)); //Diagnostic
-  	if (c == 1 || CCommsBinderActivity::IsDataClientPresent(aContext, TCFClientType::EDefault))
+    TInt numOfLeavingDataClients = aContext.Node().CountClients<TDefaultClientMatchPolicy>(
+                                   /*include*/TClientType(TCFClientType::EData, TCFClientType::ELeaving));
+  	if (numOfLeavingDataClients == 0 && (c == 1 || CCommsBinderActivity::IsDataClientPresent(aContext, TCFClientType::EDefault)))
   		return EFalse;
@@ -1701,6 +1711,7 @@
 EXPORT_C void CCommsBinderActivity::Cancel(TNodeContextBase& aContext)
     if (iPendingBinder)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_coreprstates.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_coreprstates.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TAwaitingStop, MeshMachine::TState<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MState, TContext )
-    IMPORT_C virtual TBool Accept();
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool Accept();
 EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TAwaitingProviderStatusChangeOrDataClientStatusChange, MeshMachine::TState<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MState, TContext )
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/eabi/esocksvrU.DEF	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/eabi/esocksvrU.DEF	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@
 	_ZN5ESock25RCFParameterFamilyBundleC4OpenEv @ 1030 NONAME
 	_ZN17CConnDataTransfer31DataReceivedNotificationRequestEjj @ 1031 NONAME
 	_ZThn20_N5ESock22CSubConnectionFlowBase26FetchNodeInterfaceControlLEi @ 1032 NONAME
-	_ZThn136_NK5ESock20CMMCommsProviderBase20GetAccessPointConfigEv @ 1033 NONAME
+	_ZThn140_NK5ESock20CMMCommsProviderBase20GetAccessPointConfigEv @ 1033 NONAME
 	_ZN5ESock30TDefaultConnectionFactoryQuery19GetVDataTableStaticEv @ 1034 NONAME
 	_ZN5ESock30TDefaultConnectionFactoryQuery5MatchERN9Factories18TFactoryObjectInfoE @ 1035 NONAME
 	_ZN5ESock30TDefaultConnectionFactoryQueryC1ERKN8Messages7TNodeIdE @ 1036 NONAME
@@ -1959,4 +1959,6 @@
 	_ZTIN5ESock23TTierTypeIdFactoryQueryE @ 1958 NONAME
 	_ZTVN5ESock23TTierTypeIdFactoryQueryE @ 1959 NONAME
 	_ZThn4_N5ESock23TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery5MatchERN9Factories18TFactoryObjectInfoE @ 1960 NONAME
+	_ZN5ESock20CMMCommsProviderBase10AddClientLERKN8Messages7TNodeIdERKNS1_11TClientTypeEPv @ 1961 NONAME
+	_ZThn36_N5ESock20CMMCommsProviderBase10AddClientLERKN8Messages7TNodeIdERKNS1_11TClientTypeEPv @ 1962 NONAME
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_mmcommsprov.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_mmcommsprov.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -71,10 +71,13 @@
 	friend class IpCprStates::TSendParamsToSelf;
 	friend class IpCprStates::TUpdateNetMCPR;
 	friend class PRStates::TRespondWithRetrievedParams;
 	typedef ITFHIERARCHY_LINK_1(CMMCommsProviderBase, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase, MAccessPointConfigApi) TIfStaticFetcherNearestInHierarchy;
 	IMPORT_C void ReturnInterfacePtrL(MAccessPointConfigApi*& aInterface);
+	IMPORT_C virtual Messages::RNodeInterface* AddClientL(const Messages::TNodeId& aClientId, const Messages::TClientType& aClientType, TAny* aClientInfo = NULL);
 	void DestroyOrphanedDataClients();
 	IMPORT_C void SetParametersL(const RCFParameterFamilyBundleC& aParameterBundle);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connstates.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connstates.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -259,7 +259,8 @@
 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().ServiceProvider()==NULL, ConnPanic(KPanicExpectedNoServiceProvider));
 	TCFDataClient::TBindTo& bt = message_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindTo>(iContext.iMessage);
-    iContext.Node().AddClientL(bt.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EActive));
+    RNodeInterface* newSP = iContext.Node().AddClientL(bt.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EActive));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().ServiceProvider()==newSP, ConnPanic(KPanicNoServiceProvider)); //[RZ] revise this, possibly overdefensive
     //If this is attach, we need to see if we are a monitor or not
     TClientType clientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl);
@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@
-    iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(bt.iNodeId,
+    iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*newSP,
     	TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(), clientType).CRef());
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@
 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iPeer == iContext.Node().ServiceProvider(), ConnPanic(KPanicExpectedNoServiceProvider));
 	TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse& br = message_cast<TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse>(iContext.iMessage);
-    iContext.Node().AddClientL(br.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EDefault));
+    RNodeInterface* scpr = iContext.Node().AddClientL(br.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EDefault));
     //If this is attach, we need to see if we are a monitor or not
     TCFClientType clientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl);
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@
-    iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(br.iNodeId,
+    iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*scpr,
     	TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(), clientType).CRef());
@@ -315,10 +316,10 @@
 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().ServiceProvider()==NULL, ConnPanic(KPanicExpectedNoServiceProvider));
 	TCFSelector::TSelectComplete& sc = message_cast<TCFSelector::TSelectComplete>(iContext.iMessage);
-	iContext.Node().AddClientL(sc.iNodeId,TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EAvailabilityProvider));
+	RNodeInterface* mcpr = iContext.Node().AddClientL(sc.iNodeId,TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EAvailabilityProvider));
-	iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(sc.iNodeId,
+	iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*mcpr,
 		TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(), TCFClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl)).CRef());
@@ -351,7 +352,8 @@
 	TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse& br = message_cast<TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse>(iContext.iMessage);
-	iContext.Node().AddClientL(br.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EActive));
+	RNodeInterface* sp = iContext.Node().AddClientL(br.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EActive));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().ServiceProvider()==sp, ConnPanic(KPanicNoServiceProvider)); //[RZ] revise this, possibly overdefensive
 	//If this is attach, we need to see if we are a monitor or not
 	TCFClientType clientType;
@@ -368,7 +370,7 @@
-	iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(br.iNodeId,
+	iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*sp,
 		TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(), clientType).CRef());
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_mmcommsprov.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_mmcommsprov.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 #include "ss_mmcommsprov.h"
 #include <elements/nm_messages_child.h>
-#include <elements/mm_activities.h> 
+#include <elements/mm_activities.h>
+#include <comms-infras/corecpractivities.h> 
 #include "ss_nodemessages_internal.h"
 #include "ss_internal_activities.h"
@@ -32,6 +33,10 @@
 using namespace ESock;
 using namespace Messages;
+//We reserve space for two preallocated activities that may start concurrently on the connection
+//node: destroy (connection close) and connection stop.
+static const TUint KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize = sizeof(MeshMachine::CNodeRetryParallelActivity) + sizeof(MeshMachine::APreallocatedOriginators<4>);
 CMMCommsProviderBase::CMMCommsProviderBase(CCommsFactoryBase& aFactory,
                                     const MeshMachine::TNodeActivityMap& aActivityMap)
 :	ACommsFactoryNodeId(aFactory),
@@ -112,6 +117,23 @@
 	aInterface = this;
+EXPORT_C RNodeInterface* CMMCommsProviderBase::AddClientL(const Messages::TNodeId& aClientId, const Messages::TClientType& aClientType, TAny* aClientInfo)
+	{
+	RNodeInterface* nodeInterface = ANodeBase::AddClientL(aClientId, aClientType, aClientInfo);
+	if(aClientType.Type() == TCFClientType::ECtrl)
+		{
+		TRAPD(err, nodeInterface->PreAllocL(KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize));
+		if(err!=KErrNone)
+			{
+			RemoveClient(nodeInterface->RecipientId());
+			User::Leave(err);
+			}
+		}
+	return nodeInterface;
+	}
 void CMMCommsProviderBase::DestroyOrphanedDataClients()
     // Note: If PRDataClientStopActivity is running, it will call PRStates::TDestroyOrphanedDataClients
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/configs/te_dummyprovider_008.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/configs/te_dummyprovider_009.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/configs/te_dummyprovider_ip.tcpip.esk	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+protocols= tcp,udp,icmp,icmp6,ip,ip6,rawip,resolver,dummy
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+bindto= ip6
+index= 8
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+bindto= ip6
+index= 7
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+bindto= ip6,resolver
+index= 6
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+index= 5
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+bindto= ip6
+index= 4
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+bindto= ip6
+index= 3
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+bindto= ip6
+index= 2
+filename= tcpip6.prt
+index= 1
+bindto= resolver
+default= csd
+ppp= ppp.nif
+flow_factory_uid= 271080847
+flow_protocol_id= 254
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/configs/te_dummyproviders.cfg	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/configs/te_dummyproviders.cfg	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -136,6 +136,36 @@
 ## CASE005 END ##
+## CASE008 BEGIN ##
+# COMMDB_ID = 9
+	Id=70
+	Name=DummyAPHasNextLayer
+	Tier=Link.TierTable.0x1028302B
+	MCpr=MCprTable.1
+	AccessPointSelectionPolicy=Link.APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable.5
+	Cpr=CprTable.1
+	SCpr=SCprTable.1
+	Protocol=ProtocolTable.1
+# COMMDB_ID = 10
+	Id=71
+	Name=DummyAPBottom
+	Tier=Link.TierTable.0x1028302B
+	MCpr=MCprTable.1
+	Cpr=CprTable.1
+	CprConfig=0x0010 #behavioural differentiator. See dummypr_metaconnprov.h. This cpr will arrest TDestroy for 3 sec 	
+	SCpr=SCprTable.1
+	Protocol=ProtocolTable.1
+## CASE008 END ##
 ## APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable
@@ -176,7 +206,14 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 5
+    Id=5
+	Name=SelectionPolicyCase004
+	AP1=Link.AccessPointTable.71
 ## TierTable
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/TE_DummyProvider.iby	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/TE_DummyProvider.iby	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_004.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_004.script
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_005.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_005.script
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_006.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_006.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyproviders.cfg TestData\configs\te_dummyproviders.cfg
@@ -36,6 +37,6 @@
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_004.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_004.ini
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_005.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_005.ini
 data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_006.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_006.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini
 #endif // __TE_DummyProviders_IBY__
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/bld.inf	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/bld.inf	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
 ../scripts/te_dummyprovider_004.script	z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_004.script
 ../scripts/te_dummyprovider_005.script	z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_005.script
 ../scripts/te_dummyprovider_006.script	z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_006.script
+../scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script	z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script
+../scripts/te_dummyprovider_008.script	z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_008.script
 ../scripts/te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script	z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script
 ../configs/te_dummyproviders.cfg	z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyproviders.cfg
@@ -37,4 +41,8 @@
 ../configs/te_dummyprovider_004.ini	z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_004.ini
 ../configs/te_dummyprovider_005.ini	z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_005.ini
 ../configs/te_dummyprovider_006.ini	z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_006.ini
+../configs/te_dummyprovider_009.ini	z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_009.ini
+../configs/TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk z:/testdata/configs/TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk
+../configs/te_dummyprovider_008.ini	z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_008.ini
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider.script	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider.script	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_004.script
 RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_005.script
 RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_006.script
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_009.script
 RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
 RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_test_remove_config_files.script
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_008.script	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+PRINT Running CASE008
+PRINT Connection from application started, stopped and started again. The leaving CPR needs
+PRINT to be destroyed before a new one is created by MCPR. In order to simulate this scenario
+PRINT the lower later CPR arrests TDestroy for 3 sec. The stop completes and the second start resumes
+PRINT The CommsBinderRequest is parked at MCPR till the time CPR is leaving. The activity is unparked
+PRINT after CPR is destroyed a new one is created by MCPR. This results in only 1 dataclient to MCPR at a time 
+LOAD_SUITE te_esockteststepsSuite -SharedData
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_loadesock.script
+//! @SYMTestCaseID		COMINF-ESOCK-DummyProviders-008
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite creatersocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini CreateSockSvr1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite createrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini CreateConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite connectrsocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini ConnectSockSvr1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite openrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini OpenConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite startrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini StartConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite stoprconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini StopConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite startrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini StartConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite stoprconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini StopConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closerconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini CloseConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closersocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini CloseSockSvr1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite cleanallStep
+RUN_SCRIPT Z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
+PRINT Completed CASE008
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+PRINT Running CASE009
+LOAD_SUITE te_esockteststepsSuite -SharedData
+//! @SYMTestCaseID COMINF-ESOCK-DummyProviders-009
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc  
+//! @SYMTestActions   
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults    
+//! @SYMTestPriority  
+//! @SYMTestType CT
+//! @SYMComponent   comms-infras_esock
+RUN_SCRIPT Z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
+RUN_UTILS CopyFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk.te_RSubConnectionCase70.archive
+RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
+RUN_UTILS CopyFile z:\testdata\configs\TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_loadesock.script
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite creatersocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini CreateSockSvr1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite createrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini CreateConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite connectrsocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini ConnectSockSvr1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite openrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini OpenConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite startrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini StartConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite creatersocketStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini CreateSocket
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite openrsocketStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini OpenSocket
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite bindrsocketStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini BindSocket
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite stoprconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini StopConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closersocketStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini CloseSocket
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closerconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini CloseConn1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closersocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini CloseSockSvr1
+RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite cleanallStep
+RUN_SCRIPT Z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
+RUN_UTILS MakeReadWrite c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
+RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
+RUN_UTILS CopyFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk.te_RSubConnectionCase70.archive c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
+RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk.te_RSubConnectionCase70.archive
+PRINT Completed CASE001
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/inc/EsockTestBase.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/inc/EsockTestBase.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
     TUint iSocketType;
    	TUint iProtocol;
+   	TUint iAddrFamily;
 	TInt iPacketSize;
 	TInt iNrOfPackets;
    	TInetAddr iLocalIP;
@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@
     RSocket* FindSocket(const TDesC& aSocketName);
     TInt CreateSocket(const TDesC& aSocketName);
     TInt OpenSocket(const TRSocketParams& aParams);
-    TInt BindSocket(const TRSocketParams& aParams);
+    TInt BindSocket(TRSocketParams& aParams);
     TInt ConnectSocket(TRSocketParams& aParams, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus);
     TInt CancelConnectSocket(const TRSocketParams& aParams);
     void SendAndReceiveDataL(const TRSocketParams& aParams);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/inc/Sockets.TestSteps.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/inc/Sockets.TestSteps.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
 #include "Te_EsockStepBase.h"
+#include "Connections.TestSteps.h"
 // General constants
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
@@ -55,9 +58,12 @@
 // Protocol types
-static const TInt KProtocolInetDummy = 253;
+static const TInt KDummyNetworkProtocol = 253;
+static const TInt KDummyProtocol = 254;
 _LIT(KSocketDataCheckTransformType, "SocketDataCheckTransformType");
@@ -74,12 +80,30 @@
 	TInt ConfigureFromIni();
-    TBool iCancelFlag;
+    TBool iCancelFlag;	
     TRSocketParams iParams; //current params (.ini)
+Class implementing BindRSocketStep
+class CBindRSocketStep : public CTe_EsockStepBase
+    {
+    CBindRSocketStep(CCEsockTestBase*& aEsockTest);
+    TVerdict doSingleTestStep();
+    TInt ConfigureFromIni();
+    TRSocketParams iParams; //current params (.ini)
+    };
 Class implementing AddRSocketToRSubConnectionOOMStep
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/EsockTestBase.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/EsockTestBase.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
 		RConnection* c = iConns.Find(aParams.iConnectionName);
 		if (c==NULL)
 			return KErrNotFound;
-		error = s->Open(*ss, KAfInet, aParams.iSocketType, aParams.iProtocol, *c);
+		error = s->Open(*ss, aParams.iAddrFamily, aParams.iSocketType, aParams.iProtocol, *c);
 	else if (aParams.iSubconnectionName.Length()>0)
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
 			return KErrNotFound;
-		error = s->Open(*ss, KAfInet, aParams.iSocketType, aParams.iProtocol, *sc);
+		error = s->Open(*ss, aParams.iAddrFamily, aParams.iSocketType, aParams.iProtocol, *sc);
 	else if (aParams.iProtocolName.Length()>0)
@@ -852,17 +852,15 @@
-		error = s->Open(*ss, KAfInet, aParams.iSocketType, aParams.iProtocol);
+		error = s->Open(*ss, aParams.iAddrFamily, aParams.iSocketType, aParams.iProtocol);
 	return error;
-TInt CCEsockTestBase::BindSocket(const TRSocketParams& /*aParams*/)
+TInt CCEsockTestBase::BindSocket(TRSocketParams& aSockeSParams)
-    return KErrNotSupported;
-    /*
     RSocket* s = iSocks.Find(aSockeSParams.iSocketName);
 	if (s==NULL)
 		return KErrNotFound;
@@ -874,8 +872,8 @@
 		return error;
 	//bind to Local address for TCP or UDP
 	return s->Bind(aSockeSParams.iLocalIP);
-	*/
 TInt CCEsockTestBase::ConnectSocket(TRSocketParams& aParams, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Sockets.TestSteps.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Sockets.TestSteps.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -73,28 +73,58 @@
-	    TPtrC protocol;
-	    if (GetStringFromConfig(iSection,KTe_Protocol,protocol)!=1)
-        {
-	        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Protocol missing."),&iParams.iSocketName);
-        	return KErrNotFound;
+        TInt protocolInt = 0;
+        //Try obtaining protocol type as int, failing that, go to predefined types
+        if (GetIntFromConfig(iSection, KTe_Protocol, protocolInt)!=1)
+            {
+            TPtrC protocolStr;
+            if (GetStringFromConfig(iSection, KTe_Protocol,protocolStr)!=1 )
+                {
+                INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Protocol missing."),&iParams.iSocketName);
+                return KErrNotFound;        
+                }
+            if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_TCPName)==0)
+                { protocolInt = KProtocolInetTcp; iParams.iSocketType = KSockStream;}
+            else if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_UDPName)==0)
+                { protocolInt = KProtocolInetUdp; iParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram;}
+            else if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_DummyNetworkProtocolName)==0)
+                { protocolInt = KDummyNetworkProtocol; iParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram;} 
+            else if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_DummyProtocolName)==0)
+                { protocolInt = KDummyProtocol; iParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram;} 
+            else
+                {
+                INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Protocol (%S) not recognised."),&iParams.iSocketName,&protocolStr);
+                return KErrNotFound;
+                }
+            }
+        iParams.iProtocol = protocolInt;
-	    if (protocol.Compare(KTe_TCPName)==0)
-		    { iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetTcp; iParams.iSocketType = KSockStream; }
-	    else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_UDPName)==0)
-		    { iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetUdp; iParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram; }
-	    else if (protocol.Compare(KDummyProtocolName)==0)
-		    {
-			iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetDummy;
-			iParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram;
-			}
-	    else
-	        {
-	        INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Protocol (%S) not recognised."),&iParams.iSocketName,&protocol);
-	        return KErrNotFound;
-	        }
+	TPtrC socketTypeStr;	
+    if (GetStringFromConfig(iSection, KTe_SocketType,socketTypeStr)!=1 )
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Socket type missing, defaulting based on specified protocol"),&iParams.iSocketName);
+    else
+        {
+        if (socketTypeStr.Compare(KTe_SocketDatagram)==0)
+             { iParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram;}
+        else if (socketTypeStr.Compare(KTe_SocketStream)==0)
+             { iParams.iSocketType = KSockStream; }
+        else
+            {
+            INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Socket type (%S) not recognised."),&iParams.iSocketName,&socketTypeStr);
+            return KErrNotFound;
+            }
+        }
+    TInt protocolInt = KAfInet;
+    if (GetIntFromConfig(iSection, KTe_ConnectionType, protocolInt)!=1 )
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Address Family (ConnType) missing, defaulting to KAfInet"),&iParams.iSocketName);
+        }
+    iParams.iAddrFamily = protocolInt;
     // All ok if we got this far
     return KErrNone;
@@ -199,6 +229,71 @@
 	return EPass;
+// Bind Socket
+CBindRSocketStep::CBindRSocketStep(CCEsockTestBase*& aEsockTest)
+:   CTe_EsockStepBase(aEsockTest)
+    {
+    SetTestStepName(KBindRSocketStep);
+    }
+TInt CBindRSocketStep::ConfigureFromIni()
+    {
+    // Read in appropriate fields
+    if((GetStringFromConfig(iSection, KTe_SocketName, iParams.iSocketName) != 1)
+        || (iParams.iSocketName.Length() == 0))
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Couldn't find appropriate field in config file"));
+        return KErrNotFound;
+        }
+    TInt protocolInt = 0;
+    if (GetIntFromConfig(iSection, KTe_Protocol, protocolInt)!=1)
+        {
+        TPtrC protocolStr;
+        if (GetStringFromConfig(iSection, KTe_Protocol,protocolStr)!=1 )
+            {
+            INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Protocol missing."),&iParams.iSocketName);
+            return KErrNotFound;        
+            }
+        if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_TCPName)==0)
+            { protocolInt = KProtocolInetTcp; }
+        else if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_UDPName)==0)
+            { protocolInt = KProtocolInetUdp; }
+        else if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_DummyNetworkProtocolName)==0)
+            { protocolInt = KDummyNetworkProtocol; }
+        else if (protocolStr.Compare(KTe_DummyProtocolName)==0)
+            { protocolInt = KDummyProtocol; }
+        else
+            {
+            INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Protocol (%S) not recognised."),&iParams.iSocketName,&protocolStr);
+            return KErrNotFound;
+            }
+        }
+    iParams.iProtocol = protocolInt;
+    // IP Address Local
+    if (GetIpAddressFromConfig(iSection,KTe_SourceAddressName,iParams.iLocalIP)!=1)
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("%S: Local address missing."),&iParams.iSocketName);
+        }    
+    // All ok if we got this far
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TVerdict CBindRSocketStep::doSingleTestStep()
+    {
+    TInt error = iEsockTest->BindSocket(iParams/*,reqStat*/);
+    if (error!=KErrNone)
+        {
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Could not bind socket (%S)."),&iParams.iSocketName);
+        INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Error: %d."),error);
+        SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+        }
+    return TestStepResult();
+    }
 // Connect Socket
@@ -232,10 +327,10 @@
 	    { iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetTcp; }
     else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_UDPName)==0)
 	    { iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetUdp; }
-	else if (protocol.Compare(KDummyProtocolName)==0)
-		{
-		iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetDummy;
-		}
+	else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_DummyNetworkProtocolName)==0)
+		{ iParams.iProtocol = KDummyNetworkProtocol; }
+    else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_DummyProtocolName)==0)
+        { iParams.iProtocol = KDummyProtocol; }    
         INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Protocol (%S) not recognised."),&iParams.iSocketName,&protocol);
@@ -363,10 +458,10 @@
 	    { iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetTcp; }
     else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_UDPName)==0)
 	    { iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetUdp; }
-	else if (protocol.Compare(KDummyProtocolName)==0)
-		{
-		iParams.iProtocol = KProtocolInetDummy;
-		}
+	else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_DummyNetworkProtocolName)==0)
+		{ iParams.iProtocol = KDummyNetworkProtocol; }
+    else if (protocol.Compare(KTe_DummyProtocolName)==0)
+        { iParams.iProtocol = KDummyProtocol; }    
         INFO_PRINTF3(_L("%S: Protocol (%S) not recognised."),&iParams.iSocketName,&protocol);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Te_esockteststepsSuiteServer.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Te_esockteststepsSuiteServer.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -198,6 +198,8 @@
 				testStep = new CConnectRSocketServStep(iEsockTest);
 	else if(aStepName.CompareF (KConnectRSocketStep) == 0)
 				testStep = new CConnectRSocketStep(iEsockTest);
+    else if(aStepName.CompareF (KBindRSocketStep) == 0)
+                testStep = new CBindRSocketStep(iEsockTest);	
 	else if(aStepName.CompareF (KControlRSubConnectionStep) == 0)
 				testStep = new CControlRSubConnectionStep(iEsockTest);
 	else if(aStepName.CompareF (KCreateRConnectionStep) == 0)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RSubconnection/configs/te_RSubConnectionCase70.ini	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RSubconnection/configs/te_RSubConnectionCase70.ini	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/group/dummypr.mmp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/group/dummypr.mmp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 SOURCE			dummypr_mcprpubsubsubscriber.cpp
 SOURCE			dummypr_metaconnprov.cpp
 SOURCE			dummypr_tiermanager.cpp
-SOURCE			dummypr_network_flow.cpp 
+SOURCE			dummypr_flow.cpp 
+SOURCE			dummypr_network_flow.cpp
 SOURCE			activityTest.cpp
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_connprov.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_connprov.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include <comms-infras/mobilitycpr.h>
 #include <comms-infras/mobilitycprstates.h>
+#include <elements/mm_activities_internal.h> 
 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
 // CommsDebugUtility logging tags. Use them to enable tracing for DummyCPR
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@
+enum TCFNodeActivityId
+    {
+    ECFActivityDummyCprDestroy                 = ESock::ECFActivityCustom +1,
+    };
 class CDummyConnectionProvider : public CMobilityConnectionProvider, public ESock::MLegacyControlApiExt,
                                  public ITFHIERARCHY_LINK_1(CDummyConnectionProvider, CMobilityConnectionProvider, ESock::MLegacyControlApiExt)
@@ -67,6 +73,37 @@
 	TConnType iConnStatus;
+class CDelayTimer: public CTimer
+    {
+    static CDelayTimer* NewL( Messages::RNodeInterface* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, const Messages::TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId );
+    virtual ~CDelayTimer();
+    void Start( TInt aIntervalInSecs );    
+class TDelayMessage : public Messages::TSignatureBase
+    {
+    TDelayMessage();
+    TDelayMessage(const TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId);
+    };
+    CDelayTimer( Messages::RNodeInterface* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, const Messages::TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId );
+    void ConstructL();
+protected: // From CTimer (CActive)
+    void RunL();
+    Messages::RNodeInterface* iSender;
+    Messages::TNodeId iRecipient;
+    Messages::TNodeSignal::TMessageId iMessageId;
+    };
 // States and Transitions
@@ -88,6 +125,13 @@
 	virtual TBool Accept();
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TAwaitingDestroy, MeshMachine::TState<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MState, DummyCPRStates::TContext )
+    virtual TBool Accept();
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TThreeSecDelayAndPostToSelf, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummyCPRStates::TContext )
+    virtual void DoL();
 } // namespace DummyCPRStates
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_factory.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_factory.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
 using namespace ESock;
+_LIT(KDummyProtocolName, "dummy");
+_LIT(KDumberProtocolName, "dumber");
 // CDummyTierManagerFactory
@@ -157,18 +160,18 @@
-// CDummyNetworkFlowFactory
+// CDummyFlowFactory
-class CDummyNetworkFlowFactory : public ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase
+class CDummyFlowFactory : public ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase
 	enum { iUid = 0x10285D8F };
-	static CDummyNetworkFlowFactory* NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters);
-	~CDummyNetworkFlowFactory();
+	static CDummyFlowFactory* NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters);
+	~CDummyFlowFactory();
-	CDummyNetworkFlowFactory(TUid aFactoryId, ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
+	CDummyFlowFactory(TUid aFactoryId, ESock::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
 	// from CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase
 	virtual ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase* DoCreateFlowL(CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf, ESock::TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_flow.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Dummy network flow
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#if !defined(__DUMMYPR_FLOW_H__)
+#define __DUMMYPR_FLOW_H__
+#include "dummypr_factory.h"
+#include <comms-infras/ss_protflow.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_subconnflow.h>
+#include <comms-infras/es_sap.h>
+#include <comms-infras/nifif.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_dataclient.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_flow.h>
+namespace ESock
+class CDummyFlow : public CSubConnectionFlowBase,
+	public MSessionData,
+	public MSessionControl,
+	public MFlowBinderControl,
+	public MSessionControlNotify,
+	public MSessionDataNotify
+@released since v9.6
+ */
+	{
+    enum {EProtocolId = 254};
+    typedef CDummyFlowFactory FactoryType; //for factoryobject_cast to work
+	static CDummyFlow* NewL(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConn, CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf);
+	void SetSSP(CServProviderBase& aSSP);
+	inline CServProviderBase* Provider();
+	// Lifetime
+	CDummyFlow(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConn, CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf);
+	virtual ~CDummyFlow();
+	void SetSockType(TUint aSockType);
+	TInt LockToConnectionInfo();
+	// MSessionData
+	virtual TUint Write(const TDesC8& aDesc,TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr);
+	virtual TInt Write(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr);
+	virtual void GetData(TDes8& aDesc, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr);
+	virtual TInt GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aLength, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr);
+	// MSessionControl
+	virtual void Start();
+	virtual void LocalName(TSockAddr& anAddr) const;
+	virtual void SetLocalName(TSockAddr& anAddr);
+	virtual void RemName(TSockAddr& anAddr) const;
+	virtual TInt SetRemName(TSockAddr& anAddr);
+	virtual TInt GetOption(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8& anOption) const;
+	virtual void Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8* anOption);
+	virtual void CancelIoctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName);
+	virtual TInt SetOption(TUint aLevel, TUint aName,const TDesC8 &anOption);
+	virtual void ActiveOpen();
+	virtual void ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& aConnectionData);
+	virtual TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueueSize);
+	virtual TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueueSize,const TDesC8& aConnectionData);
+	virtual void Shutdown(MSessionControl::TCloseType aOption);
+	virtual void Shutdown(MSessionControl::TCloseType aOption, const TDesC8& aDisconnectionData);
+	virtual void AutoBind();
+	virtual TInt SecurityCheck(MProvdSecurityChecker* aSecurityChecker);
+    // MFlowBinderControl
+    //session binders for CSocket
+    virtual MSessionControl* GetControlL(TInt aSessionType,MSessionControlNotify& aSessionControlNotify);
+    virtual MSessionData* BindL(MSessionDataNotify& aNotify);
+    virtual void Unbind();
+    virtual CSubConnectionFlowBase& CloneFlowL();
+	virtual CSubConnectionFlowBase* Flow();
+	// MSessionControlNotify
+    void ConnectComplete();
+	void ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData);
+    void ConnectComplete(CSubConnectionFlowBase& anSSP);
+	void ConnectComplete(CSubConnectionFlowBase& anSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData);
+	void CanClose(MSessionControlNotify::TDelete aDelete=MSessionControlNotify::EDelete);
+    void CanClose(const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,MSessionControlNotify::TDelete aDelete=MSessionControlNotify::EDelete);
+	TInt Error(TInt anError,TUint anOperationMask);
+	void Disconnect( );
+	void Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData);
+	void IoctlComplete(TDesC8* aBuf);
+	void DisconnectFromListener(CSubConnectionFlowBase& aSSP);
+	void SetLocalNameComplete();
+	// MSessionDataNotify
+	void NewData(TUint aCount);
+	void CanSend();
+	// CSubConnectionFlowBase
+	virtual MFlowBinderControl* DoGetBinderControlL();
+	// Messages::ANode
+	virtual void ReceivedL(
+		const Messages::TRuntimeCtxId& aSender,
+		const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient,
+		Messages::TSignatureBase& aMessage
+		);
+	void BindToL(TCFDataClient::TBindTo& aBindTo);
+	// Flow binders
+	MFlowBinderControl* iLowerFlowBinderControl;
+	// Lower session binding
+	MSessionControl* iLowerFlowControl;
+	MSessionData* iLowerFlowData;
+	// Upper session binding
+	MSessionControlNotify* iSessionControlNotify;
+	MSessionDataNotify* iSessionDataNotify;
+	RCFParameterFamilyBundleC iParamBundle;
+	};
+#endif	// __DUMMYPR_FLOW_H__
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_metaconnprov.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_metaconnprov.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 		ESCPRHangOnRebind = 1,			  //when lit on CprConfig, the SCPR will hang on rebind
 		ESCPRHangOnStart  = 2,			  //when lit on CprConfig, the SCPR will hang on start
 		ESCPRFailOnRebind = 3,            //when lit on CprConfig, the SCPR will fail on rebind
+		ECPRWaitOnThreeSecDestroy = 4,   //when lit on CprConfig, the CPR will wait for 3 sec on destroy before resuming
 	static TBool Is(TInt aValue, TInt aFlags)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_network_flow.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_network_flow.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -35,9 +35,6 @@
 namespace ESock
-_LIT(KDummyProtocolName, "dummy");
-_LIT(KDumberProtocolName, "dumber");
 class CDummyNetworkFlow : public CSubConnectionFlowBase,
 	public MSessionData,
 	public MSessionControl,
@@ -51,7 +48,8 @@
     friend class CSocket;
-    typedef CDummyNetworkFlowFactory FactoryType; //for factoryobject_cast to work
+    enum {EProtocolId = 253};
+    typedef CDummyFlowFactory FactoryType; //for factoryobject_cast to work
 	static CDummyNetworkFlow* NewL(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConn, CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf);
 	void SetSSP(CServProviderBase& aSSP);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_subconnprov.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/inc/dummypr_subconnprov.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -158,6 +158,64 @@
 	virtual TBool Accept();
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TRebindSelf, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummySCPRStates::TContext )
+    virtual void DoL();
+struct TWaitForBindToMutex
+    {
+    static TBool IsBlocked(const MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase& aContext)
+        {
+        return aContext.iNode.CountActivities(ESock::ECFActivityBindTo) == 0;
+        }
+    };
+struct TWaitForNoDataClients
+    {
+    static TBool IsBlocked(const MeshMachine::TNodeContextBase& aContext)
+        {
+        return aContext.iNode.GetFirstClient<Messages::TDefaultClientMatchPolicy>(Messages::TClientType(ESock::TCFClientType::EData)) != NULL;
+        }
+    };
+    TNoTagWaitForBindTo,
+    TWaitForBindToMutex,
+    MeshMachine::TNoTag
+    )
+    TNoTagWaitNoDataClients,
+    TWaitForNoDataClients,
+    MeshMachine::TNoTag
+    )
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TCancelPreviousSelfRequest, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummySCPRStates::TContext )
+    virtual void DoL();
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_FOOTER( TCancelPreviousSelfRequest )
+class CrazyIdle : public MeshMachine::CNodeRetryActivity
+    {
+    DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TAwaitingCancelled, MeshMachine::TState<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MState, TContext )
+        virtual TBool Accept();
+    DECLARE_SMELEMENT_FOOTER( TAwaitingCancelled )
+    static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CrazyIdle::NewL( const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode );
+    CrazyIdle( const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode )
+    :MeshMachine::CNodeRetryActivity(aActivitySig, aNode) 
+     {};
+    ~CrazyIdle();
+    };
 } // namespace DummyCPRStates
@@ -239,5 +297,6 @@
 	ESock::RCFParameterFamilyBundleC iFlowParameters;
 #endif	// __DummySCPR_SUBCONNPROV_H__
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_connprov.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_connprov.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -52,12 +52,63 @@
 static const TUint KDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount = 2;
 static const TUint KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize = sizeof(MeshMachine::CNodeRetryParallelActivity) + sizeof(MeshMachine::APreallocatedOriginators<4>);
 static const TUint KDummyCPRPreallocatedActivityBufferSize = KDefaultMaxPreallocatedActivityCount * KMaxPreallocatedActivitySize;
+static const TUint KDestroyDelay = 3;
+static const TUint KMillion = 1000000;
 // States and Transitions
+CDelayTimer* CDelayTimer::NewL( Messages::RNodeInterface* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, const Messages::TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId )
+    {
+    CDelayTimer* timer = new(ELeave) CDelayTimer( aSender, aRecipient, aMessageId );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( timer );
+    timer->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return timer;
+    }
+    { 
+    Cancel();
+    }
+CDelayTimer::CDelayTimer( Messages::RNodeInterface* aSender, const Messages::TNodeId& aRecipient, const Messages::TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId ) :
+    CTimer( EPriorityStandard ),
+    iSender(aSender),
+    iRecipient(aRecipient),
+    iMessageId(aMessageId)
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+    }
+void CDelayTimer::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CTimer::ConstructL();
+    }
+void CDelayTimer::RunL()
+    {
+    CDelayTimer::TDelayMessage msg(iMessageId);
+    Messages::RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(iSender->RecipientId() , iRecipient, msg );
+    delete this;
+    }
+void CDelayTimer::Start( TInt aIntervalInSecs )
+    {
+    After( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( aIntervalInSecs * KMillion ) );
+    }
+    {
+    }
+CDelayTimer::TDelayMessage::TDelayMessage(const TNodeSignal::TMessageId& aMessageId)
+:   TSignatureBase(aMessageId)
+    {
+    }
 namespace DummyCPRStates
 DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TSetClientAsIncoming, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummyCPRStates::TContext)
@@ -87,6 +138,13 @@
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TThreeSecDelayAndPostToSelf, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummyCPRStates::TContext)
+void TThreeSecDelayAndPostToSelf::DoL()
+    {
+    CDelayTimer* delay = CDelayTimer::NewL(iContext.Node().ControlProvider(), iContext.NodeId(), iContext.iMessage.MessageId() );
+    delay->Start(KDestroyDelay);
+    }
 DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TAwaitingStart, NetStateMachine::MState, DummyCPRStates::TContext)
 TBool TAwaitingStart::Accept()
@@ -101,6 +159,24 @@
     return EFalse;
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TAwaitingDestroy, NetStateMachine::MState, DummyCPRStates::TContext)
+TBool TAwaitingDestroy::Accept()
+    {
+    const TLayerSelectionInfo* selectionInfo = static_cast<const TLayerSelectionInfo*>(
+        iContext.Node().AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(TLayerSelectionInfo::TypeId()));
+    ASSERT(selectionInfo); // should always be there
+    if (iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TEChild::TDestroy>() && 
+            TCprConfigModifier::Is(selectionInfo->CprConfig(), TCprConfigModifier::ECPRWaitOnThreeSecDestroy)
+            && iContext.iNode.CountActivities(ECFActivityDummyCprDestroy) == 0 ) // only accept the first destroy which will subsequently be reposted to self after 3 second
+        {
+        static_cast<ESock::CMMCommsProviderBase&>(iContext.iNode).MarkMeForDeletion();
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
@@ -138,14 +214,26 @@
 // Activity Map For test-code ridden cpr
+namespace DummyCprDestroyActivity
+DECLARE_DEFINE_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityDummyCprDestroy, DummyCprDestroy, TEChild::TDestroy)
+    FIRST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(DummyCPRStates::TAwaitingDestroy, MeshMachine::TNoTag)
+    NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, DummyCPRStates::TThreeSecDelayAndPostToSelf, MeshMachine::TAwaitingMessageState<Messages::TEChild::TLeft>, MeshMachine::TTag<PRStates::KContinue>)
+    LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(PRStates::KContinue, MeshMachine::TDoNothing)
+// Activity Map
 namespace DummyCPRStates
    ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyCprBinderRequestActivity, DummyCprBinderRequest)
    ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyCprStartActivity, DummyCPrStart)
+   ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyCprDestroyActivity, DummyCprDestroy)
 ACTIVITY_MAP_END_BASE(MobilityCprActivities, mobilityCprActivities)
 // Activity Map For vanilla cpr
 namespace VanillaDummyCPRStates
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_factory.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_factory.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include "dummypr_metaconnprov.h"
 #include "dummypr_tiermanager.h"
 #include "dummypr_network_flow.h"
+#include "dummypr_flow.h"
 #include <comms-infras/ss_msgintercept.h>
@@ -44,8 +45,6 @@
 using namespace ESock;
-const TInt KProtocolInetDummy = 253;
 const TInt KDummyMajorVersionNumber = 0;
 const TInt KDummyMinorVersionNumber = 1;
 const TInt KDummyBuildVersionNumber = 1;
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@
 	IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(CDummyExtendedSubConnectionProviderFactory::iUid, CDummyExtendedSubConnectionProviderFactory::NewL),
 	// Flow and flow description
-	IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::iUid, CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::NewL),
+	IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(CDummyFlowFactory::iUid, CDummyFlowFactory::NewL),
@@ -299,35 +298,35 @@
-// CDummyNetworkFlowFactory methods
+// CDummyFlowFactory methods
-CDummyNetworkFlowFactory* CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters)
+CDummyFlowFactory* CDummyFlowFactory::NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters)
-	CDummyNetworkFlowFactory* fact = new (ELeave) CDummyNetworkFlowFactory(
+	CDummyFlowFactory* fact = new (ELeave) CDummyFlowFactory(
 	return fact;
-CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::CDummyNetworkFlowFactory(TUid aFactoryId, CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer& aParentContainer)
+CDummyFlowFactory::CDummyFlowFactory(TUid aFactoryId, CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer& aParentContainer)
  : CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase(aFactoryId, aParentContainer)
-	//LOG_NODE_CREATE(KESockDataFactTag, CDummyNetworkFlowFactory)
+	//LOG_NODE_CREATE(KESockDataFactTag, CDummyFlowFactory)
-	//LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KESockDataFactTag, CDummyNetworkFlowFactory)
+	//LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KESockDataFactTag, CDummyFlowFactory)
-CSubConnectionFlowBase* CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::DoCreateFlowL(CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf, TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery)
+CSubConnectionFlowBase* CDummyFlowFactory::DoCreateFlowL(CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf, TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery)
 	const TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery& query = static_cast<const TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery&>(aQuery);
 	return CDummyNetworkFlow::NewL(*this, query.iSCprId, aProtocolIntf);
-ACommsFactoryNodeId* CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::DoFindOrCreateObjectL(TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery)
+ACommsFactoryNodeId* CDummyFlowFactory::DoFindOrCreateObjectL(TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery)
 	const TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery& query = static_cast<const TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery&>(aQuery);
 	if(query.iMessageId != TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderRequest::Id())
@@ -341,7 +340,7 @@
 	CProtocolIntfBase* protocolInterface = SockManGlobals::Get()->iProtocolIntfFactories->FindOrCreateProtocolIntfL(Uid(), queryProto);
 	if (protocolInterface == NULL)
-    	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockDataFactTag, _L8("CDummyNetworkFlowFactory %08x:\tCreateFlowL(protocolId '%08x') Cannot find protocol interface, bailing out"), this, Uid()) );
+    	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockDataFactTag, _L8("CDummyFlowFactory %08x:\tCreateFlowL(protocolId '%08x') Cannot find protocol interface, bailing out"), this, Uid()) );
@@ -349,10 +348,14 @@
 	CSubConnectionFlowBase* flow = NULL;
-		case KProtocolInetDummy:
+		case CDummyNetworkFlow::EProtocolId:
 			flow = CDummyNetworkFlow::NewL(*this, query.iSCprId, protocolInterface);
+        case CDummyFlow::EProtocolId:
+            flow = CDummyFlow::NewL(*this, query.iSCprId, protocolInterface);
+            break;
@@ -360,7 +363,7 @@
 	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(
-		_L8("CDummyNetworkFlowFactory %08x:\tCreateFlowL(protocolId '%08x'): flow %08x"),
+		_L8("CDummyFlowFactory %08x:\tCreateFlowL(protocolId '%08x'): flow %08x"),
@@ -376,32 +379,53 @@
 Description of the protocol this factory creates
-TServerProtocolDesc* CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::DoCreateFlowDescriptionL(TInt aProtocol)
+TServerProtocolDesc* CDummyFlowFactory::DoCreateFlowDescriptionL(TInt aProtocol)
 	TServerProtocolDesc* protocolDescription = new(ELeave) TServerProtocolDesc();
 	// Poached from udp and modified to represent an rtp like protocol
-		case KProtocolInetDummy:
-			protocolDescription->iName		  = KDummyProtocolName;
-			protocolDescription->iAddrFamily	  = KAfInet;
-			protocolDescription->iSockType	  = KSockDatagram;
-			protocolDescription->iProtocol	  = KProtocolInetDummy;
-			protocolDescription->iVersion	  = TVersion(KDummyMajorVersionNumber,
-										KDummyMinorVersionNumber,
-										KDummyBuildVersionNumber);
-			protocolDescription->iByteOrder	  = EBigEndian;
-			protocolDescription->iServiceInfo	  = KSIConnectionLess | KSIDatagram |
-									KSIGracefulClose | KSIPeekData |
-									KSIRequiresOwnerInfo;
-			protocolDescription->iNamingServices	  = KNSNameResolution | KNSRequiresConnectionStartup;
-			protocolDescription->iSecurity	  = KSocketNoSecurity;
-			protocolDescription->iMessageSize	  = 65536-128; /*KSocketMessageSizeUndefined;*/
-			protocolDescription->iServiceTypeInfo  = ESocketSupport | ETransport |
-									EPreferMBufChains | ENeedMBufs |
-									EUseCanSend;
-			protocolDescription->iNumSockets	  = KUnlimitedSockets;
+        case CDummyNetworkFlow::EProtocolId:
+            protocolDescription->iName          = KDummyProtocolName;
+            protocolDescription->iAddrFamily    = KAfInet;
+            protocolDescription->iSockType      = KSockDatagram;
+            protocolDescription->iProtocol      = CDummyNetworkFlow::EProtocolId;
+            protocolDescription->iVersion       = TVersion(KDummyMajorVersionNumber,
+                                                         KDummyMinorVersionNumber,
+                                                         KDummyBuildVersionNumber);
+            protocolDescription->iByteOrder     = EBigEndian;
+            protocolDescription->iServiceInfo   = KSIConnectionLess | KSIDatagram |
+                                                  KSIGracefulClose | KSIPeekData |
+                                                  KSIRequiresOwnerInfo;
+            protocolDescription->iNamingServices= KNSNameResolution | KNSRequiresConnectionStartup;
+            protocolDescription->iSecurity      = KSocketNoSecurity;
+            protocolDescription->iMessageSize   = 65536-128; /*KSocketMessageSizeUndefined;*/
+            protocolDescription->iServiceTypeInfo= ESocketSupport | ETransport |
+                                                      EPreferMBufChains | ENeedMBufs |
+                                                      EUseCanSend;
+            protocolDescription->iNumSockets     = KUnlimitedSockets;
+            break;
+		case CDummyFlow::EProtocolId:
+			protocolDescription->iName		     = KDummyProtocolName;
+			protocolDescription->iAddrFamily     = CDummyTierManagerFactory::iUid;
+			protocolDescription->iSockType	     = KSockDatagram;
+			protocolDescription->iProtocol	     = CDummyFlow::EProtocolId;
+			protocolDescription->iVersion	     = TVersion(KDummyMajorVersionNumber,
+                                                         KDummyMinorVersionNumber,
+                                                         KDummyBuildVersionNumber);
+			protocolDescription->iByteOrder	     = EBigEndian;
+			protocolDescription->iServiceInfo	 = KSIConnectionLess | KSIDatagram |
+                                                   KSIGracefulClose | KSIPeekData |
+                                                   KSIRequiresOwnerInfo;
+			protocolDescription->iNamingServices = KNSNameResolution | KNSRequiresConnectionStartup;
+			protocolDescription->iSecurity	     = KSocketNoSecurity;
+			protocolDescription->iMessageSize	 = 65536-128; /*KSocketMessageSizeUndefined;*/
+			protocolDescription->iServiceTypeInfo= ESocketSupport | ETransport |
+                                                    EPreferMBufChains | ENeedMBufs |
+                                                    EUseCanSend;
+			protocolDescription->iNumSockets	 = KUnlimitedSockets;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_flow.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Dummy implementation file for network tier flow
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <ss_std.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_log.h>
+#include <ss_pman.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_internal_esock.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_protocolparameterset.h>
+#include "dummypr_flow.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
+// (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
+_LIT(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, "ESockTestdmyprnt");
+using namespace ESock;
+using namespace Messages;
+// Construction
+CDummyFlow* CDummyFlow::NewL(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConn, CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf)
+	{
+	CDummyFlow* self = new (ELeave) CDummyFlow(aFactory, aSubConn, aProtocolIntf);
+	return self;
+	}
+CDummyFlow::CDummyFlow(CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase& aFactory, const Messages::TNodeId& aSubConn, CProtocolIntfBase* aProtocolIntf)
+: CSubConnectionFlowBase(aFactory, aSubConn, aProtocolIntf)
+	{
+    LOG_NODE_CREATE(KESockFlowTag, CDummyFlow)
+	}
+	{
+    LOG_NODE_DESTROY(KESockFlowTag, CDummyFlow)
+	}
+MSessionControl* CDummyFlow::GetControlL(
+	TInt /*aSessionType*/,
+	MSessionControlNotify& aSessionControlNotify)
+    {
+	// Apply binding locally
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify == NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 1));
+	iSessionControlNotify = &aSessionControlNotify;
+	return this;
+    }
+MSessionData* CDummyFlow::BindL(MSessionDataNotify& aNotify)
+    {
+	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("CDummyFlow %08x:\tBindL(aNotify 0x%08x)"), this, &aNotify) );
+	// Apply binding locally
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionDataNotify == NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 3));
+	iSessionDataNotify = &aNotify;
+	iSubConnectionProvider.RNodeInterface::PostMessage(
+		Id(),
+		TCFControlProvider::TActive().CRef());
+	return this;
+    }
+void CDummyFlow::Unbind()
+    {
+	LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("CDummyFlow %08x:\tUnbind()"), this) );
+	ASSERT(iSessionDataNotify); //who else is it calling then?
+    iSessionControlNotify = NULL;
+    iSessionDataNotify = NULL;
+    ASSERT(iSubConnectionProvider.IsOpen());
+    iSubConnectionProvider.RNodeInterface::PostMessage(
+        Id(),
+        TCFControlProvider::TIdle().CRef()
+        );
+    }
+ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase& CDummyFlow::CloneFlowL()
+    {
+    TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery query (iProtocolIntf->ControlProviderId(), iSubConnectionProvider.RecipientId());
+	ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase& flow = static_cast<ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase&>(*(Factory().CreateObjectL(query)));
+	// Have the new flow become a data client of our subconnection too
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSubConnectionProvider.IsOpen(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 6));
+	TCFPeer::TJoinRequest msg(
+		flow.Id(),
+		TCFClientType(TCFClientType::EData, TCFClientType::EActive)
+		);
+	iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), msg);
+	return flow;
+    }
+CSubConnectionFlowBase* CDummyFlow::Flow()
+	{
+	return this;
+	}
+// MSessionControl
+void CDummyFlow::Start()
+	{/*__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 7)); return iLowerFlowControl->Start()*/;}
+void CDummyFlow::LocalName(TSockAddr& anAddr) const
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 8)); return iLowerFlowControl->LocalName(anAddr);}
+void CDummyFlow::SetLocalName(TSockAddr& /*anAddr*/)
+	{
+    // Fetch the current flow parameters (those that were sent to us) and create a new set for the flow we want
+    TFlowParams flowParams;
+    flowParams.iProtocol = CDummyFlow::EProtocolId;
+    flowParams.iSocketType = KSockDatagram;
+    // Create and load a parameter set with the flow parameters that form our binder request
+    CFlowRequestParameters* paramSet = CFlowRequestParameters::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(paramSet);
+    paramSet->SetFlowParams(flowParams);
+    RCFParameterFamilyBundle flowParamsBundle;
+    flowParamsBundle.CreateL();
+    RParameterFamily family = flowParamsBundle.CreateFamilyL(KFlowParametersFamily);
+    family.AddParameterSetL(paramSet, RParameterFamily::ERequested);
+    iParamBundle.Open(flowParamsBundle);
+    // Construct and send the message
+    iSubConnectionProvider.RNodeInterface::PostMessage(
+        Id(),
+        TCFControlProvider::TNoBearer(iParamBundle).CRef()
+        );
+    CleanupStack::Pop(paramSet);
+ 	}
+void CDummyFlow::RemName(TSockAddr& anAddr) const
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 10)); iLowerFlowControl->RemName(anAddr);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::SetRemName(TSockAddr& anAddr)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 11)); return iLowerFlowControl->SetRemName(anAddr);}
+const TInt KDummyNetworkFlowOptionLevel = CDummyFlowFactory::iUid;
+const TInt KFlowProtocolName = 1;
+TInt CDummyFlow::GetOption(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& anOption) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 12));
+	if(aLevel == KDummyNetworkFlowOptionLevel && aName == KFlowProtocolName)
+		{
+		anOption.Copy(KDummyProtocolName);
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return iLowerFlowControl->GetOption(aLevel, aName, anOption);
+		}
+	}
+void CDummyFlow::Ioctl(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8* anOption)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 13)); iLowerFlowControl->Ioctl(aLevel, aName, anOption);}
+void CDummyFlow::CancelIoctl(TUint aLevel, TUint aName)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 14)); iLowerFlowControl->CancelIoctl(aLevel, aName);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::SetOption(TUint /*aLevel*/, TUint /*aName*/, const TDesC8 &/*anOption*/)
+	{ return KErrNone; }
+void CDummyFlow::ActiveOpen()
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 16)); iLowerFlowControl->ActiveOpen();}
+void CDummyFlow::ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& aConnectionData)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 17)); iLowerFlowControl->ActiveOpen(aConnectionData);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::PassiveOpen(TUint aQueueSize)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 18)); return iLowerFlowControl->PassiveOpen(aQueueSize);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::PassiveOpen(TUint aQueueSize, const TDesC8& aConnectionData)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 19)); return iLowerFlowControl->PassiveOpen(aQueueSize, aConnectionData);}
+void CDummyFlow::Shutdown(MSessionControl::TCloseType aOption)
+	{ 
+    if (iLowerFlowControl)
+        { 
+        iLowerFlowControl->Shutdown(aOption);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iSessionControlNotify->CanClose(MSessionControlNotify::EDelete);
+        }
+	}
+void CDummyFlow::Shutdown(MSessionControl::TCloseType aOption, const TDesC8& aDisconnectionData)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 21)); iLowerFlowControl->Shutdown(aOption, aDisconnectionData);}
+void CDummyFlow::AutoBind()
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowControl, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 22));	iLowerFlowControl->AutoBind();}
+TInt CDummyFlow::SecurityCheck(MProvdSecurityChecker* /*aChecker*/)
+	{ return KErrNone;}
+// MSessionData
+TUint CDummyFlow::Write(const TDesC8& aDesc, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowData, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 24));	return iLowerFlowData->Write(aDesc, aOptions, anAddr);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::Write(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowData, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 25));	return iLowerFlowData->Write(aData, aOptions, anAddr);}
+void CDummyFlow::GetData(TDes8& aDesc, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowData, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 26));	iLowerFlowData->GetData(aDesc, aOptions, anAddr);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aLength, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iLowerFlowData, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 27));	return iLowerFlowData->GetData(aData, aLength, aOptions, anAddr);}
+// MSessionControlNotify
+void CDummyFlow::ConnectComplete()
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 28));	iSessionControlNotify->ConnectComplete();}
+void CDummyFlow::ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 29));	iSessionControlNotify->ConnectComplete(aConnectData);}
+void CDummyFlow::ConnectComplete(CSubConnectionFlowBase& anSSP)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 30));	iSessionControlNotify->ConnectComplete(anSSP);}
+void CDummyFlow::ConnectComplete(CSubConnectionFlowBase& anSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 31));	iSessionControlNotify->ConnectComplete(anSSP, aConnectData);}
+void CDummyFlow::CanClose(MSessionControlNotify::TDelete aDelete)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 32));	iSessionControlNotify->CanClose(aDelete);}
+void CDummyFlow::CanClose(
+	const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,
+	MSessionControlNotify::TDelete aDelete)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 33));	iSessionControlNotify->CanClose(aDisconnectData, aDelete);}
+TInt CDummyFlow::Error(TInt anError,TUint anOperationMask)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 34));	return iSessionControlNotify->Error(anError, anOperationMask);}
+void CDummyFlow::Disconnect()
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 35));	iSessionControlNotify->Disconnect();}
+void CDummyFlow::Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 36));	iSessionControlNotify->Disconnect(aDisconnectData);}
+void CDummyFlow::IoctlComplete(TDesC8* aBuf)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 37));	iSessionControlNotify->IoctlComplete(aBuf);}
+void CDummyFlow::DisconnectFromListener(CSubConnectionFlowBase& aSSP)
+	{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 53));
+        iSessionControlNotify->DisconnectFromListener(aSSP);
+    }
+void CDummyFlow::SetLocalNameComplete()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionControlNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 52));
+	iSessionControlNotify->SetLocalNameComplete();
+	}
+// MSessionDataNotify
+void CDummyFlow::NewData(TUint aCount)
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionDataNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 39)); iSessionDataNotify->NewData(aCount);}
+void CDummyFlow::CanSend()
+	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSessionDataNotify, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 40)); iSessionDataNotify->CanSend();}
+MFlowBinderControl* CDummyFlow::DoGetBinderControlL()
+	{
+	return this;
+	}
+// Node stuff
+void CDummyFlow::ReceivedL(const TRuntimeCtxId& aSender, const TNodeId& aRecipient, TSignatureBase& aMessage)
+    {
+    CSubConnectionFlowBase::ReceivedL(aSender, aRecipient, aMessage);
+    TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if ( aMessage.IsMessage<TEBase::TError>() )
+		{
+		ASSERT(EFalse); //To be implemented
+		}
+	else if ( aMessage.IsMessage<TCFControlProvider::TBearer>() )
+        {
+        }
+	else if (aMessage.IsMessage<TCFInternalEsock::TFlowProvision>())
+	    {
+	    }
+	else if (TEChild::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+		{
+		switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+			{
+		case TEChild::TDestroy::EId :
+		    DeleteThisFlow();
+			break;
+		default:
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 41)); //For debug configurations
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
+			}
+		}
+	else if (TCFDataClient::ERealmId == aMessage.MessageId().Realm())
+		{
+		switch (aMessage.MessageId().MessageId())
+			{
+		case TCFDataClient::TStart::EId :
+		    iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), TCFDataClient::TStarted().CRef());
+			break;
+		case TCFDataClient::TStop::EId :
+            iParamBundle.Close(); //[RZ] There is a problem with RCFParameterBundle. Nominally this should be cleared (closed) on TBeaer
+                                  //but that means that this thread (which constructed the bundle) will call Close before the recipient
+                                  //refcounting will mean that it's the recipient that would then dealocate and crash against different heap.
+                                  //Best if RCFParameterBundle were changed. Alternativelly, CNoBearer could get rid of the params 
+                                  //earlier.
+		    if (iLowerFlowBinderControl)
+		           {
+		           iLowerFlowBinderControl->Unbind(NULL,NULL);
+		           iLowerFlowBinderControl->Unbind();
+		           iLowerFlowBinderControl = NULL;
+		           iLowerFlowControl = NULL;
+		           iLowerFlowData = NULL;
+		           }
+		       iSubConnectionProvider.PostMessage(Id(), TCFDataClient::TStopped(
+                           message_cast<TCFDataClient::TStop>(aMessage).iValue).CRef());
+			break;
+		case TCFDataClient::TProvisionConfig::EId:
+			break;
+		case TCFDataClient::TBindTo::EId:
+		    {
+			TCFDataClient::TBindTo& bindToMsg(static_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindTo&>(aMessage));
+			TRAP(err, BindToL(bindToMsg));
+	        if(err == KErrNone)
+	            {
+	            RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, TCFDataClient::TBindToComplete().CRef());
+	            }
+	        else
+	            {
+	            RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(Id(), aSender, TEBase::TError(aMessage.MessageId(), err).CRef());
+	            }
+			if (iSessionControlNotify && !iParamBundle.IsNull())
+			    {
+                iSessionControlNotify->SetLocalNameComplete();
+			    }
+		    }
+			break;
+		default:
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 42)); //For debug configurations
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+    	__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 45)); //For debug configurations
+    	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported); //For release configurations
+		}
+    }
+void CDummyFlow::BindToL(TCFDataClient::TBindTo& aBindTo)
+Request from control side (at network layer) to indicate that the SubConnection is
+up and running and that we should bind to a Flow below.
+@param aLowerFlow Flow below to bind to.
+	{
+	//provisioning message must come before bindto in case we didn't get it after we've joined
+	//the sub-connection
+    if (aBindTo.iNodeId == Messages::TNodeId::NullId())
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+	NM_LOG((KESockServerTag, _L8("CDummyFlow %08x:\tSynchronous call: From=%08x To=%08x Func=BindToL"),
+			this, static_cast<Messages::ANode*>(this), &aBindTo.iNodeId.Node()) )
+	const TNodeId& commsId = aBindTo.iNodeId;
+#if defined(__GCCXML__)
+    CSubConnectionFlowBase* flow = reinterpret_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase*>(&commsId.Node());
+	CSubConnectionFlowBase* flow = Messages::mnode_cast<CSubConnectionFlowBase>(&commsId.Node());
+	// Flows can only be directly bound when running in the same thread
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(commsId.Thread() == Id().Thread(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 47));
+	if (iLowerFlowBinderControl && iLowerFlowBinderControl->Flow() != flow )
+		{
+		// Already bound to something else so unbind first
+		iLowerFlowBinderControl->Unbind(NULL,NULL);
+		iLowerFlowBinderControl = NULL;
+		iLowerFlowBinderControl->Unbind();
+		iLowerFlowControl = NULL;
+		iLowerFlowData = NULL;
+		}
+	if (iLowerFlowBinderControl == NULL)
+		{
+		// Protocol binding
+		iLowerFlowBinderControl = flow->GetBinderControlL();
+		iLowerFlowControl = iLowerFlowBinderControl->GetControlL(KSockDatagram, *this);
+		iLowerFlowData = iLowerFlowBinderControl->BindL(*this);
+		}
+	}
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_network_flow.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_network_flow.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 TInt CDummyNetworkFlow::SetRemName(TSockAddr& anAddr)
 	{__ASSERT_DEBUG(iFlowShim, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockTestdmyprnt, 11)); return iFlowShim->SetRemName(anAddr);}
-const TInt KDummyNetworkFlowOptionLevel = CDummyNetworkFlowFactory::iUid;
+const TInt KDummyNetworkFlowOptionLevel = CDummyFlowFactory::iUid;
 const TInt KFlowProtocolName = 1;
 TInt CDummyNetworkFlow::GetOption(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& anOption) const
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_subconnprov.cpp	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_subconnprov.cpp	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -93,8 +93,46 @@
 	return (iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TCFDataClient::TStart>() && 
 			TCprConfigModifier::Is(selectionInfo->CprConfig(), TCprConfigModifier::ESCPRHangOnStart));
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TCancelPreviousSelfRequest, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummySCPRStates::TContext)
+void TCancelPreviousSelfRequest::DoL()
+    {
+    iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(iContext.Node().Id(), Messages::TEBase::TCancel().CRef());
+    }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TRebindSelf, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, DummySCPRStates::TContext)
+void TRebindSelf::DoL()
+    {
+    iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(iContext.Node().Id(), TCFDataClient::TBindTo(Messages::TNodeId::NullId()).CRef());
+    }
+    {
+    ASSERT(PostedToNodeId()==Messages::TNodeId::NullId());
+    }
+MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CrazyIdle::NewL(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode)
+    {
+    return new(ELeave)CrazyIdle(aActivitySig, aNode);
+    }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CrazyIdle::TAwaitingCancelled, NetStateMachine::MState, DummySCPRStates::TContext)
+TBool CrazyIdle::TAwaitingCancelled::Accept()
+    {
+    if (iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<Messages::TEBase::TError>())
+        {
+        ASSERT(iContext.iNodeActivity);
+        iContext.iNodeActivity->SetPostedTo(iContext.iNodeActivity->SoleOriginator().Peer().RecipientId());
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
 namespace DummySCprParamsRequest
@@ -134,6 +172,41 @@
+namespace CrazyIdleActivity
+//CrazyIdleActivity is used to test yet another angle of the meshmachine cancelling behaviour.
+//What it does is:
+//(1) responds to TIdle with an attempt to bind the sender, then, without waiting for the bind to complete
+//(2) responds to TIdle normally (by deleting the sender)
+//(3) cancells the bind request
+//What it tests is:
+//For two related nodes and upon the teardown of their relation there is an obligation to synchronise the activities
+//running on the nodes and awaiting responses from each other. This obligation is put on the requestee, i.e.: a node that perfomes
+//an activity on behalf of a leaving node should gracefully terminate that activity (by having the activity respond to the requestor. 
+//That obligation therefore doesn't rest on the requestor (someone, but not everyone, needs to do something).
+//There's trivial race condition arising from this distribution of responsibility, i.e.: the requestor activity may decide to 
+//cancel when the relation is being terminated and TCancel may hit void. Activities must be resilient to this and not send
+//TCancels to disappearing nodes. CrazyIdleActivity tests precislely this: it initaites an activity (TBindTo), then tears down the
+//relation and cancels the previously initiated activity (TBindTo). CrazyIdleActivity must wrap up gracefully. 
+DECLARE_DEFINE_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityDataClientIdle, crazyIdle, TCFControlProvider::TIdle, DummySCPRStates::CrazyIdle::NewL)
+    FIRST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(CoreNetStates::TAwaitingDataClientIdle, MeshMachine::TNoTag)
+    //Issue TBindTo to self (this will then bind the data client reporting TIdle). Wait for BindTo activity to start before 
+    //telling the dataclient to go away (TDestroy) as otherwise TBindTo won't make it in sending TBindTo to the dataclient.
+    THROUGH_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, DummySCPRStates::TRebindSelf, DummySCPRStates::TNoTagWaitForBindTo)
+    THROUGH_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CoreNetStates::THandleDataClientIdle, MeshMachine::TNoTag)
+    //There's an additional test peformed by DummySCPRStates::CrazyIdle::TAwaitingCancelled. The state sets the postedto of CrazyIdle
+    //to point at the dataclient and CrazyIdle::~CrazyIdle asserts that that postedto is cleared. Currently PostedTo isn't cleared automatically - some people
+    //argued that it shouldn't and that activities should clear postedto whenever it's good for them. Unfortunatelly some activities are
+    //a bit lousy doing this and in result they can store a postedto pointing a node that has responded to the request a long time ago
+    //and above all a node that may have a long time ago left. A facility has been added to meshmachine to clear postedto when the node pointed
+    //at it actually leaves. This facility is tested collectivelly by DummySCPRStates::CrazyIdle::TAwaitingCancelled and CrazyIdle::~CrazyIdle
+    NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, DummySCPRStates::TCancelPreviousSelfRequest, DummySCPRStates::CrazyIdle::TAwaitingCancelled, DummySCPRStates::TNoTagWaitNoDataClients)
+    LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, MeshMachine::TDoNothing)
 // Activity Map For test-code ridden scpr
 namespace DummySCPRStates
@@ -141,7 +214,8 @@
    ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummySCprParamsRequest, dummySCprParamRequest)
    ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyBindToActivity, dummyBindTo)
    ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyBreakStartActivity, dummyBreakSCPrStart)   
-   ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyStartActivity, dummySCPrStart)   
+   ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(DummyStartActivity, dummySCPrStart)
+   ACTIVITY_MAP_ENTRY(CrazyIdleActivity, crazyIdle)     
 ACTIVITY_MAP_END_BASE(SCprActivities, coreSCprActivities)
@@ -228,3 +302,5 @@
--- a/datacommsserver/networkingdialogapi/inc/AgentDialog.h	Tue May 11 17:20:19 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/networkingdialogapi/inc/AgentDialog.h	Tue May 25 14:00:39 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- @released
+ @deprecated
 #ifndef __AGENTDIALOG_H__
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 Server name in EKA2 case
 _LIT(KCommsDialogServerName, "!NetDialDialogServer");
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 Specifies the rank and desired direction of the connection and bearer.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 Specifies the Connection Names for ISP.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 Specifies the Authentication for the User Name and Password.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 Allows the user to see the login script running, see what is sent and received, and allows the user to type responses.
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 Specifies Connection Preference for the New IAP.
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 public :
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 have to implement the API as a client server mechanism.