CLocSettingsUiClient Class Reference

class CLocSettingsUiClient : public CBase

Client side resource class to launch Location settings UI.

Client side interface class used by all clients to launch Location settings UIs. For UI applications the settings UIs can be launched as embedded application. Frameworks can launch the settings UIs in a separate UI server.

The client application / framework can also cancel the launched settings UI by calling the Cancel method.

S60 v3.1

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CLocSettingsUiClient ( ) [private]

C++ Default Constructor


~CLocSettingsUiClient ( ) [virtual]

C++ Destructor

S60 v3.1

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TInt CancelLaunchedSettingsUi ( )

Cancels an already launched settings UI.

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IMPORT_C TInt ClosePosSettings ( )

Closes an already launched Positioning Settings UI.

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void ConstructL ( ) [private]

Second phase of Two phase construction

LaunchPosSettingsAsEmbeddedAppL(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchPosSettingsAsEmbeddedAppL ( TRequestStatus & aStatus )

Launch Positioning Settings UI as an embedded application. The API is used to launch Positioning Settings UI. his is expected to be used by UI applications. There can be only one outstanding Launch request at any instant of time. This is an asynchronous function. If a session is already running then the function leaves with KErrInUse.

S60 v3.2


TRequestStatus & aStatus Request status. On completion contains: KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.

LaunchPosSettingsL(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchPosSettingsL ( TRequestStatus & aStatus )

Launch Positioning Settings UI. The API is used to launch Positioning Settings UI. It is expected to be used by Framework executables that do not have a UI environment. There can be only one outstanding Launch request at any instant of time. This is an asynchronous function. If a session is already running then the function leaves with KErrInUse.

S60 v3.2


TRequestStatus & aStatus Request status. On completion contains: KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.

LaunchSettingsUiAsEmbeddedAppL(TUid, TInt, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchSettingsUiAsEmbeddedAppL ( TUid aImplementationUid,
TInt aParams,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Launch a Settings UI as an embedded application. The API is used to launch a settings UI as an embeded. This is expected to be used by UI applications. There can be only one outstanding Launch request at any instant of time. This is an asynchronous function.

S60 v3.1


TUid aImplementationUid The ECOM Implementation UID of the settings UI ECOM plug-in that has to be launched.
TInt aParams Opaque parameters that is handed over to the Settings UI. Flags that define specific configuration of the Settings UI, that the user of the API wants to launch. The interpretation of these flag values is a part of the understanding between the API user and the Settings UI
TRequestStatus & aStatus Request status. On completion contains: KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.

LaunchSettingsUiAsEmbeddedAppL(TUid, const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchSettingsUiAsEmbeddedAppL ( TUid aImplementationUid,
const TDesC & aParamsString,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Launch a Settings UI as an embedded application. The API is used to launch a settings UI as an embeded. This is expected to be used by UI applications. There can be only one outstanding Launch request at any instant of time. This is an asynchronous function.

S60 v9.2


TUid aImplementationUid The ECOM Implementation UID of the settings UI ECOM plug-in that has to be launched.
const TDesC & aParamsString Opaque parameters that is handed over to the Settings UI. This allows the API user to pass buffer to the Settings UI. The interpretation of this buffer is the part of the understanding between the API user and the Settings UI
TRequestStatus & aStatus Request status. On completion contains: KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.

LaunchSettingsUiL(TUid, TInt, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchSettingsUiL ( TUid aImplementationUid,
TInt aParams,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Launch a Settings UI in an ui app server. The API is used to launch a settings UI. It is expected to be used by Framework executables that do not have a UI environment. There can be only one outstanding Launch request at any instant of time. This is an asynchronous function. If a session is already running then the function leaves with KErrInUse.

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TUid aImplementationUid The ECOM Implementation UID of the settings UI ECOM plug-in that has to be launched.
TInt aParams Opaque parameters that is handed over to the Settings UI. Flags that define specific configuration of the Settings UI, that the user of the API wants to launch. The interpretation of these flag values is a part of the understanding between the API user and the Settings UI
TRequestStatus & aStatus Request status. On completion contains: KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.

LaunchSettingsUiL(TUid, const TDesC &, TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C void LaunchSettingsUiL ( TUid aImplementationUid,
const TDesC & aParamsString,
TRequestStatus & aStatus

Launch a Settings UI in an ui app server. The API is used to launch a settings UI. It is expected to be used by Framework executables that do not have a UI environment. There can be only one outstanding Launch request at any instant of time. This is an asynchronous function. If a session is already running then the function leaves with KErrInUse.

S60 v9.2


TUid aImplementationUid The ECOM Implementation UID of the settings UI ECOM plug-in that has to be launched.
const TDesC & aParamsString Opaque parameters that is handed over to the Settings UI. This allows the API user to pass buffer to the Settings UI. The interpretation of this buffer is the part of the understanding between the API user and the Settings UI
TRequestStatus & aStatus Request status. On completion contains: KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C CLocSettingsUiClient * NewL ( ) [static]

Two Phase constructor

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IMPORT_C CLocSettingsUiClient * NewLC ( ) [static]

Two Phase constructor. Leaves the allocated object on the Clean-up stack

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Member Data Documentation

CEikonEnv * iCEikonEnv

CEikonEnv * iCEikonEnv [private]

Reference to the UI environment from where this client is launched. It will be NULL if the Client Application is launched from frameworks

CLocLaunchUiAO * iLaunchUiAO

CLocLaunchUiAO * iLaunchUiAO [private]

Active Object to initiate asynchronous requests Owns

RLocSettingsUiService * iLocService

RLocSettingsUiService * iLocService [private]

Handle to the Client side resource to the Settings UI Server Owns

TAny * iReserved

TAny * iReserved [private]

Unused variable for future expansion.