Building a ROM for Development Board Tutorial

This topic describes how to build the ROM for development board.

Two options are involved in ROM creation, for example, vendor and hardware specific. The ROM is built for hardware reference boards.

  1. Copy the EPOC32 directory from the CD to the root drive of the Test Controller PC.

  2. Compile the iperfte plug-in, testexecute and ucc components to build the ROM. The Buildcreates a core ROM IMG file. For more information about the build rom options, see the reference page.

Building a ROM for Development Board example

The following steps create a ROM:

rem - current path has to be in epoc32\rom
cd /D %EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom

rem – build ROM image
buildrom [macros] [feature manager options] [target device] techview.oby PlatSec.oby [components list] -osys$rom.bin

rem - delete old zipped image if exists
del [card drive]\sys$
rem - zip the ROM image and copy it to flash card
zip sys$ sys$rom.bin
copy sys$ [card drive]

rem – now eject the cart clearly, either from the "Safely Remove Hardware"
rem - icon in the systray, or running some 3rd party tool such as:
rem - sync –e [card drive]

The following code is an example of how to build a ROM for a fully automated test driven by TestDriver.

    PlatSec.oby NoWatcher.iby statauto.iby profiler.iby ether802.iby testexecute.iby ced.iby -osys$rom.bin

The following code is an example for a H2 board. The ROM includes the Delay meter and not the NetPerf, TEF plug-in, which is transferred by TestDriver:

     techview.oby PlatSec.oby NoWatcher.iby statauto.iby profiler.iby ether802.iby testexecute.iby
     ced.iby netperfdelayplugin.iby -osys$rom.bin

The following code is an example of how to build a ROM for a semi-automated test for a H4 board:

     h4hrp techview.oby PlatSec.oby NoWatcher.iby testexecute.iby netperf.iby ucc.iby ether802.iby
     profiler.iby ced.iby ceddump.iby -osys$rom.bin
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