CImap4ClientMtm Class Reference

class CImap4ClientMtm : public CBaseMtm

IMAP4 client MTM interface, providing access to the email services using the IMAP4 protocol.

The class provides support for:

  • connecting to remote IMAP4 mail servers

  • synchronising message headers with mailboxes on these servers

  • getting message bodies and attachments

  • copying and moving messages

  • creating messages that forward or reply to IMAP4 messages

  • server notification of new messages using IMAP IDLE

  • queueing operations requested when there is no connection to a mail server, to be performed when a connection is made (offline operations).

Note that CImap4ClientMtm does not support many of the generic functions defined by the CBaseMtm base class. In particular:

  • Message address information, body, subjects, and attachments are not manipulated through CImap4ClientMtm . Consequently, SaveMessageL() has an empty implementation, and is not used. Message access and manipulation is instead done through CImEmailMessage , which understands the email specific message formats, including MHTML (RFC 2557). The RFC 822 email header, which includes subject and address information, is encapsulated in a CImHeader object, which can be obtained from a CImEmailMessage object. IMAP also has its own specific flags, such as draft, answered, and deleted: this can be accessed through TMsvEmailEntry , which extends the message server's generic TMsvEntry to add email-specific information.

IMAP specific commands are issued through the InvokeAsyncFunctionL() function, with the commands defined in the TImap4Cmds enumeration. Details of particular commands are given in the documentation for that enumeration, but the following describes some of the key concepts required to use those commands. Note that usually these commands do not correspond directly to the IMAP protocol commands described in RFC 3501. Instead, they are at a higher level, to simplify the logic required for an email client program.


Connection and services

Settings for connection to and use of an IMAP4 mail server and its mailboxes are encapsulated in an CImImap4Settings object, created and accessed through CEmailAccounts . Preferences for the network connection (e.g. the ISP to use) to be made to access an IMAP server are also accessed through CEmailAccounts .

The settings are associated with a service-type entry in the Message Server's message store. Message and folder type entries under the service entry store a local copy of the mailboxes and messages that are present on an IMAP server. For this reason, the service is sometimes referred to as the local mirror of an IMAP server.

By default, it is assumed that the user has a primary mailbox on the server called INBOX, though this can be changed if necessary using CImImap4Settings::SetFolderPathL() . (To avoid confusion, the term "Inbox" used in the IMAP MTM documentation refers to this mailbox, rather than the Message Server's standard local Inbox folder.)

The settings store the user's log-in details required to access the IMAP server, and other settings not related to connection, but which affect the behaviour of commands, such as synchronisation, made to the service.



The IMAP4 MTM provides the means to synchronise message headers on a remote IMAP mailboxes with the messages headers on the phone. Note that synchronisation only refers to message headers. Once headers are synchronised, populate operations (i.e. getting the message bodies) can be done.

The basic steps involved in a full synchronisation are:

  • The headers of messages in the Inbox are synchronised.

  • The local list of folders is synchronised with those existing on the remote IMAP service. Depending on the service settings, the local or remote settings of subscribed mailboxes may be updated (see below for more information).

  • The headers of messages in subscribed folders are synchronised.

Queued offline operations (see below) pending on the Inbox or subscribed folders are performed prior to the relevant folder being synchronised.

Synchronisations can be performed in the background or the foreground. A foreground synchronisation means no other requests, such as message fetching, can be made to the MTM, until the synchronisation is complete. A background synchronisation allows some types of command to be given while it is in progress. Commands that write to the remote server are not allowed however while a background synchronisation is in progress. A client is informed of the state of a background synchronisation through the MMsvImapConnectionObserver callback interface.

Synchronisations commands are made through CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() . There a variety of commands available that give different options for compounding synchronisation with other commands, such as connection, and synchronising only particular folders. See TImap4Cmds for details. Progress information for synchronisation commands can be obtained from the CMsvOperation object returned by the InvokeAsyncFunctionL() . Synchronisation progress information is encapsulated in a TImap4SyncProgress object.

Settings that affect how a synchronisation is performed include:

  • Subscriptions: when an IMAP service had been synchronised, the Messaging server will contain entries for all folders on the remote server. These entries will be marked invisible within the TMsvEntry for the folder, implying that they should be invisible to the user. Messages in these folders are not synchronised unless the folder has been subscribed to. Note a folder subscription can be set either locally (i.e. just on the phone), using the KIMAP4MTMLocalSubscribe command, or remotely (on the server), possibly through email clients on other devices. A service can be set to synchronise folders using either or both of these types of subscription ( CImImap4Settings::SetSynchronise() ). Local and remote subscriptions can themselves be synchronised in various ways (CImImap4Settings::SetSuscribe()).

  • Filters: a filter prevents certain e-mail messages from being synchronised onto the device when a client requests a synchronisation. Filters can include anything permitted by the IMAP Search command, including date, size, content, and message flags.

  • Sync rate: one of the synchronisation commands (KIMAP4MTMConnectAndSyncCompleteAfterDisconnect) periodically resynchronises the Inbox until the service is disconnected. CImImap4Settings::SyncRate() sets the refresh period.


Getting and copying messages

After messages headers have been synchronised, message bodies and attachments can be fetched from the remote email server. Getting message parts and saving them in the mirror service is calling populating them.

Commands for these actions can be made through CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL() . There are a large number of commands, for different combinations of these options:

  • action type: whether to just populate messages, or to also copy or move them to a local folder

  • message selection: whether to get all, new, or selected messages

  • connection: whether to make a new connection or assume an existing connection

  • disconnect: whether to disconnect or stay online after operation is complete

For the populate type commands, further options can be set that control the message getting behaviour. Basic options control, encapsulated in TImImap4GetMailInfo , specify whether body text and/or attachments are fetched, and a maximum message size. There are also options, encapsulated in TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo , that allow size limits to be separately specified for body text and/or attachments. If the the body is larger than the limit, then the body is partially downloaded up to the limit. Only attachments smaller than the specified size are downloaded. A partially downloaded message can later be fully downloaded.

For the copy or move type commands, a TImImap4GetMailInfo parameter is supplied, in order to specify the destination folder for the messages, and a maximum message size.

Progress information for getting commands can be obtained from the CMsvOperation object returned by the InvokeAsyncFunctionL() . Progress information is encapsulated in a TImap4GenericProgress object.

Fetching and then copying or moving specified messages can also be performed by using the standard Messaging Framework CMsvEntry::CopyL() and CMsvEntry::MoveL() functions on entries under the remote service. If these functions are used, then the entire message is fetched without size limits.

CMsvEntry functions can also be used to:

  • create a folder on a remote server

  • delete messages

  • copy or move messages from a local folder into a remote folder

  • copy or move messages between remote folders

Note that changing an existing entry through CMsvEntry is not supported. An MTM- specific command KIMAP4MTMRenameFolder is instead provided to rename a remote folder.

The page "CMsvEntry functions for IMAP4 message entries", linked to in the "See also" section below, provides more details on using CMsvEntry .


Offline operations

Some operations can only be performed while online, while other commands may be stored while offline for processing when next connected. An attempt to perform a command while offline that requires the MTM to be connected results in immediate completion with the error code KErrDisconnected.

Permitted offline operations include:

  • copy

  • move

  • delete

Queued offline operations are usually performed when a connection is made, prior to the relevant folder being synchronised. Delete operations can alternatively be set to be done on disconnection using the service setting CImImap4Settings::SetDeleteEmailsWhenDisconnecting() .

Note that:
  • Offline operations are only permitted if the service setting SetDisconnectedUserMode() is true.

  • It is possible to undo pending offline operations using the commands KIMAP4MTMCancelOffLineOperations and KIMAP4MTMUndeleteAll .


IMAP IDLE support

IMAP IDLE (RFC 2177) is an optional expansion of the IMAP email accessing protocol that allows the server to send updates to the client that messages have been created or deleted in real time. The IDLE command is sent from the client to the server when the client is ready to accept unsolicited mailbox update messages. Whether the client requests the server to provide IDLE support is set in the CImImap4Settings::SetImapIdle() service setting. When the IMAP MTM receives such a notification, it synchronises the changed folder. Email clients can be notified of such changes by setting a MMsvEntryObserver observer on a folder.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CImap4ClientMtm ()
void AddAddresseeL (const TDesC &)
void AddAddresseeL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL (const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL ( RFile &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void AddEntryAsAttachmentL ( TMsvId , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void AddLinkedAttachmentL (const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void ChangeDefaultServiceL (const TMsvId &)
IMPORT_C void CreateAttachmentL (const TDesC &, RFile &, const TDesC8 &, TUint , TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL ( TMsvId )
IMPORT_C TMsvId DefaultServiceL ()
TMsvPartList Find (const TDesC &, TMsvPartList )
CMsvOperation * ForwardL ( TMsvId , TMsvPartList , TRequestStatus &)
void HandleEntryEvent (TMsvEntryEvent, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)
IMPORT_C const CImImap4Settings & Imap4Settings ()
CMsvOperation * InvokeAsyncFunctionL ( TInt , const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
void InvokeSyncFunctionL ( TInt , const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)
void LoadMessageL ()
IMPORT_C CImap4ClientMtm * NewL ( CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvSession &)
TInt QueryCapability ( TUid , TInt &)
IMPORT_C CImOperationQueueList * QueueListL ( CMsvEntry &)
void RemoveAddressee ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemoveDefaultServiceL ()
CMsvOperation * ReplyL ( TMsvId , TMsvPartList , TRequestStatus &)
void RestoreL ()
IMPORT_C void RestoreSettingsL ()
void SaveMessageL ()
IMPORT_C void SetImap4SettingsL (const CImImap4Settings &)
void StoreL ()
IMPORT_C void StoreSettingsL ()
void UndoOffLineChangesL (const CImOffLineOperation &, TMsvId )
TUint ValidateMessage ( TUint )
Protected Member Functions
CImap4ClientMtm ( CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvSession &)
void ConstructL ()
void ContextEntrySwitched ()
Private Member Functions
void ConvertToPartialPopulate ( TDes8 &)
CMsvOperation * CopyMoveOrPopulateL ( TInt , TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)
TMsvPartList DoFindL (const TDesC &, TMsvPartList )
void FilterAllOrNewMailsL ( TInt , const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)
void FilterMailSelectionL (const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)
TBool IsPartialPopulate ( TDes8 &)
void SendOnNextConnectionL ()
TBool ValidateAddress (const TPtrC &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CBaseMtm::AddAddresseeL(TMsvRecipientType,const TDesC &)
CBaseMtm::AddAddresseeL(TMsvRecipientType,const TDesC &,const TDesC &)
CBaseMtm::CBaseMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll &,CMsvSession &)
CBaseMtm::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBaseMtm::HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent,TAny *,TAny *,TAny *)
CBaseMtm::RestoreBodyL(CMsvStore &)
CBaseMtm::SetCurrentEntryL(CMsvEntry *)
CBaseMtm::SetExtensionData(TAny *)
CBaseMtm::SetSubjectL(const TDesC &)
CBaseMtm::StoreBodyL(CMsvStore &)
Private Attributes
HBufC * iEmailAddressFormatString
CImHeader * iHeader
CImEmailOperation * iImEmailOperation
CImImap4GetMail * iImIMAP4GetMail
CImImap4Settings iImImap4Settings
CImap4ClientSessionObserver * iImap4ClientSessionObserver
TPckgBuf < TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo > iImap4GetPartialMailInfo
CMsvEntrySelection * iMsvEntrySelection
TImMessageField iTImMessageField
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CImap4ClientMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvSession &)

CImap4ClientMtm ( CRegisteredMtmDll & aRegisteredMtmDll,
CMsvSession & aSession
) [protected]


CRegisteredMtmDll & aRegisteredMtmDll
CMsvSession & aSession


~CImap4ClientMtm ( )


Member Functions Documentation

AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &)

void AddAddresseeL ( const TDesC & aRealAddress ) [virtual]

Message address function required by the base class, but not used for IMAP.

To modify message address information, use the address functions in CImHeader .


const TDesC & aRealAddress Address.

AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

void AddAddresseeL ( const TDesC & aRealAddress,
const TDesC & aAlias
) [virtual]

Message address function required by the base class, but not used for IMAP.

To modify message address information, use the address functions in CImHeader .


const TDesC & aRealAddress Address.
const TDesC & aAlias Alias information.

AddAttachmentL(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFilePath,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

To modify message attachments, use CImEmailMessage .

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


const TDesC & aFilePath Unused
const TDesC8 & aMimeType Unused
TUint aCharset Unused
TRequestStatus & aStatus Unused

AddAttachmentL(RFile &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AddAttachmentL ( RFile & aFile,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

To modify message attachments, use CImEmailMessage .

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


RFile & aFile Unused
const TDesC8 & aMimeType Unused
TUint aCharset Unused
TRequestStatus & aStatus Unused

AddEntryAsAttachmentL(TMsvId, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AddEntryAsAttachmentL ( TMsvId aAttachmentId,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

To modify message attachments, use CImEmailMessage .

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


TMsvId aAttachmentId Unused
TRequestStatus & aStatus Unused

AddLinkedAttachmentL(const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void AddLinkedAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFilePath,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

To modify message attachments, use CImEmailMessage .

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


const TDesC & aFilePath Unused
const TDesC8 & aMimeType Unused
TUint aCharset Unused
TRequestStatus & aStatus Unused

ChangeDefaultServiceL(const TMsvId &)

IMPORT_C void ChangeDefaultServiceL ( const TMsvId & aService ) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


const TMsvId & aService Unused


void ConstructL ( ) [protected]


void ContextEntrySwitched ( ) [protected, virtual]

Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.


An implementation should clear:

1. address data stored in iAddresseeList

2. any caches of MTM-specific entry data relating to a previous context. For example, if the implementation has a private buffer storing a message subject, for access through Subject(), this buffer should be cleared.

ConvertToPartialPopulate(TDes8 &)

void ConvertToPartialPopulate ( TDes8 & aParameter ) [private]

Converts the full download information to partial download informations with parameters for partial download information set to defaults. This package will later be interpreted by server to check whether it is for full download or partial download.


TDes8 & aParameter Contains information about full fetch of a message or partial fetch of a message .

CopyMoveOrPopulateL(TInt, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * CopyMoveOrPopulateL ( TInt aFunctionId,
TDes8 & aParameter,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [private]

Copies or moves the selection only if the selection is not empty


TInt aFunctionId Specifies which operation to perform e.g. copy new mail, Move or Populate. The specific operations are defined by the TImap4Cmds enumeration.
TDes8 & aParameter Use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The status when the operation completes.

CreateAttachmentL(const TDesC &, RFile &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void CreateAttachmentL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
RFile & aAttachmentFile,
const TDesC8 & aMimeType,
TUint aCharset,
TRequestStatus & aStatus
) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

To modify message attachments, use CImEmailMessage .

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


const TDesC & aFileName Unused
RFile & aAttachmentFile Unused
const TDesC8 & aMimeType Unused
TUint aCharset Unused
TRequestStatus & aStatus Unused


IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL ( TMsvId aServiceId ) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

To create a new message, use CImEmailOperation .

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.


TMsvId aServiceId Unused


IMPORT_C TMsvId DefaultServiceL ( ) const [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.

DoFindL(const TDesC &, TMsvPartList)

TMsvPartList DoFindL ( const TDesC & aTextToFind,
TMsvPartList aPartList
) [private]


const TDesC & aTextToFind
TMsvPartList aPartList

FilterAllOrNewMailsL(TInt, const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)

void FilterAllOrNewMailsL ( TInt aFunctionId,
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TDes8 & aParameter
) [private]

Filter the selection of messages for all mails or new mails


TInt aFunctionId Specifies which operation to perform e.g. connect, copy new mail etc. The specific operations are defined by the TImap4Cmds enumeration.
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection A selection of messages. The use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID.
TDes8 & aParameter Use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID . This can have information for full fetch or partial fetch of a message.

FilterMailSelectionL(const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)

void FilterMailSelectionL ( const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TDes8 & aParameter
) [private]

Filters the mails selected for partial fetch or full fetch of messages


const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection A selection of messages. The use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID.
TDes8 & aParameter Use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID . This can have information for full fetch or partial fetch of a message.

Find(const TDesC &, TMsvPartList)

TMsvPartList Find ( const TDesC & aTextToFind,
TMsvPartList aPartList
) [virtual]

Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.


const TDesC & aTextToFind The plain-text version of the text to be found.
TMsvPartList aPartList Indicates the message parts which should be searched.

ForwardL(TMsvId, TMsvPartList, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * ForwardL ( TMsvId aDestination,
TMsvPartList aPartList,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [virtual]

Creates an forwarded SMTP message from the current message context.


TMsvId aDestination Entry to which to assign the forwarded message.
TMsvPartList aPartList Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the forwarded message
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished.

HandleEntryEvent(TMsvEntryEvent, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)

void HandleEntryEvent ( TMsvEntryEvent aEvent,
TAny * aArg1,
TAny * aArg2,
TAny * aArg3


TMsvEntryEvent aEvent
TAny * aArg1
TAny * aArg2
TAny * aArg3


IMPORT_C const CImImap4Settings & Imap4Settings ( ) const

Gets the IMAP4 email service settings currently being used by the client MTM, if they exist.

If no settings exist, then an empty settings object will be returned by this function. Settings will only exist if a prior call has been made to the RestoreL() function when the client MTM was positioned over an IMAP4 service in the message store.

InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt, const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * InvokeAsyncFunctionL ( TInt aFunctionId,
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TDes8 & aParameter,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [virtual]

Invokes asynchronous IMAP-specific operations.

This provides support for a large number of IMAP-specific functions, including operations to:

  • Connect and logon to a remote server

  • Synchronise headers

  • Subscribe to mailboxes

  • Populate messages

  • Copy messages

  • Move messages

  • Create messages

  • Set offline behaviour

For details of operations, see TImap4Cmds .

KErrNotFound The selection of email to be moved or copied is empty
KErrNotSupported The specified operation is not recognised
IMCM 33 MTM has no current context (debug builds only)


TInt aFunctionId Specifies which operation to perform e.g. connect, copy new mail etc. The specific operations are defined by the TImap4Cmds enumeration.
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection A selection of messages. The use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID.
TDes8 & aParameter Use is dependant upon the command specified by aFunctionID
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The status when the operation completes.

InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt, const CMsvEntrySelection &, TDes8 &)

void InvokeSyncFunctionL ( TInt aFunctionId,
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection,
TDes8 & aParameter
) [virtual]

Invokes synchronous IMAP-specific operations.

IMCM 33 MTM has no current context (debug builds only)
KErrNotSupported Function does not provide function specified by aFunctionId


TInt aFunctionId ID of the requested function. Supported IDs are KIMAP4MTMIsConnected and KIMAP4MTMBusy.
const CMsvEntrySelection & aSelection Collection of function entries to invoke.
TDes8 & aParameter Buffer containing input and output parameters.

IsPartialPopulate(TDes8 &)

TBool IsPartialPopulate ( TDes8 & aParameter ) [private]

Returns whether aParameter contains information for partial fetch of full fetch


TDes8 & aParameter Contains information about full fetch of a message or partial fetch of a message .


void LoadMessageL ( ) [virtual]

Loads the cache with the message data for the current message context.

The current context should be an IMAP service or a message. If the current context is an IMAP service, then the function loads the service settings from the Central Repository. This is the same behaviour as RestoreSettingsL() .

NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll &, CMsvSession &)

IMPORT_C CImap4ClientMtm * NewL ( CRegisteredMtmDll & aRegisteredMtmDll,
CMsvSession & aSession
) [static]

IMAP4 client MTM factory function.

This function is not called directly by messaging clients. To create a client MTM object, use CClientMtmRegistry::NewMtmL() .



CRegisteredMtmDll & aRegisteredMtmDll MTM registry information
CMsvSession & aSession Message server session

QueryCapability(TUid, TInt &)

TInt QueryCapability ( TUid aCapability,
TInt & aResponse
) [virtual]

Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.


TUid aCapability UID of capability to be queried. See MTMDEF.HRH for definition of UIDs.
TInt & aResponse Response value. The format of the response varies according to the capability.

QueueListL(CMsvEntry &)

IMPORT_C CImOperationQueueList * QueueListL ( CMsvEntry & aServiceEntry )


CMsvEntry & aServiceEntry


void RemoveAddressee ( TInt aIndex ) [virtual]

Message address function required by the base class, but not used for IMAP.

To modify message address information, use the address functions in CImHeader .


TInt aIndex Index of address to be removed.


IMPORT_C void RemoveDefaultServiceL ( ) [virtual]

Unsupported client MTM base class function.

KErrNotSupported Function not supported.

ReplyL(TMsvId, TMsvPartList, TRequestStatus &)

CMsvOperation * ReplyL ( TMsvId aDestination,
TMsvPartList aPartList,
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus
) [virtual]

Creates an SMTP reply message to the current message context.


TMsvId aDestination Entry to which to assign the reply.
TMsvPartList aPartList Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the reply.
TRequestStatus & aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished.


void RestoreL ( )


IMPORT_C void RestoreSettingsL ( )

If the current context of the client MTM is on an IMAP4 service, restores settings from the Central Repository.

The restored settings can be accessed through the Imap4Settings() function.

IMCM 33 MTM has no current context (debug builds only)


void SaveMessageL ( ) [virtual]

Empty implementation of base class function.

To edit an IMAP message, use CImEmailMessage .


void SendOnNextConnectionL ( ) [private]

SetImap4SettingsL(const CImImap4Settings &)

IMPORT_C void SetImap4SettingsL ( const CImImap4Settings & aSettings )

Sets the IMAP4 email service settings.

This can be called at any time to override any current email settings (if they exist). However, new settings are only used by the MTM if they have been stored and then a new IMAP4 email session has been started: i.e. settings cannot be changed in mid-session.


const CImImap4Settings & aSettings New IMAP4 service settings


void StoreL ( )


IMPORT_C void StoreSettingsL ( )

If the current context of the client MTM is an IMAP4 service, stores settings in the Central Repository.

IMCM 33 MTM has no current context (debug builds only)
IMCM 44 Current context is not a service (debug builds only)

UndoOffLineChangesL(const CImOffLineOperation &, TMsvId)

void UndoOffLineChangesL ( const CImOffLineOperation & aDeleted,
TMsvId aFolderId
) [virtual]

This function is not supported.


const CImOffLineOperation & aDeleted Unused
TMsvId aFolderId Unused

ValidateAddress(const TPtrC &)

TBool ValidateAddress ( const TPtrC & anAddress ) [private]


const TPtrC & anAddress


TUint ValidateMessage ( TUint aPartList )

Validates the current message context.

Only the message recipients and sender fields are checked for well-formed addresses.

IMCM 33 MTM has no current context (debug builds only)


TUint aPartList Indicates the value of the message parts for which validation is requested.

Member Data Documentation

HBufC * iEmailAddressFormatString

HBufC * iEmailAddressFormatString [private]

CImHeader * iHeader

CImHeader * iHeader [private]

CImEmailOperation * iImEmailOperation

CImEmailOperation * iImEmailOperation [private]

CImImap4GetMail * iImIMAP4GetMail

CImImap4GetMail * iImIMAP4GetMail [private]

CImImap4Settings iImImap4Settings

CImImap4Settings iImImap4Settings [private]

CImap4ClientSessionObserver * iImap4ClientSessionObserver

CImap4ClientSessionObserver * iImap4ClientSessionObserver [private]

TPckgBuf< TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo > iImap4GetPartialMailInfo

TPckgBuf < TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo > iImap4GetPartialMailInfo [private]

CMsvEntrySelection * iMsvEntrySelection

CMsvEntrySelection * iMsvEntrySelection [private]

TImMessageField iTImMessageField

TImMessageField iTImMessageField [private]