CSendUi Class Reference

class CSendUi : public CBase

Offers "Send" pop-up list and message creation and sending services.

Can be used to display "Send" list query and to create and send messages via available services. Sending services can be based on the MTM or ECom architecture. Created messages are sent directly or message editor is opened for editing, depending on the type of selected service.

Series 60 3.0

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidAddSendMenuItemL(CEikMenuPane &, TInt, TInt, TSendingCapabilities)
IMPORT_C voidAddTypedMenuItemL(TSendUiMenuType, CEikMenuPane &, TInt, TInt, TSendingCapabilities)
IMPORT_C voidAvailableServicesL(RPointerArray< CSendingServiceInfo > &, TUid)
IMPORT_C TBoolCanSendBioMessage(TUid)
IMPORT_C voidCreateAndSendMessageL(TUid, const CMessageData *, TUid, TBool)
IMPORT_C CSendUi *NewL()
IMPORT_C TIntServiceCapabilitiesL(TUid, TSendingCapabilities &)
IMPORT_C voidShowQueryAndSendL(const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, TUid, TBool, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TUidShowSendQueryL(const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidShowTypedQueryAndSendL(TSendUiMenuType, const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, TUid, TBool, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TUidShowTypedQueryL(TSendUiMenuType, const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TUidTechnologyType(TUid)
IMPORT_C TBoolValidateServiceL(TUid, TSendingCapabilities)
Private Member Functions
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTSendUiMenuType { ESendMenu, EWriteMenu }
Private Attributes
CSendUiImpl *iSendUiImpl

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor.




Member Functions Documentation

AddSendMenuItemL(CEikMenuPane &, TInt, TInt, TSendingCapabilities)

IMPORT_C voidAddSendMenuItemL(CEikMenuPane &aMenuPane,
TSendingCapabilitiesaRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices

Adds "Send" menu item to menupane.

Series 60 3.0


CEikMenuPane & aMenuPaneMenupane where the "Send" menu item should be added.
TInt aIndexThe place of the "Send" menu item in menupane.
TInt aCommandIdCommand id for the "Send" menu item.
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServicesCapabilities required by services to be shown in "Send" list query. If no capabilities are required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are shown in "Send" list query.

AddTypedMenuItemL(TSendUiMenuType, CEikMenuPane &, TInt, TInt, TSendingCapabilities)

IMPORT_C voidAddTypedMenuItemL(TSendUiMenuTypeaMenuType,
CEikMenuPane &aMenuPane,
TSendingCapabilitiesaRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices

Adds menu item of given type to menupane.

Series 60 3.0


TSendUiMenuType aMenuTypeType of the menu, "ESendMenu" or "EWriteMenu"
CEikMenuPane & aMenuPaneMenupane where the menu item should be added.
TInt aIndexThe place of the menu item in menupane.
TInt aCommandIdCommand id for the menu item.
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServicesCapabilities required from services to be shown in list query. If no capabilities are required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are shown in list query.

AvailableServicesL(RPointerArray< CSendingServiceInfo > &, TUid)

IMPORT_C voidAvailableServicesL(RPointerArray< CSendingServiceInfo > &aServiceList,
TUidaServiceProvider = KNullUid

Populates given list with the information about services provided by specified ECom service provider. Each service provider can provide 1..n services. Ownership of the pointed objects are transfered to caller.

Can be used for ex. when creating own "Send" menu, which needs to include ECom based services.

NOTE: Can be used only for ECom based services, also for MTMs

Series 60 2.8


RPointerArray< CSendingServiceInfo > & aServiceListService list to be populated.
TUid aServiceProvider = KNullUidId of the specified service provider. KNullId means all service providers. Service providers are defined in SendUiConsts.h


IMPORT_C TBoolCanSendBioMessage(TUidaBioMessageUid)const
Can be used to check if sending of bio message is supported. Deprecated.
Series 60 3.0


TUid aBioMessageUidUid of the bio message.



By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.

CreateAndSendMessageL(TUid, const CMessageData *, TUid, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCreateAndSendMessageL(TUidaServiceUid,
const CMessageData *aMessageData,
TUidaBioTypeUid = KNullUid,
TBoolaLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrue

Creates the message and launches the editor for editing the message or sends the message directly without opening the editor. Functionality depends on the type of selected service.

Series 60 3.0


TUid aServiceUidUid of the sending service (MTM or ECom).
const CMessageData * aMessageDataData for the message.
TUid aBioTypeUid = KNullUidBIO message type uid. Deprecated.
TBool aLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrueETrue if the editor should be launched embedded. Otherwise the editor is launched stand-alone. Note: some sending services sends the messages without launching the editor at all.


IMPORT_C CSendUi *NewL()[static]

Two-phased constructor.


IMPORT_C CSendUi *NewLC()[static]

Two-phased constructor.

ServiceCapabilitiesL(TUid, TSendingCapabilities &)

IMPORT_C TIntServiceCapabilitiesL(TUidaServiceUid,
TSendingCapabilities &aServiceCapabilities
Returns sending capabilities of the sending service.
Series 60 3.0


TUid aServiceUidUid of the sending service (MTM or ECom).
TSendingCapabilities & aServiceCapabilitiesTSendingCapabilities of the sending service as a return value.

ShowQueryAndSendL(const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, TUid, TBool, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidShowQueryAndSendL(const CMessageData *aMessageData,
TSendingCapabilitiesaRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
CArrayFix< TUid > *aServicesToDim = NULL,
TUidaBioTypeUid = KNullUid,
TBoolaLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrue,
const TDesC &aTitleText =  KNullDesC

First displays "Send" pop-up list query and then creates the message. Editor is launched for editing the message or the message is sent directly without opening the editor. Functionality depends on the type of selected service.

"Send" pop-up list query can be manipulated in three ways. All three methods can be used or just some of those.

The first option is to set the required capabilities for services. Eg. attachments supported. Sending services not matching to required capabilities are filtered away. Capabilities are defined in TSendingCapabilities.h.

The second option is content based filtering. Filtering is based on the files intended to send. Those files can be set as part of message data. Filtering is done according the predefined rules. Eg. If oversized file is intended to send, MMS is filtered away from "Send" pop-up list.

The third option is to set the array of service uids not wanted to be shown in list query. These sending services are filtered away even if those match to required capabilities.

Series 60 3.0


const CMessageData * aMessageDataData for the message.
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServicesCapabilities required by sending services to be shown in "Send" pop-up list query. If no capabilities are required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are shown in "Send" pop-up list query.
CArrayFix< TUid > * aServicesToDim = NULLArray of service uids (service uid, service provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" list query. See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
TUid aBioTypeUid = KNullUidBIO message type uid. Deprecated.
TBool aLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrueETrue if the editor should be launched embedded. Otherwise the editor is launched stand-alone. Note: some services sends the messages without launching the editor at all.
const TDesC & aTitleText =  KNullDesC Title of the "Send" pop-up list query. If no title is defined, then the localised default title "Send:" is used.

ShowSendQueryL(const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TUidShowSendQueryL(const CMessageData *aMessageData = NULL,
TSendingCapabilitiesaRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
CArrayFix< TUid > *aServicesToDim = NULL,
const TDesC &aTitleText =  KNullDesC

Displays "Send" pop-up list query and returns the user selection.

"Send" pop-up list query can be manipulated in three ways. All three methods can be used or just some of those.

The first option is to set the required capabilities for services. Eg. attachments supported. Sending services not matching to required capabilities are filtered away. Capabilities are defined in TSendingCapabilities.h.

The second option is content based filtering. Filtering is based on the files intended to send. Those files can be set as part of message data. Filtering is done according the predefined rules. Eg. If oversized file is intended to send, MMS is filtered away from "Send" pop-up list.

The third option is to set the array of service uids not wanted to be shown in list query. These sending services are filtered away even if those match to required capabilities.

Series 60 3.0


const CMessageData * aMessageData = NULLData for the message. Attachments are used for content based filtering.
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServicesCapabilities required by sending services to be shown in "Send" pop-up list query. If no capabilities are required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are shown in "Send" pop-up list query.
CArrayFix< TUid > * aServicesToDim = NULLArray of service uids (service uid, service provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" list query. See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
const TDesC & aTitleText =  KNullDesC Title of the "Send" pop-up list query. If no title is defined, then the localised default title "Send:" is used.

ShowTypedQueryAndSendL(TSendUiMenuType, const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, TUid, TBool, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidShowTypedQueryAndSendL(TSendUiMenuTypeaMenuType,
const CMessageData *aMessageData,
TSendingCapabilitiesaRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
CArrayFix< TUid > *aServicesToDim = NULL,
TUidaBioTypeUid = KNullUid,
TBoolaLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrue,
const TDesC &aTitleText =  KNullDesC

Displays list query and creates message. See ShowQueryAndSendL.

Series 60 3.0


TSendUiMenuType aMenuTypeType of the menu, e.g. "ESendMenu" or "EWriteMenu"
const CMessageData * aMessageDataData for the message.
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServicesCapabilities required by sending services to be shown in "Send" pop-up list query. If no capabilities are required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are shown in "Send" pop-up list query.
CArrayFix< TUid > * aServicesToDim = NULLArray of service uids (service uid, service provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" list query. See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
TUid aBioTypeUid = KNullUidBIO message type uid. Deprecated.
TBool aLaunchEditorEmbedded = ETrueETrue if the editor should be launched embedded. Otherwise the editor is launched stand-alone. Note: some services sends the messages without launching the editor at all.
const TDesC & aTitleText =  KNullDesC Title of the list query. If no title is defined, then the localised default title is used, e.g. "Send" or "Write".

ShowTypedQueryL(TSendUiMenuType, const CMessageData *, TSendingCapabilities, CArrayFix< TUid > *, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TUidShowTypedQueryL(TSendUiMenuTypeaMenuType,
const CMessageData *aMessageData = NULL,
TSendingCapabilitiesaRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServices,
CArrayFix< TUid > *aServicesToDim = NULL,
const TDesC &aTitleText =  KNullDesC

Displays list query and returns the user selection. See ShowSendQueryL.

Series 60 3.0


TSendUiMenuType aMenuTypeType of the menu, e.g. "ESendMenu" or "EWriteMenu"
const CMessageData * aMessageData = NULLData for the message. Attachments are used for content based filtering.
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilities = KCapabilitiesForAllServicesCapabilities required by sending services to be shown in list query. If no capabilities are required (KCapabilitiesForAllServices), all available services are shown in list query.
CArrayFix< TUid > * aServicesToDim = NULLArray of service uids (service uid, service provider's uid or service's TechnologyType) _NOT_ wanted to "Send" list query. See predefined sending service uids in SendUiConsts.h .
const TDesC & aTitleText =  KNullDesC Title of the list query. If no title is defined, then the localised default title is used, e.g. "Send" or "Write"


IMPORT_C TUidTechnologyType(TUidaServiceUid)const

Returns the technology type of a service

Series 60 3.0


TUid aServiceUid

ValidateServiceL(TUid, TSendingCapabilities)

IMPORT_C TBoolValidateServiceL(TUidaServiceUid,
Validates that service is available and has required capabilities. For ex. can be used when calling application creates its own "Send" menu.
Series 60 3.0


TUid aServiceUidUid of the sending service (MTM or ECom).
TSendingCapabilities aRequiredCapabilitiesCapabilities required for the sending service.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TSendUiMenuType



Member Data Documentation

CSendUiImpl * iSendUiImpl

CSendUiImpl *iSendUiImpl[private]