CProtocolHandler Class Reference

class CProtocolHandler : public CActive

An abstract protocol handler. Protocol handlers are required to act as the bridge between abstract representations of sessions, transactions and headers (the client side of the HTTP architecture) and specific comms transports (the network side of the architecture).

Each instance of a concrete subclass of CProtocolHandler is associated with a specific client session, and hence with a particular choice of proxy type, and by implication, transport type. It is designed to appear like a filter in order to be placed at the end of a session's filter queue. This allows it to receive transaction-related events in the same way that any other filter (or indeed, the client) does. An active object, it may implement a queuing system for submitted transactions, according to the chosen internal service model.

In order to divide the abstract functionality associated with handling the HTTP protocol handler from the specifics needed for a particular choice of transport, this class defines a number of pure virtual methods which allow it to defer transport-specific choices or mechamisms. These are mainly concerned with the service model (ie. allocation of transactions to objects that can handle them), the codec model (ie. on-demand encoding/decoding of HTTP header data) and general housekeeping (eg. instantiation and cleanup of objects at particular points in a transaction lifecycle).

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C CHeaderCodec *Codec()
IMPORT_C voidMHFLoad(RHTTPSession, THTTPFilterHandle)
IMPORT_C TIntMHFRunError(TInt, RHTTPTransaction, const THTTPEvent &)
IMPORT_C voidMHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction, const THTTPEvent &)
IMPORT_C TIntMHFSessionRunError(TInt, const THTTPSessionEvent &)
IMPORT_C voidMHFSessionRunL(const THTTPSessionEvent &)
IMPORT_C voidMHFUnload(RHTTPSession, THTTPFilterHandle)
CProtocolHandler *NewL(const TDesC8 &, RHTTPSession)
IMPORT_C const CCertificate *SessionServerCert()
TInt SessionServerCert(TCertInfo &)
IMPORT_C const CCertificate *TransactionServerCert(RHTTPTransaction)
TInt TransactionServerCert(TCertInfo &, RHTTPTransaction)
Protected Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidCompleteSelf()
IMPORT_C voidConstructL(RHTTPSession)
IMPORT_C voidDoCancel()
IMPORT_C CProtTransaction *FindProtocolTransaction(RHTTPTransaction)
IMPORT_C TIntFindTransaction(RHTTPTransaction, const CProtTransaction *&)
voidGetInterfaceL(TUid, MProtHandlerInterface *&)
IMPORT_C TIntNumActiveTransactions()
IMPORT_C TIntRunError(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidRunL()
IMPORT_C TIntTransactionCompleted(RHTTPTransaction, THTTPEvent)
IMPORT_C voidTransactionCompletedL(RHTTPTransaction, THTTPEvent)
IMPORT_C voidTransactionFailed(RHTTPTransaction)
Private Member Functions
voidCancelTransactionHook(CProtTransaction &)
voidClosedTransactionHook(CProtTransaction *)
CProtTransaction *CreateProtTransactionL(RHTTPTransaction)
TInt FindTransaction(RHTTPTransaction)
voidNotifyNewRequestBodyPart(CProtTransaction &)
TBool ServiceL(CProtTransaction &)
Inherited Functions
CActive::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Inherited Enumerations
Protected Attributes
CHeaderCodec *iCodec
__DECLARE_LOG CSecurityPolicy *iSecurityPolicy
RHTTPSession iSession
Private Attributes
RHTTPTransaction iCurrentTransaction
TUid iDtor_ID_Key
RPointerArray< CProtTransaction >iTransactions
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructs a protocol handler associated with the supplied HTTP client session.


RHTTPSession aSession(in) The session on which the new protocol handler will be installed.



Intended Usage: Class destructor.

Member Functions Documentation

CancelTransactionHook(CProtTransaction &)

voidCancelTransactionHook(CProtTransaction &aTransaction)[private, pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Called when the RHTTPTransaction object corresponding to aTrans has been cancelled by the client or an intermediate filter. This allows the concrete protocol handler to do any cleanup and to perform the necessary actions for cancellation on its transport layer.

This must be implemented by a concrete protocol handler sub-class.


CProtTransaction & aTransaction

ClosedTransactionHook(CProtTransaction *)

voidClosedTransactionHook(CProtTransaction *aTrans)[private, pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Called when the RHTTPTransaction object corresponding to aTrans has been closed by the client. This allows the concrete protocol handler to do any cleanup required for this particular transaction.

Ownership of the CProtTransaction object is transferred back to the concrete protocol handler, which then has deletion responsibility for it. By the time this function has been called, the base protocol handler will have dequeued the transaction.

The client's RHTTPTransaction will be closed when this function returns, so it is not possible to send events to the client during the function's execution.

This must be implemented by a concrete protocol handler sub-class.


CProtTransaction * aTrans(in) A pointer to the transaction about to be closed.


IMPORT_C CHeaderCodec *Codec()const

Obtain the protocol handler's header codec. CHeaderCodec


IMPORT_C voidCompleteSelf()[protected]

Completes this active object - allows the protocol handler to reevaluate the queue of pending transactions and service new ones if possible.


IMPORT_C voidConstructL(RHTTPSessionaSession)[protected]

Second phase construction in which any necessary allocation is done Implementations of this interface may leave with KErrNoMemory


RHTTPSession aSessionThe HTTP session on which this protocol handler will be installed.


voidCreateCodecL()[private, pure virtual]

Intended usage: Creates the specific type of codec required for a specific type of protocol handler.

This must be implemented by a concrete protocol handler sub-class.


CProtTransaction *CreateProtTransactionL(RHTTPTransactionaTransaction)[private, pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Creates a representation of a client transaction to be used in the protocol handler. Since the protocol handler deals with the low- level data for a transaction as sent over a particular transport, an appropriate CProtTransaction-derived class is used that owns a CRxData and a CTxData to handle the low-level data.

This must be implemented by a concrete protocol handler sub-class.
KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to create the object. create the object.
CRxData CTxData


RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe RHTTPTransaction object associated with this CProtTransaction object.


IMPORT_C voidDoCancel()[protected, virtual]

Intended Usage: Cancel outstanding asynchronous requests that this object has made


IMPORT_C CProtTransaction *FindProtocolTransaction(RHTTPTransactionaTransaction)const [protected]


RHTTPTransaction aTransaction

FindTransaction(RHTTPTransaction, const CProtTransaction *&)

IMPORT_C TIntFindTransaction(RHTTPTransactionaTransaction,
const CProtTransaction *&aProtTransaction
)const [protected]

Searches the array of CProtTransaction objects to if the aTransaction object is wrapped by one of them. If one is found aProtTransaction is set to it


RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe transaction to search for.
const CProtTransaction *& aProtTransactionReference to a CProtTransaction which will be set to the CProtTransaction which wraps the RHTTPTransaction.


TInt FindTransaction(RHTTPTransactionaTransaction)const [private]

Searches the array of CProtTransaction objects to if the aTransaction object is wrapped by one of them.


RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe transaction to search for.

GetInterfaceL(TUid, MProtHandlerInterface *&)

MProtHandlerInterface *&aInterfacePtr
)[protected, inline, virtual]

Intended Usage: This is a mechanism for allowing future change to CProtocolHandler API without breaking BC.


TUid aInterfaceIdthe UID of the API function being called.
MProtHandlerInterface *& aInterfacePtrreference to pointer to actual function implementation (in the derived class)


Sets the state of the CProtTransaction object for this transaction to ECancelled, and resets the object. This object can be reused if the transaction is resubmitted.
A CProtTransaction object exists for this transaction.
The state of the CProtTransaction object is set to ECancelled and it has been reset.


RHTTPTransaction aTrans


Removes the CProtTransaction object for the transaction from the queue of CProtTransaction objects.
A CProtTransaction object exists for this transaction.
The CProtTransaction object has been removed from the queue.


RHTTPTransaction aTrans

MHFLoad(RHTTPSession, THTTPFilterHandle)

IMPORT_C voidMHFLoad(RHTTPSessionaSession,

Intended Usage: Called when the filter is being added to the session's filter queue. MHTTFilter


RHTTPSession aSessionThe session it's being added to.
THTTPFilterHandle aHandleThe filter handle. Complex filters may need to keep track of this, for instance if generating events in response to external stimuli

MHFRunError(TInt, RHTTPTransaction, const THTTPEvent &)

IMPORT_C TIntMHFRunError(TIntaError,
const THTTPEvent &aEvent

Intended Usage: Called when RunL leaves from a transaction event. This works in the same way as CActve::RunError; return KErrNone if you have handled the error. If you don't completely handle the error, a panic will occur. MHTTPFilterBase


TInt aErrorThe leave code that RunL left with.
RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe transaction that was being processed.
const THTTPEvent & aEventThe Event that was being processed.

MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction, const THTTPEvent &)

IMPORT_C voidMHFRunL(RHTTPTransactionaTransaction,
const THTTPEvent &aEvent
Intended Usage: Called when the filter's registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on a transaction. Any Leaves must be handled by the appropriate MHFRunError. Note that this function is not allowed to leave if called with certain events. THTTPEvent
Standard Symbian OS error codes. e.g. KErrNoMemory.


RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe transaction that the event has occurred on.
const THTTPEvent & aEventaEvent The event that has occurred.

MHFSessionRunError(TInt, const THTTPSessionEvent &)

IMPORT_C TIntMHFSessionRunError(TIntaError,
const THTTPSessionEvent &aEvent

Intended Usage: Called when MHFRunL leaves from a session event. This works in the same way as CActve::RunError. If you don't completely handle the error, a panic will occur. MHTTPFilterBase


TInt aErrorThe leave code that RunL left with.
const THTTPSessionEvent & aEventThe Event that was being processed.

MHFSessionRunL(const THTTPSessionEvent &)

IMPORT_C voidMHFSessionRunL(const THTTPSessionEvent &aEvent)[virtual]
Intended Usage: Called when the filters registration conditions are satisfied for events that occur on the session. Any leaves must be handled by the appropriate MHFRunError.
KErrNoMemory if an attempt to allocate memory has failed
KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody if the request body needed to be rewound by the client but it doesn't support this


const THTTPSessionEvent & aEventThe session event that has occured.

MHFUnload(RHTTPSession, THTTPFilterHandle)

IMPORT_C voidMHFUnload(RHTTPSessionaSession,

Intended Usage: Called when the filter is being removed from a session's filter queue. MHTTFilter


RHTTPSession aSessionThe session it's being removed from
THTTPFilterHandle aHandleThe filter handle. Complex filters may need to refer to this to keep track of which particular registration is being unloaded.

NewL(const TDesC8 &, RHTTPSession)

CProtocolHandler *NewL(const TDesC8 &aProtocol,
Standard factory constructor. This is the ECOM interface class from which concrete protocol handlers are derived. The method queries ECOM for the protocol handler plugin that matches the protocol description passed in.
KErrNoMemory if there was not enough memory to create the object.
Implementation of CProtocolHandler class *****************************************************


const TDesC8 & aProtocol(in) The name of the protocol required.
RHTTPSession aSession(in) The HTTP session on which this protocol handler will be installed.

NotifyNewRequestBodyPart(CProtTransaction &)

voidNotifyNewRequestBodyPart(CProtTransaction &aTransaction)[private, pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Called to notify the concrete protocol handler that new request body data is available for transmission.

This must be implemented by a concrete protocol handler sub-class.


CProtTransaction & aTransaction


IMPORT_C TIntNumActiveTransactions()const [protected]

Obtain the number of currently active transactions


voidReserved2()[inline, virtual]

Intended Usage: Reserve a slot in the v-table to preserve future BC


IMPORT_C TIntRunError(TIntaError)[protected, virtual]

Intended Usage: Do any cleanup required should RunL leave


TInt aError(in) The error code that RunL left with


IMPORT_C voidRunL()[protected, virtual]

Intended Usage: Do some processing when a previous asynchronous request made by this object has completed.

ServiceL(CProtTransaction &)

TBool ServiceL(CProtTransaction &aTrans)[private, pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Attempt to service the transaction. This implies that the concrete protocol handler will allocate some transport resources to the transaction - which could fail if the protocol handler has hit an internal limit of resources or bandwidth. Implementations of this interface may leave with any of KErrHttpInvalidUri, KErrGeneral, KErrNoMemory

This must be implemented by a concrete protocol handler sub-class.


CProtTransaction & aTransThe pending protocol transaction object which is to be serviced.


IMPORT_C const CCertificate *SessionServerCert()

Get the Server Certificate for the current session.

SessionServerCert(TCertInfo &)

TInt SessionServerCert(TCertInfo &aServerCert)[pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Get the Server Certificate for the current session.


TCertInfo & aServerCertA TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information


Called after a client RHTTPTransaction::SubmitL(), this method enqueues the supplied client transaction. It checks to see if there already exists a CProtTransaction for this transaction. If there is and its state is ECancelled, then the associated request data is reset and the state changed to EPending. A CompleteSelf() is issued. In the case of an existing CProtTransaction that has not been cancelled, the submit event is ignored. If no CProtTransaction object existed, then one is created for the transaction and a CompleteSelf() is issued.
KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody if the request body data cannot be reset. KErrNoMemory if a new CProtTransaction cannot be created or added to the transaction queue.
If there is a new pending CProtTransaction object the protocol handler will have been self-completed (i.e. the RunL will be called).


RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe submitted transaction.

TransactionCompleted(RHTTPTransaction, THTTPEvent)

IMPORT_C TIntTransactionCompleted(RHTTPTransactionaTrans,


RHTTPTransaction aTrans
THTTPEvent aEventStatus

TransactionCompletedL(RHTTPTransaction, THTTPEvent)

IMPORT_C voidTransactionCompletedL(RHTTPTransactionaTrans,
Callback method for concrete protocol handler sub-classes to inform the base protocol handler that a transaction has completed. The concrete protocol handler must call this method in order to supply a completion event that will be sent to the client. In addition, the method allows the base protocol handler to do some queue management.
THTTPPanic::EInvalidFilterHandle if unable to send event.


RHTTPTransaction aTrans(in) the completed transaction
THTTPEvent aEventStatus(in) an event to be sent back to the client along the filter queue


IMPORT_C voidTransactionFailed(RHTTPTransactionaTrans)[protected]

Callback method for concrete protocol handler sub-classes to inform the base protocol handler that a transaction has failed utterly. (i.e. the sub-class used aTrans.Fail().) The base protocol handler sets the transaction state to be cancelled.


RHTTPTransaction aTrans(in) the completed transaction


IMPORT_C const CCertificate *TransactionServerCert(RHTTPTransactionaTransaction)

Get the Server Certificate for the specified transaction.


RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe transaction for which the certificate is requested

TransactionServerCert(TCertInfo &, RHTTPTransaction)

TInt TransactionServerCert(TCertInfo &aServerCert,
)[pure virtual]

Intended Usage: Get the Server Certificate for the specified transaction.


TCertInfo & aServerCertA TCertInfo which will be filled with the certificate information
RHTTPTransaction aTransactionThe transaction for which the certificate is requested

Member Data Documentation

CHeaderCodec * iCodec

CHeaderCodec *iCodec[protected]

The codec used for this protocol handler (to be specialised in subclasses)

RHTTPTransaction iCurrentTransaction

RHTTPTransaction iCurrentTransaction[private]

The transaction which is currently being serviced - used in RunError so we know which transaction caused RunL to leave.

TUid iDtor_ID_Key

TUid iDtor_ID_Key[private]

The destructor key UID indentification required by ECom

__DECLARE_LOG CSecurityPolicy * iSecurityPolicy

__DECLARE_LOG CSecurityPolicy *iSecurityPolicy[protected]

HTTP logger handle (debug only) An interface providing the security policy. This may be NULL if there is no security policy plugin

RHTTPSession iSession

RHTTPSession iSession[protected]

The session to which this protocol handler is dedicated

RPointerArray< CProtTransaction > iTransactions

RPointerArray< CProtTransaction >iTransactions[private]

A list of transactions. Each transaction has a list state, e.g. pending, active, etc.