This section describes how to search for a given string in the email messages.
Perform the steps described in Listing, Accessing and Launching Mailboxes.
Email Client provides MEmailSearchObserver class for handling email search results and MEmailMessageSearchAsync class for initiating the asynchronous search.
For a specific mailbox, the search function searches for a given string in all the fields of the messages.
The search client is notified of each found message and the MEmailSearchObserver::SearchCompletedL() method notifies when the search is completed.
The following code snippet shows an example of how to search for a given string on all the mailboxes that are found.
TInt CEmailClientApiTester::SearchWithResultsL( CItemParser& /* aItem */) { TInt ret(KErrNone); MEmailClientApi* mailClient = CreateFactoryAndClientApiLC(); // Factory, client RMailboxPtrArray mailboxes; CleanupResetAndRelease<MEmailMailbox>::PushL( mailboxes ); // Mailboxes mailClient->GetMailboxesL( mailboxes ); if (mailboxes.Count() > 0) { MEmailMailbox* mailbox = mailboxes[0]; // Do the test with the first found mailbox MEmailMessageSearchAsync* searchAPI; searchAPI = mailbox->MessageSearchL(); searchAPI->AddSearchKeyL(_L("Test1")); searchAPI->AddSearchKeyL(_L("Test2")); TEmailSortCriteria criteria; criteria.iAscending = ETrue; criteria.iField = TEmailSortCriteria::EByDate; searchAPI->SetSortCriteriaL(criteria); CSearchObserver* obs = CSearchObserver::NewL(this); CleanupStack::PushL( obs ); searchAPI->StartSearchL(*obs); TInt status = searchAPI->Status(); iLog->Log( _L( "Search started, ascending=true, status=%d"), status); obs->Wait(); searchAPI->Reset(); searchAPI->AddSearchKeyL(_L("Test1")); searchAPI->AddSearchKeyL(_L("Test2")); criteria.iAscending = EFalse; criteria.iField = TEmailSortCriteria::EByDate; searchAPI->SetSortCriteriaL(criteria); searchAPI->StartSearchL(*obs); status = searchAPI->Status(); obs->Wait(); searchAPI->Release(); } else { ret = KErrNotFound; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // factory, mailClient, mailboxes, observer return ret; }
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