UI components


Example image

C++ APIs for implementation

Adaptive search

Searchfield API

Find pane

Searchfield API and Popups API

Generic Button

Generic Button API

Home screen

Home Screen Publishing API


Lists and grids

Lists API for lists and Grids API




Notes API and Notifier API

Menu list (for example,Options menu and sub-menus)

Options menu API



Toolbar API, Generic button API for buttons

Choice list

Choice list API


Form API

Form items

  • Text field

  • Pop-up field

  • Slider

Form API

Grouped soft notification, List query, Grid query

Queries API

Left/Right arrows in the Navi pane

Navigation pane API

Markable list

Selection list

Lists API

Multi-selection list

Lists API


Scroller API

Setting items


Setting pages API

Pop-up setting

Multi-selection list setting

Text setting

Slider setting

Setting list

Setting pages API, Lists API

Softkeys (left and right) in the Control pane

Note: There is no middle softkey label in Touch UI

Buttons API

Status pane

  • Status pane API for the entire status pane

  • Title pane API for the title pane

  • Title Pane Touch Observer API for title pane touch events

  • Navigation pane API for the entire navi pane

  • Tabs API for tabs in the navi pane

  • HWRM power state API for a publish and subscribe interface to battery status

  • Indicators API for the indicator pane

  • The signal pane is not accessible to applications.

For details on touch support of these components, see Touch support for UI components