MPresencePublishing Class Reference

class MPresencePublishing : public MXIMPBase

Presence publication control interface for clients use. Interface is implemented by the XIMP Framework.

MPresencePublishing provides services to publish own presence infrmation to binded remote presence service. It also provides way to subscribe notifications from own presence changes

MPresencePublishing interface can be obtained from MXIMPContext interface.

S60 v3.2

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MPresencePublishing()[protected, inline, virtual]

Protected destructor. Object instancies can't be deleted via this interface.

Member Functions Documentation

PublishOwnPresenceL(const MPresenceInfo &)

TXIMPRequestId PublishOwnPresenceL(const MPresenceInfo &aPresence)[pure virtual]

Publishes own presence information.

Publishes own presence information to remote presence service.

Presence publication is asynchronous operation and evolves network operations.


const MPresenceInfo & aPresencePresence info defining the presence information to publish.

SubscribeOwnPresenceL(const MPresenceInfoFilter &)

TXIMPRequestId SubscribeOwnPresenceL(const MPresenceInfoFilter &aPif)[pure virtual]

Subscribes own presence information.

Subscribes own presence information from remote presence service.

Own presence subscription is asynchronous operation and it might evolve network operations.


const MPresenceInfoFilter & aPifPresence info filter defining the presence information to subscribe.


TXIMPRequestId SubscribePresenceWatcherListL()[pure virtual]

Subscribes presence watcher list.


TXIMPRequestId UnsubscribeOwnPresenceL()[pure virtual]

Unsubscribes own presence information.

Unsubscribing own presence is asynchronous operation and it might evolve network operations.


TXIMPRequestId UnsubscribePresenceWatcherListL()[pure virtual]

Unsubscribes presence watcher list.