Packet Context Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to define a context for the packet service sub-session.

  1. To create a context do one of the following:

    1. Use RPacketContext::OpenNewContext() to open a new context.

    2. Use RPacketContext::OpenExistingContext() to open an existing context.

  2. Use RPacketContext::SetConfig() to set the parameters for a context. The context parameters are defined in :

    1. TContextConfigR99_R4

    2. TContextConfig_R5

    3. TContextConfigGPRS

    4. TContextConfigCDMA

    5. TProtocolType

    6. TGSNAddress

    7. TProtocolAddress

    8. TProtocolConfigBufferV2

    9. TMiscProtocolBuffer

    10. TDnsInfoV2

    11. TAnonymousAccess

    12. TPacketFlowIndicator
    The MBMS parameters are defined in:

    1. RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1()

    2. TMbmsServicePriority

  3. Use RPacketContext::GetConfig() to retrieve the information about a context.

  4. Use RPacketContext::NotifyConfigChanged() to get the notification of any changes to the current context parameters.

  5. Use RPacketContext::Activate() to activate a context

  6. Initialise the context with RPacketContext::InitialiseContext().

  7. Use RPacketContext::Deactivate() to deactivate a context.

  8. Use RPacketContext::Delete() to delete a context.

  9. Use RPacketContext::GetStatus() to retrieve the status of the current contexts. The context statuses of a context are defined in TContextStatus enumeration.

  10. Use RPacketContext::NotifyStatusChange() to get the notification of any changes to the status of a context.

  11. Use RPacketContext::GetProfileName() to retrieve the quality of service profile used by a context.

  12. Use RPacketContext::GetDataVolumeTransferred() to retrieve the information related to the data sent in the packet service using a context.

  13. Use RPacketContext::NotifyDataTransferred() to receive the notification about the change in the amount of data transferred.

  14. Use RPacketContext::NotifyConnectionSpeedChange() to retrieve the information about the connection speed of a packet service sub-session.

  15. Use RPacketContext::GetLastErrorCause() to retrieve the last error that occurred on a packet service sub-session.

  16. Use RPacketContext::ModifyActiveContext() to change the active context.

  17. Use RTelSubSessionBase::CancelAsyncRequest() to cancel any of the above commands.

  18. Use RPacketContext::Close() to close the handle to a context.
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