Running Tests on Phone

You can run the tests on the phone using the .pkg file.

  1. Install eshell and TestExecute on the phone.

    The eshell is installed by default, if the image build of your phone is of Research and Development (R and D) version. If your image is not of R and D version, you must create a SIS file to install eshell.

    You must create a SIS file for TestExecute to install it on the phone.

  2. Ensure .cer and .key files are placed into the /epoc32/pkg/ directory on the PC.
  3. Rename .cer file as zeus.cer and .key file as SymbianACS.key.
  4. Create and install the SIS file.

    Run makesisfiles.bat from the /epoc32/pkg/ directory to create the t_ecom.sis file.

  5. Copy the SIS file to an MMC card and transfer it to the phone.
  6. Run the SIS file to install the test suite on the phone.
    Note: If there is no SIS installer available, use different tool (such as STAT desktop) to install the .sis file. You can find the STAT tool at %EPOCROOT%\epoc32\tools\stat\statdesktop.exe.
  7. Run the test scripts.