CApDataHandler Class Reference

class CApDataHandler : public CBase

Representation of the access point handler. Encapsulates a session with the CommsDB Provides a way to access the database and manipulate its data.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CApDataHandler ()
IMPORT_C void AccessPointDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C TUint32 CreateCopyFromL ( TUint32 )
IMPORT_C TUint32 CreateFromDataL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C void CreateNetworkL (CApNetworkItem &)
IMPORT_C TUint32 DefaultL ( TBool )
IMPORT_C TUint32 DefaultL ( TBool , TBool &)
IMPORT_C void GetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL ( TUint32 , TCommDbConnectionDirection , TUint32 &, TUint32 &, TUint32 &)
IMPORT_C const TDesC & GetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL ( TUint32 , TCommDbConnectionDirection , TUint32 &, TUint32 &, TUint32 &, TUint32 &)
IMPORT_C CApDataHandler * NewLC ( CCommsDatabase &)
IMPORT_C void ReadNetworkL ( TUint32 , CApNetworkItem &)
IMPORT_C void ReadNetworkPartL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C void RemoveAPL ( TUint32 )
IMPORT_C void RemoveNetworkL ( TUint32 )
IMPORT_C void SetAsDefaultL ( TUint32 , TCommsDbIspType )
IMPORT_C void SetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL ( TUint32 , TCommDbConnectionDirection , TUint32 , TCommDbDialogPref , TUint32 , TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL ( TUint32 , TCommDbConnectionDirection , TUint32 , TCommDbDialogPref , TUint32 , TUint32 , const TDesC &, TBool )
IMPORT_C void UpdateAccessPointDataL ( CApAccessPointItem &, TBool &)
Protected Member Functions
CApDataHandler ()
void ApSpeed2EtelL ( CApAccessPointItem *)
TUint32 CommsDbSpeedL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CCommsDatabase &)
TUint32 CreateLanBearerIfNeededL ()
void DoAccessPointDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
TUint32 DoGetDefaultL ( TBool , TBool *)
void DoRemoveAPL ( TUint32 )
void DoSetAsDefaultL ( TUint32 , TCommsDbIspType )
void DoSetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL ( TUint32 , TCommDbConnectionDirection , TUint32 , TCommDbDialogPref , TUint32 , TBool )
void DoSetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL ( TUint32 , TCommDbConnectionDirection , TUint32 , TCommDbDialogPref , TUint32 , TUint32 , const TDesC &, TBool )
TUint32 DoUpdateAccessPointDataL ( CApAccessPointItem &, TBool , TBool &)
void EtelSpeed2ApL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
TUint32 GetLocationIdL ()
TUint32 GetModemBearerIDL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
TBool HandleBearerChangeIfNeededL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
TUint32 ProtocolL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadDialInOutDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadGprsDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadIapDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadIspDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadLanDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadModemBearerNameL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadNetworkDataL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadProxyDataL ( CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadServiceIp6L ( CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadServiceL ( CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadVpnInfoL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadWapDataL ( TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void ReadWlanL ( CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)
void RemoveGprsL ( TUint32 , TBool )
void RemoveIapL ( TUint32 )
void RemoveIspL ( TUint32 , TBool )
void RemoveLanL ( TUint32 )
void RemoveNetworkDataL ( TUint32 )
void RemoveProxyDataL ( HBufC *, TUint32 )
void RemoveWapApL ( TUint32 )
void RemoveWapBearerApL ( TUint32 )
void RemoveWlanL ( TUint32 )
void SetDefaultIapIspL ( TUint32 )
void WriteCsdDataL ( TBool , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteGprsDataL ( TBool , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteIapDataL ( TBool , TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteIspDataL ( TBool , TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteLanDataL ( TBool , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteNetworkDataL ( TBool , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteProxyDataL ( TBool , const CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteServiceIp6L ( CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteServiceL ( CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteWapApDataL ( TBool , TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteWapBearerDataL ( TBool , TUint32 , CApAccessPointItem &)
void WriteWlanL ( CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
CCommsDatabase * iDb
THandlerExtra * iExt

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CApDataHandler ( ) [protected]

C++ default constructor.


IMPORT_C ~CApDataHandler ( ) [virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

AccessPointDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C void AccessPointDataL ( TUint32 aUid,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
Reads up one access point's data from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, function leaves with error code. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory,

  • AP does not exists,

  • Server connection failure.


TUint32 aUid The Uid of the access point to be read
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data.

ApSpeed2EtelL(CApAccessPointItem *)

void ApSpeed2EtelL ( CApAccessPointItem * aItem ) [protected]

Converts setted AP speed from TApCallSpeed to commsdb values


CApAccessPointItem * aItem

CommsDbSpeedL(CApAccessPointItem &)

TUint32 CommsDbSpeedL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Returns the commsdb speed for the passed item


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem An access point item

ConstructL(CCommsDatabase &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( CCommsDatabase & aDb ) [protected]

Second-phase constructor.


CCommsDatabase & aDb


IMPORT_C TUint32 CreateCopyFromL ( TUint32 aBaseId )
Creates a copy of a previously existing access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, no access point will be created. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory

  • Server connection failure.

  • Lock already present by other task.

  • Access point does not exist.

  • Attempting to create new in protected tables will results in KErrAccessDenied


TUint32 aBaseId The UID of the existing access point to copy from.

CreateFromDataL(CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C TUint32 CreateFromDataL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem )
Create a new access point from supplied data Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. The name of the AP will be corrected to be unique if necessary and returned in the passed aApItem. In case of error, no access point will be created and the passed one will remain intact. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory

  • Server connection failure.

  • Lock already present by other task.

  • Attempting to create new in protected tables will result in KErrAccessDenied


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem holding the data


TUint32 CreateLanBearerIfNeededL ( ) [protected]

Creates a new record in the LANBearer table if there is none for WLAN

CreateNetworkL(CApNetworkItem &)

IMPORT_C void CreateNetworkL ( CApNetworkItem & aNetwork )
Creates a network group from the data. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, network group will not be created. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory,

  • Server connection failure.

  • Lock already present by other task.

  • network group does not exist.

  • Attempting to remove read-only records will result in KErrAccessDenied


CApNetworkItem & aNetwork The network item to create/write into db.


IMPORT_C TUint32 DefaultL ( TBool aIsWap ) const
Reads the UID of the default access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;

  • Access point does not exists.


TBool aIsWap

DefaultL(TBool, TBool &)

IMPORT_C TUint32 DefaultL ( TBool aIsWap,
TBool & aReadOnly
) const
Reads the UID of the default access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;

  • Access point does not exists.


TBool aIsWap
TBool & aReadOnly A TBool passed by reference to hold whether the the default access point record is read-only or not.

DoAccessPointDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void DoAccessPointDataL ( TUint32 aUid,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]
Reads up one access point's data from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, function leaves with error code. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory,

  • AP does not exists,

  • Server connection failure.


TUint32 aUid The Uid of the access point to be read
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data.

DoGetDefaultL(TBool, TBool *)

TUint32 DoGetDefaultL ( TBool aIsWap,
TBool * aReadOnly
) const [protected]
Reads the UID of the default access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;

  • Access point does not exists.


TBool aIsWap
TBool * aReadOnly


void DoRemoveAPL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]
Removes the given access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory,

  • Server connection failure.

  • Lock already present by other task.

  • Access point does not exist.

  • Attempting to remove read-only records will result in KErrAccessDenied


TUint32 aUid The UID of the access point to remove.

DoSetAsDefaultL(TUint32, TCommsDbIspType)

void DoSetAsDefaultL ( TUint32 aUid,
TCommsDbIspType aIntendedType
) [protected]
Sets the default access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;

  • Access point does not exists.

  • Given Access Point is not of the desired type.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the access point to be set as default.
TCommsDbIspType aIntendedType The default type ( IAP, WAP, Both).

DoSetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL(TUint32, TCommDbConnectionDirection, TUint32, TCommDbDialogPref, TUint32, TBool)

void DoSetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL ( TUint32 aRank,
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection,
TUint32 aBearers,
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt,
TUint32 aIAP,
TBool aOverwrite
) [protected]
Sets the access point preference. Can be used only if the database type is IAP. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present; Can also leave with KErrAlreadyExists (if aOverWrite is EFalse ).


TUint32 aRank The ranking of the connection preference.
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection
TUint32 aBearers The bearer set beeing valid for this connection preference
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt Enum value indicating whether or not the user should be prompted or warned on connection
TUint32 aIAP The identifier of the preferred IAP for this connection.
TBool aOverwrite Boolean value indicating that if a same record present, overwrite it or not.

DoSetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL(TUint32, TCommDbConnectionDirection, TUint32, TCommDbDialogPref, TUint32, TUint32, const TDesC &, TBool)

void DoSetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL ( TUint32 aRank,
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection,
TUint32 aBearers,
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt,
TUint32 aISP,
TUint32 aChargeCard,
const TDesC & aServiceType,
TBool aOverwrite
) [protected]
Sets the access point preference. Can be used only if the database type is ISP. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present; Can also leave with KErrAlreadyExists (if aOverWrite is EFalse ).


TUint32 aRank The ranking of the connection preference.
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection
TUint32 aBearers The bearer set beeing valid for this connection preference
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt Enum value indicating whether or not the user should be prompted or warned on connection
TUint32 aISP The identifier of the preferred ISP for this connection.
TUint32 aChargeCard Identifier of the preferred chargecard for this connection.
const TDesC & aServiceType The type of the service.
TBool aOverwrite Boolean value indicating that if a same record present, overwrite it or not.

DoUpdateAccessPointDataL(CApAccessPointItem &, TBool, TBool &)

TUint32 DoUpdateAccessPointDataL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem,
TBool aIsNew,
TBool & aNameChanged
) [protected]

Writes the data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data
TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
TBool & aNameChanged

EtelSpeed2ApL(CApAccessPointItem &)

void EtelSpeed2ApL ( CApAccessPointItem & aItem ) [protected]

Converts commsdb speed values to TApCallSpeed


CApAccessPointItem & aItem


TUint32 GetLocationIdL ( ) [protected]

Gets the location record ID

GetModemBearerIDL(CApAccessPointItem &)

TUint32 GetModemBearerIDL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Gets the modem record ID


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

GetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL(TUint32, TCommDbConnectionDirection, TUint32 &, TUint32 &, TUint32 &)

IMPORT_C void GetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL ( TUint32 aRank,
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection,
TUint32 & aBearers,
TUint32 & aPrompt,
TUint32 & aIAP
Gets the access point preference. Can be used only if the database type is IAP. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;


TUint32 aRank The ranking of the desired connection preference.
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection
TUint32 & aBearers The bearer set beeing valid for this connection preference
TUint32 & aPrompt Enum value indicating whether or not the user should be prompted or warned on connection
TUint32 & aIAP The identifier of the preferred IAP for this connection preference.

GetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL(TUint32, TCommDbConnectionDirection, TUint32 &, TUint32 &, TUint32 &, TUint32 &)

IMPORT_C const TDesC & GetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL ( TUint32 aRank,
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection,
TUint32 & aBearers,
TUint32 & aPrompt,
TUint32 & aISP,
TUint32 & aChargeCard
Gets the access point preference. Can be used only if the database type is ISP. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;


TUint32 aRank The ranking of the desired connection preference.
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection
TUint32 & aBearers The bearer set beeing valid for this connection preference
TUint32 & aPrompt Enum value indicating whether or not the user should be prompted or warned on connection
TUint32 & aISP The identifier of the preferred ISP for this connection preference.
TUint32 & aChargeCard Identifier of the preferred chargecard for this connection preference.

HandleBearerChangeIfNeededL(CApAccessPointItem &)

TBool HandleBearerChangeIfNeededL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Handles the bearer change related things (deleting old links, inserting new ones if needed in the database). Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point data will not be changed.


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem holding the CHANGED data.

NewLC(CCommsDatabase &)

IMPORT_C CApDataHandler * NewLC ( CCommsDatabase & aDb ) [static]

Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure, places instance on cleanup stack.


CCommsDatabase & aDb a reference to a CCommsDataBase object.

ProtocolL(CApAccessPointItem &)

TUint32 ProtocolL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Returns the protocol for the passed item


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem An access point item

ReadDialInOutDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadDialInOutDataL ( TUint32 aIspId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads the DialIn/Out ISP data from the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aIspId The UID of the record in the Dialup table to read the data from.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadGprsDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadGprsDataL ( TUint32 aIspId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads the GPRS data from the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aIspId The UID of the record in the GPRS table to read the data from.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadIapDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadIapDataL ( TUint32 aIapId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads the IAP part of the data from the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aIapId The UID of the record in the IAP table to read the data.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadIspDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadIspDataL ( TUint32 aIspId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads the ISP part of the data from the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aIspId The UID of the record in the ISP table to read the data.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadLanDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadLanDataL ( TUint32 aIspId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads the LAN data from the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aIspId The UID of the record in the LAN table to read the data from.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadModemBearerNameL(CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadModemBearerNameL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Reads up the name of the LAN/Modem bearer record


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

ReadNetworkDataL(CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadNetworkDataL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Reads up the network data of an access point


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A CApAccessPointItem passed by reference holding the current access point data.

ReadNetworkL(TUint32, CApNetworkItem &)

IMPORT_C void ReadNetworkL ( TUint32 aUid,
CApNetworkItem & aNetwork

Reads up a network Network is identified by passed uid


TUint32 aUid
CApNetworkItem & aNetwork

ReadNetworkPartL(CApAccessPointItem &)

IMPORT_C void ReadNetworkPartL ( CApAccessPointItem & aItem )

Reads up a network part of the access point Network is identified by the iNetworkId of the passed access point


CApAccessPointItem & aItem

ReadProxyDataL(CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadProxyDataL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem ) [protected]

Reads up the proxy data of an access point


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A CApAccessPointItem passed by reference holding the current access point data.

ReadServiceIp6L(CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadServiceIp6L ( CCommsDbTableView & ispt,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads up CSD/GPRS IPv6 parts of an access point. Leaves if it is not persent in the database


CCommsDbTableView & ispt
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

ReadServiceL(CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadServiceL ( CCommsDbTableView & ispt,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads up common IP & PPP SERVICE data parts of an access point. Leaves if it is not persent in the database


CCommsDbTableView & ispt
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

ReadVpnInfoL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadVpnInfoL ( TUint32 aIspId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads up the VPN bearer type info in case of a VPN access point In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aIspId The UID of the record in the VPN table to read the data from.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadWapDataL(TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadWapDataL ( TUint32 aWapId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Reads the WAP part of the data from the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aWapId The UID of the Access Point to read the data from.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem to hold the data

ReadWlanL(CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)

void ReadWlanL ( CCommsDbTableView & lant,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Gets the local variant value


CCommsDbTableView & lant
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem


IMPORT_C void RemoveAPL ( TUint32 aUid )
Removes the given access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory,

  • Server connection failure.

  • Lock already present by other task.

  • Access point does not exist.

  • Attempting to remove read-only records will result in KErrAccessDenied


TUint32 aUid The UID of the access point to remove.

RemoveGprsL(TUint32, TBool)

void RemoveGprsL ( TUint32 aUid,
TBool aOut
) [protected]

Removes the GPRS part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the GPRS part of the access point to remove.
TBool aOut


void RemoveIapL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]

Removes the IAP part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the IAP part of the access point to remove.

RemoveIspL(TUint32, TBool)

void RemoveIspL ( TUint32 aUid,
TBool aOut
) [protected]

Removes the ISP part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the ISP part of the access point to remove.
TBool aOut TBool indicating whether Dial out or dial in ISP.


void RemoveLanL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]

Removes the LAN part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the LAN part of the access point to remove.


void RemoveNetworkDataL ( TUint32 aIspId ) [protected]

Removes the network data


TUint32 aIspId The record ID to remove


IMPORT_C void RemoveNetworkL ( TUint32 aUid )
Removes the given network group from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, network group will not be removed. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory,

  • Server connection failure.

  • Lock already present by other task.

  • network group does not exist.

  • Attempting to remove read-only records will result in KErrAccessDenied


TUint32 aUid The UID of the network group to remove.

RemoveProxyDataL(HBufC *, TUint32)

void RemoveProxyDataL ( HBufC * aServiceType,
TUint32 aIspId
) [protected]

Removes a proxy data


HBufC * aServiceType The service type to remove for
TUint32 aIspId The service record ID


void RemoveWapApL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]

Removes the WAP_ACCESS_POINT table part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the access point to remove.


void RemoveWapBearerApL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]

Removes the WAP_BEARER table part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the access point to remove.


void RemoveWlanL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]

Removes the WLAN part of the access point from the database. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, access point will not be removed.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the LAN part of the access point to remove.

SetAsDefaultL(TUint32, TCommsDbIspType)

IMPORT_C void SetAsDefaultL ( TUint32 aUid,
TCommsDbIspType aIntendedType
Sets the default access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present;

  • Access point does not exists.

  • Given Access Point is not of the desired type.


TUint32 aUid The UID of the access point to be set as default.
TCommsDbIspType aIntendedType The default type ( IAP, WAP, Both).


void SetDefaultIapIspL ( TUint32 aUid ) [protected]

Sets the default IAP & ISP records in Global Settings. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TUint32 aUid

SetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL(TUint32, TCommDbConnectionDirection, TUint32, TCommDbDialogPref, TUint32, TBool)

IMPORT_C void SetPreferredIfDbIapTypeL ( TUint32 aRank,
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection,
TUint32 aBearers,
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt,
TUint32 aIAP,
TBool aOverwrite
Sets the access point preference. Can be used only if the database type is IAP. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present; Can also leave with KErrAlreadyExists (if aOverWrite is EFalse ).


TUint32 aRank The ranking of the connection preference.
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection
TUint32 aBearers The bearer set being valid for this connection preference
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt Enum value indicating whether or not the user should be prompted or warned on connection
TUint32 aIAP The identifier of the preferred IAP for this connection.
TBool aOverwrite Boolean value indicating that if a same record present, overwrite it or not.

SetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL(TUint32, TCommDbConnectionDirection, TUint32, TCommDbDialogPref, TUint32, TUint32, const TDesC &, TBool)

IMPORT_C void SetPreferredIfDbIspTypeL ( TUint32 aRank,
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection,
TUint32 aBearers,
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt,
TUint32 aISP,
TUint32 aChargeCard,
const TDesC & aServiceType,
TBool aOverwrite
Sets the access point preference. Can be used only if the database type is ISP. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, leaves with CommsDb or system error codes. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory;

  • Server connection failure;

  • Lock already present; Can also leave with KErrAlreadyExists (if aOverWrite is EFalse ).


TUint32 aRank The ranking of the connection preference.
TCommDbConnectionDirection aDirection
TUint32 aBearers The bearer set beeing valid for this connection preference
TCommDbDialogPref aPrompt Enum value indicating whether or not the user should be prompted or warned on connection
TUint32 aISP The identifier of the preferred ISP for this connection.
TUint32 aChargeCard Identifier of the preferred chargecard for this connection.
const TDesC & aServiceType The type of the service.
TBool aOverwrite Boolean value indicating that if a same record is present, overwrite it or not.

UpdateAccessPointDataL(CApAccessPointItem &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C void UpdateAccessPointDataL ( CApAccessPointItem & aApItem,
TBool & aNameChanged
Updates data stored in an existing access point. Expects that CApDataHandler has been created and the database had been opened. In case of error, no data is stored. Error conditions:
  • Insufficient memory

  • Server connection failure

  • Lock already present by other task

  • Uid does not exists.

  • Attempting to update read-only records will result in KErrAccessDenied


CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A reference to a CApAccessPointItem holding the data
TBool & aNameChanged a reference to a TBool that will indicate whether the name has changed or not.

WriteCsdDataL(TBool, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteCsdDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the CSD isp data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes. Leaves with KErrNotSupported if (HS)CSD bearer type is not supported.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteGprsDataL(TBool, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteGprsDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the Gprs data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteIapDataL(TBool, TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteIapDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
TUint32 aIapId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the IAP part of the data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
TUint32 aIapId The UID of the IAP Access Point record to update. Used only if aIsNew EFalse.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteIspDataL(TBool, TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteIspDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
TUint32 aIspId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the ISP part of the data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
TUint32 aIspId The UID of the ISP Access Point record to update. Used only if aIsNew EFalse.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteLanDataL(TBool, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteLanDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the LAN data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteNetworkDataL(TBool, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteNetworkDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the network data of an access point


TBool aIsNew Boolean stating whether the access point is new
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A CApAccessPointItem passed by reference holding the current access point data. It's record ID's will be updated if needed (in case it is a new item )

WriteProxyDataL(TBool, const CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteProxyDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
const CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the proxy data of an access point


TBool aIsNew Boolean stating whether the access point is new
const CApAccessPointItem & aApItem A CApAccessPointItem passed by reference holding the current access point data. It's record ID's will be updated if needed (in case it is a new item )

WriteServiceIp6L(CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteServiceIp6L ( CCommsDbTableView & ispt,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the IPv6 parts of an access point. Leaves if it is not persent in the database


CCommsDbTableView & ispt
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

WriteServiceL(CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteServiceL ( CCommsDbTableView & aTable,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes common IP & PPP SERVICE data parts of an access point. Leaves if it is not persent in the database


CCommsDbTableView & aTable
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

WriteWapApDataL(TBool, TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteWapApDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
TUint32 aWapId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the WAP AP part of the data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
TUint32 aWapId The UID of the WAP Access Point record to update. Used only if aIsNew EFalse.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteWapBearerDataL(TBool, TUint32, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteWapBearerDataL ( TBool aIsNew,
TUint32 aWapId,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the WAP bearer part of the data to the database. In case of error, leaves with CommDb error codes.


TBool aIsNew A Boolean indicating whether it is a new record or it is an update operation.
TUint32 aWapId The UID of the WAP Access Point record to update. Used only if aIsNew EFalse.
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem Reference to a CApAccessPointItem which holds the data

WriteWlanL(CCommsDbTableView &, CApAccessPointItem &)

void WriteWlanL ( CCommsDbTableView & aTable,
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem
) [protected]

Writes the WLAN parts of an access point. Leaves if it is not persent in the database


CCommsDbTableView & aTable
CApAccessPointItem & aApItem

Member Data Documentation

CCommsDatabase * iDb

CCommsDatabase * iDb [private]

THandlerExtra * iExt

THandlerExtra * iExt [private]