MTactileFeedbackServer Class Reference

class MTactileFeedbackServer

Direct feedback interface for Anim Dll plugins.

This interface can be used for triggering feedback from Anim Dll plugins, or from any other DLLs which run in window server's process.

Usage example:

MTactileFeedbackServer* feedback = MTactileFeedbackServer::Instance(); if ( feedback ) { feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasic ); }

S60 v5.0

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C MTactileFeedbackServer *Instance()[static]

Can be used for acquiring a pointer to touch feedback instance.

Pointer is retrieved from thread local storage, and thus it is best to store the returned pointer as member variable in case it shall be needed frequently.

NULL is returned in case there is no instance. In that case feedback playing is not possible.

S60 5.0


voidInstantFeedback(TTouchLogicalFeedbackaType)[pure virtual]

Gives instant feedback.

Notice that the feedback might not be actually played, if for example user has disabled the feedback from the settings.

S60 5.0


TTouchLogicalFeedback aType- The logical feedback type to play.