diff -r 9374c207cfee -r 9dcc6e7393f7 doc/api/python/dependancygraph-pysrc.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/doc/api/python/dependancygraph-pysrc.html Fri Sep 11 15:39:31 2009 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,986 @@ + + + + + dependancygraph + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + Module dependancygraph + + + + + + +
[hide private]
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Source Code for Module dependancygraph

+  1  #============================================================================  
+  2  #Name        : dependancygraph.py 
+  3  #Part of     : Helium  
+  4   
+  5  #Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+  6  #All rights reserved. 
+  7  #This component and the accompanying materials are made available 
+  8  #under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 
+  9  #which accompanies this distribution, and is available 
+ 10  #at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". 
+ 11  # 
+ 12  #Initial Contributors: 
+ 13  #Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. 
+ 14  # 
+ 15  #Contributors: 
+ 16  # 
+ 17  #Description: 
+ 18  #=============================================================================== 
+ 19   
+ 20  import os 
+ 21  import amara 
+ 22  import codecs 
+ 23  import zipfile 
+ 24  from Ft.Lib import Uri 
+ 25   
26 -class Library: +
27 - def __init__(self, name, license, version=''): +
28 self.name = name + 29 self.license = license + 30 self.version = version + 31 self.requires = [] +
32 +
33 -class ModuleGroup: +
34 - def __init__(self): +
35 self.libraries = {} +
36 - def addConf(self, name, des, color): +
37 self.libraries[name] = (des, [], color) +
38 - def addLibrary(self, conf, library): +
39 for lib in self.getLibraries(conf): + 40 if lib.name.lower() == library.name.lower(): + 41 lib.license = library.license + 42 return + 43 self.getLibraries(conf).append(library) +
44 - def getLibraries(self, conf): +
45 (_, libs, _) = self.libraries[conf] + 46 return libs +
47 - def getDescription(self, conf): +
48 (des, _, _) = self.libraries[conf] + 49 return des +
50 - def getColor(self, conf): +
51 (_, _, color) = self.libraries[conf] + 52 return color +
53 + 54 COLORS = ['pink', 'red', 'lightblue', 'orange', 'green', 'yellow', 'turquoise', 'limegreen'] + 55 +
56 -class ReadIvyConfig: +
57 - def __init__(self, ivyfilename): +
58 self.ivyfilename = ivyfilename + 59 self.ivyxml = amara.parse(Uri.OsPathToUri(ivyfilename)) + 60 self.group = ModuleGroup() +
61 +
62 - def readConfigurations(self): +
63 for conf in self.ivyxml['ivy-module'].configurations.conf: + 64 color = COLORS.pop() + 65 self.group.addConf(conf.name, conf.description, color) +
66 +
67 - def readModules(self): +
68 license = '' + 69 for module in self.ivyxml['ivy-module'].dependencies.xml_children: + 70 if hasattr(module, 'data'): + 71 if 'License:' in module.data: + 72 license = module.data.strip() + 73 elif hasattr(module, 'name'): + 74 modulename = module.name.replace('-', '_') + 75 + 76 if module.org != 'SWEPT': + 77 self.group.addLibrary(module.conf, Library(modulename, license)) + 78 license = '' +
79 +
80 - def readSubModules(self): +
81 for module in self.ivyxml['ivy-module'].dependencies.xml_children: + 82 if hasattr(module, 'name'): + 83 if 'jars' in module.name: + 84 ivydir = os.path.dirname(self.ivyfilename) + 85 ivydir = os.path.join(ivydir, 'modules') + 86 ivyjarfile = os.path.join(ivydir, module.name + '-1.0.ivy.xml') + 87 ivymodulexml = amara.parse(Uri.OsPathToUri(ivyjarfile)) + 88 license = '' + 89 for artifact in ivymodulexml['ivy-module'].publications.xml_children: + 90 if hasattr(artifact, 'data'): + 91 if 'License:' in artifact.data: + 92 license = artifact.data.strip() + 93 elif hasattr(artifact, 'name'): + 94 bits = artifact.name.split('-') + 95 name = bits[0] + 96 version = '' + 97 if len(bits) > 1: + 98 version = bits[1] + 99 self.group.addLibrary(module.conf, Library(name, license, version)) +100 license = '' +
101 +102 PYTHON_GROUP = True +103 SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP = False +104 +
105 -def readEggs(libraries, dirtosearch, internaldir): +
106 libraries.addConf(PYTHON_GROUP, 'Python libs', libraries.getColor('core_install')) +107 libraries.addConf(SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP, 'Python subcon libs', libraries.getColor('subcon')) +108 +109 for x in [os.walk(dirtosearch, topdown=False), os.walk(internaldir, topdown=False)]: +110 for root, _, files in x: +111 notinsubcon = os.path.normpath(internaldir) in os.path.normpath(root) +112 +113 for fname in files: +114 filename = os.path.join(root, fname) +115 if fname == 'PKG-INFO': +116 pkgmetafile = open(filename) +117 library = readPkgInfo(pkgmetafile) +118 pkgmetafile.close() +119 +120 requirefilename = os.path.join(filename, '..', 'requires.txt') +121 if os.path.exists(requirefilename): +122 requiresfile = open(requirefilename) +123 readRequiresFile(requiresfile, library) +124 requiresfile.close() +125 +126 libraries.addLibrary(notinsubcon, library) +127 +128 if os.path.isfile(filename) and fname.endswith('.egg'): +129 eggfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) +130 +131 data = eggfile.read('EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO') +132 +133 library = readPkgInfo(data.split('\n')) +134 +135 if 'EGG-INFO/requires.txt' in eggfile.namelist(): +136 requiresdata = eggfile.read('EGG-INFO/requires.txt') +137 readRequiresFile(requiresdata.split('\n'), library) +138 +139 libraries.addLibrary(notinsubcon, library) +140 +141 eggfile.close() +
142 +
143 -def readRequiresFile(data, library): +
144 for line in data: +145 line = line.strip() +146 if line != '' and not (line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']')): +147 library.requires.append(line.split('>=')[0].strip()) +
148 +
149 -def readPkgInfo(data): +
150 name = '' +151 version = '' +152 license = '' +153 license2 = '' +154 +155 for line in data: +156 if 'Name:' in line: +157 name = line.strip().replace('Name: ', '') +158 if 'Version:' in line: +159 version = line.strip().replace('Version: ', '') +160 if 'License:' in line: +161 license = line.strip().replace('License: ', '') +162 if 'Classifier: License :: ' in line: +163 license2 = license2 + ' ' + line.strip().replace('Classifier: License :: ', '').replace('OSI Approved :: ', '') +164 +165 if license.lower() == 'unknown' or license == '' or license2 != '': +166 license = license2 +167 +168 return Library(name, license, version) +
169 +
170 -def addLicensesColors(graphdata, group): +
171 newgraphdata = [] +172 for line in graphdata: +173 newline = line +174 for conf in group.libraries: +175 for module in group.getLibraries(conf): +176 if module.name.lower() in line.lower() and 'label=' in line: +177 newline = line.replace('label=', 'color=%s,label=' % group.getColor(conf)) +178 +179 if module.license != '': +180 newline = newline.replace("\"];", "|%s\"];" % module.license) +181 +182 break +183 newgraphdata.append(newline) +184 return newgraphdata +
185 +
186 -def createKey(group): +
187 key = """subgraph cluster1 { +188 label = "Key"; +189 style=filled; +190 color=lightgrey; +191 """ +192 +193 for conf in group.libraries: +194 if conf != PYTHON_GROUP and conf != SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP: +195 key = key + "\"%s: %s\" [style=filled,color=%s];" % (conf, group.getDescription(conf), group.getColor(conf)) +196 +197 key = key + "}" +198 return key +
199 +
200 -def createGraph(ivyxmlfilename, graphfilename, dirtosearch, internaldir, subcon): +
201 readivy = ReadIvyConfig(ivyxmlfilename) +202 readivy.readConfigurations() +203 readivy.readModules() +204 readivy.readSubModules() +205 +206 group = readivy.group +207 +208 readEggs(group, dirtosearch, internaldir) +209 +210 key = createKey(group) +211 +212 graphdata = loadGraphFile(graphfilename) +213 +214 newgraphdata = addLicensesColors(graphdata, group) +215 +216 #add key to graph +217 newgraphdata[-1] = newgraphdata[-1].replace('}', key + '\n}') +218 +219 graphwritefile = codecs.open(graphfilename, 'w', 'utf8') +220 graphwritefile.writelines(newgraphdata) +221 graphwritefile.close() +222 +223 linkPythonLibs(group, graphfilename, subcon) +
224 +
225 -def loadGraphFile(graphfilename): +
226 destgraphfile = codecs.open(graphfilename, 'r', 'utf8') +227 graphdata = [] +228 for line in destgraphfile: +229 graphdata.append(line) +230 destgraphfile.close() +231 return graphdata +
232 +
233 -def addToGraph(graphfilenametoadd, destgraphfilename): +
234 graphdata = loadGraphFile(destgraphfilename) +235 +236 graphfile = codecs.open(graphfilenametoadd, 'r', 'utf8') +237 graphdatatoadd = '' +238 for line in graphfile: +239 line = line.replace('digraph {', '') +240 graphdatatoadd = graphdatatoadd + line +241 graphfile.close() +242 +243 graphdata[-1] = graphdata[-1].replace('}', graphdatatoadd) +244 +245 graphwritefile = codecs.open(destgraphfilename, 'w', 'utf8') +246 graphwritefile.writelines(graphdata) +247 graphwritefile.close() +
248 +
249 -def linkPythonLibs(libraries, destgraphfilename, subcon): +
250 graphdata = loadGraphFile(destgraphfilename) +251 +252 output = "helium_ant -> helium_python;\n" +253 +254 if subcon: +255 list = [SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP] +256 else: +257 list = [SUBCON_PYTHON_GROUP, PYTHON_GROUP] +258 +259 for group in list: +260 for lib in libraries.getLibraries(group): +261 output = output + ("helium_python -> \"%s\";\n" % lib.name) +262 output = output + ("\"%s\" [style=filled,shape=record,color=%s,label=\"%s %s|%s\"];\n" % (lib.name, libraries.getColor(group), lib.name, lib.version, lib.license)) +263 +264 for require in lib.requires: +265 output = output + ("\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" % (lib.name, require)) +266 +267 graphdata.reverse() +268 for line in graphdata: +269 if line.strip() == '': +270 graphdata.pop(0) +271 else: +272 break +273 graphdata.reverse() +274 +275 graphdata[-1] = graphdata[-1].replace('}', output + '}') +276 +277 graphwritefile = codecs.open(destgraphfilename, 'w', 'utf8') +278 graphwritefile.writelines(graphdata) +279 graphwritefile.close() +280 +
281 -def externalDependancies(database, output): +
282 out = open(output, 'w') +283 db = amara.parse(Uri.OsPathToUri(database)) +284 out.write('digraph G {\n') +285 for p in db.antDatabase.project: +286 items = [] +287 if hasattr(p, 'property'): +288 for prop in p.property: +289 if 'external' + os.sep in os.path.abspath(str(prop.defaultValue)): +290 items.append(str(prop.defaultValue)) +291 if hasattr(p, 'fileDependency'): +292 for dep in p.fileDependency: +293 dep = str(dep).split(' ')[0] +294 if 'external' + os.sep in os.path.abspath(str(dep)): +295 items.append(str(dep)) +296 +297 items = set(items) +298 for i in items: +299 out.write('\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n' % (str(p.name), i.replace(os.environ['HELIUM_HOME'], 'helium').replace(os.sep, '/'))) +300 out.write('}') +301 out.close() +
302 +
303 -def appendLogs(t, p, output, macro=False): +
304 if hasattr(t, 'signal'): +305 for signal in t.signal: +306 if macro: +307 output.append("\"%s\" [fontname=\"Times-Italic\"];" % str(t.name)) +308 output.append('subgraph \"cluster%s\" {label = \"%s\"; \"%s\"}\n' % (str(p.name), str(p.name), str(t.name))) +309 output.append('\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [style=dotted]\n' % (str(t.name), signal)) +310 if hasattr(t, 'log'): +311 for log in t.log: +312 logdir = '/output/logs/' +313 logname = os.path.basename(str(log)) +314 if not ('**' in logname): +315 logname = logname.replace('*', '${sysdef.configuration}').replace('--logfile=', '') +316 if not logdir in logname: +317 logname = logdir + logname +318 logname = logname.replace(os.sep, '/') +319 +320 if macro: +321 output.append("\"%s\" [fontname=\"Times-Italic\"];" % str(t.name)) +322 output.append('subgraph \"cluster%s\" {label = \"%s\"; \"%s\"}\n' % (str(p.name), str(p.name), str(t.name))) +323 output.append('\"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n' % (str(t.name), logname)) +
324 +
325 -def findLogFiles(database, output): +
326 out = open(output, 'w') +327 db = amara.parse(Uri.OsPathToUri(database)) +328 out.write('digraph G {\n') +329 output = [] +330 +331 for p in db.antDatabase.project: +332 if hasattr(p, 'macro'): +333 for t in p.macro: +334 appendLogs(t, p, output, True) +335 if hasattr(p, 'target'): +336 for t in p.target: +337 appendLogs(t, p, output) +338 for l in set(output): +339 out.write(l) +340 out.write('}') +341 out.close() +
342 +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +