changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "UT_STD.H"
    18 #define UNUSED_VAR(a) a = a
    20 LOCAL_C TInt runL(MIncrementalCollector* aCollector)
    21 //
    22 // Collect synchronously until finished.
    23 //
    24 	{
    25 	TInt total=0;
    26 	TInt step=0;
    27 	CleanupReleasePushL(*aCollector);
    28 	aCollector->ResetL(step);
    29 	while (step>0)
    30 		aCollector->NextL(step,total);
    31 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
    32 	return total;
    33 	}
    35 EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::Delete(TStreamId anId)
    36 /** Deletes the specified stream from this store.
    38 This function is deprecated.
    40 If unsuccessful, the function fails silently with no way to return information 
    41 to the user.
    43 The function is not supported by the direct file store, CDirectFileStore.
    45 @param anId The id of the stream to be deleted. */
    46 	{
    47 	TRAPD(ignore,DeleteL(anId));
    48     UNUSED_VAR(ignore);
    49 	}
    51 EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DeleteL(TStreamId anId)
    52 /** Deletes the specified stream from this store, leaving if unsuccessful.
    54 The function is not supported by the direct file store, CDirectFileStore.
    56 @param anId The id of the stream to be deleted from this store.
    57 @see CDirectFileStore */
    58 	{
    59 	if (anId!=KNullStreamId)
    60 		DoDeleteL(anId);
    61 	}
    63 EXPORT_C TInt CStreamStore::Commit()
    64 /** Commits changes.
    66 This function establishes a new commit point. Typically, this is done after 
    67 changes to new or existing streams are complete and the streams themselves 
    68 have been committed.
    70 Establishing a new commit point makes changes to the store permanent. Until 
    71 such changes are committed, they can be rolled back or reverted, effectively 
    72 causing the store to revert back to its state before the changes were made.
    74 This ensures that persistent data moves from one consistent state to another 
    75 and guarantees the integrity of persistent store data in the event of failures. 
    76 In particular, if a process terminates or a media failure occurs, the store 
    77 reverts automatically to its state at the last successful commit point.
    79 Note that this function is not implemented by the direct file store CDirectFileStore 
    80 and the non-persistent in-memory store CBufStore.
    82 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error 
    83 codes.
    84 @see CDirectFileStore
    85 @see CBufStore */
    86 	{
    87 	TRAPD(r,CommitL());
    88 	return r;
    89 	}
    91 EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::Revert()
    92 /** Rolls back the store to its state at the last commit point. 
    94 This function is deprecated; use RevertL() instead.
    96 If unsuccessful, the function fails silently with no way to return information 
    97 to the user.
    99 The function is not supported by the direct file store CDirectFileStore and 
   100 the non-persistent in-memory store CBufStore.
   102 @see CDirectFileStore
   103 @see CBufStore */
   104 	{
   105 	TRAPD(ignore,RevertL());
   106     UNUSED_VAR(ignore);
   107 	}
   109 EXPORT_C TInt CStreamStore::ReclaimL()
   110 /** Reclaims space within a store, returning the total amount of free space available 
   111 within that store.
   113 The function does not return until the reclamation process is complete. This 
   114 can take an extended amount of time.
   116 The function is only supported by the permanent file store, CPermanentFileStore, 
   117 but not by other derived classes, e.g., CDirectFileStore or CBufStore.
   119 @return The amount of free space available within the store.
   120 @see CPermanentFileStore */
   121 	{
   122 	return runL(DoReclaimL());
   123 	}
   125 EXPORT_C TInt CStreamStore::CompactL()
   126 /** Compacts the store. This returns free space to the appropriate system pool, 
   127 for example, the filing system in the case of file-based stores.
   129 On completion, the function returns the total amount of free space available 
   130 within the store.
   132 The function does not return until the compaction process is complete. This 
   133 can take an extended amount of time.
   135 Note:
   137 this function is only supported by the permanent file store, CPermanentFileStore, 
   138 and not by CDirectFileStore or CBufStore.
   140 Streams must be closed before calling this function.
   142 @return The amount of free space available within the store.
   143 @see CPermanentFileStore */
   144 	{
   145 	return runL(DoCompactL());
   146 	}
   148 EXPORT_C TStreamId CStreamStore::DoExtendL()
   149 /** Generates a new stream within this store, and returns its id. This function 
   150 is intended to create a new stream in advance of being written to.
   152 This is called by ExtendL().
   154 @return The new stream id.
   155 @see CStreamStore::ExtendL() */
   156 	{
   157 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   158 	return KNullStreamId;
   159 	}
   161 EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DoDeleteL(TStreamId)
   162 //
   163 // Default implementation failing.
   164 //
   165 	{
   166 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   167 	}
   169 EXPORT_C MStreamBuf* CStreamStore::DoWriteL(TStreamId)
   170 //
   171 // Default implementation failing.
   172 //
   173 	{
   174 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   175 	return NULL;
   176 	}
   178 EXPORT_C MStreamBuf* CStreamStore::DoReplaceL(TStreamId)
   179 //
   180 // Default implementation failing.
   181 //
   182 	{
   183 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   184 	return NULL;
   185 	}
   187 EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DoCommitL()
   188 /** Commits any changes to the store. For a store that provides atomic updates, 
   189 this writes all of the pending updates to the to the permanent storage medium. 
   190 After committing the store contains all or none of the updates since the last 
   191 commit/revert.
   193 This function provides the implementation for the public CommitL() function. */
   194 	{}
   196 EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DoRevertL()
   197 /** Discards any pending changes to the store. This includes all changes which 
   198 have not been committed to a permanent storage medium. 
   200 This function provides the implementation for the public Revert() function.
   202 Note:
   204 The function need only be implemented by stores that provide atomic updates, 
   205 as revert has no meaning for other implementations. */
   206 	{
   207 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   208 	}
   210 EXPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* CStreamStore::DoReclaimL()
   211 /** Initialises an object for reclaiming space in the store. This function provides 
   212 the direct implementation for RStoreReclaim::OpenL(). 
   214 Note:
   216 Actually reclaiming the space is done by repeated calls to MIncrementalCollector::Next(), 
   217 before releasing the object.
   219 @return Pointer to an incremental collector, which implements the interface 
   220 for reclaiming store space. */
   221 	{
   222 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   223 	return NULL;
   224 	}
   226 EXPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* CStreamStore::DoCompactL()
   227 /** Initialises an object for compacting space in the store. This function provides 
   228 the direct implementation for RStoreReclaim::CompactL(). 
   230 Note:
   232 Actually compacting the space is done by repeated calls to MIncrementalCollector::Next() 
   233 before releasing the object.
   235 @return Pointer to an incremental collector, which implements the interface 
   236 for compacting store space. */
   237 	{
   238 	__LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
   239 	return NULL;
   240 	}
   242 EXPORT_C void CPersistentStore::DoSetRootL(TStreamId anId)
   243 /** Implements the setting of theroot stream.
   245 This function is called by SetRootL()
   247 @param anId The id of the stream which is to be the root stream of the store.
   248 @see CPersistentStore::SetRootL() */
   249 	{
   250 	iRoot=anId;
   251 	}
   253 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::OpenL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
   254 /** Prepares the object to perform space reclamation.
   256 @param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction 
   257 is to be performed.
   258 @param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value 
   259 is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
   260 	{
   261 	OpenLC(aStore,aCount);
   262 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   263 	}
   265 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::OpenLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
   266 /** Prepares the object to perform space reclamation and puts a pointer onto the 
   267 cleanup stack.
   269 Placing a cleanup item for the object onto the cleanup stack allows allocated 
   270 resources to be cleaned up if a subsequent leave occurs.
   272 @param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction 
   273 is to be performed.
   274 @param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value 
   275 is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
   276 	{
   277 	iCol=aStore.DoReclaimL();
   278 	CleanupReleasePushL(*this);
   279 	ResetL(aCount);
   280 	}
   282 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::CompactL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
   283 /** Prepares the object to perform compaction.
   285 Streams must be closed before calling this function.
   287 @param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction 
   288 is to be performed.
   289 @param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value 
   290 is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
   291 	{
   292 	CompactLC(aStore,aCount);
   293 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   294 	}
   296 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::CompactLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
   297 /** Prepares the object to perform compaction, putting a cleanup item onto the 
   298 cleanup stack. 
   300 P lacing a cleanup item for the object onto the cleanup stack allows allocated 
   301 resources to be cleaned up if a subsequent leave occurs.
   303 Streams must be closed before calling this function.
   305 @param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction 
   306 is to be performed.
   307 @param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value 
   308 is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
   309 	{
   310 	iCol=aStore.DoCompactL();
   311 	CleanupReleasePushL(*this);
   312 	ResetL(aCount);
   313 	}
   315 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::Release()
   316 /** Releases allocated resources. Any space reclamation or compaction in progress 
   317 is abandoned.
   319 Notes:
   321 If a cleanup item was placed on the cleanup stack when the RStoreReclaim object 
   322 was prepared for space reclamation or compaction (i.e. by a call to OpenLC() 
   323 or CompactLC()), then this function need not be called explicitly; clean up 
   324 is implicitly done by CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy().
   326 The ResetL() member function can be used to restart abandoned space reclamation 
   327 or compaction activity. */
   328 	{
   329 	if (iCol!=NULL)
   330 		{
   331 		iCol->Release();
   332 		iCol=NULL;
   333 		}
   334 	}
   336 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::ResetL(TInt& aCount)
   337 /** Restarts space reclamation or compaction.
   339 The value in aCount must be:
   341 that which was set by the most recent call to Next() or NextL(), if space 
   342 reclamation or compaction had been started.
   344 that which was set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), CompactL() or CompactLC(), if space 
   345 reclamation or compaction had not been started.
   347 @param aCount A reference to a control value originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), 
   348 CompactL() or CompactLC() and updated by subsequent calls to Next() or NextL(). */
   349 	{
   350 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
   351 	iCol->ResetL(aCount);
   352 	iAvail()=0;
   353 	}
   355 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::NextL(TInt& aStep)
   356 /** Performs the next space reclamation or compaction step synchronous, leaves. 
   357 The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called while aStep 
   358 is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should be made.
   360 The step is performed synchronously, i.e. the function does not return until 
   361 the step is complete.
   363 @param aStep A reference to a control value originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), 
   364 CompactL() or CompactLC() and updated by calls to Next() or NextL(). */
   365 	{
   366 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
   367 	iCol->NextL(aStep,iAvail());
   368 	}
   370 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   371 //
   372 // Perform a reclamation step with guaranteed completion.
   373 //
   374 /** Initiates the next space reclamation or compaction step asynchronous, 
   375 non-leaving. The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called 
   376 while aStep is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should 
   377 be made.
   379 The step itself is performed asynchronously.
   381 Note:
   383 The RStoreReclaim object should be made part of an active object to simplify 
   384 the handling of the step completion event.
   386 @param aStep A reference to a control value constructed from a TInt value 
   387 originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), CompactL() or CompactLC().aStep is updated 
   388 by calls to Next() or NextL().
   389 @param aStatus On completion, contains the request status. If successful contains 
   390 KErrNone. If the function fails during the initiation phase, the failure is 
   391 reported as if the step had started successfully but completed with that error. */
   392 	{
   393 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
   394 	TRAPD(r,iCol->NextL(aStep,aStatus,iAvail));
   395 	if (r!=KErrNone)
   396 		{
   397 		TRequestStatus* stat=&aStatus;
   398 		User::RequestComplete(stat,r);
   399 		}
   400 	}
   402 EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::NextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   403 /** Initiates the next space reclamation or compaction step asynchronous, 
   404 leaving. The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called 
   405 while aStep is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should 
   406 be made.
   408 The step itself is performed asynchronously.
   410 Note:
   412 The RStoreReclaim object should be made part of an active object to simplify 
   413 the handling of the step completion event.
   415 @param aStep A reference to a control value constructed from a TInt value 
   416 originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), CompactL() or CompactLC().aStep is updated 
   417 by calls to Next() or NextL().
   418 @param aStatus On completion, contains the request status. If successful contains 
   419 KErrNone. If the function fails during the initiation phase, the failure is 
   420 reported as if the step had started successfully but completed with that error. */
   421 	{
   422 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
   423 	iCol->NextL(aStep,aStatus,iAvail);
   424 	}
   426 EXPORT_C TInt RStoreReclaim::Next(TInt& aStep)
   427 /** Performs the next space reclamation or compaction step synchronous, non-leaving. 
   428 The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called while aStep 
   429 is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should be made.
   431 The step is performed synchronously, i.e. the function does not return until 
   432 the step is complete.
   434 @param aStep A reference to a control value originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), 
   435 CompactL() or CompactLC() and updated by calls to Next() or NextL().
   436 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error 
   437 codes. */
   438 	{
   439 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
   440 	TRAPD(r,iCol->NextL(aStep,iAvail()));
   441 	return r;
   442 	}