CXnExtRenderingPluginAdapter Class Reference
class CXnExtRenderingPluginAdapter : public CCoeControl |
Base class for the external rendering plug-ins. Widget developer can implement own rendering plug-in if stock plug-ins do not provide sufficient functionality. Baddly written plug-in can ruin the Homescreen performance as it runs in the Homescreen process. Power save mode must be obeyed in order to maximize the standby times of the device.
// External rendering plug-in mandatory functions
T_RenderingPlugin* T_RenderingPlugin::NewL()
T_RenderingPlugin* self = T_RenderingPlugin::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
T_RenderingPlugin* T_RenderingPlugin::NewLC()
T_RenderingPlugin* self = new( ELeave ) T_RenderingPlugin();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Do nothing
void T_RenderingPlugin::ConstructL()
const TImplementationProxy KImplementationTable[] =
#ifdef __EABI__
IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( 0x22334455, T_RenderingPlugin::NewL )
{ { 0x22334455 }, T_RenderingPlugin::NewL }
EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(
TInt& aTableCount )
aTableCount = sizeof( KImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
return KImplementationTable;
- Since
- S60 v5.2
Inherits from
- CXnExtRenderingPluginAdapter
Inherited Functions |
| CBase::CBase() |
| CBase::Delete(CBase *) |
| CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint) |
| CBase::~CBase() |
| CCoeControl::AccumulatedZoom()const |
| CCoeControl::ActivateGc()const |
| CCoeControl::ActivateL() |
| CCoeControl::BackedUpWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::Background()const |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl() |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl(CCoeEnv *) |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::CapturesPointer()const |
| CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab(TInt,TBool) |
| CCoeControl::CloseWindow() |
| CCoeControl::ComponentArrayExists()const |
| CCoeControl::ComponentControl(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::Components() |
| CCoeControl::Components()const |
| CCoeControl::ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader &) |
| CCoeControl::ControlContext()const |
| CCoeControl::ControlEnv()const |
| CCoeControl::CopyControlContextFrom(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::CountComponentControls()const |
| CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &) |
| CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &,TDisplayMode) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL() |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowGroup *) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::CustomGc()const |
| CCoeControl::DeactivateGc()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawBackground(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawDeferred()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawForeground(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawNow()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawNow(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawableWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::EnableDragEvents() |
| CCoeControl::EnableReportControlStateChange(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::EnableWindowTransparency() |
| CCoeControl::FindBackground()const |
| CCoeControl::FindFontProvider()const |
| CCoeControl::GetColor(TInt,TRgb &)const |
| CCoeControl::GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &)const |
| CCoeControl::GetGc()const |
| CCoeControl::GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext &)const |
| CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent()const |
| CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::HandleComponentControlsResourceChange(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HandleControlArrayEventL(CCoeControlArray::TEvent,const CCoeControlArray *,CCoeControl *,TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HandlePointerBufferReadyL() |
| CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &) |
| CCoeControl::HandleRedrawEvent(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HasBorder()const |
| CCoeControl::HitTest()const |
| CCoeControl::IgnoreEventsUntilNextPointerUp() |
| CCoeControl::Index(const CCoeControl *)const |
| CCoeControl::InitComponentArrayL() |
| CCoeControl::InputCapabilities()const |
| CCoeControl::IsActivated()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBackedUp()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBeingDestroyed()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBlank()const |
| CCoeControl::IsDimmed()const |
| CCoeControl::IsFocused()const |
| CCoeControl::IsNonFocusing()const |
| CCoeControl::IsReadyToDraw()const |
| CCoeControl::IsVisible()const |
| CCoeControl::LayoutManager()const |
| CCoeControl::MakeVisible(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::MaximumWidth()const |
| CCoeControl::MinimumSize() |
| CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid) |
| CCoeControl::NotifyFontChange(const CCoeFontProvider *) |
| CCoeControl::Observer()const |
| CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &,TEventCode) |
| CCoeControl::OverrideColorL(TInt,TRgb) |
| CCoeControl::OwnsWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::Parent() |
| CCoeControl::Parent()const |
| CCoeControl::Position()const |
| CCoeControl::PositionChanged() |
| CCoeControl::PositionRelativeToScreen()const |
| CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusGainL() |
| CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusLossL() |
| CCoeControl::ProcessPointerBufferReadyL() |
| CCoeControl::ProcessPointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &) |
| CCoeControl::Rect()const |
| CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergeInputCapabilities(TCoeInputCapabilities &)const |
| CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergedInputCapabilities()const |
| CCoeControl::RefetchPixelMappingL() |
| CCoeControl::RemoveFromParent() |
| CCoeControl::ReportEventL(MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent) |
| CCoeControl::RequestRelayout(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::ResetGc()const |
| CCoeControl::ScreenFont(const TCoeFont &)const |
| CCoeControl::SetAdjacent(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetAllowStrayPointers() |
| CCoeControl::SetBackground(const MCoeControlBackground *) |
| CCoeControl::SetBlank() |
| CCoeControl::SetCanDrawOutsideRect() |
| CCoeControl::SetComponentsToInheritVisibility(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RBackedUpWindow &) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RWindow &) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::SetControlContext(MCoeControlContext *) |
| CCoeControl::SetCornerAndSize(TGulAlignment,const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetCustomGc(CWindowGc *) |
| CCoeControl::SetDimmed(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetExtent(const TPoint &,const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetExtentToWholeScreen() |
| CCoeControl::SetFocus(TBool,TDrawNow) |
| CCoeControl::SetFocusing(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetFontProviderL(const CCoeFontProvider &) |
| CCoeControl::SetGc(CWindowGc *)const |
| CCoeControl::SetGloballyCapturing(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetHitTest(const MCoeControlHitTest *) |
| CCoeControl::SetLayoutManagerL(MCoeLayoutManager *) |
| CCoeControl::SetMaximumWidth(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetMopParent(MObjectProvider *) |
| CCoeControl::SetNeighbor(CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::SetNonFocusing() |
| CCoeControl::SetObserver(MCoeControlObserver *) |
| CCoeControl::SetParent(CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::SetPointerCapture(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetPosition(const TPoint &) |
| CCoeControl::SetRect(const TRect &) |
| CCoeControl::SetSize(const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetSizeWithoutNotification(const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetTextBaselineSpacing(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetUniqueHandle(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetZoomFactorL(TInt,TZoomType) |
| CCoeControl::Size()const |
| CCoeControl::SystemGc()const |
| CCoeControl::TextBaselineOffset(const TSize &)const |
| CCoeControl::TextDrawer(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::UniqueHandle()const |
| CCoeControl::Window()const |
| CCoeControl::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream &)const |
| CCoeControl::WriteInternalStateNowL(RWriteStream &)const |
| CCoeControl::ZoomWithType()const |
| CCoeControl::operator=(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::~CCoeControl() |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
IMPORT_C | ~CXnExtRenderingPluginAdapter | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Member Functions Documentation
IMPORT_C void | EnterPowerSaveModeL | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Is called when Homescreen enters power save mode. In power save mode all the timers, outstanding requests and animations must be cancelled in order to save battery.
IMPORT_C void | ExitPowerSaveModeL | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Is called when Homescreen exists power save mode.
IMPORT_C void | FocusChanged | ( | TDrawNow | aDrawNow | ) | [virtual] |
Informs that plug-in element has gained a focus and highlight must be drawn if appropriate.
TDrawNow aDrawNow | whether plug-in should draw itself. |
IMPORT_C TUid | ImplUid | ( | ) | const |
Returns the ECOM implementation uid.
SetDataL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC &, TInt)
IMPORT_C void | SetDataL | ( | const TDesC8 & | aData, |
| const TDesC & | aType, |
| TInt | aIndex |
| ) | [virtual] |
Routes the data stream for the external rendering plugin.
const TDesC8 & aData | Data stream. |
const TDesC & aType | Type of the stream. |
TInt aIndex | Index of the data. |
SetEventHandler(MXnExtEventHandler *)
IMPORT_C void | SetEventHandler | ( | MXnExtEventHandler * | aEventHandler | ) | [virtual] |
Sets the external event handler interface.
MXnExtEventHandler * aEventHandler | Event handler interface. |
IMPORT_C void | SizeChanged | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Informs that plug-in element size has changed. Size can change if the plug-in element is declared relatively to parent element.
IMPORT_C void | SkinChanged | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Informs skin change. If plug-in is responsible of loading skin graphics, all the graphics must be reloaded.
Member Data Documentation
| iDestructKey | [private] |
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