bt_subscribe.h File Reference

const TUid KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory

const TUidKPropertyUidBluetoothCategory

KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUid KPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory

const TUidKPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory

KPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress The key to observe the device address of the local Bluetooth hardware The P&S value will contain a descriptor of the device address
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothLocalDeviceAddress

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothLocalDeviceAddress

KPropertyKeyBluetoothLocalDeviceAddress This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetPHYCount

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetPHYCount
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetPHYCount The key to observe the the number of Bluetooth physical links attached to the local device The P&S value will contain the number of physical links
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothPHYCount

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothPHYCount

KPropertyKeyBluetoothPHYCount This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetConnectingStatus

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetConnectingStatus
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetConnectingStatus The key to observe whether the local device is paging another device (i.e. is connecting a physical link) The P&S value will contain a boolean: ETrue if connecting, otherwise EFalse
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothConnecting

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothConnecting

KPropertyKeyBluetoothConnecting This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetScanningStatus

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetScanningStatus

KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetScanningStatus The key to observe what scans the Bluetooth hardware is currently performing The P&S value contains an integer with the scan value as published in the Bluetooth Core Specification

The use of this key is equivalent in a secure Symbian OS platform to the use of the key KPropertyKeyBluetoothScanning with the category KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory in a non-secure Symbian OS platform.

Bluetooth Core Specification
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetScanningStatus

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothSetScanningStatus

KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetScanningStatus The key to control what scans the Bluetooth hardware is currently performing The P&S value contains an integer with the scan value as published in the Bluetooth Core Specification

The use of this key is equivalent in a secure Symbian OS platform to the use of the key KPropertyKeyBluetoothScanning with the category KPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory in a non-secure Symbian OS platform.

Bluetooth Core Specification
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for both read and write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLimitedDiscoverableStatus

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLimitedDiscoverableStatus

KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLimitedDiscoverableStatus The key to observe whether the local device is in Limited Discoverable mode The P&S value will contain a boolean: ETrue if in limited discoverable mode, otherwise EFalse

The use of this key is equivalent in a secure Symbian OS platform to the use of the key KPropertyKeyBluetoothLimitedDiscoverable with the category KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory in a non-secure Symbian OS platform.

LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetLimitedDiscoverableStatus

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothSetLimitedDiscoverableStatus

KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetLimitedDiscoverableStatus The key to control whether the local device is in Limited Discoverable mode The P&S value will contain a boolean: ETrue if in limited discoverable mode, otherwise EFalse

The use of this key is equivalent in a secure Symbian OS platform to the use of the key KPropertyKeyBluetoothLimitedDiscoverable with the category KPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory in a non-secure Symbian OS platform.

LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for both read and write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetDeviceClass

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetDeviceClass

KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetDeviceClass The key to observe the class of device of the local device The P&S value will contain an integer of the local device class.

The use of this key is equivalent in a secure Symbian OS platform to the use of the key KPropertyKeyBluetoothDeviceClass with the category KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory in a non-secure Symbian OS platform.

Bluetooth Core Specification
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetDeviceClass

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothSetDeviceClass

KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetDeviceClass The key to set the class of device of the local device The P&S value will contain an integer of the local device class.

The use of this key is equivalent in a secure Symbian OS platform to the use of the key KPropertyKeyBluetoothDeviceClass with the category KPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory in a non-secure Symbian OS platform.

Bluetooth Core Specification
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for both read and write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetAFHHostChannelClassification

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothSetAFHHostChannelClassification

KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetAFHHostChannelClassification The key to send an AFH Host Channel Classification to the local Bluetooth hardware The P&S value will contain a descriptor containing the AFH Host Channel Classification bit set. A bit which is set to zero instructs the local Bluetooth hardware not to hop to the frequency represented by that bit in a connection in which it is master and which is using AFH. Also, if the local Bluetooth hardware is slave in a connection, which is using AFH, an AFH Host Channel Classification may be used to advise the remote master what frequencies to avoid.

NB. THIS IS SUPPORTED ONLY IN VERSION 9.0 AND THEREAFTER. The same functionality can be accessed in 8.1 also through the use of the KPropertyKeyBluetoothAFHHostChannelClassification key in conjunction with category KPropertyUidBluetoothControlCategory.

LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for both read and write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothAFHHostChannelClassification

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothAFHHostChannelClassification

KPropertyKeyBluetoothAFHHostChannelClassification This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange The key to observe changes in the Bluetooth Registry The P&S value will contain an integer describing which of the tables in the Bluetooth Registry changed see further in this header file. This property is written to only by the Symbian OS Bluetooth sub-system.
LocalServices Needed for read access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothRegistryTableChange

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothRegistryTableChange

KPropertyKeyBluetoothRegistryTableChange This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KRegistryChangeRemoteTable

const TUintKRegistryChangeRemoteTable

KRegistryChangeRemoteTable KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange The value in the KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange key if the Remote device table changed

const TUint KRegistryChangeLocalTable

const TUintKRegistryChangeLocalTable

KRegistryChangeLocalTable KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange The value in the KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange key if the Local device table changed

const TUint KRegistryChangeCSYTable

const TUintKRegistryChangeCSYTable

KRegistryChangeCSYTable KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange The value in the KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange key if the CSY-settings table changed

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetDeviceName

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetDeviceName
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetDeviceName The key to observe the name of device of the local device The P&S value will be of type EText and contain the local device name in Unicode. At all times the name must have a length <= KHCILocalDeviceNameMaxLength (defined in hciconsts.h). Bluetooth Core Specification
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetDeviceName

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothSetDeviceName
KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetDeviceName The key to set the name of device of the local device The P&S value will be of type EText and contain the local device name in Unicode. At all times the name must have a length <= KHCILocalDeviceNameMaxLength (defined in hciconsts.h). Bluetooth Core Specification
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for both read and write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetCorruptRegistryResetIndication

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetCorruptRegistryResetIndication

KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetCorruptRegistryResetIndication This key is intended to be used by the UI to be informed when a corrupt Bluetooth registry has been detected so that the UI can inform the user that all of the pairings they have made have been lost.

The P&S value will either be 0 or give the tick count, as given by User::TickCount(), at the time which the corrupt Bluetooth Registry has been restored or replaced. If the key is 0 this means that the Bluetooth registry has not been found to be corrupt since the device was turned on.
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothCorruptRegistryReset

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothCorruptRegistryReset

KPropertyKeyBluetoothCorruptRegistryReset This is a deprecated constant, maintained for source compatibility with non-secured Symbian OS platforms.

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetAcceptPairedOnlyMode

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetAcceptPairedOnlyMode
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetAcceptPairedOnlyMode This key is intended to be used by the UI to discover whether a device will accept all connections or only paired ones. The P&S value will contain a boolean: ETrue - the stack will only to accept connection requests from paired devices. EFalse - the stack will accept connection requests from both paired and unpaired devices.
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetAcceptPairedOnlyMode

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothSetAcceptPairedOnlyMode
KPropertyKeyBluetoothSetAcceptPairedOnlyMode The key to set the mode for handling connection requests The P&S value will contain a boolean: ETrue - the user wishes ONLY to accept connection requests from paired devices. EFalse - the user wishes to accept connection requests from both paired and unpaired devices.
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for both read and write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothHostResolverActive

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothHostResolverActive
KPropertyKeyBluetoothHostResolverActive The key is intended to be used by the UI to discover whether the device is attempting to do a discovery If the device is attempting a discovery activities such as streaming of AV data will be affected The P&S value will contain a boolean: ETrue - the stack is attempting a discovery/discovery+rnr EFalse - the stack is curently not attempting a discovery
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property

const TUint KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetSimplePairingDebugMode

const TUintKPropertyKeyBluetoothGetSimplePairingDebugMode
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetSimplePairingDebugMode The key is intended to be used by a UI to provide an indication to the user of the device that the Symbian simple pairing debug mode has been enabled. As this mode should only be being used by engineers, and provides a potential security risk for end users the UI should make obvious to an end-user that they have entered this mode and what it means for them.
LocalServices Needed for both read and write access to this property
NetworkControl Needed for write access to this property