changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:42188c7ea2d9
     1 #include <md5.h>
     3 #include "dirdef.h"
     4 #include "filename.h"
     5 #include "doxygen.h"
     6 #include "util.h"
     7 #include "outputlist.h"
     8 #include "language.h"
     9 #include "message.h"
    10 #include "dot.h"
    11 #include "layout.h"
    13 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    14 // method implementation
    16 static int g_dirCount=0;
    18 DirDef::DirDef(const char *path) : Definition(path,1,path)
    19 {
    20   // get display name (stipping the paths mentioned in STRIP_FROM_PATH)
    21   m_dispName = stripFromPath(path);
    22   // get short name (last part of path)
    23   m_shortName = path;
    24   if (m_shortName.at(m_shortName.length()-1)=='/')
    25   { // strip trailing /
    26     m_shortName = m_shortName.left(m_shortName.length()-1);
    27   }
    28   int pi=m_shortName.findRev('/');
    29   if (pi!=-1) 
    30   { // remove everything till the last /
    31     m_shortName = m_shortName.mid(pi+1);
    32   }
    33   setLocalName(m_shortName);
    35   m_fileList   = new FileList;
    36   m_usedDirs   = new QDict<UsedDir>(257);
    37   m_usedDirs->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
    38   m_dirCount   = g_dirCount++;
    39   m_level=-1;
    40   m_parent=0;
    41 }
    43 DirDef::~DirDef()
    44 {
    45   delete m_fileList;
    46   delete m_usedDirs;
    47 }
    49 bool DirDef::isLinkableInProject() const 
    50 { 
    51   return !isReference() && Config_getBool("SHOW_DIRECTORIES"); 
    52 }
    54 bool DirDef::isLinkable() const 
    55 { 
    56   return isReference() || isLinkableInProject(); 
    57 }
    59 void DirDef::addSubDir(DirDef *subdir)
    60 {
    61   m_subdirs.inSort(subdir);
    62   subdir->setOuterScope(this);
    63   subdir->m_parent=this;
    64 }
    66 void DirDef::addFile(FileDef *fd)
    67 {
    68   m_fileList->inSort(fd);
    69   fd->setDirDef(this);
    70 }
    72 static QCString encodeDirName(const QCString &anchor)
    73 {
    74   QCString result;
    76   // convert to md5 hash
    77   uchar md5_sig[16];
    78   QCString sigStr(33);
    79   MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *)anchor.data(),anchor.length(),md5_sig);
    80   MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.data(),33);
    81   return sigStr;
    83   // old algorithm
    85 //  int l = anchor.length(),i;
    86 //  for (i=0;i<l;i++)
    87 //  {
    88 //    char c = anchor.at(i);
    89 //    if ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9'))
    90 //    {
    91 //      result+=c;
    92 //    }
    93 //    else
    94 //    {
    95 //      static char hexStr[]="0123456789ABCDEF";
    96 //      char escChar[]={ '_', 0, 0, 0 };
    97 //      escChar[1]=hexStr[c>>4];
    98 //      escChar[2]=hexStr[c&0xf];
    99 //      result+=escChar;
   100 //    }
   101 //  }
   102 //  return result;
   103 }
   105 QCString DirDef::getOutputFileBase() const
   106 {
   107   return "dir_"+encodeDirName(name());
   108   //return QCString().sprintf("dir_%06d",m_dirCount);
   109 }
   111 void DirDef::writeDetailedDescription(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title)
   112 {
   113   if ((!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF")) || 
   114       !documentation().isEmpty())
   115   {
   116     ol.writeRuler();
   117     ol.pushGeneratorState();
   118     ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   119       ol.writeAnchor(0,"_details");
   120     ol.popGeneratorState();
   121     ol.startGroupHeader();
   122     ol.parseText(title);
   123     ol.endGroupHeader();
   125     // repeat brief description
   126     if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF"))
   127     {
   128       ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),FALSE,FALSE);
   129     }
   130     // separator between brief and details
   131     if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") && 
   132         !documentation().isEmpty())
   133     {
   134       ol.pushGeneratorState();
   135         ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
   136         ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
   137         // ol.newParagraph();  // FIXME:PARA
   138         ol.enableAll();
   139         ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Man);
   140         ol.writeString("\n\n");
   141       ol.popGeneratorState();
   142     }
   144     // write documentation
   145     if (!documentation().isEmpty())
   146     {
   147       ol.parseDoc(docFile(),docLine(),this,0,documentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
   148     }
   149   }
   150 }
   152 void DirDef::writeBriefDescription(OutputList &ol)
   153 {
   154   if (!briefDescription().isEmpty()) 
   155   {
   156     ol.startParagraph();
   157     ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE);
   158     ol.pushGeneratorState();
   159     ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
   160     ol.writeString(" \n");
   161     ol.enable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
   163     if (Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") ||
   164         !documentation().isEmpty()
   165        )
   166     {
   167       ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   168       ol.startTextLink(0,"_details");
   169       ol.parseText(theTranslator->trMore());
   170       ol.endTextLink();
   171     }
   172     ol.popGeneratorState();
   174     //ol.pushGeneratorState();
   175     //ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
   176     //ol.newParagraph();
   177     //ol.popGeneratorState();
   178     ol.endParagraph();
   179   }
   180   ol.writeSynopsis();
   181 }
   183 void DirDef::writeDirectoryGraph(OutputList &ol)
   184 {
   185   // write graph dependency graph
   186   if (/*Config_getBool("DIRECTORY_GRAPH") &&*/ Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT"))
   187   {
   188     DotDirDeps dirDep(this);
   189     if (!dirDep.isTrivial())
   190     {
   191       msg("Generating dependency graph for directory %s\n",displayName().data());
   192       ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
   193       ol.startParagraph();
   194       ol.startDirDepGraph();
   195       //TODO: ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDirDepGraph());
   196       ol.endDirDepGraph(dirDep);
   197       ol.endParagraph();
   198       ol.enableAll();
   199     }
   200   }
   201 }
   203 void DirDef::writeSubDirList(OutputList &ol)
   204 {
   205   // write subdir list
   206   if (m_subdirs.count()>0)
   207   {
   208     ol.startMemberHeader();
   209     ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDir(TRUE,FALSE));
   210     ol.endMemberHeader();
   211     ol.startMemberList();
   212     DirDef *dd=m_subdirs.first();
   213     while (dd)
   214     {
   215       ol.startMemberItem(0);
   216       ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDir(FALSE,TRUE)+" ");
   217       ol.insertMemberAlign();
   218       ol.writeObjectLink(dd->getReference(),dd->getOutputFileBase(),0,dd->shortName());
   219       ol.endMemberItem();
   220       if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) 
   221       {
   222         Doxygen::tagFile << "    <dir>" << convertToXML(dd->displayName()) << "</dir>" << endl;
   223       }
   224       if (!dd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC"))
   225       {
   226         ol.startParagraph();
   227         ol.startMemberDescription();
   228         ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),dd,0,dd->briefDescription(),
   229             FALSE, // indexWords
   230             FALSE, // isExample
   231             0,     // exampleName
   232             FALSE, // single line
   233             TRUE   // link from index
   234            );
   235         ol.endMemberDescription();
   236         ol.endParagraph();
   237       }
   238       dd=m_subdirs.next();
   239     }
   241     ol.endMemberList();
   242   }
   243 }
   245 void DirDef::writeFileList(OutputList &ol)
   246 {
   247   // write file list
   248   if (m_fileList->count()>0)
   249   {
   250     ol.startMemberHeader();
   251     ol.parseText(theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE));
   252     ol.endMemberHeader();
   253     ol.startMemberList();
   254     FileDef *fd=m_fileList->first();
   255     while (fd)
   256     {
   257       ol.startMemberItem(0);
   258       ol.docify(theTranslator->trFile(FALSE,TRUE)+" ");
   259       ol.insertMemberAlign();
   260       if (fd->isLinkable())
   261       {
   262         ol.writeObjectLink(fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,fd->name());
   263       }
   264       else
   265       {
   266         ol.startBold();
   267         ol.docify(fd->name()); 
   268         ol.endBold();
   269       }
   270       if (fd->generateSourceFile())
   271       {
   272         ol.pushGeneratorState();
   273         ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   274         ol.docify(" ");
   275         ol.startTextLink(fd->includeName(),0);
   276         ol.docify("[");
   277         ol.parseText(theTranslator->trCode());
   278         ol.docify("]");
   279         ol.endTextLink();
   280         ol.popGeneratorState();
   281       }
   282       if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) 
   283       {
   284         Doxygen::tagFile << "    <file>" << convertToXML(fd->name()) << "</file>" << endl;
   285       }
   286       ol.endMemberItem();
   287       if (!fd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC"))
   288       {
   289         ol.startParagraph();
   290         ol.startMemberDescription();
   291         ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),fd,0,fd->briefDescription(),
   292             FALSE, // indexWords
   293             FALSE, // isExample
   294             0,     // exampleName
   295             FALSE, // single line
   296             TRUE   // link from index
   297            );
   298         ol.endMemberDescription();
   299         ol.endParagraph();
   300       }
   301       fd=m_fileList->next();
   302     }
   303     ol.endMemberList();
   304   }
   305 }
   307 void DirDef::startMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol)
   308 {
   309   ol.startMemberSections();
   310 }
   312 void DirDef::endMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol)
   313 {
   314   ol.endMemberSections();
   315 }
   317 void DirDef::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
   318 {
   319   ol.pushGeneratorState();
   321   QCString shortTitle=theTranslator->trDirReference(m_shortName);
   322   QCString title=theTranslator->trDirReference(m_dispName);
   323   startFile(ol,getOutputFileBase(),name(),title,HLI_None,TRUE);
   325   // write navigation path
   326   writeNavigationPath(ol);
   328   ol.endQuickIndices();
   329   ol.startContents();
   331   startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
   332   ol.pushGeneratorState();
   333     ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   334     ol.parseText(shortTitle);
   335     ol.enableAll();
   336     ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
   337     ol.parseText(title);
   338   ol.popGeneratorState();
   339   endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
   341   if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) 
   342   {
   343     Doxygen::tagFile << "  <compound kind=\"dir\">" << endl;
   344     Doxygen::tagFile << "    <name>" << convertToXML(displayName()) << "</name>" << endl;
   345     Doxygen::tagFile << "    <path>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</path>" << endl;
   346     Doxygen::tagFile << "    <filename>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()) << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "</filename>" << endl;
   347   }
   349   //---------------------------------------- start flexible part -------------------------------
   351   QListIterator<LayoutDocEntry> eli(
   352       LayoutDocManager::instance().docEntries(LayoutDocManager::Directory));
   353   LayoutDocEntry *lde;
   354   for (eli.toFirst();(lde=eli.current());++eli)
   355   {
   356     switch (lde->kind())
   357     {
   358       case LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc: 
   359         writeBriefDescription(ol);
   360         break; 
   361       case LayoutDocEntry::DirGraph: 
   362         writeDirectoryGraph(ol);
   363         break; 
   364       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDeclStart: 
   365         startMemberDeclarations(ol);
   366         break; 
   367       case LayoutDocEntry::DirSubDirs: 
   368         writeSubDirList(ol);
   369         break; 
   370       case LayoutDocEntry::DirFiles: 
   371         writeFileList(ol);
   372         break; 
   373       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDeclEnd: 
   374         endMemberDeclarations(ol);
   375         break;
   376       case LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc: 
   377         {
   378           LayoutDocEntrySection *ls = (LayoutDocEntrySection*)lde;
   379           writeDetailedDescription(ol,ls->title);
   380         }
   381         break;
   382       case LayoutDocEntry::ClassIncludes:
   383       case LayoutDocEntry::ClassInheritanceGraph:
   384       case LayoutDocEntry::ClassNestedClasses:
   385       case LayoutDocEntry::ClassCollaborationGraph:
   386       case LayoutDocEntry::ClassAllMembersLink:
   387       case LayoutDocEntry::ClassUsedFiles:
   388       case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedNamespaces:
   389       case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceClasses:
   390       case LayoutDocEntry::FileClasses:
   391       case LayoutDocEntry::FileNamespaces:
   392       case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludes:
   393       case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludeGraph:
   394       case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludedByGraph: 
   395       case LayoutDocEntry::FileSourceLink:
   396       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupClasses: 
   397       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNamespaces:
   398       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupDirs: 
   399       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNestedGroups: 
   400       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupFiles:
   401       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupGraph: 
   402       case LayoutDocEntry::GroupPageDocs:
   403       case LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection:
   404       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups:
   405       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDecl:
   406       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDef:
   407       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDefStart:
   408       case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDefEnd:
   409         err("Internal inconsistency: member %d should not be part of "
   410             "LayoutDocManager::Directory entry list\n",lde->kind());
   411         break;
   412     }
   413   }
   415   //---------------------------------------- end flexible part -------------------------------
   417   if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) 
   418   {
   419     writeDocAnchorsToTagFile();
   420     Doxygen::tagFile << "  </compound>" << endl;
   421   }
   423   endFile(ol); 
   424   ol.popGeneratorState();
   427 }
   429 #if 0
   430 void DirDef::writePathFragment(OutputList &ol) const
   431 {
   432   if (m_parent)
   433   {
   434     m_parent->writePathFragment(ol);
   435     ol.writeString("&nbsp;/&nbsp;");
   436   }
   437   ol.writeObjectLink(getReference(),getOutputFileBase(),0,shortName());
   438 }
   440 void DirDef::writeNavigationPath(OutputList &ol)
   441 {
   442   ol.pushGeneratorState();
   443   ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   445   ol.writeString("<div class=\"nav\">\n");
   446   writePathFragment(ol);
   447   ol.writeString("</div>\n");
   449   ol.popGeneratorState();
   450 }
   451 #endif
   453 void DirDef::setLevel()
   454 {
   455   if (m_level==-1) // level not set before
   456   {
   457     DirDef *p = parent();
   458     if (p)
   459     {
   460       p->setLevel();
   461       m_level = p->level()+1;
   462     }
   463     else
   464     {
   465       m_level = 0;
   466     }
   467   }
   468 }
   470 /** Add as "uses" dependency between \a this dir and \a dir,
   471  *  that was caused by a dependency on file \a fd.
   472  */ 
   473 void DirDef::addUsesDependency(DirDef *dir,FileDef *srcFd,
   474                                FileDef *dstFd,bool inherited)
   475 {
   476   if (this==dir) return; // do not add self-dependencies
   477   //static int count=0;
   478   //printf("  %d add dependency %s->%s due to %s->%s\n",
   479   //    count++,shortName().data(),
   480   //    dir->shortName().data(),
   481   //    srcFd->name().data(),
   482   //    dstFd->name().data());
   484   // levels match => add direct dependency
   485   bool added=FALSE;
   486   UsedDir *usedDir = m_usedDirs->find(dir->getOutputFileBase());
   487   if (usedDir) // dir dependency already present
   488   {
   489      FilePair *usedPair = usedDir->findFilePair(
   490          srcFd->getOutputFileBase()+dstFd->getOutputFileBase());
   491      if (usedPair==0) // new file dependency
   492      {
   493        //printf("  => new file\n");
   494        usedDir->addFileDep(srcFd,dstFd); 
   495        added=TRUE;
   496      }
   497      else
   498      {
   499        // dir & file dependency already added
   500      }
   501   }
   502   else // new directory dependency
   503   {
   504     //printf("  => new file\n");
   505     usedDir = new UsedDir(dir,inherited);
   506     usedDir->addFileDep(srcFd,dstFd); 
   507     m_usedDirs->insert(dir->getOutputFileBase(),usedDir);
   508     added=TRUE;
   509   }
   510   if (added)
   511   {
   512     if (dir->parent())
   513     {
   514       // add relation to parent of used dir
   515       addUsesDependency(dir->parent(),srcFd,dstFd,inherited);
   516     }
   517     if (parent())
   518     {
   519       // add relation for the parent of this dir as well
   520       parent()->addUsesDependency(dir,srcFd,dstFd,TRUE);
   521     }
   522   }
   523 }
   525 /** Computes the dependencies between directories
   526  */
   527 void DirDef::computeDependencies()
   528 {
   529   FileList *fl = m_fileList;
   530   if (fl) 
   531   {
   532     QListIterator<FileDef> fli(*fl);
   533     FileDef *fd;
   534     for (fli.toFirst();(fd=fli.current());++fli) // foreach file in dir dd
   535     {
   536       //printf("  File %s\n",fd->name().data());
   537       //printf("** dir=%s file=%s\n",shortName().data(),fd->name().data());
   538       QList<IncludeInfo> *ifl = fd->includeFileList();
   539       if (ifl)
   540       {
   541         QListIterator<IncludeInfo> ifli(*ifl); 
   542         IncludeInfo *ii;
   543         for (ifli.toFirst();(ii=ifli.current());++ifli) // foreach include file
   544         {
   545           //printf("  > %s\n",ii->includeName.data());
   546           //printf("    #include %s\n",ii->includeName.data());
   547           if (ii->fileDef && ii->fileDef->isLinkable()) // linkable file
   548           {
   549             DirDef *usedDir = ii->fileDef->getDirDef();
   550             if (usedDir)
   551             {
   552               // add dependency: thisDir->usedDir
   553               //static int count=0;
   554               //printf("      %d: add dependency %s->%s\n",count++,name().data(),usedDir->name().data());
   555               addUsesDependency(usedDir,fd,ii->fileDef,FALSE);
   556             }
   557           } 
   558         }
   559       }
   560     }
   561   }
   562 }
   564 bool DirDef::isParentOf(DirDef *dir) const
   565 {
   566   if (dir->parent()==this) // this is a parent of dir 
   567     return TRUE;
   568   else if (dir->parent()) // repeat for the parent of dir
   569     return isParentOf(dir->parent()); 
   570   else
   571     return FALSE;
   572 }
   574 bool DirDef::depGraphIsTrivial() const
   575 {
   576   return FALSE;
   577 }
   579 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   581 int FilePairDict::compareItems(GCI item1,GCI item2)
   582 {
   583   FilePair *left  = (FilePair*)item1;
   584   FilePair *right = (FilePair*)item2;
   585   int orderHi = stricmp(left->source()->name(),right->source()->name());
   586   int orderLo = stricmp(left->destination()->name(),right->destination()->name());
   587   return orderHi==0 ? orderLo : orderHi;
   588 }
   590 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   592 UsedDir::UsedDir(DirDef *dir,bool inherited) :
   593    m_dir(dir), m_filePairs(7), m_inherited(inherited)
   594 {
   595   m_filePairs.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   596 }
   598 UsedDir::~UsedDir()
   599 {
   600 }
   603 void UsedDir::addFileDep(FileDef *srcFd,FileDef *dstFd)
   604 {
   605   m_filePairs.inSort(srcFd->getOutputFileBase()+dstFd->getOutputFileBase(),
   606                      new FilePair(srcFd,dstFd));
   607 }
   609 FilePair *UsedDir::findFilePair(const char *name)
   610 {
   611   QCString n=name;
   612   return n.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_filePairs.find(n);
   613 }
   615 DirDef *DirDef::createNewDir(const char *path)
   616 {
   617   ASSERT(path!=0);
   618   DirDef *dir = Doxygen::directories->find(path);
   619   if (dir==0) // new dir
   620   {
   621     //printf("Adding new dir %s\n",path);
   622     dir = new DirDef(path);
   623     //printf("createNewDir %s short=%s\n",path,dir->shortName().data());
   624     Doxygen::directories->inSort(path,dir);
   625   }
   626   return dir;
   627 }
   629 bool DirDef::matchPath(const QCString &path,QStrList &l)
   630 {
   631   const char *s=l.first();
   632   while (s)
   633   {
   634     QCString prefix = s;
   635     if (stricmp(prefix.left(path.length()),path)==0) // case insensitive compare
   636     {
   637       return TRUE;
   638     }
   639     s = l.next();
   640   }
   641   return FALSE;
   642 }
   644 /*! strip part of \a path if it matches
   645  *  one of the paths in the Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH") list
   646  */
   647 DirDef *DirDef::mergeDirectoryInTree(const QCString &path)
   648 {
   649   //printf("DirDef::mergeDirectoryInTree(%s)\n",path.data());
   650   int p=0,i=0;
   651   DirDef *dir=0;
   652   while ((i=path.find('/',p))!=-1)
   653   {
   654     QCString part=path.left(i+1);
   655     if (!matchPath(part,Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH")) && part!="/")
   656     {
   657       dir=createNewDir(part); 
   658     }
   659     p=i+1;
   660   }
   661   return dir;
   662 }
   664 void DirDef::writeDepGraph(QTextStream &t)
   665 {
   666     writeDotDirDepGraph(t,this);
   667 }
   669 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   671 static void writePartialDirPath(OutputList &ol,const DirDef *root,const DirDef *target)
   672 {
   673   if (target->parent()!=root) 
   674   {
   675     writePartialDirPath(ol,root,target->parent());
   676     ol.writeString("&nbsp;/&nbsp;");
   677   }
   678   ol.writeObjectLink(target->getReference(),target->getOutputFileBase(),0,target->shortName());
   679 }
   681 static void writePartialFilePath(OutputList &ol,const DirDef *root,const FileDef *fd)
   682 {
   683   if (fd->getDirDef() && fd->getDirDef()!=root)
   684   {
   685     writePartialDirPath(ol,root,fd->getDirDef());
   686     ol.writeString("&nbsp;/&nbsp;");
   687   }
   688   if (fd->isLinkable())
   689   {
   690     ol.writeObjectLink(fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,fd->name());
   691   }
   692   else
   693   {
   694     ol.startBold();
   695     ol.docify(fd->name());
   696     ol.endBold();
   697   }
   698 }
   700 void DirRelation::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
   701 {
   702   ol.pushGeneratorState();
   703   ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   705   QCString shortTitle=theTranslator->trDirRelation(
   706                       m_src->shortName()+" &rarr; "+
   707                       m_dst->dir()->shortName());
   708   QCString title=theTranslator->trDirRelation(
   709                  m_src->displayName()+" -> "+
   710                  m_dst->dir()->shortName());
   711   startFile(ol,getOutputFileBase(),getOutputFileBase(),title);
   713   // write navigation path
   714   m_src->writeNavigationPath(ol);
   716   //startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
   717   //  ol.parseText(shortTitle);
   718   //endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
   719   ol.writeString("<h3>"+shortTitle+"</h3>");
   721   ol.writeString("<table class=\"dirtab\">");
   722   ol.writeString("<tr class=\"dirtab\">");
   723   // TODO: translate me! "File in %s"
   724   ol.writeString("<th class=\"dirtab\">File in ");
   725   m_src->writePathFragment(ol);
   726   ol.writeString("</th>");
   727   // TODO: translate me! "Includes file in %s"
   728   ol.writeString("<th class=\"dirtab\">Includes file in ");
   729   m_dst->dir()->writePathFragment(ol);
   730   ol.writeString("</th>");
   731   ol.writeString("</tr>");
   733   SDict<FilePair>::Iterator fpi(m_dst->filePairs());
   734   FilePair *fp;
   735   for (fpi.toFirst();(fp=fpi.current());++fpi)
   736   {
   737     ol.writeString("<tr class=\"dirtab\">");
   738     ol.writeString("<td class=\"dirtab\">");
   739     writePartialFilePath(ol,m_src,fp->source());
   740     ol.writeString("</td>");
   741     ol.writeString("<td class=\"dirtab\">");
   742     writePartialFilePath(ol,m_dst->dir(),fp->destination());
   743     ol.writeString("</td>");
   744     ol.writeString("</tr>");
   745   }
   746   ol.writeString("</table>");
   748   endFile(ol); 
   749   ol.popGeneratorState();
   750 }
   752 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
   753 // external functions
   755 void buildDirectories()
   756 {
   757   // for each input file
   758   FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); 
   759   FileName *fn;
   760   for (fnli.toFirst();(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
   761   {
   762     FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
   763     FileDef *fd;
   764     for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
   765     {
   766       //printf("buildDirectories %s\n",fd->name().data());
   767       if (fd->getReference().isEmpty() && !fd->isDocumentationFile())
   768       {
   769         DirDef *dir;
   770         if ((dir=Doxygen::directories->find(fd->getPath()))==0) // new directory
   771         {
   772           dir = DirDef::mergeDirectoryInTree(fd->getPath());
   773         }
   774         if (dir) dir->addFile(fd);
   775       }
   776       else
   777       {
   778         // do something for file imported via tag files.
   779       }
   780     }
   781   }
   783   //DirDef *root = new DirDef("root:");
   784   // compute relations between directories => introduce container dirs.
   785   DirDef *dir;
   786   DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
   787   for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
   788   {
   789     //printf("New dir %s\n",dir->displayName().data());
   790     QCString name = dir->name();
   791     int i=name.findRev('/',name.length()-2);
   792     if (i>0)
   793     {
   794       DirDef *parent = Doxygen::directories->find(name.left(i+1));
   795       //if (parent==0) parent=root;
   796       if (parent) 
   797       {
   798         parent->addSubDir(dir); 
   799         //printf("DirDef::addSubdir(): Adding subdir\n%s to\n%s\n",
   800         //  dir->displayName().data(), parent->displayName().data());
   801       }
   802     }
   803   }
   804 }
   806 void computeDirDependencies()
   807 {
   808   DirDef *dir;
   809   DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
   810   // compute nesting level for each directory
   811   for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
   812   {
   813     dir->setLevel();
   814   }
   815   // compute uses dependencies between directories
   816   for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
   817   {
   818     //printf("computeDependencies for %s: #dirs=%d\n",dir->name().data(),Doxygen::directories.count());
   819     dir->computeDependencies();
   820   }
   822 #if 0
   823   printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
   824   // print dependencies (for debugging)
   825   for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
   826   {
   827     if (dir->usedDirs())
   828     {
   829       QDictIterator<UsedDir> udi(*dir->usedDirs());
   830       UsedDir *usedDir;
   831       for (udi.toFirst();(usedDir=udi.current());++udi)
   832       {
   833         printf("%s depends on %s due to ",
   834             dir->shortName().data(),usedDir->dir()->shortName().data());
   835         QDictIterator<FileDef> fdi(usedDir->files());
   836         FileDef *fd;
   837         for (fdi.toFirst();(fd=fdi.current());++fdi)
   838         {
   839           printf("%s ",fd->name().data());
   840         }
   841         printf("\n");
   842       }
   843     }
   844   }
   845   printf("^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^\n");
   846 #endif
   847 }
   849 #if 0
   850 void writeDirDependencyGraph(const char *dirName)
   851 {
   852   QString path;
   853   DirDef *dir;
   854   DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
   855   QFile htmlPage(QCString(dirName)+"/dirdeps.html");
   856   if (htmlPage.open(IO_WriteOnly))
   857   {
   858     QTextStream out(&htmlPage);
   859     out << "<html><body>";
   860     for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
   861     {
   862       path=dirName;
   863       path+="/";
   864       path+=dir->getOutputFileBase();
   865       path+="_dep.dot";
   866       out << "<h4>" << dir->displayName() << "</h4>" << endl;
   867       out << "<img src=\"" << dir->getOutputFileBase() << "_dep.gif\">" << endl;
   868       QFile f(path);
   869       if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
   870       {
   871         QTextStream t(&f);
   872         dir->writeDepGraph(t);
   873       }
   874       f.close();
   876       QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
   877       QCString outFile = QCString(dirName)+"/"+
   878                          dir->getOutputFileBase()+"_dep."+imgExt; 
   879       DotRunner dotRun(path);
   880       dotRun.addJob(imgExt,outFile);
   881       dotRun.run();
   883       //QCString dotArgs(4096);
   884       //dotArgs.sprintf("%s -Tgif -o %s",path.data(),outFile.data());
   885       //if (portable_system(Config_getString("DOT_PATH")+"dot",dotArgs,FALSE)!=0)
   886       //{
   887       //  err("Problems running dot. Check your installation!\n");
   888       //}
   889     }
   890     out << "</body></html>";
   891   }
   892   htmlPage.close();
   893 }
   894 #endif
   896 void generateDirDocs(OutputList &ol)
   897 {
   898   DirDef *dir;
   899   DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
   900   for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
   901   {
   902     dir->writeDocumentation(ol);
   903   }
   904   if (Config_getBool("DIRECTORY_GRAPH"))
   905   {
   906     SDict<DirRelation>::Iterator rdi(Doxygen::dirRelations);
   907     DirRelation *dr;
   908     for (rdi.toFirst();(dr=rdi.current());++rdi)
   909     {
   910       dr->writeDocumentation(ol);
   911     }
   912   }
   913 }