CXIMPProtocolPluginBase Class Reference

class CXIMPProtocolPluginBase : public CBase

Base class for XIMP Framework protocol plug-ins.

Base class for XIMP Framework protocol plug-ins. This class must be implemented by a XIMP Framework protocol plug-ins so that XIMP Framework is able to load a instance of it through ECom architecture and can call into it. XIMP Framework manages loaded CXIMPProtocolPluginBase object as thread singleton.

Protocol plug-in must also implement MXIMPProtocolPlugin interface, so XIMP Framework can call and issue protocol and connection management requests to protocol plug-in.

Inherits from

  • CXIMPProtocolPluginBase

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CXIMPProtocolPluginBase()[protected, inline]

C++ default constructor.



Public destructor. Plugin can be deleted through this interface.

Member Functions Documentation



Sets the plug-in destructor id.


TUid aIdDestructor id for the plug-in instance.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous

ECom interface UID for the CXIMPProtocolPluginBase.

This ECom interface UID is used:
  1. In protocol adaptation ECom registration resource file, to identify the implemented interface. Interface UID symbol XIMP_ECOM_IF_UID_PROTOCOL_PLUGIN_BASE_INTERFACE from ximpprotocolpluginifids.hrh can be directly included to protocol plug-in ECom registration resource file.

  1. Interface UID is used internally in XIMP Framework when resolving and instantiating available protocol implementations.



Member Data Documentation

TUid iEcomDtorID

TUid iEcomDtorID[private]

OWN: ECom destructor ID for Presence Protocol plug-in. XIMPFw assignes the destructor ID during plug-in object construction.

TAny * iReserved1

TAny *iReserved1[private]

OWN: Reserved member for future extension.

TAny * iReserved2

TAny *iReserved2[private]

OWN: Reserved member for future extension.

TAny * iReserved3

TAny *iReserved3[private]

OWN: Reserved member for future extension.