--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/store/USTOR/UT_STOR.CPP Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "UT_STD.H"
+#define UNUSED_VAR(a) a = a
+LOCAL_C TInt runL(MIncrementalCollector* aCollector)
+// Collect synchronously until finished.
+ {
+ TInt total=0;
+ TInt step=0;
+ CleanupReleasePushL(*aCollector);
+ aCollector->ResetL(step);
+ while (step>0)
+ aCollector->NextL(step,total);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return total;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::Delete(TStreamId anId)
+/** Deletes the specified stream from this store.
+This function is deprecated.
+If unsuccessful, the function fails silently with no way to return information
+to the user.
+The function is not supported by the direct file store, CDirectFileStore.
+@param anId The id of the stream to be deleted. */
+ {
+ TRAPD(ignore,DeleteL(anId));
+ UNUSED_VAR(ignore);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DeleteL(TStreamId anId)
+/** Deletes the specified stream from this store, leaving if unsuccessful.
+The function is not supported by the direct file store, CDirectFileStore.
+@param anId The id of the stream to be deleted from this store.
+@see CDirectFileStore */
+ {
+ if (anId!=KNullStreamId)
+ DoDeleteL(anId);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CStreamStore::Commit()
+/** Commits changes.
+This function establishes a new commit point. Typically, this is done after
+changes to new or existing streams are complete and the streams themselves
+have been committed.
+Establishing a new commit point makes changes to the store permanent. Until
+such changes are committed, they can be rolled back or reverted, effectively
+causing the store to revert back to its state before the changes were made.
+This ensures that persistent data moves from one consistent state to another
+and guarantees the integrity of persistent store data in the event of failures.
+In particular, if a process terminates or a media failure occurs, the store
+reverts automatically to its state at the last successful commit point.
+Note that this function is not implemented by the direct file store CDirectFileStore
+and the non-persistent in-memory store CBufStore.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see CDirectFileStore
+@see CBufStore */
+ {
+ TRAPD(r,CommitL());
+ return r;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::Revert()
+/** Rolls back the store to its state at the last commit point.
+This function is deprecated; use RevertL() instead.
+If unsuccessful, the function fails silently with no way to return information
+to the user.
+The function is not supported by the direct file store CDirectFileStore and
+the non-persistent in-memory store CBufStore.
+@see CDirectFileStore
+@see CBufStore */
+ {
+ TRAPD(ignore,RevertL());
+ UNUSED_VAR(ignore);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CStreamStore::ReclaimL()
+/** Reclaims space within a store, returning the total amount of free space available
+within that store.
+The function does not return until the reclamation process is complete. This
+can take an extended amount of time.
+The function is only supported by the permanent file store, CPermanentFileStore,
+but not by other derived classes, e.g., CDirectFileStore or CBufStore.
+@return The amount of free space available within the store.
+@see CPermanentFileStore */
+ {
+ return runL(DoReclaimL());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CStreamStore::CompactL()
+/** Compacts the store. This returns free space to the appropriate system pool,
+for example, the filing system in the case of file-based stores.
+On completion, the function returns the total amount of free space available
+within the store.
+The function does not return until the compaction process is complete. This
+can take an extended amount of time.
+this function is only supported by the permanent file store, CPermanentFileStore,
+and not by CDirectFileStore or CBufStore.
+Streams must be closed before calling this function.
+@return The amount of free space available within the store.
+@see CPermanentFileStore */
+ {
+ return runL(DoCompactL());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TStreamId CStreamStore::DoExtendL()
+/** Generates a new stream within this store, and returns its id. This function
+is intended to create a new stream in advance of being written to.
+This is called by ExtendL().
+@return The new stream id.
+@see CStreamStore::ExtendL() */
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ return KNullStreamId;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DoDeleteL(TStreamId)
+// Default implementation failing.
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+EXPORT_C MStreamBuf* CStreamStore::DoWriteL(TStreamId)
+// Default implementation failing.
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+EXPORT_C MStreamBuf* CStreamStore::DoReplaceL(TStreamId)
+// Default implementation failing.
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DoCommitL()
+/** Commits any changes to the store. For a store that provides atomic updates,
+this writes all of the pending updates to the to the permanent storage medium.
+After committing the store contains all or none of the updates since the last
+This function provides the implementation for the public CommitL() function. */
+ {}
+EXPORT_C void CStreamStore::DoRevertL()
+/** Discards any pending changes to the store. This includes all changes which
+have not been committed to a permanent storage medium.
+This function provides the implementation for the public Revert() function.
+The function need only be implemented by stores that provide atomic updates,
+as revert has no meaning for other implementations. */
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+EXPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* CStreamStore::DoReclaimL()
+/** Initialises an object for reclaiming space in the store. This function provides
+the direct implementation for RStoreReclaim::OpenL().
+Actually reclaiming the space is done by repeated calls to MIncrementalCollector::Next(),
+before releasing the object.
+@return Pointer to an incremental collector, which implements the interface
+for reclaiming store space. */
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+EXPORT_C MIncrementalCollector* CStreamStore::DoCompactL()
+/** Initialises an object for compacting space in the store. This function provides
+the direct implementation for RStoreReclaim::CompactL().
+Actually compacting the space is done by repeated calls to MIncrementalCollector::Next()
+before releasing the object.
+@return Pointer to an incremental collector, which implements the interface
+for compacting store space. */
+ {
+ __LEAVE(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CPersistentStore::DoSetRootL(TStreamId anId)
+/** Implements the setting of theroot stream.
+This function is called by SetRootL()
+@param anId The id of the stream which is to be the root stream of the store.
+@see CPersistentStore::SetRootL() */
+ {
+ iRoot=anId;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::OpenL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
+/** Prepares the object to perform space reclamation.
+@param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction
+is to be performed.
+@param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value
+is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
+ {
+ OpenLC(aStore,aCount);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::OpenLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
+/** Prepares the object to perform space reclamation and puts a pointer onto the
+cleanup stack.
+Placing a cleanup item for the object onto the cleanup stack allows allocated
+resources to be cleaned up if a subsequent leave occurs.
+@param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction
+is to be performed.
+@param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value
+is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
+ {
+ iCol=aStore.DoReclaimL();
+ CleanupReleasePushL(*this);
+ ResetL(aCount);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::CompactL(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
+/** Prepares the object to perform compaction.
+Streams must be closed before calling this function.
+@param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction
+is to be performed.
+@param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value
+is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
+ {
+ CompactLC(aStore,aCount);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::CompactLC(CStreamStore& aStore,TInt& aCount)
+/** Prepares the object to perform compaction, putting a cleanup item onto the
+cleanup stack.
+P lacing a cleanup item for the object onto the cleanup stack allows allocated
+resources to be cleaned up if a subsequent leave occurs.
+Streams must be closed before calling this function.
+@param aStore A reference to the store on which space reclamation or compaction
+is to be performed.
+@param aCount A reference to a control value set by these functions. This value
+is required by all variants of Next() and NextL() (and ResetL(), if used). */
+ {
+ iCol=aStore.DoCompactL();
+ CleanupReleasePushL(*this);
+ ResetL(aCount);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::Release()
+/** Releases allocated resources. Any space reclamation or compaction in progress
+is abandoned.
+If a cleanup item was placed on the cleanup stack when the RStoreReclaim object
+was prepared for space reclamation or compaction (i.e. by a call to OpenLC()
+or CompactLC()), then this function need not be called explicitly; clean up
+is implicitly done by CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy().
+The ResetL() member function can be used to restart abandoned space reclamation
+or compaction activity. */
+ {
+ if (iCol!=NULL)
+ {
+ iCol->Release();
+ iCol=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::ResetL(TInt& aCount)
+/** Restarts space reclamation or compaction.
+The value in aCount must be:
+that which was set by the most recent call to Next() or NextL(), if space
+reclamation or compaction had been started.
+that which was set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), CompactL() or CompactLC(), if space
+reclamation or compaction had not been started.
+@param aCount A reference to a control value originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(),
+CompactL() or CompactLC() and updated by subsequent calls to Next() or NextL(). */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
+ iCol->ResetL(aCount);
+ iAvail()=0;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::NextL(TInt& aStep)
+/** Performs the next space reclamation or compaction step synchronous, leaves.
+The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called while aStep
+is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should be made.
+The step is performed synchronously, i.e. the function does not return until
+the step is complete.
+@param aStep A reference to a control value originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(),
+CompactL() or CompactLC() and updated by calls to Next() or NextL(). */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
+ iCol->NextL(aStep,iAvail());
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+// Perform a reclamation step with guaranteed completion.
+/** Initiates the next space reclamation or compaction step asynchronous,
+non-leaving. The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called
+while aStep is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should
+be made.
+The step itself is performed asynchronously.
+The RStoreReclaim object should be made part of an active object to simplify
+the handling of the step completion event.
+@param aStep A reference to a control value constructed from a TInt value
+originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), CompactL() or CompactLC().aStep is updated
+by calls to Next() or NextL().
+@param aStatus On completion, contains the request status. If successful contains
+KErrNone. If the function fails during the initiation phase, the failure is
+reported as if the step had started successfully but completed with that error. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
+ TRAPD(r,iCol->NextL(aStep,aStatus,iAvail));
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus* stat=&aStatus;
+ User::RequestComplete(stat,r);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RStoreReclaim::NextL(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+/** Initiates the next space reclamation or compaction step asynchronous,
+leaving. The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called
+while aStep is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should
+be made.
+The step itself is performed asynchronously.
+The RStoreReclaim object should be made part of an active object to simplify
+the handling of the step completion event.
+@param aStep A reference to a control value constructed from a TInt value
+originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(), CompactL() or CompactLC().aStep is updated
+by calls to Next() or NextL().
+@param aStatus On completion, contains the request status. If successful contains
+KErrNone. If the function fails during the initiation phase, the failure is
+reported as if the step had started successfully but completed with that error. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
+ iCol->NextL(aStep,aStatus,iAvail);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RStoreReclaim::Next(TInt& aStep)
+/** Performs the next space reclamation or compaction step synchronous, non-leaving.
+The function updates the value in aStep, and should only be called while aStep
+is non-zero. Once this value is zero, no further calls should be made.
+The step is performed synchronously, i.e. the function does not return until
+the step is complete.
+@param aStep A reference to a control value originally set by OpenL(), OpenLC(),
+CompactL() or CompactLC() and updated by calls to Next() or NextL().
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCol!=NULL,Panic(EStoreNotOpen));
+ TRAPD(r,iCol->NextL(aStep,iAvail()));
+ return r;
+ }