--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/misc/t_loadsim.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2351 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\misc\t_loadsim.cpp
+//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-t_loadsim-2705
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc verifying the behaviour of the load balancer
+//! @SYMPREQ 417-52765/417-58889
+//! @SYMTestPriority Critical
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//! 1. This test runs a variety of loads on an SMP system. Loads types are:
+//! 1.1 Cpu intensive loads
+//! 1.2 memory intensive loads (high locality)
+//! 1.3 memory intensive loads (low locality)
+//! 1.4 memory intensive loads with atomic operations
+//! 1.5 cpu intensive loads with some serialization
+//! 2. For each test, the load is first run on a single cpu locked thread as a baseline
+//! benchmark. Then the tests are run in the following configurations:
+//! 2.1 For n = 1 to 2*Number of cpus do a run with i threads.
+//! 2.2 For h = 1 to NumCpus ; For n = h to 2*NumCpus; run with h high priorty threads and
+//! n standard priority threads, with high priority threads cpu locked.
+//! 2.3 For h = 1 to NumCpus ; For n = h to 2*NumCpus; run with h high priorty threads and
+//! n standard priority threads.
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
+//! test passed. TTest is manual:
+//! 1. For each test we expect to see that the amount of CPU time obtained by each CPU is
+//! balanced. That is, all standard priority threads get roughly same amount of CPU time
+//! and all high priority threads get roughly same amount of CPU time and a higher value
+//! than lower priority threads.
+//! 2. We also expect the relative efficiency reported by the test between the benchmark
+//! and each test run to be >=95% on average. Values well below this are acceptable in
+//! test runs involving atomic operations (1.4)
+#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <e32atomics.h>
+#include <u32hal.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+//#define TRACE(x) x
+#define TRACE(x)
+void Panic(TInt aLine)
+ {
+ User::Panic(_L("T_LOADSIM"),aLine);
+ }
+#define assert(x) ((void)((x)||(Panic(__LINE__),0)))
+RTest test(_L("T_LOADSIM"));
+const TInt KErrCouldNotStart = -99;
+volatile TInt STFU = 1;
+ * Random Number Generation
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void LFSR(TUint64& a)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=64; i>0; --i)
+ {
+ TUint64 x = a<<1;
+ TUint64 y = x<<1;
+ x^=y;
+ a = (y>>1) | (x>>63);
+ }
+ }
+// Returns 256*log2(a/2^64)
+TInt Log2(TUint64 a)
+ {
+ const TUint64 KBit63 = UI64LIT(0x8000000000000000);
+ TInt n = __e32_find_ms1_64(a);
+ a <<= (63-n);
+ n -= 64;
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<8; ++i)
+ {
+ a >>= 32;
+ a *= a;
+ n <<= 1;
+ if (a & KBit63)
+ {
+ ++n;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ a <<= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+TUint32 ExpRV(TUint64 aU, TUint32 aMean, TUint32 aTick)
+ {
+ TInt n = -Log2(aU);
+ TUint64 x = TUint64(n) * TUint64(aMean);
+ x *= TUint64(22713); // 2^15 * ln2
+ TUint64 p(aTick);
+ p <<= 22;
+ x += p;
+ p += p;
+ x /= p;
+ return I64LOW(x);
+ }
+ * Generic High-Resolution Timing
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class TTimestamp
+ {
+ typedef void (*TSampleFunc)(TAny*);
+ void Sample();
+ void Sample(TSampleFunc aFunc, TAny* aPtr);
+ TInt64 operator-(const TTimestamp&) const;
+ static void Init();
+ TUint32 iF; // User::FastCounter() value
+ TUint32 iN; // User::NTickCount() value
+ static TUint32 FF; // User::FastCounter() frequency
+ static TUint32 NP; // User::NTickCount() period
+ static TBool FU; // User::FastCounter() counts up
+ static TUint32 FWrapM; // Number of nanokernel ticks for FastCounter() to wrap / 2 * 2^FWrapS
+ static TInt FWrapS; // Shift so that 2^31<=FWrapM<2^32
+ };
+TUint32 TTimestamp::FF;
+TUint32 TTimestamp::NP;
+TBool TTimestamp::FU;
+TUint32 TTimestamp::FWrapM;
+TInt TTimestamp::FWrapS;
+void TTimestamp::Sample()
+ {
+ TUint32 n = User::NTickCount();
+ do {
+ iN = n;
+ iF = User::FastCounter();
+ n = User::NTickCount();
+ } while (n!=iN);
+ }
+void TTimestamp::Sample(TSampleFunc aFunc, TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ TUint32 n = User::NTickCount();
+ do {
+ iN = n;
+ (*aFunc)(aPtr);
+ iF = User::FastCounter();
+ n = User::NTickCount();
+ } while (n!=iN);
+ }
+// return (x*a)/b
+TUint64 scale(TUint64 x, TUint32 a, TUint32 b)
+ {
+ TUint64 mask = KMaxTUint32;
+ TUint64 x0 = x & mask;
+ TUint64 x1 = x >> 32;
+ x0 *= TUint64(a);
+ x1 *= TUint64(a);
+ x1 += (x0 >> 32);
+ x0 &= mask;
+ TUint64 q1 = x1 / TUint64(b);
+ TUint64 q0 = x1 - q1*TUint64(b);
+ q0 <<= 32;
+ q0 |= x0;
+ q0 /= TUint64(b);
+ return (q1<<32)|q0;
+ }
+// Return difference between a and this in microseconds
+TInt64 TTimestamp::operator-(const TTimestamp& a) const
+ {
+ TInt sign = 1;
+ TTimestamp start;
+ TTimestamp end;
+ if (iN-a.iN >= 0x80000000u)
+ {
+ sign = -1;
+ start = *this;
+ end = a;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ start = a;
+ end = *this;
+ }
+ TUint32 fd32 = end.iF - start.iF;
+ if (!FU)
+ fd32 = ~fd32 + 1u;
+ TUint64 nd = TUint64(end.iN) - TUint64(start.iN);
+ nd <<= 31; // 2^31 * difference in NTickCount
+ TUint64 x = TUint64(fd32) * TUint64(FWrapM);
+ x >>= FWrapS; // ftick difference * (FWrapM/2^FWrapS) = 2^31 * ntick difference
+ nd -= x; // Should now be a multiple of 2^31N where N=2^32*ftickp/ntickp
+ // i.e. should be a multiple of 2^63*ftickp/ntickp
+ // FWrapM = 2^(31+FWrapS)*ftickp/ntickp
+ // FWrapM << (32-FWrapS) = 2^63*ftickp/ntickp
+ TUint64 m = TUint64(FWrapM) << (32-FWrapS);
+ nd += (m>>1);
+ nd /= m;
+ nd = (nd<<32) + TUint64(fd32); // final result in fast counter ticks
+ TInt64 r = scale(nd, 1000000, FF); // convert to microseconds
+ if (sign<0)
+ r = -r;
+ return r;
+ }
+void TTimestamp::Init()
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ r = HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, (TInt&)NP);
+ assert(r==KErrNone);
+ r = HAL::Get(HAL::EFastCounterFrequency, (TInt&)FF);
+ assert(r==KErrNone);
+ r = HAL::Get(HAL::EFastCounterCountsUp, (TInt&)FU);
+ assert(r==KErrNone);
+ TReal fpn = TReal(FF) * TReal(NP) / 1000000.0; // fast counter ticks per NTick
+ TReal fwrap = 2147483648.0 / fpn; // NTicks between fast counter wraparounds / 2
+ TInt exp = 0;
+ while (fwrap < 2147483648.0)
+ {
+ fwrap *= 2.0;
+ ++exp;
+ }
+ fwrap += 0.5;
+ if (fwrap >= 4294967296.0)
+ {
+ fwrap *= 0.5;
+ --exp;
+ }
+ FWrapM = (TUint32)fwrap;
+ FWrapS = exp; // NTicks for 2^31 fast ticks = FWrapM/2^FWrapS
+ test.Printf(_L("FastCounter frequency %uHz\n"), FF);
+ if (FU)
+ test.Printf(_L("FastCounter counts UP\n"));
+ else
+ test.Printf(_L("FastCounter counts DOWN\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Nanokernel tick period %uus\n"), NP);
+ test.Printf(_L("FWrapM %08x\n"), FWrapM);
+ test.Printf(_L("FWrapS %d\n"), FWrapS);
+ }
+ * CPU Usage Measurement
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class TThreadCpuUsageSample
+ {
+ void Sample(RThread aThread);
+ TInt64 ElapsedTimeDelta(const TThreadCpuUsageSample& aStart) const;
+ TInt64 CpuTimeDelta(const TThreadCpuUsageSample& aStart) const;
+ static void SampleThreadCpuTime(TAny* aPtr);
+ TTimestamp iElapsedTime;
+ TInt64 iCpuTime;
+ RThread iThread;
+ };
+void TThreadCpuUsageSample::Sample(RThread aThread)
+ {
+ iThread = aThread;
+ iElapsedTime.Sample(&SampleThreadCpuTime, this);
+ }
+void TThreadCpuUsageSample::SampleThreadCpuTime(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ TThreadCpuUsageSample& me = *(TThreadCpuUsageSample*)aPtr;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& rt = *(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds*)&me.iCpuTime;
+ assert(me.iThread.GetCpuTime(rt) == KErrNone);
+ }
+TInt64 TThreadCpuUsageSample::ElapsedTimeDelta(const TThreadCpuUsageSample& aStart) const
+ {
+ return iElapsedTime - aStart.iElapsedTime;
+ }
+TInt64 TThreadCpuUsageSample::CpuTimeDelta(const TThreadCpuUsageSample& aStart) const
+ {
+ return iCpuTime - aStart.iCpuTime;
+ }
+class TCpuUsage
+ {
+ enum {EMaxCpus=8};
+ void Sample();
+ TInt64 ElapsedTimeDelta(const TCpuUsage& aStart) const;
+ TInt64 CpuTimeDelta(const TCpuUsage& aStart, TInt aCpu) const;
+ static TInt N() { return NumberOfCpus; }
+ static void Init();
+ static void SampleIdleTimes(TAny* aPtr);
+ TTimestamp iElapsedTime;
+ TInt64 iIdleTime[EMaxCpus];
+ static TInt NumberOfCpus;
+ static RThread IdleThread[EMaxCpus];
+ };
+TInt TCpuUsage::NumberOfCpus = -1;
+RThread TCpuUsage::IdleThread[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus];
+void TCpuUsage::Init()
+ {
+ TTimestamp::Init();
+ NumberOfCpus = UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalNumLogicalCpus, 0, 0);
+ test.Printf(_L("NumberOfCpus = %d\n"), NumberOfCpus);
+ assert(NumberOfCpus > 0);
+ assert(NumberOfCpus <= EMaxCpus);
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds ms;
+ TInt r;
+ r = RThread().GetCpuTime(ms);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("RThread::GetCpuTime() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test.Printf(_L("This test requires a working RThread::GetCpuTime() to run\n"));
+ test(0);
+ }
+ TFullName kname;
+ _LIT(KLitKernelName, "ekern.exe*");
+ _LIT(KLitNull, "::Null");
+ TFindProcess fp(KLitKernelName);
+ test_KErrNone(fp.Next(kname));
+ test.Printf(_L("Found kernel process: %S\n"), &kname);
+ kname.Append(KLitNull);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<NumberOfCpus; ++i)
+ {
+ TFullName tname(kname);
+ TFullName tname2;
+ if (i>0)
+ tname.AppendNum(i);
+ TFindThread ft(tname);
+ test_KErrNone(ft.Next(tname2));
+ TInt r = IdleThread[i].Open(ft);
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ IdleThread[i].FullName(tname2);
+ test.Printf(_L("Found and opened %S\n"), &tname2);
+ }
+ }
+void TCpuUsage::Sample()
+ {
+ iElapsedTime.Sample(&SampleIdleTimes, this);
+ }
+void TCpuUsage::SampleIdleTimes(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ TCpuUsage& me = *(TCpuUsage*)aPtr;
+ assert(NumberOfCpus > 0);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<NumberOfCpus; ++i)
+ assert(IdleThread[i].GetCpuTime((TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds&)me.iIdleTime[i]) == KErrNone);
+ }
+TInt64 TCpuUsage::ElapsedTimeDelta(const TCpuUsage& aStart) const
+ {
+ return iElapsedTime - aStart.iElapsedTime;
+ }
+TInt64 TCpuUsage::CpuTimeDelta(const TCpuUsage& aStart, TInt aCpu) const
+ {
+ assert(TUint(aCpu) < TUint(EMaxCpus));
+ if (aCpu >= NumberOfCpus)
+ return 0;
+ TInt64 idle_time = iIdleTime[aCpu] - aStart.iIdleTime[aCpu];
+ TInt64 elapsed_time = iElapsedTime - aStart.iElapsedTime;
+ return elapsed_time - idle_time;
+ }
+ * Generic CPU Consumer
+ ******************************************************************************/
+enum TCpuEaterType
+ {
+ EEaterStd =0, // do CPU-intensive work with few memory references
+ EEaterMemoryLocalS =1, // do loads of memory references with reasonable locality, shared
+ EEaterMemoryNonLocalS =2, // do loads of memory references with poor locality, shared
+ EEaterMemoryLocalU =3, // do loads of memory references with reasonable locality, unshared
+ EEaterMemoryNonLocalU =4, // do loads of memory references with poor locality, unshared
+ EEaterMemoryAtomic =5, // do loads of atomic memory references
+ EEaterMemoryAtomic2 =6, // do loads of atomic memory references
+ EEaterAmdahl =7, // do CPU-intensive work interspersed with serialized sections
+ };
+class CDefaultCpuEater;
+class REaterArray;
+class MCpuEater
+ {
+ MCpuEater();
+ virtual ~MCpuEater();
+ virtual void Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone)=0;
+ virtual void Calibrate();
+ inline TBool IsCalibrated() { return iCalibration!=0; }
+ TUint32 WorkValue(TInt aTime);
+ TUint32 iCalibration; // work value for 2^16 microseconds
+ TUint16 iInstance;
+ TUint16 iType;
+ friend class REaterArray;
+ };
+ {
+ iCalibration = 0; // uncalibrated
+ iInstance = KMaxTUint16; // dummy value
+ iType = KMaxTUint16; // dummy value
+ }
+ {
+ }
+// Calibration is for 2^KLog2CalibrateTime microseconds
+const TInt KLog2CalibrateTime = 13;
+TUint32 MCpuEater::WorkValue(TInt aTime)
+ {
+ if (iCalibration == 0)
+ return aTime;
+ TUint64 x = TUint64(aTime) * TUint64(iCalibration);
+ x >>= (KLog2CalibrateTime + 2); // Factor of 4 margin for slowdowns
+ TUint32 r = I64LOW(x);
+ if (I64HIGH(x))
+ r = KMaxTUint32;
+ if (r == 0)
+ return 1;
+ if (r > iCalibration)
+ return iCalibration;
+ return r;
+ }
+void MCpuEater::Calibrate()
+ {
+ iCalibration = 0;
+ TUint32 work = 1;
+ TUint64 used = 1;
+ TUint64 threshold = 1;
+ threshold <<= KLog2CalibrateTime;
+ while (work)
+ {
+ TThreadCpuUsageSample initial;
+ TThreadCpuUsageSample final;
+ initial.Sample(RThread());
+ Eat(work, 0);
+ final.Sample(RThread());
+ used = final.CpuTimeDelta(initial);
+ if (used >= threshold)
+ break;
+ work <<= 1;
+ }
+ assert(work > 0);
+ TUint64 c(work);
+ c <<= KLog2CalibrateTime;
+ c /= used;
+ if (I64HIGH(c))
+ iCalibration = KMaxTUint32;
+ else if (I64LOW(c))
+ iCalibration = I64LOW(c);
+ else
+ iCalibration = 1;
+ test.Printf(_L("MCpuEater::Calibrate() %u\n"), iCalibration);
+ }
+class REaterArray : public RPointerArray<MCpuEater>
+ {
+ REaterArray();
+ void Close();
+ MCpuEater* Find(TInt aType, TInt aInstance);
+ MCpuEater* FindOrCreateL(TInt aType, TInt aInstance);
+ MCpuEater* CreateLC(TInt aType);
+ class MDummy : public MCpuEater
+ {
+ public:
+ MDummy(TInt aType, TInt aInstance)
+ { iType=TUint16(aType); iInstance=TUint16(aInstance); }
+ virtual ~MDummy()
+ {}
+ virtual void Eat(TInt, TUint32*)
+ {}
+ };
+ static TBool Identity(const MCpuEater& aL, const MCpuEater& aR);
+ static TInt Ordering(const MCpuEater& aL, const MCpuEater& aR);
+ };
+ : RPointerArray<MCpuEater>(8, 2*256)
+ {
+ }
+void REaterArray::Close()
+ {
+ ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+TBool REaterArray::Identity(const MCpuEater& aL, const MCpuEater& aR)
+ {
+ return (aL.iType==aR.iType && aL.iInstance==aR.iInstance);
+ }
+TInt REaterArray::Ordering(const MCpuEater& aL, const MCpuEater& aR)
+ {
+ if (aL.iType > aR.iType)
+ return 1;
+ if (aL.iType < aR.iType)
+ return -1;
+ if (aL.iInstance > aR.iInstance)
+ return 1;
+ if (aL.iInstance < aR.iInstance)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+MCpuEater* REaterArray::Find(TInt aType, TInt aInstance)
+ {
+ MDummy search(aType, aInstance);
+ TInt ix = FindInOrder(&search, &Ordering);
+ if (ix < 0)
+ return 0;
+ return (*this)[ix];
+ }
+MCpuEater* REaterArray::FindOrCreateL(TInt aType, TInt aInstance)
+ {
+ MCpuEater* p = Find(aType, aInstance);
+ if (p)
+ return p;
+ p = CreateLC(aType);
+ p->iType = TUint16(aType);
+ p->iInstance = TUint16(aInstance);
+ InsertInOrderL(p, &Ordering);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+ * Generic zero-drift timed events
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CLoadSim;
+class MEvent
+ {
+ MEvent(CLoadSim*, TInt);
+ virtual void Start()=0;
+ virtual ~MEvent();
+ inline TBool Queued() const
+ { return iQueued; }
+ void QueueAt(TUint32 aTime);
+ void QueueAfter(TUint32 aInterval);
+ void Dequeue();
+ virtual TInt Event();
+ inline TUint64 Random();
+ TUint8 iId;
+ TUint8 iQueued;
+ TUint8 iE1;
+ TUint8 iE2;
+ MEvent* iChain;
+ CLoadSim* iT;
+ TUint32 iNextEventTime;
+ friend class CLoadSim;
+ };
+class CLoadSim : public CActive
+ {
+ static CLoadSim* NewL();
+ ~CLoadSim();
+ inline TInt TimerPeriod() const
+ { return iTimerPeriod; }
+ TUint64 Random();
+ CLoadSim();
+ virtual void RunL();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ void StartTimer();
+ RTimer iTimer;
+ TUint64 iSeed;
+ MEvent* iNextEvent;
+ TUint32 iIterations;
+ TUint32 iLastTrigger; // Last trigger time in ticks
+ TInt iCarry;
+ TInt iTimerPeriod; // Timer tick period in microseconds
+ TInt iMaxDelta;
+ TUint8 iInRunL;
+ TUint8 iTimerRunning;
+ TUint8 iTimerInit;
+ TUint8 iOffsetInit;
+ TUint32 iOffset;
+ friend class MEvent;
+ };
+inline TUint64 MEvent::Random()
+ { return iT->Random(); }
+ : CActive(EPriorityStandard)
+ {
+ iSeed = 0xadf85458;
+ assert(HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, iTimerPeriod)==KErrNone);
+ iMaxDelta = KMaxTInt / (2*iTimerPeriod);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iTimer.Close();
+ }
+CLoadSim* CLoadSim::NewL()
+ {
+ CLoadSim* p = new (ELeave) CLoadSim();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ User::LeaveIfError(p->iTimer.CreateLocal());
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+void CLoadSim::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iTimer.Cancel();
+ iTimerRunning = 0;
+ }
+void CLoadSim::RunL()
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("!%d\n", iStatus.Int()));
+ iTimerRunning = 0;
+ iInRunL = 1;
+ TUint32 now = iLastTrigger;
+ if (iStatus == KErrNone)
+ {
+ now += iCarry;
+ iLastTrigger = now;
+ }
+ else if (iStatus == KErrArgument)
+ {
+ now += iCarry;
+ }
+ else if (iStatus == KErrCancel)
+ {
+ iLastTrigger += iCarry; // trigger time was still updated
+ }
+ iCarry = 0;
+ MEvent* e = 0;
+ {
+ ++iIterations;
+ e = iNextEvent;
+ if (!e || e->iNextEventTime>now)
+ break;
+ iNextEvent = e->iChain;
+ e->iChain = 0;
+ e->iQueued = 0;
+ e->Event();
+ }
+ if (e)
+ {
+ TInt delta = TInt(e->iNextEventTime - iLastTrigger);
+ if (delta > iMaxDelta)
+ delta = iMaxDelta;
+ if (delta < -iMaxDelta)
+ delta = -iMaxDelta;
+ iCarry = delta;
+ TInt us = delta * iTimerPeriod;
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("T+%d\n", us));
+ iTimer.AgainHighRes(iStatus, us);
+ SetActive();
+ iTimerRunning = 1;
+ }
+ iInRunL = 0;
+ }
+void CLoadSim::StartTimer()
+ {
+ if (iInRunL)
+ return;
+ if (iTimerRunning)
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("TC\n"));
+ iTimer.Cancel(); // will cause RunL with KErrCancel which will restart timer
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt delta = TInt(iNextEvent->iNextEventTime - iLastTrigger);
+ if (delta > iMaxDelta)
+ delta = iMaxDelta;
+ if (delta < -iMaxDelta)
+ delta = -iMaxDelta;
+ iCarry = delta;
+ TInt us = delta * iTimerPeriod;
+ if (iTimerInit)
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("sT+%d\n", us));
+ iTimer.AgainHighRes(iStatus, us);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!iOffsetInit)
+ iOffsetInit=1, iOffset=User::NTickCount();
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("sT++%d\n", us));
+ iTimer.HighRes(iStatus, us);
+ iTimerInit = 1;
+ }
+ SetActive();
+ iTimerRunning = 1;
+ }
+TUint64 CLoadSim::Random()
+ {
+ LFSR(iSeed);
+ TUint32 h = I64HIGH(iSeed);
+ TUint32 l = I64LOW(iSeed);
+ h *= 0x9e3779b9u;
+ l *= 0x9e3779b9u;
+ return MAKE_TUINT64(l,h);
+ }
+MEvent::MEvent(CLoadSim* aT, TInt aId)
+ {
+ iId = (TUint8)aId;
+ iQueued = 0;
+ iE1 = 0;
+ iE2 = 0;
+ iChain = 0;
+ iT = aT;
+ iNextEventTime = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ if (iT)
+ Dequeue();
+ }
+void MEvent::QueueAt(TUint32 aTime)
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("Q%d@%u\n", iId, aTime));
+ if (iQueued)
+ Dequeue();
+ MEvent** p = &iT->iNextEvent;
+ MEvent* e = iT->iNextEvent;
+ for (; e && e->iNextEventTime <= aTime; p=&e->iChain, e=e->iChain)
+ {}
+ iChain = e;
+ *p = this;
+ iNextEventTime = aTime;
+ iQueued = 1;
+ if (iT->iNextEvent==this && !iT->iInRunL)
+ iT->StartTimer();
+ }
+void MEvent::QueueAfter(TUint32 aInterval)
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("Q%d+%u\n", iId, aInterval));
+ TUint32 now = User::NTickCount();
+ if (!iT->iTimerInit)
+ iT->iOffset=now, iT->iOffsetInit=1;
+ QueueAt(now-iT->iOffset+aInterval);
+ }
+void MEvent::Dequeue()
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("DQ%d\n", iId));
+ if (!iQueued)
+ return;
+ MEvent* e = iT->iNextEvent;
+ for (; e && e->iChain!=this; e=e->iChain)
+ {}
+ if (e)
+ {
+ e->iChain = iChain;
+ }
+ iChain = 0;
+ iQueued = 0;
+ }
+TInt MEvent::Event()
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("*%d\n", iId));
+ return iId;
+ }
+ * Poisson process simulation
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class MDiscretePoisson : public MEvent
+ {
+ MDiscretePoisson(CLoadSim* aT, TInt aId, TUint32 aMicroseconds);
+ ~MDiscretePoisson();
+ virtual void Start();
+ virtual TInt Event();
+ virtual void PoissonEvent();
+ TUint32 iUs;
+ TBool iContinue;
+ };
+MDiscretePoisson::MDiscretePoisson(CLoadSim* aT, TInt aId, TUint32 aMicroseconds)
+ : MEvent(aT, aId)
+ {
+ iUs = aMicroseconds;
+ iContinue = EFalse;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void MDiscretePoisson::Start()
+ {
+ iContinue = ETrue;
+ TUint32 gap = ExpRV(Random(), iUs, iT->TimerPeriod());
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("GG%u\n", gap));
+ QueueAt(iNextEventTime + gap);
+ }
+TInt MDiscretePoisson::Event()
+ {
+ PoissonEvent();
+ if (iContinue)
+ Start();
+ return MEvent::Event();
+ }
+void MDiscretePoisson::PoissonEvent()
+ {
+ }
+ * Consume a specified amount of CPU time in either a continuous
+ * or 'staccato' fashion (i.e. in irregular intervals punctuated by gaps)
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CStaccatoCpuEater : public CActive, public MEvent
+ {
+ CStaccatoCpuEater(CLoadSim* aT, MCpuEater* aE, TUint32 aGranularity, TUint32 aMeanGap);
+ ~CStaccatoCpuEater();
+ void EatMore(TInt64 aMicroseconds);
+ TUint32 WorkDone() const { return iWorkDone; }
+ TUint32 Invocations() const { return iInvocations; }
+ virtual void RunL();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ virtual void Start();
+ virtual TInt Event();
+ void StartEating();
+ MCpuEater* iE;
+ TUint32 iWorkDone;
+ TUint32 iInvocations;
+ TUint32 iGranularity;
+ TUint32 iMeanGap;
+ TBool iEating;
+ TInt64 iRemainingCpuTime;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iInitialCpuTime;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iFinalCpuTime;
+ TInt64 iTotalCpuTime;
+ };
+CStaccatoCpuEater::CStaccatoCpuEater(CLoadSim* aT, MCpuEater* aE, TUint32 aGranularity, TUint32 aMeanGap)
+ : CActive(EPriorityIdle),
+ MEvent(aT, 0x53)
+ {
+ iE = aE;
+ iWorkDone = 0;
+ iInvocations = 0;
+ iGranularity = aGranularity;
+ iMeanGap = aMeanGap;
+ iEating = EFalse;
+ iRemainingCpuTime = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CStaccatoCpuEater::EatMore(TInt64 aMicroseconds)
+ {
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("E+%08x %08x\n", I64HIGH(aMicroseconds), I64LOW(aMicroseconds)));
+ iRemainingCpuTime += aMicroseconds;
+ if (!Queued() && !iEating && iRemainingCpuTime>0)
+ StartEating();
+ }
+void CStaccatoCpuEater::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt time = KMaxTInt;
+ if (iRemainingCpuTime < TInt64(KMaxTInt))
+ time = I64LOW(iRemainingCpuTime);
+ ++iInvocations;
+ iE->Eat(time, &iWorkDone);
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds ms;
+ TInt r = RThread().GetCpuTime(ms);
+ assert(r==KErrNone);
+ if (ms < iFinalCpuTime)
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ TRequestStatus* pS = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(pS, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ iEating = EFalse;
+ TInt64 delta = ms.Int64() - iInitialCpuTime.Int64();
+ iRemainingCpuTime -= delta;
+ iTotalCpuTime += delta;
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("D=%8u T=%10u\n",I64LOW(delta),I64LOW(iTotalCpuTime)));
+ if (iRemainingCpuTime > 0)
+ {
+ TUint32 gap = ExpRV(Random(), iMeanGap, iT->TimerPeriod());
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("G%u\n", gap));
+ QueueAfter(gap);
+ }
+ }
+void CStaccatoCpuEater::DoCancel()
+ {
+ MEvent::Dequeue();
+ iEating = EFalse;
+ }
+void CStaccatoCpuEater::Start()
+ {
+ }
+TInt CStaccatoCpuEater::Event()
+ {
+ if (!iEating && iRemainingCpuTime>0)
+ {
+ StartEating();
+ }
+ return MEvent::Event();
+ }
+void CStaccatoCpuEater::StartEating()
+ {
+ iEating = ETrue;
+ TInt r = RThread().GetCpuTime(iInitialCpuTime);
+ assert(r==KErrNone);
+ if (iGranularity)
+ {
+ TInt howmuch = ExpRV(iT->Random(), iGranularity, 1);
+ TRACE(RDebug::Printf("SE+%08x\n", howmuch));
+ iFinalCpuTime = iInitialCpuTime.Int64() + TInt64(howmuch);
+ }
+ else
+ iFinalCpuTime = iInitialCpuTime.Int64() + iRemainingCpuTime; // continuous CPU use
+ SetActive();
+ TRequestStatus* pS = &iStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(pS, 0);
+ }
+ * Consume CPU time in a bursty fashion
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CBurstyCpuEater : public CStaccatoCpuEater, public MDiscretePoisson
+ {
+ struct SParams
+ {
+ MCpuEater* iE;
+ TUint32 iGranularity;
+ TUint32 iMeanIntraBurstGap;
+ TUint32 iMeanBurstLength;
+ TUint32 iMeanInterBurstGap;
+ };
+ CBurstyCpuEater(CLoadSim* aT, const SParams& aParams);
+ ~CBurstyCpuEater();
+ virtual void Start();
+ virtual void PoissonEvent();
+ TUint32 iMeanBurstLength;
+ TUint32 iMeanInterBurstGap;
+ };
+CBurstyCpuEater::CBurstyCpuEater(CLoadSim* aT, const SParams& aParams)
+ : CStaccatoCpuEater(aT, aParams.iE, aParams.iGranularity, aParams.iMeanIntraBurstGap),
+ MDiscretePoisson(aT, 0x42, aParams.iMeanInterBurstGap)
+ {
+ iMeanBurstLength = aParams.iMeanBurstLength;
+ iMeanInterBurstGap = aParams.iMeanInterBurstGap;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CBurstyCpuEater::Start()
+ {
+ if (iMeanInterBurstGap > 0)
+ {
+ PoissonEvent();
+ MDiscretePoisson::Start();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EatMore(iMeanBurstLength); // one single burst
+ }
+ }
+void CBurstyCpuEater::PoissonEvent()
+ {
+ TInt burstLen = ExpRV(CStaccatoCpuEater::Random(), iMeanBurstLength, 1);
+ EatMore(burstLen);
+ }
+ * Stop the active scheduler after a certain time
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CTimedStopper : public CActive
+ {
+ static CTimedStopper* NewL();
+ ~CTimedStopper();
+ void Start(TInt64 aMicroseconds);
+ CTimedStopper();
+ virtual void RunL();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ RTimer iTimer;
+ };
+ : CActive(EPriorityHigh)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iTimer.Close();
+ }
+CTimedStopper* CTimedStopper::NewL()
+ {
+ CTimedStopper* p = new (ELeave) CTimedStopper();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ User::LeaveIfError(p->iTimer.CreateLocal());
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+void CTimedStopper::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iTimer.Cancel();
+ }
+void CTimedStopper::RunL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+void CTimedStopper::Start(TInt64 aMicroseconds)
+ {
+ TInt p = (TInt)aMicroseconds;
+ iTimer.HighRes(iStatus, p);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ * Do something CPU intensive to consume CPU time
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CDefaultCpuEater : public CBase, public MCpuEater
+ {
+ CDefaultCpuEater();
+ ~CDefaultCpuEater();
+ virtual void Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone);
+ TUint64 iX;
+ };
+ {
+ iX = 1;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CDefaultCpuEater::Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone)
+ {
+ const TUint64 KMagic = UI64LIT(0x9e3779b97f4a7c15);
+ TUint32 work = WorkValue(aTime);
+ if (aWorkDone)
+ *aWorkDone += work;
+ while (work--)
+ iX *= KMagic;
+ }
+ * Do something CPU intensive to consume CPU time, partially serialized
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CAmdahlCpuEater : public CDefaultCpuEater
+ {
+ static CAmdahlCpuEater* NewLC();
+ ~CAmdahlCpuEater();
+ virtual void Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone);
+ CAmdahlCpuEater();
+ void ConstructL();
+ RMutex iMutex;
+ TUint32 iFactor;
+ };
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iMutex.Close();
+ }
+CAmdahlCpuEater* CAmdahlCpuEater::NewLC()
+ {
+ CAmdahlCpuEater* p = new (ELeave) CAmdahlCpuEater();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL();
+ return p;
+ }
+void CAmdahlCpuEater::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMutex.CreateLocal());
+ iFactor = KMaxTUint32 / (4*TCpuUsage::N());
+ }
+void CAmdahlCpuEater::Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone)
+ {
+ TUint64 t(aTime);
+ t *= TUint64(iFactor);
+ t += TUint64(0x80000000u);
+ t >>= 32;
+ TInt stime = I64LOW(t);
+ if (IsCalibrated())
+ {
+ iMutex.Wait();
+ CDefaultCpuEater::Eat(stime, aWorkDone);
+ aTime -= stime;
+ iMutex.Signal();
+ }
+ CDefaultCpuEater::Eat(aTime, aWorkDone);
+ }
+ * Do something memory intensive to consume CPU time
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CMemoryBandwidthEater : public CBase, public MCpuEater
+ {
+ static CMemoryBandwidthEater* NewLC(TUint32 aSize, TUint32 aRegionSize, TUint32 aRegionOffset);
+ ~CMemoryBandwidthEater();
+ virtual void Calibrate();
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater(TUint32 aSize, TUint32 aRegionSize, TUint32 aRegionOffset);
+ void ConstructL();
+ virtual void Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone);
+ TAny* At(TUint32 aRegion, TUint32 aIndex);
+ TAny* StepWithinRegion(TAny* aInitial, TUint32 aStep);
+ volatile TUint32 iRegionAlloc;
+ TUint32 iPageSize;
+ TUint32 iSize; // multiple of page size
+ TAny* iData; // page aligned
+ RChunk iChunk;
+ TUint8 iLog2RegionSize; // log2(bytes per region)
+ TUint8 iLog2RO; // log2(offset from region n to n+1 in bytes)
+ TUint8 iLog2PageSize;
+ TUint8 iRegionBits; // number of bits to specify region
+ TUint32 iNRgn;
+ TUint32 iRegionMask;
+ TUint32 iLowerIndexMask;
+ TUint32 iUpperIndexMask;
+ };
+TUint32 AtomicClearLS1(volatile TUint32* aMask)
+ {
+ TUint32 initial = *aMask;
+ TUint32 final;
+ do {
+ final = initial & (initial-1);
+ } while(!__e32_atomic_cas_ord32(aMask, &initial, final));
+ return initial;
+ }
+TInt AtomicAllocBit(volatile TUint32* aMask)
+ {
+ return __e32_find_ls1_32(AtomicClearLS1(aMask));
+ }
+TUint32 AtomicFreeBit(volatile TUint32* aMask, TInt aBit)
+ {
+ return __e32_atomic_ior_ord32(aMask, 1u<<aBit);
+ }
+CMemoryBandwidthEater* CMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(TUint32 aSize, TUint32 aRegionSize, TUint32 aRegionOffset)
+ {
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater* p = new (ELeave) CMemoryBandwidthEater(aSize, aRegionSize, aRegionOffset);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL();
+ return p;
+ }
+CMemoryBandwidthEater::CMemoryBandwidthEater(TUint32 aSize, TUint32 aRegionSize, TUint32 aRegionOffset)
+ {
+ TInt r = HAL::Get(HAL::EMemoryPageSize, (TInt&)iPageSize);
+ assert(r==KErrNone);
+ iLog2PageSize = (TUint8)__e32_find_ms1_32(iPageSize);
+ assert( !(aRegionSize & (aRegionSize-1)) );
+ assert( !(aRegionOffset & (aRegionOffset-1)) );
+ iLog2RegionSize = (TUint8)__e32_find_ms1_32(aRegionSize);
+ iLog2RO = (TUint8)__e32_find_ms1_32(aRegionOffset);
+ TUint32 round = (aRegionSize>iPageSize) ? aRegionSize : iPageSize;
+ iSize = (aSize + round - 1) &~ (round - 1);
+ --iSize;
+ iSize |= (iSize>>1);
+ iSize |= (iSize>>2);
+ iSize |= (iSize>>4);
+ iSize |= (iSize>>8);
+ iSize |= (iSize>>16);
+ ++iSize;
+ iNRgn = iSize >> iLog2RegionSize;
+ if (iNRgn>=32)
+ iRegionAlloc = ~0u;
+ else
+ iRegionAlloc = ~((~0u)<<iNRgn);
+ iRegionBits = TUint8(1 + __e32_find_ms1_32(iNRgn-1));
+ iLowerIndexMask = ~((~0u)<<iLog2RO);
+ iRegionMask = (~((~0u)<<iRegionBits))<<iLog2RO;
+ iUpperIndexMask = ((iSize-1)>>(iRegionBits+iLog2RO))<<(iRegionBits+iLog2RO);
+ }
+ {
+ iChunk.Close();
+ }
+void CMemoryBandwidthEater::ConstructL()
+ {
+ TInt mask = (1<<20)-1;
+ TInt maxSize = (TInt(iSize)+mask)&~mask;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iChunk.CreateLocal(iSize, maxSize, EOwnerThread));
+ iData = iChunk.Base();
+ }
+void CMemoryBandwidthEater::Calibrate()
+ {
+ MCpuEater::Calibrate();
+ MCpuEater::Calibrate();
+ }
+TAny* CMemoryBandwidthEater::At(TUint32 aRegion, TUint32 aIndex)
+ {
+ TUint32 offset = aIndex & iLowerIndexMask;
+ offset |= (aRegion<<iLog2RO);
+ offset |= ((aIndex<<iRegionBits) & iUpperIndexMask);
+ return ((TUint8*)iData) + offset;
+ }
+TAny* CMemoryBandwidthEater::StepWithinRegion(TAny* aInitial, TUint32 aStep)
+ {
+ TUintPtr offset = TUintPtr(aInitial) - TUintPtr(iData);
+ TUintPtr offset2 = offset + (aStep & iLowerIndexMask);
+ if ((offset^offset2)&iRegionMask)
+ {
+ offset2 -= (iLowerIndexMask+1);
+ aStep += (iLowerIndexMask+1);
+ }
+ offset2 += ((aStep<<iRegionBits)&iUpperIndexMask);
+ offset2 &= (iSize-1);
+ return ((TUint8*)iData) + offset2;
+ }
+void CMemoryBandwidthEater::Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone)
+ {
+ TUint32 work = WorkValue(aTime);
+ if (aWorkDone)
+ *aWorkDone += work;
+ TInt region = AtomicAllocBit(&iRegionAlloc);
+ assert(region>=0);
+ TUint32 done = 0;
+ TUint32 rgnsz = 1u << iLog2RegionSize;
+ for (; work; work-=done)
+ {
+ done = (work>rgnsz) ? rgnsz : work;
+ TUint8* p = (TUint8*)At(region,0);
+ TUint8 prev = *p;
+ TUint32 n = done;
+ do {
+ TUint8* q = p;
+ p = (TUint8*)StepWithinRegion(p, 31);
+ *q = *p;
+ } while(--n);
+ *p = prev;
+ }
+ AtomicFreeBit(&iRegionAlloc, region);
+ }
+ * Do lots of atomic operations to consume CPU time
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater : public CMemoryBandwidthEater
+ {
+ static CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater* NewLC(TUint32 aSize);
+ ~CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater();
+ CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater(TUint32 aSize);
+ void ConstructL();
+ virtual void Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone);
+ volatile TUint32 iX;
+ };
+CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater* CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(TUint32 aSize)
+ {
+ CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater* p = new (ELeave) CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater(aSize);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL();
+ return p;
+ }
+CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater::CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater(TUint32 aSize)
+ : CMemoryBandwidthEater(aSize, aSize, aSize)
+ {
+ iX = TUint32(this) ^ RThread().Id().operator TUint();
+ iX *= 0x9e3779b9u;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater::ConstructL();
+ }
+TUint32 AtomicRandom(volatile TUint32* a)
+ {
+ TUint32 initial = *a;
+ TUint32 final;
+ do {
+ final = 69069*initial + 41;
+ } while(!__e32_atomic_cas_ord32(a, &initial, final));
+ return final;
+ }
+void CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater::Eat(TInt aTime, TUint32* aWorkDone)
+ {
+ TUint32 work = WorkValue(aTime);
+ if (aWorkDone)
+ *aWorkDone += work;
+ volatile TUint32* pW = (volatile TUint32*)iData;
+ const TUint32 mask = iSize/sizeof(TUint32)-1;
+ TUint32 x = AtomicRandom(&iX);
+ TUint32 n = work;
+ do {
+ TUint32 offset = (x>>2) & mask;
+ x = 69069*x+41;
+ __e32_atomic_add_rlx32(pW+offset, 1);
+ } while(--n);
+ }
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+struct SThreadResult
+ {
+ TUint64 iElapsedTime;
+ TUint64 iCpuTime;
+ TUint32 iWorkDone;
+ TUint32 iInvocations;
+ };
+struct SThreadParams
+ {
+ TInt64 iTestTime;
+ TInt iId;
+ TUint32 iCpuAffinity;
+ TInt iPriority;
+ RSemaphore iTurnstile;
+ SThreadResult* iResult;
+ TInt iGroupId;
+ MCpuEater* iE;
+ TUint32 iGranularity;
+ TUint32 iMeanIntraBurstGap;
+ TUint32 iMeanBurstLength;
+ TUint32 iMeanInterBurstGap;
+ };
+class MThreadCompletion
+ {
+ virtual void Complete(TBool aOk, SThreadParams* aParams)=0;
+ };
+class CThreadI : public CBase
+ {
+ CThreadI();
+ ~CThreadI();
+ static TInt ThreadFunc(TAny* aPtr);
+ TInt Run();
+ void InitL();
+ CTrapCleanup* iCleanup;
+ CActiveScheduler* iAS;
+ CLoadSim* iL;
+ CBurstyCpuEater* iB;
+ CTimedStopper* iStopper;
+ RSemaphore iTurnstile;
+ SThreadParams* iParams;
+ };
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iTurnstile.Close();
+ delete iStopper;
+ delete iB;
+ delete iL;
+ delete iAS;
+ delete iCleanup;
+ }
+TInt CThreadI::ThreadFunc(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ CThreadI* p = new CThreadI;
+ if (!p)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ p->iParams = (SThreadParams*)aPtr;
+ return p->Run();
+ }
+void CThreadI::InitL()
+ {
+ iTurnstile = iParams->iTurnstile;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTurnstile.Duplicate(RThread(), EOwnerThread));
+ iAS = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(iAS);
+ iL = CLoadSim::NewL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(iL);
+ const CBurstyCpuEater::SParams* params = (const CBurstyCpuEater::SParams*)&iParams->iE;
+ iB = new (ELeave) CBurstyCpuEater(iL, *params);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(iB);
+ iStopper = CTimedStopper::NewL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(iStopper);
+ memclr(iParams->iResult, sizeof(*iParams->iResult));
+ RThread().SetPriority(TThreadPriority(iParams->iPriority));
+ UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalLockThreadToCpu, (TAny*)iParams->iCpuAffinity, 0);
+ }
+TInt CThreadI::Run()
+ {
+ iCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ if (!iCleanup)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TRAPD(r,InitL());
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TThreadCpuUsageSample initial;
+ TThreadCpuUsageSample final;
+ RThread::Rendezvous(KErrNone);
+ iTurnstile.Wait();
+ iB->Start();
+ initial.Sample(RThread());
+ iStopper->Start(iParams->iTestTime);
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ final.Sample(RThread());
+ iParams->iResult->iWorkDone = iB->WorkDone();
+ iParams->iResult->iInvocations = iB->Invocations();
+ iParams->iResult->iElapsedTime = final.ElapsedTimeDelta(initial);
+ iParams->iResult->iCpuTime = final.CpuTimeDelta(initial);
+ }
+ delete this;
+ return r;
+ }
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+class CThreadX : public CActive
+ {
+ static CThreadX* NewL(SThreadParams* aParams, MThreadCompletion* aComplete);
+ static CThreadX* NewLC(SThreadParams* aParams, MThreadCompletion* aComplete);
+ CThreadX();
+ ~CThreadX();
+ void ConstructL();
+ virtual void RunL();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ RThread iThread;
+ RTimer iTimer;
+ SThreadParams* iParams;
+ MThreadCompletion* iComplete;
+ };
+ : CActive(EPriorityStandard)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iTimer.Close();
+ iThread.Close();
+ }
+CThreadX* CThreadX::NewL(SThreadParams* aParams, MThreadCompletion* aComplete)
+ {
+ CThreadX* p = NewLC(aParams, aComplete);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+CThreadX* CThreadX::NewLC(SThreadParams* aParams, MThreadCompletion* aComplete)
+ {
+ CThreadX* p = new (ELeave) CThreadX();
+ p->iParams = aParams;
+ p->iComplete = aComplete;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL();
+ return p;
+ }
+const TInt KThreadHeapMin = 0x1000;
+const TInt KThreadHeapMax = 0x200000;
+void CThreadX::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ TRequestStatus s0, s1;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
+ User::LeaveIfError(iThread.Create(KNullDesC, &CThreadI::ThreadFunc, 0x1000, KThreadHeapMin, KThreadHeapMax, iParams));
+ iThread.Rendezvous(s1);
+ if (s1!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest(s1);
+ User::Leave(s1.Int());
+ }
+ iTimer.After(s0, 5*1000*1000);
+ iThread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(s0, s1);
+ if (s1==KRequestPending)
+ {
+ iThread.Terminate(KErrCouldNotStart);
+ User::WaitForRequest(s1);
+ User::Leave(KErrTimedOut);
+ }
+ iTimer.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(s0);
+ if (iThread.ExitType() != EExitPending)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrDied);
+ }
+ iThread.Logon(iStatus);
+ if (iStatus!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
+ User::Leave(iStatus.Int());
+ }
+ SetActive();
+ User::LeaveIfError(s1.Int());
+ }
+void CThreadX::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iThread.Terminate(KErrCouldNotStart);
+ }
+void CThreadX::RunL()
+ {
+ TBool ok = ETrue;
+ if (iThread.ExitType() != EExitKill)
+ ok = EFalse;
+ if (iThread.ExitReason() != KErrNone)
+ ok = EFalse;
+ if (iComplete)
+ iComplete->Complete(ok, iParams);
+ }
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+struct STestThreadDesc
+ {
+ TUint32 iCpuAffinity;
+ TInt iPriority;
+ TInt iGroupId;
+ TUint16 iEaterType;
+ TUint16 iEaterInstance;
+ TUint32 iGranularity;
+ TUint32 iMeanIntraBurstGap;
+ TUint32 iMeanBurstLength;
+ TUint32 iMeanInterBurstGap;
+ static STestThreadDesc* ContinuousL(TInt aPri = EPriorityNormal);
+ static STestThreadDesc* ContinuousLC(TInt aPri = EPriorityNormal);
+ static STestThreadDesc* StaccatoL(TUint32 aGranularity, TUint32 aMeanGap, TInt aPri = EPriorityNormal);
+ static STestThreadDesc* StaccatoLC(TUint32 aGranularity, TUint32 aMeanGap, TInt aPri = EPriorityNormal);
+ };
+STestThreadDesc* STestThreadDesc::ContinuousLC(TInt aPri)
+ {
+ STestThreadDesc* p = (STestThreadDesc*)User::AllocLC(sizeof(STestThreadDesc));
+ p->iCpuAffinity = 0xffffffff;
+ p->iPriority = aPri;
+ p->iGroupId = 0;
+ p->iEaterType = EEaterStd;
+ p->iEaterInstance = 0;
+ p->iGranularity = 0;
+ p->iMeanIntraBurstGap = 0;
+ p->iMeanBurstLength = KMaxTInt32;
+ p->iMeanInterBurstGap = 0;
+ return p;
+ }
+STestThreadDesc* STestThreadDesc::ContinuousL(TInt aPri)
+ {
+ STestThreadDesc* p = ContinuousLC(aPri);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+STestThreadDesc* STestThreadDesc::StaccatoLC(TUint32 aGranularity, TUint32 aMeanGap, TInt aPri)
+ {
+ STestThreadDesc* p = (STestThreadDesc*)User::AllocLC(sizeof(STestThreadDesc));
+ p->iCpuAffinity = 0xffffffff;
+ p->iPriority = aPri;
+ p->iGroupId = 0;
+ p->iEaterType = EEaterStd;
+ p->iEaterInstance = 0;
+ p->iGranularity = aGranularity;
+ p->iMeanIntraBurstGap = aMeanGap;
+ p->iMeanBurstLength = KMaxTInt32;
+ p->iMeanInterBurstGap = 0;
+ return p;
+ }
+STestThreadDesc* STestThreadDesc::StaccatoL(TUint32 aGranularity, TUint32 aMeanGap, TInt aPri)
+ {
+ STestThreadDesc* p = StaccatoLC(aGranularity, aMeanGap, aPri);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+class CTest : public CBase, public MThreadCompletion
+ {
+ struct SStats
+ {
+ TInt64 iTotalCpu;
+ TInt64 iMinCpu;
+ TInt64 iMaxCpu;
+ TInt64 iTotalWork;
+ TInt64 iMinWork;
+ TInt64 iMaxWork;
+ };
+ static CTest* NewL(TInt64 aTestTime, TInt aNumTypes, ...);
+ ~CTest();
+ RPointerArray<SThreadParams>& Threads()
+ { return iP; }
+ TInt Execute();
+ void PrintResults() const;
+ void GetStats(SStats& aStats, TInt aFirstThread=0, TInt aCount=KMaxTInt) const;
+ TInt64 TotalCpuAll() const;
+ CTest();
+ void ConstructL(TInt64 aTestTime, TInt aNumTypes, VA_LIST aList);
+ SThreadParams* AddThreadParamsL();
+ CThreadX* AddThreadXL(SThreadParams* aParams);
+ virtual void Complete(TBool aOk, SThreadParams* aParams);
+ RPointerArray<SThreadParams> iP;
+ RPointerArray<CThreadX> iTX;
+ REaterArray iEaters;
+ RSemaphore iTurnstile;
+ TInt iCompleteCount;
+ TCpuUsage iInitialCpuUsage;
+ TCpuUsage iFinalCpuUsage;
+ };
+ : iP(32),
+ iTX(32)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iTX.ResetAndDestroy();
+ TInt i;
+ TInt c = iP.Count();
+ for (i=0; i<c; ++i)
+ {
+ SThreadParams* p = iP[i];
+ iP[i] = 0;
+ if (p)
+ {
+ User::Free(p->iResult);
+ User::Free(p);
+ }
+ }
+ iP.Close();
+ iEaters.Close();
+ iTurnstile.Close();
+ }
+CTest* CTest::NewL(TInt64 aTestTime, TInt aNumTypes, ...)
+ {
+ VA_LIST list;
+ VA_START(list, aNumTypes);
+ CTest* p = new (ELeave) CTest;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->ConstructL(aTestTime, aNumTypes, list);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return p;
+ }
+SThreadParams* CTest::AddThreadParamsL()
+ {
+ SThreadResult* tr = (SThreadResult*)User::AllocLC(sizeof(SThreadResult));
+ SThreadParams* tp = (SThreadParams*)User::AllocLC(sizeof(SThreadParams));
+ memclr(tr, sizeof(SThreadResult));
+ tp->iResult = tr;
+ iP.AppendL(tp);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(2);
+ tp->iTurnstile = iTurnstile;
+ return tp;
+ }
+CThreadX* CTest::AddThreadXL(SThreadParams* aP)
+ {
+ if (aP->iGranularity==0 && aP->iMeanInterBurstGap==0)
+ {
+ // continuous use thread
+ if (TInt64(aP->iMeanBurstLength) >= aP->iTestTime)
+ aP->iMeanBurstLength = I64LOW(aP->iTestTime) + (I64LOW(aP->iTestTime)>>1);
+ }
+ CThreadX* tx = CThreadX::NewLC(aP, this);
+ iTX.AppendL(tx);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return tx;
+ }
+void CTest::Complete(TBool aOk, SThreadParams*)
+ {
+ if (!aOk || --iCompleteCount==0)
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+void CTest::ConstructL(TInt64 aTestTime, TInt aNumTypes, VA_LIST aList)
+ {
+ typedef const STestThreadDesc* TTestThreadDescPtrC;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTurnstile.CreateLocal(0));
+ TInt tt;
+ TInt tid = 0;
+ for (tt=0; tt<aNumTypes; ++tt)
+ {
+ TInt nThreads = VA_ARG(aList, TInt);
+ TInt inc = 0;
+ const TTestThreadDescPtrC* ppttd = 0;
+ TTestThreadDescPtrC pttd = 0;
+ if (nThreads < 0)
+ {
+ ppttd = VA_ARG(aList, const TTestThreadDescPtrC*);
+ nThreads = -nThreads;
+ inc = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pttd = VA_ARG(aList, TTestThreadDescPtrC);
+ ppttd = &pttd;
+ }
+ TInt k;
+ for (k=0; k<nThreads; ++k, ++tid)
+ {
+ const STestThreadDesc& ttd = **ppttd;
+ ppttd += inc;
+ SThreadParams* tp = AddThreadParamsL();
+ tp->iId = tid;
+ tp->iTestTime = aTestTime;
+ tp->iCpuAffinity = ttd.iCpuAffinity;
+ tp->iPriority = ttd.iPriority;
+ tp->iGroupId = ttd.iGroupId;
+ tp->iE = iEaters.FindOrCreateL(ttd.iEaterType, ttd.iEaterInstance);
+ tp->iGranularity = ttd.iGranularity;
+ tp->iMeanIntraBurstGap = ttd.iMeanIntraBurstGap;
+ tp->iMeanBurstLength = ttd.iMeanBurstLength;
+ tp->iMeanInterBurstGap = ttd.iMeanInterBurstGap;
+ AddThreadXL(tp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt CTest::Execute()
+ {
+ iCompleteCount = iP.Count();
+ iInitialCpuUsage.Sample();
+ iTurnstile.Signal(iCompleteCount);
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ iFinalCpuUsage.Sample();
+ return iCompleteCount ? KErrGeneral : KErrNone;
+ }
+void CTest::GetStats(SStats& a, TInt aFirstThread, TInt aCount) const
+ {
+ a.iTotalCpu = 0;
+ a.iMinCpu = KMaxTInt64;
+ a.iMaxCpu = KMinTInt64;
+ a.iTotalWork = 0;
+ a.iMinWork = KMaxTInt64;
+ a.iMaxWork = KMinTInt64;
+ TInt nt = iP.Count();
+ if (aFirstThread > nt)
+ aFirstThread = nt;
+ if (aCount > nt - aFirstThread)
+ aCount = nt - aFirstThread;
+ TInt i = aFirstThread;
+ for (; i<aFirstThread+aCount; ++i)
+ {
+ SThreadResult* tr = iP[i]->iResult;
+ TInt64 cpu = tr->iCpuTime;
+ TInt64 work = tr->iWorkDone;
+ a.iTotalCpu += cpu;
+ a.iTotalWork += work;
+ if (cpu < a.iMinCpu)
+ a.iMinCpu = cpu;
+ if (cpu > a.iMaxCpu)
+ a.iMaxCpu = cpu;
+ if (work < a.iMinWork)
+ a.iMinWork = work;
+ if (work > a.iMaxWork)
+ a.iMaxWork = work;
+ }
+ }
+TInt64 CTest::TotalCpuAll() const
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ TInt nc = TCpuUsage::N();
+ TInt64 totalCpuAll = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<nc; ++i)
+ {
+ TInt64 u = iFinalCpuUsage.CpuTimeDelta(iInitialCpuUsage, i);
+ totalCpuAll += u;
+ }
+ return totalCpuAll;
+ }
+void CTest::PrintResults() const
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ TInt nt = iP.Count();
+ TInt nc = TCpuUsage::N();
+ TInt64 totalCpuAll = 0;
+ TInt64 totalCpu = 0;
+ TInt64 totalWork = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<nt; ++i)
+ {
+ SThreadResult* tr = iP[i]->iResult;
+ test.Printf(_L("%2u: E=%10u C=%10u I=%10u W=%10u\n"),
+ i, I64LOW(tr->iElapsedTime), I64LOW(tr->iCpuTime), tr->iInvocations, tr->iWorkDone );
+ totalCpu += tr->iCpuTime;
+ totalWork += TInt64(tr->iWorkDone);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("Total C=%12Lu W=%12Lu\n"), totalCpu, totalWork);
+ for (i=0; i<nc; ++i)
+ {
+ TInt64 u = iFinalCpuUsage.CpuTimeDelta(iInitialCpuUsage, i);
+ totalCpuAll += u;
+ test.Printf(_L("Cpu%1u: %10u "), i, I64LOW(u));
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Total %12Lu\n"), totalCpuAll);
+ }
+MCpuEater* REaterArray::CreateLC(TInt aType)
+ {
+ switch (aType)
+ {
+ case EEaterStd:
+ {
+ CDefaultCpuEater* p = new (ELeave) CDefaultCpuEater();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(p);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterMemoryLocalS:
+ {
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater* p = CMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(0x8000, 0x0800, 0x0800);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterMemoryNonLocalS:
+ {
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater* p = CMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(0x100000, 0x10000, 0x4);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterMemoryLocalU:
+ {
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater* p = CMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(0x4000, 0x4000, 0x4000);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterMemoryNonLocalU:
+ {
+ CMemoryBandwidthEater* p = CMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(0x80000, 0x80000, 0x80000);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterMemoryAtomic:
+ {
+ CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater* p = CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(0x1000);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterMemoryAtomic2:
+ {
+ CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater* p = CAtomicMemoryBandwidthEater::NewLC(0x8000);
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ case EEaterAmdahl:
+ {
+ CAmdahlCpuEater* p = CAmdahlCpuEater::NewLC();
+ p->Calibrate();
+ return p;
+ }
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+void RunBenchmarkL(CTest::SStats& aB, STestThreadDesc* aT, TInt aLength)
+ {
+ const TInt NC = TCpuUsage::N();
+ CTest* p;
+ TUint32 saved_aff = aT->iCpuAffinity;
+ aT->iCpuAffinity = NC-1;
+ p = CTest::NewL(aLength, 1, 1, aT);
+ TInt r = p->Execute();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ p->PrintResults();
+ p->GetStats(aB);
+ delete p;
+ aT->iCpuAffinity = saved_aff;
+ }
+void CompareToBenchmark(const CTest::SStats& aS, const CTest::SStats& aB)
+ {
+ TReal bCpu = (TReal)aB.iTotalCpu;
+ TReal bWork = (TReal)aB.iTotalWork;
+ TReal bEff = bWork/bCpu*1000000.0;
+ TReal tCpu = (TReal)aS.iTotalCpu;
+ TReal tWork = (TReal)aS.iTotalWork;
+ TReal tEff = tWork/tCpu*1000000.0;
+ TReal mCpu = (TReal)aS.iMinCpu;
+ TReal MCpu = (TReal)aS.iMaxCpu;
+ TReal mWork = (TReal)aS.iMinWork;
+ TReal MWork = (TReal)aS.iMaxWork;
+ test.Printf(_L("Total CPU usage %6.1f%% of benchmark\n"), 100.0*tCpu/bCpu);
+ test.Printf(_L("Total work done %6.1f%% of benchmark\n"), 100.0*tWork/bWork);
+ test.Printf(_L("Max/min ratio %6.1f%% (CPU) %6.1f%% (Work)\n"), 100.0*MCpu/mCpu, 100.0*MWork/mWork);
+ test.Printf(_L("Work/sec bench: %10.1f test: %10.1f Relative Efficiency %6.1f%%\n"), bEff, tEff, tEff/bEff*100.0);
+ }
+void ContinuousTestL(TInt aLength, TUint32 aWhich)
+ {
+ aLength *= 1000;
+ const TInt NC = TCpuUsage::N();
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TInt i = 0;
+ CTest::SStats benchmark;
+ CTest::SStats st;
+ CTest::SStats stm;
+ CTest* p = 0;
+ TUint et = aWhich >> 28;
+ TBool separate = (aWhich & 0x08000000u);
+ TInt instance = 0;
+ STestThreadDesc* td[2*TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0};
+ STestThreadDesc* tdm[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0};
+ STestThreadDesc* tdl[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0};
+ for (i=0; i<2*NC; ++i)
+ {
+ td[i] = STestThreadDesc::ContinuousLC();
+ td[i]->iEaterType = (TUint16)et;
+ td[i]->iEaterInstance = (TUint16)(separate ? (instance++) : 0);
+ if (i<NC)
+ {
+ tdm[i] = STestThreadDesc::ContinuousLC(EPriorityMore);
+ tdm[i]->iEaterType = (TUint16)et;
+ tdm[i]->iEaterInstance = (TUint16)(separate ? (instance++) : 0);
+ tdl[i] = STestThreadDesc::ContinuousLC();
+ tdl[i]->iCpuAffinity = i;
+ tdl[i]->iEaterType = (TUint16)et;
+ tdl[i]->iEaterInstance = (TUint16)(separate ? (instance++) : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting a single continuous CPU-locked thread\n"));
+ RunBenchmarkL(benchmark, tdl[NC-1], aLength);
+ TInt n;
+ if (aWhich & 1)
+ {
+ for (n=1; n<=2*NC; ++n)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting %d continuous thread(s) ...\n"), n);
+ p = CTest::NewL(aLength, 1, -n, td);
+ r = p->Execute();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ p->PrintResults();
+ p->GetStats(st);
+ delete p;
+ CompareToBenchmark(st, benchmark);
+ }
+ }
+ TInt h;
+ if (aWhich & 2)
+ {
+ for (h=1; h<NC; ++h)
+ {
+ for (n=h; n<=2*NC; ++n)
+ {
+ TInt l = n - h;
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting %d continuous thread(s) (%d higher priority) CPU-locked...\n"), n, h);
+ p = CTest::NewL(aLength, 2, -h, tdl, l, tdl[h]);
+ r = p->Execute();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ p->PrintResults();
+ p->GetStats(st, h, l);
+ p->GetStats(stm, 0, h);
+ delete p;
+ CompareToBenchmark(stm, benchmark);
+ if (l>0)
+ CompareToBenchmark(st, benchmark);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 4)
+ {
+ for (h=1; h<NC; ++h)
+ {
+ for (n=h; n<=2*NC; ++n)
+ {
+ TInt l = n - h;
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting %d continuous thread(s) (%d higher priority)...\n"), n, h);
+ p = CTest::NewL(aLength, 2, -h, tdm, -l, td);
+ r = p->Execute();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ p->PrintResults();
+ p->GetStats(st, h, l);
+ p->GetStats(stm, 0, h);
+ delete p;
+ CompareToBenchmark(stm, benchmark);
+ if (l>0)
+ CompareToBenchmark(st, benchmark);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(NC*4);
+ }
+void TestWithOneSpecialL(const TDesC& aTitle, TInt aLength, const CTest::SStats& aB1, const CTest::SStats& aB0, STestThreadDesc* aT1, STestThreadDesc* aT0)
+ {
+ const TInt NC = TCpuUsage::N();
+ CTest::SStats st;
+ CTest::SStats sti;
+ CTest* p = 0;
+ TInt n;
+ TInt r;
+ for (n=1; n<=2*NC-1; ++n)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting %d continuous thread(s) plus %S ...\n"), n, &aTitle);
+ p = CTest::NewL(aLength, 2, 1, aT1, n, aT0);
+ r = p->Execute();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ p->PrintResults();
+ p->GetStats(st, 1, n);
+ p->GetStats(sti, 0, 1);
+ delete p;
+ CompareToBenchmark(sti, aB1);
+ CompareToBenchmark(st, aB0);
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting %d continuous thread(s) plus %Sh ...\n"), n, &aTitle);
+ TInt orig_pri = aT1->iPriority;
+ aT1->iPriority = EPriorityMore;
+ p = CTest::NewL(aLength, 2, 1, aT1, n, aT0);
+ r = p->Execute();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ p->PrintResults();
+ p->GetStats(st, 1, n);
+ p->GetStats(sti, 0, 1);
+ delete p;
+ CompareToBenchmark(sti, aB1);
+ CompareToBenchmark(st, aB0);
+ aT1->iPriority = orig_pri;
+ }
+ }
+void ContinuousPlusIntermittentTestL(TInt aLength, TUint32 aWhich)
+ {
+ aLength *= 1000;
+ const TInt NC = TCpuUsage::N();
+ TInt i = 0;
+ CTest::SStats bmc, bmilc, bmilf, bmihc, bmihf;
+ STestThreadDesc* td = STestThreadDesc::ContinuousLC();
+ STestThreadDesc* tdl[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0};
+ STestThreadDesc* tdilc[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0}; // light load, coarse grained
+ STestThreadDesc* tdilf[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0}; // light load, fine grained
+ STestThreadDesc* tdihc[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0}; // heavy load, coarse grained
+ STestThreadDesc* tdihf[TCpuUsage::EMaxCpus] = {0}; // heavy load, fine grained
+ for (i=0; i<NC; ++i)
+ {
+ tdl[i] = STestThreadDesc::ContinuousLC();
+ tdl[i]->iCpuAffinity = i;
+ tdilc[i] = STestThreadDesc::StaccatoLC(45000, 500000);
+ tdilf[i] = STestThreadDesc::StaccatoLC(1000, 50000);
+ tdihc[i] = STestThreadDesc::StaccatoLC(400000, 500000);
+ tdihf[i] = STestThreadDesc::StaccatoLC(3000, 5000);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting a single continuous CPU-locked thread\n"));
+ RunBenchmarkL(bmc, tdl[NC-1], aLength);
+ if (aWhich & 1)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting a single ILC CPU-locked thread\n"));
+ RunBenchmarkL(bmilc, tdilc[NC-1], aLength);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 2)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting a single ILF CPU-locked thread\n"));
+ RunBenchmarkL(bmilf, tdilf[NC-1], aLength);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 4)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting a single IHC CPU-locked thread\n"));
+ RunBenchmarkL(bmihc, tdihc[NC-1], aLength);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 8)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nTesting a single IHF CPU-locked thread\n"));
+ RunBenchmarkL(bmihf, tdihf[NC-1], aLength);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 1)
+ {
+ TestWithOneSpecialL(_L("ILC"), aLength, bmilc, bmc, tdilc[0], td);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 2)
+ {
+ TestWithOneSpecialL(_L("ILF"), aLength, bmilf, bmc, tdilf[0], td);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 4)
+ {
+ TestWithOneSpecialL(_L("IHC"), aLength, bmihc, bmc, tdihc[0], td);
+ }
+ if (aWhich & 8)
+ {
+ TestWithOneSpecialL(_L("IHF"), aLength, bmihf, bmc, tdihf[0], td);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5*NC+1);
+ }
+TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ RThread().SetPriority(EPriorityAbsoluteHigh);
+ test.Title();
+ User::SetCritical(User::ESystemCritical);
+ TCpuUsage::Init();
+ TInt r = 0;
+ CTrapCleanup* cln = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test_NotNull(cln);
+ CActiveScheduler* as = new CActiveScheduler;
+ test_NotNull(as);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(as);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n************************************************************************\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("* Testing with CPU intensive loads...\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("************************************************************************\n"));
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(3000, 1+4));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(10000, 1+4));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousPlusIntermittentTestL(10000, 15));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n************************************************************************\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("* Testing with memory intensive loads, good locality...\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("************************************************************************\n"));
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(3000, 1+4+0x08000000u+(EEaterMemoryLocalU<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(10000, 1+4+0x08000000u+(EEaterMemoryLocalU<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n************************************************************************\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("* Testing with memory intensive loads, poor locality...\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("************************************************************************\n"));
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(3000, 1+4+0x08000000u+(EEaterMemoryNonLocalU<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(10000, 1+4+0x08000000u+(EEaterMemoryNonLocalU<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n************************************************************************\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("* Testing with memory intensive loads, atomic operations...\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("************************************************************************\n"));
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(3000, 1+4+(EEaterMemoryAtomic<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(10000, 1+4+(EEaterMemoryAtomic<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n************************************************************************\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("* Testing with memory intensive loads, atomic operations 2...\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("************************************************************************\n"));
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(3000, 1+4+(EEaterMemoryAtomic2<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(10000, 1+4+(EEaterMemoryAtomic2<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n************************************************************************\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("* Testing with CPU intensive loads with some serialization...\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("************************************************************************\n"));
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(3000, 1+4+(EEaterAmdahl<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TRAP(r, ContinuousTestL(10000, 1+4+(EEaterAmdahl<<28)));
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ delete as;
+ delete cln;
+ return r;
+ }