CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAdapter Class Reference

class CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAdapter : public CBase

Adaptation interface for different synchronization protocols.

S60 3.1

Inherits from

  • CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAdapter

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAdapter ( ) [inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

GetAllProtocolAccountsL(RPointerArray< CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccount > &)

void GetAllProtocolAccountsL ( RPointerArray < CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccount > & aAccounts ) [pure virtual]

Appends all the available protocol accounts to the array. Owernship of the accounts is transfered to the caller.

Given array MUST NOT be reset.


RPointerArray < CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccount > & aAccounts an array containing all the available protocol accounts.

NewL(TUid, MPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolEnv &)

CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAdapter * NewL ( TUid aProtocolUid,
MPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolEnv & aProtocolEnv
) [static, inline]

Two-phased constructor.


TUid aProtocolUid UID of the protocol ECom plugin
MPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolEnv & aProtocolEnv factory for the data objects needed by the adapter

NewProtocolAccountL(const TPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccountId &)

CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccount * NewProtocolAccountL ( const TPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccountId & aAccountId ) [pure virtual]

Factory method for getting protocol accounts. The fetching of the account will be only succesful if protocol account for the given identifier exists. Ownership of the instance is given to the caller.


const TPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolAccountId & aAccountId account identifier


CPbkxRemoteContactLookupProtocolSession * NewSessionL ( ) [pure virtual]

Factory method for creating protocol sessions that are used to perform remote lookups. Owernship of the instance is given to the caller.

Member Data Documentation

TUid iDtor_ID_Key

TUid iDtor_ID_Key [private]

iDtor_ID_Key Instance identifier key. When instance of an implementation is created by ECOM framework, the framework will assign UID for it. The UID is used in destructor to notify framework that this instance is being destroyed and resources can be released.