CSatDispatcher Class Reference

class CSatDispatcher : public CBase

This class is responsible for packing and unpacking data belonging to Sat related requests to the Licensee LTSY.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CSatDispatcher ()
void CallbackAccessTechnologyChange ( TInt , TUint8 )
void CallbackCallConnected ( TInt , TUint8 , TBool )
void CallbackCallControlEnvelopeResponse ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackCallDisconnected ( TInt , TUint8 , TBool , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackCreateCallControlEnvelope ( TInt , TUint8 , const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TUint8 , TUint8 )
void CallbackCreateCellBroadcastEnvelope ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackCreateRefreshTerminalRsp ( TInt , RSat::TPCmdResult , const TDesC &)
void CallbackCreateSmControlEnvelope ( TInt , const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackCreateSmsDeliverReport ( TInt )
void CallbackGetAccessTechnology ( TInt , TUint8 )
void CallbackGetClut ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackGetDefaultBearerCapability ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackGetIconData ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackGetImageInstance ( TInt , const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackGetSmsControlActivated ( TInt , TBool )
void CallbackGetSmsPpDownloadSupported ( TInt , TBool )
void CallbackImsiChanged ( TInt )
void CallbackLocalInformationNmr ( TInt , const TDesC8 &, const TDesC &)
void CallbackLocationStatus ( TInt , TUint8 , const TDesC8 &, TUint16 , TUint16 )
void CallbackMtCall ( TInt , TUint8 , const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackNotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd ( TInt , TUint8 , TUint8 )
void CallbackPcmd ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackProvideLocationInfo ( TInt , TUint16 , TUint16 , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackReady ( TInt )
void CallbackRefreshAllowed ( TInt )
void CallbackRemoveEventList ( TInt )
void CallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelope ( TInt , const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackSetPolling ( TInt , TUint8 )
void CallbackSmControlEnvelopeResponse ( TInt , const TDesC8 &)
void CallbackSsChange ( TInt , DispatcherSat::TSsStatus )
void CallbackSync ( CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage &)
void CallbackTerminalRsp ( TInt )
void CallbackTimeZoneChange ( TInt , TUint8 )
void CallbackTimingAdvance ( TInt , TUint8 , TUint8 )
void CallbackUssdControlEnvelopeError ( TInt )
void CallbackUssdControlSupported ( TInt , TBool )
TInt DispatchAccessTechnologyL ()
TInt DispatchCellBroadcastL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchEventDownloadL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchGetClutL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchGetDefaultBearerCapabilityL ()
TInt DispatchGetIconDataL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchGetImageInstanceL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchGetSmsControlActivatedL ()
TInt DispatchGetUssdControlSupportedL ()
TInt DispatchLocalInformationNmrL ()
TInt DispatchMenuSelectionL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchNotifySmControlRequestL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchPCmdNotificationL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchProvideLocationInfoL ()
TInt DispatchReadyL ()
TInt DispatchSendEnvelopeL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchServiceRequestL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSetPollingIntervalL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSmsDeliverReportL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSmsPpDdlL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSmsPpDdlStatusL ()
TInt DispatchTerminalRspL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchTimerExpiredL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchTimingAdvanceL ()
TInt DispatchUssdControlEnvelopeErrorL ()
TBool IsSimOriginatedCall (const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &)
CSatDispatcher * NewL ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)
CSatDispatcher * NewLC ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)
void SetDispatcherHolder ( TDispatcherHolder &)
void SetSatCallOriginInterface ( MStkTsyCallOrigin &)
Private Member Functions
CSatDispatcher ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)
void CompleteNotifyLocalInfo ( TInt )
void ConstructL ()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder
TBool iLocalInfoOngoing
MLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnology * iLtsyDispatchSatAccTech
MLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcastEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcast
MLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatEventDownload
MLtsyDispatchSatGetClut * iLtsyDispatchSatGetClut
MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability * iLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability
MLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData * iLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData
MLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance * iLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance
MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated * iLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated
MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported * iLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported
MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported * iLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported
MLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr * iLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr
MLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelectionEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelection
MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification * iLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification
MLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo * iLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo
MLtsyDispatchSatReady * iLtsyDispatchSatReady
MLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed * iLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed
MLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatSendEnvelope
MLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval * iLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval
MLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData * iLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData
MLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport * iLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport
MLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope
MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp * iLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp
MLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpired
MLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance * iLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance
MLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError * iLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError
MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & iLtsyFactoryV1
MmMessageManagerCallback & iMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & iRequestAsyncOneShot
MStkTsyCallOrigin * iStkTsyCallOrigin
MmMessageManagerCallback & iTsyMessageManagerCallback

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSatDispatcher(MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)

CSatDispatcher ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aSatMessageManagerCallback,
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot
) [private]


MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback
MmMessageManagerCallback & aSatMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot


~CSatDispatcher ( ) [virtual]

Member Functions Documentation

CallbackAccessTechnologyChange(TInt, TUint8)

void CallbackAccessTechnologyChange ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aCurrentAccessTechnology

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatAccessTechnologyChangeInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aCurrentAccessTechnology The current access technology being used by the terminal See "ETSI TS 102 223" "Access technology"

CallbackCallConnected(TInt, TUint8, TBool)

void CallbackCallConnected ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aTransactionId,
TBool aNearEnd

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCallConnectedInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTransactionId The Transaction Identifier in the call connect message.
TBool aNearEnd

CallbackCallControlEnvelopeResponse(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackCallControlEnvelopeResponse ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aResponseTlv

Callback function to be used by the request to allow the RSat client to display any alpha identifiers resulting from call control.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aResponseTlv the response from NAA to the ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) command. This will be parsed by the CTSY and if an alpha identifier exists in the data, it will be passed to the RSat client (if any) for display to the user. As per ETSI 102.223 section, this contains 1 byte containing the Call Control result, followed by a 1-2 byte length, then various optional fields depending on the outcome of the Call/SS/USSD Control. If the NAA application does not provide any response data then this is interpreted as "allowed, no modification".

CallbackCallDisconnected(TInt, TUint8, TBool, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackCallDisconnected ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aTransactionId,
TBool aNearEnd,
const TDesC8 & aCause

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCallDisconnectedInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTransactionId The Transaction Identifier of the call being disconnected.
TBool aNearEnd
const TDesC8 & aCause The cause value is defined in the appropriate access technology specification. Radio Link Timeout is indicated by the cause having zero length, the maximum length is defined in KMaxCauseLength See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Cause"

CallbackCreateCallControlEnvelope(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TUint8, TUint8)

void CallbackCreateCallControlEnvelope ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aTag,
const TDesC8 & aBcc1,
const TDesC8 & aBcc2,
const TDesC8 & aAddress,
TUint8 aTonNpi,
TUint8 aDcs

Callback function to be used by the request to complete.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTag
const TDesC8 & aBcc1
const TDesC8 & aBcc2
const TDesC8 & aAddress
TUint8 aTonNpi
TUint8 aDcs

CallbackCreateCellBroadcastEnvelope(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackCreateCellBroadcastEnvelope ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aCellBroadcastPage

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCreateCellBroadcastEnvelopeInd().

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aCellBroadcastPage The Cell Broadcast page, formatted in the same way as described in 3GPP TS 23.041

CallbackCreateRefreshTerminalRsp(TInt, RSat::TPCmdResult, const TDesC &)

void CallbackCreateRefreshTerminalRsp ( TInt aError,
RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult,
const TDesC & aResultAdditionalInfo

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCreateRefreshTerminalRspInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResult The General result that specifies the result and indicates appropriate UICC action (to be included in the refresh terminal response result section, see ETSI 102 223 Under "Structure of TERMINAL RESPONSE" and Under "Result")
const TDesC & aResultAdditionalInfo Additional information (to be included in the refresh terminal response result section, see ETSI 102 223 Under "Structure of TERMINAL RESPONSE" and Under "Result")

CallbackCreateSmControlEnvelope(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackCreateSmControlEnvelope ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aRpDestinationAddress,
const TDesC8 & aTpDestinationAddress

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCreateSmControlEnvelopeInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aRpDestinationAddress RP Destination Address of the Service Center to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.
const TDesC8 & aTpDestinationAddress TP Destination Address to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.


void CallbackCreateSmsDeliverReport ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCreateSmsDeliverReportInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackGetAccessTechnology(TInt, TUint8)

void CallbackGetAccessTechnology ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aAccessTechnology

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatAccessTechnologyChangeInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aAccessTechnology The current access technology being used by the terminal See "ETSI TS 102 223" "Access technology"

CallbackGetClut(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackGetClut ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aClut

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetClutComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aClut The requested CLUT (Colour look up table) for a given icon instance See ETSI TS 131 102 under "B.2 Colour Image Coding Scheme"

CallbackGetDefaultBearerCapability(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackGetDefaultBearerCapability ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aCapability

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

See "ETSI TS 102 223" "Structure of ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL)" See "3GPP TS 04.08" CSatDispatcher::CallbackSatCreateCallControlEnvelopeInd()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aCapability The default bearer capability configuration (see 3GPP TS 04.08 for info about bearer capability), this may be used by the CTSY when creating a Call Control ENVELOPE if a zero length capability parameter is supplied with the Envelope creation request. Note the maximum length capability the CTSY can store is 248, and a maximum length of 16 will be used in the creation of the Call Control ENVELOPE.

CallbackGetIconData(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackGetIconData ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aIconEfImgRecord

Callback function to be used by the request to complete.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aIconEfImgRecord The icon EF(Img) record retrieved from the UICC See ETSI TS 131 102 under "Contents of files at the DFGRAPHICS level"

CallbackGetImageInstance(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackGetImageInstance ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aImageInstanceData,
const TDesC8 & aImageInstanceBody

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetImageInstanceComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aImageInstanceData Descriptor containing the image instance coding scheme of the EF(IIDF), this must be of length 2 (KBasicIconDataLength) for basic or length 6 (KColourIconDataLength) for colour image instances. See ETSI TS 131 102 under "Annex B (normative) Image Coding Schemes (B.1 & B.2)"
const TDesC8 & aImageInstanceBody Descriptor containing the image instance body of the EF(IIDF) See ETSI TS 131 102 under "Annex B (normative) Image Coding Schemes"

CallbackGetSmsControlActivated(TInt, TBool)

void CallbackGetSmsControlActivated ( TInt aError,
TBool aSmsMoControlActivated

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsControlActivatedComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aSmsMoControlActivated True if MO-SMS Control by USIM (Service n 31) is currently activated (by the USIM), False otherwise

CallbackGetSmsPpDownloadSupported(TInt, TBool)

void CallbackGetSmsPpDownloadSupported ( TInt aError,
TBool aSupported

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aSupported If the service "data download via SMS Point-to-point" is allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table


void CallbackImsiChanged ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatImsiChangedInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackLocalInformationNmr(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC &)

void CallbackLocalInformationNmr ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aNmr,
const TDesC & aBcchList

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatLocalInformationNmrComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aNmr - Network Measurement Results - reception level of BCCH of adjacent cells
const TDesC & aBcchList - Broadcast Control Channel List - the Broadcast Control Channel of neighbouring cells (in 16-bit format, will be converted to 10-bit in CTSY).

CallbackLocationStatus(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, TUint16, TUint16)

void CallbackLocationStatus ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aLcnStatus,
const TDesC8 & aCountryCode,
TUint16 aLcnAreaCode,
TUint16 aCellId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatLocationStatusInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aLcnStatus the current service state of the terminal - one of the values defined in ETSI 102.223 section 8.27
const TDesC8 & aCountryCode 3 digit string (numerical) uniquely identifying the country. The length of this descriptor should be 3.
TUint16 aLcnAreaCode The Location Area Code uniquely identifies a Location Area with a network.
TUint16 aCellId The current cell.

CallbackMtCall(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackMtCall ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aTransactionId,
const TDesC8 & aAddress,
const TDesC8 & aSubAddress

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatMtCallInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTransactionId The Transaction Identifier in the call setup message from the network.
const TDesC8 & aAddress Holds the Calling Party number received by the terminal in the call setup message. If the Calling Party number is included in the call setup message, the Address shall be included, otherwise the address shall not be included (zero length). See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Address"
const TDesC8 & aSubAddress Holds the Calling Party Subaddress as received by the terminal in the call setup message. If the Calling Party Subaddress is included in the call setup message, the Subaddress shall be included, otherwise the Subaddress shall not be included (zero length). See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Subaddress"

CallbackNotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd(TInt, TUint8, TUint8)

void CallbackNotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aStatusWord1,
TUint8 aStatusWord2

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatNotifyProactiveSimSessionEndInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aStatusWord1 The Status Word 1
TUint8 aStatusWord2 The Status Word 2

CallbackPcmd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackPcmd ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aData

Callback function to be used by the request to complete.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aData TLV data received from the SIM that contains the proactive command.

CallbackProvideLocationInfo(TInt, TUint16, TUint16, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackProvideLocationInfo ( TInt aError,
TUint16 aLocationAreaCode,
TUint16 aCellId,
const TDesC8 & aOperatorCode

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatProvideLocationInfoComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint16 aLocationAreaCode the ID of the Location Area (grouping of multiple cells) that the mobile is in
TUint16 aCellId Id of the current GSM cell
const TDesC8 & aOperatorCode Id of the current operator. This has a maximum length of 3.


void CallbackReady ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to completeCCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatReadyComp().

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackRefreshAllowed ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatRefreshAllowedComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher and SAT client.


void CallbackRemoveEventList ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatRemoveEventListInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelope(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelope ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aAddress,
const TDesC8 & aSmsTpdu

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aAddress RP Originating Address of the Service Centre (TS Service-Centre-Address), as defined in 3GPP TS 24.011)
const TDesC8 & aSmsTpdu The SMS-DELIVER TPDU (See "3GPP 23.040" under "SMS DELIVER type")

CallbackSetPolling(TInt, TUint8)

void CallbackSetPolling ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aPollingInterval

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aPollingInterval The polling interval in use by the LTSY (zero) indicate Polling is off. This will be used in the terminal response to the original Polling Interval / Polling Off proactive command.

CallbackSmControlEnvelopeResponse(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

void CallbackSmControlEnvelopeResponse ( TInt aError,
const TDesC8 & aResponseTlv

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatSmControlEnvelopeResponseInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aResponseTlv Response data from the SIM encoded as defined in "3GPP 11.14 - MO Short Message Control by SIM"

CallbackSsChange(TInt, DispatcherSat::TSsStatus)

void CallbackSsChange ( TInt aError,
DispatcherSat::TSsStatus aStatus

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatSsChangeInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
DispatcherSat::TSsStatus aStatus whether SS or USSD is busy

CallbackSync(CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage &)

void CallbackSync ( CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage & aIpcDataPackage )

Part of the MDispatcherCallback interface. Used to complete requests handled synchronously by the Licensee LTSY asynchronously back to the Common TSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.



CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage & aIpcDataPackage Package encapsulating the request.


void CallbackTerminalRsp ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackTimeZoneChange(TInt, TUint8)

void CallbackTimeZoneChange ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aTimeZone

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTimeZoneChangeInd() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTimeZone The new time zone coded as defined in "ETSI TS 123 040" "TP-Service-Centre-Time-Stamp"

CallbackTimingAdvance(TInt, TUint8, TUint8)

void CallbackTimingAdvance ( TInt aError,
TUint8 aTimingAdvance,
TUint8 aMeStatus

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatTimingAdvanceComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTimingAdvance a value relating to the distance between the ME and the base station. This is used to compensate for propagation delay.
TUint8 aMeStatus Whether or not the ME is idle...this is to allow the application to know whether the timing advance is based on current or cached information.


void CallbackUssdControlEnvelopeError ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatUssdControlEnvelopeErrorComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackUssdControlSupported(TInt, TBool)

void CallbackUssdControlSupported ( TInt aError,
TBool aUssdStatus

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp() .

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aUssdStatus whether or not USSD-TLV is supported in the (u)sim service table


void CompleteNotifyLocalInfo ( TInt aError ) [private]


TInt aError


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

Second phase constructor.


TInt DispatchAccessTechnologyL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyAccTech and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

DispatchCellBroadcastL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchCellBroadcastL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyCellBroadcast and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchEventDownloadL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchEventDownloadL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatEventDownload and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchGetClutL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchGetClutL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyGetClut and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchGetDefaultBearerCapabilityL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyGetBearerCapability and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

DispatchGetIconDataL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchGetIconDataL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyGetIconData and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchGetImageInstanceL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchGetImageInstanceL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyGetImageInstance and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchGetSmsControlActivatedL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyMoSmsControlActivation and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt DispatchGetUssdControlSupportedL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyUssdControlSupported and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt DispatchLocalInformationNmrL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyLocalInformationNmr and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

DispatchMenuSelectionL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchMenuSelectionL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatMenuSelection and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchNotifySmControlRequestL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchNotifySmControlRequestL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatNotifyMoSmControlRequest and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchPCmdNotificationL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchPCmdNotificationL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyGetIfPendingNotification and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchProvideLocationInfoL ( )

Pass ESatTsyProvideLocalInfo request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt DispatchReadyL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyReady and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

DispatchSendEnvelopeL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSendEnvelopeL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsySendEnvelope and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchServiceRequestL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchServiceRequestL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyServiceRequest and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSetPollingIntervalL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSetPollingIntervalL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsySetPolling and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSmsDeliverReportL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSmsDeliverReportL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsySmsDeliverReport and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSmsPpDdlL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSmsPpDdlL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsySmsPpDdl and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchSmsPpDdlStatusL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsySmsPpDdlStatus and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

DispatchTerminalRspL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchTerminalRspL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTerminalRsp and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchTimerExpiredL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchTimerExpiredL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyTimerExpiredIPC and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchTimingAdvanceL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyTimingAdvance and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.


TInt DispatchUssdControlEnvelopeErrorL ( )

Unpack data related to ESatTsyEnvelopeError and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.

This function is optional and should only be used if the licensee wishes to including the Dispatcher beneath their own SIM ATK TSY.

IsSimOriginatedCall(const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &)

TBool IsSimOriginatedCall ( const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress & aDialledParty )

Checks if the dialled party details passed into this function orignally came from the SIM. e.g. From a SET UP CALL proactive command.


const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress & aDialledParty The dialled party details.

NewL(MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)

CSatDispatcher * NewL ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aTsyMessageManagerCallback,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aSatMessageManagerCallback,
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot
) [static]


MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory
MmMessageManagerCallback & aTsyMessageManagerCallback
MmMessageManagerCallback & aSatMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot

NewLC(MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)

CSatDispatcher * NewLC ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aTsyMessageManagerCallback,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aSatMessageManagerCallback,
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot
) [static]


MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory
MmMessageManagerCallback & aTsyMessageManagerCallback
MmMessageManagerCallback & aSatMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot

SetDispatcherHolder(TDispatcherHolder &)

void SetDispatcherHolder ( TDispatcherHolder & aDispatcherHolder )

Set the dispatcher holder.


TDispatcherHolder & aDispatcherHolder Reference to dispatcher holder.

SetSatCallOriginInterface(MStkTsyCallOrigin &)

void SetSatCallOriginInterface ( MStkTsyCallOrigin & aSatCallOrigin )

Allows the CTSY Dispatcher to ascertain whether a call was requested by a Proactive Command.


MStkTsyCallOrigin & aSatCallOrigin Interface to the cstktsy

Member Data Documentation

TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder

TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder [private]

TBool iLocalInfoOngoing

TBool iLocalInfoOngoing [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnology * iLtsyDispatchSatAccTech

MLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnology * iLtsyDispatchSatAccTech [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcastEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcast

MLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcastEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatCellBroadcast [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatEventDownload

MLtsyDispatchSatEventDownloadEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatEventDownload [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetClut * iLtsyDispatchSatGetClut

MLtsyDispatchSatGetClut * iLtsyDispatchSatGetClut [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability * iLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability

MLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability * iLtsyDispatchSatGetDefaultBearerCapability [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData * iLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData

MLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData * iLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance * iLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance

MLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance * iLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated * iLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated

MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated * iLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported * iLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported

MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported * iLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported * iLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported

MLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported * iLtsyDispatchSatGetUssdControlSupported [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr * iLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr

MLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr * iLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelectionEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelection

MLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelectionEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatMenuSelection [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification * iLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification

MLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification * iLtsyDispatchSatPCmdNotification [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo * iLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo

MLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo * iLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatReady * iLtsyDispatchSatReady

MLtsyDispatchSatReady * iLtsyDispatchSatReady [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed * iLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed

MLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed * iLtsyDispatchSatRefreshAllowed [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatSendEnvelope

MLtsyDispatchSatCallAndSmsControlEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatSendEnvelope [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval * iLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval

MLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval * iLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData * iLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData

MLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData * iLtsyDispatchSatSmControlResponseData [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport * iLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport

MLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport * iLtsyDispatchSatSmsDeliverReport [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope

MLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatSmsPpDownloadEnvelope [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp * iLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp

MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp * iLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpired

MLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelope * iLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpired [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance * iLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance

MLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance * iLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance [private]

MLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError * iLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError

MLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError * iLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError [private]

MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & iLtsyFactoryV1

MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & iLtsyFactoryV1 [private]

MmMessageManagerCallback & iMessageManagerCallback

MmMessageManagerCallback & iMessageManagerCallback [private]

CRequestQueueOneShot & iRequestAsyncOneShot

CRequestQueueOneShot & iRequestAsyncOneShot [private]

MStkTsyCallOrigin * iStkTsyCallOrigin

MStkTsyCallOrigin * iStkTsyCallOrigin [private]

MmMessageManagerCallback & iTsyMessageManagerCallback

MmMessageManagerCallback & iTsyMessageManagerCallback [private]