author Matt Salmo <>
Wed, 09 Sep 2009 10:28:21 -0500
changeset 12 ead02e4e4806
parent 0 20e4ed35fd3f
permissions -rw-r--r--
write .branch.txt to make the new head

<project name="allElements Delegator">
	<property name="defaultAssemblyEnabled" value="true" />
 	<!-- ===================================================================== 	-->
 	<!-- Run a given ${target} on all elements being built						-->
 	<!-- By default ${topLevelElementType} and ${topLevelElementId} should be	--> 
 	<!-- defined in the builder's file.  You can customize by	--> 
 	<!-- setting the type/id values directly here.								-->
	<!-- You can add additional calls to ${genericTargets} to build more top 	-->
	<!-- level elements.									   					-->
	<!--																		-->
	<!-- The top level must exist in the ${buildDirectory}, ${baseLocation} or	-->
	<!-- ${pluginPath} locations.												-->
 	<!-- ===================================================================== 	-->
 	<target name="allElementsDelegator">
 		<ant antfile="${genericTargets}" target="${target}">
	 		<property name="type" value="${topLevelElementType}" />
	 		<property name="id" value="${topLevelElementId}" />
	<!-- ====================================================================== -->
	<!--  The default assemble target, this will be called to assemble each		-->	 
	<!--  config if a custom assemble target is not defined.					-->
	<!-- The following properties will be defined:								-->
	<!-- 		config : The configuration being assembled eg "win32.win32.x86"	-->
	<!-- 		element: The element being assembled eg "org.eclipse.sdk"		-->
	<!-- 		assembleScriptName: The assemble script to be called			-->
	<!-- ====================================================================== -->
	<target name="defaultAssemble">
		<ant antfile="${assembleScriptName}" dir="${buildDirectory}" />
 	<!-- =====================================================================	-->
 	<!-- Custom targets to assemble the built elements for particular 			-->
 	<!-- configurations.  These generally call the generated assemble scripts 	-->
 	<!-- (named in  ${assembleScriptName}) but may also add pre and post		--> 
 	<!-- processing      														-->
 	<!-- Add one target for each root element and each configuration for which	--> 
 	<!-- custom processing is desired. Replace with the id of the 	-->
 	<!-- top level element being built.  A property with a matching name must 	-->
 	<!-- be defined for this custom target to be called instead of the 			-->
 	<!-- defaultAssemble target above.											-->
	<!--	Example:  name=""							-->
	<!--	Example:  name=""			-->
 	<!-- ====================================================================== -->
	<property name="[.config.spec]" value="true" />
 	<target name="[.config.spec]">
 		<ant antfile="${assembleScriptName}" dir="${buildDirectory}"/>