CPbkContactEngine Class Reference

class CPbkContactEngine : public CBase

The main entrypoint to the Phonebook contact engine. The Phonebook contact engine builds on top of the Symbian Contacts model and implements platform specific functionality and policies that can be reused and followed by clients to implement functionality that is better integrated to the platform functionality. Functionality like contact field typing is implemented by this engine.

Inherits from

Nested Classes and Structures

Public Member Functions
~CPbkContactEngine ()
IMPORT_C void AddContactToGroupL ( TContactItemId , TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C TContactItemId AddNewContactL ( CPbkContactItem &, TBool )
IMPORT_C CContactViewBase & AllContactsView ()
IMPORT_C CContactViewBase & AllGroupsViewL ()
IMPORT_C void CancelCompress ()
IMPORT_C TBool CheckCompress ()
IMPORT_C void CheckFileSystemSpaceAndCompressL ()
IMPORT_C void CloseContactL ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C void CommitContactGroupL ( CContactGroup &, TBool )
IMPORT_C void CommitContactL ( CPbkContactItem &, TBool )
IMPORT_C void CompressL ()
IMPORT_C CPbkConstants * Constants ()
IMPORT_C MPbkContactNameFormat & ContactNameFormat ()
IMPORT_C CPbkContactChangeNotifier * CreateContactChangeNotifierL ( MPbkContactDbObserver *)
IMPORT_C CContactGroup * CreateContactGroupL (const TDesC &, TBool )
IMPORT_C CPbkContactIter * CreateContactIteratorLC ( TBool )
IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * CreateEmptyContactL ()
IMPORT_C CContactDatabase & Database ()
IMPORT_C void DeleteContactGroupL ( TContactItemId , TBool )
IMPORT_C void DeleteContactL ( TContactItemId , TBool )
IMPORT_C void DeleteContactsL (const CContactIdArray &, TBool )
IMPORT_C void DeleteContactsOnBackgroundL (const CContactIdArray &)
IMPORT_C TContactItemId DuplicateContactL ( TContactItemId , TBool )
IMPORT_C const CPbkFieldsInfo & FieldsInfo ()
IMPORT_C CContactViewBase & FilteredContactsViewL ( TInt )
IMPORT_C CPbkIdleFinder * FindAsyncL (const TDesC &, const CPbkFieldIdArray *, MIdleFindObserver *)
IMPORT_C CContactIdArray * FindLC (const TDesC &, const CPbkFieldIdArray *)
IMPORT_C RFs & FsSession ()
IMPORT_C HBufC * GetContactTitleL (const CPbkContactItem &)
IMPORT_C HBufC * GetContactTitleOrNullL (const MPbkFieldDataArray &)
IMPORT_C TContactItemId GetSpeedDialFieldL ( TInt , TDes &)
IMPORT_C TBool IsSpeedDialAssigned (const CPbkContactItem &, TInt )
IMPORT_C TBool IsTitleField ( TPbkFieldId )
IMPORT_C CContactIdArray * MatchPhoneNumberL (const TDesC &, const TInt )
IMPORT_C TPbkNameOrder NameDisplayOrderL ()
IMPORT_C TChar NameSeparator ()
IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * NewL ( RFs *)
IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * NewL (const TDesC &, TBool , RFs *)
IMPORT_C CContactGroup * OpenContactGroupL ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C CContactGroup * OpenContactGroupLCX ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * OpenContactL ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * OpenContactLCX ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C CContactGroup * ReadContactGroupL ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * ReadContactL ( TContactItemId , const CPbkFieldIdArray *)
IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * ReadContactLC ( TContactItemId , const CPbkFieldIdArray *)
IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * ReadMinimalContactLC ( TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C void RemoveContactFromGroupL ( TContactItemId , TContactItemId )
IMPORT_C void RemoveSpeedDialFieldL ( TContactItemId , TInt )
IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * ReplaceL ( RFs *)
IMPORT_C void SetCompressUi ( MPbkCompressUi *)
IMPORT_C void SetFieldAsSpeedDialL ( CPbkContactItem &, TInt , TInt )
IMPORT_C void SetNameDisplayOrderL ( TPbkNameOrder )
IMPORT_C void SetNameSeparatorL ( TChar )
const CPbkSortOrderManager & SortOrderManager ()
IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * Static ()
IMPORT_C const TDesC & UnnamedTitle ()
Private Member Functions
CPbkContactEngine ()
void AddObserverL ( MPbkContactDbObserver *)
void ConnectFsL ( RFs *)
void ConstructL (const TDesC *, TBool , RFs *)
void CreateDbConnectionL (const TDesC *, TBool , TInt &, TBool )
void HandleDatabaseEventL ( TContactDbObserverEvent )
void ReadResourcesL ( TBool &)
void RemoveObserver ( MPbkContactDbObserver *)
void SendEventToAllObservers (const TContactDbObserverEvent &)
void SendImmidiateEventToAllObservers ( TContactDbObserverEventType , TContactItemId , TBool )
void doDeleteContactL ( TContactItemId )
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enum TPbkNameOrder { EPbkNameOrderLastNameFirstName  = 0, EPbkNameOrderFirstNameLastName , EPbkNameOrderNotDefined }
Private Attributes
CContactDbConnection * iDbConnection
TUid iDtorIDKey
CPbkEngineExtension * iExtension
TInt iFreeSpaceRequiredToDelete
RFs iFs
CArrayPtr < MPbkContactDbObserver > * iObservers
RFs iOwnFs
CPbkConstants * iPbkConstants
CPbkFieldsInfo * iPbkFieldsInfo
CPbkSINDHandlerInterface * iSINDHandler
TChar iSeparator
RSharedDataClient * iSharedDataClient
TBool iUseSeparator

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CPbkContactEngine ( ) [private, inline]


~CPbkContactEngine ( )

Destructor. Destroys this object and closes the contact database connection. REComSession::FinalClose() is called. Notice that FinalClose -call releases resource handles of already destroyed ECom plugins also outside CPbkContactEngine . See REComSession documentation.

Member Functions Documentation

AddContactToGroupL(TContactItemId, TContactItemId)

IMPORT_C void AddContactToGroupL ( TContactItemId aItemId,
TContactItemId aGroupId

Adds a Contact to a group.



TContactItemId aItemId Contact to be added to group.
TContactItemId aGroupId Group where the contact will be added to.

AddNewContactL(CPbkContactItem &, TBool)

IMPORT_C TContactItemId AddNewContactL ( CPbkContactItem & aContact,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Adds a new contact to the contact database.



CPbkContactItem & aContact The new contact item to add.
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!

AddObserverL(MPbkContactDbObserver *)

void AddObserverL ( MPbkContactDbObserver * aObserver ) [private]


MPbkContactDbObserver * aObserver


IMPORT_C CContactViewBase & AllContactsView ( )

Returns a contact view object containing all the contacts in the database.



IMPORT_C CContactViewBase & AllGroupsViewL ( )

Returns a contact view object containing all the groups in the database.



IMPORT_C void CancelCompress ( )


IMPORT_C TBool CheckCompress ( )


IMPORT_C void CheckFileSystemSpaceAndCompressL ( )


IMPORT_C void CloseContactL ( TContactItemId aContactId )

Closes a previously opened contact item without saving changes. CContactDatabase::CloseContactL


TContactItemId aContactId Contact item to be closed.

CommitContactGroupL(CContactGroup &, TBool)

IMPORT_C void CommitContactGroupL ( CContactGroup & aGroup,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Commits changes to a contact group to the database.



CContactGroup & aGroup
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!

CommitContactL(CPbkContactItem &, TBool)

IMPORT_C void CommitContactL ( CPbkContactItem & aContact,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Commit changes to a previously opened contact item into the contact database.



CPbkContactItem & aContact Contact item to be updated in the database.
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!


IMPORT_C void CompressL ( )

ConnectFsL(RFs *)

void ConnectFsL ( RFs * aRfs ) [private, inline]


RFs * aRfs


IMPORT_C CPbkConstants * Constants ( )

ConstructL(const TDesC *, TBool, RFs *)

void ConstructL ( const TDesC * aFileName,
TBool aReplace,
RFs * aFs
) [private]


const TDesC * aFileName
TBool aReplace
RFs * aFs


IMPORT_C MPbkContactNameFormat & ContactNameFormat ( ) const

CreateContactChangeNotifierL(MPbkContactDbObserver *)

IMPORT_C CPbkContactChangeNotifier * CreateContactChangeNotifierL ( MPbkContactDbObserver * aObserver )

Creates and returns a new CPbkContactChangeNotifier for the default contact database. The returned object attaches aObserver to this engine instance as long as the object exists.

CPbkContactChangeNotifier MPbkContactDbObserver


MPbkContactDbObserver * aObserver Observer to attach to this object.

CreateContactGroupL(const TDesC &, TBool)

IMPORT_C CContactGroup * CreateContactGroupL ( const TDesC & aGroupLabel,
TBool aInTransaction = EFalse

Creates a new contact group.



const TDesC & aGroupLabel Group name.
TBool aInTransaction = EFalse See Symbian Contacts Model documentation for CContactDatabase::CreateContactGroupL documentation.


IMPORT_C CPbkContactIter * CreateContactIteratorLC ( TBool aUseMinimalRead = EFalse )


TBool aUseMinimalRead = EFalse If ETrue the iterator will use the Symbian Contacts model CContactDatabase::ReadMinimalContactL, EFalse will read all the contact fields. Default behaviour is to read all fields.

CreateDbConnectionL(const TDesC *, TBool, TInt &, TBool)

void CreateDbConnectionL ( const TDesC * aFileName,
TBool aReplace,
TInt & aDbOpenError,
TBool aSettingsVisible
) [private, inline]


const TDesC * aFileName
TBool aReplace
TInt & aDbOpenError
TBool aSettingsVisible


IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * CreateEmptyContactL ( )

Returns a new contact card with default fields.


IMPORT_C CContactDatabase & Database ( )

Returns the underlying CContactDatabase object. Use only if this class's API is not enough for your purposes.


DeleteContactGroupL(TContactItemId, TBool)

IMPORT_C void DeleteContactGroupL ( TContactItemId aContactId,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Deletes a contact group from the database. CContactDatabase::DeleteContactL


TContactItemId aContactId Contact group to be deleted.
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!

DeleteContactL(TContactItemId, TBool)

IMPORT_C void DeleteContactL ( TContactItemId aContactId,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Deletes a contact item from the database. CContactDatabase::DeleteContactL


TContactItemId aContactId Contact item to be deleted.
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!

DeleteContactsL(const CContactIdArray &, TBool)

IMPORT_C void DeleteContactsL ( const CContactIdArray & aContactIds,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Deletes multiple contact items from the database. CContactDatabase::DeleteContactsL


const CContactIdArray & aContactIds Contact items to be deleted.
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!

DeleteContactsOnBackgroundL(const CContactIdArray &)

IMPORT_C void DeleteContactsOnBackgroundL ( const CContactIdArray & aContactIds )

Deletes multiple contacts from the database in an active object -driven asynchronous background process.


const CContactIdArray & aContactIds Contacts to delete.

DuplicateContactL(TContactItemId, TBool)

IMPORT_C TContactItemId DuplicateContactL ( TContactItemId aId,
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse

Duplicates a contact in the database.


TContactItemId aId Id of the contact to duplicate.
TBool aImmediateNotify = EFalse Send notification to observers immediately. NOTE: send immediately will result in observers (MPbkContactDbObserver) receiving the event twice!


IMPORT_C const CPbkFieldsInfo & FieldsInfo ( )

Returns the field type info array. CPbkFieldsInfo


IMPORT_C CContactViewBase & FilteredContactsViewL ( TInt aFilter )

Returns a contact view object containing all the contacts in the database that match a filter.



TInt aFilter Use CContactDatabase::TContactViewFilter.

FindAsyncL(const TDesC &, const CPbkFieldIdArray *, MIdleFindObserver *)

IMPORT_C CPbkIdleFinder * FindAsyncL ( const TDesC & aText,
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL,
MIdleFindObserver * aObserver = NULL

Searches all contacts in the database for aText asynchronously.

CContactDatabase::FindAsyncL . CPbkIdleFinder


const TDesC & aText Text to search.
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL Phonebook fields types to at least include in the search. If NULL searches all fields. PLEASE NOTE: The find matches in most cases also other fields than those specified in aFieldTypes. Always loop through the returned contacts to check match in the required fields.
MIdleFindObserver * aObserver = NULL Observer for this operation.

FindLC(const TDesC &, const CPbkFieldIdArray *)

IMPORT_C CContactIdArray * FindLC ( const TDesC & aText,
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL

Searches all contacts in the database for aText.

CContactDatabase::FindLC .


const TDesC & aText Text to search.
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL Phonebook fields types to at least include in the search. If NULL searches all fields. PLEASE NOTE: The find matches in most cases also other fields than those specified in aFieldTypes. Always loop through the returned contacts to check match in the required fields.


IMPORT_C RFs & FsSession ( ) const

Returns an open file server session.

GetContactTitleL(const CPbkContactItem &)

IMPORT_C HBufC * GetContactTitleL ( const CPbkContactItem & aItem ) const

Gets a title text for a contact or localised text for unnamed contact if contact contains no title.


const CPbkContactItem & aItem Contact item for which to make the title.

GetContactTitleOrNullL(const MPbkFieldDataArray &)

IMPORT_C HBufC * GetContactTitleOrNullL ( const MPbkFieldDataArray & aContactData )

Similar to GetContactTitleL but returns NULL if contact contains no title. Uses the MPbkFieldDataArray interface to access the field content. CPbkContactEngine::GetContactTitleL


const MPbkFieldDataArray & aContactData The contact field data array.

GetSpeedDialFieldL(TInt, TDes &)

IMPORT_C TContactItemId GetSpeedDialFieldL ( TInt aSpeedDialPosition,
TDes & aPhoneNumber
) const

Returns a speed dial contact.

CContactDatabase::GetSpeedDialFieldL .


TInt aSpeedDialPosition Speed dial position number.
TDes & aPhoneNumber Phone number


void HandleDatabaseEventL ( TContactDbObserverEvent aEvent ) [private]

Distributes CContactDatabase observer events in Phonebook.


TContactDbObserverEvent aEvent

IsSpeedDialAssigned(const CPbkContactItem &, TInt)

IMPORT_C TBool IsSpeedDialAssigned ( const CPbkContactItem & aItem,
TInt aFieldIndex
) const

Returns ETrue if this field has been assigned a speed dial position.


const CPbkContactItem & aItem contact Item to check for speed dial.
TInt aFieldIndex Index of the field to check. This is an index into aItem.CardFields().


IMPORT_C TBool IsTitleField ( TPbkFieldId aFieldId ) const

Returns ETrue if field is one of the fields used in building the contact title.

GetContactTitleL GetContactTitleOrNullL


TPbkFieldId aFieldId The id of the field.

MatchPhoneNumberL(const TDesC &, const TInt)

IMPORT_C CContactIdArray * MatchPhoneNumberL ( const TDesC & aNumber,
const TInt aMatchLengthFromRight

Call-through for new Phone number matching function in 6.2 version of class CContactDatabase . If you don't need any other functionality from CPbkContactEngine than this consider using the CContactDatabase API directly. See Symbian Contacts Model documentation for CContactDatabase::MatchPhoneNumberL use.

CContactDatabase::MatchPhoneNumberL(const TDesC&,const TInt)


const TDesC & aNumber
const TInt aMatchLengthFromRight


IMPORT_C TPbkNameOrder NameDisplayOrderL ( )


IMPORT_C TChar NameSeparator ( ) const

NewL(RFs *)

IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * NewL ( RFs * aFs = NULL ) [static]

Creates a new Phonebook engine object and connects to the default contact database. If the default database does not exist it is created.


if the database is corrupted.


RFs * aFs = NULL An open file server connection. If !=NULL aFs is used instead of a locally created RFs connection. aFs must remain connected for the lifetime of the returned object.

NewL(const TDesC &, TBool, RFs *)

IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * NewL ( const TDesC & aFileName,
TBool aReplace = EFalse,
RFs * aFs = NULL
) [static]


const TDesC & aFileName
TBool aReplace = EFalse
RFs * aFs = NULL


IMPORT_C CContactGroup * OpenContactGroupL ( TContactItemId aId )

Opens a Contact group for modification.



TContactItemId aId Groups id


IMPORT_C CContactGroup * OpenContactGroupLCX ( TContactItemId aId )

Opens a Contact group for modification. Pushes the returned contact group object and a lock item on the cleanup stack.



TContactItemId aId Groups id


IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * OpenContactL ( TContactItemId aContactId )

Opens a contact and returns a phonebook contact item. CContactDatabase::OpenContactL


TContactItemId aContactId Contact item id to be opened.


IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * OpenContactLCX ( TContactItemId aContactId )

Same as OpenContactL, but leaves a lock record AND the opened contact object on the cleanup stack. Use CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2) to close the contact and destroy the returned object. First pop pops the contact object and second the lock object. CContactDatabase::OpenContactLX


TContactItemId aContactId Contact item id to open.


IMPORT_C CContactGroup * ReadContactGroupL ( TContactItemId aId )

Reads a Contact group.



TContactItemId aId Group id.

ReadContactL(TContactItemId, const CPbkFieldIdArray *)

IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * ReadContactL ( TContactItemId aContactId,
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL

Reads a contact and returns a phonebook contact item.



TContactItemId aContactId Contact item id to be read.
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL Array of types of fields to read in, all fields are read if NULL (which is default). NOTE: when using this parameter ReadContactL may return more fields than expected; for example if aFieldTypes contains any phonenumber the method may return all phone number fields of the contact.

ReadContactLC(TContactItemId, const CPbkFieldIdArray *)

IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * ReadContactLC ( TContactItemId aContactId,
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL

Same as ReadContactL, but leaves the returned contact item on the cleanup stack.


TContactItemId aContactId Contact item id to be read.
const CPbkFieldIdArray * aFieldTypes = NULL Array of types of fields to read in, all fields are read if NULL (which is default). NOTE: when using this parameter ReadContactL may return more fields than expected; for example if aFieldTypes contains any phonenumber the method may return all phone number fields of the contact.


IMPORT_C CPbkContactItem * ReadMinimalContactLC ( TContactItemId aContactId )

Same as ReadContactLC but reads only minimal information. See Symbian Contacts Model documentation for definition of "minimal" in this case.



TContactItemId aContactId Contact item id to be read.

ReadResourcesL(TBool &)

void ReadResourcesL ( TBool & aSettingsVisibility ) [private, inline]


TBool & aSettingsVisibility

RemoveContactFromGroupL(TContactItemId, TContactItemId)

IMPORT_C void RemoveContactFromGroupL ( TContactItemId aItemId,
TContactItemId aGroupId

Removes a contact from a group



TContactItemId aItemId Contact to be removed from group.
TContactItemId aGroupId Group where the contact will be removed from.

RemoveObserver(MPbkContactDbObserver *)

void RemoveObserver ( MPbkContactDbObserver * aObserver ) [private]


MPbkContactDbObserver * aObserver

RemoveSpeedDialFieldL(TContactItemId, TInt)

IMPORT_C void RemoveSpeedDialFieldL ( TContactItemId aContactId,
TInt aSpeedDialPosition

Removes a speed dial from a contact.

CContactDatabase::RemoveSpeedDialFieldL .


TContactItemId aContactId Contact item to remove the speed dial from.
TInt aSpeedDialPosition Speed dial position number to remove.

ReplaceL(RFs *)

IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * ReplaceL ( RFs * aFs = NULL ) [static]

Replaces the default contact database and connects to it. See Symbian Contacs model documentation for CContactDatabase::ReplaceL for possible leave codes. PLEASE NOTE: all data in the existing database will be lost!



RFs * aFs = NULL An open file server connection. If !=NULL aFs is used instead of a locally created RFs connection. aFs must remain connected for the lifetime of the returned object.

SendEventToAllObservers(const TContactDbObserverEvent &)

void SendEventToAllObservers ( const TContactDbObserverEvent & aEvent ) [private]


const TContactDbObserverEvent & aEvent

SendImmidiateEventToAllObservers(TContactDbObserverEventType, TContactItemId, TBool)

void SendImmidiateEventToAllObservers ( TContactDbObserverEventType aEventType,
TContactItemId aContactId,
TBool aSendEvent
) [private]


TContactDbObserverEventType aEventType
TContactItemId aContactId
TBool aSendEvent

SetCompressUi(MPbkCompressUi *)

IMPORT_C void SetCompressUi ( MPbkCompressUi * aCompressiUi )


MPbkCompressUi * aCompressiUi

SetFieldAsSpeedDialL(CPbkContactItem &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C void SetFieldAsSpeedDialL ( CPbkContactItem & aItem,
TInt aFieldIndex,
TInt aSpeedDialPosition

Sets a speed dial to a contact field.



CPbkContactItem & aItem Contact item to add speed dial to.
TInt aFieldIndex Field index to add Speed dial to.
TInt aSpeedDialPosition Speed dial position number to set to the field.


IMPORT_C void SetNameDisplayOrderL ( TPbkNameOrder aNameOrder )


TPbkNameOrder aNameOrder


IMPORT_C void SetNameSeparatorL ( TChar aSeparator )


TChar aSeparator


const CPbkSortOrderManager & SortOrderManager ( ) const


IMPORT_C CPbkContactEngine * Static ( ) [static]

Returns the global Phonebook engine instance, NULL if no instance created yet. Note1: Uses thread local storage (TLS), which is slow. Cache the returned pointer if it is used more than one time! Note2: Only the first engine instance created in calling thread can be accessed with this function.


IMPORT_C const TDesC & UnnamedTitle ( ) const

Returns the localised title text to use for unnamed contacts.


void doDeleteContactL ( TContactItemId aContactId ) [private]


TContactItemId aContactId

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TPbkNameOrder


EPbkNameOrderLastNameFirstName = 0

undefined name order

Member Data Documentation

CContactDbConnection * iDbConnection

CContactDbConnection * iDbConnection [private]

TUid iDtorIDKey

TUid iDtorIDKey [private]

CPbkEngineExtension * iExtension

CPbkEngineExtension * iExtension [private]

TInt iFreeSpaceRequiredToDelete

TInt iFreeSpaceRequiredToDelete [private]

RFs iFs

RFs iFs [private]

CArrayPtr< MPbkContactDbObserver > * iObservers

CArrayPtr < MPbkContactDbObserver > * iObservers [private]

RFs iOwnFs

RFs iOwnFs [private]

CPbkConstants * iPbkConstants

CPbkConstants * iPbkConstants [private]

CPbkFieldsInfo * iPbkFieldsInfo

CPbkFieldsInfo * iPbkFieldsInfo [private]

CPbkSINDHandlerInterface * iSINDHandler

CPbkSINDHandlerInterface * iSINDHandler [private]

TChar iSeparator

TChar iSeparator [private]

RSharedDataClient * iSharedDataClient

RSharedDataClient * iSharedDataClient [private]

TBool iUseSeparator

TBool iUseSeparator [private]