CEikTwoPictureCommandButton Class Reference
class CEikTwoPictureCommandButton : public CEikCommandButtonBase |
The CEikTwoPictureCommandButton class is a command button which can hold two pictures as well as label text. If a second picture is set for the button it is shown when the button is pressed.
- Since
- S60 1.0
Inherits from
- CEikTwoPictureCommandButton
Inherited Functions |
| CAknControl::CAknControl() |
| CAknControl::~CAknControl() |
| CBase::CBase() |
| CBase::Delete(CBase *) |
| CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint) |
| CBase::~CBase() |
| CCoeControl::AccumulatedZoom()const |
| CCoeControl::ActivateGc()const |
| CCoeControl::BackedUpWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::Background()const |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl() |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl(CCoeEnv *) |
| CCoeControl::CCoeControl(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::CapturesPointer()const |
| CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::ClaimPointerGrab(TInt,TBool) |
| CCoeControl::CloseWindow() |
| CCoeControl::ComponentArrayExists()const |
| CCoeControl::Components() |
| CCoeControl::Components()const |
| CCoeControl::ControlContext()const |
| CCoeControl::ControlEnv()const |
| CCoeControl::CopyControlContextFrom(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &) |
| CCoeControl::CreateBackedUpWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &,TDisplayMode) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL() |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowGroup *) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(RWindowTreeNode &) |
| CCoeControl::CreateWindowL(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::CustomGc()const |
| CCoeControl::DeactivateGc()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawBackground(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawDeferred()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawForeground(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawNow()const |
| CCoeControl::DrawNow(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::DrawableWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::EnableDragEvents() |
| CCoeControl::EnableReportControlStateChange(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::EnableWindowTransparency() |
| CCoeControl::FindBackground()const |
| CCoeControl::FindFontProvider()const |
| CCoeControl::GetColor(TInt,TRgb &)const |
| CCoeControl::GetGc()const |
| CCoeControl::GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext &)const |
| CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent()const |
| CCoeControl::GrabbingComponent(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::HandleComponentControlsResourceChange(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HandleControlArrayEventL(CCoeControlArray::TEvent,const CCoeControlArray *,CCoeControl *,TInt) |
| CCoeControl::HandlePointerBufferReadyL() |
| CCoeControl::HandleRedrawEvent(const TRect &)const |
| CCoeControl::HitTest()const |
| CCoeControl::IgnoreEventsUntilNextPointerUp() |
| CCoeControl::Index(const CCoeControl *)const |
| CCoeControl::InitComponentArrayL() |
| CCoeControl::IsActivated()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBackedUp()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBeingDestroyed()const |
| CCoeControl::IsBlank()const |
| CCoeControl::IsDimmed()const |
| CCoeControl::IsFocused()const |
| CCoeControl::IsNonFocusing()const |
| CCoeControl::IsReadyToDraw()const |
| CCoeControl::IsVisible()const |
| CCoeControl::LayoutManager()const |
| CCoeControl::MakeVisible(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::MaximumWidth()const |
| CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid) |
| CCoeControl::NotifyFontChange(const CCoeFontProvider *) |
| CCoeControl::Observer()const |
| CCoeControl::OverrideColorL(TInt,TRgb) |
| CCoeControl::OwnsWindow()const |
| CCoeControl::Parent() |
| CCoeControl::Parent()const |
| CCoeControl::Position()const |
| CCoeControl::PositionChanged() |
| CCoeControl::PositionRelativeToScreen()const |
| CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusGainL() |
| CCoeControl::PrepareForFocusLossL() |
| CCoeControl::ProcessPointerBufferReadyL() |
| CCoeControl::ProcessPointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &) |
| CCoeControl::Rect()const |
| CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergeInputCapabilities(TCoeInputCapabilities &)const |
| CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergedInputCapabilities()const |
| CCoeControl::RefetchPixelMappingL() |
| CCoeControl::RemoveFromParent() |
| CCoeControl::ReportEventL(MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent) |
| CCoeControl::RequestRelayout(const CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::ResetGc()const |
| CCoeControl::ScreenFont(const TCoeFont &)const |
| CCoeControl::SetAllowStrayPointers() |
| CCoeControl::SetBackground(const MCoeControlBackground *) |
| CCoeControl::SetBlank() |
| CCoeControl::SetCanDrawOutsideRect() |
| CCoeControl::SetComponentsToInheritVisibility(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RBackedUpWindow &) |
| CCoeControl::SetContainerWindowL(RWindow &) |
| CCoeControl::SetControlContext(MCoeControlContext *) |
| CCoeControl::SetCornerAndSize(TGulAlignment,const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetCustomGc(CWindowGc *) |
| CCoeControl::SetExtent(const TPoint &,const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetExtentToWholeScreen() |
| CCoeControl::SetFocus(TBool,TDrawNow) |
| CCoeControl::SetFocusing(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetFontProviderL(const CCoeFontProvider &) |
| CCoeControl::SetGc(CWindowGc *)const |
| CCoeControl::SetGloballyCapturing(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetHitTest(const MCoeControlHitTest *) |
| CCoeControl::SetLayoutManagerL(MCoeLayoutManager *) |
| CCoeControl::SetMaximumWidth(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetMopParent(MObjectProvider *) |
| CCoeControl::SetNeighbor(CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::SetNonFocusing() |
| CCoeControl::SetObserver(MCoeControlObserver *) |
| CCoeControl::SetParent(CCoeControl *) |
| CCoeControl::SetPointerCapture(TBool) |
| CCoeControl::SetPosition(const TPoint &) |
| CCoeControl::SetRect(const TRect &) |
| CCoeControl::SetSize(const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetSizeWithoutNotification(const TSize &) |
| CCoeControl::SetTextBaselineSpacing(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetUniqueHandle(TInt) |
| CCoeControl::SetZoomFactorL(TInt,TZoomType) |
| CCoeControl::Size()const |
| CCoeControl::SystemGc()const |
| CCoeControl::TextBaselineOffset(const TSize &)const |
| CCoeControl::TextDrawer(TInt)const |
| CCoeControl::UniqueHandle()const |
| CCoeControl::Window()const |
| CCoeControl::WriteInternalStateNowL(RWriteStream &)const |
| CCoeControl::ZoomWithType()const |
| CCoeControl::operator=(const CCoeControl &) |
| CCoeControl::~CCoeControl() |
| CEikBorderedControl::Border()const |
| CEikBorderedControl::CEikBorderedControl() |
| CEikBorderedControl::CEikBorderedControl(const TGulBorder &) |
| CEikBorderedControl::HasBorder()const |
| CEikBorderedControl::SetAdjacent(TInt) |
| CEikBorderedControl::SetBorder(TGulBorder::TBorderType) |
| CEikBorderedControl::SetBorder(TInt) |
| CEikButtonBase::Animate() |
| CEikButtonBase::CEikButtonBase() |
| CEikButtonBase::CopyDrawStateTo(CEikButtonBase *)const |
| CEikButtonBase::DrawState()const |
| CEikButtonBase::InputCapabilities()const |
| CEikButtonBase::IsPressed()const |
| CEikButtonBase::SetAllowTristate() |
| CEikButtonBase::SetBehavior(TButtonBehavior) |
| CEikButtonBase::SetCoordinator(TEikButtonCoordinator *) |
| CEikButtonBase::SetIgnoreNextPointerUp() |
| CEikButtonBase::SetReportOnPointerDown() |
| CEikButtonBase::SetState(TState) |
| CEikButtonBase::State()const |
| CEikButtonBase::~CEikButtonBase() |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::Behavior()const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::ButFlags()const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::CEikCommandButtonBase() |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::CheckCreateCommandStackL() |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::CommandStack()const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::ComponentControl(TInt)const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::ConstructImageFromResourceL(TResourceReader &,TWhichComponent) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::ConstructLabelFromResourceL(TResourceReader &,TWhichComponent) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::CountComponentControls()const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::FocusChanged(TDrawNow) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix< TCoeColorUse > &)const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::HandleResourceChange(TInt) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::IsDefault()const |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::LayoutComponents() |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::MinimumSize() |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &,TEventCode) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetButtonLayout(TLayout) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl &) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetDefault(TBool) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetDimmed(TBool) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetDisplayContent(TDisplayContent) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetExcessSpace(TExcess) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetImageAttributes(CEikImage *) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetPictureFromFileL(const TDesC &,TInt,TInt,CEikAlignedControl *&) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetPictureL(const CFbsBitmap *,const CFbsBitmap *,CEikAlignedControl *&) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::SetTextL(const TDesC &,CEikAlignedControl *&) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::StartConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader &) |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::UpdateComponentAlignment() |
| CEikCommandButtonBase::~CEikCommandButtonBase() |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
IMPORT_C | CEikTwoPictureCommandButton | ( | ) | |
Two picture command button constructor
IMPORT_C | ~CEikTwoPictureCommandButton | ( | ) | |
Two picture command button C++ destructor
Member Functions Documentation
IMPORT_C void | ActivateL | ( | ) | [virtual] |
ConstructFromResourceL(TResourceReader &)
ConstructImagesFromResourceL(TResourceReader &, TWhichComponent)
Constructs the two images from resource
Draw(const TRect &)
IMPORT_C void | Draw | ( | const TRect & | | ) | const [private, virtual] |
From CCoeControl
Request for the control to draw itself within the given rectangle
IMPORT_C void * | ExtensionInterface | ( | TUid | aInterface | ) | [private, virtual] |
HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &)
IMPORT_C void | HandlePointerEventL | ( | const TPointerEvent & | aPointerEvent | ) | [virtual] |
From CCoeControl
Handle a pointer event coming from the CONE framework
const TPointerEvent & aPointerEvent | Event to handle |
IMPORT_C TBool | IsSecondPictureOwnedExternally | ( | ) | |
Accesses ownership of the second picture' bitmap and mask (if present)
Returns ETrue if the bitmaps for the second button picture are owned externally.
Access the picture image.
Returns a pointer to the image control component of the button which displays the button pictures.
PrepareContext(CWindowGc &)
IMPORT_C void | PrepareContext | ( | CWindowGc & | aGc | ) | const [private] |
From MCoeControlContext
Modify the passed-in graphics context ready for use in this control
SetPictureFromFileL(const TDesC &, TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C void | SetPictureFromFileL | ( | const TDesC & | aFilename, |
| TInt | aMain, |
| TInt | aMask = -1 |
| ) | |
Sets the bitmap and optional mask for the first picture from an mbm file.
Sets the first picture for the button by loading the image bitmap identified by aMain and the mask bitmap identified by aMask from the bitmap file named aFilename.
const TDesC & aFilename | |
TInt aMain | Index of the bitmap to use |
TInt aMask = -1 | Index of the mask. If -1, then a null mask will be used |
SetSecondPicture(const CFbsBitmap *, const CFbsBitmap *)
Sets the bitmap and optional mask for the button's second picture
Sets the second picture for the button using aSecondMain as the image bitmap and aSecondMask as the mask bitmap. Takes ownership of the bitmaps unless the second picture has been set to be owned externally.
SetSecondPictureFromFileL(const TDesC &, TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C void | SetSecondPictureFromFileL | ( | const TDesC & | aFilename, |
| TInt | aMain, |
| TInt | aMask = -1 |
| ) | |
Sets the bitmap and optional mask for the second picture from an mbm file.
Sets the second picture for the button by loading the image bitmap identified by aMain and the mask bitmap identified by aMask from the bitmap file named aFilename.
const TDesC & aFilename | |
TInt aMain | Index of the bitmap to use |
TInt aMask = -1 | Index of the mask. If -1, then a null mask will be used |
IMPORT_C void | SetSecondPictureOwnedExternally | ( | TBool | aOwnership | ) | |
Sets the ownership of the second picture object
Sets the bitmaps used for the second button picture to be owned externally if aOwnership is ETrue.
TBool aOwnership | Set to EFalse if bitmaps associated with the object are owned by the button |
SetTextL(const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void | SetTextL | ( | const TDesC & | aText | ) | |
Sets the label text on the button
Sets the text for the button label to aText.
const TDesC & aText | The text to set |
SetTwoPicturesL(const CFbsBitmap *, const CFbsBitmap *, const CFbsBitmap *, const CFbsBitmap *)
Sets the bitmap and optional mask for the button's two pictures. Optionally, only the first button's picture may be set up.
Sets both the pictures for the command button. The first picture is created from the image bitmap aMain and the mask bitmap aMask. The optional second picture is created from the image bitmap aSecondMain and mask bitmap aSecondMask.
const CFbsBitmap * aMain | The bitmap to use for the first picture |
const CFbsBitmap * aMask = NULL | The mask. If null, then no mask will be used |
const CFbsBitmap * aSecondMain = NULL | The bitmap to use for the second picture |
const CFbsBitmap * aSecondMask = NULL | The mask. If null, then no mask will be used |
IMPORT_C void | StateChanged | ( | ) | [private, virtual] |
SwapPictures(CEikImage *)
WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream &)
IMPORT_C void | WriteInternalStateL | ( | RWriteStream & | aWriteStream | ) | const [protected, virtual] |
From CCoeControl
Serialize the state of the control
Writes the internal state of the control and its components to aStream. Does nothing in release mode. Designed to be overidden and base called by subclasses.
RWriteStream & aWriteStream | Output stream for the serialization |
Member Enumerations Documentation
Enum TDisplayContent
Content to display for the text
ETextOnly = 0x0100 | |
EPictureOnly = 0x0200 | |
ETextAndPicture = 0x0300 | |
Enum TExcess
Where to put the excess space when laying out the bitmaps or text
EShare = 0x0000 | |
EToText = 0x0010 | |
EToPicture = 0x0020 | |
Enum TExternalPicture
Sets the ownership of the pictures bitmap and mask objects. If owned externally, then no copy is made of the objects in the setter functions. It must be, in this case, ensured by the client that that the button is destroyed before deleting the externally-owned objects.
EPictureNotOwnedExternally = 0x00 | |
EPictureOwnedExternally = 0x01 | |
Enum TLayout
Layout options for the Two Picture botton
ETextRightPictureLeft = 0x000 | |
ETextBottomPictureTop = 0x001 | |
ETextTopPictureBottom = 0x002 | |
ETextLeftPictureRight = 0x003 | |
Enum TPictureButtonType
Options for the type of button
EPictureButWithBorders = 0x0000 | |
EPictureButWithoutBorders = 0x1000 | |
Member Data Documentation
| iPictureFlags | [private] |
const CFbsBitmap * iSecondBitmap
Ownership dependent on state of flags
const CFbsBitmap * iSecondMaskBitmap
Ownership dependent on state of flags
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