CContactLocalView Class Reference

class CContactLocalView : public CContactViewBase

An instantiable base class for contact views.

The data associated with a local view is allocated within the client's memory space; CContactRemoteView should be used in preference if the view is likely to be shared between multiple clients. It is kept up to date by receiving change events from the underlying CContactDatabase object which it observes. The view preferences and sort order are specified on construction.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
HBufC *AllFieldsLC(TInt, const TDesC &)
TContactItemId AtL(TInt)
IMPORT_C TAny *CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction, TAny *)
const CViewContact &ContactAtL(TInt)
TContactViewPreferences ContactViewPreferences()
TInt CountL()
TInt FindL(TContactItemId)
IMPORT_C CContactLocalView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &, const CContactDatabase &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, TContactViewPreferences)
IMPORT_C CContactLocalView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &, const CContactDatabase &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, TContactViewPreferences, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C CContactLocalView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &, const CContactDatabase &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, TContactViewPreferences, MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C const RContactViewSortOrder &SortOrder()
const RContactViewSortOrder &SortOrderL()
Protected Member Functions
CContactLocalView(const CContactDatabase &, TContactViewPreferences)
CContactLocalView(const CContactDatabase &, TContactViewPreferences, MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *)
IMPORT_C voidConstructL(MContactViewObserver &, const RContactViewSortOrder &)
voidConstructL(MContactViewObserver &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, const TBool, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntInsertL(TContactItemId)
IMPORT_C TIntRemoveL(TContactItemId)
IMPORT_C voidSortL(const RContactViewSortOrder &)
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidCContactLocalView_Reserved_1()
IMPORT_C voidCContactLocalView_Reserved_2()
voidSetSortOrderL(const RContactViewSortOrder &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CContactViewBase::CContactViewBase(const CContactDatabase &)
CContactViewBase::Close(const MContactViewObserver &)
CContactViewBase::CompareContactIds(const CViewContact &,const CViewContact &)
CContactViewBase::CompareContactsAndIdsL(const CViewContact &,const CViewContact &)const
CContactViewBase::CompareFieldsL(const CViewContact &,const CViewContact &)
CContactViewBase::ContactIsSortable(const CViewContact &)
CContactViewBase::ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(const MDesCArray &,RPointerArray< CViewContact > &)
CContactViewBase::ContactsMatchingPrefixL(const MDesCArray &,RPointerArray< CViewContact > &)
CContactViewBase::FieldsWithSeparatorLC(const RPointerArray< CViewContact > &,TInt,const TDesC &)const
CContactViewBase::FindSortPluginImplL(const TDesC8 &,TBool)const
CContactViewBase::GetContactIdsL(const CArrayFix< TInt > &,CContactIdArray &)
CContactViewBase::IdsEqual(const TContactIdWithMapping &,const TContactIdWithMapping &)
CContactViewBase::IdsMatch(const CViewContact &,const CViewContact &)
CContactViewBase::IndexesEqual(const TContactIdWithMapping &,const TContactIdWithMapping &)
CContactViewBase::InsertContactInView(RPointerArray< CViewContact > &,const CViewContact *,TBool,TInt *)const
CContactViewBase::IsContactSortable(const CViewContact &,TContactViewPreferences &)const
CContactViewBase::LoadViewSortPluginL(TUid,TContactViewPreferences &)
CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &,const MDesCArray &)
CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &,const MDesCArray &,TSearchType)
CContactViewBase::MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &,const MDesCArray &,TSearchType,CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension *)
CContactViewBase::NotifyObserverAsync(MContactViewObserver &,const TContactViewEvent &)
CContactViewBase::NotifyObservers(const TContactViewEvent &)
CContactViewBase::Open(MContactViewObserver &)
CContactViewBase::OpenL(MContactViewObserver &)
Inherited Enumerations
Protected Attributes
RContactViewSortOrder iSortOrder
Private Attributes
CIdleContactSorter *iAsyncSorter
RPointerArray< CViewContact >iContacts
MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *iFactory
RArray< TContactDbObserverEvent >iOutstandingEvents
TInt iSpare
TBool iSpare0
CContactTextDef *iTextDef
RPointerArray< CViewContact >iUnSortedContacts
CViewContactManager *iViewCntMgr
TContactViewPreferences iViewPreferences
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CContactLocalView(const CContactDatabase &, TContactViewPreferences)

IMPORT_CCContactLocalView(const CContactDatabase &aDb,

Protected C++ constructor.

Called by NewL().


const CContactDatabase & aDbThe underlying database that contains the contact items.
TContactViewPreferences aContactTypesSpecifies which types of contact items should be included in the view and the behaviour for items that do not have content in any of the fields specified in the sort order.

CContactLocalView(const CContactDatabase &, TContactViewPreferences, MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *)

CContactLocalView(const CContactDatabase &aDb,
MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *aIterFactory


const CContactDatabase & aDb
TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes
MLplPersistenceLayerFactory * aIterFactory




Deletes all resources owned by the object, and removes itself as the contact database observer.

Member Functions Documentation

AllFieldsLC(TInt, const TDesC &)

HBufC *AllFieldsLC(TIntaIndex,
const TDesC &aSeparator
)const [virtual]

Gets a descriptor containing the contents of all fields specified in the view's sort order for an item in the view.

The field separator is used to separate the contents of each field. It is not appended to the last field.


TInt aIndexThe index of the contact item into the view.
const TDesC & aSeparatorThe string to use to separate the fields.


TContactItemId AtL(TIntaIndex)const [virtual]

Returns the ID of the contact item at a specified index into the view.

KErrNotFound The index is out of bounds.
KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.


TInt aIndexAn index into the view.


IMPORT_C voidCContactLocalView_Reserved_1()[private, virtual]


IMPORT_C voidCContactLocalView_Reserved_2()[private, virtual]

CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction, TAny *)

IMPORT_C TAny *CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunctionaFunction,
TAny *aParams

This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.


TFunction aFunction
TAny * aParams

ConstructL(MContactViewObserver &, const RContactViewSortOrder &)

IMPORT_C voidConstructL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver,
const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder

Protected second phase constructor.

The view is sorted according to the sort order and view preferences specified, using a low priority idle time active object. The specified view observer is notified when the view is sorted and ready for use.

Called by NewL().


MContactViewObserver & aObserverAn observer that receives notifications when this view is ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady event when the view is ready. Any attempt to use the view before this notification will Leave with KErrNotReady.
const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderSpecifies the fields to use to sort the items in the view.

ConstructL(MContactViewObserver &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, const TBool, const TDesC8 &)

voidConstructL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver,
const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder,
const TBoolaUseNamedPlugin,
const TDesC8 &aSortPluginName

Protected second phase constructor.

The view is sorted according to the sort order and view preferences specified, using a low priority idle time active object. The specified view observer is notified when the view is sorted and ready for use.

Called by NewL().


MContactViewObserver & aObserverAn observer that receives notifications when this view is ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady event when the view is ready. Any attempt to use the view before this notification will Leave with KErrNotReady.
const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderSpecifies the fields to use to sort the items in the view.
const TBool aUseNamedPluginA flag indicates whether the aSortPluginName parameter is valid.
const TDesC8 & aSortPluginNameSpecifies a plug-in that will be used to compare view contacts when the the view is sorted. This name is used by ECOM to select the plugin, and is matched with the "default_data" of all ECOM plugins that support the required interface.


const CViewContact &ContactAtL(TIntaIndex)const [virtual]

Returns the contact item at a specified index into the view.

KErrNotFound The index is out of bounds.
KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.


TInt aIndexAn index into the view.


TContactViewPreferences ContactViewPreferences()[virtual]

Gets the view preferences, as set during construction.


TInt CountL()const [virtual]

Gets the total number of contact items in the view.

KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.


TInt FindL(TContactItemIdaId)const [virtual]

Searches for a contact item in the view with the specified ID.

KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.


TContactItemId aIdThe ID of the contact item to search for.


voidHandleDatabaseEventL(TContactDbObserverEventaEvent)[private, virtual]

Database event handler.


TContactDbObserverEvent aEventthe database event.



Handle a particular queued event



Handle queued events when view is ready - sorting completes


IMPORT_C TIntInsertL(TContactItemIdaId)[protected, virtual]

Inserts a contact item into the view, maintaining the view's sort order.

For the item to be inserted, it must exist in the underlying database, and it must be of the correct type according to the view preferences.

This function is called when a contact item or group is added to or changed in the underlying database.


TContactItemId aIdThe ID of a contact item that exists in the underlying database.

NewL(MContactViewObserver &, const CContactDatabase &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, TContactViewPreferences)

IMPORT_C CContactLocalView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver,
const CContactDatabase &aDb,
const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder,

Allocates and constructs the local view object.

The view is sorted according to the sort order and view preferences specified, using a low priority idle time active object. The specified view observer is notified when the view is sorted and ready for use.


MContactViewObserver & aObserverAn observer that receives notifications when this view is ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady event when the view is ready. Any attempt to use the view before this notification will Leave with KErrNotReady
const CContactDatabase & aDbThe underlying database that contains the contact items. The view observes the database, so that it handles change events sent from the database.
const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderSpecifies the fields to use to sort the items in the view.
TContactViewPreferences aContactTypesSpecifies which types of contact items should be included in the view and the behaviour for items that do not have content in any of the fields specified in the sort order.

NewL(MContactViewObserver &, const CContactDatabase &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, TContactViewPreferences, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C CContactLocalView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver,
const CContactDatabase &aDb,
const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder,
const TDesC8 &aSortPluginName

Allocates and constructs the local view object.

The view is sorted according to the sort order and view preferences specified, using a low priority idle time active object. The specified view observer is notified when the view is sorted and ready for use.


MContactViewObserver & aObserverAn observer that receives notifications when this view is ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady event when the view is ready. Any attempt to use the view before this notification will Leave with KErrNotReady
const CContactDatabase & aDbThe underlying database that contains the contact items. The view observes the database, so that it handles change events sent from the database.
const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderSpecifies the fields to use to sort the items in the view.
TContactViewPreferences aContactTypesSpecifies which types of contact items should be included in the view and the behaviour for items that do not have content in any of the fields specified in the sort order.
const TDesC8 & aSortPluginNameSpecifies a plug-in that will be used to compare view contacts when the the view is sorted. This name is used by ECOM to select the plugin, and is matched with the "default_data" of all ECOM plugins that support the required interface.

NewL(MContactViewObserver &, const CContactDatabase &, const RContactViewSortOrder &, TContactViewPreferences, MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C CContactLocalView *NewL(MContactViewObserver &aObserver,
const CContactDatabase &aDb,
const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder,
MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *aFactory,
const TDesC8 &aSortPluginName

CContactLocalView contructor, used in the server


MContactViewObserver & aObserver
const CContactDatabase & aDb
const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrder
TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes
MLplPersistenceLayerFactory * aFactory
const TDesC8 & aSortPluginName



Notify observers that view construction failed. The error is stored so that if another client tries to open the view they will receive the same error.


TInt aErrorLeave code from CIdleContactSorter::RunL


IMPORT_C TIntRemoveL(TContactItemIdaId)[protected, virtual]

Removes a contact item from the view.

This function is called when a contact item or group is deleted from or changed in the underlying database.


TContactItemId aIdThe ID of the contact item to remove from the view.



Unleavable(safe) resorting

SetSortOrderL(const RContactViewSortOrder &)

voidSetSortOrderL(const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder)[private]

Set sort order used to sorting the view contacts.


const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrder



Set database state


TState aStatedatabase state to set.



Called from view contact item manager to notify the sorting has finished.


TInt aSortErrerror occurs in sorting or KErrNone if sorting completes without error.

SortL(const RContactViewSortOrder &)

IMPORT_C voidSortL(const RContactViewSortOrder &aSortOrder)[protected, virtual]

Sorts the view using the specified sort order, using a low priority idle time active object.

This function is called during view construction and on receipt of certain change events from the underlying database.


const RContactViewSortOrder & aSortOrderSpecifies the fields to use to sort the items in the view.



Start sorting if database is ready


IMPORT_C const RContactViewSortOrder &SortOrder()const

Gets the sort order, as set during construction.


const RContactViewSortOrder &SortOrderL()const [virtual]

Gets the sort order, as set during construction.

This function cannot leave.

Member Data Documentation

CIdleContactSorter * iAsyncSorter

CIdleContactSorter *iAsyncSorter[private]

RPointerArray< CViewContact > iContacts

RPointerArray< CViewContact >iContacts[private]

MLplPersistenceLayerFactory * iFactory

MLplPersistenceLayerFactory *iFactory[private]

RArray< TContactDbObserverEvent > iOutstandingEvents

RArray< TContactDbObserverEvent >iOutstandingEvents[private]

RContactViewSortOrder iSortOrder

RContactViewSortOrder iSortOrder[protected]

The sort order. This is set during construction or when SortL() is called.

TInt iSpare

TInt iSpare[private]

TBool iSpare0

TBool iSpare0[private]

CContactTextDef * iTextDef

CContactTextDef *iTextDef[private]

RPointerArray< CViewContact > iUnSortedContacts

RPointerArray< CViewContact >iUnSortedContacts[private]

CViewContactManager * iViewCntMgr

CViewContactManager *iViewCntMgr[private]

TContactViewPreferences iViewPreferences

TContactViewPreferences iViewPreferences[private]