CVCCommandUi Class Reference

class CVCCommandUi : public CBase

Container for VC app specific "human-visible" parts of the voice command: tooltip, displayable text, folder, icon, etc

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


IMPORT_C ~CVCCommandUi ( )


Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(const TDesC &, const CVCFolderInfo &, TBool, const TDesC &, const TUid &, const TDesC &, TBool)

void ConstructL ( const TDesC & aWrittenText,
const CVCFolderInfo & aFolderInfo,
TBool aModifiable,
const TDesC & aTooltip,
const TUid & aIconUid,
const TDesC & aUserText,
TBool aConfirmationNeeded
) [private]

Second-phase constructor NewL for guard conditionsSecond-phase constructor NewL for guarding conditions


const TDesC & aWrittenText
const CVCFolderInfo & aFolderInfo
TBool aModifiable
const TDesC & aTooltip
const TUid & aIconUid
const TDesC & aUserText
TBool aConfirmationNeeded

ConstructL(RReadStream &)

void ConstructL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [private]


RReadStream & aStream

EqualNonUserChangeableData(const CVCCommandUi &)

IMPORT_C TBool EqualNonUserChangeableData ( const CVCCommandUi & aCommandUi ) const

Tells if all non user-changeable parts of aCommandUi are equal to this object's


const CVCCommandUi & aCommandUi

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & aStream ) const

Saves the command to stream. Descriptor components are saved as <length><descriptor> pairs, where <length> is TInt32 and <descriptor> is the default descriptor represetation TBools are saved as TInt32 either


RWriteStream & aStream


IMPORT_C const CVCFolderInfo & FolderInfo ( ) const


IMPORT_C CGulIcon * IconLC ( ) const

Creates the command icon. Takes into account the skin-specifics Works only if CEikonEnv is available


IMPORT_C const TUid & IconUid ( ) const


IMPORT_C TBool Modifiable ( ) const

NewL(const TDesC &, const CVCFolderInfo &, TBool, const TDesC &, const TUid &, const TDesC &, TBool)

IMPORT_C CVCCommandUi * NewL ( const TDesC & aWrittenText,
const CVCFolderInfo & aFolderInfo,
TBool aModifiable,
const TDesC & aTooltip,
const TUid & aIconUid,
const TDesC & aUserText =  KNullDesC ,
TBool aConfirmationNeeded = ETrue
) [static]

This object does not take an ownership of the passed descriptors, but makes own copies.

TodoAdd "see" reference to the recognition-side function that uses the "confirmation needed information" aModifiable param is "hanging in the air" and never actually used Clarify its existence and responsibilities This object does not take an ownership of the passed descriptors, but makes own copies.

KErrOverflow if descriptors are too big


const TDesC & aWrittenText Text to display
const CVCFolderInfo & aFolderInfo Folder-related details
TBool aModifiable If user can modify the command
const TDesC & aTooltip Second line of the text if ant
const TUid & aIconUid
const TDesC & aUserText =  KNullDesC Optional user-specified shortcut for the command
TBool aConfirmationNeeded = ETrue If EFalse, when the command is recognized, it is immediately executed If ETrue, when the command is recognized, it is played back and user is asked to confirm the recognition results

NewL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C CVCCommandUi * NewL ( RReadStream & aStream ) [static]
Factory function that constructs a CVCCommandUi from the stream
KErrNotSupported if the stream data format is unsupported e.g. if it has been written by newer implementation
Internalizes the command from stream values are read in the same order as ExternalizeL wrote them


RReadStream & aStream

NewL(const CVCCommandUi &)

IMPORT_C CVCCommandUi * NewL ( const CVCCommandUi & aOriginal ) [static]

Copy the existing CVCCommandUi


const CVCCommandUi & aOriginal


IMPORT_C const TDesC & Tooltip ( ) const


IMPORT_C const TDesC & UserText ( ) const


IMPORT_C const TDesC & WrittenText ( ) const

operator==(const CVCCommandUi &)

IMPORT_C TBool operator== ( const CVCCommandUi & aCommandUi ) const


const CVCCommandUi & aCommandUi

Member Data Documentation

TBool iConfirmationNeeded

TBool iConfirmationNeeded [private]

CVCFolderInfo * iFolderInfo

CVCFolderInfo * iFolderInfo [private]

HBufC * iTooltip

HBufC * iTooltip [private]

TBool iUserCanModify

TBool iUserCanModify [private]

HBufC * iUserText

HBufC * iUserText [private]

HBufC * iWrittenText

HBufC * iWrittenText [private]