RContactViewSortOrder Class Reference

class RContactViewSortOrder

Specifies the sort order for a contact view.

It is implemented as an array of TFieldType UIDs, which define the fields whose contents are used to sort on, and their order.

The sort order for all concrete contact view classes can be retrieved using their implementation of CContactViewBase::SortOrderL(). The sort order is set during construction of local and remote views.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Default C++ constructor.

Member Functions Documentation



Appends a field type to the sort order object.


TFieldType aFieldThe field type to append.


IMPORT_C voidClose()

Closes the sort order array and frees all memory allocated to it.

CopyL(const RContactViewSortOrder &)

IMPORT_C voidCopyL(const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder)

Copies the field types contained in the specified sort order object into this object.

Any existing field types in this object are replaced.


const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderThe sort order to be copied.


TInt Count()const [inline]

Gets the number of field types in the sort order array.

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const

Externalises a sort order object to a write stream.


RWriteStream & aStreamThe stream to write to.


IMPORT_C TIntExternalizedSize()const

Retrieves the number of bytes required to store the sort order when externalised.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)

Internalises a sort order object from a read stream.


RReadStream & aStreamThe stream to read from.

operator==(const RContactViewSortOrder &)

IMPORT_C TBooloperator==(const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder)const

Compares two sort order objects for equivalence.


const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderThe sort order object to compare with this one.


TFieldType operator[](TIntaIndex)const [inline]

Gets an indexed field type.


TInt aIndexIndex of the required field type. A panic occurs if this is invalid.

Member Data Documentation

RArray< TFieldType > iFields

RArray< TFieldType >iFields[private]

TInt iSpare

TInt iSpare[private]

TInt32 iSpare2

TInt32 iSpare2[private]

TInt32 iSpare3

TInt32 iSpare3[private]