Creating the toolbar extension

The toolbar extension is intended for expanding fixed and floating toolbars. It is dependent on the parent toolbar it is located in.

You must define the toolbar extension in resource definitions. You can add the extension to your toolbar either in resource definitions or dynamically during program execution like other toolbar items.

Use the AVKON_TOOLBAR_EXTENSION resource structure when defining the toolbar extension. The extension structure should be defined in the actual toolbar’s TBAR_CTRL structure when defining the toolbar items in the resources. If you add the extension dynamically to the toolbar, use the extension structure resource ID when creating it.

The example below shows how to add a toolbar extension as the last item to the view toolbar.

      void CMyAppView::AddExtensionToToolbarL()
    CAknToolbar* toolbar = Toolbar();
    if ( toolbar )
        CAknToolbarExtension* toolbarExtension = 
            CAknToolbarExtension::NewL( R_MYAPP_TOOLBAR_EXTENSION );
        toolbar->AddItemL( toolbarExtension, EAknCtToolbarExtension, 0, 0 );

You can also give the icon bitmap and skin ID information in the resource structure. This way you can change the default extension icon to an application specific icon. You can give separate bitmap or skin ID definitions to normal, pressed, and dimmed states.

The example below shows the definition of a toolbar extension with a custom icon and three extension buttons.

      RESOURCE AVKON_TOOLBAR_EXTENSION r_myapp_toolbar_extension
    bmpFile = AVKON_BITMAP_FILE;
    bmpId = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_navi_arrow_left; 
    bmpMask = EMbmAvkonQgn_indi_navi_arrow_left_mask;
    bmpSkinIdMajor = EAknsMajorAvkon;
    bmpSkinIdMinor = EAknsMinorQgnIndiNaviArrowLeft;

    items =
            type = EAknCtButton;
            id = ECmdExtFirst;
            control = AVKON_BUTTON
                flags = 0;
                states =
                        extension = r_myapp_toolbar_ext_first;
            type = EAknCtButton;
            id = ECmdExtSecond;
            control = AVKON_BUTTON
                flags = 0;
                states =
                        extension = r_myapp_toolbar_ext_second;
            type = EAknCtButton;
            id = ECmdExtThird;
            control = AVKON_BUTTON
                flags = 0;
                states =
                        extension = r_myapp_toolbar_ext_third;

The toolbar extension events are provided to the observer of the parent toolbar in the same manner as the actual toolbar events. Therefore you don't need to (or are able to) set an observer to the toolbar extension separately. For more information, see Handling toolbar item events .