CContactViewBase Class Reference

class CContactViewBase : public CBase

The abstract base class for all contact view classes.

All contact views operate asynchronously, so users of the view must observe it, by implementing the MContactViewObserver interface. Immediately after construction, views are not in a usable state (the underlying data may be being sorted, for instance). Only after the user has received a TContactViewEvent::EReady event may the view be used.

View observers are also notified when changes occur, for instance when the view's state changes (see TState), when an error occurs, or when an item is added or removed.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
HBufC * AllFieldsLC ( TInt , const TDesC &)
TContactItemId AtL ( TInt )
IMPORT_C TAny * CContactViewBase_Reserved_1 ( TFunction , TAny *)
IMPORT_C TBool Close (const MContactViewObserver &)
const CViewContact & ContactAtL ( TInt )
TContactViewPreferences ContactViewPreferences ()
IMPORT_C void ContactsMatchingCriteriaL (const MDesCArray &, RPointerArray < CViewContact > &)
IMPORT_C void ContactsMatchingPrefixL (const MDesCArray &, RPointerArray < CViewContact > &)
TInt CountL ()
IMPORT_C TInt Error ()
TInt FindL ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C void GetContactIdsL (const CArrayFix < TInt > &, CContactIdArray &)
IMPORT_C TUid GetViewFindConfigPlugin ()
IMPORT_C TUid GetViewSortPluginImplUid ()
IMPORT_C TInt Open ( MContactViewObserver &)
IMPORT_C void OpenL ( MContactViewObserver &)
IMPORT_C void SetViewFindConfigPlugin ( TUid )
const RContactViewSortOrder & SortOrderL ()
Protected Member Functions
CContactViewBase (const CContactDatabase &)
~CContactViewBase ()
IMPORT_C TInt CompareContactIds (const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)
IMPORT_C TInt CompareContactsAndIdsL (const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)
IMPORT_C TInt CompareFieldsL (const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)
IMPORT_C void ConstructL ()
IMPORT_C TBool ContactIsSortable (const CViewContact &)
IMPORT_C HBufC * FieldsWithSeparatorLC (const RPointerArray < CViewContact > &, TInt , const TDesC &)
TUid FindDefaultViewSortPluginImplL ()
TUid FindSortPluginImplL (const TDesC8 &, TBool )
IMPORT_C TBool IdsEqual (const TContactIdWithMapping &, const TContactIdWithMapping &)
IMPORT_C TBool IdsMatch (const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)
IMPORT_C TBool IndexesEqual (const TContactIdWithMapping &, const TContactIdWithMapping &)
TInt InsertContactInView ( RPointerArray < CViewContact > &, const CViewContact *, TBool , TInt *)
TBool IsContactSortable (const CViewContact &, TContactViewPreferences &)
void LoadViewSortPluginL ( TUid , TContactViewPreferences &)
IMPORT_C TBool MatchesCriteriaL (const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &)
IMPORT_C TBool MatchesCriteriaL (const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &, TSearchType )
IMPORT_C TBool MatchesCriteriaL (const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &, TSearchType , CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension *)
IMPORT_C TInt NotifyObserverAsync ( MContactViewObserver &, const TContactViewEvent &)
IMPORT_C void NotifyObservers (const TContactViewEvent &)
CViewContactSortPlugin * SortPluginImpl ()
Private Member Functions
TInt AsyncNotifyCallBack ( TAny *)
TInt CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel (const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &, TInt , TCollationMethod *)
TBool ContactMatchesCriteriaL (const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &, CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension *)
CDesCArrayFlat * CreateFindWordArrayLC (const MDesCArray &, TSearchType )
void GetContactsMatchingFilterL ( TInt , RArray < TContactIdWithMapping > &)
TInt GetErrorValueFromExtensionClass ()
void MatchContactsL (const MDesCArray &, RPointerArray < CViewContact > &, TSearchType )
TInt TextCompareFieldsL (const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TFunction { ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction1 , ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction2 , ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction3 }
enum TSearchType { EFullSearch , EPrefixSearch }
Protected Member Enumerations
enum TState { EInitializing , EReady , ENotReady }
Protected Attributes
const CContactDatabase & iDb
CContactViewBaseExtension * iExtension
TState iState
Private Attributes
CIdle * iAsyncNotifier
RPointerArray < MContactViewObserver > iObserverArray
RArray < TObserverAndEvent > iOutstandingNotifications

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CContactViewBase(const CContactDatabase &)

IMPORT_C CContactViewBase ( const CContactDatabase & aDb ) [protected]

Protected C++ constructor.

Initialises the view's state to EInitializing.


const CContactDatabase & aDb The database that contains the contact items.


IMPORT_C ~CContactViewBase ( ) [protected]


Cancels all outstanding notifications and deletes all resources owned by the object.

Member Functions Documentation

AllFieldsLC(TInt, const TDesC &)

HBufC * AllFieldsLC ( TInt aIndex,
const TDesC & aSeparator
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a descriptor containing the contents of all fields for an item in the view.

The field separator is used to separate the contents of each field. It is not appended to the last field.



TInt aIndex The index of the contact item into the view.
const TDesC & aSeparator The string to use to separate the fields.

AsyncNotifyCallBack(TAny *)

TInt AsyncNotifyCallBack ( TAny * aSelf ) [private, static]


TAny * aSelf


TContactItemId AtL ( TInt aIndex ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the contact item ID at the specified index into the view.



TInt aIndex Index of the contact item ID into the view.

CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction, TAny *)

IMPORT_C TAny * CContactViewBase_Reserved_1 ( TFunction aFunction,
TAny * aParams
) [virtual]

This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing against addition of new exported virtual functions. This function now aids addition of new exported virtual methods without having to break BC,by simply having those virtual methods as non-virtual and helper methods, called from this one and only reserved virtual exported method.A public enumeration type that is defined in the base class CContactViewBase identifies which of the helper 'virtual' methods are being called. All derived classes of CContactViewBase that are public should mandatorily implement this method.

Returns any return values of the helper methods called from this function.



TFunction aFunction an enum value that identifies which helper method is called.
TAny * aParams parameters to the helper method being called.

Close(const MContactViewObserver &)

IMPORT_C TBool Close ( const MContactViewObserver & aObserver )

Removes an observer from the view's observer array.

Any outstanding notifications for aObserver are first cancelled.



const MContactViewObserver & aObserver The contact view observer to be removed.

CompareContactIds(const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)

IMPORT_C TInt CompareContactIds ( const CViewContact & aFirst,
const CViewContact & aSecond
) [protected, static]


const CViewContact & aFirst
const CViewContact & aSecond

CompareContactsAndIdsL(const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)

IMPORT_C TInt CompareContactsAndIdsL ( const CViewContact & aFirst,
const CViewContact & aSecond
) const [protected]

Used for view sorting and insersion. In order to give a stable result if contact details match, it falls back to comparing contact IDs. If a contact view sort plugin is loaded it uses its SortCompareViewContactsL() method.


const CViewContact & aFirst
const CViewContact & aSecond

CompareFieldsL(const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)

IMPORT_C TInt CompareFieldsL ( const CViewContact & aFirst,
const CViewContact & aSecond
) [protected, static]

Collates two contact items' field contents.

This is done by comparing each contact item on a field by field basis starting with the loosest collation level initially, and then progressing to tighter collation levels only if the items are considered the same at the looser level. This is required so that items differing by case only are sorted correctly. If a field isn't present, then the comparison is done using the first field that is present.


const CViewContact & aFirst The first contact item.
const CViewContact & aSecond The second contact item.

CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel(const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &, TInt, TCollationMethod *)

TInt CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel ( const CViewContact & aFirst,
const CViewContact & aSecond,
TInt aCollationLevel,
TCollationMethod * aCollateMethod
) [private, static]


const CViewContact & aFirst
const CViewContact & aSecond
TInt aCollationLevel
TCollationMethod * aCollateMethod


IMPORT_C void ConstructL ( ) [protected]

Protected second phase constructor.

Called from a derived class's ConstructL() . Creates the view's asynchronous notifier and adds it to the active scheduler.


const CViewContact & ContactAtL ( TInt aIndex ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the contact item at the specified index into the view.



TInt aIndex Index of the contact item into the view.

ContactIsSortable(const CViewContact &)

IMPORT_C TBool ContactIsSortable ( const CViewContact & aContact ) [protected, static]

Asks the contact if it is sortable. 'static' function used by Sort Plugin.


const CViewContact & aContact

ContactMatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &, CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension *)

TBool ContactMatchesCriteriaL ( const CViewContact & aContact,
const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension * aExtension
) [private, static]


const CViewContact & aContact
const MDesCArray & aFindWords
CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension * aExtension


TContactViewPreferences ContactViewPreferences ( ) [pure virtual]

Gets the view preferences.


ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(const MDesCArray &, RPointerArray< CViewContact > &)

IMPORT_C void ContactsMatchingCriteriaL ( const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aMatchedContacts
) [virtual]

Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain all of the search strings specified.

The search uses wildcard matching so that the search strings can occur anywhere in the item's fields. For a match to occur, all of the search strings must be found in a contact item.



const MDesCArray & aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items.

ContactsMatchingPrefixL(const MDesCArray &, RPointerArray< CViewContact > &)

IMPORT_C void ContactsMatchingPrefixL ( const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aMatchedContacts
) [virtual]

Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain all of the search strings specified.

Unlike ContactsMatchingCriteriaL() , the search term can only occur at the beginning of a field.



const MDesCArray & aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items.


TInt CountL ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of contact items in the view.


CreateFindWordArrayLC(const MDesCArray &, TSearchType)

CDesCArrayFlat * CreateFindWordArrayLC ( const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
TSearchType aSearchType
) [private, static]


const MDesCArray & aFindWords
TSearchType aSearchType


IMPORT_C TInt Error ( ) const

Gets the recorded error value. If an error occurs within the view, before each of the views observers are notified, then the view records the error code internally. This function provides access to a copy of that error code.

FieldsWithSeparatorLC(const RPointerArray< CViewContact > &, TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C HBufC * FieldsWithSeparatorLC ( const RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aContacts,
TInt aIndex,
const TDesC & aSeparator
) const [protected]

Allocates and returns a descriptor filled with the contents of all the fields in a contact item.

The fields are separated by the specified separator.


const RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aContacts An array of contact items.
TInt aIndex An index into the specified array.
const TDesC & aSeparator The text to use to separate the fields.


TUid FindDefaultViewSortPluginImplL ( ) const [protected]


TInt FindL ( TContactItemId aId ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the index into the view of the specified contact item.



TContactItemId aId The contact item ID to search for.

FindSortPluginImplL(const TDesC8 &, TBool)

TUid FindSortPluginImplL ( const TDesC8 & aSortPluginName,
TBool aWildCard = EFalse
) const [protected]


const TDesC8 & aSortPluginName
TBool aWildCard = EFalse

GetContactIdsL(const CArrayFix< TInt > &, CContactIdArray &)

IMPORT_C void GetContactIdsL ( const CArrayFix < TInt > & aIndexes,
CContactIdArray & aContactIds
) [virtual]

Gets an array containing the IDs of the contact items at the specified view indexes.

The IDs are appended to the array.



const CArrayFix < TInt > & aIndexes An array of indexes into this view.
CContactIdArray & aContactIds On return, an array to which the contact item IDs of each of the indexed items are appended.

GetContactsMatchingFilterL(TInt, RArray< TContactIdWithMapping > &)

void GetContactsMatchingFilterL ( TInt aFilter,
RArray < TContactIdWithMapping > & aMatchingContacts
) [private]

Gets an array containing the IDs of the contact items that match the filter supplied by the client.


TInt aFilter Filter The filter to use
RArray < TContactIdWithMapping > & aMatchingContacts Array of matching contact IDs


TInt GetErrorValueFromExtensionClass ( ) [private]


IMPORT_C TUid GetViewFindConfigPlugin ( )

Gets the UID of the view's find configuration plug-in, as set by SetViewFindConfigPlugin() .



IMPORT_C TUid GetViewSortPluginImplUid ( ) const

IdsEqual(const TContactIdWithMapping &, const TContactIdWithMapping &)

IMPORT_C TBool IdsEqual ( const TContactIdWithMapping & aFirst,
const TContactIdWithMapping & aSecond
) [protected, static]

Tests whether the IDs of two contact items are the same.


const TContactIdWithMapping & aFirst The contact ID/view index struct representing the first item.
const TContactIdWithMapping & aSecond The contact ID/view index struct representing the second item.

IdsMatch(const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)

IMPORT_C TBool IdsMatch ( const CViewContact & aFirst,
const CViewContact & aSecond
) [protected, static]

Tests whether the IDs of two contact items are the same.


const CViewContact & aFirst The first contact item.
const CViewContact & aSecond The second contact item.

IndexesEqual(const TContactIdWithMapping &, const TContactIdWithMapping &)

IMPORT_C TBool IndexesEqual ( const TContactIdWithMapping & aFirst,
const TContactIdWithMapping & aSecond
) [protected, static]

Tests whether the view indexes of two contact items are the same.


const TContactIdWithMapping & aFirst The contact ID/view index struct representing the first item.
const TContactIdWithMapping & aSecond The contact ID/view index struct representing the second item.

InsertContactInView(RPointerArray< CViewContact > &, const CViewContact *, TBool, TInt *)

TInt InsertContactInView ( RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aContacts,
const CViewContact * aNewContact,
TBool aSortByIdOnly,
TInt * aIndex
) const [protected]

Does a binary search of the contacts array, and inserts a new contact. Uses the current sort plugin, if any.


RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aContacts
const CViewContact * aNewContact
TBool aSortByIdOnly
TInt * aIndex

IsContactSortable(const CViewContact &, TContactViewPreferences &)

TBool IsContactSortable ( const CViewContact & aContact,
TContactViewPreferences & aViewPreferences
) const [protected]

This function determines whether a contact should be added to the normal sorted array (iContacts) or put into the alternative iUnSortedContacts array. Depending on the view preferences, these "unsorted" contacts are either ignored (deleted), or added to the beginning or end of the iContacts sorted list by At(), Find() etc... methods.


const CViewContact & aContact
TContactViewPreferences & aViewPreferences

LoadViewSortPluginL(TUid, TContactViewPreferences &)

void LoadViewSortPluginL ( TUid aSortPluginUid,
TContactViewPreferences & aViewPreferences
) [protected]


TUid aSortPluginUid
TContactViewPreferences & aViewPreferences

MatchContactsL(const MDesCArray &, RPointerArray< CViewContact > &, TSearchType)

void MatchContactsL ( const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aMatchedContacts,
TSearchType aSearchType
) [private]


const MDesCArray & aFindWords
RPointerArray < CViewContact > & aMatchedContacts
TSearchType aSearchType

MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &)

IMPORT_C TBool MatchesCriteriaL ( const CViewContact & aContact,
const MDesCArray & aFindWords
) [protected, virtual]

Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.

The search uses wildcard matching so that the search strings can occur anywhere in any of the item's fields. For a match to occur, all of the search strings must be found in the contact item.

Any find configuration plug-in that has been set (by calling SetViewFindConfigPlugin() ) will be used.


const CViewContact & aContact The contact item to search.
const MDesCArray & aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.

MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &, TSearchType)

IMPORT_C TBool MatchesCriteriaL ( const CViewContact & aContact,
const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
TSearchType aSearchType
) [protected, static]

Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.

The search type indicates whether the search strings can occur anywhere in a field, or must occur at the start of a field only. For a match to occur, all of the search strings must be found in the contact item.

This function does not use any find configuration plug-in that has been set (by calling SetViewFindConfigPlugin() ), so new code should use one of the other overloads instead. This function has been maintained for binary compatibility with previous OS versions.


const CViewContact & aContact The contact item to search.
const MDesCArray & aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
TSearchType aSearchType The search type. This controls whether a search term can occur anywhere in a contact item field, or just at the beginning of a field.

MatchesCriteriaL(const CViewContact &, const MDesCArray &, TSearchType, CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension *)

IMPORT_C TBool MatchesCriteriaL ( const CViewContact & aContact,
const MDesCArray & aFindWords,
TSearchType aSearchType,
CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension * aExtension
) [protected, static]

Searches a single contact item for fields that contain one or more search strings.

The search type indicates whether the search strings can occur anywhere in a field, or must occur at the start of a field only. For a match to occur, all of the search strings must be found in the contact item.

If a find configuration plug-in UID is specified in the fourth parameter, this overload uses it, loading it first if necessary. This overrides any plug-in that had previously been set by a call to SetViewFindConfigPlugin() .


const CViewContact & aContact The contact item to search.
const MDesCArray & aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
TSearchType aSearchType The search type. This controls whether a search term can occur anywhere in a contact item field, or just at the beginning of a field.
CContactViewBase::CContactViewBaseExtension * aExtension Optionally, this can be used to specify the UID of a find configuration plug-in, overriding any that has previously been set by a call to SetViewFindConfigPlugin().

NotifyObserverAsync(MContactViewObserver &, const TContactViewEvent &)

IMPORT_C TInt NotifyObserverAsync ( MContactViewObserver & aObserver,
const TContactViewEvent & aEvent
) [protected]

Called to notify a single view observer asynchronously of an event.

If other notifications are outstanding, this notification is appended to the queue.

If the view's asynchronous notifier is not active, it is started as a background task.

This function is called by OpenL() and Open() to notify the observer that the view is ready.


MContactViewObserver & aObserver The contact view observer to notify. This must have previously been added to the view's observer array.
const TContactViewEvent & aEvent Identifies the event that occurred.

NotifyObservers(const TContactViewEvent &)

IMPORT_C void NotifyObservers ( const TContactViewEvent & aEvent ) [protected]

Called by derived view classes to notify their observers synchronously of an event, by calling their HandleContactViewEvent() function.


const TContactViewEvent & aEvent Identifies the event that occurred.

Open(MContactViewObserver &)

IMPORT_C TInt Open ( MContactViewObserver & aObserver )

Appends an observer to the view's observer array.

If the view's state is EReady, the observer is notified asynchronously that the view is ready.

This function does not leave; an error code is returned instead.


MContactViewObserver & aObserver The contact view observer to add.

OpenL(MContactViewObserver &)

IMPORT_C void OpenL ( MContactViewObserver & aObserver )

Appends an observer to the view's observer array.

If the view's state is EReady, the observer is notified asynchronously that the view is ready.

An error causes the function to leave.


MContactViewObserver & aObserver The contact view observer to be added.


IMPORT_C void SetViewFindConfigPlugin ( TUid aUid )

Sets the UID of the view's find configuration plug-in to use in calls to ContactsMatchingCriteriaL() , ContactsMatchingPrefixL() and MatchesCriteriaL() .



TUid aUid The UID of the view's find configuration plug-in.


const RContactViewSortOrder & SortOrderL ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the view's sort order.



CViewContactSortPlugin * SortPluginImpl ( ) const [protected]

TextCompareFieldsL(const CViewContact &, const CViewContact &)

TInt TextCompareFieldsL ( const CViewContact & aFirst,
const CViewContact & aSecond
) const [private]

Collates two contact items' field contents.

This is done by comparing each contact item on a field by field basis starting with the loosest collation level initially, and then progressing to tighter collation levels only if the items are considered the same at the looser level. This is required so that items differing by case only are sorted correctly. If a field isn't present, then the comparison is done using the first field that is present.

Faster than static CompareFieldsL() method as it uses prefetched collation method.


const CViewContact & aFirst The first contact item.
const CViewContact & aSecond The second contact item.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TFunction

Identifies the functions that have been added to CContactViewBase , or that may be added in the future. This identifier is passed to the reserved virtual function CContactViewBase_Reserved_1() and enables the addition of new virtual methods without breaking binary compatibility.



Identifies the function CContactViewBase::GetContactIdsL() .


Identifies the function CContactViewBase::GetContactsMatchingFilterL() .


Identifies the function CContactViewBase::InsertContactInView() .

Enum TSearchType

Search type.

This controls whether a search term can occur anywhere in a contact item field, or just at the beginning of the field.



The search uses full wildcard matching so that the search string can occur anywhere in the item's fields.


The search uses partial wildcard matching so that the search string can only occur at the beginning of the item's fields.

Enum TState

Defines the contact view states.



The view is initialising.

This is the view's state immediately after construction or after a significant change (e.g CurrentDatabaseChanged or UnknownChanges), indicating that it can't be used yet.


The view is ready to be used.


The view is not ready to be used, for instance immediately after the sort order has changed, or after an error has occurred.

Member Data Documentation

CIdle * iAsyncNotifier

CIdle * iAsyncNotifier [private]

const CContactDatabase & iDb

const CContactDatabase & iDb [protected]

CContactViewBaseExtension * iExtension

CContactViewBaseExtension * iExtension [protected]

RPointerArray< MContactViewObserver > iObserverArray

RPointerArray < MContactViewObserver > iObserverArray [private]

RArray< TObserverAndEvent > iOutstandingNotifications

RArray < TObserverAndEvent > iOutstandingNotifications [private]

TState iState

TState iState [protected]