New C++ APIs in Symbian^3

The following new C++ APIs are introduced in Symbian^3.

API Description

Adapter Customization API

Exports the Contact Adapter API to inherit Contact Adapter and create extended contact adapters.

After Market Application (AMA) Starter APIs

Manages the launch of AMCs (After Market Components), such as applications and services, at device boot time. For more information, see After Market Application Starter.

Beagle Variant Header APIs

Provides variant layer headers for the Beagle platform. For more information on Beagle plaform, see

CryptoSPI (Weak and Strong) APIs

Provides a framework for implementing cryptographic algorithms, hash algorithms and random number generation. For more information, see CryptoSPI Overview.

Communication Buffer APIs

Provides communication specific specialization of a shared buffer. For more information, see RCommsBuf.

Comms User Prompt Manager APIs

Provides APIs to enable unsigned applications to access the network, if user authorisation is provided. For more information, see Comms User Prompt Manager.

Common Graphics Header APIs

Provides a storage area for header files that are required by a number of graphics components and their clients. For more information, see Common Graphics Headers Component.

Content Control Server APIs

Provides content control server IPC functions. For more information, see CCcSrvMsg.

Content Control Client APIs

Provides a client side session for content control server. For more information, see RCcClientSession .

Discreet Pop-up

Displays notifications without blocking the ongoing task flows in the user interface (UI). For more information, see Classic UI Guide.

DS Data Modification API

Exports the Data Modification API to modify contact's data directly from operator specific contact adapters.

E-mail Widget API

ECom plugin API that Third-party e-mail solutions implement to publish e-mail data to Home Screen widget.

exFAT File System APIs

Provides the "exFAT" file system. For more information, see FileSystem_EXFAT::TVolFormatParam_exFAT.

Extended Content Publisher API

Provides interfaces for Home Screen content publisher plug-ins.

EUser High Level (EUserHL) Library APIs

Provides APIs to improve string handling, object creation and resource management. For more information, see EUser High Level Library.

Feature Manager APIs

Provides APIs to manage, enable and disable features shipped with a Symbian device. For more information, see Feature Manager.

FM Transmitter Control APIs

Provides the ability to control the FM radio transmitter of a Symbian device.

Haptics APIs

Provides methods for controlling the haptics feature of the Symbian device. Both synchronous and asynchronous versions are provided for playing various types of effects. Only synchronous methods are provided for other functionalities, such as opening and closing an actuator, reserving and releasing the haptics feature, and for getting various state and system information from the haptics. For more information, see CHWRMHaptics.

Home Screen Widget Publisher API

Provides support for publishing logo and description of a widget.

IP Transport Layer APIs

Provides the implementation of IP address information parameters. For more information, see CSubConIPAddressInfoParamSet.

Libxm2 Library APIs

Provides APIs for XML processing, parsing and validation. For more information, see Libxml2 Overview.

Location Centre Utility APIs

Provides the application, service and file launching services to Location Centre. For more information, see CLcAppLauncher.

MBMS Parameter Plug-in APIs

Provides networking support for the 3GPP Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS). For more information, see MBMS Parameters.

MTP Pictbridge Data Provider APIs

Enables printing of JPEG/JPG images stored on a Symbian device directly to a Pictbridge capable printer by USB connection. For more information, see RPtp.

OMAP 34xx Variant APIs

Provides interfaces for the OMAP 34xx Software Development Platform.


Supports the open standard version of OpenMAX developed by the Khronos Group. The OpenMAX IL serves as a low-level interface for audio, video and imaging components used in mobile devices. For more information, see OpenMAX IL Collection.

OpenMAX IL Core APIs

Provides a platform-specific entity used by the OpenMAX IL client to access OpenMAX IL components. For more information, see OpenMAX IL Core Overview.

OpenWF Composition APIs

Supports the open standard for layered graphics composition developed by the Khronos Group. For more information, see OpenWF Composition Interface Overview.

OpenWF Support APIs

Provides a Symbian-specific implementation of platform-specific elements of the OpenWF-C specification and abstracts communication between the OpenWF-C Engine and other Symbian graphics components. For more information, see OpenWF Support Component Overview.

Puny Code Converter APIs

Provides support for converting the Unicode formatted domain names to ASCII format that can be resolved by the external DNS server. For more information, see TPunyCodeDndName.

Service Discovery Framework APIs

Provides the functionality to provision the applications who want to discover services and listen for service related notifications. The service discovery and related notification are technology specific. For more information, see RPnPServiceDiscovery.

SQLite 3 APIs

Provides an implementation of the native SQLite C APIs. For more information, see SQLite 3.

Standard C++ Library (STLport v5) APIs

Provides a Standard C++ environment with IOStream and STL (Standard Template Library) libraries that enable you to develop or port Standard C++ applications or libraries quickly and easily onto the Symbian platform. For more information, see Standard C++ Library (STLport v5).

Note: STLport v4 is also supported on Symbian^3. For more information STLport v4, see C++ Standard Library (STLport v4).

Surface Manager APIs

Manages the lifetime and use of graphics composition surfaces in system memory. For more information, see Surface Manager Component.

Surface Update APIs

Provides a communication mechanism between the composition engine and its clients. For more information, see Surface Update Component.

SyncML Framework Error Reporting API

Contains the definitions of error reporting keys related to the SyncML framework.

SyncML Framework Customization API

Contains the definitions of operator settings keys related to the SyncML framework. This API is introduced to store the cenrep keys for operator specific implementation.

System State Manager APIs

Controls transitioning of the device to different system states, and reacts to changes made to the system-wide properties. For more information, see System State Manager.

System Health Manager APIs

Provides APIs for monitoring and restarting processes and applications. For more information, see System Health Manager.

Telephony Server Plug-in APIs

Translates modem messages into Symbian platform types. Symbian platform provides interfaces which must be implemented in the TSY for effective communication between the modem and Symbian platform. For more information, see Telephony Server Plug-ins.

Touch Gesture Framework (FW)

Converts a stream of pointer events into a logical gesture. For more information, see Classic UI Guide.

User Prompt Service APIs

Allows device creators to choose whether security decisions (for example, allowing an application to make a network connection) are processed silently or require the user to be prompted. For more information, see User Prompt Service.

Video Renderer APIs

Renders video to a graphics surface. The Video Renderer can be used by video decoders, video post-processors and video controllers. For more information, see Video Renderer Component.

XML DOM Engine and XPath APIs

Implements the standard DOM API (tree-based XML parsing and editing), including XPath and serialization extensions. For more information, see XML DOM Engine.