diff -r 9374c207cfee -r 9dcc6e7393f7 doc/api/python/validateoverlay-pysrc.html
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/api/python/validateoverlay-pysrc.html Fri Sep 11 15:39:31 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+ validateoverlay
+ Module validateoverlay
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ 13
+ 14
+ 15
+ 16
+ 17
+ 18
+ 19
+ 20
+ 21
+ 22 import StringIO
+ 23 import sys
+ 24 import os
+ 25 import optparse
+ 26 import traceback
+ 27
+ 28 import amara
+ 29
+ 30 import ccm
+ 31 import comments
+ 32 import helium . logger
+ 33 from helium . outputer import XML2XHTML
+ 34 import nokia . nokiaccm
+ 35 import virtualbuildarea
+ 36
+ 37
39 if ( p is None or d is None ) :
40 return None
41 for child in d . children ( p ) :
42 if name . lower ( ) == child . name . lower ( ) :
43 return child
44 return None
47 if ( o . type == 'project' ) :
48 return o , o . root_dir ( )
49 return p , o
62 """ This function scan an the virtual build area and the overlay to validate
63 if the overlay content is still up to date compare to the delivery.
64 """
65 if extraobject is None :
66 extraobject = [ ]
67 print "ValidateOverlay(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % ( vproject , vdir , oproject , odir )
68 result = { 'name' : odir . name , 'content' : [ ] }
69 for child in odir . children ( oproject ) :
70 o = __findChild ( vproject , vdir , child . name )
71 if o is None :
72 if ( child . type == 'dir' or child . type == 'project' ) :
73 op , oo = __getDir ( oproject , child )
74 result [ 'content' ] . append ( ValidateOverlay ( None , None , op , oo , extraobject ) )
75 else :
76 info = ValidateOverlayInfo ( child . name )
77 info . overlayObject = child
78 result [ 'content' ] . append ( info )
79 else :
80 if ( child . type == 'dir' or child . type == 'project' ) :
81 vp , vo = __getDir ( vproject , o )
82 op , oo = __getDir ( oproject , child )
83 result [ 'content' ] . append ( ValidateOverlay ( vp , vo , op , oo , extraobject ) )
84 else :
85 info = ValidateOverlayInfo ( child . name )
86 info . overlayObject = child
87 info . deliveryObjects . append ( { 'status' : ValidateOverlayInfo . UNKNOW , 'object' : o } )
89 for eo in extraobject :
90 if eo . is_same_family ( o ) :
91 info . deliveryObjects . append ( { 'status' : ValidateOverlayInfo . UNKNOW , 'object' : eo } )
93 for delivery in info . deliveryObjects :
94 if child . is_recursive_sucessor_of ( delivery [ 'object' ] ) :
95 delivery [ 'status' ] = ValidateOverlayInfo . STILL_VALID
96 else :
97 delivery [ 'status' ] = ValidateOverlayInfo . MERGE
99 result [ 'content' ] . append ( info )
100 return result
+120 doc = comments . CommentParser . scan_content ( str ( object . overlayObject ) , object . overlayObject . content ( ) , "branchInfo" )
+121 if len ( doc . commentLog . xml_xpath ( 'branchInfo' ) ) > 0 :
+122 for child in doc . commentLog . xml_xpath ( 'branchInfo' ) :
+123 logger . PrintRaw ( "<b>Branch Information:</b>\n" )
+124 if hasattr ( child , 'xml_attributes' ) :
+125 for attr in child . xml_attributes :
+126 logger . PrintRaw ( "<b>%s:</b> %s\n" % ( attr , getattr ( child , attr ) ) )
+127 if hasattr ( child , 'branch' ) :
+128 logger . PrintRaw ( "<b>Should validate compare to file:</b> %s\n" % child . branch )
+129 else :
+130 logger . Print ( "No branch info...\n" )
133 if len ( obj . deliveryObjects ) == 0 :
134 logger . NotFound ( "Could not find %s relative objects." % ( obj . overlayObject ) )
135 else :
136 for delivery in obj . deliveryObjects :
137 if ( delivery [ 'status' ] == ValidateOverlayInfo . MERGE ) :
138 logger . Merge ( "Overlay object %s requires a merge with %s." % ( obj . overlayObject , delivery [ 'object' ] ) )
139 elif ( delivery [ 'status' ] == ValidateOverlayInfo . STILL_VALID ) :
140 logger . Valid ( "%s is still a successor of %s." % ( obj . overlayObject , delivery [ 'object' ] ) )
158 for obj in data [ 'content' ] :
159 if isinstance ( obj , ValidateOverlayInfo ) :
160 mergedobject = None
161 for delivery in obj . deliveryObjects :
162 if ( delivery [ 'status' ] == ValidateOverlayInfo . MERGE ) :
163 try :
164 if not mergedobject :
165 ( mergedobject , validity ) = obj . overlayObject . merge ( delivery [ 'object' ] , task )
166 mergedobject . checkin ( 'public' , 'Makes object public.' )
167 logger . Print ( "%s (%s, %s)" % ( mergedobject , obj . overlayObject , delivery [ 'object' ] ) )
168 else :
169 delivery [ 'object' ] . relate ( mergedobject )
170 logger . Print ( "%s (%s, %s)" % ( mergedobject , obj . overlayObject , delivery [ 'object' ] ) )
172 except Exception , e :
173 logger . Error ( "%s" % e )
181 else :
182 mergeObjects ( logger , obj , task )
+185 - def validate ( session , inputfile , overlaydir , showBranchInfo , createtask = False , releasetag = None , extra_objects = None , logname = "validate_overlay" ) :
186 """ Validate an overlay uisng data from the inputfile to generate the virtual build area. """
187 vba = virtualbuildarea . create ( session , open ( inputfile , 'r' ) )
188 print overlaydir
189 if extra_objects is None :
190 extra_objects = [ ]
191 overlay = session . get_workarea_info ( overlaydir ) [ 'project' ]
192 voresult = ValidateOverlay ( vba , vba . root_dir ( ) , overlay , getObjectPath ( overlay , [ overlay . name , 'common' , 'files' ] ) , extra_objects )
194 mclogger = helium . logger . Logger ( )
195 mclogger . SetInterface ( "http://fawww.europe.nokia.com/isis/isis_interface/" )
196 mclogger . SetTitle ( "Validate Overlay" )
197 mclogger . SetSubTitle ( "Validating: %s" % overlay )
198 mclogger . OpenMainContent ( "Analysing %s" % overlay )
199 showValidateOverlayInfo ( mclogger , voresult , showBranchInfo )
200 mclogger . CloseMainContent ( )
201 if createtask and releasetag != None :
202 mclogger . OpenMainContent ( "Creating merge task" )
203 team = 'TEAM_NAME'
204 if os . environ . has_key ( 'TEAM' ) :
205 team = os . environ [ 'TEAM' ]
206 try :
207 task = ccm . Task . create ( session , session . create ( releasetag ) , "%s: %s: %s: Merge task" % ( team , overlay . name , os . environ [ 'USERNAME' ] ) )
209 task . assign ( os . environ [ 'USERNAME' ] )
210 mclogger . Print ( "Created task %s.\n" % task [ 'displayname' ] )
211 mergeObjects ( mclogger , voresult , task )
212 except Exception , e :
213 traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
214 mclogger . Error ( e )
215 mclogger . CloseMainContent ( )
217 mclogger . WriteToFile ( logname + ".xml" )
218 g = XML2XHTML ( logname + ".xml" )
219 g . addCSSLink ( "http://fawww.europe.nokia.com/isis/isis_interface/css/overlaycheck.css" )
220 g . generate ( )
221 g . WriteToFile ( logname + ".html" )
226 usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg1 arg2"
227 parser = optparse . OptionParser ( usage = usage )
228 parser . add_option ( "--host" , dest = "ccm_host" , action = "store" ,
229 help = "Synergy Host" )
230 parser . add_option ( "-d" , "--db" , dest = "ccm_db" , action = "store" ,
231 help = "Synergy database" )
232 parser . add_option ( "-u" , "--username" , dest = "ccm_login" , action = "store" ,
233 help = "Synergy username" )
234 parser . add_option ( "-p" , "--password" , dest = "ccm_password" , action = "store" ,
235 help = "Synergy user password" )
236 parser . add_option ( "-c" , "--config" , dest = "inputfile" , action = "store" ,
237 help = "Configuration file" , metavar = "PATH" )
238 parser . add_option ( "-o" , "--overlay" , dest = "overlaydir" , action = "store" ,
239 help = "Overlay work area directory" , metavar = "PATH" )
240 parser . add_option ( "--showBranchInfo" , dest = "showBranchInfo" , action = "store_true" ,
241 help = "Show up branch information" , default = False )
242 parser . add_option ( "--ct" , dest = "createtask" , action = "store_true" ,
243 help = "Create merge task" , default = False )
244 parser . add_option ( "--rt" , dest = "releasetag" , action = "store" ,
245 help = "Release tag" , default = None )
247 ( options , args ) = parser . parse_args ( )
248 session = nokia . nokiaccm . open_session ( options . ccm_login , options . ccm_password , options . ccm_host , options . ccm_db )
249 validate ( session , options . inputfile , options . overlaydir , options . showBranchInfo , options . createtask , options . releasetag )
250 session . close ( )
+252 if __name__ == "__main__" :
+253 main ( )
+282 - def showVirtualContent ( project , path , indent = '' ) :
283 if not isinstance ( path , virtualbuildarea . VirtualDir ) :
284 return
285 print "%s+ %s" % ( indent , path )
286 indent += " "
287 for obj in path . children ( project ) :
288 if ( obj . type == 'dir' ) :
289 showVirtualContent ( project , obj , indent )
290 else :
291 print "%s- %s" % ( indent , obj )
296 objects = [ ]
297 delivery = amara . parse ( open ( deliveryinput , 'r' ) )
298 for t in delivery . xml_xpath ( '/deliveryConfiguration//task[@id]' ) :
299 for task in map ( lambda x : x . strip ( ) , t . id . split ( ',' ) ) :
300 objects . extend ( session . create ( "Task %s" % task ) . objects )
301 for f in delivery . xml_xpath ( '/deliveryConfiguration//folder[@id]' ) :
302 for folder in map ( lambda x : x . strip ( ) , f . id . split ( ',' ) ) :
303 objects . extend ( session . create ( "Folder %s" % folder ) . objects )
304 return objects