CCtsyDispatcherCallback Class Reference

class CCtsyDispatcherCallback : public CBase


This class is responsible for receiving completions from the Licensee LTSY and forwarding them onto the relevant dispatcher object in the CTSY Dispatcher which will handle the completion.

Inherits from

  • CCtsyDispatcherCallback
Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlAnswerComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlDialDataComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlDialEmergencyComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetActiveAlsLineComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatusComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetAlsPpSupportComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileTON, RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI, const TDesC &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags, RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt, TUint32, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt, const TDateTime &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt, const TDateTime &, TUint32, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlHangUpComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlHoldComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceAddCallComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceGoOneToOneComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceHangUpComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceSwapComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyCreateConferenceComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyCallEventInd(TInt, TInt, RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyCallInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd(TInt, TInt, RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyDataCallCapsChangeInd(TInt, TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyHscsdInfoChangeInd(TInt, TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 &, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags, RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyIncomingCallInd(TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlReceiveUuiInd(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlRemoteAlertingToneChangeInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlResumeComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancelComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSetActiveAlsLineComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSetAlsBlockedComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParamsComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlStartDtmfToneComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlStopDtmfToneComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSwapComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlTerminateAllCallsComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlTerminateErrorCallComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlTransferComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlUpdateLifeTimerComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastActivateBroadcastReceiveMessageComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastDeleteSimCbTopicComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastGsmBroadcastNotifyMessageReceivedInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastReceiveMessageCancelComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastSetBroadcastFilterSettingComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastStartSimCbTopicBrowsingComp(TInt, const CArrayFixFlat< RMmCustomAPI::TSimCbTopic > &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastWcdmaBroadcastMessageReceivedInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const DispatcherCellBroadcast::TWcdmaCbsMsgBase &, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesActivatePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, RPacketContext::TProtocolType)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesDeactivatePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesDeletePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetMaxNoActiveServicesComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetMaxNoMonitoredServiceListsComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatusComp(TInt, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetPacketAttachModeComp(TInt, RPacketService::TAttachMode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusComp(TInt, RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetStaticCapabilitiesComp(TInt, TUint)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetStatusComp(TInt, RPacketService::TStatus, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesInitialiseMbmsContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesInitialisePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesModifyActivePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, TInt8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyConnectionInfoChangeInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketContext::TConnectionInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsContextConfigChangedInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChangeInd(TInt, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChangeInd(TInt, const RArray< TUint > &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TInt, const RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TInt, const RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TInt, const RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketAttachModeChangeInd(TInt, RPacketService::TPreferredBearer)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketDynamicCapsChangeInd(TInt, TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketMsClassChangeInd(TInt, RPacketService::TMSClass)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusInd(TInt, RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextAddedInd(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextConfigChangedInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TUint, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextConnectionSpeedChangeInd(TInt, const TDesC &, TUint)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextStatusChangeInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const TContextMisc &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedGPRSInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedR5Ind(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedR99Ind(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyRatTransferCapsChangeInd(TInt, TDynamicTransferCapsFlags)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesPacketAttachComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesPacketDetachComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesRejectNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetDefaultPdpContextParamsComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetPacketAttachModeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetPdpContextConfigComp(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetPdpContextQosComp(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListComp(TInt, const RArray< TUint > &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsSessionListComp(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReadyComp(TInt, TRfStateInfo)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReadyComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetBatteryInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCurrentActiveUsimApplicationComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesComp(TInt, TUint32)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetDetectedNetworksCancelComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetDetectedNetworksComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneNetworkListV2 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetFdnStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneFdnStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetHomeNetworkComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetHspaStatusComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::THSxPAStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNetworkModeComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNetworkProviderNameComp(TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNitzInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetOperatorNameComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TOperatorNameType, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetPhoneCellInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetPhoneIdComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetServiceProviderNameComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceProviderNameV2 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetSignalStrengthComp(TInt, TInt32, TInt8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetSystemNetworkBandComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TBandSelection, RMmCustomAPI::TNetworkModeCaps)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetUsimServiceSupportComp(TInt, TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyBatteryInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCurrentNetworkChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyDtmfEventInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TDtmfEventType, RMmCustomAPI::TDtmfEvent, TChar)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyDtmfEventInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneDTMFEvent)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyEgprsInfoChangeInd(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyHspaStatusChangedInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::THSxPAStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkConnectionFailureInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkModeChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNitzInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNspsStatusChangeInd(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyRauEventInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TRauEventStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyRfStatusChangeInd(TInt, TRfStateInfo)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifySignalStrengthChangeInd(TInt, TInt32, TInt8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNspsWakeupComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneRegisterCellInfoChangeNotificationComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneResetNetServerComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSelectNetworkCancelComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSelectNetworkComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetAlwaysOnModeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetDriveModeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetHspaStatusComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetNetworkSelectionSettingComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetSystemNetworkBandComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetSystemNetworkModeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSimRefreshRegisterComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneTerminateAllCallsComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookEnStoreGetInfoComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookEnStoreReadAllComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookEnStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookGetPhoneStoreInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreDeleteAllComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreDeleteEntryComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetInfoComp(TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetReadStoreSizeComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetStoreSizeComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadAllInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreWriteComp(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreWriteEntryComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreDeleteAllComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreDeleteEntryComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreGetInfoComp(TInt, TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreReadAllComp(TInt, const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData &, TInt, TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreWriteEntryComp(TInt, TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreCacheComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreDeleteAllComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreDeleteEntryComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreGetPhonebookInfoComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreInitialiseComp(TInt, const DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebookStoreInfoV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreResetCacheInd(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreSetFdnPhonebookInfoInd(TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreWriteEntryComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TUint16, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatAccessTechnologyChangeInd(TInt, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCallConnectedInd(TInt, TUint8, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCallControlEnvelopeResponseInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCallDisconnectedInd(TInt, TUint8, TBool, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateCallControlEnvelopeInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TUint8, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateCellBroadcastEnvelopeInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateRefreshTerminalRspInd(TInt, RSat::TPCmdResult, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateSmControlEnvelopeInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateSmsDeliverReportInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetAccessTechnologyComp(TInt, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetClutComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetIconDataComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetImageInstanceComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetSmsControlActivatedComp(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatImsiChangedInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatLocalInformationNmrComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatLocationStatusInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, TUint16, TUint16)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatMtCallInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatNotifyProactiveSimSessionEndInd(TInt, TUint8, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatPcmdInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatProvideLocationInfoComp(TInt, TUint16, TUint16, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatReadyComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatRefreshAllowedComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatRemoveEventListInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp(TInt, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatSmControlEnvelopeResponseInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatSsChangeInd(TInt, DispatcherSat::TSsStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatTerminalRspComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatTimeZoneChangeInd(TInt, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatTimingAdvanceComp(TInt, TUint8, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatUssdControlEnvelopeErrorComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatUssdControlSupportedChangeInd(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityAbortSecurityCodeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityBootNotifySecurityReadyInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityCheckSecurityCodeCancelComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityCheckSecurityCodeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityDisablePhoneLockComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetCipheringInfoComp(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetCurrentActivePinComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetLockInfoComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockStatus, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetPin1DisableSupportedComp(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetSecurityCodeInfoComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityIsSecurityCodeBlockedComp(TInt, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityNotifyCipheringInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TCipheringInfo &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityNotifyLockInfoChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockStatus, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLock)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityNotifySecurityEventInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecuritySetLockSettingComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityVerifySecurityCodeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimAppendApnNameComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimChangeSecurityCodeComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimDeleteApnNameComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimEnumerateApnEntriesComp(TInt, TUint32)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetActiveIccApplicationTypeComp(TInt, MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType::TIccType)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetAnswerToResetComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetApnControlListServiceStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetApnNameComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetCustomerServiceProfileComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCspFileV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetServiceTableComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationDataComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationDataComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSimCardReaderStatusComp(TInt, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSubscriberIdComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifyApnControlListServiceStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifyApnListChangeInd(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifyIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifySimCardStatusInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSIMCardStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimPowerSimOffComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimPowerSimOnComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimReadSimFileComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimRefreshSimFilesInd(TInt, TUint16)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSendApduRequestComp(TInt, TUint8, TUint8, TUint8, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSendApduRequestV2Comp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetApnControlListServiceStatusComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetFdnSettingComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetSimMessageStatusReadComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSimLockActivateComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSimLockDeActivateComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSimWarmResetComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsAckSmsStoredComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsGetSmsStoreInfoComp(TInt, TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsGetSmspListComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const DispatcherSim::TSmsParameters &, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsNackSmsStoredComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsNotifyReceiveSmsMessageInd(TInt, TBool, const TSmsMsg &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsResumeSmsReceptionComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSendSatSmsComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSendSmsMessageComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSendSmsMessageNoFdnCheckComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSetMoSmsBearerComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsStoreSmspListEntryComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesClearBlacklistComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallBarringStatusComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneCBList &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallForwardingStatusComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneCFList &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallWaitingStatusComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneCWList &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetDiagnosticOctetsInd(TInt, TInt, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyAdditionalInfoInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallBarringStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBCondition)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallForwardingActiveInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileService, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFActive)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallForwardingStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallWaitingStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileService, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCWStatus)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventCallWaitingInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventClirSuppressionInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventConfrenceInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventCugInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TUint16)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventEctCallStateInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, RMmCustomAPI::TSsEctState, RMmCustomAPI::TSsChoice, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventForwardModeInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, RMmCustomAPI::TSsForwMode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventHoldModeInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, RMmCustomAPI::TSsHoldMode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyRequestCompleteInd(TInt, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifySendNetworkServiceRequestInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNotifySendSSOperation, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesReceiveUssdMessageInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, TUint8, RMobileUssdMessaging::TMobileUssdMessageType, RMobileUssdMessaging::TMobileUssdDataFormat)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendNetworkServiceRequestComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendNetworkServiceRequestNoFdnCheckComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdMessageComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdMessageNoFdnCheckComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdReleaseComp(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetCallBarringStatusComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetCallForwardingStatusComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetCallWaitingStatusComp(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetSsPasswordComp(TInt)
CCtsyDispatcherCallback *NewL()
CCtsyDispatcherCallback *NewLC()
Private Member Functions
voidSetDispatcherHolder(TDispatcherHolder &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Private Attributes
TDispatcherHolder *iDispatcherHolder

Constructor & Destructor Documentation





Member Functions Documentation

CallbackCallControlAnswerComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlAnswerComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlAnswer::HandleAnswerReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of the request to answer an incoming call.

RCall::AnswerIncomingCall() RCall::AnswerIncomingCallISV() CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the attempt to answer the requested call. This should be KErrNone if the dialling process could be started successfully. Otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID which could not be answered.

CallbackCallControlDialDataComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlDialDataComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData::HandleDialDataReqL()

When a dial attempt is made via the above mentioned interface, the LTSY has the responsibility of allocating a unique Call ID to the call. For more information, see the documentation on aCallId below.

For dealing with voice calls, see CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the attempt to dial the requested call. This should be KErrNone if the dialling process could be started successfully. Otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.
TInt aCallIdThe call ID of the call that the dial attempt refers to which has been allocated by the LTSY. This should be a number between 1 and KMaxCallIdValue and should be unique across all call modes (voice, data etc.). For example, if a request for a voice call is made and the LTSY allocates this call an ID of 1 and a request for a data call is requested, the LTSY should allocate a Call ID which is not the same as that already allocated for the first voice call.

CallbackCallControlDialEmergencyComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlDialEmergencyComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialEmergency::HandleDialEmergencyReqL()

This callback is used to inform the CTSY of the outcome of the request to initiate the dialling process to dial an emergency call.

This callback is similar to CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp() but refers specifically to the dialling of an emergency call.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe call ID of the call that the dial attempt refers to which has been allocated by the LTSY. The call ID needs to be unique across all calls and modes(emergency and non-emergency included). See the documentation for CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp for precise details on how to allocate a valid call ID.

CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialVoice::HandleDialVoiceReqL()

This callback is used to inform the CTSY of the outcome of the request to initiate the dialling process. To indicate progress of the call as it becomes connected, use CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd().

When a dial attempt is made via the above mentioned interface, the LTSY has the responsibility of allocating a unique Call ID to the call. For more information, see the documentation on aCallId below.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the attempt to dial the requested call. This should be KErrNone if the dialling process could be started successfully. Otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.
TInt aCallIdThe call ID of the call that the dial attempt refers to which has been allocated by the LTSY. This should be a number between 1 and KMaxCallIdValue and should be unique across all call modes (voice, data etc. including emergency calls). For example, if a request for a voice call is made and the LTSY allocates this call an ID of 1 and a request for a data call is requested, the LTSY should allocate a Call ID which is not the same as that already allocated for the first voice call.

CallbackCallControlGetActiveAlsLineComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetActiveAlsLineComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetActiveAlsLine::HandleGetActiveAlsLineReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneALSLine aAlsLineThe current active ALS line.

CallbackCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatusComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetAlsBlockedStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to indicate the current ALS blocked status.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TGetAlsBlockStatus aAlsStatusThe return value from the LTSY.

CallbackCallControlGetAlsPpSupportComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetAlsPpSupportComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to indicate whether the product profile support ALS (Alternate Line Service).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TAlsSupport aAlsSupportRMmCustomAPI::EAlsSupportOn if ALS is supported, RMmCustomAPI::EAlsSupportOff if not.

CallbackCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileTON, RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI, const TDesC &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags, RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicatorComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aNumber,

Complete a MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetCallForwardingIndicator::HandleGetCallForwardingIndicatorL request by returning to the CTSY the indicator parameters for unconditional call forwarding, with support for MPS (Multiple Subscriber Profile) and Call Forwarding Number. The MPS Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 23.097, and the indicator data is detailed in 3GPP TS 31.102 (section 4.2.64 in version 8.2.0).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobileTON aTypeOfNumberThe call forwarding type of number.
RMobilePhone::TMobileNPI aMobilePlanThe call forwarding mobile plan.
const TDesC & aNumberThe call forwarding telephone number.
RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags aCFUIndicatorStatusFlagsThe setting for indicator status. Can contain a number of flags from RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatus.
RMobilePhone::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID aMultipleSubscriberProfileId

CallbackCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatusComp(TIntaError,


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdServiceStatus aIdentityServiceStatusThe status of the service requested in MLtsyDispatchCallControlGetIdentityServiceStatus::HandleGetIdentityServiceStatusReqL()


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to indicate a completion of a RMmCustomAPI::GetLifeTime() request in case the lifetime information is not available.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt, TUint32, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to indicate the phone lifetime information when the lifetime information does not includes the phone manufacturing date but only the total amount of airtime use from the manufacturing date until the call to RMmCustomAPI::GetLifeTime().



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint32 aHoursThe amount of hours of airtime use since the manufacturing date. The range of the value should be 0-999999.
TUint8 aMinutesThe amount of minutes in addition to the amount of hours represented by aHours. The range of the value is 0-59.

CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt, const TDateTime &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TIntaError,
const TDateTime &aManufacturingDate

Callback function to indicate the phone lifetime information when the lifetime information includes the phone manufacturing date but not the total amount of airtime use from the manufacturing date until the call to RMmCustomAPI::GetLifeTime().



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDateTime & aManufacturingDateThe date of phone manufacturing. Only the Year, Month and day information is meaningful.

CallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TInt, const TDateTime &, TUint32, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlGetLifeTimeComp(TIntaError,
const TDateTime &aManufacturingDate,

Callback function to indicate the phone lifetime information when the lifetime information includes the phone manufacturing date and the total amount of airtime use from the manufacturing date until the call to RMmCustomAPI::GetLifeTime().



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDateTime & aManufacturingDateThe date of phone manufacturing. Only the Year, Month and day information is meaningful.
TUint32 aHoursThe amount of hours of airtime use since the manufacturing date. The range of the value should be 0-999999.
TUint8 aMinutesThe amount of minutes in addition to the amount of hours represented by aHours. The range of the value is 0-59.

CallbackCallControlHangUpComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlHangUpComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlHangUp::HandleHangUpReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to return to the CTSY relating to the request to hang up. This should be KErrNone on success or another error code to indicate the failure otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call which has just been hung up.

CallbackCallControlHoldComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlHoldComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlHold::HandleHoldReqL()

The result of the hold request on the call specified in aCallId is passed back to the Common TSY.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the attempt to hold the requested call. This should be KErrNone if the hold process could be started successfully. Otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call which was requested to be held.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceAddCallComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlMultipartyConferenceAddCall::HandleConferenceAddCallReqL()

Indicates to the CTSY the outcome of the request to add a call to a conference call. If the request was successful, subsequent notifications to indicate that the new call statuses (to RMobileCall::EStatusConnected) are made by completing call status notifications using CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd() for each call in the conference state.



TInt aErrorKErrNone if the request to add a call to the conference was successful. Another error code indicating the failure otherwise.

CallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceGoOneToOneComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceGoOneToOneComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlMultipartyConferenceGoOneToOne::HandleConferenceGoOneToOneReqL()

Informs the CTSY of the outcome of the request to initiate a private communication with one of the calls in the conference call. The other call / calls are expected to go on hold whilst the specified call becomes connected. The LTSY informs the CTSY of these call status changes using CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID to which the One-To-One request refers.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceHangUpComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlMultipartyConferenceHangUp::HandleConferenceHangUpReqL()

This callback is used to inform the CTSY of the outcome of the request to initiate the hang up the conference call. The LTSY can inform the CTSY of successful completion of the hang up process via call status notifications as the calls disconnect and then become idle. See CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd()



TInt aErrorKErrNone if the create conference request was made to the baseband successfully; another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyConferenceSwapComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlMultipartyConferenceSwap::HandleConferenceSwapReqL()

Informs the CTSY of the outcome of the request to swap the conference call with another connected / held call.

The swap request is fully completed when the LTSY has completed the necessary call status notifications to indicate the new state of the calls inside and outside of the conference using CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd()



TInt aErrorKErrNone to indicate success, another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlMultipartyCreateConferenceComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlMultipartyCreateConference::HandleCreateConferenceReqL()

This callback is used to inform the CTSY of the outcome of the request to initiate the creation of a conference call.



TInt aErrorKErrNone if the create conference request was made to the baseband successfully; another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackCallControlNotifyCallEventInd(TInt, TInt, RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyCallEventInd(TIntaError,

Notify the Common TSY about a remote call event that has occurred, for example, the remote party has put the call on hold.



TInt aErrorThe error code associated with this notification. KErrNone if there is no error.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call that this call event relates to.
RMobileCall::TMobileCallEvent aCallEventThe event that has occurred to the call specified in aCallId. Current valid values supported by the Common TSY are RMobileCall::ERemoteHold, RMobileCall::ERemoteResume, RMobileCall::ERemoteTerminated and RMobileCall::ERemoteConferenceCreate

CallbackCallControlNotifyCallInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyCallInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &aMobileCallInfo

This function should be used by the LTSY to supply information about a call to the Common TSY. For example, details about the remote party and whether the call has been forwarded. See RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 for more details on what information about the call can be returned to the CTSY.

In aMobileCallInfo, RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1::iCallId must be populated with the Call ID of the call the aMobileCallInfo parameter is referring to.

RMobileCall::GetMobileCallInfo() RMobileCall::NotifyRemotePartyInfoChange()


TInt aErrorThe error code associated with this notification. KErrNone if there is no error.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 & aMobileCallInfoThe call information relating to the call identified by aCallId.

CallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd(TInt, TInt, RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyCallStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Used by an LTSY to indicate to the CTSY that there has been a change in the status of a call. For example, if the CTSY has previously made a dial request to make a voice call, the LTSY can call this API to notify the CTSY of progress of the call through the dialling, connecting and connected states.

The aCauseCode parameter should be used to indicate the reason for the change in status of a call.

In the case of a call going idle (aMobileCallStatus = RMobileCall::EStatusIdle) specific cause codes need to be returned to the Common TSY to indicate specific causes of status changes:

  • To indicate that an active call has been released normally by either party, set aCauseCode = KErrGsmCCNormalCallClearing.

  • To indicate that a mobile originated call that is being dialled has gone idle because the remote party has rejected the call, set aCauseCode = KErrGsmCCCallRejected or another error code (which is != KErrNone) to indicate the reason for rejection.

  • If a mobile originated call is being dialled and the user cancels dialling, causing the call to go idle, set aCauseCode = KErrGsmCCNormalCallClearing.

  • When an incoming call goes idle because the client has rejected it (done using RCall::HangUp() on the ringing call), set aCauseCode = KErrGsmCCUserBusy.



TInt aErrorThe cause of the change in call status.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call whose status has changed.
RMobileCall::TMobileCallStatus aMobileCallStatusThe new status of the call refered to by aCallId.

CallbackCallControlNotifyDataCallCapsChangeInd(TInt, TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyDataCallCapsChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &aMobileCallDataCaps

Sends a notification to the Common TSY about a change in the data call capabilities.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call whose capabilities have changed.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 & aMobileCallDataCapsThe new capabilities of the data call.

CallbackCallControlNotifyHscsdInfoChangeInd(TInt, TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 &, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyHscsdInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 &aCallParams,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 &aCallCaps

Notify the Common TSY about a change in the parameters of other information about the specified HSCSD call.

RMobileCall::NotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange() RMobileCall::NotifyHscsdInfoChange()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the data call whose parameters / information has changed.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 & aCallParamsThe new call parameters. The fields of this RMobileCall::TMobileCallHscsdInfoV8 parameter are returned to the client if the client has requested to be notified of a change in the HSCSD information of the call via RMobileCall::NotifyHscsdInfoChange()
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 & aCallCapsThe new call capabilities. The fields of this RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1 parameter are returned to the client if the client has requested to be notified of a change in the HSCSD capabilities of the call via RMobileCall::NotifyMobileDataCallCapsChange() if any of the following fields have changed their value: RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1::iMaxRxTimeSlots , RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1::iMaxTxTimeSlots , RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1::iHscsdSupport , RMobileCall::TMobileCallDataCapsV1::iSpeedCaps ,

CallbackCallControlNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &, RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags, RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyIccCallForwardingStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress &aCallForwardingNo,

Callback function to be used to indicate a change in ICC Call Forwarding.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobilePhone::TMobileAddress & aCallForwardingNothe number that is being forwarded.
RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatusFlags aCallForwardingStatusFlagsflags defined in RMobilePhone::TCFUIndicatorStatus.
RMmCustomAPI::TMultipleSubscriberProfileID aMultipleSubscriberProfileIdin case of Multiple Subscriber (SIM) the Profile ID.

CallbackCallControlNotifyIncomingCallInd(TInt, const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlNotifyIncomingCallInd(TIntaError,
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 &aCallInfo

Notify the Common TSY about an incoming call to the phone.

The aCallInfo parameter is used to provide the Common TSY with details about the incoming call.

The field RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1::iCallId is mandatory and should be populated with a unique Call ID allocated by the LTSY. For more details about how to set a valid Call ID, see the documentation on the aCallId parameter in CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlDialVoiceComp().

The field RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1::iService in the aCallInfo parameter is mandatory must be populated by the LTSY to indicate to the Common TSY the type of the incoming call.

The remainder of the fields in the aCallInfo parameter can be used to indicate other details about the incoming call. See the documentation for RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 for more details.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV1 & aCallInfoInformation about the incoming call.

CallbackCallControlReceiveUuiInd(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlReceiveUuiInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aCallUui

Indicates to the CTSY that the LTSY has received a User-to-User Information notification. The User-to-User Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.087.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call to which the information is being sent.
const TDesC & aCallUuiThe User-to-User Information that has been received. This should be a descriptor of length RMobileCall::KMaxUUISize

CallbackCallControlRemoteAlertingToneChangeInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlRemoteAlertingToneChangeInd(TIntaError,

This function should be used by the LTSY to indicate to the CTSY that the remote alerting tone had been set or changed.

RMmCustomAPI::GetRemoteAlertingToneStatus() RMmCustomAPI::NotifyRemoteAlertingToneStatusChange()


TInt aErrorThe error code associated with this notification. KErrNone if there is no error.
RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus aRemoteAlertingToneThe new remote alerting status (either RMmCustomAPI::EUiRbtTone when it is a ringback tone or RMmCustomAPI::EUiStopTone when it's a stop tone)

CallbackCallControlResumeComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlResumeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlResume::HandleResumeReqL()

The result of the pending resume request on the call specified in aCallId is passed back to the Common TSY.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the attempt to resume the held call. This should be KErrNone if the resume process could be started successfully. Otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call which has been requested to be resumed.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancelComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTonesCancel::HandleSendDtmfTonesCancelReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSendDtmfTonesComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlSendDtmfTones::HandleSendDtmfTonesReqL()

This callback indicates that the DTMF string has been sent.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSetActiveAlsLineComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetActiveAlsLine::HandleSetActiveAlsLineReqL()

This callback indicates the outcome of the request to set the active ALS line.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSetAlsBlockedComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to indicate the current ALS blocked status change is complete.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParamsComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParamsComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlSetDynamicHscsdParams::HandleSetDynamicHscsdParamsReqL()

This callback indicates that the request to set the dynamic HSCSD parameters has been made (successfully or unsuccessfully). To notify the CTSY of a change in the HSCSD information of the call, see the API CCtsyDispatcherCallback::CallbackCallControlNotifyHscsdInfoChangeInd()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallId


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlStartDtmfToneComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlStartDtmfTone::HandleStartDtmfToneReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the request to send the DTMF tone.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlStopDtmfToneComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlStopDtmfTone::HandleStopDtmfToneReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlSwapComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlSwap::HandleSwapReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher by the LTSY indicating the outcome of the attempt to swap the requested calls. This should be KErrNone if the swap process could be started successfully. Otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlTerminateAllCallsComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to indicate that the request to terminate all the calls is complete.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlTerminateErrorCallComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to indicate that the request to terminate the call is complete.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlTransferComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlTransfer::HandleTransferReqL()

Informs the CTSY of the outcome of initiating the transfer process.

Successful completion of the transfer process is indicated by a change in the call status of the calls which were transferred.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCallControlUpdateLifeTimerComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCallControlDialData::HandleUpdateLifeTimerReqL()

This callback is invoked after the life timer has been updated.


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher. This should be KErrNone if the life timer was updated successfully, otherwise another error code to indicate the failure should be returned.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastActivateBroadcastReceiveMessageComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastDeleteSimCbTopicComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchCellBroadcastDeleteSimCbTopic::HandleDeleteSimCbTopicReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackCellBroadcastGsmBroadcastNotifyMessageReceivedInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastGsmBroadcastNotifyMessageReceivedInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aCbsMsg

Function will be called by LTSY to pass GSM cell broadcast message. It may be used as a completion of ReceiveMessage() request or by usolicited completion.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher
const TDesC8 & aCbsMsgGSM cell broadcast message


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastReceiveMessageCancelComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastSetBroadcastFilterSettingComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackCellBroadcastStartSimCbTopicBrowsingComp(TInt, const CArrayFixFlat< RMmCustomAPI::TSimCbTopic > &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastStartSimCbTopicBrowsingComp(TIntaError,
const CArrayFixFlat< RMmCustomAPI::TSimCbTopic > &aSimTopicArray


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const CArrayFixFlat< RMmCustomAPI::TSimCbTopic > & aSimTopicArrayarray of TSimCbTopic.

CallbackCellBroadcastWcdmaBroadcastMessageReceivedInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const DispatcherCellBroadcast::TWcdmaCbsMsgBase &, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackCellBroadcastWcdmaBroadcastMessageReceivedInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aWcdmaCbsData,
const DispatcherCellBroadcast::TWcdmaCbsMsgBase &aWcdmaCbsMsgBase,

Function will be called by LTSY to pass array of WCDMA cell broadcast messages. It may be used as a completion of ReceiveMessage() request or by usolicited completion.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aWcdmaCbsDataBroadcast message WCDMA.
const DispatcherCellBroadcast::TWcdmaCbsMsgBase & aWcdmaCbsMsgBasebase wcdma cbs data structure.
TBool aMoreToCome

CallbackPacketServicesActivatePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, RPacketContext::TProtocolType)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesActivatePdpContextComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const TDesC8 &aAccessPointName,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesActivatePdpContext::HandleActivatePdpContextReqL()

Returns the result of the request to activate a packet context and returns details about the activated context to the CTSY.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe name of the context that has been activated.
const TDesC8 & aAccessPointNameThe name of the access point that has been activated. This should be a descriptor of maximum length RPacketContext::KGSNNameLength such as RPacketContext::TGSNAddress
RPacketContext::TProtocolType aPdpTypeThe protocol used to connect to the packet data gateway.

CallbackPacketServicesDeactivatePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesDeactivatePdpContextComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesDeactivatePdpContext::HandleDeactivatePdpContextReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name that has been deactivated, the maximum length of the descriptor should not exceed KMaxInfoName.

CallbackPacketServicesDeletePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesDeletePdpContextComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesDeletePdpContext::HandleDeletePdpContextReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name.

CallbackPacketServicesGetMaxNoActiveServicesComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetMaxNoActiveServicesComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetMaxNoActiveServices::HandleGetMaxNoActiveServicesReqL()

Returns the maximum number of active services allowed to the C-TSY.


TInt aErrorThe error code.
TInt aMaxNoActiveServicesThe maximum number of active services allowed (hence the maximum number of contexts allowed).

CallbackPacketServicesGetMaxNoMonitoredServiceListsComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetMaxNoMonitoredServiceListsComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetMaxNoMonitoredServiceLists::HandleGetMaxNoMonitoredServiceListsReqL()

Returns the maximum number of monitored service lists to the C-TSY.

Calls to RPacketService::EnumerateMbmsMonitorServiceList() will then return the maximum number of monitored service lists in the aMaxAllowed field.



TInt aErrorThe error code.
TInt aMaxNoMonitoredServiceListsThe maximum number of monitored service lists.

CallbackPacketServicesGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatusComp(TInt, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus::HandleGetMbmsNetworkServiceStatusReqL()

The CTSYs cache of the network service state will be updated and a pending client side RPacketService::GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus() will be completed.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus aMbmsNetworkServiceStatusThe network service status.

CallbackPacketServicesGetPacketAttachModeComp(TInt, RPacketService::TAttachMode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetPacketAttachModeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetPacketAttachMode::HandleGetPacketAttachModeReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RPacketService::TAttachMode aAttachModeThe packet service attach mode.

CallbackPacketServicesGetPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusComp(TInt, RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetPacketNetworkRegistrationStatus::HandleGetPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusReqL()

Returns the current registration status of the packet network.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus aRegistrationStatusThe current network registration status.

CallbackPacketServicesGetStaticCapabilitiesComp(TInt, TUint)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetStaticCapabilitiesComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetStaticCapabilities::HandleGetStaticCapabilitiesReqL()

Returns the static capabilities of the packet service to the C-TSY.

E-Tel Packet calls to RPacketService::GetStaticCaps() will then return this set of static capabilities.

RPacketService::TStaticMiscCaps RPacketService::GetStaticCaps()


TInt aErrorThe error code.
TUint aStaticCapabilitiesA bit field containing the static capabilities to be returned to the CTSY. This can be created from a bit-wise OR (|) of values from RPacketService::TStaticMiscCaps.

CallbackPacketServicesGetStatusComp(TInt, RPacketService::TStatus, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesGetStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesGetStatus::HandleGetStatusReqL()

Returns the status of the packet service to the C-TSY.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RPacketService::TStatus aPacketStatusThe packet status as return from the ltsy.
TBool aIsResumedFlag indicating whether packet service has been resumed from suspended state.

CallbackPacketServicesInitialiseMbmsContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesInitialiseMbmsContextComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const TDesC &aChannelId

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesInitialiseMbmsContext::HandleInitialiseMbmsContextReqL()

Returns the MBMS data to the CTSY.



TInt aErrorThe error code.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe name of the current context, the descriptor should be a maximum length of KMaxInfoName.
const TDesC & aChannelIdThe current channelId descriptor, the descriptor should be a maximum length of KMaxName.

CallbackPacketServicesInitialisePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesInitialisePdpContextComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const TDesC &aChannelId

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesInitialisePdpContext::HandleInitialisePdpContextReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe name of the current context, the descriptor should be TBuf<10>
const TDesC & aChannelIdThe current channelId descriptor, the descriptor should be a TName

CallbackPacketServicesModifyActivePdpContextComp(TInt, const TDesC &, TInt8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesModifyActivePdpContextComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name that has been modified.
TInt8 aRejectionCodeThe reason code for any failure of modification.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyConnectionInfoChangeInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketContext::TConnectionInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyConnectionInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const RPacketContext::TConnectionInfoV1 &aConnectionInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to update the packet context connection info.

Updated connection information will be returned to the client as a result of this indication

This will result in the completion on a pending client side RPacketService::NotifyConnectionInfoChange()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name, the maximum length of the descriptor should not exceed KMaxInfoName.
const RPacketContext::TConnectionInfoV1 & aConnectionInfoThe details of the connection, including HSDPA Category and HSUPA Category

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsContextConfigChangedInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsContextConfigChangedInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1 &aContextConfigMbms

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify the Mbms configuration has changed on a given context. (IPC ECtsyPacketMbmsContextNotifyConfigChanged).

Pending client side RPacketMbmsContext::NotifyConfigChanged() will be completed with the new configuration data.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name.
const RPacketMbmsContext::TContextConfigMbmsV1 & aContextConfigMbmsThe context configuration data.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChangeInd(TInt, TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to update the CTSY's cache of the current Mbms network service state (IPC EPacketNotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange).

This will result in the completion on a pending client side RPacketService::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange()

RPacketService::NotifyMbmsNetworkServiceStatusChange() RPacketService::GetMbmsNetworkServiceStatus()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
TMbmsNetworkServiceStatus aMbmsNetworkServiceStatusThe network service status.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChangeInd(TInt, const RArray< TUint > &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RArray< TUint > &aAvailableServiceIds

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to update the CTSYs MBMS monitor service list availabilty state (IPC EPacketNotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange).

Services in the supplied list will be marked as available in the CTSYs MBMS monitor service list, services not in the list will be marked as un-available.

This will result in the completion on a pending client side RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange()

RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange() CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
const RArray< TUint > & aAvailableServiceIdsThe list of Service Ids which are currently available.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TInt, const RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TIntaError,
const RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS &aContextConfigGPRS

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify context activation requested (IPC EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RPacketContext::TContextConfigGPRS & aContextConfigGPRSThe GPRS context configuration to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TInt, const RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TIntaError,
const RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 &aContextConfigR99_R4

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify context activation requested (IPC EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RPacketContext::TContextConfigR99_R4 & aContextConfigR99_R4The release 99 or release 4 context configuration to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TInt, const RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestInd(TIntaError,
const RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 &aContextConfig_R5

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify context activation requested (IPC EPacketNotifyContextActivationRequested)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RPacketContext::TContextConfig_R5 & aContextConfig_R5The release 5 context configuration to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketAttachModeChangeInd(TInt, RPacketService::TPreferredBearer)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketAttachModeChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the attach mode (IPC EPacketNotifyAttachModeChange).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RPacketService::TPreferredBearer aBearerThe new bearer.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketDynamicCapsChangeInd(TInt, TBool, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketDynamicCapsChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the Dynamic capabalites (EPacketNotifyDynamicCapsChange).



TInt aErrorThe error code.
TBool aGprsIsSupportedOnCellIndication whether GPRS is supported and should be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aCsServicesIsSupportedOnCellIndication whether CS services are supported and should be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketMsClassChangeInd(TInt, RPacketService::TMSClass)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketMsClassChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the MS class (EPacketNotifyMSClassChange).



TInt aErrorThe error code.
RPacketService::TMSClass aMSClassMS class to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusInd(TInt, RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPacketNetworkRegistrationStatusInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the status of the packet network registration (IPC EPacketNotifyChangeOfNtwkRegStatus).



TInt aErrorThe error code.
RPacketService::TRegistrationStatus aRegistrationStatusNetwork registration status.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextAddedInd(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextAddedInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify an added context(EPacketNotifyContextAdded).



TInt aErrorThe error code.
const TDesC & aContextNamePDP context name to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextConfigChangedInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TUint, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextConfigChangedInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const TDesC8 &aAccessPointName,
const TDesC8 &aPdpAddress,
const TUintaPdpCompression,
const TDesC8 &aPcoBuffer

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the context configuration (IPC EPacketContextNotifyConfigChanged)

The purpose of the protocol configuration options (PCO) is to transfer external network protocol options associated with a PDP context activation, and transfer additional (protocol) data (e.g. configuration parameters, error codes or messages/events) associated with an external protocol or an application. The protocol configuration options (PCO) is a type 4 information element with a minimum length of 3 octets and a maximum length of 253 octets In order to generate the PCO buffer a TTlvStruct object is being used. The TTlvStruct wraps the buffers inserted to the PCO and identifies the buffers with given IDs.

RPacketContext::KMiscProtocolBufferLength such as a RPacketContext::TMiscProtocolBuffer



TInt aErrorThe error code.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe name of the context which the change in configuration refers to.
const TDesC8 & aAccessPointNameThe name of the access point. This should be a descriptor of maximum length RPacketContext::KGSNNameLength such as a RPacketContext::TGSNAddress
const TDesC8 & aPdpAddressThe protocol address. This should be a descriptor of maximum length RPacketContext::KMaxPDPAddressLength such as a RPacketContext::TProtocolAddress
const TUint aPdpCompressionThe PDP compression level.
const TDesC8 & aPcoBufferThe PCO buffer.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextConnectionSpeedChangeInd(TInt, const TDesC &, TUint)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextConnectionSpeedChangeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify context connection speed change (IPC EPacketContextNotifyConnectionSpeedChange).


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
const TDesC & aContextNamecontext name.
TUint aConnectionSpeedcontext connection speed in bits per second.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextStatusChangeInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const TContextMisc &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyPdpContextStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const TContextMisc &aContextMisc

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify context status change (IPC EPacketContextNotifyStatusChange).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameContext name, the maximum length of the descriptor should not exceed KMaxInfoName.
const TContextMisc & aContextMiscContext miscellaneous information.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedGPRSInd(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedGPRSInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated &aQoSGPRSNegotiated

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the GPRS QoS profile (IPCEPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged).



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name.
const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated & aQoSGPRSNegotiatedContext negotiated GPRS QOS profile to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedR5Ind(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedR5Ind(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated &aQoSR5Negotiated

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the R5 QoS profile (IPCEPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNamecontext name to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RPacketQoS::TQoSR5Negotiated & aQoSR5Negotiated

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedR99Ind(TInt, const TDesC &, const RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyQosProfileChangedR99Ind(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName,
const RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated &aQoSR99_R4Negotiated

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the R99R4 QoS profile (IPCEPacketQoSNotifyProfileChanged).



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC & aContextNamecontext name to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RPacketQoS::TQoSR99_R4Negotiated & aQoSR99_R4Negotiatedcontext negotiated R99 QOS profile to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPacketServicesNotifyRatTransferCapsChangeInd(TInt, TDynamicTransferCapsFlags)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesNotifyRatTransferCapsChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify change in the transfer capabalites (EPacketNotifyTransferCapsIPC).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TDynamicTransferCapsFlags aCapsthe capabilities flag


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesPacketAttachComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesPacketAttach::HandlePacketAttachReqL()

Informs the CTSY of the whether the request to attach to the packet service was successful.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesPacketDetachComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesPacketDetach::HandlePacketDetachReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesRejectNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesRejectNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequest::HandleRejectNetworkInitiatedContextActivationRequestReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetDefaultPdpContextParamsComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesSetDefaultPdpContextParams::HandleSetDefaultPdpContextParamsReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetPacketAttachModeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesSetPacketAttachMode::HandleSetPacketAttachModeReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPacketServicesSetPdpContextConfigComp(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetPdpContextConfigComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesSetPdpContextConfig::HandleSetPdpContextConfigReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name, the maximum length of the descriptor should not exceed KMaxInfoName.

CallbackPacketServicesSetPdpContextQosComp(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesSetPdpContextQosComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete one of the following pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesSetPdpContextQosGprs::HandleSetPdpContextQosReqL() MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesSetPdpContextQosR99R4::HandleSetPdpContextQosReqL() MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesSetPdpContextQosR5::HandleSetPdpContextQosReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe context name, the maximum length of the descriptor should not exceed KMaxInfoName.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList::HandleUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListsReqL()

This callback is for the success case. The CTSYs monitor service list will be updated as via the change list and action.

The pending client side RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange() will be completed with KErrNone.

RPacketService::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL() RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange() CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.

CallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListComp(TInt, const RArray< TUint > &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListComp(TIntaError,
const RArray< TUint > &aFailedServiceIds

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceList::HandleUpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListsReqL()

This callback is for the error case. The CTSYs monitor service list will be updated as via the change list and action. The failed service Ids list contains the service Id that cannot be removed / added.

The pending client side RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange() will be completed with KErrMbmsImpreciseServiceEntries.

RPacketService::UpdateMbmsMonitorServiceListL() RPacketService::NotifyMbmsServiceAvailabilityChange() CRetrievePcktMbmsMonitoredServices()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
const RArray< TUint > & aFailedServiceIdsA list containing the service Id which cannot be updated via the action (e.g. Id of a service that could not be added)

CallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsSessionListComp(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPacketServicesUpdateMbmsSessionListComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aContextName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPacketServicesUpdateMbmsSessionList::HandleUpdateMbmsSessionListReqL()

This will complete a pending client side RPacketService::UpdateMbmsSessionList(), if an error has occurred the CTSYs MBMS services table will not be altered.

RPacketService::UpdateMbmsSessionList() CRetrievePcktMbmsSessionList()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned.
const TDesC & aContextNameThe name of the MBMS context, the descriptor should be a maximum length of KMaxInfoName.

CallbackPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReadyComp(TInt, TRfStateInfo)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReadyComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifyModemStatusReady::HandleBootNotifyModemStatusReadyReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TRfStateInfo aRfStatusThe current RF status. See TRfStateInfo.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReadyComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneBootNotifySimStatusReady::HandleBootNotifySimStatusReadyReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhoneGetBatteryInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetBatteryInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 &aBatteryInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetBatteryInfo::HandleGetBatteryInfoReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.

RMobilePhone::GetBatteryInfo() RMobilePhone::NotifyBatteryInfoChange()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 & aBatteryInfoThe battery information to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCellInfo::HandleGetCellInfoReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo &aInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCellInfo::HandleGetCellInfoReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo & aInfoThe GSM cell information.

CallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCellInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo &aInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCellInfo::HandleGetCellInfoReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo & aInfoThe WCDMA cell information.

CallbackPhoneGetCurrentActiveUsimApplicationComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCurrentActiveUsimApplicationComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aAid

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentActiveUsimApplication::HandleGetCurrentActiveUsimApplicationReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aAidThe AID of the currently active USIM Application, this should be no longer than RMobilePhone::KAIDSize.

CallbackPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &aNetworkInfo,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 &aLocationArea

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentNetworkInfo::HandleGetCurrentNetworkInfoReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.

RMobilePhone::NotifyCurrentNetworkChange() RMobilePhone::GetCurrentNetwork()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 & aNetworkInfoThe network information to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 & aLocationAreaThe mobile phone location area.

CallbackPhoneGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesComp(TInt, TUint32)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetCurrentSystemNetworkModes::HandleGetCurrentSystemNetworkModesReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint32 aCurrentSystemNetworkModesA bit mask that represent the current network modes with values from RMmCustomAPI::TNetworkModeCaps.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetDetectedNetworksCancelComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetDetectedNetworksCancel::HandleGetDetectedNetworksCancelReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhoneGetDetectedNetworksComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneNetworkListV2 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetDetectedNetworksComp(TIntaError,
const CMobilePhoneNetworkListV2 &aPhoneNetworkList

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetDetectedNetworks::HandleGetDetectedNetworksReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const CMobilePhoneNetworkListV2 & aPhoneNetworkListA list of the detected networks

CallbackPhoneGetFdnStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneFdnStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetFdnStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetFdnStatus::HandleGetFdnStatusReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneFdnStatus aFdnStatusThe FDN status to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhoneGetHomeNetworkComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetHomeNetworkComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &aNetworkInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetHomeNetwork::HandleGetHomeNetworkReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 & aNetworkInfoContains home network information. request.

CallbackPhoneGetHspaStatusComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::THSxPAStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetHspaStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetHspaStatus::HandleGetHspaStatusReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::THSxPAStatus aStatusThe HSxPA status (enabled or disabled).

CallbackPhoneGetNetworkModeComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNetworkModeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkMode::HandleGetNetworkModeReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode aNetworkModeThe network mode to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhoneGetNetworkProviderNameComp(TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNetworkProviderNameComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkProviderName::HandleGetNetworkProviderNameReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aNameThe nmae of the current network provider.

CallbackPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkRegistrationStatus::HandleGetNetworkRegistrationStatusReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus aRegStatusCurrent network registration status.

CallbackPhoneGetNitzInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetNitzInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ &aNitzInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetNetworkMode::HandleGetNitzInfoReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.

RMobilePhone::GetNITZInfo() RMobilePhone::NotifyNITZInfoChange()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ & aNitzInfoThe NITZ information to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhoneGetOperatorNameComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TOperatorNameType, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetOperatorNameComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aName

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetOperatorName::HandleGetOperatorNameReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TOperatorNameType aTypeThe type of the operator name.
const TDesC & aNameThe name of the current operator.

CallbackPhoneGetPhoneCellInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetPhoneCellInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 &aCellInfo


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 & aCellInfoThe cell information to be cached in the CTSY and returned to the client

CallbackPhoneGetPhoneIdComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetPhoneIdComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 &aPhoneId

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetPhoneId::HandleGetPhoneIdReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 & aPhoneIdThe mobile phone identity returned by the LTSY.

CallbackPhoneGetServiceProviderNameComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceProviderNameV2 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetServiceProviderNameComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceProviderNameV2 &aServiceProvider


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceProviderNameV2 & aServiceProviderThe service provider information.

CallbackPhoneGetSignalStrengthComp(TInt, TInt32, TInt8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetSignalStrengthComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetSignalStrength::HandleGetSignalStrengthReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.

RMobilePhone::GetSignalStrength() RMobilePhone::NotifySignalStrengthChange()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt32 aSignalStrengthThe signal strength to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt8 aBarThe number of bars to display.

CallbackPhoneGetSystemNetworkBandComp(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TBandSelection, RMmCustomAPI::TNetworkModeCaps)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetSystemNetworkBandComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneTermianteAllCalls::HandleGetSystemNetworkBandReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
RMmCustomAPI::TBandSelection aBandthe current network band
RMmCustomAPI::TNetworkModeCaps aModethe current network mode

CallbackPhoneGetUsimServiceSupportComp(TInt, TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneGetUsimServiceSupportComp(TIntaError,


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aApplicationNumberThe application number to which the support status is related to.
TBool aSupportedThe service supported state (True / False)

CallbackPhoneNotifyBatteryInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyBatteryInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 &aBatteryInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any changes in the battery information.

RMobilePhone::GetBatteryInfo() RMobilePhone::NotifyBatteryInfoChange()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneBatteryInfoV1 & aBatteryInfoThe battery information to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 &aCellInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any changes in the cell information.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCellInfoV9 & aCellInfoThe cell information to be cached in the CTSY and returned to the client


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change of the cell information to an unknown mode.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TIntaError,
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo &aInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change of the cell information when the cell is a GSM cell.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TGSMCellInfo & aInfoThe new GSM cell information.

CallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCellInfoChangedInd(TIntaError,
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo &aInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change of the cell information when the cell is a WCDMA cell.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::TWCDMACellInfo & aInfoThe new WCDMA cell information.

CallbackPhoneNotifyCurrentNetworkChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyCurrentNetworkChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 &aNetworkInfo,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 &aLocationArea

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any changes in the current network.

RMobilePhone::NotifyCurrentNetworkChange() RMobilePhone::GetCurrentNetwork()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV5 & aNetworkInfoThe network information to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 & aLocationAreaThe mobile phone location area

CallbackPhoneNotifyDtmfEventInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TDtmfEventType, RMmCustomAPI::TDtmfEvent, TChar)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyDtmfEventInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) event.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TDtmfEventType aTypeThe DTMF event type.
RMmCustomAPI::TDtmfEvent aEventThe DTMF event to be notified.
TChar aToneThe event tone.

CallbackPhoneNotifyDtmfEventInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneDTMFEvent)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyDtmfEventInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) event.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneDTMFEvent aEventTypeThe DTMF event type. Either EStartDtmfTone or EStopDtmfTone

CallbackPhoneNotifyEgprsInfoChangeInd(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyEgprsInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate an EGPRS/GPRS information change.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aEdgeSupportedIf EGPRS is supported on the current cell.

CallbackPhoneNotifyHspaStatusChangedInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::THSxPAStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyHspaStatusChangedInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any change to the phone high speed channel status.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::THSxPAStatus aStatusThe new HSxPA status (enable or disable).


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkConnectionFailureInd(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a network connection failure that is so severe that the only way to recover is to restart the phone.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkModeChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkModeChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate changes to the current network mode


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode aNetworkModeThe network mode to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkRegistrationStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change in the network registration status.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus aRegStatusCurrent network registration status.

CallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNetworkSelectionSettingChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any changes in the Network Selection.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod aSelectionMethodThe new network selection method.

CallbackPhoneNotifyNitzInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNitzInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ &aNitzInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change in the current Network Information and Time Zone (NITZ).



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNITZ & aNitzInfoThe current NITZ information to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhoneNotifyNspsStatusChangeInd(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyNspsStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any changes in the No Signal Power Save status.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aEnabledThe No Signal Power Save status

CallbackPhoneNotifyRauEventInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TRauEventStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyRauEventInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate any RAU (Routing Area Update) event.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TRauEventStatus aRauEventThe RAU (Routing Area Update) event to be notified (Active or Resumed).

CallbackPhoneNotifyRfStatusChangeInd(TInt, TRfStateInfo)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifyRfStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to indicate changes to the RF status. Status values defined by TRfStateInfo.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TRfStateInfo aRfStatus

CallbackPhoneNotifySignalStrengthChangeInd(TInt, TInt32, TInt8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNotifySignalStrengthChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate change to signal strength.

RMobilePhone::NotifySignalStrengthChange() RMobilePhone::GetSignalStrength()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt32 aSignalStrengthThe signal strength to be sent to the CTSY Dispatcher
TInt8 aBarThe number of bars to display.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneNspsWakeupComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneNspsWakeup::HandleNspsWakeupReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneRegisterCellInfoChangeNotificationComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneResetNetServerComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneResetNetServer::HandleResetNetServerReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSelectNetworkCancelComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSelectNetworkCancel::HandleSelectNetworkCancelReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSelectNetworkComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSelectNetwork::HandleSelectNetworkReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetAlwaysOnModeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSetAlwaysOnMode::HandleSetAlwaysOnModeReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetDriveModeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSetDriveMode::HandleSetDriveModeReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetHspaStatusComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSetHspaStatus::HandleSetHspaStatusReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhoneSetNetworkSelectionSettingComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetNetworkSelectionSettingComp(TIntaError,


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSelectionMethod aSelectionMethodThe new network selection method.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetSystemNetworkBandComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneTermianteAllCalls::HandleSetSystemNetworkBandReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSetSystemNetworkModeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSetSystemNetworkMode::HandleSetSystemNetworkModeReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneSimRefreshRegisterComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneSimRefreshRegister::HandleSimRefreshRegisterReqL()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhoneTerminateAllCallsComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneTermianteAllCalls::HandleTerminateAllCallsReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackPhonebookEnStoreGetInfoComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookEnStoreGetInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookEnStoreGetInfo::HandleStoreGetInfoReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aUsedEntriesThe number of used entries in the EN storage.

CallbackPhonebookEnStoreReadAllComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookEnStoreReadAllComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aNumber,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookEnStoreReadAll::HandleStoreReadAllReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aIndexThe index of the entry.
const TDesC & aNumberThe number stored in the EN entry. The length of this should not be more than 6.
TBool aMoreToComeETrue if there are more entries to be read, False otherwise.

CallbackPhonebookEnStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookEnStoreReadEntryComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aNumber

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookEnStoreReadEntry::HandleStoreReadEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aIndexThe index of the entry.
const TDesC & aNumberThe number stored in the EN entry. The length of this should not be more than 6.

CallbackPhonebookGetPhoneStoreInfoComp(TInt, const RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookGetPhoneStoreInfoComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 &aPhoneStoreInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookGetPhoneStoreInfo::HandleGetPhoneStoreInfoReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhoneStore::TMobilePhoneStoreInfoV1 & aPhoneStoreInfoThe phone store information.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreDeleteAllComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreDeleteAll::HandleStoreDeleteAllReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreDeleteEntryComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreDeleteEntry::HandleStoreDeleteEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetInfoComp(TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreGetInfo::HandleStoreGetInfoReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aNumOfEntriesThe number of entries.
TInt aUsedEntriesThe number of used entries.
TInt aNameLenThe maximum length of name.
TInt aNumLenThe maximum length of number.

CallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetReadStoreSizeComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetReadStoreSizeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreGetReadStoreSize::HandleStoreGetReadStoreSizeReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aSizeThe number of entries stored in the storage.

CallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetStoreSizeComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreGetStoreSizeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreGetStoreSize::HandleStoreGetStoreSizeReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aSizeThe number of entries that can be stored in the storage.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadAllInd(TIntaError)


TInt aError

CallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aName,
const TDesC &aNumber

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreRead::HandleStoreReadReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aIndexThe index of the entry.
const TDesC & aNameThe name stored in the entry. The length of this should not be more than 20.
const TDesC & aNumberThe number stored in the ON entry. The length of this should not be more than 100.

CallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreReadEntryComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aName,
const TDesC &aNumber

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreReadEntry::HandleStoreReadEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aIndexThe index of the entry.
const TDesC & aNameThe name stored in the entry. The length of this should not be more than 20.
const TDesC & aNumberThe number stored in the ON entry. The length of this should not be more than 100.

CallbackPhonebookOnStoreWriteComp(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreWriteComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreWrite::HandleStoreWriteReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aLocationThe location where the ON entry was stored.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookOnStoreWriteEntryComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookOnStoreWriteEntry::HandleStoreWriteEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreDeleteAllComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreDeleteAll::HandleSmsStoreDeleteAllReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreDeleteEntryComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreDeleteEntry::HandleSmsStoreDeleteEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackPhonebookSmsStoreGetInfoComp(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreGetInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreGetInfo::HandleSmsStoreGetInfoReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aTotalEntriestotal number of entries in the SMS storage.
TInt aUsedEntriestotal number of used entries in the SMS storage.

CallbackPhonebookSmsStoreReadAllComp(TInt, const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData &, TInt, TBool, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreReadAllComp(TIntaError,
const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData &aSmsData,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreReadAll::HandleSmsStoreReadAllReqL()

TSmsData. CRetrieveMobilePhoneSmsList::Start()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData & aSmsDataSMS data.
TInt aIndexindex of the SMS entry.
TBool aMoreToComeETrue if there will be other SMS entries, EFalse otherwise.
TBool aReceivedClass2ToBeResentETrue if received class is to be resent, else EFalse.

CallbackPhonebookSmsStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreReadEntryComp(TIntaError,
const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData &aSmsData

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreReadEntry::HandleSmsStoreReadEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const DispatcherPhonebook::TSmsData & aSmsDataSMS data.

CallbackPhonebookSmsStoreWriteEntryComp(TInt, TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookSmsStoreWriteEntryComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookSmsStoreWriteEntry::HandleSmsStoreWriteEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aLocationlocation of the entry.
TBool aReceivedClass2ToBeResentETrue if received class is present, else EFalse.

CallbackPhonebookStoreCacheComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreCacheComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aPhonebookEntries

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreCache::HandleStoreCacheReqL()

CPhoneBookBuffer() CPhoneBookEntry::ExternalizeToTlvEntry()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook of which the cache entries are for (and the request was made from).
const TDesC8 & aPhonebookEntriesAll entries from the phonebook encoded in a TLV, this can either be encoded directly via a CPhoneBookBuffer() or via the CPhoneBookEntry::ExternalizeToTlvEntry() utility.

CallbackPhonebookStoreDeleteAllComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreDeleteAllComp(TIntaError,
TIntaMaxNumberLength = -1

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreDeleteAll::HandleStoreDeleteAllReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook name for which the delete all request was made.
TInt aMaxNumberLength = -1The new maximum number length possible in the phonebook, this field is only relevant to Fdn, Adn and Vmb phonebooks.

CallbackPhonebookStoreDeleteEntryComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreDeleteEntryComp(TIntaError,
TIntaMaxNumberLength = -1

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreDeleteEntry::HandleStoreDeleteEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook of which the delete request was made.
TInt aMaxNumberLength = -1The new maximum number length possible in the phonebook, this field is only relevant to Fdn, Adn and Vmb phonebooks.

CallbackPhonebookStoreGetPhonebookInfoComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreGetPhonebookInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreGetPhonebookInfo::HandleStoreGetPhonebookInfoReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook name of which the phonebook information is for.
TInt aUsedEntriesThe number of used entries in the phonebook.

CallbackPhonebookStoreInitialiseComp(TInt, const DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebookStoreInfoV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreInitialiseComp(TIntaError,
const DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebookStoreInfoV1 &aPhonebookStoreInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreInitialise::HandleStoreInitialiseReqL()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebookStoreInfoV1 & aPhonebookStoreInfoThe information relating to the whole phonebook store.

CallbackPhonebookStoreReadEntryComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreReadEntryComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aPhonebookEntries

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreReadEntry::HandleStoreReadEntryReqL()

RMobilePhoneBookStore::Read() CPhoneBookBuffer() CPhoneBookEntry::ExternalizeToTlvEntry()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook of which the read request was made and which the enties are for
const TDesC8 & aPhonebookEntriesThe read entries from the phonebook encoded in a TLV, this can either be encoded directly via a CPhoneBookBuffer() or via the CPhoneBookEntry::ExternalizeToTlvEntry() utility.

CallbackPhonebookStoreResetCacheInd(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreResetCacheInd(TIntaError,

This indicator resets the state of the cache status in the custom API to RMmCustomAPI::ECacheNotReady for the given phonebook.

This is the state value which is read via the RMmCustomAPI::GetPndCacheStatus()

This indicator has been left in for legacy reasons and is not expected to be used.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook to reset the cache for.

CallbackPhonebookStoreSetFdnPhonebookInfoInd(TInt, TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreSetFdnPhonebookInfoInd(TIntaError,

This indicator can be used to set the FDN storage information in the case where phonebook initialisation has failed. The information is only updated in aError is KErrNone.

This indicator has been left in for legacy reasons and is not expected to be used.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aTotalEntriesThe total number of entries in the Fdn phonebook.
TInt aMaxTextLengthThe maximum text length in the Fdn phonebook.
TInt aMaxNumberLengthThe maximum number length in the Fdn phonebook.

CallbackPhonebookStoreWriteEntryComp(TInt, DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook, TUint16, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackPhonebookStoreWriteEntryComp(TIntaError,
TIntaMaxNumberLength = -1

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhonebookStoreWriteEntry::HandleStoreWriteEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise. KErrGsmSimServSneFull, KErrGsmSimServAnrFull, or KErrGsmSimServEmailFull indicates one of the services is full and the field of the entry (e.g. Email) could not be written. In the cache case the field (e.g. Email) is not written to the cache but the other fields are written, the request is then completed with the error code. In the non-cache case the request is completed with the error code.
DispatcherPhonebook::TPhonebook aPhonebookThe phonebook name for which the write request was made.
TUint16 aIndexThe index to which the entry was written in the phonebook.
TInt aMaxNumberLength = -1The new maximum number length possible in the phonebook, this field is only relevant to Fdn, Adn and Vmb phonebooks.

CallbackSatAccessTechnologyChangeInd(TInt, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatAccessTechnologyChangeInd(TIntaError,

This indicator from the LTSY,

1) Updates the CTSYs cache of the current access technology which is used when the CTSY creates local information terminal responses. 2) If the Access Technology Change is part of the current event list, the CTSY sends down an event download ENVELOPE command (Access Technology Change) to the LTSY constructed from the below parameters

RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() RSat::EventDownload()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aCurrentAccessTechnologyThe current access technology being used by the terminal See "ETSI TS 102 223" "ENVELOPE commands" "Access technology"

CallbackSatCallConnectedInd(TInt, TUint8, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCallConnectedInd(TIntaError,

This indicator from the LTSY notifies the CTSY that a call connected message has been sent or received (i.e. the terminal receives an incoming call connect message (in the case of an MT call), or the terminal sends an outgoing call connect message (in the case of an MO call))

If the call connected event is part of the current event list, the CTSY sends down an event download ENVELOPE command (Call Connected) to the LTSY constructed from the below parameters

In the case of a call initiated through a SET UP CALL proactive command while the call connected event is part of the current event list, the terminal shall send both the TERMINAL RESPONSE related to the proactive command, and the EVENT DOWNLOAD command, in the order TERMINAL RESPONSE first, ENVELOPE (EVENT DOWNLOAD - call connected) second.

See "ETSI TS 102 223" "ENVELOPE commands" "Call connected event"

RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() RSat::EventDownload()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aTransactionIdThe Transaction Identifier in the call connect message.
TBool aNearEnd

CallbackSatCallControlEnvelopeResponseInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCallControlEnvelopeResponseInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aResponseTlv

This indicator is used as part of the call control procedures to return the response from an ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) to the CTSY. The CTSY extracts an alpha identifier (if any) from the TLV data and displays it appropriately when the changed call occurs. The control result is used to generate the TERMINAL RESPONSE if a SET UP CALL or SEND SS proactive command originated the request that lead to Call Control.

When the LTSY receives a non-emergency call or SS request (such as via RCall::Dial() or RMobileCall::SendNetworkServiceRequest() )it must first checked with the FDN list, if enabled. USSD requests are not checked in the FDN list.

If the call/SS request is allowed or it is a USSD request then the LTSY passes the details of the request to Call/SS/USSD Control, if enabled, by sending an ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) message to the UICC. The LTSY should use this indicator to pass the details of the request for which an ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) must be constructed to the CTSY.

When the CTSY has constructed the ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) this will be passed down to the LTSY via CLtsySatHandler::HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL(). The response from the UICC is passed back to CTSY via CallbackSatCallControlEnvelopeResponseInd().

For more information see ETSI TS 102 223 section 7.3.1 RSat::NotifyCallControlRequest()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aResponseTlvThe response from NAA to the ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) message. This will be parsed by the CTSY and if an alpha identifier exists in the data, it will be passed to the RSat client for display to the user. As per ETSI 102.223 section, this contains 1 byte containing the Call Control result, followed by a 1-2 byte length, then various optional fields depending on the outcome of the Call/SS/USSD Control. If the NAA application does not provide any response data then this is interpreted as "allowed, no modification", in this case the client is not notified.

CallbackSatCallDisconnectedInd(TInt, TUint8, TBool, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCallDisconnectedInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aCause

This indicator from the LTSY notifies the CTSY that a call has become disconnected.

If the call disconnected event is part of the current event list, the CTSY sends down an event download ENVELOPE command (Call Disconnected) to the LTSY constructed from the below paramenters.

If the terminal initiates the disconnection, or in the case of radio link failure, this is considered a "near end" disconnection, whereas a "far end" disconnection is defined as when the network initiates the disconnection.

The technology specific toolkit specification will define the appropriate disconnect cause messages.

See "ETSI TS 102 223" "ENVELOPE commands" "Call disconnected event"

RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() RSat::EventDownload()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aTransactionIdThe Transaction Identifier of the call being disconnected.
TBool aNearEnd
const TDesC8 & aCauseThe cause value is defined in the appropriate access technology specification. Radio Link Timeout is indicated by the cause having zero length, the maximum length is defined in KMaxCauseLength See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Cause"

CallbackSatCreateCallControlEnvelopeInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, TUint8, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateCallControlEnvelopeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aBcc1,
const TDesC8 &aBcc2,
const TDesC8 &aAddress,

This indicator is used by the LTSY as part of the CALL/SS/USSD CONTROL functionality to construct the ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) that is sent to the UICC when MO calls or SS/USSD requests are initiated.

When the LTSY receives a non-emergency call or SS request (such as via RCall::Dial() or RMobileCall::SendNetworkServiceRequest() ) it must first checked with the FDN list, if enabled. USSD requests are not checked in the FDN list.

If the call/SS request is allowed or it is a USSD request then the LTSY passes the details of the request to Call/SS/USSD Control, if enabled, by sending an ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) message to the UICC. The LTSY should use this indicator to pass the details of the request for which an ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) must be constructed to the CTSY.

When the CTSY has constructed the ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL) this will be passed down to the LTSY via CLtsySatHandler::HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL(). The response from the UICC is passed back to CTSY via CallbackSatCallControlEnvelopeResponseInd().

For more information see ETSI TS 102 223 section 7.3.1



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aTagType of the address argument i.e. whether this is a call, SS or USSD request. Valid values are KTlvAddressTag, KTlvSsStringTag or KTlvUssdStringTag
const TDesC8 & aBcc1Bearer capability 1. The maximum length is 16.
const TDesC8 & aBcc2Bearer capability 2. The maximum length is 16.
const TDesC8 & aAddressthe number or string being dialled. The maximum length is 255.
TUint8 aTonNpithe TON/NPI (Type of Numbering / Numbering Plan Indicator) byte
TUint8 aDcsData Coding Scheme. Only applicable for USSD requests.

CallbackSatCreateCellBroadcastEnvelopeInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateCellBroadcastEnvelopeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aCellBroadcastPage

Once the ME receives a new Cell Broadcast message and the service, if "data download via SMS-CB" is allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table and if the message identifier of the Cell Broadcast is contained within the message identifiers of the EF(CBMID), the cell broadcast page is passed to the SIM using the ENVELOPE (CELL BROADCAST DOWNLOAD) command.

This indicator is called to create a ENVELOPE (CELL BROADCAST DOWNLOAD) command using the parameters provided, The ENVELOPE can be received in HandleCellBroadcastEnvelopeReqL().

See "3GPP TS 11.14" Under "Cell Broadcast data download"



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aCellBroadcastPageThe Cell Broadcast page, formatted in the same way as described in 3GPP TS 23.041

CallbackSatCreateRefreshTerminalRspInd(TInt, RSat::TPCmdResult, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateRefreshTerminalRspInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aAdditionalInfo

This indicator is used to create a terminal response to a Refresh Pro active command initiated from the LTSY rather then the RSat client. For example in an error case when the client cannot be expected to create the terminal response with RSat::TerminalRsp(). The constructed terminal response is presented to the LTSY via the MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp::HandleTerminalRspReqL()

MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp::HandleTerminalRspReqL() RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RSat::TPCmdResult aGeneralResultThe General result that specifies the result and indicates appropriate UICC action (to be included in the refresh terminal response result section, see ETSI 102 223 Under "Structure of TERMINAL RESPONSE" and Under "Result")
const TDesC & aAdditionalInfoAdditional information (to be included in the refresh terminal response result section, see ETSI 102 223 Under "Structure of TERMINAL RESPONSE" and Under "Result")

CallbackSatCreateSmControlEnvelopeInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateSmControlEnvelopeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aRpDestinationAddress,
const TDesC8 &aTpDestinationAddress

This indicator from the LTSY notifies the CTSY to create a MO Short Message Control ENVELOPE. The CTSY then sends the ENVELOPE to the LTSY, the LTSY receives this via the CLtsySatHandler::HandleCallAndSmsControlEnvelopeReqL()

See 3GPP 11.14 Under "MO Short Message Control by SIM" for details of the Envelope created See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Address" for address details



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aRpDestinationAddressRP Destination Address of the Service Center to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.
const TDesC8 & aTpDestinationAddressTP Destination Address to which the ME is proposing to send the short message.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateSmsDeliverReportInd(TIntaError)

This indicator is called once the writing of a SMS to EF(Sms) is completed. The CTSY then constructs a resulting SMS DELIVER REPORT (See "3GPP 23.040" Under "SMS DELIVER REPORT type")

Also see "3GPP TS 23.038" Under "SMS Data Coding Scheme"

"When a mobile terminated message is Class 2 ((U)SIM-specific), an MS shall ensure that the message has been transferred to the SMS data field in the (U)SIM before sending an acknowledgement to the SC"


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatCreateSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aRpOriginatingAddress,
const TDesC8 &aSmsTpdu

This indicator is used by the LTSY when the ME receives a short Message.

If data download via SMS Point-to-point" is allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table the CTSY constructs the (SMS-PP DOWNLOAD) ENVELOPE to be sent to the SIM. This is received by the LTSY via the HandleSmsPpDownloadEnvelopeReqL()

If data download via SMS Point-to-point" is NOT allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table the Sms parsed and if it is to be save a EF(Sms) (RMobileSmsStore::TMobileGsmSmsEntryV1)is constructed and received by the LTSY via the HandleSmsStoreReadEntryReqL()

See "3GPP 11.14" Under "SMS-PP data download"



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aRpOriginatingAddressRP Originating Address of the Service Centre (TS Service-Centre-Address), as defined in 3GPP TS 24.011)
const TDesC8 & aSmsTpduThe SMS-DELIVER TPDU (See "3GPP 23.040" under "SMS DELIVER type")

CallbackSatGetAccessTechnologyComp(TInt, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetAccessTechnologyComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatGetAccessTechnology::HandleGetAccessTechnologyReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aAccessTechnologythe current access technology. See "ETSI TS 102 223" "ENVELOPE commands" "Access technology"

CallbackSatGetClutComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetClutComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aClut

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatGetClut::HandleGetClutReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aClutThe requested CLUT (Colour look up table) for a given icon instance See ETSI TS 131 102 under "B.2 Colour Image Coding Scheme"

CallbackSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetDefaultBearerCapabilityComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aCapability


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aCapabilityThe default bearer capability configuration (coding as defined by the access technologies), this will be used by the CTSY when creating a Call Control ENVELOPE (the capability configuration parameters 1) if a zero length capability parameters is passed when creating the Envelope. Note the maximum length capability the CTSY can store is 248, and a maximum length of 16 will be used in the creation of the Call Control ENVELOPE See "ETSI TS 102 223" "Structure of ENVELOPE (CALL CONTROL)"

CallbackSatGetIconDataComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetIconDataComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aIconEfImgRecord

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatGetIconData::HandleGetIconDataReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aIconEfImgRecordThe icon EF(Img) record retrieved from the UICC See ETSI TS 131 102 under "EFIMG (Image)"

CallbackSatGetImageInstanceComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetImageInstanceComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aImageInstanceData,
const TDesC8 &aImageInstanceBody

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatGetImageInstance::HandleGetImageInstanceReqL()

The aImageInstanceData with the aImageInstanceBody appended completes the EF(IIDF) (IIDF - Image instance data file)



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aImageInstanceDataDescriptor containing the image instance coding scheme of the EF(IIDF), this must be of length 2 (KBasicIconDataLength) for basic or length 6 (KColourIconDataLength) for colour image instances. See ETSI TS 131 102 under "Annex B (normative) Image Coding Schemes (B.1 & B.2)"
const TDesC8 & aImageInstanceBodyDescriptor containing the image instance body of the EF(IIDF) See ETSI TS 131 102 under "Annex B (normative) Image Coding Schemes"

CallbackSatGetSmsControlActivatedComp(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetSmsControlActivatedComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsControlActivated::HandleGetSmsControlActivatedReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aActivatedETrue if MO-SMS Control by USIM (Service n 31) is currently activated in the USIM Service Table (EF-UST), EFalse otherwise. See 3GPP TS 31.102 section 4.2.8.

CallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatGetSmsPpDownloadSupported::HandleGetSmsPpDownloadSupportedReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aSupportedIf the service "data download via SMS Point-to-point" is allocated and activated in the SIM Service Table

CallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatGetUssdControlSupportedComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to indicate whether USSD TLVs are supported for control.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aSupportedETrue if USSD control TLV is supported, EFalse otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatImsiChangedInd(TIntaError)

This indicator is a notification that the Imsi has been changed. This should be called when a change has been detected.

From 3GPP TS 11.14 Under "EFIMSI changing procedure"

When EFIMSI is changed via Data Download or a SIM Toolkit application and a REFRESH command is issued by the SIM the following rules apply to the SIM Toolkit and ME:

  • SIM Initialization. This command shall not be used if EFIMSI is changed, as the behaviour of the MS is unpredictable.

  • File Change Notification. This command shall not be used if EFIMSI is changed, as the behaviour of the MS is unpredictable.

  • SIM Initialization and File Change Notification. If EFIMSI is part of the file change notification, the ME shall invoke the MM Restart procedure defined in 03.22 [28].

  • SIM Initialization and Full File Change Notification. The ME shall invoke the MM Restart procedure defined in 03.22 [28].

  • SIM Reset. Normal SIM Reset procedure is carried out.

If EFIMSI is to be updated, neither EFIMSI nor EFLOCI shall be updated in the SIM before the phase request procedure has been executed by the ME.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSatLocalInformationNmrComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatLocalInformationNmrComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aNmr,
const TDesC &aBcchList

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatLocalInformationNmr::HandleLocalInformationNmrReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aNmrNetwork Measurement Result (signal strength of BCCH of adjacent cells). Length of aNmr should not be greater than 16.
const TDesC & aBcchListBroadcast Control Channels of adjacent cells. Length of aBcchList should not be greater than 32.

CallbackSatLocationStatusInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, TUint16, TUint16)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatLocationStatusInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aCountryCode,

LTSY uses this indicator to notify the CTSY of changes of location status.

If an appropriate SET UP EVENT LIST proactive command has previously been received, and if aLcnStatus indicates "normal service", then this function also constructs an appropriate ENVELOPE (EVENT DOWNLOAD) and sends to LTSY.

According to ETSI 102.223 the location information that is provided in the ENVELOPE (EVENT DOWNLOAD) varies depending upon the access technology in use, however the CTSY supports only GSM location information.

This callback is also used to cache the location information which is then used to construct the Call/USSD/SS control envelopes.

RSat::NotifyCallControlRequest() RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() RSat::EventDownload()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aLcnStatusthe current service state of the terminal - one of the values defined in ETSI 102.223 section 8.27
const TDesC8 & aCountryCode3 digit number uniquely identifying the country. Length of aCountryCode should not be greater than 3.
TUint16 aLcnAreaCodeThe Location Area Code uniquely identifies a Location Area with a network.
TUint16 aCellIdThe current cell.

CallbackSatMtCallInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatMtCallInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aAddress,
const TDesC8 &aSubAddress

This indicator from the LTSY notifies the CTSY that the terminal has received an incoming call setup message.

If the MT call event is part of the current event list, the CTSY sends down an event download ENVELOPE command (MT call) to the LTSY constructed from the paramenters.

The Dialling Number (part of the address) is the Calling Party number received by the terminal in the call setup message. Being of length zero the address will not be included in the ENVELOPE command, the maximum length is defined in KNumberMaxLength.

The Subaddress is the Calling Party Subaddress as received by the terminal in the call setup message. Being of length zero the subaddress will not be included in the ENVELOPE command

See "ETSI TS 102 223" "ENVELOPE commands" "MT call event"

RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() RSat::EventDownload()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aTransactionIdThe Transaction Identifier in the call setup message from the network.
const TDesC8 & aAddressHolds the Calling Party number received by the terminal in the call setup message. If the Calling Party number is included in the call setup message, the Address shall be included, otherwise the address shall not be included (zero length). See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Address"
const TDesC8 & aSubAddressHolds the Calling Party Subaddress as received by the terminal in the call setup message. If the Calling Party Subaddress is included in the call setup message, the Subaddress shall be included, otherwise the Subaddress shall not be included (zero length). See "ETSI TS 102 223" "COMPREHENSION-TLV data objects" "Subaddress"

CallbackSatNotifyProactiveSimSessionEndInd(TInt, TUint8, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatNotifyProactiveSimSessionEndInd(TIntaError,

This indicator if called with both status words as a normal ending (sw1 = 0x90, sw2 =0x00) completes an outstanding RSat::NotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd() notifier.

The LTSY should call this when a proactive SIM session ends.

(Note: RSat::NotifyProactiveSimSessionEnd() Introduced in version 6.1, marked as "no longer needed when using the ETelSat API" from version 8.2, thus kept in the dispatcher layer for legacy reasons only)



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aStatusWord1The Status Word 1
TUint8 aStatusWord2The Status Word 2

CallbackSatPcmdInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatPcmdInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aData

Proactive commands from the UICC are passed via this indicator function to the Common TSY. If proactive commands are received for which notifications have not been set up then a Terminal Response containing the return code "KMeUnableToProcessCmd" will be sent back to the UICC.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aDataTLV data received from the SIM that contains the proactive command.

CallbackSatProvideLocationInfoComp(TInt, TUint16, TUint16, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatProvideLocationInfoComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aOperatorCode

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatProvideLocationInfo::HandleProvideLocationInfoReqL()

This completion must have been occurred before Call/USSD/SS control can be expected to work correctly.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint16 aLocationAreaCodethe ID of the Location Area (grouping of multiple cells) that the mobile is in
TUint16 aCellIdId of the current GSM cell
const TDesC8 & aOperatorCodeId of the current operator. This has a maximum length of 3.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatReadyComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a MLtsyDispatchSatReady::HandleReadyReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatRefreshAllowedComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise. This error code will be what the client side outstanding RSat::NotifyRefreshPCmd() is completed with.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatRemoveEventListInd(TIntaError)

This indicator is used by the LTSY to communicate to the Common TSY to clear the current events list, thus the set of enabled events will be empty.

See ESTI 102.223 6.4.16 Under "SET UP EVENT LIST"

"The list of events provided by the UICC in the last SET UP EVENT LIST command shall be removed if the terminal is powered off or the UICC is removed or a reset is performed."

RSat::NotifySetUpEventListPCmd() RSat::EventDownload()


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp(TInt, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatSetPollingIntervalComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatSetPollingInterval::HandleSetPollingIntervalReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aPollingIntervalThe polling interval in use by the LTSY (zero) indicate Polling is off.

CallbackSatSmControlEnvelopeResponseInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatSmControlEnvelopeResponseInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aResponseTlv

This indicator is used by the LTSY to communicate to the Common TSY the Mo Short Message Control response from the SIM. The CTSY parses the data then completes any outstanding RSat::NotifyMoSmControlRequest() then passes the parsed data down to the LTSY via the HandleSmControlResponseDataReqL().



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aResponseTlvResponse data from the SIM encoded as defined in "3GPP 11.14 - MO Short Message Control by SIM"

CallbackSatSsChangeInd(TInt, DispatcherSat::TSsStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatSsChangeInd(TIntaError,

The LTSY should communicate the current availability of SS/USSD using this indicator. Their state is used for the processing of the LAUNCH BROWSER Proactive Command.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
DispatcherSat::TSsStatus aStatuswhether or not SS/USSD is busy


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatTerminalRspComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a MLtsyDispatchSatTerminalRsp::HandleTerminalRspReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.

Successful completion of the callbak (i.e. KErrNone) allows timer expiration envelopes (if any) from the SIM ATK CTSY to be sent. No timer expiration envelopes can be sent while a Pro-active command is currently on-going.

RSat::TerminalRsp() MLtsyDispatchSatTimerExpirationEnvelope::HandleTimerExpirationEnvelopeReqL()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSatTimeZoneChangeInd(TInt, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatTimeZoneChangeInd(TIntaError,

This indicator is used by the LTSY to communicate a new Time Zone to the Common TSY. The Common TSY caches this value and uses it for PROVIDE LOCAL INFO proactive commands

The LTSY should call this indicator when the time zone changes. If this indicator is not called at least once before any PROVIDE LOCAL INFO (timezone) proactive commands are issued by the SIM application, then the timezone provided to the application will be 0xff (not known). Therefore the LTSY should send this up to the CTSY as soon as it knows the timezone (as well as when it changes).



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aTimeZoneThe new time zone coded as defined in "ETSI TS 123 040" "TP-Service-Centre-Time-Stamp"

CallbackSatTimingAdvanceComp(TInt, TUint8, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatTimingAdvanceComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSatTimingAdvance::HandleTimingAdvanceReqL()

This information is used for the PROVIDE LOCAL INFORMATION proactive command.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aTimingAdvancea value relating to the distance between the ME and the base station. The ME shall return the timing advance value that was received from the BTS during the last active dedicated connection (e.g. for call or SMS). Timing advance is defined in TS 04.08 [8].
TUint8 aMeStatuscurrent status of ME (i.e. ME is in idle mode or not) - in order for the application to be aware of potential misinterpretation of the timing advance value.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatUssdControlEnvelopeErrorComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a MLtsyDispatchSatUssdControlEnvelopeError::HandleUssdControlEnvelopeErrorReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSatUssdControlSupportedChangeInd(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSatUssdControlSupportedChangeInd(TIntaError,

This indicator is used by the LTSY to inform the CTSY as to whether USSD TLV are supported by the NAA for control.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aSupportedETrue if USSD control TLV is supported, EFalse otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityAbortSecurityCodeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityAbortSecurityCode::HandleAbortSecurityCodeReqL()

Completion to the request: user has cancelled an outstanding "get security code" or "verify security code" request.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityBootNotifySecurityReadyInd(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate that the security functionality is in a booted and ready state.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityCheckSecurityCodeCancelComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityCheckSecurityCodeCancel::HandleCheckSecurityCodeCancelReqL()

Completion of the routine canceling an check security code request



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityCheckSecurityCodeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityCheckSecurityCode::HandleCheckSecurityCodeReqL()

This function completes sending the check security code request



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityDisablePhoneLockComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityDisablePhoneLock::HandleDisablePhoneLockReqL()

Completion of the routine, which disables phone lock.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSecurityGetCipheringInfoComp(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetCipheringInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetCipheringInfo::HandleGetCipheringInfoReqL()

Completion routine to get ciphering info request.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aIndStatusCiphering indicator status on/off.

CallbackSecurityGetCurrentActivePinComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetCurrentActivePinComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetCurrentActivePin::HandleGetCurrentActivePinReqL()

This callback updates the information of the currently active PIN.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode aSecCodeSecurity code information for current active pin.

CallbackSecurityGetLockInfoComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockStatus, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetLockInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetLockInfo::HandleGetLockInfoReqL()

Completion routine to provide lock setting and lock status



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockStatus aLockStatusLock status (unknown, locked, unlocked or blocked).
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting aLockSettingLock setting (unknown, enabled, disabled or replaced).

CallbackSecurityGetPin1DisableSupportedComp(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetPin1DisableSupportedComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetPin1DisableSupported::HandleGetPin1DisableSupportedReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aIsSupportedETrue if PIN1 disable is supported, EFalse otherwise.

CallbackSecurityGetSecurityCodeInfoComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityGetSecurityCodeInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityGetSecurityCodeInfo::HandleGetSecurityCodeInfoReqL()

Completion routine to provide the current number or remaining entry attempts of a security code.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityCode aSecCodeThe security code whose information is to be retrieved.
TInt aRemainingEntryAttemptsNumber of remaining security code entry attempts before the corresponding lock gets blocked.

CallbackSecurityIsSecurityCodeBlockedComp(TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityIsSecurityCodeBlockedComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityIsSecurityCodeBlocked::HandleIsSecurityCodeBlockedReqL()

This function supports retrieving synchronously the information if the security code is blocked or not.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TBool aIsBlockedIs security code blocked.

CallbackSecurityNotifyCipheringInfoChangeInd(TInt, const RMmCustomAPI::TCipheringInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityNotifyCipheringInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMmCustomAPI::TCipheringInfo &aInfo

Completes notify a client of ciphering info change



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const RMmCustomAPI::TCipheringInfo & aInfoCiphering information data structure: ciphering indicator and ciphering status.

CallbackSecurityNotifyLockInfoChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockStatus, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLock)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityNotifyLockInfoChangeInd(TIntaError,

Completion routine to provide the status of a phone lock and lock information back to the CTSY



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockStatus aStatusStatus of the lock (unknown, locked, unlocked or blocked).
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLockSetting aSettingLock setting (unknown, enabled, disabled or replaced).
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLock aLockLock type.

CallbackSecurityNotifySecurityEventInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityNotifySecurityEventInd(TIntaError,

Completion routine to provide security event identifier back to the CTSY.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneSecurityEvent aSecEventNotify security event.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecuritySetLockSettingComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecuritySetLockSetting::HandleSetLockSettingReqL()

LTSY notifies about current values for lock status and lock setting.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSecurityVerifySecurityCodeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSecurityVerifySecurityCode::HandleVerifySecurityCodeReqL()

Completion to the routine sending a security code requiring verification to the phone



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimAppendApnNameComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimAppendApnName::HandleAppendApnNameReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimChangeSecurityCodeComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimChangeSecurityCode::HandleChangeSecurityCodeReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimDeleteApnNameComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimDeleteApnName::HandleDeleteApnNameReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSimEnumerateApnEntriesComp(TInt, TUint32)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimEnumerateApnEntriesComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimEnumerateApnEntries::HandleEnumerateApnEntriesReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint32 aNumEntriesThe total number of available entries.

CallbackSimGetActiveIccApplicationTypeComp(TInt, MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType::TIccType)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetActiveIccApplicationTypeComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType::HandleGetActiveIccApplicationTypeReqL()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
MLtsyDispatchSimGetActiveIccApplicationType::TIccType aIccTypeContains the active application type on ICC.

CallbackSimGetAnswerToResetComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetAnswerToResetComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aAnswerToReset

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimGetAnswerToReset::HandleGetAnswerToResetReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aAnswerToResetThe answer to reset.

CallbackSimGetApnControlListServiceStatusComp(TInt, RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetApnControlListServiceStatusComp(TIntaError,


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus aStatusThe APN Control List Service status stored on the USIM

CallbackSimGetApnNameComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetApnNameComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3 &aEntry

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimGetApnName::HandleGetApnNameReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TAPNEntryV3 & aEntryThe Access Point Name (APN) entry

CallbackSimGetCustomerServiceProfileComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCspFileV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetCustomerServiceProfileComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCspFileV1 &aCsp


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCspFileV1 & aCspThe Customer Service Profile file that is stored on the SIM

CallbackSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 &aMessageWaiting

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchPhoneGetIccMessageWaitingIndicators::HandleGetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 & aMessageWaitingThe message waiting indicators to return.

CallbackSimGetServiceTableComp(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetServiceTableComp(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1 &aServiceTable

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimGetServiceTable::HandleGetServiceTableReqL() back to the CTSY Dispatcher.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneServiceTableV1 & aServiceTableThe service table to return.

CallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationDataComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationDataComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aSignedResponse,
const TDesC8 &aCipheringKey


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aSignedResponseThe signed response. The length should not be greater than RMmCustomAPI::KMaxParametersLength.
const TDesC8 & aCipheringKeyThe ciphering key. The length should not be greater than RMmCustomAPI::KMaxParametersLength.

CallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationDataComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSimAuthenticationDataComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aResponse,
const TDesC8 &aCipheringKey,
const TDesC8 &aIntegrityKey,
const TDesC8 &aAUTS


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aResponseThe response. The length should not be greater than RMmCustomAPI::KMaxParametersLength.
const TDesC8 & aCipheringKeyThe ciphering key. The length should not be greater than RMmCustomAPI::KMaxParametersLength.
const TDesC8 & aIntegrityKeyThe integrity key. The length should not be greater than RMmCustomAPI::KMaxParametersLength.
const TDesC8 & aAUTSThe AUTS value. A value generated by the peer upon experiencing a synchronization failure, 112 bits. This is needed only in error case. The length should not be greater than RMmCustomAPI::KMaxParametersLength.

CallbackSimGetSimCardReaderStatusComp(TInt, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSimCardReaderStatusComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimGetSimCardReaderStatus::HandleGetSimCardReaderStatusReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aSimCardReaderStatusThe sim card reader's status. Bits: 1-3 Identity of card reader, 4 0=Card reader is not removable, 1=Card reader is removable, 5 0=Card reader is not present, 1=Card reader is present, 6 0=Card reader present is not ID-1 size, 1=Card reader present is ID-1 size, 7 0=No card present, 1=Card is present in reader, 8 0=No card powered, 1=Card in reader is powered.

CallbackSimGetSubscriberIdComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimGetSubscriberIdComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aId

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimGetSubscriberId::HandleGetSubscriberIdReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aIdThe subscriber id to be returned.

CallbackSimNotifyApnControlListServiceStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifyApnControlListServiceStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change to the APN Control List service status.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TAPNControlListServiceStatus aStatusThe new service status to return.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifyApnListChangeInd(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change to the APN list.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSimNotifyIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsChangeInd(TInt, const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifyIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsChangeInd(TIntaError,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 &aIndicators

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate that the message waiting indicators on the current ICC has changed.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneMessageWaitingV1 & aIndicatorsThe ICC message waiting indicators to return.

CallbackSimNotifySimCardStatusInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSIMCardStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimNotifySimCardStatusInd(TIntaError,

This indicator is used to communicate changes to the status of the SIM card - i.e. whether it is inserted / readable etc.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
RMmCustomAPI::TSIMCardStatus aSimCardStatusLatest SIM card event.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimPowerSimOffComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOff::HandlePowerSimOffReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimPowerSimOnComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimPowerSimOn::HandlePowerSimOnReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.

CallbackSimReadSimFileComp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimReadSimFileComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aResponseBytes

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimReadSimFile::HandleReadSimFileReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aResponseBytesThe bytes read from the SIM.

CallbackSimRefreshSimFilesInd(TInt, TUint16)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimRefreshSimFilesInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate that a refresh of specified cached files held in the CTSY should be done. Depending on the file list sent, the CTSY will begin the refresh.

A refresh of the Subscriber Id will always be done independent of the file list sent.


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint16 aRefreshFileListBitmask containing list of files to refresh. The list of possible files is specified in TCacheFileTypes.

CallbackSimSendApduRequestComp(TInt, TUint8, TUint8, TUint8, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSendApduRequestComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aResponseData

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequest::HandleSimSendApduRequestReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TUint8 aServiceTypeThe value for the service type of the request to be returned to the client.
TUint8 aCardReaderNumberThe value for the card reader number of the request to be returned to the client.
TUint8 aApplicationTypeThe value for the application type of the request to be returned to the client.
const TDesC8 & aResponseDataThe transparent response data conveyed from the baseband to be returned to the client.

CallbackSimSendApduRequestV2Comp(TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSendApduRequestV2Comp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aResponseData

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSendApduRequestV2::HandleSimSendApduRequestV2ReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const TDesC8 & aResponseDataThe transparent response data conveyed from the baseband to be returned to the client.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetApnControlListServiceStatusComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetFdnSettingComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSetFdnSetting::HandleSetFdnSettingReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetIccMessageWaitingIndicatorsComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSetSimMessageStatusReadComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSetSimMessageStatusRead::HandleSimSetMessageStatusReadReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSimLockActivateComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockActivate::HandleSimLockActivateReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSimLockDeActivateComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSimLockDeActivate::HandleSimLockDeActivateReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSimSimWarmResetComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSimSimWarmReset::HandleSimWarmResetReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsAckSmsStoredComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsAckSmsStored::HandleAckSmsStoredReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSmsGetSmsStoreInfoComp(TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsGetSmsStoreInfoComp(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsGetSmsStoreInfo::HandleGetSmsStoreInfoReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aTotalEntriesIndicates the total number of entries that may be held in this store.
TInt aUsedEntriesIndicates the current number of entries held in this store.

CallbackSmsGetSmspListComp(TInt, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, const DispatcherSim::TSmsParameters &, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsGetSmspListComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aServiceCenterAddress,
const TDesC &aDestinationAddress,
const TDesC &aAlphaTagData,
const DispatcherSim::TSmsParameters &aSmsParameters,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsGetSmspList::HandleGetSmspListReqL()

Sends the SMS parameter list to the CTSY.

CMobilePhoneSmspList() CRetrieveMobilePhoneSmspList()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC & aServiceCenterAddressService center address.
const TDesC & aDestinationAddressDestination address.
const TDesC & aAlphaTagDataAlpha tag data.
const DispatcherSim::TSmsParameters & aSmsParametersSms parametets.
TBool aMoreToComeAre more elements to come.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsNackSmsStoredComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsNackSmsStored::HandleNackSmsStoredReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSmsNotifyReceiveSmsMessageInd(TInt, TBool, const TSmsMsg &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsNotifyReceiveSmsMessageInd(TIntaError,
const TSmsMsg &aSmsMessage

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending RMobileSmsMessaging::ReceiveMessage() or as unsolicited completion



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TBool aIndSet routing activity on/off.
const TSmsMsg & aSmsMessageUsed to buffer incoming SMSes to the TSY.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsResumeSmsReceptionComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsResumeSmsReception::HandleResumeSmsReceptionReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSendSatSmsComp(TIntaError)


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSmsSendSmsMessageComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSendSmsMessageComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aSmsSubmitReport

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsSendSmsMessage::HandleSendSmsMessageReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aMsgRefthe message reference assigned to a sent message.
const TDesC8 & aSmsSubmitReportThe message string, which is expected to be a buffer with a maximum size of RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize

CallbackSmsSendSmsMessageNoFdnCheckComp(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSendSmsMessageNoFdnCheckComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aSmsSubmitReport


TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
TInt aMsgRefThe message reference assigned to a sent message.
const TDesC8 & aSmsSubmitReportThe message string, which is expected to be a buffer with a maximum size of RMobileSmsMessaging::KGsmTpduSize


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsSetMoSmsBearerComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsSetMoSmsBearer::HandleSetMoSmsBearerReqL()



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSmsStoreSmspListEntryComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSmsStoreSmspList::HandleStoreSmspListEntryReqL()



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesClearBlacklistComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesClearBlacklist::HandleClearBlacklistL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of clearing the blacklist.

RMmCustomAPI::ClearCallBlackList() RMobilePhone::ClearBlacklist()


TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallBarringStatusComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneCBList &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallBarringStatusComp(TIntaError,
const CMobilePhoneCBList &aCallBarringList

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesGetCallBarringStatus::HandleGetCallBarringStatusReqL()

Used to return to the Common TSY the status of the call barring service.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const CMobilePhoneCBList & aCallBarringListthe call barring list

CallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallForwardingStatusComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneCFList &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallForwardingStatusComp(TIntaError,
const CMobilePhoneCFList &aCallForwardingList

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesGetCallForwardingStatus::HandleGetCallForwardingStatusReqL()

Used to return to the Common TSY the status of the call forwarding service.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const CMobilePhoneCFList & aCallForwardingListthe call forwarding list

CallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallWaitingStatusComp(TInt, const CMobilePhoneCWList &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetCallWaitingStatusComp(TIntaError,
const CMobilePhoneCWList &aCallWaitingList

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesGetCallWaitingStatus::HandleGetCallWaitingStatusReqL()

Used to return to the Common TSY the status of the call waiting service.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
const CMobilePhoneCWList & aCallWaitingListThe list of the waiting calls status

CallbackSupplementaryServicesGetDiagnosticOctetsInd(TInt, TInt, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesGetDiagnosticOctetsInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about the 5th octet of the cause information element for supplementary services The cause information element is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.008.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aCallIdThe Call ID of the call whose cause is set.
TUint8 aOctetThe octet to set.

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyAdditionalInfoInd(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyAdditionalInfoInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aAdditionalInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about supplementary services additional info. The supplementary services coding are detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aOperationCodeThe operational code.
const TDesC8 & aAdditionalInfoAny additional information.

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallBarringStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBCondition)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallBarringStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change to a call barring status. The Call Barring Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.088.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCBCondition aConditionThe call barring condition that have changed

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallForwardingActiveInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileService, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFActive)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallForwardingActiveInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate when a call is made on a line and a call forwarding service is active on this line at the time. The Call Forwarding Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.082.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aServiceGroupThe basic service group the call forwarding is active.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFActive aActiveTypeSpecifies whether CF unconditional or one of the conditional CF services is active

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallForwardingStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallForwardingStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a Call Forwarding status changes. The Call Forwarding Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.082.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition aCallForwardingConditionThe call forwarding condition that changed status

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallWaitingStatusChangeInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobileService, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCWStatus)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyCallWaitingStatusChangeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate a change to a call waiting status. The Call Waiting Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.083.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMobilePhone::TMobileService aServiceGrouopThe relevant service group
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCWStatus aStatusThe new call waiting status

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventCallWaitingInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventCallWaitingInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about a call waiting state. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for waiting state is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.083.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
TBool aCallIsWaitingAn indicator of the call waiting state of the call (callIsWaiting-Indicator).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventClirSuppressionInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventClirSuppressionInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about a Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) service. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for CLIR is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.081.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
TBool aClirSuppressionRejectedAn indicator that indicate if the CLIR override has not been performed (clirSuppressionRejected).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventConfrenceInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventConfrenceInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about a confrence call. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for confrence call is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.084.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsType aTypeThe type of service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
TBool aConferenceIndicatorThe confrence call indicator (mpty-Indicator).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventCugInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, TUint16)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventCugInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about a closed user group (CUG) service. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for CUG is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.085.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsType aTypeThe type of service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
TUint16 aCugIndexThe Index associated with the invoked CUG (cug-Index).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventEctCallStateInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, RMmCustomAPI::TSsEctState, RMmCustomAPI::TSsChoice, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventEctCallStateInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aRemotePartyNumber

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about a Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) service. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for ECT is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.091.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsType aTypeThe type of service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsEctState aEctCallStateThe ECT state (ect-Indicator.ect-CallState).
RMmCustomAPI::TSsChoice aEctChoiceThe ECT presentation (ect-Indicator.rdn).
const TDesC & aRemotePartyNumberThe remote party number (ect-Indicator.rdn).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventForwardModeInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, RMmCustomAPI::TSsForwMode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventForwardModeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about a call forward mode. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for call forward mode change is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.082.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsType aTypeThe type of service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsForwMode aForwardModeThe forward mode (SS-Notification).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventHoldModeInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode, RMmCustomAPI::TSsHoldMode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventHoldModeInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message from the network about the hold state of a call. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage for hold mode is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.083, 3GPP TS 24.084 and 3GPP TS 24.091.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsType aTypeThe type of service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsHoldMode aHoldModeThe hold mode (callOnHold-Indicator).

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventInd(TInt, RMmCustomAPI::TSsType, RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyNetworkEventInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about an NotifySS message without another specific callback function from the network. The NotifySS coding is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080, and the NotifySS usage is detailed in all the 3GPP supplementary services specs.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsType aTypeThe type of service.
RMmCustomAPI::TSsMode aModeThe mode of the service.

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyRequestCompleteInd(TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifyRequestCompleteInd(TIntaError,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to inform the CTSY about a completion of a supplementary services request. The supplementary services coding are detailed in 3GPP TS 24.080



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TInt aStatusThe completion status.

CallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifySendNetworkServiceRequestInd(TInt, RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNotifySendSSOperation, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesNotifySendNetworkServiceRequestInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aAdditionalInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to notify the client for send network service request invocation and request completion events.



TInt aErrorThe error code to be returned to the CTSY Dispatcher.
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNotifySendSSOperation aOperationCode
const TDesC & aAdditionalInfo

CallbackSupplementaryServicesReceiveUssdMessageInd(TInt, const TDesC8 &, TUint8, RMobileUssdMessaging::TMobileUssdMessageType, RMobileUssdMessaging::TMobileUssdDataFormat)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesReceiveUssdMessageInd(TIntaError,
const TDesC8 &aMessage,

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to indicate that a USSD message was received from the network. The USSD Supplementary Service is detailed in 3GPP TS 24.090.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
const TDesC8 & aMessageThe message that was received
TUint8 aDcsThe Data Coding Scheme of the received USSD message
RMobileUssdMessaging::TMobileUssdMessageType aTypeThe message type (depend on the invoke part of the message: UnstructuredSS-Notify - RMobileUssdMessaging::EUssdMTNotify; UnstructuredSS-Request - RMobileUssdMessaging::EUssdMTRequest; ProcessUnstructuredSS-Request - RMobileUssdMessaging::EUssdMTReply)
RMobileUssdMessaging::TMobileUssdDataFormat aFormatThe message format


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendNetworkServiceRequestComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSendNetworkServiceRequest::HandleSendNetworkServiceRequestReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of sending a network service request with FDN check.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendNetworkServiceRequestNoFdnCheckComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSendNetworkServiceRequestNoFdnCheck::HandleSendNetworkServiceRequestNoFdnCheckReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of sending a network service request without FDN check.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdMessageComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSendUssdMessage::HandleSendUssdMessageReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of sending an USSD message.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdMessageNoFdnCheckComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSendUssdMessageNoFdnCheck::HandleSendUssdMessageNoFdnCheckReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of sending an USSD message.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.

CallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdReleaseComp(TInt, TUint8, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSendUssdReleaseComp(TIntaError,
const TDesC &aAdditionalInfo

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSendUssdRelease::HandleSendUssdReleaseReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of sending an USSD release.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.
TUint8 aOpCodeThe Operation Code.
const TDesC & aAdditionalInfoAny additional information


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetCallBarringStatusComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSetCallBarringStatus::HandleSetCallBarringStatusReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of setting the call barring service.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetCallForwardingStatusComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSetCallForwardingStatus::HandleSetCallForwardingStatusReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of setting the call forwarding service.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetCallWaitingStatusComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSetCallWaitingStatus::HandleSetCallWaitingStatusReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of setting the call waiting service.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.


IMPORT_C voidCallbackSupplementaryServicesSetSsPasswordComp(TIntaError)

Callback function to be used by the Licensee LTSY to complete a pending MLtsyDispatchSupplementaryServicesSetSsPassword::HandleSetSsPasswordReqL()

Used to indicate to the Common TSY the outcome of setting the supplementary services password.



TInt aErrorKErrNone on success, or another error code indicating the error otherwise.




CCtsyDispatcherCallback *NewL()[static]


CCtsyDispatcherCallback *NewLC()[static]

SetDispatcherHolder(TDispatcherHolder &)

voidSetDispatcherHolder(TDispatcherHolder &aDispatcherHolder)[private]

Set the dispatcher holder.


TDispatcherHolder & aDispatcherHolderReference to dispatcher holder.

Member Data Documentation

TDispatcherHolder * iDispatcherHolder

TDispatcherHolder *iDispatcherHolder[private]

Holds pointers to dispatcher objects. Completions sent by the Licensee LTSY are forwarded by this class to the relevant dispatcher stored in the dispatcher holder.