COMASuplAsnHandlerBase Class Reference

class COMASuplAsnHandlerBase : public CBase

Class: COMASuplAsnHandlerBase

Description: Custom ECOM interface definition. This interface is used by clients to find specific instance and implementation of ASN Message Plugin.

Inherits from

  • COMASuplAsnHandlerBase

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Function: COMASuplAsnHandlerBase

: Default constructor

: None

: None

COMASuplAsnHandlerBase(const COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &)

COMASuplAsnHandlerBase(const COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &)[private]

By default, prohibit copy constructor


const COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &



Function: ~COMASuplAsnHandlerBase

: Wraps ECom object destruction. Notifies the ECOM framework that specific instance is being destroyed.

Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(const TUid &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidConstructL(const TUid &aUid,

Function: SetImplementationUid

: Sets Uid of implementation

: UID of implementation.

: None


const TUid & aUid
TInt aSuplVersion


COMASuplAsnMessageBase *CreateOMASuplMessageL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageTypeaOMASuplMessageType)[pure virtual]

Function: CreateOMASuplMessageL,

: Creates SUPL message. The parameter to create SUPL message is the type of SUPL message to be created. After creating SUPL message, ownership of the created message is transferred to client.

: aOMASuplMessageType, SUPL Message type to be created

: Pointer to SUPL message


COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType aOMASuplMessageType

DecodeL(const TPtrC8 &, TInt &, TInt &)

COMASuplAsnMessageBase *DecodeL(const TPtrC8 &aPacket,
TInt &aErrorCode,
TInt &aUnConsumedBytes
)[pure virtual]

Function: DecodeL,

: Decodes SUPL message. The parameters to decode message are encoded message, error code to be returned and the number of bytes to be decoded.

: aPacket , Encoded SUPL message : aErrorCode , Upon completion contains the result of decoding : aUnConsumedBytes , Unconsumed bytes in the encoded message

: Pointer to decoded SUPL message


const TPtrC8 & aPacket
TInt & aErrorCode
TInt & aUnConsumedBytes

EncodeL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase *, TInt &)

HBufC8 *EncodeL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase *,
TInt &aErrorCode
)[pure virtual]

Function: EncodeL,

: Encodes the SUPL message. The parameters to this methos is the SUPL message to be encoded and result code to return result of encoding.

: aMessage, Message to be encoded : aErrorCode, On completion contains the result of encoding

: Encoded message if successful. Else contains NULL.


COMASuplAsnMessageBase *
TInt & aErrorCode

GetSuplMessageVersionL(TInt &, const TPtrC8 &)

IMPORT_C TOMASuplVersionGetSuplMessageVersionL(TInt &aErrorCode,
const TPtrC8 &aSuplAsnMessage
)[pure virtual]

Function: GetSuplMessageVersionL,

: Used to retrieve the version of SUPL message.

: aErrorCode, Place holder for error code

: aSuplAsnMessage, Encoded message for which version is to be retrieved

: Pointer to SUPL message


TInt & aErrorCode
const TPtrC8 & aSuplAsnMessage


IMPORT_C TUidImplementationUid()const

Function: ImplementationUid,

: Gives implementation UID

: None.

NewL(const TInt &)

IMPORT_C COMASuplAsnHandlerBase *NewL(const TInt &aOMASuplVersion)[static]

Function: NewL, Two Phase Construction

: Wraps ECom object instantitation. Will search for interface implementation, which matches to given UID.

: aOMASuplVersion, A protocol version of SUPL


const TInt & aOMASuplVersion


IMPORT_C TIntVersion()const

Function: Version

: Gives version of implementation

: None.

operator=(const COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &)

COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &operator=(const COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &)[private]

By default, Prohibit assigment operator


const COMASuplAsnHandlerBase &

Member Data Documentation

TUid iDtor_ID_Key

TUid iDtor_ID_Key[private]

iDtor_ID_Key Instance identifier key. When instance of an implementation is created by ECOM framework, the framework will assign UID for it. The UID is used in destructor to notify framework that this instance is being destroyed and resources can be released.

TUid iImplementationUid

TUid iImplementationUid[private]

TInt iSuplVersion

TInt iSuplVersion[private]