Update run-qmake template to run Orbit configure.py first, followed by mkspec export. This should allow hb SYSTEMINCLUDEs for subsequently processed .pro files.
authorShabe Razvi <shaber@symbian.org>
Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:28:01 +0100
changeset 1015 334e3f2f79e5
parent 1014 9bb7a955c2b3
child 1019 4bfee1aab881
Update run-qmake template to run Orbit configure.py first, followed by mkspec export. This should allow hb SYSTEMINCLUDEs for subsequently processed .pro files.
--- a/common/templates/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl	Mon Apr 26 18:40:56 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/templates/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl	Wed Apr 28 17:28:01 2010 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,31 @@
     <target name="all">
     <if><available file="${r'$'}{build.drive}/epoc32/tools/qt/qmake.exe" type="file"/>
+            <sequential>
+    <#list data["//unit/@proFile/.."] as unit>
+          <#if (unit.@proFile=="hb.pro")>
+                <echo>Running configure.py for ${unit.@bldFile}/${unit.@proFile}</echo>
+                <if>
+                    <available file="${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile}" type="dir"/>
+                    <then>
+                        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile}" failonerror="false">
+                            <arg value="/C"/>
+                            <arg value="python"/>
+                            <arg line ="configure.py --qmake-bin=\epoc32\tools\qmake.bat --qmake-spec=symbian-sbsv2 --platform=symbian --qmake-options=MMP_RULES+=EXPORTUNFROZEN"/>
+                        </exec>
+                    </then>
+                    <else>
+                       <echo message="ERROR: Directory ${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile} doesn't exist."/>
+                    </else>
+                </if>
+                <echo>INFO: Exporting Orbit mkspecs to epoc32\tools for ${unit.@bldFile}/${unit.@proFile}</echo>
+                <copy file="${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile}/hb_install.prf" todir="${r'$'}{build.drive}/epoc32/tools/qt/mkspecs/features" overwrite="true"/>
+                <copy file="${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile}/hb.prf"         todir="${r'$'}{build.drive}/epoc32/tools/qt/mkspecs/features" overwrite="true"/>
+	  </#if>
+    </#list>
+            </sequential>
         <parallel threadCount="${r'$'}{number.of.threads}">
     <#list data["//unit/@proFile/.."] as unit>
@@ -30,24 +55,7 @@
                        <echo message="ERROR: Directory ${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile} doesn't exist."/>
-                </if>
-          <#else>
-                <echo>Running configure.py for ${unit.@bldFile}/${unit.@proFile}</echo>
-                <if>
-                    <available file="${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile}" type="dir"/>
-                    <then>
-                        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile}" failonerror="false">
-                            <arg value="/C"/>
-                            <arg value="python"/>
-                            <arg line ="configure.py --qmake-bin=\epoc32\tools\qmake.bat --qmake-spec=symbian-sbsv2 --platform=symbian --qmake-options=MMP_RULES+=EXPORTUNFROZEN"/>
-                        </exec>
-                    </then>
-                    <else>
-                       <echo message="ERROR: Directory ${r'$'}{build.drive}/${unit.@bldFile} doesn't exist."/>
-                    </else>
-                </if>
+                </if>          