Packet Service Functions Tutorial

This section describes how to use the packet data service functions for the packet switched networks.

The RPacketService class describes the packet switched connections.
  1. Create an instance of RPhone.
  2. Use RPacketService::Open() to create a packet service sub-session to the packet switched network. Use RPacketSercvice::NotifyContextAdded() to get the notification of any new context added to the device

  3. Use RPacketService::Attach() to request the telephony server to attach the device to a packet service connection.

  4. Use RPacketService::Detach() to request the device to remove from a packet service.

  5. Use RPacketService::GetStatus() to retrieve the network status of the packet service. Use RPacketService::NotifyStatusChange() to get the notification of any changes to the packet service network status.

  6. Use RPacketService::ContextActicvationRequest() to get the notification of any request to activate a packet service from the network.

  7. Use RPacketService::RejectActivationRequest() to reject the network request to activate the packet service.

  8. Use RPacketService::EnumerateContexts() to retrieve the number of open contexts and the maximum number of contexts that can be opened.

  9. Use RPacketService::CancelAsyncRequest() to cancel an earlier request.

  10. Use RPacketService::GetContextInfo() to retrieve the information of a context specified. The function returns the context reference ID and the status of the context.

  11. Use RPacketService::NotfyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange() to get the notification of any changes to the MBMS.

  12. Use RPacketService::GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus() to retrieve the MBMS support of the network.

  13. Use RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange() to get the notification of any changes to MBMS service availability list.

  14. to retrieve the MBMS service available list:

    1. create an instance of CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices
      CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices::NewL(RPacketService& aService)

    2. start an asynchronous list retrieval
      CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices::Start(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus);

    3. retrieve the list
      CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices::RetrieveListL() const

    4. Use CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices::Cancel() to cancel the request to retrieve the list

  15. Use RPacketService::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL() to update the MBMS service availability list.

  16. Use RPacketService::EnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList() to retrieve the number of MBMS services monitored and the maximum number of MBMS services supported by the device.

  17. Use RPacketService::GetNtwkRegStatus() to retrieve the packet service registration of the device with the network.

  18. Use RPacketService::NotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus() to get the notification of any changes to the status of the network registration

  19. Use RPacketService::GetMSClass() to retrieve the current class and the maximum class of the device. The types of the mobile classes are defined in the TMSClass enumeration.

  20. Use RPacketService::SetMSClass() to set the type of class to be used by the device.

  21. Use RPacketService::NotifyMSClassChange() to get the notification of any change to the class of the device.

  22. Use RPacketService::GetStaticCaps() to retrieve the static capabilities of the device. The static capabilities are defined in the TStaticMiscCaps enumeration.

  23. Use RPacketService::GetDynamicCaps() to retrieve the dynamic capabilities of the device. The dynamic capabilities are defined in the TDynamicCaps enumeration.

  24. Use RPacketService::NotifyDynamicCapsChange() to get the notification of any changes in the dynamic capabilities of the device.

  25. Use RPacketService::SetPreferredBearer() to set the bearer for the class C devices.

  26. Use RPacketService::GetPreferredBearer() to retrieve the current bearer for Class C mode.

  27. Use RPacketService::SetAttachMode() to instruct the device on how to connect to a packet service. The device can attach to the packet service when available or when required. The types of attach modes are defined in TAttachMode enumeration.

  28. Use RPacketService::GetAttachMode() to get the current attach mode defined for the device.

  29. Use RPacketService::NotifyAttachModeChange() to get the notification of any changes to the packet service attach mode.

  30. Use RPacketService::SetDefaultContextParams() to set the default context parameters.

  31. Use RPacketService::GetDefaultContextParams() to get the default context parameters used.

  32. Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest() to cancel any of the asynchronous commands. Use aReqToCancel parameter to define the command to be cancelled.

  33. Use RPacketService::Close() to close a packet service connection

Release a network when the device is outside the home network.