CCallControlDispatcher Class Reference

class CCallControlDispatcher : public CBase

This class is responsible for packing and unpacking data belonging to CallControl related requests to the Licensee LTSY.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
~CCallControlDispatcher ()
void CallbackAnswer ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackDialData ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackDialEmergency ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackDialVoice ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackGetActiveAlsLine ( TInt , RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine )
void CallbackGetAlsBlockedStatus ( TInt , RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus )
void CallbackGetAlsPpSupport ( TInt , RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport )
void CallbackGetCallForwardingIndicator ( TInt , RMobilePhone::TMobileTON , RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI , const TDesC &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags , RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID )
void CallbackGetIdentityServiceStatus ( TInt , RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus )
void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt )
void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt , TUint32 , TUint8 )
void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt , const TDateTime &)
void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt , const TDateTime &, TUint32 , TUint8 )
void CallbackHangUp ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackHold ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackNotifyCallEvent ( TInt , TInt , RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent )
void CallbackNotifyCallInfoChange ( TInt , const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)
void CallbackNotifyCallStatusChange ( TInt , TInt , RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus )
void CallbackNotifyDataCallCapsChange ( TInt , TInt , const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)
void CallbackNotifyHscsdInfoChange ( TInt , TInt , const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 &, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)
void CallbackNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChange ( TInt , const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags , RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID )
void CallbackNotifyIncomingCall ( TInt , const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)
void CallbackQueryIsEmergencyNumber ( CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage *)
void CallbackReceiveUui ( TInt , TInt , const TDesC &)
void CallbackRemoteAlertingToneChange ( TInt , RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus )
void CallbackResume ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackSendDtmfTones ( TInt )
void CallbackSendDtmfTonesCancel ( TInt )
void CallbackSetActiveAlsLine ( TInt )
void CallbackSetAlsBlocked ( TInt )
void CallbackSetDynamicHscsdParams ( TInt , TInt )
void CallbackStartDtmfTone ( TInt )
void CallbackStopDtmfTone ( TInt )
void CallbackSwap ( TInt )
void CallbackSync ( CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage &)
void CallbackTerminateAllCalls ( TInt )
void CallbackTerminateErrorCall ( TInt )
void CallbackTransfer ( TInt )
void CallbackUpdateLifeTimer ( TInt )
TInt DispatchAnswerIsvL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchAnswerL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchContinueDtmfStringSendingL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchDialEmergencyL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchDialIsvL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchDialL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchDialNoFdnCheckL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchGetActiveAlsLineL ()
TInt DispatchGetAlsBlockedStatusL ()
TInt DispatchGetAlsPpSupportL ()
TInt DispatchGetCallForwardingIndicatorL ()
TInt DispatchGetIdentityServiceStatusL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchGetLifeTimeL ()
TInt DispatchHangUpL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchHoldL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchLoanDataPortL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchQueryIsEmergencyNumberL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchRecoverDataPortL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchResumeL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSendDtmfTonesCancelL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSendDtmfTonesL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSetActiveAlsLineL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSetAlsBlockedL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSetDynamicHscsdParamsL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchStartDtmfToneL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchStopDtmfToneL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchSwapL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchTerminateCallL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchTransferL (const CMmDataPackage *)
TInt DispatchUpdateLifeTimeL (const CMmDataPackage *)
CCallControlDispatcher * NewL ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)
CCallControlDispatcher * NewLC ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)
void SetDispatcherHolder ( TDispatcherHolder &)
Private Member Functions
CCallControlDispatcher ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)
void ConstructL ()
void DoCallbackDial ( TInt , TInt , RMobilePhone::TMobileService )
TInt DoDispatchAnswerL (const CMmDataPackage *, TBool )
TInt DoDispatchDialL (const CMmDataPackage *, TBool , TBool )
TInt DoSendDtmfTonesL ( TInt , const TDesC &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TInt iCallIdForDtmf
TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder
TBuf < KMaxInfoName > iDtmfString
TBool iFdnCheckPerformed
TBool iFoundDtmfStop
MLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer
MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData
MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency
MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice
MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine
MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatus * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatus
MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport
MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator
MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus
MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetLifeTime * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetLifeTime
MLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp * iLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp
MLtsyDispatchCallControlHold * iLtsyDispatchCallControlHold
MLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort * iLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort
MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber * iLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber
MLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort * iLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort
MLtsyDispatchCallControlResume * iLtsyDispatchCallControlResume
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetAlsBlocked * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetAlsBlocked
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSingleSwap
MLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone * iLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone
MLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone * iLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone
MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap
MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls
MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall
MLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer
MLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer
MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & iLtsyFactoryV1
MmMessageManagerCallback & iMessageManagerCallback
RMobilePhone::TMobileService iModeUsedForVoiceCallDial
RMmCustomAPI::TMobileTelNumber iQueryEmergencyNumber
CRequestQueueOneShot & iRequestAsyncOneShot
TInt iSecondSwapCallId
TInt iSwapCallId
TInt iTransferHeldCallId
TInt iTransferSecondCallId

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CCallControlDispatcher(MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)

CCallControlDispatcher ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback,
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot
) [private]


MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot


~CCallControlDispatcher ( ) [virtual]

Member Functions Documentation

CallbackAnswer(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackAnswer ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlAnswerComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID returned from the LTSY.

CallbackDialData(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackDialData ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialDataComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
TInt aCallId The Call ID returned to the CTSY.

CallbackDialEmergency(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackDialEmergency ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialEmergencyComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The call ID returned from the LTSY

CallbackDialVoice(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackDialVoice ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
TInt aCallId The Call ID returned to the CTSY.

CallbackGetActiveAlsLine(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine)

void CallbackGetActiveAlsLine ( TInt aError,
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine aAlsLine

Packages the data returned by the Licensee LTSY and completes the request back to the Common TSY.


TInt aError The error code to complete back.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine aAlsLine The ALS line returned by the Licensee LTSY.

CallbackGetAlsBlockedStatus(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus)

void CallbackGetAlsBlockedStatus ( TInt aError,
RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus aAlsSupport

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatusComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus aAlsSupport The return value from the LTSY.

CallbackGetAlsPpSupport(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport)

void CallbackGetAlsPpSupport ( TInt aError,
RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport aAlsStatus

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetAlsPpSupportComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport aAlsStatus The return value from the LTSY.

CallbackGetCallForwardingIndicator(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileTON, RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI, const TDesC &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags, RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID)

void CallbackGetCallForwardingIndicator ( TInt aError,
RMobilePhone::TMobileTON aTypeOfNumber,
RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI aMobilePlan,
const TDesC & aNumber,
RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags aCFUIndicatorStatusFlags,
RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID aMultipleSubscriberProfileId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
RMobilePhone::TMobileTON aTypeOfNumber The call forwarding type of number.
RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI aMobilePlan The call forwarding mobile plan.
const TDesC & aNumber The call forwarding telephone number.
RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags aCFUIndicatorStatusFlags The setting for indicator status. Can contain a number of flags from RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatus.
RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID aMultipleSubscriberProfileId

CallbackGetIdentityServiceStatus(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus)

void CallbackGetIdentityServiceStatus ( TInt aError,
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus aIdentityServiceStatus

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatusComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus aIdentityServiceStatus The identity service status returned to the CTSY.


void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.

CallbackGetLifeTime(TInt, TUint32, TUint8)

void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt aError,
TUint32 aHours,
TUint8 aMinutes

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
TUint32 aHours The amount of hours of airtime use since the manufacturing date. The range of the value should be 0-999999.
TUint8 aMinutes The amount of minutes in addition to the amount of hours represented by aHours. The range of the value is 0-59.

CallbackGetLifeTime(TInt, const TDateTime &)

void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt aError,
const TDateTime & aManufacturingDate

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
const TDateTime & aManufacturingDate The date of phone manufacturing. Only the Year, Month and day information is meaningful.

CallbackGetLifeTime(TInt, const TDateTime &, TUint32, TUint8)

void CallbackGetLifeTime ( TInt aError,
const TDateTime & aManufacturingDate,
TUint32 aHours,
TUint8 aMinutes

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
const TDateTime & aManufacturingDate The date of phone manufacturing. Only the Year, Month and day information is meaningful.
TUint32 aHours The amount of hours of airtime use since the manufacturing date. The range of the value should be 0-999999.
TUint8 aMinutes The amount of minutes in addition to the amount of hours represented by aHours. The range of the value is 0-59.

CallbackHangUp(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackHangUp ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlHangUpComp()



TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID of the call which has been hung up.

CallbackHold(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackHold ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlHoldComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID of the call which was requested to be held.

CallbackNotifyCallEvent(TInt, TInt, RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent)

void CallbackNotifyCallEvent ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId,
RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent aCallEvent

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallEventInd()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId Call ID returned from LTSY
RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent aCallEvent Call event returned from LTSY

CallbackNotifyCallInfoChange(TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)

void CallbackNotifyCallInfoChange ( TInt aError,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 & aMobileCallInfo

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallInfoChangeInd() .


TInt aError The error code returned by the LTSY.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 & aMobileCallInfo The call information relating to the call identified by aCallId.

CallbackNotifyCallStatusChange(TInt, TInt, RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus)

void CallbackNotifyCallStatusChange ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId,
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aMobileCallStatus

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd()

Packs data into a format expected by the Common TSY.


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID of the call aMobileCallStatus refers to.
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aMobileCallStatus The new status of the call refered to by aCallId.

CallbackNotifyDataCallCapsChange(TInt, TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)

void CallbackNotifyDataCallCapsChange ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 & aMobileCallDataCaps

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyDataCallCapsChangeInd()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID of the call whose capabilities have changed.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 & aMobileCallDataCaps The new capabilities of the data call.

CallbackNotifyHscsdInfoChange(TInt, TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 &, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)

void CallbackNotifyHscsdInfoChange ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 & aCallParams,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 & aCallCaps

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyHscsdInfoChangeInd() .


TInt aError The error code returned from the LTSY.
TInt aCallId The Call ID returned from the LTSY.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 & aCallParams The call params returned from the LTSY.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 & aCallCaps

CallbackNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChange(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags, RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID)

void CallbackNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChange ( TInt aError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress & aCallForwardingNo,
RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags aCallForwardingStatusFlags,
RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID aMultipleSubscriberProfileId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChangeInd() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress & aCallForwardingNo the number that is being forwarded.
RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags aCallForwardingStatusFlags flags defined in RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatus.
RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID aMultipleSubscriberProfileId the Profile ID, in the case of Multiple Subscribers (SIM).

CallbackNotifyIncomingCall(TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)

void CallbackNotifyIncomingCall ( TInt aError,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 & aCallInfo

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyIncomingCallInd()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 & aCallInfo Call information from LTSY.

CallbackQueryIsEmergencyNumber(CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage *)

void CallbackQueryIsEmergencyNumber ( CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber::HandleQueryIsEmergencyNumberSyncL .


CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage * aDataPackage Structure encapulsating data about the request.

CallbackReceiveUui(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &)

void CallbackReceiveUui ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId,
const TDesC & aCallUui

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlReceiveUuiInd() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.
TInt aCallId The Call ID of the call.
const TDesC & aCallUui The UUI information received from the LTSY.

CallbackRemoteAlertingToneChange(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus)

void CallbackRemoteAlertingToneChange ( TInt aError,
RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus aRemoteAlertingTone

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlRemoteAlertingToneChangeInd() .


TInt aError The error code returned by the LTSY.
RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus aRemoteAlertingTone The new remote alerting status (either RMmCustomAPI::EUiRbtTone when it is a ringback tone or RMmCustomAPI::EUiStopTone when it's a stop tone)

CallbackResume(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackResume ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlResumeComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID returned by CCtsyDispatcherCallback.


void CallbackSendDtmfTones ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackSendDtmfTonesCancel ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancelComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackSetActiveAlsLine ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSetActiveAlsLineComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackSetAlsBlocked ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSetAlsBlockedComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.

CallbackSetDynamicHscsdParams(TInt, TInt)

void CallbackSetDynamicHscsdParams ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParamsComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aCallId The Call ID returned to the CTSY.


void CallbackStartDtmfTone ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlStartDtmfToneComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackStopDtmfTone ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlStopDtmfToneComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackSwap ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlSwapComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSync(CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage &)

void CallbackSync ( CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage & aIpcDataPackage )

Part of the MDispatcherCallback interface. Used to complete requests handled synchronously by the Licensee LTSY asynchronously back to the Common TSY.



CRequestQueueOneShot::TIpcDataPackage & aIpcDataPackage Package encapsulating the request.


void CallbackTerminateAllCalls ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlTerminateAllCallsComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.


void CallbackTerminateErrorCall ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlTerminateErrorCallComp() .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY.


void CallbackTransfer ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlTransferComp()


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


void CallbackUpdateLifeTimer ( TInt aError )

Callback function to be used by the request to complete MLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer::HandleUpdateLifeTimerReqL .


TInt aError The error code to be returned to the CTSY


void ConstructL ( ) [private]

Second phase constructor.

DispatchAnswerIsvL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchAnswerIsvL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EEtelCallAnswerIsv and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchAnswerL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchAnswerL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EEtelCallAnswer and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchContinueDtmfStringSendingL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchContinueDtmfStringSendingL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneContinueDTMFStringSending and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchDialEmergencyL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchDialEmergencyL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallDialEmergencyCall and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchDialIsvL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchDialIsvL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallDialISV and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchDialL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchDialL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EEtelCallDial and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchDialNoFdnCheckL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchDialNoFdnCheckL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallDialNoFdnCheck and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchGetActiveAlsLineL ( )

Unpack data related to RMobilePhone::GetActiveAlsLine and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


TInt DispatchGetAlsBlockedStatusL ( )

Pass ECustomGetAlsBlockedIPC request on to Licensee LTSY.


TInt DispatchGetAlsPpSupportL ( )

Pass ECustomCheckAlsPpSupportIPC request on to Licensee LTSY.


TInt DispatchGetCallForwardingIndicatorL ( )

Pass ECustomGetIccCallForwardingStatusIPC request on to Licensee LTSY.

DispatchGetIdentityServiceStatusL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchGetIdentityServiceStatusL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneGetIdentityServiceStatus and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage


TInt DispatchGetLifeTimeL ( )

Pass ECustomGetLifeTimeIPC request on to Licensee LTSY.

DispatchHangUpL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchHangUpL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EEtelCallHangUp and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchHoldL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchHoldL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallHold and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchLoanDataPortL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchLoanDataPortL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EEtelCallLoanDataPort and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchQueryIsEmergencyNumberL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchQueryIsEmergencyNumberL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ECustomCheckEmergencyNumberIPC and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchRecoverDataPortL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchRecoverDataPortL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EEtelCallRecoverDataPort and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchResumeL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchResumeL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallResume and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSendDtmfTonesCancelL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSendDtmfTonesCancelL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneSendDTMFTonesCancel and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSendDtmfTonesL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSendDtmfTonesL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneSendDTMFTones and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSetActiveAlsLineL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSetActiveAlsLineL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneSetALSLine and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSetAlsBlockedL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSetAlsBlockedL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ECustomSetAlsBlockedIPC and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSetDynamicHscsdParamsL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSetDynamicHscsdParamsL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallSetDynamicHscsdParams and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchStartDtmfToneL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchStartDtmfToneL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneStartDTMFTone and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchStopDtmfToneL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchStopDtmfToneL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobilePhoneStopDTMFTone and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchSwapL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchSwapL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallSwap and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchTerminateCallL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchTerminateCallL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ECustomTerminateCallIPC and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchTransferL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchTransferL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to EMobileCallTransfer and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DispatchUpdateLifeTimeL(const CMmDataPackage *)

TInt DispatchUpdateLifeTimeL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage )

Unpack data related to ECtsyUpdateLifeTimeReq / ECtsyUpdateLifeTimeComp IPCs and pass request on to Licensee LTSY.


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage

DoCallbackDial(TInt, TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileService)

void DoCallbackDial ( TInt aError,
TInt aCallId,
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMode
) [private]


TInt aError
TInt aCallId
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aMode

DoDispatchAnswerL(const CMmDataPackage *, TBool)

TInt DoDispatchAnswerL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage,
TBool aIsIsvRequest
) [private]


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage
TBool aIsIsvRequest

DoDispatchDialL(const CMmDataPackage *, TBool, TBool)

TInt DoDispatchDialL ( const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage,
TBool aIsIsvCall,
TBool aPerformFdnCheck
) [private]


const CMmDataPackage * aDataPackage
TBool aIsIsvCall
TBool aPerformFdnCheck

DoSendDtmfTonesL(TInt, const TDesC &)

TInt DoSendDtmfTonesL ( TInt aCallId,
const TDesC & aTones
) [private]


TInt aCallId
const TDesC & aTones

NewL(MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)

CCallControlDispatcher * NewL ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback,
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot
) [static]


MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot

NewLC(MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 &, MmMessageManagerCallback &, CRequestQueueOneShot &)

CCallControlDispatcher * NewLC ( MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory,
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback,
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot
) [static]


MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & aLtsyFactory
MmMessageManagerCallback & aMessageManagerCallback
CRequestQueueOneShot & aRequestAsyncOneShot

SetDispatcherHolder(TDispatcherHolder &)

void SetDispatcherHolder ( TDispatcherHolder & aDispatcherHolder )

Set the dispatcher holder.


TDispatcherHolder & aDispatcherHolder Pointer to dispatcher holder.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iCallIdForDtmf

TInt iCallIdForDtmf [private]

The call ID of the call iDtmfString was sending tones to. Used if client decides to continue sending the string.

TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder

TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder [private]

TBuf< KMaxInfoName > iDtmfString

TBuf < KMaxInfoName > iDtmfString [private]

Buffer containing remains of DTMF string to be sent. This is used for handling 'w' (wait) characters passed into RMobilePhone::SendDTMFTones

TBool iFdnCheckPerformed

TBool iFdnCheckPerformed [private]

Caches whether an FDN check was performed, to allow the correct IPC to be completed.

TBool iFoundDtmfStop

TBool iFoundDtmfStop [private]

ETrue if a stop character has been found in the DTMF string, therefore client needs to be notified of stop on completion of send.

MLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer

MLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData

MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency

MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice

MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice * iLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatus * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatus

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatus * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatus [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetAlsPpSupport [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetLifeTime * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetLifeTime

MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetLifeTime * iLtsyDispatchCallControlGetLifeTime [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp * iLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp

MLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp * iLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlHold * iLtsyDispatchCallControlHold

MLtsyDispatchCallControlHold * iLtsyDispatchCallControlHold [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort * iLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort

MLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort * iLtsyDispatchCallControlLoanDataPort [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber * iLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber

MLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber * iLtsyDispatchCallControlQueryIsEmergencyNumber [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort * iLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort

MLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort * iLtsyDispatchCallControlRecoverDataPort [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlResume * iLtsyDispatchCallControlResume

MLtsyDispatchCallControlResume * iLtsyDispatchCallControlResume [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetAlsBlocked * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetAlsBlocked

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetAlsBlocked * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetAlsBlocked [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSingleSwap

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSingleSwap [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone * iLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone

MLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone * iLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone * iLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone

MLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone * iLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap

MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap * iLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls

MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateAllCalls [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall

MLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTerminateErrorCall [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer

MLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer [private]

MLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer

MLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer * iLtsyDispatchCallControlUpdateLifeTimer [private]

MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & iLtsyFactoryV1

MLtsyDispatchFactoryV1 & iLtsyFactoryV1 [private]

MmMessageManagerCallback & iMessageManagerCallback

MmMessageManagerCallback & iMessageManagerCallback [private]

RMobilePhone::TMobileService iModeUsedForVoiceCallDial

RMobilePhone::TMobileService iModeUsedForVoiceCallDial [private]

Caches the mode used to dial a voice call. This is needed for when the auxiliary line is used to dial a call. On the callback from the dial, the CTSY needs the call mode to locate the call object to set the Call ID.

RMmCustomAPI::TMobileTelNumber iQueryEmergencyNumber

RMmCustomAPI::TMobileTelNumber iQueryEmergencyNumber [private]

Cache of phone number passed to dispatcher in a ECustomCheckEmergencyNumberIPC request.

CRequestQueueOneShot & iRequestAsyncOneShot

CRequestQueueOneShot & iRequestAsyncOneShot [private]

TInt iSecondSwapCallId

TInt iSecondSwapCallId [private]

TInt iSwapCallId

TInt iSwapCallId [private]

These are the two Call IDs of the calls on which a swap operation has been requested. It allows the dispatcher to return a Call ID to the CTSY on completion of a swap (if the swap failed) so that the CTSY can locate the call object to complete the swap back to the client.

These Call IDs should only have a value != -1 when there is a pending swap operation.

TInt iTransferHeldCallId

TInt iTransferHeldCallId [private]

These are the two Call IDs of the calls on which a transfer operation has been requested. It is needed for the same reason as iSwapCallId and iSecondSwapCallId above.

TInt iTransferSecondCallId

TInt iTransferSecondCallId [private]