author Graeme Price <GRAEME.PRICE@NOKIA.COM>
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:32:18 +0100
changeset 15 307f4279f433
parent 13 48780e181b38
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial contribution of the Adaptation Documentation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License 
"Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, 
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<!-- Initial Contributors:
    Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!DOCTYPE reference
  PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN" "reference.dtd">
<reference id="GUID-C7C5F7B8-F024-57F0-968B-1839E1E07DAA" xml:lang="en"><title>BmpAnim: Bitmap Animation example</title><shortdesc>This example shows how to create an animation using the
Bitmap Animation framework. </shortdesc><prolog><metadata><keywords/></metadata></prolog><refbody>
<section id="GUID-2CF5FF44-3E8C-5859-9F73-49C80A8D218F"><title>Purpose</title> <p>This example demonstrates the Bitmap Animation API. For more
information about this example, see <xref href="GUID-05D6AB1C-8548-58C6-AA6C-EE362FF49247.dita">Bitmap Animation
Overview</xref> which is based around code snippets taken from the
example. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-907EEE02-5ADC-5412-BD80-BB026F75B978"><title>Download</title><p>Click on the following link to download the example: <xref href="guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/zips/" scope="external"></xref></p><p>Click: <xref href="guid-6013a680-57f9-415b-8851-c4fa63356636/guid-57050a2d-62c2-4133-a538-763183139e00.html" scope="peer">browse</xref> to view the example code. </p> </section>
<section id="GUID-3AE034A9-2BF4-4558-BD27-C4CE43CD0CA3"><title>Class
<section id="GUID-39371B5F-F99B-5936-A7C7-C139599369EA"><title>Building
and configuring</title> <p>To build the example: </p> <ul>
<li id="GUID-D7599050-5BBB-566E-9511-6F24CD881EC8"><p>You can build
the example from your IDE or the command line. </p> <p>If you use
an IDE, import the <filepath>bld.inf</filepath> file of the example
into your IDE, and use the build command of the IDE. </p> <p>If you
use the command line, open a command prompt, and set the current directory
to the source code directory of the example. You can then build the
example with the SBSv1 build tools with the following commands: </p> <p><userinput>bldmake bldfiles</userinput> </p> <p><userinput>abld
build</userinput> </p> </li>
<li id="GUID-CD188E99-3050-5B1F-88B3-1EAE4BAA86CB"><p>For the emulator,
the example builds an executable called <filepath>bmpanimgui.exe</filepath> in the <filepath>epoc32\release\winscw\&lt;udeb or urel&gt;\</filepath> folder. </p> </li>
</ul> </section>
<link href="GUID-05D6AB1C-8548-58C6-AA6C-EE362FF49247.dita"><linktext>Bitmap
Animation Overview</linktext></link>