CEikonEnv Class Reference

class CEikonEnv : public CCoeEnv

An environment for creating controls and utility functions for manipulating them.

Every GUI application is provided with an instance of CEikonEnv by the framework, which can be accessed through either CEikonEnv::Static() or the iEikonEnv macro of CEikApplication .

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
CEikonEnv ()
~CEikonEnv ()
IMPORT_C void AddAlertDialogLikeControlToStackL ( CCoeControl *)
IMPORT_C void AddAppUiFactoryL ( MEikAppUiFactory *)
IMPORT_C void AddAutoMenuTitleL (CEikAutoMenuTitle *)
IMPORT_C void AddDialogLikeControlToStackL ( CCoeControl *)
IMPORT_C TInt AddLibraryL ( TCreateByTypeFunction , TFileName *)
TInt AddLibraryL ( TCreateByTypeFunction )
TInt AddLibraryL ( TFileName *)
IMPORT_C void AddPictureFactoryL ( MEikPictureFactory &)
IMPORT_C void AddSleepingAlertDialogToStackL ( CCoeControl *)
IMPORT_C void AddSleepingDialogToStackL ( CCoeControl *)
IMPORT_C void AddWindowShadow ( CCoeControl *)
const MEikAlertWin * Alert ()
IMPORT_C void AlertWin (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void AlertWin (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void AllocInfoMsg ()
IMPORT_C const CFont * AnnotationFont ()
IMPORT_C CEikAppServer * AppServer ()
IMPORT_C MEikAppUiFactory * AppUiFactory ()
IMPORT_C MEikAppUiFactory * AppUiFactory (const CEikAppUi &)
TLanguage ApplicationLanguage ()
CEikAutoMenuTitleArray * AutoMenuTitleArray ()
IMPORT_C void Beep ()
IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * Bitmap ( TUid )
IMPORT_C void BringForwards ( TBool , TInt )
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgCancel ()
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL (const TDesC &, TGulAlignment )
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL (const TDesC &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 )
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL (const TDesC &, TGulAlignment , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 )
IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( TInt , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 )
MEikCDlgDialogFactory * CDlgDialogFactory ()
IMPORT_C RAnimDll & ClockDllL ()
TRgb Color ( TLogicalColor )
CColorList & ColorList ()
IMPORT_C TBool ConfirmLossOfAllChangesL ()
IMPORT_C void ConstructAppFromCommandLineL (const TApaApplicationFactory &, const CApaCommandLine &)
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ()
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( TBool , TInt )
TInt ConstructorError ()
IMPORT_C TRgb ControlColor ( TLogicalColor , const CCoeControl &)
CArrayFix < TCreateByTypeFunction > * ControlFactoryFuncArray ()
IMPORT_C void ControlStackReadyL ()
IMPORT_C CWsBitmap * CreateBitmapL (const TDesC &, TInt )
IMPORT_C CWsBitmap * CreateBitmapL (const TDesC &, TInt , TBool )
IMPORT_C CGulIcon * CreateIconFromMaskedBitmapL (const CApaMaskedBitmap &)
IMPORT_C CGulIcon * CreateIconL (const TDesC &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C CColorList * CreateSystemColorListL ()
IMPORT_C CColorList * CreateSystemColorListL (const CColorList &)
CColorArray & CustomColorArray ()
IMPORT_C TDisplayMode DefaultDisplayMode ()
IMPORT_C const CFont * DenseFont ()
IMPORT_C void DestroyEnvironment ()
IMPORT_C void DismissTaskList ()
IMPORT_C void DisplayTaskList ()
IMPORT_C void DoGetErrorText ( TDes &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TErrorValidity DoGetErrorTextAndTitle ( TDes &, TInt , TInt &, TUint &, TDes &, TBool )
IMPORT_C TBool DocNameIsAFile ()
IMPORT_C void DrawCursor (const CCoeControl *, const TPoint &, TInt )
IMPORT_C void DrawCursor (const CCoeControl *, const TPoint &, TInt , TInt , TInt )
TInt EditableControlStandardHeight ()
CEikAppUi * EikAppUi ()
IMPORT_C MEikPictureFactory * ExtendedPictureFactory ( TUid )
CBase * Extension ()
MEikFileDialogFactory * FileDialogFactory ()
IMPORT_C const CFont * Font (const TLogicalFont &)
IMPORT_C void FservAllocInfoMsg ()
IMPORT_C void GetErrorText ( TDes &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TErrorValidity GetErrorText ( TDes &, TInt , TUid )
IMPORT_C TErrorValidity GetErrorTextAndTitle ( TDes &, TInt , TDes &)
IMPORT_C void GetPrinterNamesL ( CPrinterModelList *, CDesCArray &)
IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * GrayBitmap ()
IMPORT_C void HandleError ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void HandleErrorWithContext ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void HideCursor (const CCoeControl *)
IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * HighlightedOptionBitmap ()
IMPORT_C MEikInfoDialog * InfoDialog ()
IMPORT_C void InfoMsg (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void InfoMsg ( TInt , ...)
IMPORT_C void InfoMsg ( TInt , VA_LIST )
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgCancel ()
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignment ( TGulAlignment , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignment ( TGulAlignment , TInt , ...)
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignment ( TGulAlignment , TInt , VA_LIST )
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration ( TGulAlignment , const TDesC &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 )
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration ( TGulAlignment , TInt , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 , ...)
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration ( TGulAlignment , TInt , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 , VA_LIST )
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithDuration (const TDesC &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 )
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithDuration ( TInt , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 , ...)
IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithDuration ( TInt , TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 , VA_LIST )
IMPORT_C void InfoWinL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void InfoWinL ( TInt , TInt )
void InitSystemBitmapsL ()
MEikIrFactory * IrFactory ()
IMPORT_C TBool IsBusy ()
TBool IsEiksrvThread ()
IMPORT_C TBool IsSystem ()
IMPORT_C TPtrC KeyPressLabel ( TInt )
IMPORT_C MLafEnv & LafEnv ()
IMPORT_C void LaunchPopupMenuL ( TInt , const TPoint &, TPopupTargetPosType , const CEikHotKeyTable *)
IMPORT_C void LeaveWithErrorContext ( TInt , const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C void LeaveWithInfoMsg ( TInt , ...)
IMPORT_C const CFont * LegendFont ()
IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer * NewDefaultCharFormatLayerL ()
IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * NewDefaultParaFormatLayerL ()
IMPORT_C CPrintSetup * NewDefaultPrintSetupL ()
IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * NewDefaultSingleLineParaFormatLayerL ()
IMPORT_C void NotifyIdleError ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void NotifyIdleErrorWhileRedrawing ( TInt )
TChar NudgeCharMinus ()
TChar NudgeCharPlus ()
IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * OptionBitmap ()
IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * OptionMaskBitmap ()
IMPORT_C MPictureFactory * PictureFactory ()
IMPORT_C CColorList * PopulateColorArrayL ()
void PostAppUiDestroy ()
void PostAppUiInitializeL ()
MEikPrintDialogFactory * PrintDialogFactory ()
CEikProcess * Process ()
IMPORT_C MEikInfoDialog * QueryDialog ()
IMPORT_C TBool QueryWinL (const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TBool QueryWinL ( TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemoveAppUiFactory ()
IMPORT_C void RemoveFromStack ( CCoeControl *)
IMPORT_C void RemoveLibrary ( TCreateByTypeFunction , TInt )
void RemoveLibrary ( TCreateByTypeFunction )
void RemoveLibrary ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void RemovePictureFactory ( TUid )
IMPORT_C void ResolveError ( TInt , TUid )
IMPORT_C TBool RespondsToShutdownEvent ()
IMPORT_C TBool RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent ()
IMPORT_C void RouseSleepingDialog ( CCoeControl *, TBool )
IMPORT_C void SendEventToEikonServer ( TInt , const TAny *, TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetAlertWin ( MEikAlertWin *)
IMPORT_C void SetAppUiFactoryL ( MEikAppUiFactory *)
IMPORT_C void SetAutoForwarding ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetBusy ( TBool )
void SetCDlgDialogFactory ( MEikCDlgDialogFactory *)
void SetColor ( TLogicalColor , TRgb )
IMPORT_C void SetDebugKeys ( MEikDebugKeys *)
IMPORT_C void SetDocNameIsAFile ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetExtension ( CBase *)
void SetFileDialogFactory ( MEikFileDialogFactory *)
IMPORT_C void SetInfoDialog ( MEikInfoDialog *)
void SetIrFactory (MEikIrFactory *)
void SetPrintDialogFactory ( MEikPrintDialogFactory *)
IMPORT_C void SetQueryDialog ( MEikInfoDialog *)
IMPORT_C void SetRequestInfoDialogFunc ( TRequestDialogFunc )
IMPORT_C void SetRequestQueryDialogFunc ( TRequestDialogFunc )
IMPORT_C void SetRespondsToShutdownEvent ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent ( TBool )
void SetStatusPaneCoreResId ( TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetSystem ( TBool )
IMPORT_C void SetVerboseInfoReporting ( TBool )
IMPORT_C TBool StartedAsServerApp ()
CEikonEnv * Static ()
TInt StatusPaneCoreResId ()
IMPORT_C const CFont * SymbolFont ()
IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer * SystemCharFormatLayerL ()
IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * SystemParaFormatLayerL ()
IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * SystemSingleLineParaFormatLayerL ()
IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * TexturedBitmap ()
IMPORT_C const CFont * TitleFont ()
void UpdateColorListL ()
IMPORT_C void UpdateSystemColorListL (const CColorList &)
IMPORT_C void UpdateSystemFontsL ()
IMPORT_C void UpdateTaskNameL ()
IMPORT_C void VerboseInfoMsg (const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TVersion Version ()
IMPORT_C TEikVirtualCursor & VirtualCursor ()
IMPORT_C void WriteInternalStateOfStackedControlsL ()
IMPORT_C void WservAllocInfoMsg ()
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_1 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_10 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_2 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_3 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_4 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_5 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_6 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_7 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_8 ()
IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_9 ()
void CloseLibraries ()
IMPORT_C void DestroyScreen ()
void DoHandleError ( TErrorHandlerResponse )
void ErrorContextL ( TInt , const TDesC &)
TInt IdleErrorCallBack ( TAny *)
TBool InfoWinOrQueryWinL ( TInt , TInt , TBool )
void InitAlertWinL ()
void InitColorSchemeL ()
void InitDebugKeysL ()
void InitInfoMsgL ()
void InitPrivateResourceFileL ()
IMPORT_C void InitSystemFontsL ()
void InitSystemResourceFileL ()
void LoadLibrariesL ()
void LoadParserListL ()
void PrepareBusyMsgL ()
TErrorHandlerResponse PrepareToHandleError ( TInt )
TRequestDialogFunc RequestInfoDialogFunc ()
TRequestDialogFunc RequestQueryDialogFunc ()
IMPORT_C TInt ResourceFileVersionNumber ()
void SetAppReady ()
void SetCommandLineDebugMemFailL (const CApaCommandLine &)
void StoreAppLanguageL (const RApaLsSession &)
Inherited Functions
CActive::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CCoeEnv::AddFepObserverL(MCoeFepObserver &)
CCoeEnv::AddFocusObserverL(MCoeFocusObserver &)
CCoeEnv::AddForegroundObserverL(MCoeForegroundObserver &)
CCoeEnv::AddMessageMonitorObserverL(MCoeMessageMonitorObserver &)
CCoeEnv::AddMessageObserverL(MCoeMessageObserver &)
CCoeEnv::AddObserverOfLoadedFepL(MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep &)
CCoeEnv::AddResourceChangeObserverL(MCoeResourceChangeObserver &)
CCoeEnv::AddResourceFileL(const TDesC &)
CCoeEnv::AddStatic(CCoeStatic *)
CCoeEnv::AvailableFepsL(RArray< TUid > &,CDesCArray *)
CCoeEnv::CreateDeviceFontL(CGraphicsDevice *,const TFontSpec &)
CCoeEnv::CreateResourceReaderLC(TResourceReader &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::CreateScreenFontL(const TFontSpec &)
CCoeEnv::Format128(TDes &,TInt,...)
CCoeEnv::Format256(TDes &,TInt,...)
CCoeEnv::GetMessageNotifyingObserversLC(TUint32,TUid &,TPtr8 &,const TWsEvent &)
CCoeEnv::InitViewServerSessionL(MVwsSessionWrapperObserver &)
CCoeEnv::InstallFepL(TUid,const TBool)
CCoeEnv::LeaveWithErrorText(const TDesC &,const TDesC *)
CCoeEnv::NotifyMessageMonitorObserversOfEvent(const TWsEvent &)
CCoeEnv::ReadResource(TDes &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes16(TDes16 &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes16L(TDes16 &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes8(TDes8 &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::ReadResourceAsDes8L(TDes8 &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::ReadResourceL(TDes &,TInt)const
CCoeEnv::ReleaseScreenFont(CFont *)const
CCoeEnv::RemoveFepObserver(MCoeFepObserver &)
CCoeEnv::RemoveFocusObserver(MCoeFocusObserver &)
CCoeEnv::RemoveForegroundObserver(MCoeForegroundObserver &)
CCoeEnv::RemoveMessageMonitorObserver(MCoeMessageMonitorObserver &)
CCoeEnv::RemoveMessageObserver(MCoeMessageObserver &)
CCoeEnv::RemoveObserverOfLoadedFep(MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep &)
CCoeEnv::RemoveResourceChangeObserver(MCoeResourceChangeObserver &)
CCoeEnv::SetAppUi(CCoeAppUi *)
CCoeEnv::SetZoomFactor(const TZoomFactor &)
CCoeEnv::SimulateKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent &,TEventCode)
CCoeEnv::SwapSystemGc(CWindowGc *)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TErrorValidity { EErrorNumValid , EErrorNumInvalid }
Inherited Enumerations
Private Attributes
MEikAlertWin * iAlertWin
TBool iAlertWinInitialized
CArrayFix < TEikAppUiFactory > * iAppUiFactoryArray
TInt iAutoLoadedControlFactories
TInt iAutoLoadedResourceFiles
CEikAutoMenuTitleArray * iAutoMenuTitleArray
CArrayPtrFlat < CFbsBitmap > * iBitmapArray
TInt iBusyCount
MEikBusyMsgWin * iBusyMsgWin
MEikCDlgDialogFactory * iCDlgDialogFactory
CCharFormatLayer * iCharFormatLayer
RAnimDll * iClockDll
CColorList * iColorList
CArrayFix < TCreateByTypeFunction > * iControlFactoryFuncArray
const CCoeControl * iCursorWindow
MEikDebugKeys * iDebugKeys
TInt iEditableControlStandardHeight
CEikEnvExtra * iEikEnvExtra
TBitFlags iEikonEnvFlags
TInt iEmbeddedAppLevel
CEikErrorIdler * iErrorIdler
CBase * iExtension
MEikFileDialogFactory * iFileDialogFactory
CArrayPtr < CLafSystemFont > * iFontArray
TInt iForwardsCount
MEikInfoDialog * iInfoDialog
TRequestDialogFunc iInfoDialogFunc
MEikInfoMsgWin * iInfoMsgWin
MEikIrFactory * iIrFactory
HBufC8 * iKeyPressLabels
CEikLafEnv * iLafEnv
CArrayPtr < CEikLibrary > * iLibraries
CEikLogicalBorderProxy * iLogicalBorderProxy
TBuf < 2 > iNudgeChars
HBufC * iOOMErrorText
CParaFormatLayer * iParaFormatLayer
CEikPictureFactory * iPictureFactory
MEikPrintDialogFactory * iPrintDialogFactory
TInt iPrivateResourceFileOffset
CEikProcess * iProcess
MEikInfoDialog * iQueryDialog
TRequestDialogFunc iQueryDialogFunc
CArrayFix < TInt > * iResourceFileOffsetArray
CParaFormatLayer * iSingleLineParaFormatLayer
TInt iSpare3
TInt iStatusPaneCoreResId
TInt iSystemResourceFileOffset
TEikVirtualCursor iVirtualCursor
CApaWindowGroupName * iWgName
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C CEikonEnv ( )

Default C++ constructor.

Allocates memory for the new CEikonEnv object; invoke using new(ELeave). The second phase constructor should be called after the constructor for the environment to be correctly initialised.


IMPORT_C ~CEikonEnv ( )


Frees any resources allocated by this CEikonEnv during construction.

Member Functions Documentation

AddAlertDialogLikeControlToStackL(CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void AddAlertDialogLikeControlToStackL ( CCoeControl * aControl )

Adds an alert dialog-like control (with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityAlert) to the control stack.

Alert dialogs are used to indicate errors to the user.

It leaves with no alert if a control with a priority between ECoeStackPriorityAlert and ECoeStackPriorityFep is already being displayed by the appUi.


CCoeControl * aControl The control to add.

AddAppUiFactoryL(MEikAppUiFactory *)

IMPORT_C void AddAppUiFactoryL ( MEikAppUiFactory * aAppUiFactory )


MEikAppUiFactory * aAppUiFactory

AddAutoMenuTitleL(CEikAutoMenuTitle *)

IMPORT_C void AddAutoMenuTitleL ( CEikAutoMenuTitle * aTitle )

Adds a menu title to the menu bar for all applications.

Takes ownership of aTitle at the end of the function. Push the CEikAutoMenuTitle object on the cleanup stack before calling this method, and pop it after.


CEikAutoMenuTitle * aTitle Menu title to add to all applications' menu bars.

AddDialogLikeControlToStackL(CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void AddDialogLikeControlToStackL ( CCoeControl * aControl )

Adds a dialog-like control (with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityDialog) to the control stack.

It leaves with no alert if a control with a priority between ECoeStackPriorityDialog and ECoeStackPriorityFep is already being displayed by the appUi.


CCoeControl * aControl The control to add.

AddLibraryL(TCreateByTypeFunction, TFileName *)

IMPORT_C TInt AddLibraryL ( TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory,
TFileName * aResourceFile

Adds the control factory and resource file to the Eikon Environment. This function does not add the control factory if it is NULL.


TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory Control factory that has to be added to the Eikon Environment.
TFileName * aResourceFile Resource file that has to be added to the Eikon Environment.


TInt AddLibraryL ( TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory ) [inline]


TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory

AddLibraryL(TFileName *)

TInt AddLibraryL ( TFileName * aResourceFile ) [inline]


TFileName * aResourceFile

AddPictureFactoryL(MEikPictureFactory &)

IMPORT_C void AddPictureFactoryL ( MEikPictureFactory & aFactory )

Adds the picture factory to the set of factories maintained by the Uikon environment.


MEikPictureFactory & aFactory The picture factory to add.

AddSleepingAlertDialogToStackL(CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void AddSleepingAlertDialogToStackL ( CCoeControl * aControl )

Adds a sleeping dialog to the control stack, with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityAlert.

Sleeping dialogs pre-allocate their resources - they are not initially visible.


CCoeControl * aControl The control to add.

AddSleepingDialogToStackL(CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void AddSleepingDialogToStackL ( CCoeControl * aControl )

Adds a sleeping dialog to the control stack, with a control stack priority of ECoeStackPriorityDialog.

Sleeping dialogs pre-allocate their resources - they are not initially visible.


CCoeControl * aControl The control to add.

AddWindowShadow(CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void AddWindowShadow ( CCoeControl * aWinArea ) [static]

Adds a window shadow of the standard height to a control.


CCoeControl * aWinArea


const MEikAlertWin * Alert ( ) const [inline]

AlertWin(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void AlertWin ( const TDesC & aMsg )

Displays the environment's alert window containing a single line message.


const TDesC & aMsg Message to be displayed in the alert window.

AlertWin(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void AlertWin ( const TDesC & aMsg1,
const TDesC & aMsg2

Displays an alert window with a brief message.


const TDesC & aMsg1 First line of the message.
const TDesC & aMsg2 Second line of the message.


IMPORT_C void AllocInfoMsg ( )

Constructs an allocation information message.

The message includes the total number of cells allocated on the current thread's heap and the total space allocated to them.


IMPORT_C const CFont * AnnotationFont ( ) const

Gets the standard annotation font for this environment.

It is highly recommended to use CCoeControl::ScreenFont() instead of this function.

CCoeControl::ScreenFont() CCoeFontProvider


IMPORT_C CEikAppServer * AppServer ( ) const

Gets required application server for running the application.


IMPORT_C MEikAppUiFactory * AppUiFactory ( ) const

Gets the application UI factory object.

This object implements the MEikAppUiFactory interface.

AppUiFactory(const CEikAppUi &)

IMPORT_C MEikAppUiFactory * AppUiFactory ( const CEikAppUi & aAppUi ) const

Gets the application UI factory object for the specified app UI.

If the specified app UI does not exist in this environment, the function returns NULL. Otherwise the function returns an object which implements the MEikAppUiFactory interface.


const CEikAppUi & aAppUi The app UI for this application.


TLanguage ApplicationLanguage ( ) const


CEikAutoMenuTitleArray * AutoMenuTitleArray ( ) const [inline]


IMPORT_C void Beep ( ) [static]

Emits a beep.

This method is deprecated.


IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * Bitmap ( TUid aUidBmp ) const

Gets the specified bitmap.

This function returns a bitmap from the list of bitmaps by using the UID as an index.


TUid aUidBmp The UID of the bitmap to retrieve.

BringForwards(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C void BringForwards ( TBool aForwards,
TInt aPriority = ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront

Repositions the root window group in the stacking hierarchy, or pushes it to the back.

Calls to this function are ignored if the autoforward flag is set to ETrue.


TBool aForwards ETrue to reposition the root window group at aPriority. EFalse to push the root window group to the back.
TInt aPriority = ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront If aForwards is ETrue then this argument determines where the root window group is placed in the stacking hierarchy.


IMPORT_C void BusyMsgCancel ( )

Cancels any existing busy message.

BusyMsgL(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( const TDesC & aDes )

Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen.


const TDesC & aDes Message to display.

BusyMsgL(const TDesC &, TGulAlignment)

IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( const TDesC & aDes,
TGulAlignment aCorner

Displays a flashing busy message in the specified corner of the screen.


const TDesC & aDes Message to display.
TGulAlignment aCorner Corner of the screen in which to display the message.


IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( TInt aResourceId )

Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen.

The message's text is read from resource.


TInt aResourceId ID of the resource that specifies the text to display.

BusyMsgL(const TDesC &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)

IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( const TDesC & aDes,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay

Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen for a specific amount of time.


const TDesC & aDes Message to display.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay Delay in microseconds before the message is first shown.

BusyMsgL(const TDesC &, TGulAlignment, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)

IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( const TDesC & aDes,
TGulAlignment aCorner,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay

Displays a flashing busy message for a specific amount of time in the corner of the screen indicated by aCorner.


const TDesC & aDes Message to display.
TGulAlignment aCorner Corner of the screen in which to display the message.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay Delay in microseconds before the message is first shown.

BusyMsgL(TInt, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)

IMPORT_C void BusyMsgL ( TInt aResourceId,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay

Displays a flashing busy message in the system default corner of the screen for a specific amount of time.

The message's text is read from resource.


TInt aResourceId The ID of a text resource specifying the message text.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay Delay in microseconds before the message is first shown.


MEikCDlgDialogFactory * CDlgDialogFactory ( ) const [inline]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_1 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_10 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_2 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_3 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_4 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_5 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_6 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_7 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_8 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C void CEikonEnv_Reserved_9 ( ) [private, virtual]


IMPORT_C RAnimDll & ClockDllL ( )

Gets the animated DLL that is used to animate the toolbar clock of the application using this CEikonEnv .


void CloseLibraries ( ) [private]

Deletes arrays of resource file offsets, Control Factory functions and libraries.


TRgb Color ( TLogicalColor aLogicalColor ) const [inline]

Gets the physical ( TRgb ) colour which corresponds to a logical colour.


TLogicalColor aLogicalColor A logical colour value.


CColorList & ColorList ( ) const [inline]

Gets the application's colour list.

The colour list provides member functions to retrieve and modify colours in the list, and to append new arrays of colours to the colour list.


IMPORT_C TBool ConfirmLossOfAllChangesL ( ) const

Displays a dialog asking the user to confirm that all changes will be lost to the current document, and returns the response.

ConstructAppFromCommandLineL(const TApaApplicationFactory &, const CApaCommandLine &)

IMPORT_C void ConstructAppFromCommandLineL ( const TApaApplicationFactory & aApplicationFactory,
const CApaCommandLine & aCommandLine

Initialises an application

Constructs a new application consisting of a CEikAppUi , a CEikApplication , and a CEikDocument . The new application starts with a new controlling process and runs in this Uikon environment. The new application is passed any command line file using the function CEikAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL() .



const TApaApplicationFactory & aApplicationFactory The factory to use to create the application
const CApaCommandLine & aCommandLine The command line used to initialise the new application.


IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( )

Second-phase constructor.

This calls the next overload with ETrue as the parameter.


IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( TBool aInitialFocusState )

Second-phase constructor.

Calls the next overload with a default window group ID which will be ignored.


TBool aInitialFocusState The window group's initial focus state. If ETrue, keyboard focus is enabled, if EFalse, keyboard focus is disabled.

ConstructL(TBool, TInt)

IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( TBool aInitialFocusState,
TInt aWindowGroupID

Second-phase constructor.


TBool aInitialFocusState The window group's initial focus state. If ETrue, keyboard focus is enabled, if EFalse, keyboard focus is disabled.
TInt aWindowGroupID The window group ID of the parent window


TInt ConstructorError ( ) const

ControlColor(TLogicalColor, const CCoeControl &)

IMPORT_C TRgb ControlColor ( TLogicalColor aLogicalColor,
const CCoeControl & aControl
) const

Gets the physical ( TRgb ) colour which corresponds to the logical colour specified from the application's colour list.

If the colour of the control specified in aControl has been overridden using CCoeControl::OverrideColorL() , this function will return the overridden colour.


TLogicalColor aLogicalColor A logical colour value.
const CCoeControl & aControl A pointer to the control itself.


CArrayFix < TCreateByTypeFunction > * ControlFactoryFuncArray ( ) const

Returns control factory function array (pointer)


IMPORT_C void ControlStackReadyL ( )

Called by the framework to finish environment construction once the control stack has been created and is ready.

CreateBitmapL(const TDesC &, TInt)

IMPORT_C CWsBitmap * CreateBitmapL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aId

Loads, allocates and returns a pointer to a bitmap loaded from a multi-bitmap file (.mbm).

If aFileName is an empty TDesC, then a default value of z:.mbm is used. If the default can't be found the alternative default location z:.mbm will be used. If a wildcard character ("*") is specified as the file name, the default application resource file will be used.

If the function leaves it will also display an error dialog to the user.


const TDesC & aFileName File name specifying the bitmap file to load.
TInt aId Number of the bitmap in the file.

CreateBitmapL(const TDesC &, TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C CWsBitmap * CreateBitmapL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aId,
TBool aShowDlgIfErr

Loads, allocates and returns a pointer to a bitmap loaded from a multi-bitmap file (.mbm).

If aFileName is an empty TDesC, then a default value of z:.mbm is used. If the default can't be found the alternative default location z:.mbm will be used. If a wildcard character ("*") is specified as the file name, the default application resource file will be used.


const TDesC & aFileName File name specifying the bitmap file to load.
TInt aId Number of the bitmap in the file.
TBool aShowDlgIfErr If true then the function will also display an error dialog if it leaves.

CreateIconFromMaskedBitmapL(const CApaMaskedBitmap &)

IMPORT_C CGulIcon * CreateIconFromMaskedBitmapL ( const CApaMaskedBitmap & aApaMaskedBitmap ) [static]

Creates an icon from a masked bitmap.

The icon is created by copying the image bitmap and mask from the masked bitmap aApaMaskedBitmap. It returns a pointer to the icon and transfers ownership to the caller.


const CApaMaskedBitmap & aApaMaskedBitmap The masked bitmap from which the icon is created.

CreateIconL(const TDesC &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C CGulIcon * CreateIconL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TInt aBitmapId,
TInt aMaskId =  KErrNotFound

Creates an icon.

The icon is created by loading the image bitmap identified by aBitmapId and the mask identified by aMaskId from the resource file aFileName. It returns a pointer to the icon and transfers ownership.


const TDesC & aFileName The resource file name. If this is zero, the Uikon resource file will be used. If the wildcard character ('*') is specified, the default application resource file will be used.
TInt aBitmapId The bitmap ID.
TInt aMaskId =  KErrNotFound The bitmap mask ID.


IMPORT_C CColorList * CreateSystemColorListL ( )

Creates and returns a system colour list, which is a palette of standard colours used by the system.

The list is read from a system colour scheme file. The function returns NULL if no such file can be found. In this case, clients are expected to create the list using some other means (typically from a resource file).

CreateSystemColorListL(const CColorList &)

IMPORT_C CColorList * CreateSystemColorListL ( const CColorList & aColorList )

Creates and returns a system colour list, which is a palette of standard colours used by the system, and merges it with the colour list specified. CColorList::AddColorArrayL() should be called before this function.


const CColorList & aColorList The color list to merge in.


CColorArray & CustomColorArray ( ) const [inline]

Gets the custom colour array.


IMPORT_C TDisplayMode DefaultDisplayMode ( ) const

Gets the default display mode for the window server session with the maximum possible number of colours.


IMPORT_C const CFont * DenseFont ( ) const

Gets the standard dense font for this environment.

It is highly recommended to use CCoeControl::ScreenFont() instead of this function.

CCoeControl::ScreenFont() CCoeFontProvider


IMPORT_C void DestroyEnvironment ( ) [virtual]

Framework function


IMPORT_C void DestroyScreen ( ) [private, virtual]

Framework function


IMPORT_C void DismissTaskList ( )

Causes the task list, if displayed, to be closed.


IMPORT_C void DisplayTaskList ( )

Displays tasks present in the Task List.

DoGetErrorText(TDes &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void DoGetErrorText ( TDes & aDes,
TInt aError
) const

Exported for testing only.


TDes & aDes
TInt aError

DoGetErrorTextAndTitle(TDes &, TInt, TInt &, TUint &, TDes &, TBool)

IMPORT_C TErrorValidity DoGetErrorTextAndTitle ( TDes & aErrorText,
TInt aError,
TInt & aTextId,
TUint & aFlags,
TDes & aTitleText,
TBool aIsMemoryAllocatedByErrResolver = EFalse
) const

N.B. This method is also called from the CTextResolver::DoResolveErrorStringL() in the textresolver.cpp, located in the tools/s60_header_compat component, part of the CoreOS agreement.


TDes & aErrorText On return, contains the error text.
TInt aError Error number.
TInt & aTextId Output parameter - Error Text Resource Id.
TUint & aFlags Output parameter - Error Resource Flag.
TDes & aTitleText On return, contains the title text of the error.
TBool aIsMemoryAllocatedByErrResolver = EFalse is mainly used by the CTextResolver::DoResolveErrorStringL() to indicate that memory for error text is unlimited, ie., the memory for the error text is allocated by the text resolver. By default it is EFalse.


void DoHandleError ( TErrorHandlerResponse aType ) [private]


TErrorHandlerResponse aType


IMPORT_C TBool DocNameIsAFile ( ) const

Tests whether the document name is a file.

DrawCursor(const CCoeControl *, const TPoint &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void DrawCursor ( const CCoeControl * aControl,
const TPoint & aPosition,
TInt aWidth

Calls the other overload of DrawCursor() using the environment's standard screen font for the cursor's ascent and height.


const CCoeControl * aControl Control to draw in.
const TPoint & aPosition Position of the cursor's baseline in the control's co-ordinate space.
TInt aWidth Cursor width.

DrawCursor(const CCoeControl *, const TPoint &, TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void DrawCursor ( const CCoeControl * aControl,
const TPoint & aPosition,
TInt aWidth,
TInt aAscent,
TInt aHeight

Draws the text cursor into a control with the specified position and width.

The cursor's height and ascent are by default suitable for this CEikonEnv's normal font. If aControl is not focused when this function is called, a panic is raised.


const CCoeControl * aControl Control to draw into.
const TPoint & aPosition Position of the cursor's baseline in the control's co-ordinate space.
TInt aWidth Cursor width.
TInt aAscent Cursor ascent.
TInt aHeight Cursor height.


TInt EditableControlStandardHeight ( ) const [inline]


CEikAppUi * EikAppUi ( ) const [inline]

Gets the application UI of the application using this CEikonEnv .

ErrorContextL(TInt, const TDesC &)

void ErrorContextL ( TInt aError,
const TDesC & aContextText
) [private]


TInt aError
const TDesC & aContextText


IMPORT_C MEikPictureFactory * ExtendedPictureFactory ( TUid aPictureType ) const

Gets a picture factory object in the environment which supports the specified picture type.

If none exists, then the function returns NULL.


TUid aPictureType The picture type.


CBase * Extension ( ) const [inline]

WARNING: For internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.


MEikFileDialogFactory * FileDialogFactory ( ) const [inline]

Font(const TLogicalFont &)

IMPORT_C const CFont * Font ( const TLogicalFont & aLogicalFont ) const

Gets the nearest match to the specified font.

It is highly recommended to use CCoeControl::ScreenFont() instead of this function.

CCoeControl::ScreenFont() CCoeFontProviderThe return value is never NULL.


const TLogicalFont & aLogicalFont The font for which a match is sought.


IMPORT_C void FservAllocInfoMsg ( )

Creates a file server allocation information message from resource.

The message indicates the number of resources currently open for the file server session.

GetErrorText(TDes &, TInt)

IMPORT_C void GetErrorText ( TDes & aDes,
TInt aError
) const

Gets the text for a standard error code.


TDes & aDes On return, contains the error text.
TInt aError Error code.

GetErrorText(TDes &, TInt, TUid)

IMPORT_C TErrorValidity GetErrorText ( TDes & aErrorText,
TInt aError,
TUid aAppUid
) const

Gets the text for an error code, in the specified application.

It returns whether the error code is valid or not.


TDes & aErrorText On return, contains the error text.
TInt aError Error number.
TUid aAppUid Application UID.

GetErrorTextAndTitle(TDes &, TInt, TDes &)

IMPORT_C TErrorValidity GetErrorTextAndTitle ( TDes & aErrorText,
TInt aError,
TDes & aTitleText
) const

Gets the text for an error code, in the specified application.

It returns whether the error code is valid or not.


TDes & aErrorText On return, contains the error text.
TInt aError Error number.
TDes & aTitleText On return, contains the title text of the error.

GetPrinterNamesL(CPrinterModelList *, CDesCArray &)

IMPORT_C void GetPrinterNamesL ( CPrinterModelList * aModelNameList,
CDesCArray & aPrinterNameList
) [static]

Gets the printer names from a CPrinterModelList .

The printer names are returned through aPrinterNameList.


CPrinterModelList * aModelNameList Input list of printer model information.
CDesCArray & aPrinterNameList On return, contains all the printer names from aModelNameList.


IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * GrayBitmap ( ) const


IMPORT_C void HandleError ( TInt aError ) [virtual]

Handles an error that has occurred in the application.

It first offers the error to the app UI's HandleError() function. If that does not handle it, this function displays an alert window or an info message containing some appropriate text, read from a system resource file.


TInt aError One of the standard system error codes.

HandleErrorWithContext(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void HandleErrorWithContext ( TInt aError,
TInt aContextResourceId

Handles the specified error.

This function reads the error context text from the resource identified by aContextResourceId.


TInt aError ID of the error to handle.
TInt aContextResourceId ID of the resource from which the context is read.

HideCursor(const CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void HideCursor ( const CCoeControl * aControl )

Removes the text cursor from a control.

In debug builds, a panic is raised when this function is called on a control which is not the cursor owner.


const CCoeControl * aControl Control owning the cursor.


IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * HighlightedOptionBitmap ( ) const

IdleErrorCallBack(TAny *)

TInt IdleErrorCallBack ( TAny * aThis ) [private, static]

Static callback function for use with Idle Object (iErrorIdler). Standard Symbian OS callback paradigm.


TAny * aThis Pointer to self, requires casting to call non-static function


IMPORT_C MEikInfoDialog * InfoDialog ( ) const

Gets the info dialog for this environment.

InfoMsg(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsg ( const TDesC & aDes )

Displays a message in the system default corner of the screen.

The message disappears after a few seconds.


const TDesC & aDes The message to display.

InfoMsg(TInt, ...)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsg ( TInt aResourceId,

Displays a message in the system default corner of the screen.

A TBUF resource string is used to build the message at run-time from arbitrary data in a similar way to C's printf(). The message disappears after a few seconds.


TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.

InfoMsg(TInt, VA_LIST)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsg ( TInt aResourceId,

Displays a message in the system default corner of the screen.

A TBUF resource string is used to build the message at run-time from arbitrary data in a similar way to C's printf(). The message disappears after a few seconds.


TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.
VA_LIST aList List of values to be formatted.


IMPORT_C void InfoMsgCancel ( )

Cancels the currently displaying information message.

InfoMsgWithAlignment(TGulAlignment, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignment ( TGulAlignment aCorner,
const TDesC & aDes

Displays a message in the specified corner of the screen.

The message disappears after a few seconds.


TGulAlignment aCorner The screen corner the message is displayed in.
const TDesC & aDes The message to display.

InfoMsgWithAlignment(TGulAlignment, TInt, ...)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignment ( TGulAlignment aCorner,
TInt aResourceId,

Displays a message in the specified corner of the screen.

The information message is built at run-time from a formatting string defined as a TBUF resource and a list of arbitrary data.


TGulAlignment aCorner The corner of the screen the message is displayed in.
TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.

InfoMsgWithAlignment(TGulAlignment, TInt, VA_LIST)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignment ( TGulAlignment aCorner,
TInt aResourceId,

Displays a message in the specified corner of the screen.

The information message is built at run-time from a formatting string defined as a TBUF resource and a list of arbitrary data.


TGulAlignment aCorner The corner of the screen the message is displayed in.
TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.
VA_LIST aList List of values to be formatted.

InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration(TGulAlignment, const TDesC &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration ( TGulAlignment aCorner,
const TDesC & aDes,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration

Displays an info message with a specified alignment for a specified period.

The text displayed is supplied in a descriptor argument, and aligned using the aCorner parameter.


TGulAlignment aCorner The screen corner the message is displayed in.
const TDesC & aDes Message to display.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration Duration of message.

InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration(TGulAlignment, TInt, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32, ...)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration ( TGulAlignment aCorner,
TInt aResourceId,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration,

Displays an info message with a specified alignment for a specified period.

The text displayed is supplied in a resource file, as a string with some formatting information for extra arguments. These extra arguments are supplied through the variable argument list which is also passed into this function. The text is aligned using the aCorner parameter.


TGulAlignment aCorner The screen corner the message is displayed in.
TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to contain the string.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration Duration of message.

InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration(TGulAlignment, TInt, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32, VA_LIST)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithAlignmentAndDuration ( TGulAlignment aCorner,
TInt aResourceId,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration,

Displays an info message with a specified alignment for a specified period.

The text displayed is supplied in a resource file, as a string with some formatting information. Values for the formatting information are supplied as extra arguments. These extra arguments are packaged in a VA_LIST object which is also passed into this function. The text is aligned using the aCorner parameter.


TGulAlignment aCorner The screen corner the message is displayed in.
TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to contain the string.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration Duration of message.
VA_LIST aList List of values.

InfoMsgWithDuration(const TDesC &, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithDuration ( const TDesC & aDes,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration

Displays an info message for a specified period.


const TDesC & aDes Message to display.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration Duration of message.

InfoMsgWithDuration(TInt, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32, ...)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithDuration ( TInt aResourceId,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration,

Displays an info message for a specified period.

The text displayed is supplied in a resource file, as a string with some formatting information for extra arguments. These extra arguments are supplied through the variable argument list which is also passed into this function.


TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration Duration of the message.

InfoMsgWithDuration(TInt, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32, VA_LIST)

IMPORT_C void InfoMsgWithDuration ( TInt aResourceId,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration,

Displays an info message for a specified period.

The text displayed is supplied in a resource file, as a string with some formatting information. Values for the formatting information are supplied as extra arguments. These extra arguments are packaged in a VA_LIST object which is also passed into this function.


TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration Duration of message.
VA_LIST aList List of values.

InfoWinL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void InfoWinL ( const TDesC & aFirstLine,
const TDesC & aSecondLine
) [static]

Displays a modal information dialog with the specified lines of text.


const TDesC & aFirstLine First line of dialog text.
const TDesC & aSecondLine Second line of dialog text.

InfoWinL(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void InfoWinL ( TInt aFirstLineId,
TInt aSecondLineId = 0
) const

Displays a modal information dialog with a one or two-line info message read from the passed resources.


TInt aFirstLineId ID of the resource describing the first line.
TInt aSecondLineId = 0 ID of the resource describing the second line.

InfoWinOrQueryWinL(TInt, TInt, TBool)

TBool InfoWinOrQueryWinL ( TInt aFirstLineId,
TInt aSecondLineId,
TBool aIsQueryWin = EFalse
) const [private]

Sets up query or info box text using IDs to read from resource file. Calls QueryWinL or InfoWinL according to final param CEikonEnv::QueryWinL(const TDesC& aFirstLine,const TDesC& aSecondLine) CEikonEnv::InfoWinL(const TDesC& aFirstLine,const TDesC& aSecondLine)


TInt aFirstLineId Id of resource text
TInt aSecondLineId Id of resource text
TBool aIsQueryWin = EFalse ETrue if response expected, EFalse if info win only


void InitAlertWinL ( ) [private]


void InitColorSchemeL ( ) [private]


void InitDebugKeysL ( ) [private]


void InitInfoMsgL ( ) [private]


void InitPrivateResourceFileL ( ) [private]


void InitSystemBitmapsL ( )

Creates and populates array of bitmaps.


IMPORT_C void InitSystemFontsL ( ) [private, virtual]

Framework function. Creates array of system fonts.


void InitSystemResourceFileL ( ) [private]


MEikIrFactory * IrFactory ( ) const [inline]


IMPORT_C TBool IsBusy ( ) const

Tests whether the application is marked as busy.


TBool IsEiksrvThread ( ) const


IMPORT_C TBool IsSystem ( ) const

Tests the value of the system attribute.


IMPORT_C TPtrC KeyPressLabel ( TInt aIndex ) const

Returns the indexed keypress label. A keypress label is the text that is displayed on some buttons to identify which key press activates them. Examples might include Esc, Enter, Tab. Keypress labels are read from a resource file and are UI-specific.


TInt aIndex The position of the element within the array of keypress labels.


IMPORT_C MLafEnv & LafEnv ( ) const

LaunchPopupMenuL(TInt, const TPoint &, TPopupTargetPosType, const CEikHotKeyTable *)

IMPORT_C void LaunchPopupMenuL ( TInt aResourceId,
const TPoint & aTargetPos,
TPopupTargetPosType aTargetType = EPopupTargetTopLeft,
const CEikHotKeyTable * aHotKeyTable = NULL

Allows an application to launch a popup menu, by calling the app UI's LaunchPopupMenuL() function.


TInt aResourceId ID of the resource that defines the menu to be launched.
const TPoint & aTargetPos Position of the corner of the menu identified by aTargetType.
TPopupTargetPosType aTargetType = EPopupTargetTopLeft The corner of the menu by which the menu will be positioned.
const CEikHotKeyTable * aHotKeyTable = NULL Optional menu hotkey table.

LeaveWithErrorContext(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void LeaveWithErrorContext ( TInt aError,
const TDesC & aContextText


TInt aError
const TDesC & aContextText

LeaveWithInfoMsg(TInt, ...)

IMPORT_C void LeaveWithInfoMsg ( TInt aResourceId,

Displays a formatted information message and then leaves.


TInt aResourceId ID of a TBUF resource used to hold the string.


IMPORT_C const CFont * LegendFont ( ) const

Gets the standard legend font for this environment.

It is highly recommended to use CCoeControl::ScreenFont() instead of this function.

CCoeControl::ScreenFont() CCoeFontProvider


void LoadLibrariesL ( ) [private]

This function forms part of the construction process (called by ConstructL) Creates and populates array of libaries. Loads ECOM plugins with interface UID KUikonLibraryUid Adds control factories to control factory array. Adds resource file offsets to resource file offset array


void LoadParserListL ( ) [private]


NONSHARABLE_CLASS ( TEikAppUiFactory ) [private, inline]




IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer * NewDefaultCharFormatLayerL ( ) [static]

Creates a default character format layer.


IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * NewDefaultParaFormatLayerL ( ) [static]

Creates a default paragraph format layer suitable for multiple lines of text.

It uses the default inter line spacing, which is UI specific.


IMPORT_C CPrintSetup * NewDefaultPrintSetupL ( )

Creates and returns a pointer to a new default printer setup object.


IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * NewDefaultSingleLineParaFormatLayerL ( ) [static]

Creates a default paragraph format layer suitable for a single line of text.

It has an inter line spacing of zero.

NotifyIdleError(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void NotifyIdleError ( TInt aError,
TInt aContextResourceId

Notifies this environment of an idle error.

This function reads the error context text from the resource identified by aContextResourceId. Calling this method will only trigger one error dialog per minute. Calling it any more frequent will result in no action.


TInt aError ID of the idle error.
TInt aContextResourceId ID of the resource from which the context text is read.


IMPORT_C void NotifyIdleErrorWhileRedrawing ( TInt aError )

Notifies this environment that an idle error occurred while redrawing was in progress.


TInt aError ID of the idle error.


TChar NudgeCharMinus ( ) const [inline]

Gets the minus nudge character, this could be the left arrow for example.


TChar NudgeCharPlus ( ) const [inline]

Gets the plus nudge character, this could be the right arrow for example.


IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * OptionBitmap ( ) const

Gets the bitmap that is used by horizontal option buttons in this environment.


IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * OptionMaskBitmap ( ) const


IMPORT_C MPictureFactory * PictureFactory ( ) const

Gets the picture factory for this environment.


IMPORT_C CColorList * PopulateColorArrayL ( )

Creates and populates a colour list, a palette of standard colours used by the system. If the first attempt fails a separate executable, Z:\SYS\BIN\UPDATESYSTEMCOLORLIST.EXE, is run to update system colours.


void PostAppUiDestroy ( )


void PostAppUiInitializeL ( )

Calls (virtual) PostAppUiInitializeL on all loaded libraries.



void PrepareBusyMsgL ( ) [private]

Sets up iBusyMsgWin (pointer to non-owned interface)


TErrorHandlerResponse PrepareToHandleError ( TInt aError ) [private]

Handler for extended error codes. Passes aError to AppUi for handling first.


TInt aError - standard error code passed in


MEikPrintDialogFactory * PrintDialogFactory ( ) const [inline]


CEikProcess * Process ( ) const [inline]

Gets the Uikon process that manages the files of applications started in this environment.


IMPORT_C MEikInfoDialog * QueryDialog ( ) const

Gets the query dialog for this environment.

QueryWinL(const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C TBool QueryWinL ( const TDesC & aFirstLine,
const TDesC & aSecondLine
) [static]

Requests a yes or no response from the user using a modal query dialog.


const TDesC & aFirstLine First line of query text.
const TDesC & aSecondLine Second line of query text.

QueryWinL(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool QueryWinL ( TInt aFirstLineId,
TInt aSecondLineId = 0
) const

Requests a yes or no response from the user using a modal query dialog.

The query text is read from the passed resource IDs.

User input cannot continue outside a modal dialog until the dialog is dismissed, although applications can be switched.


TInt aFirstLineId ID of resource describing the first line.
TInt aSecondLineId = 0 ID of resource describing the second line.


IMPORT_C void RemoveAppUiFactory ( )

RemoveFromStack(CCoeControl *)

IMPORT_C void RemoveFromStack ( CCoeControl * aControl )

Removes a control from the control stack.


CCoeControl * aControl The control to remove.

RemoveLibrary(TCreateByTypeFunction, TInt)

IMPORT_C void RemoveLibrary ( TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory,
TInt aResourceFileOffset


TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory
TInt aResourceFileOffset


void RemoveLibrary ( TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory ) [inline]


TCreateByTypeFunction aControlFactory


void RemoveLibrary ( TInt aResourceFileOffset ) [inline]


TInt aResourceFileOffset


IMPORT_C void RemovePictureFactory ( TUid aFactoryId )

Removes the specified picture factory, if it exists, from the set of picture factories owned by the Uikon environment.


TUid aFactoryId The Id of the picture factory to be removed.


TRequestDialogFunc RequestInfoDialogFunc ( ) [private]


TRequestDialogFunc RequestQueryDialogFunc ( ) [private]

ResolveError(TInt, TUid)

IMPORT_C void ResolveError ( TInt aError,
TUid aAppUid = KNullUid
) const

Displays an error message appropriate to the error code aError in an alert window. The message is read from a resource file and has a maximum of 256 characters.


TInt aError Error code.
TUid aAppUid = KNullUid Application UID. By default, this is KNullUid. If a non null UID is specified and the error code is not known to UIKON, then the UID enables an application-specific error resource file to be scanned (if one exists) to try to resolve the error.


IMPORT_C TInt ResourceFileVersionNumber ( ) const [private, virtual]

Framework function


IMPORT_C TBool RespondsToShutdownEvent ( ) const

Tests whether the application responds to shutdown events.


IMPORT_C TBool RespondsToSwitchFilesEvent ( ) const

Tests whether an application responds to switch files events.

RouseSleepingDialog(CCoeControl *, TBool)

IMPORT_C void RouseSleepingDialog ( CCoeControl * aControl,
TBool aRoused

Sets a sleeping dialog's state.


CCoeControl * aControl The sleeping dialog to rouse or put to sleep.
TBool aRoused ETrue to rouse aControl, EFalse to put it to sleep.

SendEventToEikonServer(TInt, const TAny *, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SendEventToEikonServer ( TInt aEvent,
const TAny * aPtr,
TInt aLength

Sends the event to the Eikon Server.


TInt aEvent Event that has to be sent to Eikon Server.
const TAny * aPtr Pointer to the message that has to be sent to Eikon Server.
TInt aLength Length of the message that has to be sent to Eikon Server.

SetAlertWin(MEikAlertWin *)

IMPORT_C void SetAlertWin ( MEikAlertWin * aAlertWin )

Sets the enviroment's alert window.


MEikAlertWin * aAlertWin A custom alert window.


void SetAppReady ( ) [private]

SetAppUiFactoryL(MEikAppUiFactory *)

IMPORT_C void SetAppUiFactoryL ( MEikAppUiFactory * aAppUiFactory )


MEikAppUiFactory * aAppUiFactory


IMPORT_C void SetAutoForwarding ( TBool aAutoBringToForeground )

Use this method to set whether the application's window group shall be automatically brought to the foreground when the user taps on it.


TBool aAutoBringToForeground


IMPORT_C void SetBusy ( TBool aBusy )

Sets the application's busy state.


TBool aBusy ETrue to set as busy, EFalse otherwise.

SetCDlgDialogFactory(MEikCDlgDialogFactory *)

void SetCDlgDialogFactory ( MEikCDlgDialogFactory * aDialogFactory ) [inline]


MEikCDlgDialogFactory * aDialogFactory

SetColor(TLogicalColor, TRgb)

void SetColor ( TLogicalColor aLogicalColor,
TRgb aColor
) [inline]

Sets a mapping in the application's colour list between the logical and physical colours specified.


TLogicalColor aLogicalColor A logical colour value.
TRgb aColor A physical colour value.

SetCommandLineDebugMemFailL(const CApaCommandLine &)

void SetCommandLineDebugMemFailL ( const CApaCommandLine & aCommandLine ) [private]

For debugging purposes only. Set __UHEAP_SETFAIL using command line parameter


const CApaCommandLine & aCommandLine

SetDebugKeys(MEikDebugKeys *)

IMPORT_C void SetDebugKeys ( MEikDebugKeys * aDebugKeys )

Sets a debug keys object. This function enables the default debug keys to be overridden with custom ones. The debug keys object only receives key events in debug builds or, in release builds, if the CEikDebugPreferences::EFlagDebugKeysOn flag has been set.

Must be called before the environment object has been fully constructed, e.g. from a control (widget) library initialisation function, or it will have no effect. Must be called only once.


MEikDebugKeys * aDebugKeys A custom debug keys object.


IMPORT_C void SetDocNameIsAFile ( TBool aDocNameIsAFile )

Sets whether a document name is a file.


TBool aDocNameIsAFile ETrue to set the document name as a file, EFalse otherwise.

SetExtension(CBase *)

IMPORT_C void SetExtension ( CBase * aExtension )

Use CCoeStatic instead


CBase * aExtension

SetFileDialogFactory(MEikFileDialogFactory *)

void SetFileDialogFactory ( MEikFileDialogFactory * aDialogFactory ) [inline]


MEikFileDialogFactory * aDialogFactory

SetInfoDialog(MEikInfoDialog *)

IMPORT_C void SetInfoDialog ( MEikInfoDialog * aInfoDialog )

Sets the dialog.


MEikInfoDialog * aInfoDialog The information dialog.

SetIrFactory(MEikIrFactory *)

void SetIrFactory ( MEikIrFactory * aIrFactory ) [inline]


MEikIrFactory * aIrFactory

SetPrintDialogFactory(MEikPrintDialogFactory *)

void SetPrintDialogFactory ( MEikPrintDialogFactory * aDialogFactory ) [inline]


MEikPrintDialogFactory * aDialogFactory

SetQueryDialog(MEikInfoDialog *)

IMPORT_C void SetQueryDialog ( MEikInfoDialog * aQueryDialog )

Sets the query dialog.


MEikInfoDialog * aQueryDialog The query dialog.


IMPORT_C void SetRequestInfoDialogFunc ( TRequestDialogFunc aInfoDialogFunc )

Sets the request information dialog.


TRequestDialogFunc aInfoDialogFunc The request information dialog.


IMPORT_C void SetRequestQueryDialogFunc ( TRequestDialogFunc aQueryDialogFunc )

Sets the request query dialog.


TRequestDialogFunc aQueryDialogFunc Request query dialog.


IMPORT_C void SetRespondsToShutdownEvent ( TBool aRespondsToShutdownEvent )

Sets whether the application responds to shutdown events.


TBool aRespondsToShutdownEvent ETrue if the application responds to shutdown events, EFalse otherwise.


IMPORT_C void SetRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent ( TBool aRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent )

Sets whether the application responds to switch files events.


TBool aRespondsToSwitchFilesEvent ETrue if the application responds to switch files events, EFalse otherwise.


void SetStatusPaneCoreResId ( TInt aStatusPaneCoreResId ) [inline]


TInt aStatusPaneCoreResId


IMPORT_C void SetSystem ( TBool aSystem )

Sets the application's system attribute.

While the system attribute is set, the application cannot be closed down e.g. by using the TApaTask::EndTask function unless the requester has the capability PowerMgmt.


TBool aSystem ETrue to set the system attribute, EFalse to unset it.


IMPORT_C void SetVerboseInfoReporting ( TBool aVerbose )

Sets the Verbose Information Reporting state.


TBool aVerbose ETrue to set Verbose Information Reporting, EFalse otherwise.


IMPORT_C TBool StartedAsServerApp ( ) const

Gets whether server is required or not.


CEikonEnv * Static ( ) [static, inline]

Gets the CEikonEnv maintained by the framework for the application.

This function should never be run in a thread where such a static Uikon environment does not exist. Code that may run on the server side of an application server is one such case.



TInt StatusPaneCoreResId ( ) const [inline]

StoreAppLanguageL(const RApaLsSession &)

void StoreAppLanguageL ( const RApaLsSession & aLsSession ) [private]

Sets language in iEikEnvExtra and baflutils. Gets language from application if possible, device otherwise.


const RApaLsSession & aLsSession (open) session to apparc server


IMPORT_C const CFont * SymbolFont ( ) const

Gets the standard symbol font for this environment.

It is highly recommended to use CCoeControl::ScreenFont() instead of this function.

CCoeControl::ScreenFont() CCoeFontProvider


IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer * SystemCharFormatLayerL ( )

Gets the character format layer, if it exists.

If it does not exist, it calls CEikonEnv::NewDefaultCharFormatLayerL() to create a new one.


IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * SystemParaFormatLayerL ( )

Gets the paragraph format layer if it exists.

If it does not exist, it calls CEikonEnv::NewDefaultParaFormatLayerL() to create a new one.


IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer * SystemSingleLineParaFormatLayerL ( )

Gets the single line paragraph format layer if it exists.

If one does not exist, it calls CEikonEnv::NewDefaultSingleLineParaFormatLayerL() to create a new one.


IMPORT_C const CFbsBitmap * TexturedBitmap ( ) const


IMPORT_C const CFont * TitleFont ( ) const

Gets the standard title font for this environment.

It is highly recommended to use CCoeControl::ScreenFont() instead of this function.

CCoeControl::ScreenFont() CCoeFontProvider


void UpdateColorListL ( )

UpdateSystemColorListL(const CColorList &)

IMPORT_C void UpdateSystemColorListL ( const CColorList & aColorList )

Replaces the system colour list with the list specified.

If no system colour list exists, one is created.

WriteDeviceData To protect against tampering.


const CColorList & aColorList The new colour list.


IMPORT_C void UpdateSystemFontsL ( )

Calls Laf implementation of UpdateSystemFontsL() to update local array of system fonts


IMPORT_C void UpdateTaskNameL ( )

Updates the process and thread name from the caption.

VerboseInfoMsg(const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C void VerboseInfoMsg ( const TDesC & aDes )

Displays an information message if verbose information reporting has been set.

The message is not displayed if verbose information reporting has not been set.


const TDesC & aDes Message to display.


IMPORT_C TVersion Version ( ) [static]

Gets the Uikon version that is currently running.


IMPORT_C TEikVirtualCursor & VirtualCursor ( )

Gets the virtual cursor.


IMPORT_C void WriteInternalStateOfStackedControlsL ( )

Writes the internal state of all CCoeControls on the control stack into a file c:\debuglog_::APPNAME#(NUMBER#) in the Symbian OS filing system. Works in debug mode only.


IMPORT_C void WservAllocInfoMsg ( )

Creates a window server allocation information message from resource.

The message indicates the number of resources currently open for the window server session.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TErrorValidity



Member Data Documentation

MEikAlertWin * iAlertWin

MEikAlertWin * iAlertWin [private]

TBool iAlertWinInitialized

TBool iAlertWinInitialized [private]

CArrayFix< TEikAppUiFactory > * iAppUiFactoryArray

CArrayFix < TEikAppUiFactory > * iAppUiFactoryArray [private]

TInt iAutoLoadedControlFactories

TInt iAutoLoadedControlFactories [private]

TInt iAutoLoadedResourceFiles

TInt iAutoLoadedResourceFiles [private]

CEikAutoMenuTitleArray * iAutoMenuTitleArray

CEikAutoMenuTitleArray * iAutoMenuTitleArray [private]

CArrayPtrFlat< CFbsBitmap > * iBitmapArray

CArrayPtrFlat < CFbsBitmap > * iBitmapArray [private]

TInt iBusyCount

TInt iBusyCount [private]

MEikBusyMsgWin * iBusyMsgWin

MEikBusyMsgWin * iBusyMsgWin [private]

MEikCDlgDialogFactory * iCDlgDialogFactory

MEikCDlgDialogFactory * iCDlgDialogFactory [private]

CCharFormatLayer * iCharFormatLayer

CCharFormatLayer * iCharFormatLayer [private]

RAnimDll * iClockDll

RAnimDll * iClockDll [private]

CColorList * iColorList

CColorList * iColorList [private]

CArrayFix< TCreateByTypeFunction > * iControlFactoryFuncArray

CArrayFix < TCreateByTypeFunction > * iControlFactoryFuncArray [private]

const CCoeControl * iCursorWindow

const CCoeControl * iCursorWindow [private]

MEikDebugKeys * iDebugKeys

MEikDebugKeys * iDebugKeys [private]

TInt iEditableControlStandardHeight

TInt iEditableControlStandardHeight [private]

CEikEnvExtra * iEikEnvExtra

CEikEnvExtra * iEikEnvExtra [private]

TBitFlags iEikonEnvFlags

TBitFlags iEikonEnvFlags [private]

TInt iEmbeddedAppLevel

TInt iEmbeddedAppLevel [private]

CEikErrorIdler * iErrorIdler

CEikErrorIdler * iErrorIdler [private]

CBase * iExtension

CBase * iExtension [private]

MEikFileDialogFactory * iFileDialogFactory

MEikFileDialogFactory * iFileDialogFactory [private]

CArrayPtr< CLafSystemFont > * iFontArray

CArrayPtr < CLafSystemFont > * iFontArray [private]

TInt iForwardsCount

TInt iForwardsCount [private]

MEikInfoDialog * iInfoDialog

MEikInfoDialog * iInfoDialog [private]

TRequestDialogFunc iInfoDialogFunc

TRequestDialogFunc iInfoDialogFunc [private]

MEikInfoMsgWin * iInfoMsgWin

MEikInfoMsgWin * iInfoMsgWin [private]

MEikIrFactory * iIrFactory

MEikIrFactory * iIrFactory [private]

HBufC8 * iKeyPressLabels

HBufC8 * iKeyPressLabels [private]

CEikLafEnv * iLafEnv

CEikLafEnv * iLafEnv [private]

CArrayPtr< CEikLibrary > * iLibraries

CArrayPtr < CEikLibrary > * iLibraries [private]

CEikLogicalBorderProxy * iLogicalBorderProxy

CEikLogicalBorderProxy * iLogicalBorderProxy [private]

TBuf< 2 > iNudgeChars

TBuf < 2 > iNudgeChars [private]

HBufC * iOOMErrorText

HBufC * iOOMErrorText [private]

CParaFormatLayer * iParaFormatLayer

CParaFormatLayer * iParaFormatLayer [private]

CEikPictureFactory * iPictureFactory

CEikPictureFactory * iPictureFactory [private]

MEikPrintDialogFactory * iPrintDialogFactory

MEikPrintDialogFactory * iPrintDialogFactory [private]

TInt iPrivateResourceFileOffset

TInt iPrivateResourceFileOffset [private]

CEikProcess * iProcess

CEikProcess * iProcess [private]

MEikInfoDialog * iQueryDialog

MEikInfoDialog * iQueryDialog [private]

TRequestDialogFunc iQueryDialogFunc

TRequestDialogFunc iQueryDialogFunc [private]

CArrayFix< TInt > * iResourceFileOffsetArray

CArrayFix < TInt > * iResourceFileOffsetArray [private]

CParaFormatLayer * iSingleLineParaFormatLayer

CParaFormatLayer * iSingleLineParaFormatLayer [private]

TInt iSpare3

TInt iSpare3 [private]

TInt iStatusPaneCoreResId

TInt iStatusPaneCoreResId [private]

TInt iSystemResourceFileOffset

TInt iSystemResourceFileOffset [private]

TEikVirtualCursor iVirtualCursor

TEikVirtualCursor iVirtualCursor [private]

CApaWindowGroupName * iWgName

CApaWindowGroupName * iWgName [private]