// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL " http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html ".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\power\smpidlehelper.cpp
// Impelentation of helper classes required to implement CPU idle
// functionality in a SMP BSP.
#ifdef __SMP__
#include <smppower/idlehelper.h>
extern "C" void btrace_printfn(const TAny *aPtr,const TInt regNum)
extern "C" void btrace_printfnId(const TAny *aPtr,const TInt regNum, TUint aId)
#define PRINTREG(Rn) \
asm("stmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}"); \
asm("mov r0,r"#Rn); \
asm("mov r1,#"#Rn); \
asm("bl btrace_printfn"); \
asm("ldmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}");
#define PRINTREGID(Rn,n) \
asm("stmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}"); \
asm("mov r0,r"#Rn); \
asm("mov r1,#"#Rn); \
asm("mov r2,#"#n); \
asm("bl btrace_printfnId"); \
asm("ldmfd sp!,{r0-r12,lr}");
#define PRINTREG(Rn)
#define PRINTREGID(Rn,n)
Atomically does the following:
sets the current cpu idle mask bit to indicate current core wants to idle
if all enaged cores have set their bit the flag KGlobalIdleFlag is also
orred into the idle mask to indicate all cores are going down. In this case
the function returned true. False otherwise
aCMask- Bit mask with only current CPU bit set
Normal Usage:use in idle handler before waiting for all cores down IPI
__NAKED__ TBool TIdleSupport::SetLocalAndCheckSetGlobalIdle(TUint32 /*aCpuMask*/)
asm("ldr r1,__iAllEngagedCpusMask"); //r1 = address of iAllEngagedCpusMask
asm("ldr r2, [r1]"); //r2 = iAllEngagedCpusMask
asm("add r1,r1,#4"); //r1 = address of iIdlingCpus
asm("1: ");
LDREX(3,1); // r3 = iIdlingCpus
asm("orr r3,r0,r3"); // orr in mask for this CPU
asm("cmp r3,r2"); // compare to iAllEngagedCpusMask
asm("orreq r3,r3,#%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)TIdleSupport::KGlobalIdleFlag)); // if equal orr in KGlobalIdleFlag
asm("cmp r12, #0 "); //
asm("bne 1b "); // write didn't succeed try again
asm("and r0,r3,#%a0" : : "i" ((TInt)TIdleSupport::KGlobalIdleFlag));
asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)&TIdleSupport::iAllEngagedCpusMask));//
Wait for all CPUs to reach the sync point. A CPU will only exit this function when all other CPUs
have reached it.
Works like this:
cpuMask = 1 << NKern::CurrentCpu()
stage = iStageAndCPUWaitingMask >> 16
waitingCpus = iStageAndCPUWaitingMask&iAllCpusMask
oldstage = stage;
if (waitingCpus == iAllCpusMask) // we synched already and this is new
waitingCpus = 0;
waitingCpus |= cpuMask
if (waitingCpus == iAllCpusMask) stage++
iStageAndCPUWaitingMask = (stage << 16) | waitingCpus
if (oldstage!=stage) return
stage = iStageAndCPUWaitingMask >> 16 // reread stage
__NAKED__ void TSyncPoint::DoSW(TUint32 /*aCpuMask*/)
asm("stmfd sp!, {r4-r5,lr} ");
asm("add r0,r0,#%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSyncPointBase, iStageAndCPUWaitingMask)); // skip vt
asm("ldr r4,[r0,#4]");
asm("ldr r4,[r4]");
asm("1: ");
LDREX(2,0); // r2 = iStageAndCPUWaitingMask, r4 = iAllEnagedCpusMask
asm("mov r5,r2,lsr #16"); // r5 has old staging value
asm("and r2,r2,r4"); // r2 has currently waiting cpus
asm("cmp r2,r4"); // if r2 == r4 then we previously have had all cpus synched
asm("moveq r2,#0"); // reset
asm("orr r2, r2, r1"); // orr mask for this CPU
asm("mov r3,r5"); // r3 will have new stage
asm("cmp r2,r4"); // if r2 == r4 then all cpus have set
asm("addeq r3,r3,#1"); // increment new stage count
asm("orr r2,r2,r3, lsl #16");
STREX(12,2,0); // try to atomically iStageAndCPUWaitingMask
asm("cmp r12, #0 ");
asm("bne 1b "); // write didn't succeed try again
__DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r12); // ensure that's written
asm("ands r2,r2,r4");
asm("cmp r2,r4"); // if r2 == r4 then all cpus have set
asm("2: ");
asm("cmp r3,r5"); // all (old stage does not equal new stage)
asm("ldmnefd sp!, {r4-r5,pc}"); // yup return
asm("ldr r2,[r0]"); // otherwise re read iWaitingCpusMask into r5
__DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r12); // ensure read is observed
asm("mov r3,r2,lsr #16"); // re-read new stage
asm("b 2b"); // loop back
Wait for all CPUs to reach the sync point. A CPU will only exit this function when all other CPUs
have reached it or if another CPU has called the Break function. An attempt to wait on a broken
syncpoint will return immediately.
Works like this:
cpuMask = 1 << NKern::CurrentCpu()
waitingCpus = iStageAndCPUWaitingMask&iAllEnagedCpusMask
if (iStageAndCPUWaitingMask & 0x80000000) // sync point is broken
END_ATOMIC and return
waitingCpus |= cpuMask
if (waitingCpus == iAllEnagedCpusMask) waitingCpus |= 0x80000000
iStageAndCPUWaitingMask = waitingCpus
if (iStageAndCPUWaitingMask&0x80000000) break
__NAKED__ void TBreakableSyncPoint::DoSW(TUint32 /*aCpuMask*/)
asm("stmfd sp!, {r4,lr} ");
asm("add r0,r0,#%a0" : : "i" _FOFF(TSyncPointBase, iStageAndCPUWaitingMask)); // skip vt
asm("ldr r4,[r0,#4]");
asm("ldr r4,[r4]");
asm("1: ");
LDREX(2,0); // r2 = iStageAndCPUWaitingMask, r4 = iAllEnagedCpusMask
asm("ands r3,r2,#0x80000000"); //
asm("bne 3f"); // sync point broken so return
asm("and r2,r2,r4"); // r2 has currently waiting cpus
asm("orr r2, r2, r1"); // orr mask for this CPU
asm("cmp r2,r4"); // if r2 == r4 then all cpus have set
asm("orreq r2,r2,#0x80000000"); // set MSB
STREX(12,2,0); // try to atomically iStageAndCPUWaitingMask
asm("cmp r12, #0 ");
asm("bne 1b "); // write didn't succeed try again
__DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r12); // ensure that's written
asm("ands r3,r2,#0x80000000"); // MSB set?
asm("2: ");
asm("ands r3,r2,#0x80000000"); // MSB set?
asm("ldmnefd sp!, {r4,pc}"); // yup return
asm("ldr r2,[r0]"); // otherwise re read iWaitingCpusMask into r5
//__DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER_Z__(r12); // ensure read is observed
asm("b 2b"); // loop back
__DATA_MEMORY_BARRIER__(r12); // ensure that's written
asm("ldmfd sp!, {r4,pc}"); // yup return
__NAKED__ void TIdleSupport::DoWFI()
__DATA_SYNC_BARRIER_Z__(r12); // generally good idea to a barrier before WFI
void TIdleSupport::DoWFI()
TInt c=NKern::CurrentCpu();
TInt isr = Pending();
if (isr!=1023)
__NAKED__ void TIdleSupport::DoIdleIPI(TUint32 /*aMask*/)
//r0 = cpu mask
asm("ldr r2,__EnagedCpusMask"); // only IPI enaged cores r2 has enaged core mask addr
asm("ldr r2,[r2]");
asm("and r0,r0,r2"); // and out retired cores
asm("ldr r1,__KGICAddr");//r1 = address off iGlobalIntDistAddress
asm("ldr r1, [r1]");//r1 = address of Hw GIC interrupt dispatcher base
__DATA_SYNC_BARRIER_Z__(r12); // need DSB before sending any IPI
asm("movs r0, r0, lsl #16 "); // CPU mask into bits 16-23 - any bits set in aMask?
asm("orrne r0, r0, #%a0" : : "i" ((TInt) IDLE_WAKEUP_IPI_VECTOR));
asm("strne r0, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicDistributor, iSoftIrq)); // trigger IPIs if any
asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)&TIdleSupport::iGlobalIntDistAddress));
asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)&TIdleSupport::iAllEngagedCpusMask));
#ifdef _DEBUG
__NAKED__ TInt TIdleSupport::DoClearIdleIPI()
__NAKED__ void TIdleSupport::ClearIdleIPI()
asm("ldr r1,__KCPUIFAddr");//r1 = address of iBaseIntIfAddress
asm("ldr r1, [r1]");//r1 = address of Hw GIC CPU interrupt interface base address
asm("ldr r0,[r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc, iAck));
// asm("mov r0,#%a0" : : "i" ((TInt) IDLE_WAKEUP_IPI_VECTOR)); // has to be!
asm("str r0, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc, iEoi));
asm(".word %a0" : : "i" ((TInt)&TIdleSupport::iBaseIntIfAddress));// CPU interrupt interface base address
#ifndef _DEBUG
TInt TIdleSupport::DoClearIdleIPI()
return 0;
__NAKED__ TInt TIdleSupport::IntPending()
asm("ldr r1,__KCPUIFAddr");//r1 = address of iBaseIntIfAddress
asm("ldr r1, [r1]");//r1 = address of Hw GIC CPU interrupt interface base address
asm("ldr r0, [r1, #%a0]" : : "i" _FOFF(GicCpuIfc, iHighestPending));
#endif // ifdef __SMP__